Congratulations to all of our graduates and their families from all of us here at the Four Oaks Journal!
It’s the end of a long journey and the culmination of years of hard work – for students and families alike.
It’s a time for celebration, and a time for joy.
That’s what this month’s issue is all about. Honoring the achievements of just a few of our local graduates within these pages.
Randy Capps randy@fouroaksjournal.com
This would not have been possible without the hard work of Dr. Eddie Price and the good folks at South Johnston High School, specifically Brandy Peters and Katie Medlin, who went above and beyond the call of duty to help us with this project.
Now, some food for thought.
In the midst of graduation festivities, it’s tempting to stand at the finish line and look back at the course.
Maybe remembering the obstacles, smiling about the good times and ruing the bad.
That’s natural.
What’s important to remember is that while this race may be over, the next one is just beginning.
Some of you will be heading off to college. Others, to even more college. A few of you will be entering the work force.
No matter what road you’re taking next, make sure you attack it with the same energy and fire with which you arrived at graduation day.
I’ll leave you with a few lines from the best graduation story ever written, “Oh, the Places You’ll Go:”
You’ll get mixed up, of course, as you already know. You’ll get mixed up with many strange birds as you go. So be sure when you step. Step with care and great tact and remember that Life’s a Great Balancing Act. Just never foget to be dexterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left.
And will you succeed?
Yes! You will, indeed!
(98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)
Jimmy Abdalla of South Johnston High School has been named the 2015 Johnston County Schools Adult Volunteer of the Year. He was recognized at the annual PTA/PTO Council meeting, held at Smithfield-Selma High School on April 23.
Abdalla has served as a volunteer for students and as a volunteer football coach since 2005 at South Johnston High School. He has had two children to graduate from the school, but his motivation to serve the school is rooted more deeply in his love for the students and the community.
During the last 10 years, he has provided clothing for athletes who could not afford spirit wear, purchased T-shirts for the football staff and players, transported coaches and provided funds for them to attend clinics, paid for all the players who needed funding to attend football camps and consistently served as a mentor to athletes without functional families.
Submitted by Johnston County Schools
Jacob Ellis placed third in the Johnston County Schools District Elementary Spelling Bee held on March 17 at Selma Elementary. Ellis, the son of Donovan and Carla Ellis of Four Oaks, is a fifth grader in Mrs. Sarah Cayton’s class at Four Oaks Elementary School.
Four Oaks Elementary’s Jill Parrish was named Johnston County Schools Media Specialist of the Year earlier this Spring.
Parrish, who has been with the school since 1998, was described this way by JCS Chief Personnel Officer Brian Vetrano: “Positive, Worker Bee, Problem Solver, Resource, Always Seeking, Gets the job done no matter what obstacles are in the way,” he said.
The Four Oaks location of Horizon Family Medicine has a new doctor on staff, and she’s excited to be in town.
Dr. Monica Selak joined the staff in August of last year, and she’s quickly found her place in the practice.
“I just love taking care of moms and babies,” Dr. Selak said. “I think it’s my little niche in the practice.”
While she enjoys that part of her job, Dr. Selak is also proud of the wide range of services provided by Horizon Family Medicine.
“I think Horizon’s unique because we do full scope family medicine, which is pretty
unusual for a private practice,” Dr. Selak said. “We do everything from delivering babies to taking care of our own patients when they’re hospitalized. I think that’s great because you don’t have to necessarily see a whole bunch of other providers when you’re in the hospital or thinking about having a family.”
Even if your medical concerns aren’t quite that serious, the practice is equipped to meet a variety of medical needs.
“It’s also nice because our facilities are set up where we can do our own lab work, take x-rays, ultrasounds – we do a lot of our own testing as well,” Dr. Selak said. “Folks don’t have to go to the hospital or to an outside
facility. We try to keep everything as a onestop shop.”
Dr. Selak, 30, is a northeast Ohio native and a Notre Dame and University of Cincinnati graduate. Most recently, she spent three years completing her residency in Chapel Hill.
