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Steinberg Education & Publishing
Empowerment is my life theme. Life-long learning for all is my goal. Education and leadership are my center. I reach out to do my part to create a better world through books, lectures, courses and through my blog and Facebook pages in Swedish and English. My background in brief: Ph D in educational psychology, author of 48 books and 600 magazine/newsletter columns. I have been a public speaker for 40 years, enjoy large groups and use a lot of interactivity in my presentations and courses. Follow me in Swedish at and in English hunt on Facebook for Steinberg Education & Publishing. Twitter: @johnsteinberg1 Currently building
Anna Neubeck
Ulrica Truedsson
Christian Persman
Jane Almquist
Christina Höij Sidenholm
Annika Sandahl
Britt Carlberg-Bryde
Camille Thisell
susanna engdahl
Ulf Martinsson
Laila Bjurström
Charlotta Forseth Fjärrfors
Inger Malmberg
Andreas Hultin
Johan Lundh
Sara Andersson
Eva Petersson
Saul Llanes
Barbro Johansson
Ulf Martinsson
Heidi Olsson
Monica Andersson
Johan Wahlström
Dagmar Machutta
Anneli Frodesjö
Cia Tiberg
Ingela Roos
Johan Lindberg
Jenny Lindgren
Las Vegas GED
Tom Björklund
Marie Ekström
Ann-Mari Ståhl
Lina Karvonen
Kjell Hemmingsson
Linda Almqvist