2 minute read
It's never too late to become a dog guy
from May 2024
by Johnston Now
The morning car ride is where Shanna and I conduct our board meetings and generally sort out life’s questions.
Recently, in the days before this column was due, I lamented about the lack of inspirational spark usually required to produce such things.
“Why don’t you write about how you became a dog person,” she asked. And just like that, I had a topic.
When you compare me to my lovely bride and her family, I’m certainly not a dog person. When compared to the average person, though, I probably qualify.
I never had my own dog as a child, so it wasn’t until I met Shanna when I got my first. She came with one, Sheba, who was as quirky as she was loyal and sweet.
She loved to chase squirrels, hated thunderstorms so much that she’d try to hide in the fireplace and wiped her paws on the welcome mat when coming in from the yard.
When Ethan wandered out of the house while our backs were turned on an Easter Sunday as a toddler, Sheba followed him. The neighbor down the street brought them both back a few minutes later. Not our best parenting moment, but at least Sheba was watching him closely.
She was a terrific dog, and I cried like she was my childhood pet when she passed away.
Dogs are one of the things that separate me from being a (completely) bitter and jaded old journalist. They offer daily doses of cuteness and affection that nurture the spirit and fill the heart.
That’s why we’re excited to share a few cute pictures of dogs (and other animals) in this issue. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did.