by Fitness Coach –
Partner up fitness ! Pairing up your routine with a fitness buddy is more than just fun—it’s also a great way to get in a full workout, no equipment required! by Alyssa Shaffer – Workout by Gino Caccavale
SQUAT SIDE KICK WORKS: HIPS, LEGS >> Stand side by side with your partner, both facing forward, with feet wider than hip
distance apart, knees soft. >> Partner A squats down, bending both knees about 90 degrees, keeping hands in
front of chest. >> Partner B does a side kick over Partner A’s head, kicking out from the hips and
keeping inner thigh facing floor. >> Without pausing, Partner A stands up and does a side kick as Partner B drops to a
squat. Repeat for 2 sets of 20 reps per side.
OPPOSITE-ARM SQUAT AND TAP WORKS: SHOULDERS, CORE, LEGS >> Standing an arm’s distance away, face your partner, feet slightly wider than
shoulder width. Grasp your partner’s opposite wrist. >> Squat down, reaching your free arm toward the floor; use your partner’s support to
go as deeply as you can into the squat. >> Stand up, keeping extended arm straight. >> Do 2 sets of 15 reps; switch arms second set.
PLANK CROSS PUNCH WORKS: SHOULDERS, CORE >> Begin in a full plank position with partners facing each other about 2 feet apart,
arms extended with palms on floor under shoulders. >> Partner B punches right hand of Partner A with right hand, extending arm out from
shoulder. Switch hands and repeat on opposite side. >> Do 25 punches with each hand; switch tasks. Do 2 rounds (100 punches).
WHEELBARROW PUSHUPS WORKS: ARMS, SHOULDERS, CHEST, CORE, LEGS >> Partner A stands with arms extended at sides, grasping Partner B’s ankles, who
begins facedown on the floor. >> Partner B extends both arms into a full pushup position, keeping hands in fists on
floor under shoulders. >> Partner B lowers chest toward floor, keeping head in line with spine and bending
elbows. Push back to start and repeat. >> Do 15 pushups; switch positions. Do 2 sets total.
RESISTED WINDSHIELD WORKS: OBLIQUES >> Partner A stands with feet hip-distance apart. Partner B begins faceup on floor
between Partner A’s feet, legs extended, grasping the back of Partner A’s ankles. Partner B lifts legs above hips while Partner A holds on to outside of feet with both hands. >> Partner A pushes Partner B’s legs to right side; Partner B keeps legs together and
extended, lowering as far as comfortable to the right. Partner B returns to start and repeats, this time bringing legs to left side. >> Continue for 20 reps per side; switch positions and repeat. Do 2 sets total.
SINGLE-ARM GETUP ROW WORKS: BACK, LEGS >> Partner A begins in a staggered stance, left foot forward and right foot a couple of feet back with right arm outstretched. Partner B begins in a wide squat position grasping Partner A’s hand with right hand. >> Partner A rows right elbow toward side while Partner B drives off heels to stand up. >> Partner A helps Partner B slowly lower to floor, keeping constant tension between each other. >> Do 15 reps, then switch positions. On the next set through, change arms so left hands are grasping each other. Switch tasks and repeat, with Partner A squatting.
PRESS-UP PUSHUP WORKS: TRICEPS, SHOULDERS, CHEST, CORE >> Partner A lies faceup on floor with legs together, arms extended toward ceiling.
Partner B straddles partner’s legs, clasping hands. >> Partner A lowers elbows to floor, then presses upward. >> Partner B performs a pushup on Partner A’s extended arms, keeping core tight and
head in line with spine. >> Continue for a total of 15 pushups, then switch positions and repeat.
1. Website: 2. Amazing Muscle & Fitness Hers – July 2016 - Page 111 3. Wikipedia