Trinity Church Honley newsletter June 2016

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TRINITY CHURCH HONLEY Newsletter June 2016 The Queen’s 90th birthday was celebrated at Trinity on Sunday 15th May with a royal luncheon organised by the Activities Committee

Leisure Group Outing Holmfirth Methodist Leisure Group met at Trinity on May 10th for a walk around the Honley area led by Joan Vevers. They are seen here after descending the 250 steps from Timinets to Cockatoo tunnel entrance. Back at Trinity the walkers ate their picnic lunches and then heard Rev Tim Moore talk about his Pioneer Ministry and how Mindfulness could help people with depression (page 2). These Circuit outings take a similar form every second Tuesday of the month, and all are welcome to come along. The next one is on June 14th and sets out from Holmfirth Methodist church at 11 o’clock

Newsletter suggested price 30p or £3 p.a. (Free to visitors)

Trinity Church (Methodist-URC) Moorbottom Honley HD9 6DN

Trinity Church June 2016 Sun Time

Minister / Organiser

Vestibule Stewards

Church Stewards


Coffee team Karen Stannard +



Rev Jo Brown

Wendy Peach & Abigail

Margaret Armitage Penny Winterbottom

Jean Barker

Jean Wood Maureen Burley



Rev Helen Roberts (incl Communion)

Alan Fawcett John Murray

Hilary Turner Carolynne Roberts

Karen Stannard

Barbara Leach Pam Redfearn



Marina Woodhead

Marjorie Woodhead Peter Jackson

Margaret Sheppard Pam Redfearn

Rachel Boothroyd

Joyce Draper Audrey Hawkswell



Rev Wesley Loane

Sylvia Hallas Jackie Fawcett

Glenys Pallister Pat Waite

Margaret Spooner

Linda Craven Jean Wood

Toe Talk By Rev Helen Roberts Daily life has so much in it that if we thought about every detail it would be overwhelming. Yet sometimes we are reminded of all the little things that get taken for granted. A Facebook post from a friend working in Ghana about having electricity for only a few hours a day, and trying to nurse in those situations. Or suddenly losing the freedom to just get in the car to go wherever you choose, maybe by injuring your foot? So much ‘just happens’ – except it doesn’t, someone has organised, or cleaned, or done that admin you didn’t know went on to keep the church life going. Home life, and the wider community is much the same – even Gabi Dog helps empty the bin, ok so over the floor is not ideal, but she tries. It is so easy to take all the conveniences we have for granted, and all the people that are part of our lives. After Rev Tim’s talk about his new work, perhaps I could say we need to be more mindful of the things we often have stopped noticing, and then thank people. The other side of things we take for granted is what we are used to doing for ourselves. Independence is something we are encouraged to reach for, and is celebrated – but it also weakens us. We can feel guilty for asking for help, not wanting to ‘bother’ others. We can be good at reaching out to help others yet struggle to let others be useful to us. I am very aware of this weakness in me, though see it in so many others too. Each time we turn down the help of others we take away their chance to give. Paul in 1 Corinthians 12 compares the community that was the church to a body with many parts but each has its place; in a living body there is giving and receiving in each and every cell. We can lift giving up above receiving, but we each need both. That is what it means to be community. But it can be really hard, especially letting others serve us; perhaps we can help each other to learn what it is to be part of the same body. And if you think you are not significant – take note of how a mere toe can turn life upside down

*Sunday 19th- Junior Church. Children leave the main service after about ten minutes and meet in another room. All children and their parents or carers are welcome to join in. They all return to the main service just before it ends. Rachael & Lindsey

Tim Moore talks on Mindfulness I went to a talk Rev Tim gave at Trinity Church yesterday explaining what Mindfulness is and how it can help people with depression. He is passionate about the subject and this shines through as he speaks. Good Luck with this very worthwhile project Tim. Marcia, May 11th. Here’s an extract from Tim’s blog at 19 April It’s been a particularly busy period for the project. Last month I responded to a need that I saw developing amongst schools so I took myself onto a course and added to the skills I already have. I am now qualified to teach mindfulness not only to 11-18 year olds but also to the teachers of 11-18 year olds! I am now running public mindfulness courses – some paid for and some for free (for those who can’t afford a course); I am going into places of learning to teach the students and also the staff and we are now beginning to explore mindfulness from a Christian perspective as ‘spiritual explorers’. What happens from here is important as I hope that those who fund the project will be able to see just how different this is to what we are used to in churches, and just how close to the Gospel mindfulness can bring us.