So, working in Four Oaks is a different experience for her.
“It’s smaller than where I grew up, but it’s nice,” Dr. Selak said. “Everyone knows each other or has some familiarity with each other. It’s nice working with Dr. (Stan) Watson. He’s from here, and it’s been a nice transition to be able to use him to get to know the area and the people.”
Alan Luke Johnson School: South Johnston
Age: 18
Post-graduate plans: My post-graduate plans are to attend a community college for two years, then transfer to a university to pursue a Masters degree in Nursing.
What (if anything) will you miss most about school?: There are many things I will miss about high school. I will miss the relationships and friendships during these four years with my teammates and coaches who have been a part of basketball, soccer and baseball.
Favorite subject/s: Math
Hobbies/interests: Play basketball, ride four-wheelers and hang out with friends and family
Favorite book: The Bible
Favorite TV show: “Mike and Molly”
Amber Hill
School: South Johnston
Age: 17
Post-graduate plans: I plan to major in Art Education at UNC Pembroke.
Favorite subject/s: Math and English
Hobbies/interests: Color guard and winter guard
Ana Leslie Martinez Garcia School: South Johnston Age: 17
Post-graduate plans: I plan on either going to the Chef’s Academy to pursue a culinary degree or start out at Johnston Community College taking Business or Accounting classes.
What (if anything) will you miss most about school?: I will definitely miss seeing my friends every day and the simpleness of high school for going to college or starting a career will be adventurous.
Favorite subject/s: Art, English and Math
Hobbies/interests: Reading, crafts and drawing
Favorite book: “Divergent” by Veronica Roth
Favorite TV show: “Hell’s Kitchen”
Andrew Van Hoy School: UNC Wilmington Age: 23
Post-graduate plans: I plan to find work relating to my major (Psychology). I will also be preparing to apply to a Master’s of Social Work program within the state (UNCW is my first choice), so finding work in the social work field is also an option. Basically, I will be preparing myself to re-enter school as a graduate student studying social work. After I receive my master’s in social work, I plan on completing the requirements to be licensed as a clinical social worker. What, if anything, will you miss most about school?: I will definitely miss the atmosphere that a college campus offers. I will miss the friends I have made here as well as the professors who I have worked with closely over the past few years.
Favorite subjects: Well Psychology is definitely my favorite subject, more specifically Abnormal Psychology and Theories of Counseling and Therapy. I have always enjoyed and appreciated History and English as well. I am not a fan of Math!
Hobbies/interests: Playing guitar, fishing, listening to music, reading, spending time with friends
Favorite book: “Cat’s Cradle” by Kurt Vonnegut
Favorite TV show: “The Office”
Brett Clifton
School: South Johnston
Age: 17
Post-graduate plans: I plan on attending UNC Wilmington for Pre-Engineering and then transferring to N.C. State to earn my degree.
What (if anything) will you miss most about school?: I will miss the teachers as well as my fellow students.
Favorite subject/s: Math and History
Hobbies/interests: Hanging out with my friends, playing basketball and fishing
Favorite book: “Big Red” by Jim Kjelgaard
Favorite TV show: “SportsCenter”
Brianna Williams
School: South Johnston
Age: 17
Post-graduate plans: I plan to attend N.C. State to major in Biology and then continue my education in medical school in order to become a general practitioner.
What (if anything) will you miss most about school?: Seeing my best friends every day
Favorite subject/s: Science
Hobbies/interests: Tennis, softball and reading
Favorite book: “When Crickets Cry” by Charles Martin
Favorite TV show: “Grey’s Anatomy”
Brittany Benson
School: South Johnston
Age: 18
Post-graduate plans: Pursuing a career in the Radiography field.
What (if anything) will you miss most about school?: The flexible schedule. You may have school really early, but by 2:20 p.m., it is over.
