TRINITY CHURCH HONLEY Newsletter October 2016
Honley Feast had a ‘revival’ on September 17th. Organised by the Honley Business Association it included musical and song items, circus skills and go-kart time trials, plus lots of food and refreshment tents and many other stalls and charities. The Honley Churches gazebo was right by the entrance to the cricket field and was staffed by members of all three Honley Churches– St Mary’s (Church of England), Elim (Pentecostal), and Trinity (Methodist/URC). Pictured is Rev Helen Roberts (left) of Trinity taking part in a bit of ‘Messy Church’, a joint churches enterprise which happens once a month. More details of the next (October) Messy Church on page 2 and more pics of the Feast on back page.
Newsletter suggested price 30p or £3 p.a. (Free to visitors)
Trinity Church (Methodist-URC) Moorbottom Honley HD9 6DN
Trinity Church October 2016 Sun Time
Minister / Organiser
Vestibule Stewards
Church Stewards
Coffee team Karen Stannard +
Terry Frost
Martin Hirst Caroline Page
Margaret Sheppard Pam Redfearn
Pam Redfearn
Rachel Boothroyd Joyce Draper
Adrian Burton
Eileen & Peter Marshall
Glenys Pallister Pat Waite
Linda Hirst
Jean Wood Maureen Burley
Rev Helen Roberts Incl.Communion
David Redfearn Ronnie Moncur
Bob & Jane Armitage
Flower Fund
Barbara Leach Pam Redfearn
Arthur Preston
Keith Knutton Karen Stannard
Margaret Armitage Penny Winterbottom
Joan Vevers
Joyce Draper Audrey Hawkswell
David Brook
Marina & Roger Woodhead
Hilary Turner Carolynne Roberts
Margaret Winterbottom
Linda Craven Jean Wood
*Junior Church – now on the third Sunday of month
Life – a ‘technical challenge’ by Rev Helen Roberts Autumn comes and with it the start of new batches of TV programmes. The Great British Bake Off and its Extra Slice are compulsive viewing for me. Unlike many of the competitive ‘reality shows’ there is a sense of camaraderie between contestants. It has it all; competition, aspiration (like so many cookery shows and books, full of things we drool over but will never attempt) and the potential for catastrophe – from the best laid plans to the unknown ‘technical challenge’. Whilst the other two challenges in each show invite the bakers to develop their own ideas with time to plan and practise at home (like the Yorkshire Puddings), the technical challenge is the one that can leave people scratching their heads, sometimes being a bake the cooks have never even heard of let alone tried before. But don’t worry, they are given a recipe to follow- except that the instructions can be more than a bit vague, ‘make the filling’, or simply ‘cook’. No how long or what temperature. Life can feel like that. We may have a sense of what the end result should be, and the general principles are there – fairness, justice, alongside a hope for happiness and fulfilment maybe, but what does that mean in specifics? All of life, from the international to the personal, is full of complexity, different ideas about how to reach an end result and all sorts of unintended consequences that can undo the best of intentions. It would be much easier if life came with a detailed set of instructions for every eventuality, but instead, both in the Bible and within general human consciousness, we get incredibly powerful but technically vague principles of love, fairness and hope. The vagaries in the ‘recipe’ mean that we don’t always agree on the details, and sadly we too often get into disputes about which of us is right – rather than looking at the end product; does the cake look and taste right? Does our life look and taste of love – for people both near and far – if so then we have a recipe that works. Helen Day
Date Events in October
The Tuesday (formerly Women’s) Fellowship The speaker at this first meeting in Arthurs’ room at 2.30 pm will be Rev Helen Roberts, Chairlady Margaret Sheppard. All welcome now including men.
Holmfirth Methodist Leisure Group Meet at Brockholes Methodist church at 1100 for walk, picnic lunch and talk
Saturday Café- ‘Coping with Death’ See box on opposite page
Honley Civic Society / Trinity Church walk. 310 bus to Scholes then walk back to Honley. Start 2.15pm from Trinity or 2.23 from Woodhead Road bus stop. Led by Bert Neary
The Tuesday Fellowship. A concert given by the Trinity Singers. All welcome. Donations.
