TRINITY CHURCH HONLEY Newsletter February 2016
Pilgrim’s Progress collage by Joyce Draper
Lent recalls the 40 days in the wilderness when Jesus was tempted to turn stones into bread. It begins on February 10th with Ash Wednesday and ends on Thursday, March 24. But just before Lent begins there’s Shrove Tuesday.
Shrove Tuesday – 9th February– Pancake Day Lent, a period of penitence, lasts for approximately six weeks leading up to Easter Sunday. It’s odd, really, that confessing one’s sins to God should ever have involved making pancakes. Yet the beginning of Lent brings us both.
Many churches do not allow flowers in church during Lent
In centuries gone by, the pancakes were made to use up the milk and eggs before beginning the fasting of Lent. These days many of us confess to buying ready made pancake mix– but we still traditionally ought to toss them!
The theme this year is BREAKFAST On Easter Sunday there will be a Fairtrade breakfast in the Arthurs’ Room at 0900.
Newsletter suggested price 30p or £3 p.a. (Free to visitors)
Trinity Church (Methodist-URC) Moorbottom Honley
Trinity Church February 2016 Sun Time 7
Vestibule Stewards
Minister / Organiser
Honley’s own arrangement Eileen & Peter Marshall Songs of Praise-hymns & readings
Church Stewards
Coffee team Karen Stannard +
Glenys Pallister Pat Waite
Joan Vevers
Jean Wood Maureen Burley
14 1030
Rev Helen Roberts Incl Communion
David Redfearn Ronnie Moncur
Bob & Jane Armitage
Sylvia Hallas
Barbara Leach Pam Redfearn
21 1030
Raymond Nichols
Keith Knutton Karen Stannard
Margaret Armitage Penny Winterbottom
Helen Amster
Joyce Draper Audrey Hawkswell
28 1030
David Brook
Marina & Roger Woodhead
Hilary Turner Carolynne Roberts
Flower Fund
Linda Craven Jean Wood
Sunday 21st- Junior Church. Children leave the main service after about ten minutes and meet in another room. All children and their parents or carers are welcome to join in. They all return to the main service just before it ends.
Get Messy at Trinity! Messy church is a form of church for children and adults together that involves creativity, celebration and hospitality. It starts with a welcome, followed by a long period of creativity time to explore the biblical theme by getting messy; a short celebration time with a story, prayer, song, games etc; followed by a sit-down meal together. All these are shared by people of all ages; both adults and children. It is a fun way of doing church. Messy Church Honley is run jointly by St Mary’s, Elim and Trinity churches. The next event is 3.305.30pm on Saturday 27 February. at Trinity
February Circuit Walk is from Shepley. Walkers need to be at Shepley Methodist Church by 10.40 in order to get boots on etc. Then we shall catch the 10.54 bus from Shepley to Denby Dale, getting off at Denby Dale Station. The walk is a linear walk from Denby Dale back to Shepley for the usual DIY picnic and talk. Please note, the Church at Shepley will not be open until 1300 so not at the start of the outing.
Thursday 11 & 25
Telling our story and understanding our faith By Rev Helen Roberts With the new year there are new opportunities to be part of sharing the stories from the Bible as we get storyteller teams together to ‘Open the Book’ in primary schools. Teams are beginning in Shepley, Brockholes and coming soon to Honley. We will be in school assemblies once a fortnight telling stories from the Bible in interactive ways. It is easy to be a part of – with the stories and introductions and prayers all provided. All that is needed is a willingness to wear simple costumes, and to be available for less than an hour once a fortnight. If this is you then let me know. But telling the story is one thing, we also need to continue to grow and learn about how these stories shape our faith and help us to encounter God. Sunday by Sunday we hear parts of the Bible read out and a preacher shares some thoughts which we hope are helpful maybe provoking at times. But what about how all those different bits of the Bible fit together? Or how did it come to be the Bible we know today? And how do we make sense of it in our lives and faith today? You are invited to the manse (7 Mullion Avenue) on the following Thursday nights at 7pm to share in conversations about the Bible and what it means to us. 11 Feb Whose Bible is it? Intro & deciding which books were in. 25 Feb Through others’ eyes – Translations and the challenge of interpreting 10 March Different types of story – Exploring the Bible as a library 14 April Old Testament – Stories, laws and histories 28 April Old Testament – Prayers, proverbs and prophets 12 May New Testament – Gospels & Acts, stories of Jesus and friends 26 May New Testament – Letters and that strange book at the back!
Events in February Holmfirth Methodist Leisure Group. Meet at Shepley 1040 am. See details in the box above Women’s Fellowship 2.30pm in Arthurs’ Room. Your Arts and Crafts exhibition. Chairlady: Joyce Draper Bible Course at the Manse. See details in Minister’s Column above
Civic Society / Trinity walk. Meet 2.15 at Trinity for a ‘compass walk’ led by Bert Neary.