Thursday evening 9th June at 7pm at the Manse, 7 Mullion Avenue. ‘New Testament – Letters, and that strange book at the back!’


Date Events in June



Bible Course at the Manse., 7pm. New Testament – Letters and that strange book at the back!



Honley Civic Society / Trinity walk. Meet 2.15 at Trinity for circular walk to Deanhouse. Leader: Linda



Holmfirth Methodist Leisure Group. Meet at Holmfirth Methodist Church 11am for walk, picnic lunch and talk



Messy Church 3.30 to 5.30 in The Arthurs’ Room. Jointly with St Mary’s and Elim. Adults welcome along with kids.

Sun 3rd JULY Church Anniversary 10.30am. Preacher Rev Clive Barrett. Afternoon tea 2.30-4pm. Donations to Overseas Missions

Trinity Away Day, Saturday May 7th at Birdsedge Church and led by Sue Taylor

Sue Taylor Members of Trinity church gathered together for the ‘away day’ on Saturday May 7th at Birdsedge church. The theme for the day was ‘Journeys’ and was led by Sue Taylor of Almondbury Methodist Church. We had a really lovely day, not only because of the friendship and relaxed Di’s seven atmosphere we shared together but also because we were given the opportustages journey nity to explore the topic of ‘journeys’ Splitting into three groups we read of the journeys made by Abraham, Jacob & Esau and Naomi & Ruth. We discussed what their journeys were about and most importantly where God was on their journey. . Then we got creative by illustrating and discussing our own life’s journeys. After a delicious lunch served up by a husband and wife team from Birdsedge, we had choices of a short walk in the lovely countryside surrounding the church, or group activity on a collage to illustrate our church’s journey. We also revisited some display boards showing the life of Trinity and its journey, from its beginning in September 1969 up to our 40th Anniversary in September 2009. Many of us found this trip down Memory Lane really did stimulate a lot of animated discussion, and it seemed to give us all a feeling of warmth and comfort. The day finished with prayers and each lighting a candle for a nearby person. Many thanks to Sue for leading us on our journey; to Di and Jane for all their hard work and also the great folks at Birdsedge for the location and the splendid food. Report by Marion Bainbridge and Glenys Pallister

Letter to the Editor. Please always put your address and the date on your letters. Our address is, the back righthand pew, or 27 Moorside Rd, HD9 6HR.

From Valerie Richardson, Westfield, Hastings, Sussex. 15 May Dear Friends at Trinity Church, This time last year I stayed in Honley in our campervan at Wood Nook Lane for two months. I came to Yorkshire with my husband to be near my brother Peter who had been diagnosed with a brain tumour in March and was in his last few weeks. He was cared for wonderfully at Kirkwood Hospice. I came to Trinity Church in Honley on Sundays to worship with you and I want to thank you for the warm kind welcome you gave me, particularly during such a difficult time for us. I was very grateful for your support. With thanks We are back this June to support Kirkwood Hospice for their midnight memory walk. ♣ Local preacher and ex-Lollipop man Trevor Jones died on April 9th, aged 72. A service of celebration for his life was held on April 27th at Wooldale Methodist Church.

The first Pentecost marked the beginning of the Christian church as an official, meaningful movement Somethi ng r em arka ble h app ene d on tha t day that ma de eleven ver y or dina ry m en f rom a d espise d p rovinc e fo rsak e the secu rity o f th eir co nven tional lives a nd g o o ut to pr each a n ew reli gion s o succ essfully that within thirty yea rs it wa s bei ng p ractic ed in Rom e an d ot her maj or c entr es of the Rom an wo rld.

Something remarkable happened on that day that made eleven very ordinary men from a despised province forsake the security of their conventional lives and go out to preach a new religion so successfully that within thirty years it was being practiced in Rome and other major centres of the Roman world. 2016 years later the birth of this new religion, Christianity, is celebrated at Pentecost– commonly known as Whitsun

Flames of Pentecost– by a member of Trinity Junior Church.

