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How to get to TRINITY CHURCH During the Tour de France Newsletter
HONLEY June 2014
Le Grand Depart
Route for cyclists and people not interested
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Ascension Day- Thursday, May 29th Pentecost- Sunday June 8th Tour de France– Sunday July 6th (Service at 6.30pm)
Newsletter suggested price 30p or ÂŁ3 p.a. (Free to v isitors)
Trinity Church (Methodist-URC) Moorbottom Honley
Trinity Church June 2014 S ERVICES Church Stewards
Coffee team Karen Stannard+
Brian Williams
Vestibule Stewards Martina & Roger Woodhead
Margaret Armitage Penny Winterbottom
Flower Fund
Rachel Boothroy d Joy ce Draper
Rev Tim Moore
Linda & Stephen Crav en
Hilary Turner Caroly nne Roberts
Flower Fund
Jean Wood Margaret Armitage
Raymond Nichols *
Jean Wood Di Harris
Margaret Sheppard Pam Redfearn
Rachel Boothroy d
Barbara Leach Pam Redfearn
Rev David Bidnell
Marian Bainbridge Rachel Boothroy d
Glenys Pallister Pat Waite
Margaret Spooner
Joy ce Draper Audrey Hawkswell
Steven Harvey
Peter & Linda Webb
Bob & Jane Armitage
Flower Fund
Linda Crav en Jean Wood
Junior Church
* Ray Nichols is a retired engineer. He was
Trinity has a Junior Church which takes place during the latter part of the service, except on the Sundays when there’s All-Age Worship.
born in Manchester and came to live in Huddersfield in 1968 because of his work. He has been a preacher for many years but only took the exams for accreditation in 1991. Ray worships at Almondbury Methodist Church where he has served on many of the committees. He is currently chairman of the Huddersfield Branch of Gideon's International.
The ‘children's corner’ in church is always available for the younger ones and their carers. Junior Church also keeps a second-hand book shelf in the west transept. Books are 25p.each.
Events in June
Circuit Serv ice. 6.30 pm at The Mission, Huddersf ield
Circuit Leisure Group Meet at Honley Trinity at 11am for a walk, then y our picnic lunch and a talk
Circuit Meeting at Dalton 7.30pm
Trinity Church / Civic Society Walk. Meet at Trinity 2.15pm for walk to Ludd Hill. Leader- Keith
Women's Fellowship Afternoon Tea & Cakes in The Arthur's Room 2.30-4.00pm £1.50. All welcome!
Schools Summerfest
Chicks help Church
This year the three Honley Schools, Infant, Junior and High are joining together to stage the Honley Schools Summerfest on Saturday 28th June 2pm - 8pm at Honley Junior School. This promises to be a fun filled day out with live local bands, school performances, family races, pony rides, Huddersfield Town penalty shootout, various stalls and refreshments
Remember those knitted Easter chicks?. Joyce Kerr, who made them, has given the sum of £137 from their sales to Trinity church funds. She would like to give thanks for the support she received both from the church and outside, and we would like to thank her!
BUTTERFLY Feather light, fleeting, touch of wings, glimmer of colour, the butterfly passes by.
Scouts AGM and entertainment The 6th Holme Valley (Trinity Church) Scout Group is holding its Annual General Meeting at the Scout Headquarters opposite Trinity Church at 7pm on Monday 2nd June.
Momentary reminder of that other presence touching me lightly; the glory of God, passing nearby. Ruth M Gee (inspired by Exodus 33:22)
The AGM business usually does not take very long and is followed by entertainment provided by the Cubs and Scouts. It will be a grand evening out especially as there will also be refreshments on offer to conclude the proceedings. All are welcome to attend.
Your stories or pictures about your holidays, especially about any churches you visited. Newsletter contact details are on the back page.
Trinity Church Honley Newsletter June 2014
Minister’s Message The Editor writes: Before I let Tim loose on his message a word of explanation. Y ou might do better to read the article on page 5 f irst– which contains this; ‘We went into small groups and brought out our ‘special things’ and said what they meant to us- and why. Every one had a story to tell; all were interesting and revealed something of each of us.’ (Now read on below)
ceiling in mock dog-fights and on many a night I had imagined myself in the tiny cockpit, master of the skies.