Favorite subject/s: Math and Health Sciences
Hobbies/interests: Fishing, hunting and volunteering
Favorite book: “The Fault in Our Stars” by John Green
Favorite TV show: “Grey’s Anatomy” and “The Vampire Diaries”
Cassidy L. Guignard
School: Johnston Community College
Age: 21
Post-graduate plans: Hopefully going to CT school, or continuing my education by getting my Bachelor’s in Radiologic Sciences. I have also thought about going two more years after getting my (degree) to become a radiology assistant.
What (if anything) will you miss most about school?: Learning has always been something I love to do, so just seeing how things work or discovering new things I will certainly miss!
Favorite subject/s: Physics
Hobbies/interests: Reading
Favorite book: “Where the Wild Things Are” by Maurice Sendak
Favorite TV show: “Grey’s Anatomy”
Chase Dudley
School: South Johnston
Age: 17
Post-graduate plans: Planning to attend Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Fla., to pursue a degree in Aeronautical Science and become a pilot.
What (if anything) will you miss most about school?: Hanging out with friends and going fishing. Working at my apprenticeship with Caterpillar.
Favorite subject/s: Marine Science
Hobbies/interests: Fishing, racing, trucks and cars and guitars
Favorite TV show: “Street Outlaws” and “Wicked Tuna”
Dalton Baggett
School: South Johnston
Age: 17
Post-graduate plans: Planning to attend N.C. State
What (if anything) will you miss most about school?: Certain people
Favorite subject/s: History
Hobbies/interests: Bushcrafting
Favorite book: “Gift from the Sea” by Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Favorite TV show: “Dual Survival”
Hannah Leigh Bridges
School: South Johnston
Age: 18
Post-graduate plans: Acquire a Bachelors degree in Sciences at East Carolina or become a physician’s assistant through its medical programs.
What (if anything) will you miss most about school?: The thing I will miss most about high school is not having as much responsibility and all of the friends I will no longer see because we are going our separate ways.
Favorite subject/s: Biology and Health Sciences
Hobbies/interests: Drawing, painting and listening to music
Favorite book: “Night” by Elie Wiesel
Favorite TV show: “Ink Masters,” “Face Off” and “Supernatural”
Heather Baker
School: South Johnston
Age: 18
Post-graduate plans: I plan to attend Campbell University for four years to obtain my Bachelors degree in Nursing and become a neonatal nurse. What (if anything) will you miss most about school?: The teachers and classmates.
Favorite subject/s: Health Sciences
Hobbies/interests: Reading and socializing
Favorite book: “The Best of Me” by Nicholas Sparks
Favorite TV show: “Friends”
Hector Arcia
School: South Johnston
Age: 18
Post-graduate plans: Attend college
What (if anything) will you miss most about school?: Sports. If I could restart high school, I would.
Favorite subject/s: Math and Science
Hobbies/interests: Playing sports
Favorite TV show: “Big Bang Theory”
Hunter Aaron Rhodes
School: South Johnston
Age: 17
Post-graduate plans: I plan to attend N.C. State University and major in Crop Science.
What (if anything) will you miss most about school?: I will miss the teachers, as well as the “tight-knit” atmosphere of the school.
Favorite subject/s: Math and Science
Hobbies/interests: Hunting, customizing vehicles and FFA events.
Favorite book: “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee
Favorite TV show: “Martin”
Jessica Langston
School: South Johnston
Age: 17
Post-graduate plans: After graduation, I plan to attend nursing school to receive my RN license, then transfer to get my BSN.
What (if anything) will you miss most about school?: I think what I will miss the most about school is the people I have grown up with since kindergarten.
Favorite subject/s: Math and Science
Hobbies/interests: Cheerleading
Favorite book: “The Fault in Our Stars” by John Green
Favorite TV show: “Grey’s Anatomy”
Jose Gonzalez
School: South Johnston
Age: 17
Post-graduate plans: Undecided
What (if anything) will you miss most about school?: Not having adult responsibilites (bills, taxes, etc.).