Trinity Events later in the year Sunday 13th November. A service to commemorate the opening of Honley Hospital on 1st November 1916.
Shirtsleeve Order for Circuit Circumambulation
Photo & report by Joan Vevers
The Holmfirth Methodist Leisure Group walk on September 13th, a gloriously sunny day, was led by Malcolm and Maddie from Netherton Chapel, a modern building completed in 1986 after the old Wesleyan Chapel had to be demolished. We walked through Dean Wood, thankful for the shade, and then followed the road to the quarry and airfield in the midday sun! Then out along Crosland Hill down to South Crosland (where there is no longer a pub!) and back to the cool of the Chapel where we enjoyed lunch with the scones and biscuits they provided. After lunch Geoff Lawson spoke about his career on the railways. Anyone is welcome on these outings– see page 2.
It’s OK to Talk about…
One World Week, 23rd - 30th October
A Saturday drop-in café and conversation space in The Arthurs’ Room (side door) at Trinity Church. 11 to 2 pm. Subject for October 15th- ‘Coping with Death’. There will be discussion starters on the tables to help you and your friends, or tablemates, to talk about this very important but not easily discussed subject. Some may think this is a morbid topic for an event – but death will affect us all in one way or another. Often it is not discussed until we are faced with it, when grief and emotions make it hard to talk about what we believe or experience, let alone wider thoughts about how we respond as society. This event will provide a place with permission and help to talk about what can feel a taboo subject. James Schofield of Radcliffe Funeral Services and someone from Age UK will have information stands. In November- The Happiness Course – 2nd, 9th, 16th & 23rd November, 7-9pm, thinking about what happiness is and whether we affect our own and others’ levels of contentment in life. This nationally resourced course is not directly about faith but does consider some of the big questions in life. Baptism- On Sunday 11th September Trinity Church welcomed Darcey Leigh Rowbottom-Barlow, born 22nd January, for her baptism. Parents Jodie and Anthony, godparents, family and friends joined the regular congregation. Darcey was given a baptismal candle and a toddlers book of Bible Stories.
Refugees have a hard and uncertain life. Issues of identity are sensitive as their cases are being processed by the UK Home Office. This can take weeks or years depending on seemingly arbitrary criteria. Most are suffering from profound dislocation, loss and post-traumatic stress as well as a loss of professional status. Over half will be refused Asylum status. BUT Despite their experiences they are vivid people, who are part of the largest movement of displaced people since World War II. AND
We have the opportunity to help them, by eating A Persian 3 course meal cooked by DASH (Destitute Asylum Seekers Huddersfield) in The Arthurs’ Room at 7pm on 27th October. Limited places at £15 a head to be paid in advance, contact Rev Helen (Tel 305308). See Based at Ark Church, Hanson Lane, Lockwood, DASH supports asylum seekers and new refugees in the Kirklees area and beyond . Our services include: Hosting for destitute asylum seekers and homeless new refugees / Drop-ins, where we offer advocacy, destitution support and other services / English classes and social activities
Letters to the Editor.
Get your Flu jab now before the winter flu season arrives!
Please always put your address and the date on your letters. Our address is: Editor at, the back right-hand pew, or 27 Moorside Rd, HD9 6HR.
Flu clinics will be held at Honley Surgery on Saturday 8th, 15th, and 29th October from 8.30 to 11.30am. Appointments are now available by contacting the surgery on 303366. Holme Valley Transport scheme Along with that, the annual charity ‘bring and buy sale’ in aid of the Holme Valley Transport scheme will be held at the flu clinics on 8th and 15th October, all donations gratefully received! In addition there’s a raffle for a hampe r. The tickets are only 50 pence each and you get them from the surgery reception where you can also view the prize- looks really worthwhile!.
