Honley Ne wsle tte r of the Honle y Village Community Trust A voluntary organisation working for Honley village
Last year was the Trust’s 21st anniversary. As part of the celebrations £250 was given to both Honley Infants and Honley Junior schools. The Junior School used the money to make a willow enclosure shaped like a butterfly, which also happens to be the Trust’s logo. Pictures show some of the children involved in making the enclosure in Honley Junior School grounds earlier this year, with (below) Sarah Branson from ‘Hens’ Teeth’ artists and craftsmen cooperative, who helped with the planning and installation.
No. 97 March 2015 Registered Charity 1033021
H on l ey Ma n h ead s fo r th e s ky “ It’s not rocket science”, says Mark Booth. His latest creation is made of paper layered round a wooden frame, incorporates part o f a plastic bucket and stands three metres high. “ It’s powered by a solid fuel motor and will go up as high as you like” he says, “ but there’s no point in aiming to go over about 2000 feet as you’d lose sight of it.” Mark builds his rockets in the kitchen of his house. They are designed to separate into two parts at the top of the climb and deploy a parachute which hopefully flo ats them down safely to somewhere near where they left. “The problem is”, he says. “ You have to have a licence, info rm Air Traffi c Control, avoid aircraft, and belong to a recognised club. The nearest club is in East Anglia– I’d love to see one here in Kirklees.” Mark had to buy the motor, but the rest was up to him, and he designed the big rocket himself. There is still work to be done on it, and if only a suitable launch area could be found it might even be lifting off from a moor near Honley. Countdown begins soon, but Mark hasn’t given up his day job, yet. He’s a jeweller and works through Zebra, on Westgate. That keeps his feet firmly on the ground. Holmfirth Film Festival presents-
The Infants’ School has used the money to buy equipment such as bug nets and collection jars to use on the Trust’s Magdale Fields during their field trips. We hope to report on this in the next Honley Flyer.
The Trust could use volunteers in these positions For the Honley Flyer– an assi stant to the editor. Contact John Murray tel 662635 or email . For the Village Hall- Someone with email and a telephone to help with Hall bookings. Contact Marcia Murray on 662635 email:info@honl It’s t ’T our a gin ! The Tour de Yorkshire, offspring of last year’s Tour de France, comes near but not through Honley on May 3rd.
The Trust’s AGM, with food after, is on April 14th. C U there
THE MOVIES IN HONLEY! Southgate Theatre–. Doors open 7pm, Films start 7.30. Sund ay 8 M arch -WHAT WE DID ON OUR HOLIDAY Dirs. Andy Hamilton and Guy Jenkin, UK 2014, 95mins. (12) David Tenant, Rosamund Pike and Billy Connolly star in this genuine uplifting crowd-pl easing comedy for all the family. See the trailer at Sunday 12 April- THE GRAND BUD APE ST HO TE L Director. Wes Anderson, US 2014, 100mins. (15) This Globe winning film is witty, funny and totally engaging, See the trailer at Tickets £4.50 from Holmfirth Film Festival website or on the door And keep an eye on for news of films com ing to our village hall
This Flyer is sponsored by John Adams, Moll Springs Ltd
HONLEY VILLAGE HALL It’s over 3 months since December but I’d like to report that the Christmas Art and Craft Fair held at the Village Hall was a great success with well over 400 people coming through the door and over £500 was raised for The Village Trust Funds; thanks to Debbie for org anising it again. On top of that one of the Trust committee members applied for and was grant ed a donation of matched funding from her employer – thank you Caitlin. We’ve spent the money already ! There’s a brand new kitchen fitted in the Village Hall and a brand new wooden bench installed outside the hall which will be popular with the Honley Boules players who meet there every Saturday morning. New players are always wel come, or just sit. A new venture for the Trust is the Café Film club and a Valentine Day's screening of the romantic feature film "The Notebook" was a very popular. More than 30 people came to enjoy the film which was served up with complimentary sparkling wine and nibbles. The hall was decorated to reflect the date and candles (battery powered!) add ed to the cosy atmosphere. If you would like to have a say in what films should be shown, or are willing to help on the night or would just like to be kept informed then e-m ail
SLIMMING WORLD Mondays 5.30 – 7.00pm and 7.30 – 9.00 pm. Just turn up or ring Gemma on 07939010624 YOUTH ACTIVITY - Honley Junior Club is held every Wednesday during school term time at 4 - 6pm for boys & girls aged 8- 12 RAINBOWS – for girls aged 5 - 7½ every Tuesday during term time at 5.30 – 6.30pm To register your child or for more information Contact PILATES CLASS – Wednesdays 2 sessions from 6.30 to 7-30 and 7.30 to 8.30pm. If you are interested in joining it please ring the organiser, qualified physiotherapist Chris Liversidge CSP on 07843673012 first. .WEIGHTWATCHERS meets at the Village Hall every Thursday at 6.30pm jus t turn up or contact Katie on 07967 211 118 for more info ELIM CHURCH –Is a lively community holding two meetings at the VH on Sundays. 11am and evening at 6pm – all welcome THE VILLAGE TRUST WEB SITE - Check out the Business Directory link. All those listed are based in Honley. For your business or organisation listing for free call 662635 or email info@honl Support your local traders and shop in the village! The Village Hall is an ideal place for parties only £15per hour (minimum 3 hours) Other rates apply. Contact as for above item.
