2014 06 01 jun flexkom 2 0 newsletter

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Flexkom Newsletter M AY I S S U E 2 0 1 4

Time has now come, FlexKom 2.0 has started!

We would like to thank, once again, all our partners all over the world for their committed and successful cooperation over the last few years.For FlexKom the time has come to enter the

We have been adjusting all the processes in preparation for the

biggest growth phase of its 4-year history. Our aim until now

big switch over the last few months.

has been to create something unique and optimise it for the market!We have been able to accomplish this in record time.

Now we are very proud to say the switch has been completed with no major problems on the technical side. The switch over

The aim of FlexKom 2.0 now is to make billions of people hap-

will take up to 48 hours, after this time you will be able to fully

py with an incredible product free of charge and to offer them

use your entire back office with all its new tools!

more freedom and a better lifestyle! Moreover you can also help children in need all over the world with every purchase.

The FlexKom system is now heading towards mega-growth! Three main sectors have been optimised: M-Commerce Award 2014 1. Internal organisational processes Once again FlexKom is the award win2. Sales processes

ner 2014!

3. Programming and development processes

The trade magazine “Moneymaker” has officially declared FlexKom the award

With the start of FlexKom 2.0 the pioneering work is now over!

winner in the category First mover in MCommerce 2014!

Imprint Publisher: FlexKom International Holding AG FlexKom International Holding AG | Burgstraße 8 | CH-8280 Kreuzlingen/Switzerland | www.FlexKom.com


This is our third award in the last three years!


programming phase, started in Turkey in 2010, has been decoupled and all data transfers have been successfully moved. Now the entire FlexKom system is a unified whole and without unnecessary interfaces it has become even faster, more efficient and offers more potential for growth! In your back office under “Finances” you can view the new accounting module. This new module has been designed very carefully by our development team over the last nine months and it has finally been activated after a long testing phase. The basic idea for this accounting module is brilliant! Your rev-

Awards of the past three years:

enues will be shown in real time and important statistics can be determined and retrieved in no time at all. Particular impor-

2011: Quickest growing and most innovative company

tance has been given to transparency of all revenues for both partners and customers.

2012/13: Most innovative product worldwide The old system was not complex enough to keep up with the 2014: First mover in M-Commerce shopping worldwide

demands of worldwide expansion. Now the decisive step has been taken: with our turbo accounting module we can calcu-

The trade magazine “Moneymaker” will soon issue a special

late customers’ purchases, product orders and many other

edition dedicated to FlexKom. We will duly inform you how to

things in milliseconds. Thanks to the high-performance struc-

get this special edition of the magazine that will help you to

ture of our servers we can also guarantee 100% reliability. The

develop your business quicker and more efficiently.

experience gathered over the last few months has been very useful.

According to the trade press, FlexKom with its 15 selling propositions is the number one worldwide mover in the area of

Another milestone has been set! Now nothing more stands in

M-Commerce shopping. After considering the business plan,

the way of success for billions of customers worldwide!

the accomplished projects and the projects that will soon be started, especially the introduction of the FlexGold technology,

Important: Starting on the 1st June 2014 the available com-

the trade press have agreed that FlexKom has increased its

missions will be paid daily!

advantage over its competitors by three more years. All bonus and settlements are processed completely automatically.As soon as you request your commissions you will be sent a text message by our accounting office reporting that the transfer has been made by the system. Important: As we are starting with the distribution of product packages your KTM commissions (see below) will be released for payment after 14 days! All commissions marked in red are

Common accounting system from the 1st June 2014

still on a waiting period (14 days), all green marked commissions are available for pay-out! The available commissions are

As previously announced the entire FlexKom System has been

accessible daily!

successfully adjusted to meet European standards. The first

Imprint Publisher: FlexKom International Holding AG FlexKom International Holding AG | Burgstraße 8 | CH-8280 Kreuzlingen/Switzerland | www.FlexKom.com



Advantages of the new KTM model: 1.

Compensation for all product orders from their entire team according to the FlexKom compensation plan.


KTM partners can reach higher career stages.


Compensation for all customers’ transactions gener ated through the POS terminals for the SD up line and higher lines.

The KTM concept as a key of success In order to successfully place this concept on the world market, FlexKom has decided to follow the basic path of the KTM packages, which turned out to be extremely quick and efficient. Over the past few weeks we have been able to generate over 25,000 orders in this way, and our success is getting bigger from every day.

