TRINITY CHURCH HONLEY Newsletter September 2015 New Minister moves in Rev Helen Roberts, our new Methodist Circuit minister, moved into a new manse in Honley on August 5th. Find out more on page 3 The New Manse— 7 Mullion Avenue, Honley. Fabric Committee does a good preparation j ob. By Linda Craven Stephen Craven, Fabric Committee member, was asked in March if he would like to go along, with some members of the Huddersfield Methodist Circuit, to visit the ‘New Manse’; and meet our new minister Rev. Helen Roberts. Notes were made then of what needed to be done prior to Helen moving in. This list seemed very long at the time! Church Treasurer Hilary Turner asked if Steve would like the position of Project Manager. After a little thought we both said ‘Yes’ and so our journey began! Fifteen different suppliers and tradesmen were contacted, plus Steve himself and Peter Stephenson as the ‘Odd Job Men’, for which a very big thank you for all the hard work they have put in. We enjoyed the challenge of finding these tradesmen, who couldn’t have been more helpful, bending over backwards to help us complete the work within a six week time scale. If anyone needs a good tradesman for a job I have a list; all of them are to be recommended!
Helen Roberts with Gabi, a Collie/Samoyed cross
We completed this assignment on time and feel very pleased with what has been achieved thank you to everyone who helped us on this project – we really did enjoy doing it.
Newsletter suggested price 30p or £3 p.a. (Free to visitors))
Trinity Church (Methodist-URC) Moorbottom Honley
Trinity Church September 2015 S ERVICES 6
1030 / 3 pm**
Michael Early
Mike Richardson*
Raymond Brook
Rev Helen Roberts
Vestibule Stewards
Linda & Stephen Crav en
Jean Wood Di Harris
Marion Bainbridge Rachel Boothroy d
Peter & Linda Webb
Church Stewards
Hilary Turner Caroly nne Roberts
Margaret Sheppard Pam Redfearn
Glenys Pallister Pat Waite
Bob & Jane Armitage
Eileen Hirst
Elizabeth Robinson
Audrey Hawkswell
Flower Fund
Coffee Margaret Armitage+
Pam Redfearn Linda Crav en
Barbara Leach Ann Hirst
Audrey Hawkswell Sy lvia Hallas
Jean Wood Linda Crav en
Date Time Minister/ Organiser
* Mike Richardson has been a local preacher since 1984 and is currently Treasurer for the Huddersfield Methodist Circuit. Prior to his retirement he worked in the mobile tel ecoms industry for about 10 years, and before that in computer systems in the Defence Industry. Mike and his wife Beth, who is also a local preacher, both reall y appreciat e this area and its people. They lik e to walk and enjoy caravan holidays both locally and further afield .
3.PM: ** WELCOME TO HELEN ROBERTS Helen’s official Welcome Service will be a Circuit Service at Honley Trinity on Sunday 6th September at 3 pm. All are invited to attend. This will also be the occasion when Rev Tim Moore will receive his commission as a Pioneer Minister in the Circuit. Sunday 6th September
The Activ ities Committee Beetle Drive was held on Tuesday afternoon, 28 July. Battle commenced with a frantic hour of dice shaking and searching for arms, legs, eyes and other bits (bodies?). This was followed by well earned tea and cakes and a good chat. A fun afternoon was enjoyed by all.
‘Live without pretending Love without depending Listen without defending Speak without offending’ Seen by Pat Waite in a tea shop in Grassington. It was originally written, or sung, by Aubrey Drake Graham, a Canadian rapper, singer, songwriter, producer and actor, who records under the single name ‘Drake’
1st Anniversary of the TLC lunches was 4th August
Tea makes 90 on the 19th The Anniversary cream tea on 19 th July raised over £90 for Overseas Missions Brockholes Methodist Church We invite you to partake of our soup n' roll lunches every alternate Wednesday 11.45 to 1.oo-- this month that’s 9th & 23rd Bring your friends! Day
Date Events in September Hello and welcome to Rev Helen Roberts with Informal tea and cakes in the Arthurs’ Room between 2pm and 4pm – and welcome to visitors f rom all her churches and any one else who wants to come.