Up, Up and away! By Rev Tim Moore
I had a great time at our recent Away Day at Blackley. The sky was clear, the sun was out and the jet planes flying overhead were still as exciting as when I was a teenager. The object I brought was a model jet. My son George and I made it on a wet afternoon in our caravan when we went to Mablethorpe one year. I decided to show it because when I was young I had wanted to be a fighter pilot. Airfix aeroplanes hung from my bedroom
So it was no surprise that at the aged of 15 I applied to join the RAF. T he interviews were OK but on one of the final forms to be sent back I had to reveal that I suffered from hay fever. Unfortunately, the RAF declined my final application on medical grounds. Still, I filled in another application form, this time for the Fleet Air Arm. I had discovered that the Royal Navy was happy to let me fly with hay fever. All went well. Once again the interviews were good and I was offered a three day introductory course at RAF Culdrose. I was over the moon and very happy indeed! This time, flying was within my grasp.
However (there is usually a ‘However’ in these stories don’t you think?) I had met a goodlooking girl who I had just started going out with and she had invited me to go on holiday with her family. Now, we were quite a poor family ourselves and good holidays were rare. T he trouble was that it coincided with my course at RAF Culdrose. So, now I had a dilemma – which one to choose? The girl or the jets? You can probably guess. I ended up marrying the girl and dumping the jets. It was the right choice and I have never regretted it for one moment. So the jet George and I made on that rainy afternoon always makes me smile.
Contact Tim Moore on mobile: 07837 128611 or email:
Barbara Mary Hartley 1st August 1926--- 17th April 2014 A service of celebration for the life of our me mber Barbara Hartley was held in Trinity Church on May 1st. The service was taken by Rev Tim Moore.
big part of her life but she also did a lot of travelling, visiting America and Canada, and going on many ocean cruises
From her residence in White Rose House she also reflected on her last few years- an independent lady becoming increasingly dependent. But, she said, she now experienced the church coming to her in many different ways. She was brought to church for services and special occasions, taken out for meals, recordings of services were given to her, and of Then, moving back to the technical college in Yorkshire course, there were visitors bringing welcome news. So she taught catering to students in the hotel industry for many people contributed. seven years, before moving on to teacher training which Bishop Guy Deroubaix once wrote a prayer called occupied her for another 12 years, until retiring in 1980. ‘Making Christ's Church’ and there was one sentence in When she came to Honley she quickly became involved it which stands out as very relevant. He wrote: May the in all aspects of Church life. She was involved in Explo- Church be: A Church of which people say, not “See rama, Hebrew Camps, the Summer Happenings and how well organised they are” but “see how they love others. She was never idle. one another”. Pray this church may be so. Rest in After she retired she joined the U3A, a musical appre- peace, Barbara. Whilst we’re here, you’ll not be forgotciation class, and a local history class. These were a ten And in heaven you’ll never be forgotten . At age 18 Barbara left school and went to Leeds to train as a teacher. She taught in Lancashire for eight years, in Rainsford and then Wigan, and it was when teaching in Wigan she got into the school Girl Guide company and became their Captain.
Trinity Church Honley Newsletter June 2014
Catherine E. Marshall (1880-1962) was a middle class feminist, active in Liberal politics, and in the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Society (NUWSS), the largest organisation working for votes for women in late Victorian and Edwardian Britain. She moved towards socialist and pacifist views through her involvement with the British and international suffrage movement. The NUWSS split over the issue of support for the war, with Catherine Marshall being amongst the group who resigned from the NUWSS and organised an international peace congress of women at The Hague in 1915. This resulted in the creation of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF or WIL). Catherine got more and more involved with the work of the No-
Conscription Fellowship (NCF) which, following the introduction of military conscription in 1916, was engaged in supporting Conscientious Objectors at tribunals and in prison. She thought that the NCF offered ‘a positive way to oppose the killing’. She became the acting Hon. Secretary, and later calculated ‘that so frequently had she flouted the law to aid COs, she was liable for 2,000 years in prison!’. An astute political lobbyist, she planted questions in the House of Commons, and was so efficient at record-keeping that the War Office used to ring her to find out in which camp particular COs were confined. Catherine Marshall articulated her personal commitment to peace in a paper entitled Women and War (1915) for a London conference on religious aspects of the women’s movement and of peace. Unfortunately she was ill and unable to deliver it. In the paper she stated ‘...all the horrors of war… do violence to the whole spirit of civilisation, the whole teaching of Christianity’ and ‘I believe that women…are more likely than men to find some other way of settling international disputes than by an appeal to force’. H. Runham Brown, in The NoConscription Fellowship: A Souvenir of its work 1914 -1919, described the role of women in the NCF and noted Catherine Marshall’s contribution.