The Trust’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) Honley Village Community Trust hereby gives notice that it will hold its Annual General Meeting in the Village Hall, Roundway at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th April 2015. Nominations and any proposed motions for consideration should be sent to Steve Hemming, not later than Monday 24th March
HVCT VOLUNTEERS report by Neil Littlewood
The Trust’s team of volunteers turns out monthly to keep Trust land in good order and a pleasant place to visit. Sunday February 8th A very cold winter morning saw the volunteers finishing the job on the side of Magdale Dam. Thirty fruit trees and other wild life ben efiting trees were planted including old English apple, plum, cherry and silver birch. A fen ce was also constructed from the tree branch es that were cut down at the side of the dam and woven to make a fence at the bottom of the banking. This will make homes for birds and cover for the ducks and moor hens. As well as some Magdale residents, four student volunteers from Leeds University helped us. Other low growing shrubs that will bring colour and food to the wild life at the side of the dam will be put in at a later date. We have also been approach ed by Reg Senior who has offered us some bird boxes They will be beneficial to birds that live at the water side as well as in the woodland. If you’d like to join us on a Sunday give Neil Littlewood a call on 0776 674 2140, or just turn up at the old cemetery chapel at 10 am on the 2nd Sunday of the month.
The Honley Flyer is produced with the help of our advertisers. To advertise phone Jo Bonds 01484 660348 or email:
J.R. Private Hire
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For 8-seater Phone Andy on 01484 660991 /0786 768 7366 For 4-seater Phone Jim on 01484 687782 / 0788 799 0319 Holme Valley based private taxi. For all your taxi transport needs call Andy. Airport Specialist. Airports and Seaports covered. Baby and child car seats available at no extra charge.
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Joinery and Building Services Kitchens, loft & garage conversions, roofing, decking and all other aspects of joinery and building services. A local business 2 Springdale, Honley 0789 682 8812 See my work on Facebook
S ponsor- John Adams of Moll S prings Ltd Moll Springs mill in Magdale was originally a silk mill. Built in the 19th century it has seen many changes since and is now the home of several small businesses. In 1974 John Adams bought Universal Engineering Ltd at Netherton, part of which occupied some of the top floor at Moll Springs. Soon after the acquisition, there was the recession caus ed by the miners’ strike and they withdrew from Moll Springs and consolidated at their works at Netherton. Some years later John returned to Moll Springs to manufacture a small 3 wheel tipper truck called The Hauler. In 2004 Moll Springs became empty when the existing tenants closed down. At that time, too, planning permission for residential development was reject ed. The property was left empty apart from the Hauler manu facture, and it became derelict. Eventually in 2005 John offered to buy the premises as it was deteriorating and he acquired both Moll Springs and the sur-
150 150 years years of of Brass Brass Banding Banding in in Honley Honley Yorkshire Traction Honley Band is 150 years old this year by band secretary Julian Balaam
The band on a Whit Walk in 2013
In 1865 three local gentlemen called William Brook, George W Farrar and William H Walker got together and started the band with some mill workers. It cost £1 from each member then – and it’s still only £1 a week to play! Within the first 20 years big things happened: The Honley Band won 32 first prizes; 13 second prizes and 7 third prizes, beating the likes of Black Dyke Band. We've had some great successes over the years, including at national finals. However, times haven't always been easy. In the mid 1990’s we hit a lean period and almost ceased to exist. If it had not been for the help o f the conductor, Steve Platten, and the
HO NLEY ENTERS YO RKSHIRE IN BLOO M by Carol Ripley, Honley Civic Society The Honley Business Association and Honley Civic Society have got together to enter Westgate and Church Street into the "It's Your Neighbourhood" catego ry o f Yorkshire in Bloom. Judging will be in July and will take into consideration Community Participation, Environmental Responsibility and Gardening Achieve-