The Flower Corner From Ken and Ann Jenkin, Greenlea Court Aug 29 Dear Friends at Trinity Church, sorry that this is such a belated message - we have just realised that we must have sent the original message to the wrong email address. Thank you very much for your message of sympathy and for the beautiful flowers which Linda and Steve brought us following the death of Ken's mum. We have much appreciated your kind thoughts and the concern you have shown over the past few months. ♣ From Dorothy Allport, Marlbeck Close, August x Dear Friends at Trinity Church, Thank you very much for the bouquet of roses which Jean brought to me They were lovely and much appreciated.♣ From Karen Stannard, Marsh Court, Aug 31st It was lovely to receive the flowers on Sunday on yet another birthday. Thank you so much.. ♣
Morocco and Nepal– different climates, same solution New ‘green’ mosques are to be built in Morocco and existing mosques will install PV panels, LED lighting, and solar thermal water heaters. In November Marrakesh will host the next climate change summit on how to implement the climate decisions made in Paris last year. The picture above by the charity ‘Practical Action’ shows it can even be done in Nepal Maybe we could do similarly at Trinity with our huge roof area facing south-west; plenty of room for solar PV panels! This would reduce our electric bill and our ‘carbon footprint’, helping both us and the planet.
October Bible Crossword.
for those who can’t live without a bit of brain stimulus.
There's no prize but you’ll learn a lot if you follows up the references!
This month again I am offering a small prize to the first person to tell me the ‘rogue word’ which is NOT in the wordsearch grid. email to
All Hallows Eve – or Holy Evening
Modern Halloween celebrations have their roots in pre-Christian times. In those long-ago days, on the last night of October, the Druid priests celebrated the Festival of Samhain, or ‘Summer’s End’. They lit great bonfires and performed magic rites to ward off the dark supernatural powers of oncoming winter. Today, Christians turn to prayer instead of charms to overcome the powers of darkness. And the deeper, true meaning of All Hallows’ Eve, should not be forgotten. As Christians, we all draw closer to Christ when we remember and give thanks for our loved ones and for others who have gone before us through the gates of death.
Last month’s crossword answers ACROSS: 8, Kiriath Jearim. 9, Toe. 10, Ill at ease. 11, Hated. 13, Miletus. 16, Started. 19, Micah. 22, Leviticus. 24, Eli. 25, Mary and Joseph. DOWN: 1, Sketch. 2, Priest. 3, Samizdat. 4, Shalom. 5, Wept. 6, Breast. 7, Embers. 12, Art. 14, Limassol. 15, UNA. 16, Salome. 17, Adverb. 18, Decade. 20, Clever. 21, Height. 23, Tear. .
Across 1 He must be ‘the husband of but one wife and must manage his children and his household well’ (1 Timothy 3:12) (6) 4 ‘For we must all — before the judgement seat of Christ’ (2 Corinthians 5:10) (6) 7 ‘They reeled and staggered like drunken men; they were at their — end’ (Psalm 107:27) (4) 8 See 19 Across 9 It concerned who among the disciples would be the greatest (Luke 9:46) (8) 13 Formed by the Jews in Thessalonica to root out Paul and Silas (Acts 17:5) (3) 16 ‘He has sent me to bind up the — ’ (Isaiah 61:1) (6-7) 17 Moved rapidly on foot (Matthew 28:8) (3) 19 and 8 ‘ — a great company of the — host appeared with the angel’ (Luke 2:13) (8,8) 24 Hindrance (Romans 14:13) (8) 25 Comes between Luke and Acts (4) 26 Empower (Acts 4:29) (6) 27 ‘Get these out of here! How dare you turn my Father’s house into a — !’ (John 2:16) (6) Down 1 Sunrise (Psalm 119:147) (4) 2 The part of the day when Cornelius the Caesarean centurion had a vision of an angel of God (Acts 10:3) (9) 3 He was one of those who returned with Zerubbabel from exile inBabylon to Jerusalem (Nehemiah 7:7) (5) 4 ‘No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born — ’(John 3:3) (5) 5 Animal hunted or killed as food (Ezekiel 22:25) (4) 6 ‘He encouraged them — — remain true to the Lord’ (Acts 11:23) (3,2) 10 Ruses (anag.) (5) 11 Jewish priestly vestment (Exodus 28:6) (5) 12 Visible sign of what had been there (Daniel 2:35) (5) 13 This was the trade of Alexander, who did Paul ‘a great deal of harm’ (2 Timothy 4:14) (9) 14 ‘This is my — , which is for you; do this in remembrance of me’ (1 Corinthians 11:24) (4) 15 One of Noah’s great-great-grandsons (Genesis 10:24) (4) 18 Traditionally the first British Christian martyr (5) 20 Relationship of Ner to Saul (1 Samuel 14:50) (5) 21 Jacob had one at a place he named Bethel while on his way to Haran, fleeing from Esau (Genesis 28:12) (5) 22 Bats (anag.) (4) 23 ‘You strain out a — but swallow a camel’ (Matthew 23:24) (4)
And a page for the kids, of any age. If you want to actually fill it in you’ll have to print out this page
The Back Page A few more pics from Honley Feast Revival 17th September
Regular group meetings at Trinity Playgroup- Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri (morning) Contact- Carolynn Roberts 661024 Toddlers Group Tuesday morning Contact- Deborah Fawcett 663966 Drama Groups- Friday evening, Saturday morning Contact- Natalie Haigh 617468 / 07840800601 Brownies- Wednesday evening Contact- Ann Dove 665669 Bloodwise (previously called Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research group)– every 3rd Tuesday at 7.30pm.Contact Val Akroyd 662852
Trinity Church Meeting Tuesday October 19th at 2pm Macmillan coffee morningReminder for Friday September 30th in The Arthurs’ Room. 9am—12 pm Deborah Fawcett November Newsletter
Will be available on Sunday Oct 30th (DV) Contributions to Vera Stanley or John Murray (below) by Sunday Oct 18th
Formerly Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research
Tabletop Sale fund raiser In the Village Hall Saturday 29 October, 9am to 1pm
Booking a room at Trinity Church The Upper Room 9.5m x 7m.Capacity 60 seated. Kitchen facilities. Access by stairs only. £39 per 4 hr session The Arthurs’ Room Ground floor room 9m x 5.5m. Great for Capacity 30 seated. groups! Facilities for refreshments. Access for disabled. £45.00 per 4 hr session. Contact Karen Stannard 01484 664648. For weddings, baptisms, funerals, etc contact Rev Helen Roberts Tel 01484 305308
SOME TRINITY CHURCH CONTACTS From outside Huddersfield prefix UK area code 01484 Minister: Rev Helen Roberts, 7 Mullion Avenue, Honley HD9 6GN. Tel 305308 Secretary
Jane Armitage, 26 Lower Hall, Healey House, Netherton, HD4 7DG
Treasurer Pastoral Team
Hilary Turner, Rydal Mount, Mearhouse, New Mill, HD9 7EX Sylvia Hallas / Pam Redfearn / Joyce Draper
684704 662929
Room Bookings / Activities Cttee Karen Stannard, 6a Marsh Gardens, Honley HD9 6AF
Email addresses
Secretary:, Newsletter:
(Editor) John Murray, 27 Moorside Road, Honley HD9 6HR. (Coordinator) Vera Stanley, 46 Stoney Lane, Honley HD9 6DY.
662635 663670
1– Shrove Tuesday 2- Ash Wednesday 3- Palm Sunday 4- Maundy Thursday 5- Last Supper 6- Good Friday 7- Easter 8- Gethsemane 9- Crucifixion 10- Resurrection 11- Easter Sunday 12- Presbyterian
These are all anagrams of events in the Christian calendar. Stuck? 1- The sad voyeurs 2- New day shades 3Answers Any mud slap 4- A dry dusty human 5- Pur- are in the box at the est pals 6- Diary of God 7- Set era 8- The sage men 9- I occur in fix 10- Risen, to recur bottom of this page. 11- Unready asset 12– Best in Prayer