Favorite subject/s: Science
Hobbies/interests: Reading, movies and music
Favorite book: Book? As in one book? Pfft. “The Great Gatsby,” “Perks of Being a Wallflower,” the entire “A Song of Ice and Fire” series and the entire “Lord of the Rings” series.
Favorite TV show: “Scrubs”
Nykia Walker School: South Johnston
Age: 18
Post-graduate plans: I plan to attend Wake Tech for two years and then transfer to East Carolina to major in Biology. I will then go to medical school to become a surgeon.
What (if anything) will you miss most about school?: I will miss being involved with various activities with school, especially sports. I will mostly miss bonding with my teachers.
Favorite subject/s: English
Hobbies/interests: Cheerleading, medicine (helping and curing people)
Favorite book: “Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens
Favorite TV show: “Grey’s Anatomy”
Spencer Stone
School: South Johnston
Age: 18
Post-graduate plans: Planning to attend N.C. State in the Fall and pursue a degree in Environmental Sciences.
What (if anything) will you miss most about school?: Athletics
Favorite subject/s: Sciences
Hobbies/interests: Hiking, traveling and playing sports
Favorite book: “All Quiet on the Western Front” by Erich Maria Remarque
Favorite TV show: “The Following”
Stephanie Luna
School: South Johnston
Age: 17
Post-graduate plans: Attend Johnston Community College and then transfer to UNC or ECU.
What (if anything) will you miss most about school?: Mr. Loia’s Italian class and my friends.
Favorite subject/s: Science and Math
Hobbies/interests: Music
Favorite book: The Bible
Favorite TV show: “Pretty Little Liars”
Taylor Carter
School: South Johnston
Age: 18
Post-graduate plans: I plan to attend a four-year university and obtain a nursing degree.
What (if anything) will you miss most about school?: I will miss the faculty of South Johnston High School.
Favorite subject/s: History
Hobbies/interests: Tennis
Favorite book: “The Lucky One” by Nicholas Sparks
Favorite TV show: “Hart of Dixie”
Tori Clymore School: South Johnston
Age: 17
Post-graduate plans: Planning to attend UNC Charlotte, major in Biology and become a physician’s assistant. What (if anything) will you miss most about school?: The SJHS faculty and environment. TROJAN Family!
Favorite subject/s: Science
Hobbies/interests: Soccer, HOSA and yearbook
Favorite book: “Blue Like Jazz” by Donald Miller
Favorite TV show: “Grey’s Anatomy”
Johnston County Schools is sending six of its best and brightest students to the prestigious Governor’s School of North Carolina. The names of the selected students along with their area of concentration and their high school are as follows: Robin Braswell, Johnston County Early College Academy (Social Science); Mitchell Burleson, Corinth Holders High School (Instrumental Music); Melaine Hardee, South Johnston High School (Natural Science); Isha Henry, Clayton High School (Instrumental Music); Noah Kiser, Smithfield-Selma High School (Instrumental Music); and Maya Palmer, Cleveland High School (English).
Governor’s School of North Carolina is a five-week summer residential program for intellectually gifted high school students, integrating academic disciplines, the arts, and unique courses on each of two campuses. The curriculum focuses on the exploration of the most recent ideas and concepts in each discipline, and does not involve credit, tests, or grades.
Principals, school counselors, and teachers nominate applicants and send their names to the superintendent. A district committee then determines which of the school nominees will be sent for final selection at the state level. There are 10 curriculum areas: art, choral music, dance, English, foreign language (French and Spanish), instrumental music, mathematics, natural science, social science and theater.
Governor’s School is the oldest statewide summer residential program for academically or intellectually gifted high school students in the nation. The school is located on two campuses of up to 275 students
Johnston County students heading to Governor’s School include, front row, from left: Maya Palmer, Noah Kiser, Robin Braswell, and Isha Henry. Melaine Hardee and Mitchell Burleson are on the back row.
each: Governor’s School-West at Salem College in Winston-Salem, and Governor’s School-East at Meredith College in Raleigh. About 32,000 people have attended since the school was founded by former Governor Terry Sanford in 1963.