Women’s Fellowship 2.30pm in Arthurs’ Room. Colin Lowther ‘Christian Radio’. Chairlady: Margaret Armitage
Coming up– Overseas Missions Group EASTER SUNDAY FAIRTRADE BREAKFAST, March 27th
Lions in Kenya– from Huddersfield Women’s Fellowship report by Rachel Boothroyd Jane Armitage, Trinity Church’s Secretary, and her husband Bob were part of a fact finding group from the Huddersfield Lions Club which visited Kenya in August 2014. Jane spoke about the tour at the Trinity Church Women's Fellowship meeting on 12th January. Staying in Thika, a town 40km north east of Nairobi, their aim was to help disadvantaged children from the nearby slum village of Kianduku learn life skills. The children were very poor and could only attend school if they wore shoes. The Lions Group handed out gifts of clothesand shared out a large pack of Jelly Babies that Jane had thoughtfully provided! Two team leaders organised games and activities including football for the children on the waste land surrounding the village. The Huddersfield Group had raised £14,000 to purchase a part of this land in order to build teaching rooms, book stores and shops.
No visit to Africa would be complete without a trip to Masai Mara Country Park and our speaker showed many interesting slides of the beautiful scenery and wild animals including several (real) lions. Chairlady Margaret Armitage thanked Jane Armitage for a most interesting talk. A Charitable Trust has been formed between the Chania Falls (Kenya) Lions Club and the Huddersfield Group.
Chania Falls– visited
The Women’s Fellowship has had a packed programme these last few months. As well as that described above there’s been a demonstration by Deborah Fawcett on how to make a snowman using a walnut whip and icing sugar, (Rachel’s Boothroyd’s example pictured); carol singing and poetry, and a talk by David Cockman on Martha Stocks from Holmfirth who ended up in 1857as the wife of a German baron. All women are invited to these meetings– see the listings opposite.
Chatsworth HOUSE visit – December by Jean Wood It is 9:30 on a cold winter morning and a very eager group of people is congregated at the bus stop outside Trinity Church. It is the annual outing to see Chatsworth House dressed up for Christmas, and we are waiting for the coach.. We all climb on board and we are off. The outing is arranged by Valerie Akroyd to help raise funds for ‘Bloodwise’ (previously called Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research group). Valerie does a sterling job. She books the coach and then cajoles, persuades and reminds people to book until the required number is reached.
After a good journey there we had a hot drink and then it was our time to visit the house. Valerie had also booked tickets, timed to avoid congestion. The theme this year was "Wind in the Willows”, with every type of scene and character depicted all over the house with anecdotes where appropriate. All this was mingled with beautiful Christmas trees of all shapes and sizes, and a wonderful nativity scene in the chapel. The atmosphere was one of sheer magic and wonder, giving the feeling that Christmas was really approaching. Time to depart, with a general feeling that a good time was enjoyed by all. The finishing touch was a booked meal at a fish restaurant for tea on the way back. Arriving back in Honley we drove through the village just after the Christmas lights had been switched on, What a finale! A big thank you to Valerie for all her hard work, much appreciated.
St Valentine’s Day, 14th February. Why has Valentine become the patron saint of romantic love? Perhaps the custom of seeking a partner on St Valentine’s Day is a surviving scrap of the old Roman Lupercalia festival, when young men drew the name of a young unmarried woman from a name-box. The two would then be partners during the time of the celebrations. Modern Valentine decorations still use Roman cupids with their bows and love-arrows
Unser Pastorin kann Deutsch sprechen! Helen Roberts said the blessing at a wedding in Trinity in German, even though she does not speak it. The 30th December wedding was between James Greenwood and Kordula Bager, who is German.
A full church appreciated this gesture, for which Helen thanks Google Translate.
Giving up for Lent At the end of the minister’s pre-Lent sermon he suggested, as an example to the rest of the community that the congregation should worship in an unheated church for the whole of Lent. As they made their way into the chill Sunday air the minister caught up with one member of the congregation, asking what she had decided to give up for Lent. “Church,” she replied.
Trinity Church supports two Overseas Missions; Phakamisa, a ministry of Pinetown Methodist Church, South Africa, and ‘Commitment for Life’ (Bangladesh) a world development programme of the United Reformed Church.
Stories for Change No.116 BANGLADESH Discussing our issues It is not only the devastating effect of cyclones when they happen that affects local communities in Bangladesh but the ongoing problems caused by the salty water left behind in the soil. Today this continues to ruin crops and yields. Help was at hand for a group of farmers in Munshigonj district. Working with Christian Aid partner, Shushilan, they realised that they could work in a different way and support each other. Shushilan has given the women confidence to buy their own land and, with increased knowledge of composting; multiply their yields to bring in a greater income. Linda Mead, Programme Co-ordinator, Mission Team, United Reformed Church
The back page Taylor’s Foodstore Fairtrade February Crossword
This puzzle is sponsored by Taylor’s Foodstore Meltham Road, Honley, a local store which supports local charities. IF YOU DON’T KNOW THE ANSWERS, JUST LOOK THEM UP! Don’t bother to ask the editor, he cannot be bribed. The reason for this crossword being here is to encourage you get your Bibles out. The winner will get a voucher to take to Tony Washington at the store and get a big block of Cadbury’s Fairtrade Milk Chocolate.