Holmfirth Methodist Leisure Group. Meet at MARSDEN 11am for a walk. Picnic lunch followed by a talk.
Trinity / Civic Society walk. Meet 2.15 at Trinity f or a walk to Spring Wood, led by Bert Neary.
TRINITY AW AY DAY – Our day out to Birdsedge, led by Barbara Rochester. A day of fun, f riends and enjoy ing each others’ company. All welcome including accompanied children. See page 4
Harvest Lunch in Upper Hall at 12.30. Cost £7. Two courses & drink. Please sign up on notice board.
Harvest and Back to Church Sunday. The 1030 service will be led by our minister Rev . Helen Roberts. Please invite f riends, f amilies and neighbours who do not worship with us regularly to come and share in the celebration of Harv est. Please giv e some thought as to who you might inv ite. Our harvest gifts will be giv en to the Methodist Mission in Huddersf ield.
Events coming up in following months Tuesday 13 October- Women’s Fellowship 2.30pm in Arthurs’ Room. First meeting of the new season. Speaker: Rev. Helen Roberts. Chairlady: Margaret Sheppard.
Trinity Church Honley Newsletter September 2015
The Minister’s Column Rev Helen Roberts writes
Arriving in a community as the new minister is a daunting thing; following in the footsteps of all who have gone before, yet not having the same shape feet to step into their shoes. With the images of last month’s newsletter of Rev Tim’s exploits with water and eggs and goodness knows what other tricks and talents I couldn’t possibly emulate – follow that! Well I can’t, at least not in that way; I come as who I am, different to Tim just as the churches I have left behind will find
their new minister to be very different ent, learning to let each one’s gifts to me! and abilities develop and bloom. I am not a great gardener but even I realWe are all unique – all bearing the ised that what was growing from the image of God yet ‘wonderfully made’ half price pack of Lily of the Valley in huge diversity and variety. There that I got at the local garden centre can be a lot of pressure in society to was definitely not ‘what it said on the fit in with one group or another, or to tin’. But pleased that anything I meet other expectations, which boxes planted actually grew I left them in we fit into. People often ask what the ground and had a lovely cluster of kind of dog my Gabi is, the answer poppies! Not what I expected but no may technically be Collie/Samoyed less beautiful for that. cross, but at a deeper level she is simply a Gabi. God calls us to be who he I will be getting to know you, and has made us – for me to be the best you me; we may be surprised by me, and you the best you. He doesn’t what we find and what may grow as call me to be you or you to be me. we travel together over the next five This can be wonderfully freeing, and years. means I don’t need to drown the new Helen manse whilst practicing the non-spill glass of water. Picture shows Helen with ‘a new sort The church is a place where all are to of cake’ at a table top sale held by Tenbury Methodists, where she was be welcomed and our variety celebrated. All ages, all backgrounds, peo- the minister before coming to Honley. ple like us and people who are differ- Ask her about it on September 1st!
A bit of background about Helen. This was written by her for last December’s issue. By the time I j oin you I will be the grand age of 40 – the age they say life begins, well my Yorkshire life at any rate. I grew up in South Wales and have mostly lived within Wales until training for ministry in Birmingham and then 6 years in the Marches– the English side of the Welsh borders– with churches in Herefordshire, Shropshire and Worcestershire. My family, parents and two sisters, are still based in South Wales; I was the only one to fly far from the nest and I have since flown to a range of places with experiences of living and being church: Australia (6 months), Zambia (3 Months) and most recently North Carolina, USA, for a 6 week ministerial exchange. I am a creative person and dabble in a range of crafty hobbies – preferably ones that take less patience and precision. Currently that involved turning empty bottles and windows into bowls with my kiln. The creative edge comes to church life too and I love to see new options and possibilities for how we serve the community and connect with people. Joining you in the Huddersfield Circuit will be new territory for me – I gather I may need some local v ocab. aids or I may end up with the w rong teacakes – but I am looking forward to getting to know you and the community you serv e.