Submitted by Johnston County Schools
Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Story Time
James Bryan Creech Public Library
Listen to a fun story and enjoy singing songs. For more information, visit www.fouroakslibrary.webs.com or call (919) 963-6013.
June 6, 6:30 a.m.
Neuse River Spring Clean
The 12-mile section that will be our focal point for the day stretches from the canoe launch at Howell Woods to the N.C. Wildlife Resource Commission Boat Ramp on Richardson Bridge Road. Along the paddle we will collect litter for proper disposal while adding an educational aspect to the day, sharing our knowledge of the Neuse River and its inhabitants. Register by contacting the Learning Center at (919) 938-0115.
June 6, 3 to 7 p.m.
Cruise In
Main Street, Four Oaks
View classic cars and spend some time on Main Street in Four Oaks. For more information, call 919-963-4004 or visit www.fouroaksareachamber.com.
June 12, 8 p.m.
Four Oaks Fire Department
Free Family Movie Night Barbour’s Grove Park
June 13, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
A Day in the Life of a Civil War Soldier Bentonville Battlefield
Learn about soldiers’ daily routines, uniforms and equipment. There will also be infantry and artillery demonstrations. For more information, call 910-594-0789.
June 13, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Camp Courage
This is a bereavement camp sponsored by Johnston Health for children ages 6 to 16 who have experienced the death of a loved one.Through expressive art activities, games, music and more, campers will have the chance to share their feelings and accelerate the healing process. You can register online at bit.ly/1GHBQBR. Call (919) 209-5104 or email mdees@johnstonhealth.org for more information.
June 18, 6:30 p.m.
Third Thursday Concert in the Oaks
The Bethesda Bluegrass Band will perform at Barbour’s Grove Park. Barbecue by White Swan.
June 19-20, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
301 Endless Yard Sale
The Johnston County portion of this 100-mile-long stretch of yard sale fun stretches from Kenly to Benson – and straight through Highway 301 in Four Oaks. For more information, call Sherry Hudson at 919-963-3112 or visit 301endlessyardsale.com.
June 22-25, 8 a.m. to noon
Bad to the Bones: CSI Camp
Spend a week of your summer vacation diving into the world of forensic science. Learn techniques that real crime scene investigators use. Open to rising 7th, 8th, & 9th graders. Location: Johnston Community College, Public Safety Services Complex
The fee is $85, and registration closes June 8. To register, visit bit.ly/1ENMpjs.
June 22, 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Organic Pest and Weed Control
Howell Woods
It is well known that integrated pest management is the safest practice for managing pests in your lawn and garden. Integrated Pest Management or (IPM) looks at pest control from a variety of methods with chemical control as a last resort.
Cost: $10. Register by contacting the Learning Center at (919) 938-0115 or email jtastoske@johnstoncc.edu.
June 24, 10:30 a.m.
Summer Reading Program -
“Every Hero has a Story”
James Bryan Creech Public Library
This session is “Hometown Heroes: Therapy Dogs.” Call (919) 963-6013 for more information.
June 26, 11 a.m. to noon
Clothing Closet and Food Pantry
Four Oaks Farmers Market
For details, contact John Jernigan of Lighthouse Christian Fellowship at (919) 320-7387.
June 27, 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Neuse River Kayak Trip
Howell Woods
The Neuse River runs right along the back of the Howell Woods property and makes for the perfect paddling route for more experienced kayakers. The course of this trip stretches through 12 miles of Johnston County, ending at the Richardson Bridge boat landing. Our guides will provide history of the Neuse, as well as identify wildlife along the way.
Cost: $35. Register by contacting the Learning Center at (919) 938-0115.
July 1, 10:30 a.m.