Name Address or tel no December-January Solution. ACROSS: 1, Depend. 4, Canopy. 7, Beak. 8, Irritate. 9, Zedekiah. 13, Ate. 16, Job’s comforter. 17, NAE. 19, Lang Syne. 24, Blockade. 25, Five. 26, Enigma. 27, Drench. DOWN: 1, Debt. 2, Peaceable. 3, Drink. 4, Curia. 5, Nuts. 6, Put it. 10, Excel. 11, Is man. 12, Hoofs. 13, Attention. 14, Ezra. 15, Ijon. 18, Aslan. 20, Abana. 21, Greed. 22, GCMG. 23, Leah. The winner is Alison Booth, Grasscroft Road Send your entries for this month - cut out or printed-out, by Feb 21 or email the answers to the editor. Address below.
Regular room bookings at Trinity Playgroup- Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri (morning) Contact- Carolynn Roberts 661024 Toddlers Group Tuesday morning Contact- Deborah Fawcett 663966 Drama Groups- Friday evening, Saturday morning Contact- Natalie Haigh 617468 / 07840800601 Brownies- Wednesday evening Contact- Ann Dove 665669 BLOODWISE (previously called Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research group)– every 3rd Tuesday from Sept 16th at 8pm.Contact Val Akroyd 662852
Across 1 Success or wealth (Deuteronomy 28:11) (10) 7 Forbidden fruit for Nazirites (Numbers 6:3) (7) 8 Concede (Job 27:5) (5) 10 Look at (Psalm 48:13) (4) 11 Much in evidence after weddings (8) 13 Condense (Job 36:27) (6) 15 Breakwater (6) 17 Give a tan (anag.) to find the way (8) 18 More usually now called Pentecost, — Sunday (4) 21 After living for 365 years, it was said of him that ‘he walked with God’ (Genesis 5:23–24) (5) 22 Trampled (Judges 9:27) (7) 23 For example, Miriam, Deborah (Exodus 15:20; Judges 4:4) (10) Down 1 Arrogance (Proverbs 8:13) (5) 2 Roman poet from first century BC (4) 3 So rapt (anag.) and in charge at the Church (6) 4 Declare again (2 Corinthians 2:8) (8) 5 Paul’s ‘fellow worker’, to whom he sent two epistles (Romans 16:21) (7) 6 God’s foreseeing care and protection (Job 10:12) (10) 9 Traditional form of Roman Catholic Mass (10) 12 ‘The Lord... has given the — of Israel to David and his descendants for ever’ (2 Chronicles 13:5) (8) 14 ‘My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my — ’ (Luke 1:46–47) (7) 16 The central element in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, identified and interpreted by Daniel (Daniel 2:31) (6) 19 ‘On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of — will not overcome it’ (Matthew 16:18) (5) 20 City where Paul was under house arrest for two years (Acts 28:16) (4)
March Newsletter Will be available on Sunday Feb 28th (DV) Contributions to Vera Stanley or John Murray by Sunday Feb 14th
Booking a room at Trinity Church The Upper Room 9.5m x 7m.Capacity 60 seated. Kitchen facilities. Access by stairs only. £39 per 4 hr session The Arthurs’ Room Great for Ground floor room 9m x 5.5m. groups! Capacity 30 seated. Facilities for refreshments. Access for disabled. £45.00 per 4 hr session. Contact Karen Stannard 01484 664648. For weddings, baptisms, funerals, etc contact Rev Helen Roberts Tel 01484 305308
SOME TRINITY CHURCH CONTACTS From outside Huddersfield prefix UK area code 01484 Minister: Rev Helen Roberts, 7 Mullion Avenue, Honley HD9 6GN. Tel 305308 Secretary
Jane Armitage, 26 Lower Hall, Healey House, Netherton, HD4 7DG
Hilary Turner, Rydal Mount, Mearhouse, New Mill, HD9 7EX
Pastoral Team
Sylvia Hallas / Pam Redfearn / Joyce Draper
Room Bookings / Activities Cttee Karen Stannard, 6a Marsh Gardens, Honley HD9 6AF 664648 Email addresses
Secretary:, Newsletter:
(Editor) John Murray, 27 Moorside Road, Honley HD9 6HR. (Coordinator) Vera Stanley, 46 Stoney Lane, Honley HD9 6DY.
662635 663670
Ins and outs The Christmas Tree Festival brought in £1338.34 in total. The manse garden wall, which collapsed below Cuckoo Lane last October has cost just over £7000 to rebuild.