Trinity Church Honley Newsletter September 2015
Lobbyists in London for Climate Change Surfers, beekeepers, nurses, anglers, friars, grandparents, faith leaders and farmers. All descended on Westminster on the 17th June to lobby their MPs on climate change. More than 10,000 people attended the event, organised by the Climate Coalition. Lobbyists stretched from the Houses of Parliament to Lambeth Palace, hoping to speak with their MPs. The day started with a choice of two services at St Margaret’s or the Emmanuel Centre, both attended by the Bishop of Salisbury, the Rt. Revd Nicholas Holtam who said: “Climate change is not just our individual concern. It is our Christian concern together as the church. It is the concern of people of all faiths. The world is our home.” Following the services, lobbyists flocked to meet their MPs who were transported out to their constituents on a flotilla of rickshaws. Jeremy Corbyn, a candidate for the Labour leadership stated that, if elected to lead the Labour Party, he would work on setting the issue of sustainability into policy change. The lobby culminated in a rally on Millbank, hosted by comedian Arthur Smith, Around 350 MPs were lobbied. It is hoped that they will take on board the concern shown by so many of their constituents on the issue of climate change. Source: Christian Aid. Online. June 2015
Wider worship 1 A Church in China Marina Woodhead
In June, I went to China with some Christians from various Chinese Methodist congregations in the UK. We visited some churches and Christian organisations in Shanghai and in some cities in Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces. What I saw and learnt exceeded my expectations. On the last Sunday of our trip, we were at Hangzhou city, the capital of Zhejiang Province, with a population of approximately 9 million. Hangzhou is world famous for the beautiful West Lake. However, it was the visit to Chongyi Church (pictured) which will remain in my memory for a while. Chongyi Church is the largest church in Hangzhou and is also one of the largest in China. Its sanctuary has a capacity for 5,000 people, with a
multi-purpose building for offices and other Christian activities. It is conveniently located near a big shopping mall. Inside, the worship area resembles a huge modern conference centre, complete with a big stage and screens, state-of-art acoustics, and even sign language facilities. It is similar to any evangelical mega-church seen in other parts of the world. For one and a half hours, we joined some 5000 people in lively worship and praise. We listened to an uplifting sermon with the theme ‘Lord, I want to see’, and we shared the Holy Communion. I can only stand in awe and marvel at the wonders of what God has done: I have heard so much about the rapid growth in the number of Christians and churches in China. But nothing prepared me for what I experienced that Sunday …as I witnessed what happened at Chongyi Church… People of all ages – young and old came not grudgingly, but with expectation, joy and vitality…and they left satisfied, having been well fed spiritually. And this is just one of many churches in China that is filled with worshippers every Sunday and even on weekdays… Yes, there are challenges facing churches in China. But…where weren’t there challenges for churches down the centuries? May the Lord continue to bless His work in China and guide His workers there!
Schmittenhohe Jean Wood & Karen Stannard Sunday morning 28 th June; a very different location to our usual Sunday. We are at the 2000m summit of the Schmittenhohe mountain in the Austrian Alps, high above Lake Zellar. There before us is a beautiful but small chapel. Typically Austrian, it is built of wood and known as the Elizabethan chapel. Planned during 1904 / 05 as a memorial to the Empress Elizabeth, it was designed by an architect in Salzburg and built by a carpenter and mason from Zell am See.
The chapel was consecrated on the 10 th Anniversary of the death of the Empress but is no longer used for services. Just to stand and look all around at God’s glorious creation is truly awe inspiring. What a wonderful experience!