‘As we went to prison they took our places in the Pacifist movement, with police often following them from place to place, raiding their homes and offices. A number of women served sentences of imprisonment for the propaganda work they did. The NCF was conceived in the mind of Lilla Brockway, and throughout its history, but particularly while men were away [in prison] women were among its most enthusiastic workers and officers. At the Head Office there was a splendid band of keen and capable women. To our first [November 1915] Convention Catherine E Marshall came as the Fraternal Delegate of the Women’s International League [for Peace and Freedom], she was so impressed by the spirit there revealed that she decided to devote all of her services to our movement. She became Parliamentary Secretary, and later Acting Hon. Secretary of the Fellowship. It was her determined will that built up the Parliamentary Department of the NCF, so that our stand was never without a champion either in the House of Commons or the House of Lords.’ After 1917 Catherine Marshall remained active in the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Labour Party and international politics. She died in 1962. photo © Religious Society of Friends in Britain
The Peace Museum is locate d in Piece Hall Ya rd, Bradford just off Hustle rgate, opposite Wate rstones Bookshop and the City Vaults. Ope n Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 10 am to 4 pm. Entrance is free
Choices? – opens 3rd June
Annual Big ‘Sing for Peace’ Open air concert Friday 13th June 12 – 3pm
Choices? is curated by children and y oung people who have been inv olv ed in the ‘Choices Then and Now’ and ‘Stories in Stone’ in primary and secondary schools.
Come and join hundreds of children and community members singing f or peace in Centenary Square, Bradford. Workshops for children will be offered in cultural venues across the City Centre. The ‘Big Sing’ will also be a warm up f or the Bradford Festiv al which commences later the same day!
At the heart of the exhibition are two works of art, ‘The Conchie’, an oil painting by Arthur.W.Gay, and the sculpture ‘Prisoner of Conscience’, by Malcolm Brocklesby. Workshops will be av ailable f or schools, colleges, university and community groups, based around the exhibition content.
Trinity Church Honley Newsletter June 2014
Away Day Blackley Baptist chapel is about a kilometre past Ainley Top on the other side of the M62. There’s not much there; a couple of houses, a pub and a cricket club….and a huge three-storey chapel able to hold about 1500 people on its ground floor and massive circular gallery. The lower ground floor is a concert room holding eighty, with a stage, sound system, and kitchen. The average congregation is only about 30, but it survives by renting out its facilities to groups, like ours.
The 21 of us from Trinity were at Blackley for our Away Day. Organised by Jane and Bob Armitage and Di Harris, the theme was ‘Strengthening Relationships’. We weren’t actually in the big chapel but in the Blackley Centre just across from it. That too was spacious and on two floors, with a kitchen which provided our refreshments and the sandwich (delicious) lunch.
acceptable, or not. We discussed the pros and cons of the story from the viewpoint of the characters involved, and compared them to present day events. Not a lot has changed in 3000 years. But this made us think of how WE related to the story, and what was our perspective?
So what were we doing there on this sunny day in May? The purpose was to get to know each other better; more than we can on the couple of hours on a Sunday morning. The day was lead by David Bidnell, Huddersfield Circuit Superintendent, and Tim Moore, our minister. We were to think about ‘Living Stories’.
