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Clayton set to host magical experience


CLAYTON — A new adventure awaits families in Clayton.


From Aug. 18-21, MAGiCon will be pulling out a myriad of events from its top hat at the Clayton Center. From an open mic night to family-friendly classes, to professional shows for all to see, MAGiCon will inspire the art of magic for everyone, young and old.

All afternoon and evening, families and friends are invited to come and learn from professional magicians from all over the United States. There will be a number of seminars geared toward families, medical professionals, grandparents and educators. There are several different options for everyone in the community to learn from master magicians.

Hosted by the Mystic Tower, a new company created by magicians SarahElla Phant and Dan Harlan, MAGiCon is the first major event for the couple. “It was SarahElla’s idea to have the Mystic Tower,” Harlan said. “It is a big vision. It will eventually be a showplace and a museum and a classroom.”

Both Phant and Harlan come from a background in theater, and they are seeking to build a solid community of magicians in the area. They want to ignite the same inspiration for magic that they felt when they began their careers.

Phant discovered her new dream after one of her favorite places to go unfortunately had to shut its doors. “Raleigh used to have this great little magic shop. It brought tons of people in and did great business, but it closed down about five or six years ago,” she said. “I really felt like it left this area missing and needing a magic shop, a place for people to come and get magic.”

Now, she and Harlan are in full swing bringing her their ambitions to life. While the Mystic Tower does not have a physical location yet, MAGiCon is the kickstart of the idea. At present, the Mystic Tower operates from their home and online through its website. Magicians frequently get together in their house to share their love of performance magic.

Harlan has been doing magic performances for years. In fact, part of Phant’s initial learning of magic came from a DVD created by Harlan. “I’ve never turned back. It’s all I’ve done for my whole life,” Harlan said.

Phant has a background in theater and music, but she transitioned to education. During that time, she grew an interest in magic again once watching “Penn & Teller: Fool Us,” a magic competition television production that Harlan won.

After classes for all ages and occupations on Friday, Aug. 19, there will be standup magic showcases followed by the Midnight Spooky Show at Revival. Saturday night, Aug. 20 is the big reveal, where the magicians will unveil to the public what they have been learning throughout the convention, as well as for more experienced ones to demonstrate their talent.

“No other magic convention brings in the public the way that we’re bringing in the public,” Phant said.

Along with Harlan and Phant’s productions, Luna Shimada, Alain Nu and Joshua Lozoff will be lecturing and performing. To learn more about the Mystic Tower and MAGiCon or to register for this event, visit https:// themystictower.com.

Editor’s Note: Johnston Now will be a part of the Big Stage Show when Harlan reveals his guess of what this issue’s cover was going to be, based on a June prediction.

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