And coming this month! Trinity Away Day—on Saturday September 12th at Birdsedge A notice from Di Harris, Jane Armitage and Marion Bainbridge This year we are off to Birdsedge Methodist Church for a day of fellowship and fun. The approximate cost will be £10– depending on the number of participants. The day will start at 9.30am with a 'welcoming' coffee and finish around 3.30-4.00pm with a 'farewell' cup of tea. Lunch will be provided by the good people at Birdsedge. The day will be led by local preacher Barbara Rochester (right) on the theme 'Opening the Treasure'. She says “We will be following God’s treasure trail, exploring our faith and having fun as we try 'new things' together.” Please, please think seriously about taking time away to meet with your fellow church members for what assuredly will be a great day. We hope to see you there! Di, Jane and Marion.
Trinity Church Honley Newsletter September 2015
Wider worship 2 Boundless
Greetings from the Isles of Scilly
Margaret Sheppard & Marion Bainbridge
Steve & Linda Craven Stephen and I spent a week in June on these wonderful islands – just a 15 minute flight from Lands End to St Mary’s (the largest island). There are 5 inhabited islands with a population between them of only 2,200. It is like stepping back in time – where no one seems to lock their front doors and children can run freely (some islands have no cars) so they feel very safe. Crime is just about non-existent, what an idyllic life for a policeman. We stayed in a small flat opposite the Methodist Chapel, so there was no excuse not to partake of the Sunday service. Their minister is Charlie Gibbs and we were given a warm welcome with coffee afterwards where we met other visitors, some of them had returned over 30 times; we have been four. Charlie gives talks every Thursday evening about his life on the islands aptly named “ Scilly Tales”. He told us about when he arrived on the island, by the Scillonian Ferry, along with his chattels and beloved old Land Rover. At the end of the day he asked for the manse key to be told “there has never been one” and so after being there for 7 years he has never locked his door!! He showed us some beautiful slides of the stunning scenery, pure white beaches and the numerous wildlife on the islands. One of the pictures was of the local policeman who he called ‘Laptop’. “Why Laptop” someone asked. Answer, “Because he was a small PC!”
On July 5th, Marion Bainbridge and I went to London to watch the finale of The World Congress of The Salvation Army which was a march down the Mall. The Congress was to celebrate 150 years since William Booth, with his wife Catherine, founded The Salvation Army, outside The Blind Beggar public house in the East End of London. 15,000 Salvationists from 126 countries descended upon London for a week of activities which were based in the O2 arena with some sessions led by General Andre Cox – the 20th General of The Salvation Army. The March down The Mall consisted of 2,500 specially chosen Salvationists. They included 6 Staff bands from various countries, each band followed by a timbrel band of about 30. They were followed by a group of the flags from the 126 countries and the flags were followed by a group Salvationists from those countries. It was very moving to see the group of Salvationist from Pakistan as I had heard the Territorial Commander of that country say, earlier in the week,” It isn’t easy being a Christian in Pakistan” ......but they had just sent 1000 tents to Nepal, apart from their other work in that country. Many Salvationists from various countries had been unable to attend the Congress as they were unable to get visas. General Cox took the salute on the Victoria Memorial and the procession was accompanied, at intervals, by Guardsmen who are also Salvationists.
Linda has to decide whether to take the Republican or Royalist path on Tresco, Isles of Scilly
Cornwall idyll Glenys Pallister I came across an amazing little church whilst on holiday in Cornwall recently. Some of you may perhaps have visited this unique setting where St Just-in-Roseland Church is situated, and will almost certainly have been struck by the sense of peace and beauty which is evident, as the church nestles alongside St Just Pool on the edge of the river Fal. The church was built at the turn of the 13 th century and every year thousands of people from all over the world come to visit this enchanting place in its idyllic location, two miles out from St Mawes. The beautiful sub tropical gardens have been an inspiration for many visitors, and a legend says that Joseph of Arimathea may have brought Jesus ashore here. Whether that is true or not, many people do feel the presence of God at this church and in its gardens. It certainly is an inspiring place of pilgrimage. Trinity Church Honley Newsletter September 2015
Wordsearch / Letters Letters to the Editor
mail- 27 Moorside Rd, Honley, HD9 6HR email-
For some reason, the Church gives thanks f or angels in September. The 29th is the feast day of Michael and All Angels.
