Our minister, Rev Helen Roberts, re-tells the crucifixion story
Getting Messy and Creative at Trinity! Messy Church is run jointly by St Mary’s, Elim and Trinity churches. It is held once a month– variable dates– in Trinity and there are usually about 15 children. The event consists of creative play, a story, and, of course, food. It is for all kids and their adults, church-goers or not.
The next Messy Church is 3.30- 5.30 on Saturday April 16
1 & 2– Pyrography (hot wire engraving) 3– Cross-stitch cross 4– Recycling cross 5– Easter garden 6– Empty tomb– edible
Newsletter suggested price 30p or £3 p.a. (Free to visitors)
Trinity Church (Methodist-URC) Moorbottom Honley HD9 6DN
Trinity Church April 2016 Sun Time 3
Minister / Organiser
Vestibule Stewards
Church Stewards
Coffee team Sylvia Hallas +
Irene Brawn
Marjorie Woodhead Peter Jackson
Hilary Turner Carolynne Roberts
Anne Meadows
Linda Craven Barbara Leach
Rev Helen Roberts incl Communion
Sylvia Hallas Jackie Fawcett
Margaret Sheppard Pam Redfearn
Doreen Sykes
Maureen Burley Karen Stannard
Granville Dews
Joan Vevers Marion Bainbridge
Glenys Pallister Pat Waite
Doreen Sykes
Joyce Draper Ann Hirst
10 1030 1030 17*
Taize service with Rev Richard Thompson. The service begins with some quiet Taize music There are readings from the Bible 1800
interspersed with Taize chants. Then a quiet time for personal prayer and the lighting of candles. It is a very peaceful and relaxing service. Why not come and join us? If you would like transport to Church contact Marion Bainbridge on 01484 769075.
24 1030
Elizabeth Bishop
Martin Hirst Caroline Page
Bob & Jane Armitage
“We had hoped…“ By Rev Helen Roberts On the road to Emmaus the couple walking along tell the stranger what has been happening in Jerusalem and about Jesus’ death, ending with the comment “and we had hoped he was the one we were waiting for”. It was the Sunday; they had heard the news of the empty tomb, still fresh and unbelievable news, but the confusion from the loss of the hopes they previously had is still raw. When they started following this Jesus of Nazareth I don’t know what they expected or hoped for, but crucifixion was not likely to have been in their thoughts. So all that had happened had crushed their hopes. Even amid rumours of the resurrection they say “we had hoped….” Life and its unexpected events can leave us in situations very different to what we had hoped for or dreamt of. Yes, there are different lives we had not considered, even rumours of hope-filled lives beyond the difficult times. But we may need space to acknowledge the hopes that have had to be laid aside. Grief for what might have been is valid and maybe is needed to help grasp fully what is in its place. The stranger on the Emmaus Road stays unknown, giving them time to tell their story and how they had hoped. Gently he opens up their thoughts to new possibilities and only then, in the breaking of bread, do they find it is the resurrected Jesus who has been walking with them. God is with us in broken hopes- and in learning to hope again.
MORE FROM EMMAUS Helping their contemporaries to remember bible stories more vividly, three children from Trinity junior church, Honley, near Huddersfield, are seen making a video of the story of the Road to Emmaus. This scene from the film, partly contemporary, is set in the Cleopas Chip Shop where James Short, playing Jesus, adds the salt and vinegar before blessing the meal for disciples Deborah Lowe and Laura Stewart. When his followers eventually recognised Jesus he vanished in a video special effect, leaving them to pay the bill. The script, written by the children themselves, was not strictly according to the Book, but at least the story was remembered, says cameraman John Murray. From the URC magazine ‘Reform’ July 1995 (This video is still around somewhere if anyone has a VHS) Day
Apr 12
Flower Fund
Rachel Boothroyd Pam Redfearn
*Sunday 17th- Junior Church. Children leave the main service after about ten minutes and meet in another room. All children and their parents or carers are welcome to join in. They all return to the main service just before it ends.
The next Taize service is on 17th April at 6 o’clock. Why not come and join us? If you would like transport to Church contact Marion Bainbridge on 01484 769075. Huddersfield Chinese Congregation
As the Chinese Fellowship meeting in Huddersfield enters its seventh year, we give thanks to the Lord for the support from those inside and outside the Circuit The work of the Chinese congregation is developing despite challenges. Bible course at the Manse-
See details in the Events box below. Don’t worry if you miss one. The Bible will always be there! TRINITY FOOD BANK Throughout Lent, rather than 'giving something up' we were invited to 'give something' in support of the Food Bank at the Huddersfield Mission. At the end of Lent all contributions were taken to the Welcome Centre in Huddersfield which looks after homeless people.
Emmaus story revisited in a Huddersfield chippy
Events in April & May Holmfirth Methodist Leisure Group. Meet Almondbury Methodist Church 11am for walk, picnic lunch and talk.