After another coffee break we went into small groups and brought out our ‘special things’ and said what they meant to us- and why. Everyone had a story to tell; all were interesting and revealed something of each of us.
After a welcome coffee David Bidnell read the first story, ‘Goldilocks and The Three Bears’, as told by Roald Dahl, and we discovered that she was really not a nice girl at all. One comment was ‘She was breaking and enteringshould have been locked up!’
After lunch some stayed in to plan the ‘new’ tablecloth to be embroidered with everyone’s names- an updated version of the one done in 1954 at the old High Street Methodists, and others went out for a stroll in the sunshine and watched a cricket match from over the wall. The final session was a meaningful communion service organised by Alan Fawcett. It was good to finish the day with each other and with God. JM
We followed that up with the story of David and Bathsheba* It’s almost impossible not to ‘take sides’ in this story; according to where we are coming from we have a built-in idea of what is right and wrong, socially Trinity Church Honley Newsletter June 2014
* David and Bathsheba, a 1951 film made by 20th Century Fox starring Gregory Peck and Susan Hayward. Read the original script in 2nd book of Samuel, Chapter 11.
Holiday Holyday Wendy Davies was in the Lake District on Easter Sunday I have been aw ay a lot duri ng the past year visi ti ng fri ends and family. I have been to many Churches i ncludi ng my first servi ce in St Paul’ s Cathedral i n London but the most movi ng and beauti ful servi ce was on Easter Sunday. It w as an outdoor sunri se service held on the beach at Lake Coniston. There w ere close to one hundred people present from all w alks of li fe and many vi si tors from overseas too. The sun had risen and at the poi nt i n the servi ce w here w e w ere celebrati ng the Ri sen Lord, a swan flew i n off the lake and landed on the w ater i n front of us all. It then put i ts wi ngs i n the risen display and serenely gli ded ri ght tow ards us; i t fluttered i ts wings, w agged i ts li ttle tail and then turned round and left us. It seemed to be a si gn and w e couldn’ t take our eyes off i t; it was so beautiful and a very moving experience.
What to do if the church catches fire 1 2 3
Shout ‘Fire! Fire!’ Use the ministers’ water to attempt to put it out. If the stewards have forgotten to fill the glass look for the church fire extinguisher and read the instructions for use. Do not use the fire extinguisher on the organ, which should be set to play automatically the pre-set tune ‘Nearer my Lord to Thee’. The organist would like a week’s notice to set this up. If you are in the vicinity of the church office find the escape ladder in its box. Remove from box and read the assembly and use instructions. . 5 Throw it out of the window and see if it reaches the ground (the ladder, not the box) 6 If in the Arthurs’ Room use the Spanish telephone near the toilet to call the fire brigade. (the Spanish emergency number is 112) I know it’s a long way to come but they enjoy the drive and overnight ferry. 7 Refill the minister’s glass even if the stewards say it’s their job. He might want to carry on preaching. 8 Gather outside on the grass in front of Trinity Court if it’s not raining and sing (to the tune of ‘Sing Hosanna’) ‘Then we’ll burn till the Lord comes to meet us, / Then we’ll burn till He comes that day. / Then we’ll go in with Him to the wedding / And be brightly burning all the way.’ – led by the Trinity Singers in the key of E∂. 9 One steward to return up office escape ladder to search for the insurance certificate, or its renewal notice. 10 Ignore all this and follow the plan opposite. 11 The church stewards will tell you what to do next, probably.
Trinity Church Honley Newsletter June 2014
Overseas Missions Group– Phakamisa PHAKAMISA, pronounced pa-ga-mee-sa, is a ministry of Pinetow n Methodist Church (South Africa) and exists to serve and uplift impoverished communities through the provision of educational training, resourcing and support. PHAKAMISA strives to offer a hand UP to people from impoverished communities, reaching out to those whose lives have been affected by the impact of HIV/AIDS with the beneficiaries of our work being the marginalised children. Phakamisa is one of the two Overseas Missions supported by Trinity Church. Last November a new Director was appointed, Mrs Thokozani Khumalo Poswa, (pictured). This is one of the pages from her latest Phakamisa Newsletter. Read it at
Trinity Church Honley Newsletter June 2014
Wordsearch / Letters Letters to the Editor
June Wordsearch
mail- 27 Moorside Rd, Honley, HD9 6HR email-
The story of Pentecost is related in Acts 2. After the Ascension of Jesus, the disciples had obeyed his command to stay in Jerusalem and to ‘wait for the promise from the Father’. Jesus said this would be the ‘B aptism of the Holy Spirit’, but the disciples had no idea what that meant. They soon found out!