Since the days of Genesis, these messengers of God hav e been sent many times to interv ene f or the good in human affairs. Angels guarded the Garden of Eden, they led Lot away from Gomorrah, they helped Gideon, they stopped Balaam, they closed the mouths of lions f or Daniel, and, most important, the archangel Gabriel was sent to tell Mary that she would mother the Messiah.
From Ruth Skelton, Longlands Bank, 12 July To all my friends at Trinity; thank you very much for the beautiful flowers Marjorie gave me on Sunday. It was very much appreciated. All my love. Ruth. ♣ From Jean Hutchinson, Bradshaw Road. 9 August What a nice surprise I had when Sylvia brought me the beautiful flowers for my 80th birthday. They gave me a lot of pleasure for a long time. Thank you all at Trinity. ♣ From Barbara Watterson, Stoney Lane, 9 August Dear Friends, Many thanks to you all for the beautiful flowers, good wishes and cards, which I received for my 90 th Birthday. I had a wonderful day. Many thanks once again, Barbara. ♣ From Irene Hilton, Roundway,10 August To my Friends at T rinity Church.. I thank Margaret Sheppard for the lovely flowers she gave me after our lovely lunch the ladies served us. It is so kind of them and it’s lovely to meet old friends. So I say a big thank you and hope to see you next time. Irene Hilton. ♣
Angels sat in the empty tomb of Jesus, and told of His Resurrection. Rev elation is teaming with angels, sent on all sorts of missions by God in the last times. Today , many Christians in the world’s hot spots report hav ing had angels help them when in mortal danger.
Meals on Wheels in Honley? Wooldale Meals on Wheels has been delivering nutritious hot meals to people’s homes in Holmfirth for two years now. The meals are prepared by a local chef and we deliver them between 12.15 and 1.15 pm every Friday.
There’s a word in the list below which is not in the square but hidden elsewhere in the newsletter. THANKS ANGELS C HURCH F EAST MICHAEL ALL GENESIS MESSENGERS GOD
We would like to extend the service to Honley if there are enough people interested in volunteering and enough potential clients to benefit.
We will help you to get going and supply the insulated ‘Tiffin Tins’ that keep the meals warm. If you are interested in helping or know someone w ho could benefit, please get in touch. Angela Payne 01484 685009
Diamond Wedding Ken and Joyce Draper will be celebrating their Diamond Wedding Anniversary on Thursday September.10th They will be "At Home" between 2.00 and 5.00pm and invite friends to call for a cup of tea and cake. They look forward to sharing this happy day with you.
Who gets Meals on Wheels?
Trinity Church Honley Newsletter September 2015
Notices Messy church is a form of church for children and adults together that inv olves creativity, celebration and hospitality. It starts with a welcome, followed by a long period of creativity time to explore the biblical theme by getting messy; a short celebration time with a story, prayer, song, games etc; followed by a sit-down meal together at tables. All these are shared by people of all ages; both adults and children. It is a fun way of doing church. Messy Church Honley is run j ointly by St Mary’s, Elim and Trinity churches. The next event is 3.30- 5.30pm on Saturday 26 Sept. (at St Mary's)
PHAKAMISA—supported by the Ov erseas Mission Group (OMG) of Trinity Church Phakamisa is an outreach of Pinetown Methodist Church, Durban, South Africa PHAKAMISA (UK) is a registered charity (1095757) and our principal role is to collect all the money donated in the UK, through individuals, groups and churches and send it to PHAKAMISA in Pinetown, South Africa, the focus of the charity’s efforts. The UK Trust comprises a dozen trustees, from around the UK, who meet twice a year. In between the main trust meetings, sub-committees ensure that agreed actions are implemented.