The Referendum Debate– A Christian viewpoint On 23 June each of us will be asked to answer the question "Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?" Love your neighbour As Christians we are called to work, live and pray for a better society. This includes participating in the political processes that shape the lives of our communities, our country and our world. It is our identity as followers of Jesus that will both engage us in the referendum and shape our response. How, then, do we allow our faith to inform our answer to one of the biggest political decisions facing the United Kingdom? The gospel accounts remind us that Jesus said the greatest commandment is to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind”, while the second is to “love your neighbour as yourself.”. But what does this have to do with the European Union, the Schengen Agreement and the single market? The answer is that

each of these refers to and directly impacts upon how we relate to each other as individuals, as members of organisations and communities, and as countries and as such, our faith has much to share. The UK has a longstanding relationship with the other nations of Europe. Our churches have well established links with Christian communities and congregations across the continent; these relationships extend to nations that are currently part of the European Union and those that are not. It is not an issue of whether we need and value these relationships, but whether that sense of belonging is best expressed by being part of the European Union. The real referendum question The referendum question might therefore be phrased as: “To what extent does the European Union enhance or hinder our ability to love our neighbour and, in doing so, our ability to love God?”

Regular group meetings at Trinity Playgroup- Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri (morning) Contact- Carolynn Roberts 661024 Toddlers Group Tuesday morning Contact- Deborah Fawcett 663966 Drama Groups- Friday evening, Saturday morning Contact- Natalie Haigh 617468 / 07840800601 Brownies- Wednesday evening Contact- Ann Dove 665669 Bloodwise (previously called Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research group)– every 3rd Tuesday at 7.30pm.Contact Val Akroyd 662852

July Newsletter Will be available on Sunday June 26th (DV) Contributions to Vera Stanley or John Murray (below) by Sunday June 19th

From the editor of Reform the United Reformed Church magazine, March 2016. The big news now, and for the next few weeks, is the pending referendum. I shall be voting to remain in. The EU gives us a chance to talk endlessly with our neighbours; Churchill said “Jaw Jaw is better than War War”. Since the Common Market (as it was then) started seventy years ago, there has been no war involving the EU member states in Western Europe. Another reason for being in the EU is that we have a voice to influence fair trading standards. To do this we need the goodwill of politicians. From outside the EU, we cannot influence them. Produced by the Joint Public Issues Team: the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church, the United Reformed Church and the Church of Scotland

Booking a room at Trinity Church The Upper Room 9.5m x 7m.Capacity 60 seated. Kitchen facilities. Access by stairs only. £39 per 4 hr session The Arthurs’ Room Ground floor room 9m x 5.5m. Great for groups! Capacity 30 seated. Facilities for refreshments. Access for disabled. £45.00 per 4 hr session. Contact Karen Stannard 01484 664648. For weddings, baptisms, funerals, etc contact Rev Helen Roberts Tel 01484 305308

SOME TRINITY CHURCH CONTACTS From outside Huddersfield prefix UK area code 01484 Minister: Rev Helen Roberts, 7 Mullion Avenue, Honley HD9 6GN. Tel 305308 Secretary

Jane Armitage, 26 Lower Hall, Healey House, Netherton, HD4 7DG



Hilary Turner, Rydal Mount, Mearhouse, New Mill, HD9 7EX


Pastoral Team

Sylvia Hallas / Pam Redfearn / Joyce Draper


Room Bookings / Activities Cttee Karen Stannard, 6a Marsh Gardens, Honley HD9 6AF


Email addresses

Secretary:, Newsletter:


(Editor) John Murray, 27 Moorside Road, Honley HD9 6HR. (Coordinator) Vera Stanley, 46 Stoney Lane, Honley HD9 6DY.

662635 663670

The National Anthem explained The Sunday School teacher was exploring the children’s notion of God and asked: “Who is God?” After a few moments thought one six year old replied “I think God is the man who saved the Queen.”

Queen’s Cakes It was billed as a ‘Showstopper of a cake fit for a Queen!’ and they were too– and displayed in the church during the Birthday Celebration luncheon. All these are edible and were made by Joan Vevers, Marion Bainbridge, Freya, Vera Stanley’s niece, Dorothy Alsop, Linda Craven, Margaret Sheppard, Deborah Fawcett.

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