Perspective from South Chongqing Natural History Museum This museum is situated to the north of Chongqing where many dinosaur fossils have been found. It will be used to preserve and exibit the fossils, and will provide workplace for archaeologists. The hilly site situated in an outskirt of Chongqing which is famous for its hot springs. We chose a building form that adapt to the topography and has a visual connection with its exibits: dinosaur fossils. My task on the project was conceptual design, making digital study models,making diagrams. The design was one of the 3 finalists of the competition.
Time Location Type Size
2007 Chongqing,China Culture building 30,800 ㎥
Permanent exibition Temporary exibition Research Elevator Audio room Service
Combination of 5 units
Sections of sturctural unit