Booking a room at Trinity Church
We aim to raise over £100,000 per annum and we transfer funds to Pinetown monthly, which helps the team there plan its work in accordance with the resources available.
The Upper Room 9.5m x 7m.Capacity 60 seated. Kitchen facilities. Access by stairs, not suitable for wheelchairs. £38.50 per 4 hr Great for session parties! The Arthurs’ Room Ground floor room size 9m x 5.5m. Capacity 30 seated. Facilities for refreshments. Access for disabled. £38.50-£44.00 per 4 hr session. If you know of an organisation looking for a space please recommend Trinity Church. Good for birthday parties, meetings, rehears al rooms etc.
There are many people in the UK who make regular donations and there are also specific fund-raising activities organised by church groups and other organisations. Trinity OMG aims to raise £500 each year. WHO WE ARE The UK Trustees are all Christians who have knowledge and experience of the work of PHAKAMISA and are committed to supporting the work by raising awareness of this ministry here in the UK. We come from all walks of life from all areas of the country bringing to the Trust a range of talents and gifts.
Contact Karen Stannard 01484 664648. For weddings, baptisms, funerals, etc
Honley Aid In Sickness
Whilst we don’t have trustees living in every region, each trustee is responsible for areas of the country and so we are able to cover the whole of the UK including Northern Ireland’
Honley Aid in Sickness (Charity No 237203) provides small grants for those who are sick and in need. Grants may be awarded towards help with heating costs, domestic help, convalescence, and in some cases equipment, which fall outside the remit of the NHS or Social Services. Referrals may be through local GPs and other professionals but anyone resident in the parish of Honley and its neighbourhood is welcome to apply. Contact Diana Kaye on 666424 for further details.
Our area is Yorkshire & Humberside – South, West, North Yorkshire, East Riding & part of North Lincs. PHAKAMISA is pronounced pa-gamee-sa, a Zulu w ord meaning 'to uplift.' PHAKAMISA is uplifting and empow ering people from impoverished communities.
Regular room bookings at Trinity Playgroup- Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri (morning) Contact- Carolynn Roberts 661024 Toddlers Group Tuesday morning Contact- Deborah Fawcett 663966 Drama Groups- Friday evening, Saturday morning Contact- Natalie Haigh 617468 / 07840800601 Brow nies- Wednesday evening Contact- Ann Dove 665669 Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research group– every 3rd Tuesday from Sept 16th at 8pm. Contact Val Akroyd 662852
Honley Library Tel 222340 An evening with Julia Deakin, Tuesday 22nd Sept, 7.30- 9pm. Acclaimed prizewinning, widely published Huddersfield poet. Tickets £2 (including refreshments). Ring the llibrary to reserve your seat Honley library book group– Every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10.30. Pick up the book of the month in advance. U3A Book Group– 8 Sept, 13 Oct, 10 Nov, 8 Dec at 1.45pm Knit and natter. Every Monday 2. to 3.30pm. Free refreshments. Trinity Church Honley Newsletter September 2015
The back page Taylor’s Foodstore Fairtrade September Crossw ord
This puzzle is sponsore d by Taylor’s Foodstore Meltham Road, Honley, a local store which supports local charities. The winner will get a voucher to take to Tony Washington at the store and get a big block of Cadbury’s Fairtrade Milk Chocolate!
