Benson Area Medical Center celebrates 40th anniversary Submitted by Benson Area Medical Center
BENSON — Benson Area Medical Center (BAMC) marked its 40 years of service to residents in Harnett, Johnston and Sampson counties on Nov. 19 with a celebration that included many healthcare leaders and remarks from North Carolina State Health Director, Dr. Betsey Tilson. “The talent and dedication of the providers and staff at Benson Area Medical Center honors the long-standing tradition of healthcare set many years ago when the facility opened,” said BAMC Board Chairman Sonny Surles during his opening remarks. “There has been a huge commitment from the community over the years to keep the center going, and I think that the fact the organization has been able to be a sustaining force and get new providers to come to this area has been a big accomplishment,” Dr. Eugene H. Maynard, Jr., BAMC medical director, said. “I am excited about the new providers who have recently joined our exceptional team.”
BAMC Medical Director, Dr. Eugene H. Maynard, greets guests at the 40th anniversary celebration.
The event’s keynote speaker, Dr. Tilson, provided her insight on the future of healthcare in North Carolina and how facilities like BAMC will be instrumental in providing high-quality healthcare in service of all people.
Pictured are, left to right, Benson Area Medical Center CEO William Massengill, State Health Director Dr. Betsey Tilson, BAMC Board Chairman Sonny Surles and BAMC Medical Director Dr. Eugene H. Maynard.
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“You have served the community in so many different ways and are an organization that is the foundation and building block for the strength and prosperity of the community as a whole,” she said. “A healthcare facility can energize
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