PLEASE PUT YOUR ADDRESS AND THE DATE on your letters or emails.
From Wendy Davies, Gynn Lane, 5 May I downloaded and listened to Barbara Hartley’s commemoration service this morning. It reminded me of the many happy times we had together in various places around the world in all sorts of situations; including her having a broken leg in East Germany – and that was a challenge to both of us. The hospital staff only spoke Russian! But we made it back home together despite many difficulties. There was never a dull moment with Barbara and she was a very special friend. From Martin Booth, Grasscroft Road, 11 April T wo days after coming out of hospital I celebrated my birthday which was made extra special by receiving the flowers from Church (on 23 March), so a big thank you to everyone at T rinity. From Elisabeth Robinson, West Avenue, 27 April I’d like to thank everyone for the lovely flowers I received via Sylvia. Much appreciated. From Ken and Ann Jenkin, Greenway, 5 May Dear friends at Trinity Church, Thank you so much for the lovely flowers which were kindly delivered by Sylvia, they are continuing to give us pleasure. We much appreciate all your good wishes and messages of support during Ken's illness. From Joyce Draper, Back Bradshaw Road, 7 May Dear Friends, T hank you to everyone for all the cards, flowers and good wishes on my 80th birthday. I had a lovely day.
Acts tells us that at about 9 o’clock one morning, a sound like a rushing wind from heaven suddenly filled the house, and divided tongues as if of fire rested on each one of them. The Holy Spirit had come down and filled them with his divine power! Praise, preaching and witnessing followed that morning – and the Church was born.
There’s a word in the list below which is not in the square but hidden elsewhere. PENTECOST TRINITY JERUSALEM DISCIPLES PRAYING TONGUES POWER HIGH FIRES
The Charity-Giver’s Lament Oh, woe is me! What have I done? I thought I’d give a helpful sum But here I sit sad and forlorn For I filled in a gift aid form!
Stirley Farm Walk 23 March 2014
The daily stress just makes me groan The ringing, ringing telephone A useful gift I’d thought, for sure. But callers say that they want more!
Trinity with Civic Society Sunday ramble, by Steve Harris
It was a grey day with rain threatening all the time but never really arriving. Our leader Bert Neary introduced us to yet another route through Honley on the way up towards Castle Hill. The walk passed through the new Burial Ground at Hey Lane. There are plenty of spaces available with good views of Honley and the Tower for those who may be interested. (or dead)
I’m lost for words (Dysphonia) The postman’s got a hernia, ‘Please give us more!’ ‘Please change your will!’ This ‘Charity’ just makes me ill. Nigel Beeton
Stirley Farm was closed so, as a storm was brewing, we proceeded swiftly back to Trinity – Thank you Bert.
(This does not apply to Trinity Gift Aid. We will never ring you at teatime)
Trinity Church Honley Newsletter June 2014
Notices Mosquito Nets for Kenya
Lions Cub of Huddersfield Annual Concert in Huddersfield Tow n Hall on Monday 16 June, 7 pm featuring Honley Male Voice Choir and LB Brass. Free admission. Tickets from Kirklees Information Offices or Bob and Jane Armitage tel .665990
Methodist Women in Britain present Last push for Nets for Kenya at Lindley Methodist Church. Saturday 7th June 10.00– 3.00 Coffees, Light lunches, Afternoon teas, Various stalls. 2pm– excerpt from the film drama ‘Mary and Martha’.
Saturday 31st May Coffee Tasting with Grumpy Mule sample their King of the Mountain coffee. Free- 11am - 2pm
Brockholes Methodist Church Wednesday lunches Menu includes soup & roll, salads quiches- served 11.45 to 1.00 pm June 11 & 25.