Bible Course at the Manse., 7pm Thurs Apr 14 Old Testament Stories, laws and histories. Thurs Apr 28 Old Testament Prayers, Proverbs & Prophets Sun Apr 17 Civic Society / Trinity walk. Meet 2.15 at Trinity for a circular walk to Scholes led by Bert Neary. Tues
May 3
Tea and Cakes afternoon 2.30 – 4.00 . A Women’s Fellowship event. No charge but donations welcome.
May 7
Away Day at BirdsEdge– see box opposite
May 7th 2016
at Birdsedge Church as last year
Trinity Away Day, 9.30 am to 4 pm
The Theme of the day
led by Sue Taylor
Cost £10 includes a good lunch. Come along for what promises to be another great day of fellowship and fun. Sign up on the list in the lower hall or call Di Harris on 316109. Transport—car sharing.
Spread of subjects at Women’s Fellowship The Fellowship met twice a month during the winter season. Rachel Boothroyd reports on some of the meetings Colin Lowther, Chief Executive of Reach Beyond Christian Radio was the speaker at the Meeting on 23rd February. Reach Beyond, the Voice and Hands of Jesus, was started in Equador in 1931 in order to reach Latin America for Christ via radio. The organisation has established hundreds of Christian Radio stations in some of the remotest areas around the world. In addition they attend to the physical needs of the local people. Today the headquarters in Bradford also produce Christian radio programmes for commercial stations here in the UK. There were visitors from the Victorian age in March when two volunteers from the Colne Valley museum gave a talk. Dressed in appropriate costume and speaking in dialect they gave a humorous sketch. They finished by issuing an invitation to visit the museum when the shop, cafe and parts of the Museum re-open in time for Golcar Lily Day on14th May. The Trinity Newsletter Editor, John Murray, stood in at the last minute for a speaker in January who couldn’t attend and he told the story of his boyhood hero, Josef Fusniak. In 1942, At the age of 10, John was moved to Buckden House in Wharfedale, where a part of Leeds Grammar School was evacuated. In January that year a Wellington bomber crashed on Buckden Pike in deep snow. Rear gunner Joseph Fusniak, though injured himself, made a perilous journey in deep snow and freezing temperatures to seek help at the village of Cray for the other survivor, the seriously injured wireless operator. In 1979 our speaker met and interviewed Mr. Fusniak and we were able to hear a recording of him describing his ordeal. (Jo Fusniak is now 94. See JM)
Letters to the Editor. Please always put your address and the date on your letters. Our address is, the back righthand pew, or 27 Moorside Rd, HD9 6HR.
From Joyce Kerr, Trinity Court, Honley, 18 Feb. Thank you so much for the lovely flowers I received earlier in the week. Such a lovely assortment of blooms which brightened me up. I hope to see you all again soon ♣ From Karen Stannard. Marsh Gardens, Honley, 29 Feb. What a lovely surprise I had when Ruth arrived at my front door, having walked all the way from Trinity Church by herself, with the lovely church flowers. Thank you to everyone. Well done Ruth ♣ From Barbara Leach, Chesterton Drive, Honley, 13.March Thanking you all for the lovely flowers Sylvia brought me when I was not very well. They did cheer me up. ♣
Fair Trader headed to Westminster in March 2016 On a wild, wet 1st March, we headed to the House of Commons, where MPs were launching an all-party parliamentary group (APPG) to promote Fairtrade. There was a distinctly local flavour to this event, as we were joined by other members of Holme Valley Fairtrade and students from Honley High School. It’s no co-incidence that the Group is jointly chaired by local MPs (Jason McCartney, Colne Valley and Holly Lynch, Halifax), as its creation is partly due to the lobbying of Yorkshire campaigners. Patrick Kaberia Muthaura, a Kenyan tea producer, and Julio Mercado Cantillo, a banana farmer from northern Colombia spoke movingly about the impact of Fairtrade on their families. The theme of this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight ‘Sit down for breakfast; stand up for farmers’ highlights the seasonal hunger faced by millions of farmers worldwide. Patrick Kaberia Muthaura, Kenyan tea producer, with Michelle and Kathryn from Holme Valley fair trader. The students stole the show – serving Fairtrade tea and coffee. Honley High has a very active Fairtrade Forum and the students are well informed about all aspects of Fairtrade – and make the effort to have lots of Fairtrade activities in school. Michelle Brown and Kathryn Sheard, March 2016 For more info go to: Fairtrade Foundation Honley High School Holme Valley Fairtrade
The back page This puzzle is sponsored by Taylor’s Foodstore Meltham Road, Honley, a local store which supports local charities.
Taylor’s Foodstore Fairtrade April Crossword
IF YOU DON’T KNOW THE ANSWERS– They’re all in The Book! (NIV)
The winner will get a voucher to take to Tony Washington at the store and get a big block of Cadbury’s Fairtrade Milk Chocolate.