Summer Reading Program -
“Every Hero has a Story”
James Bryan Creech Public Library
This session is “Hometown Heroes: Four Oaks Police Department.” Call (919) 963-6013 for more information.
July 4, 3 to 7 p.m.
Cruise In
Main Street, Four Oaks
View classic cars and spend some time on Main Street in Four Oaks. For more information, call 919-963-4004 or visit www.fouroaksareachamber.com.
July 8, 10:30 a.m.
Summer Reading Program -
“Every Hero has a Story”
James Bryan Creech Public Library
This session is “Hometown Heroes: Johnston County Sheriff’s Department.” Call (919) 963-6013 for more information.
July 11
Beginner Creek Paddle
Howell Woods
In this trip (ages 13 and older), we’ll kayak the narrow and slow-moving waters of Hannah Creek. This trip is only a few hours, making it perfect for beginners or kayakers that may not want to endure longer hours of paddling.
Cost: $25. Register by contacting the Learning Center at (919) 938-0115.
July 13-16, 8 a.m. to noon
Cooking Camp: Chef in Training
Using easy to learn techniques, we guide you through cooking basics. Ask questions, experiment with tastes, but most of all have FUN. Open to rising 7th, 8th, & 9th graders. Location: Johnston County Workforce Development Center, Clayton
The fee is $130, and registration closes July 2. To register, visit bit.ly/1ENMpjs.
July 15, 10:30 a.m.
Summer Reading Program -
“Every Hero has a Story”
James Bryan Creech Public Library
This session is “Create your own hero.” Call (919) 963-6013 for more information.
July 20, 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Landscaping with Native Plants
Howell Woods
Learn the advantages of using native plants around the home. Tour the gardens at Howell Woods and talk about choices and techniques to make your native flower gardens thrive.
Cost: $10. To register, contact Howell Woods Environmental Learning Center at (919) 938-0115 or jtastoske@johnstoncc.edu.
July 22, 10:30 a.m.
Summer Reading Program -
“Every Hero has a Story”
James Bryan Creech Public Library
This session is “Exploring the flight of Wonder Woman’s plane.” Call (919) 963-6013 for more information.
July 25, 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Neuse River Kayak Trip
Howell Woods
The Neuse River runs right along the back of the Howell Woods property and makes for the perfect paddling route for more experienced kayakers. The course of this trip stretches through 12 miles of Johnston County, ending at the Richardson Bridge boat landing. Our guides will provide history of the Neuse, as well as identify wildlife along the way.
Cost: $35. Register by contacting the Learning Center at (919) 938-0115.
Get a room full of people together and ask about animals. You’ll end up meeting cat people and dog people, not to mention snake people or rabbit people.
You’ll meet some folks who don’t like animals at all. Or, maybe you’ll meet a person who likes them so much that he has devoted his life to their care and well-being.
Someone like Dr. Jason Thornton at Quality Care Animal Hospital in Four Oaks, perhaps.
Dr. Thornton, a Grantham native and N.C. State graduate, opened his office in January 2014, and his practice is the culmination of a lifetime spent around animals.
I grew up on a farm in a rural area, just over in Wayne County,” he said. “I just grew up around farm animals and pets, and my granddad got me interested in things like showing livestock and such when I was four or five years old. That’s what sort of initiated things, and it went from there.”
It’s that sort of affinity for animals and their care that drives Dr. Thornton’s philosophy as a veterinarian – and a business owner.
“Our purpose is to provide high quality veterinary care in a very friendly, welcoming environment,” he said. “We’re laid back. We don’t want anyone to feel on-edge, like they can’t ask questions. That’s a big part of what we want to
do – educate. If you have any questions, we want to go over every one of them before you leave.”
Practice manager Tessa Reardon is also an animal lover, but the Dunn native enjoys meeting the pet owners as well.
“Everyone here is very friendly and welcoming,” she said. “I like animals, but the people is what I like to deal with. I just like being helpful, answering questions, being there to comfort them – whatever they need.”