Regular room bookings at Trinity
The Toll House, Huddersfield Rd, Holmfirth.
Playgroup- Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri (morning) Contact- Carolynn Roberts 661024 Mums & Toddlers- Tuesday morning Contact- Deborah Fawcett 663966 Drama Groups- Friday evening, Saturday morning Contact- Natalie Haigh 340859 / 07840800601 Brow nies- Wednesday evening Contact- Ann Dove 665669 Zumba-(seated Zumba—Friend-to-Friend group) 2nd & 4th Thursdays Contact tel 687773, also Tai ChiWeds 1-3pm fortnightly
Honley Library
Tel 222340
Poetry Readaround - Monday 23 June ‘Summer Solstice Stanzas’ Plus a musical interlude from the Valley Flutes Sextet, conducted by Carol Baxter Valley Flutes, now in its 23rd y ear, is a musical ensemble made up entirely of f lute players. The group was formed by music teacher Carol Baxter to prov ide broader opportunities f or f lautists liv ing in the area and it attracts players of all ages and abilities.
Booking a room at Trinity Church The Upper Room 9.5m x 7m.Capacity 60 seated. Kitchen facilities. Access by stairs, not suitable for wheelchairs. £38.50 per 4 hr session The Arthurs’ Room Ground floor room size 9m x Great for parties! 5.5m. Capacity 35 seated. Facilities for refreshments. Access for disabled. £38.50-£44.00 per 4 hr session. If you know of an organisation looking for a space please recommend Trinity Church. Good for birthday parties, meetings, rehears al rooms etc.
They perform at a variety of events throughout the y ear including concerts, charity ev ents- and now Honley Library.
Bring a poem to read or just enjoy listening to others. 7.15—9.15pm. Free, with refreshments.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Story time for the under 5s- 2.30 pm Friday afternoons in term time. Stories and craft activity. Come on in! BITS – introduction to using a computer Getting started with IT – Wednesday sessions stating at 10 am every 2 weeks from 2nd April. Please book in advance. Honley library book group– Every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10.30. Pick up the choice of the month in advance. Family history- help and advice with an expert. Plus free use of to card holders every 2nd Weds of the month 2 – 4pm Knit and natter. Every Monday 5.30 to 7pm. With free refreshments. The group is currently knitting bunting for the Tour de France route. ‘Friends of Honley Library’ group. For information please contact Pat Thompson, tel. Huddersfield 661541 Trinity Church Honley Newsletter June 2014
URC Yorkshire Assembly – Committee members wanted We are actively seeking new people to serve on the Committee. We are looking for a Secretary, but most importantly, we need new mem bers to assist with the arrangements for this prestigious annual event in our calendar, held in the Spa at Scarborough. The Committee meets jus t twice a year and expenses are payable. Our ne xt meeting is on Monday 29t h September. For further information contact Sue Ripley, Convenor, Yorkshire Assembly committee PHONE: 01482 708026 MOBILE: 07552662779 EMAIL:
Contact Karen Stannard 01484 664648 . For weddings, baptisms, funerals, etc contact Rev Tim Moore 01484 608913 Kirkwood Hospice sells used postage stamps to raise BAPT IS M money for its work; there's a box for them in the vestibule. Please leave a good margi n all round. Colin Hill.
Taylor’s Foodstore Fairtrade Crossw ord (June)
This puzzle is sponsore d by Taylor’s Foodstore Meltham Road, Honley, a local store which supports local charities.
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The back page
Address or tel no May solution: ACROSS: 1 Conscience, 7 Arrival, 8 Yours, 10 Tidy, 11 Restrain, 13 Quaker, 15 Gateau, 17 Athenian, 18 Amen, 21 Eliot, 22 Enables, 23 Impressive. DOWN: 1 Cured, 2 Nave, 3 Calver, 4 Egyptian, 5 Courage, 6 Earthquake, 9 Sinfulness, 12 Leinster, 14 Atheism, 16 Waters, 19 Milne, 20 Taxi The winner is Deborah Fawcett. Congratulations! . Send your entries for this month - cut out, printed-out, or email a list of answers, to the editor by June 15th. Welcome service for new ministers in the circuit. From September there will be two new probationer presby ters in the Huddersf ield circuit. Jo Brown will oversee Hade Edge, Holmf irth and Scholes and Sue Burton Golcar, Linthwaite and Slaithwaite. Their Welcome Service will be on Sunday 31st August at 3pm at a venue yet to be decided.