Name Address or tel no
March Solution. ACROSS: 1, Wine. 3, The alert. 8, Ooze. 9, Passover. 11, Garden Tomb. 14, Cannot. 15, Elisha. 17, Gethsemane. 20, Own house. 21, Lisa. 22, Flogging. 23, Stye. DOWN: 1, Wrong act. 2, Nazarene. 4, Health. 5, Assemblies. 6, Envy. 7, Turn. 10, Before long. 12, Iscariot. 13, Take care. 16, The Son. 18, Loaf. 19, Unto. The winner is Gwyneth Loane, by post. Send your entries for this month - cut out or printed-out, by April 20th, or email the answers. Address below.
Regular group meetings at Trinity Playgroup- Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri (morning) Contact- Carolynn Roberts 661024 Toddlers Group Tuesday morning Contact- Deborah Fawcett 663966 Drama Groups- Friday evening, Saturday morning Contact- Natalie Haigh 617468 / 07840800601 Brownies- Wednesday evening Contact- Ann Dove 665669 BLOODWISE (previously called Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research group)– every 3rd Tuesday at 8pm.Contact Val Akroyd 662852
ACROSS 8 ‘He poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the — ’ (Isaiah 53:12) (13) 9 ‘When they had sung a hymn, they went — to the Mount of Olives (Matthew 26:30) (3) 10 Comes between Galatians and Philippians (9) 11 ‘Your heart will — and swell with joy’ (Isaiah 60:5) (5) 13 Muslim holy month (7) 16 Ten ears (anag.) not furthest away (7) 19 Under (poetic abbrev.) (5) 22 How Abram described himself to God when he complained that his inheritance would pass to a servant (Genesis 15:2) (9) 24 ‘Go to the — , you sluggard’ (Proverbs 6:6) (3) 25 Debar from receiving Communion (13) DOWN 1 My — for His Highest (Oswald Chambers’ best-known book) (6) 2 Festival of the resurrection (6) 3 ‘His sons will prepare for war and — a great army’ (Daniel 11:10) (8) 4 ‘Let not the — string his bow’ (Jeremiah 51:3) (6) 5 Name of the River Thames in and around Oxford (4) 6 ‘From then on Judas watched for an opportunity — — him over’ (Matthew 26:16) (2,4) 7 ‘But Christ is faithful — — — over God’s house’ (Hebrews 3:6) (2,1,3) 12 Long-handled implement used to till the soil (Isaiah 7:25) (3) 14 Order to which monks and nuns devote themselves (8) 15 Appropriate (Proverbs 15:23) (3) 16 I, uncle (anag.) At the centre of things (6) 17 ‘They gave him — — of broiled fish’ (Luke 24:42) (1,5) 18 ‘Weren’t there three men that we — — and threw into the fire?’ (Daniel 3:24) (4,2) 20 Mountain where Noah’s ark came to rest (Genesis 8:4) (6) 21 ‘Don’t you know that friendship with the world is — towards God?’ (James 4:4) (6) 23 Prominent architectural feature of large cathedrals such as St Paul’s (4)
May Newsletter Will be available on Sunday April 24th (DV) Contributions to Vera Stanley or John Murray by Sunday April 10th
Booking a room at Trinity Church The Upper Room 9.5m x 7m.Capacity 60 seated. Kitchen facilities. Access by stairs only. £39 per 4 hr session The Arthurs’ Room Great for Ground floor room 9m x 5.5m. groups! Capacity 30 seated. Facilities for refreshments. Access for disabled. £45.00 per 4 hr session. Contact Karen Stannard 01484 664648. For weddings, baptisms, funerals, etc contact Rev Helen Roberts Tel 01484 305308
SOME TRINITY CHURCH CONTACTS From outside Huddersfield prefix UK area code 01484 Minister: Rev Helen Roberts, 7 Mullion Avenue, Honley HD9 6GN. Tel 305308 Secretary
Jane Armitage, 26 Lower Hall, Healey House, Netherton, HD4 7DG
Treasurer Pastoral Team
Hilary Turner, Rydal Mount, Mearhouse, New Mill, HD9 7EX Sylvia Hallas / Pam Redfearn / Joyce Draper
684704 662929
Room Bookings / Activities Cttee Karen Stannard, 6a Marsh Gardens, Honley HD9 6AF
Email addresses
Secretary:, Newsletter:
(Editor) John Murray, 27 Moorside Road, Honley HD9 6HR. (Coordinator) Vera Stanley, 46 Stoney Lane, Honley HD9 6DY.
662635 663670
Fall backSpring forwardA time to remember message:
“For those who habitually show up ten minutes late to church let me remind you that on Saturday night you should set you clock forward 70 minutes”