rounding wooded area including the old quarry. He turned the old mill into a multi-unit complex and it now houses a variety of activities including a joinery firm, a stone mason and stone carver, marquee rental, mobile bar hire, car repairs, a car body medic and steel fencing and wood-burning stove manufacture - all activities that keep Honley healthy - local businesses by local people. Recently. John was approached by the British Mountaineering Council regarding the quarry, as much to his amazement, it is listed in the BMC climbing guide. The BMC asked John to remove several trees within the quarry. As John is a rock climber, he readily agreed and the council gave permission to cut the trees down. Work is still in progress and John very much hopes that the quarry will be used by local climbers and that the BMC may provide some training to encourage youngsters to take up the sport. determination of the diehard Honley players, we may not have been writing this page. But thankfully we found a sponsor when we joined forces with the Yorkshire Traction Bus Company Band. We keep the Yorkshire Traction name to this day even though the bus company is no more, as they were a big part of our history. During all this we've had a high calibre of conductors, up to and including Mr Stuart Derrick who currently takes up the baton, and it is he who will conduct the band at a specials concert to celebrate 150 years o f banding in the village– on a date in May yet to be decided, but it’ll be worth waiting for! Practice Makes Perfect, they say. The senior band practises on Mondays and Thursdays between 7.30 and 9.30pm at the Berry Croft band-room. So, if you've brass band experience you'll be made more than welcome. There’s also an ever growing training band. Started only 18 months ago it now has around 15 budding musicians of all ages and practises between 6.30 and 7.30 on a Monday evening.. Even if you’ve never played a note before but wanted to try an instrument, go along. If you have any questions contact (mobile 07807 824800). Please also contact Julian if you'd be interested in sponsoring the 150th anniversary concert in the village. ment. We hope to get everyone involved in enhancing the environment in Westgate and Church Street. We are just starting the project and if you would like to help in any capacity, contact Yorkshire in Bloom is a voluntary regional organisation that administers the Britain in Bloom Campaign, the largest horticultural campaign in Europe. Each year it grows in importance.
Honley Flyer is published quarterly by Honley Village Community Trust and is printed at Enterprise Print, :Long Lane, Honley
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Honley Players at Southgate Theatre Friday 27 March GANGSTERS & MOLLS A Murder Mystery plus a three course meal, (catering by Jacob’s Well), for £15pp or £55 for a group of four. Prizes for the best dressed Gangster /Moll /Couple. For tickets text 07935066390 or from the Jacob’s Well, Woodhead Road. Weds 29 April to Sat 2 May Curtain up! by Peter Quilter. Five women inherit equal shares in a run-down theatre and plan to bring it back to life. Fast and funny. Tickets £7 / £5 from Gallery Café. Buy 3 & get one free! See for more in fo.
Honley Male Voice Choir Six new members have recently joined the choir and Our Musical Director, Steve Roberts, has been educating us in the ways music is structured and how that affects our performance. So, on to events: March 7th 7.00—10pm ‘Norman’s Do’ at Southgate Theatre Our famous Bass / Baritone Norman Mellors' Annual Charity Concert, supported by guest artists, friends and members of the choir. Tickets £6 via Norman Mellor tel 851060 or on the door. April 11th 7.15—10pm. at St Bartholomew’s Church, Meltham. Annual concert specially fo r Friends and Supporters of the Choir, BUT also a Recruitment Event for anyone who wants to come and sing along with the choir. Tickets from ‘The Flower Box’ Meltham. Honley & Brockholes Branch of the RNLI would like to thank all who supported us at the Christmas Market, whether buying, giving or in our raffle. We made £589 for the RNLI; this is very much appreciat ed by all the volunteer Lifeboat men around the country The Trust has made a donation of £160 to the Honley Over 55’s Club for the purchase o f a repl acem ent table tennis table. Honley Law Practice raised £112 for the British Heart Foundation at a coffee morning on Fen 6th. Thanks to all who took part. Honley’s Councillor Charles Greaves has gained an award for supporting his local community. He was named a ‘local authority hero’ for going above and beyond the call of duty by ‘Locality’, the national network for community organisations. The award was fo r building up trust and strong relationships in his local area.