Our Minister is the Rev Tim Moore He also looks after the Methodist chapels in Scholes, Shepley, Gatehead and Brockholes. Contact details below.
But not in my back yard The vi car w as preachi ng a pow erful sermon concerni ng death and judgment. In the cours e of the sermon, he sai d: “Just thi nk – all of you li vi ng i n thi s pari sh will one day di e.” At thi s, a man i n the front pew began to laugh qui etly. After the s ervi ce the vi car asked hi m w hat he had found so funny about the sermon. The man repli ed: “I w as just so happy that I don’ t li ve i n thi s parish!”
SOME TRINITY CHURCH CONTACTS From outside Hudders field prefix UK area code 01484 For a full list of all the officers and contacts see the website- Minister: Rev Tim Moore, 6a Marsh Lane, Shepley, Huddersfield HD8 8AE. Tel 608913 / 07837 128611 Jane Armitage, 26 Lower Hall, Healey House, Netherton, HD4 7DG Hilary Turner, Rydal Mount, Mearhouse, New Mill, HD9 7EX Sylvia Hallas / Pam Redfearn / Joyce Draper
665990 684704 662929
Room Bookings / Activities Cttee Karen Stannard, 6a Marsh Gardens, Honley HD9 6AF
Secretary Treasurer Pastoral Team
Email addresses
Secretar y:, Newsletter: @ntl
(Editor) John Murray, 27 Moorside Road, Honley HD9 6HR. (Coordinator) Vera Stanley, 46 Stoney Lane, Honley HD9 6DY.
662635 663670
July Newsletter Will be available on Sunday June 29th (DV) Contributions to Vera Stanley or John Murray (by email) by Sunday June15th Photocopier Alan Fawcett Assemblers Joyce & Ken Draper
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Across 1 See 23 Across 3 Where the thief on the cross was told he would be, with Jesus (Luke 23:43) (8) 8 Invalid (4) 9 Blasphemed (Ezekiel 36:20) (8) 11 Adhering to the letter of the law rather than its spirit (Philippians 3:6) (10) 14 Shut (Ecclesiastes 12:4) (6) 15 ‘This is how it will be with anyone who — up things for himself but is not rich towards God’ (Luke 12:21) (6) 17 Mary on Isis (anag.) spreads the word (10) 20 Agreement (Hebrews 9:15) (8) 21 Native of, say, Bangkok (4) 22 Deaf fort (an ag.) is a fair swap (5-3) 23 and 1 Across ‘The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden o f — to work it and take — of it’ (Genesis 2:15) (4,4) Down 1 Struggle between opposing forces (Habakkuk 1:3) (8) 2 Means ‘looking after orphans and widows in their distress and keeping onesel f from being polluted by the world’ (James 1:27) (8) 4 ‘The one I kiss is the man; — him’ (Matthew 26:48) (6) 5 ‘Be joyful in hope, patient in — , faithful in prayer’ (Rom 12:12) (10) 6 St Columba’s burial place (4) 7 Swirling current o f water (4) 10 Loyalty (Isaiah 19:18) (10) 12 ‘God was pleased through the foolishness of what was — , to save those who believe’ (1 Corinthians 1:21) (8) 13 Camp where the angel o f the Lord slew 185,000 men one night (2 Kings 19:35) (8) 16 ‘There is still — — — Jonathan; he is crippled in both feet’ (2 Samuel 9:3) (1,3,2) 18 David Livingstone was one– but did he want independence? (4) 19 Driver & Vehicle Licensing Authority (1,1,1,1)
The winner will get a voucher to take to Tony Washington at the store and get a big block of Cadbury’s Fairtrade Milk Chocolate!