Name Address or tel no July Solution. ACROSS: 1, John. 3, And James. 8, Near. 9, Omission. 11, Theocratic. 14, Asleep. 15, By-path. 17, Stalingrad. 20, Backbone. 21, Baca. 22, Whose eye. 23, Seth. DOWN: 1, Jonathan. 2, Heavenly. 4, No meat. 5, Justifying. 6, Maid. 7, Sins. 10, Acceptable. 12, Marriage. 13, Shadrach. 16, Plenty. 18, A bow. 19, ECHO. Entries from David Murray, John Hardy, Alison Booth, Lyn Boothroyd, Sylvia Hallas, Gwyneth Loane and the winner Margaret Sheppard. Send your entries for this month - cut out, printed-out, or email a list of answers, to the editor by August 16th Our Minister is Rev Helen Roberts. As well as Honley she has responsibility for three other Methodist chapels: Shepley, Gatehead and Brockholes. (and a dog) Contact details below.
Across 8 Where the Ark of the Covenant was kept fo r 20 years (1 Sa 7:1) (7,6) 9 One of the parts of the body on which blood and oil were put in the ritual cleansing from infectious skin diseases (Lev 14:14–17) (3) 10 Uncom fortabl e (3,2,4) 11‘Yet I have loved Jacob, but Esau I have — ’ (Malachi 1:3) (5) 13 Where Paul said farewell to the elders of the church in Ephesus (Acts 20:17) (7) 16 ‘Jesus bent down and — to write on the ground with his fing er’ (John 8:6) (7) 19 Prophet from Moresh eth (Jeremiah 26:18) (5) 22 Comes between Exodus and Numbers (9) 24 and 2 Down ‘Then Elkanah went home to Ramah, but the boy ministered befo re the Lord under — the — ’ (1 Samuel 2:11) (3,6) 25 There was no room for them in the inn (Luke 2:7) (4,3,6) Down 1 Rough drawing (2 Kings 16:10) (6) 2 See 24 Across 3 Underground literature (including Christian books) circulated in the Soviet Union (8) 4 Lo, mash (anag.) in greeting (6) 5 The Bible’s shortest verse: ‘Jesus — ’ (John 11:35) (4) 6 ‘Can a mother forg et the baby at her — and have no compassion on the child she has borne?’ (Isaiah 49:15) (6) 7 Can be seen in a dying fire (Psalm 102:3) (6) 12 ‘Send me, therefo re, a man... experienced in the — of engraving, to work in Judah and Jerusalem’ (2 Chronicles 2:7) (3) 14 Second city of Cyprus (8) 15 United Nations Association (1,1,1) 16 One of the women who first heard that Jesus had risen from the dead (Mark 16:1) (6) 17 Braved (an ag.) but modified the action (6) 18 — of Evangelism, outreach initiative in the 1990s (6) 20 ‘Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and — in their own sight’ (Isaiah 5:21) (6) 21 ‘Neither — nor depth... will be able to separate us from the love of God’ (Romans 8:39) (6) 23 What Jesus shed in 5 Down (4) SAINT
Don’t forget the Harvest Lunch on Sunday 20th. Two courses for just £7
SOME TRINITY CHURCH CONTACTS From outside Huddersfield prefix UK area cod e 01484 For a full list of all the officers and contacts see the website- Minister: Rev Helen Roberts, 7 Mullion Avenue, Honley HD9 6GN. Tel 305308 Secretary Jane Armitage, 26 Lower Hall, Healey House, Netherton, HD4 7DG
Hilary Turner, Rydal Mount, Mearhouse, New Mill, HD9 7EX
Pastoral Team
Sylvia Hallas / Pam Redfearn / Joyce Draper
Room Bookings / Activities Cttee Karen Stannard, 6a Marsh Gardens, Honley HD9 6AF 664648 Email addresses
Secretar y:, Newsletter: @ntl
(Editor) John Murray, 27 Moorside Road, Honley HD9 6HR. (Coordinator) Vera Stanley, 46 Stoney Lane, Honley HD9 6DY.
662635 663670
October Newsletter Will be available on Sunday Sept 27th (DV) Contributions to Vera Stanley or John Murray by Sunday Sept 13th Printer Alan Fawcett Assemblers Joyce Draper Ken Draper