What’s on… The Honley Flyer is distributed to 3150 homes and businesses in Honley. If you would like your June/July/August event included send details by May10th to John Murray, 27 Moorside Rd. Honley, 01484 662635, Easter serv ices at Honley Churches St Mary’s Church (Anglican) , Trinity Church (Methodist/ URC), & Elim Church (Pentecostal) will meet for a Good Friday (April 3rd) service on the Green, Westgate, at noon followed by communion at Café Plus across the road Easter Sunday April 5th services– Elim at 11am and 6pm, Trinity at 10.30, St Mary’s at 9.30 & 6.30. ‘Messy Church’ fo r kids. March 28- Trinity, April 25 -St Marys,3.30-5.30pm. Includes refreshments. Honley Civic Society– Walks & Talks. All welcome. Sunday guided walks get to know your parish! all start from Trinity Church at 2.15 pm. March22 - Walk to Brockholes– Leader Linda April 26 – Circular walk to Holmfirth - Leader Bert May17– Bluebell walk– Leader Val Talks: 7.30 in the Parish Rooms £2 to non-members Mar 12- ‘On Her Majesty’s not-so-very secret service’ Life as a Vice-Consul. David Pinder Apr 9- ‘Crystal power, fact or fiction?’ The mystery of gemstones and crystal. Robert Wood Honley Business Association is organising the ‘Honley Community Festival’ to be held on Saturday 6th June –Market in Church S t, live mus ic, family fun, etc. Note the date. Honley Honley La dies’ Choir Honley La Ladies’ dies’ Choir Choir is joining with a Welsh Choir Cantorion Gele fo r a concert on the evening of Saturday 18th April at Gledholt Methodist Church. or tel Hilary Scholes on 01484 307189 for more details. Un fortunately, like in many communities, there are disruptive elements in Honley who only want to spoil others’ enjoyment. Honley Community Police generally keep an eye on the village hall in the evenings and problems with young people interrupting sessions will always be reported
Honley Library Tel 222340 June Hatton June Hatton died in January. Her fun eral service was led by Pastor Ian Sharp from Elim Pentecostal church, but held in Trinity Church as so many people wanted to attend. In the early 1960’s her family moved to Honley and June worked in the textile mill in Thirstin, but most people in the village will have known her as the lollipop lady by the fish and chip shop by the roundabout. She did this job for 16 years in all weathers, come rain or shine. June was a founder member of the Village Trust. She was a great one for making sure that the Magdale Fields were protected and not built upon, and should be a wildlife hav en She was a champion of both the senior citizens and the young of Honley; with many years as a volunteer helper at the old youth club. Well known around the village, she would invariably end a convers ation with: “Now you just look after yourself.” A kind and generous person, she will be much missed. Moll Springs Industrial Estate Units available 20 m²– 80 m² plus some small office units Suitable for small bus inesses or storage. Reasonable rates. Apply to Mr John Adams, Tel 663510 or mobile 07753 670955
One-off event– POETRY ‘READAROUND’ The Friends of Honley Library invite you to their next Poetry Readaround - 'SCHOOLDAYS R EMEMBERED' with talk and poetry from humorous local performance poet, Dorothy Foster, on Tuesday 3rd March at 7.15pm. Bring a memory, your own poems or relax and listen. Tickets £1.50. Please ring library to reserve your seat. Refreshments provided. Regular events: Foodbank– Wednesdays 2—4 pm Story time for the under 5s- 2.30 pm Friday afternoons in term time. Stories and craft activity. Come on in! BITS – introduction to using a computer Getting started with IT – 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of month stating at 10 am. Please book in advance. Honley library book group– Every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10.30. Pick up the choice of the month in advance. Family history- help and expert advice Every 2nd Weds of month 2 – 4pm Knit and natter. Every Monday 2.00 to 3.30pm. With free refreshments. ‘Friends of Honley Library’ group. contact Pat Thompson on 661541. There are plans to start a new readers’ group meeting monthly on an evening. If interested please inform the library and someone will contact you.