New worldwide product packages

In France alone we have established around 1,000 FlexKobis

After the successful experiences of the last few months

in the first few weeks. Take a look at the city of Marseille in

FlexKom has found its key to success and decided to sub-

your FlexApp! We congratulate our French team which is, at

stitute, with immediate effect, all licence packages with prod-

this moment, the first team in Europe in the development of

uct packages for our new starters.This means that every new

FlexKobis! FlexKom has now become the biggest shopping

Team Member will receive their own product package from the

community worldwide comprising of 19 countries. The vision


to use a unique card or App worldwide has become a reality and we will pursue this success in the weeks and months to come with even more strength! This is why it is important for the new starters to place their FlexPOS in their hairdresser’s, butcher’s, baker’s shops or in their favourite restaurants now so that they can benefit from new customers or even from all transactions taking place through their POS in their acceptance points their whole life. What if 80,000 FlexKom partners had established three FlexKobis with the KTM?

FlexGold Terminal POS 5

Now the time has come to concentrate our strengths and real-

A product package consists of a POS5, the most recent tablet

ise the necessary market penetration. The KTM model has also

version. It differs from the POS 4 version with its golden ap-

been modified and now offers unbelievable earning opportuni-

pearance and with its faster processor. All orders made from

ties to all our distribution partners from team development.

the 1st June 2014 will be equipped with the POS 5 version.

Imprint Publisher: FlexKom International Holding AG FlexKom International Holding AG | Burgstraße 8 | CH-8280 Kreuzlingen/Switzerland | www.FlexKom.com


Contents of the FlexGold Terminal POS 5:


Product packages for Team Members

Hardware: 1 Terminal valued 80. - 1

After purchasing the E-Biz the new associ-

100 FlexGold Cards valued 200.- 1

ate is free to decide, according to their budget, what kind


of product package they would like to purchase, with every package there are associated price advantages and different

Hardware Terminal

percentages of commission on the new customers and on the

• Tablet FlexKom POS5 7.0 WiFi + 3G

transactions made through their POS 5 in a FlexKobi.

• White/ Golden • 7 inch display

Prices: E-Biz only 199.-�¡ renewal fee only 99.- ¡

• 1024 x 600 dpi resolution

a year

• Lithium-ion battery


• Bluetooth interface • Wi-Fi interface

K1 Team Member Package: 1 FlexGold Terminal

• SIM slot for GPS data connection

POS 5 completely equipped (150CV)

Valued 80.- 3 K3 Team Member Package: 3 FlexGold Terminals Supplied accessories

POS 5 completely equipped (450CV)

• Charger for FlexKom POS 5 • FlexCard 100 pcs.

K5 Team Member Package: 5 FlexGold Terminals

• FlexPoint sticker inside/ outside

POS 5 completely equipped (750CV)

• Display for customers flyers Valued 260.- 3

K10 Team Member Package: 10 FlexGold Terminals POS 5 completely equipped (1,500CV)

Software • Setup wizard

K20 Team Member Package: 20 FlexGold Terminals

• FlexMoney accounting and booking system

POS 5 completely equipped (3,000CV)

• Crypted QR-Code transaction-technology • Customers registration-system through QR-technology

For all FlexKom pioneers the management decided the

• FlexKOBI mapping system

following status classification:

• FlexKOBI Back office • Customer data bank

All BDs now have the status


All JTMs now have the status


All BTMs now have the status


All GTMs now have the status


All GTMs VIP now have the status


• Video mail system (10,000 minutes) • Customer newsletter module • Automatic update function • Bluetooth print module • Multilingual software • Multicurrency system Valued 2,900.- 3 FlexGold POS Terminal POS 5 Price: Only 699.- 3 (150 CV)

Imprint Publisher: FlexKom International Holding AG FlexKom International Holding AG | Burgstraße 8 | CH-8280 Kreuzlingen/Switzerland | www.FlexKom.com


This means that all orders for POS terminals will be com-


Important information:

pensated according to the aforementioned ranking status. Also individual orders.

· When a partner orders a K1 Team Member Package he officially starts his career in the FlexKom commissions plan.

Compensations: · Starting with K1 the partner is considered a full Team K1 = 5% (from the distribution share) of the entire

Member and can strive to achieve higher career stages

customers revenue generated through the POS 5.

according to the career and commissions plan!

K3 = 5% (from the distribution share) of the entire

· With the order of a K5 Team Member Package the new

customers revenue generated through the POS 5 und

partner can benefit from the FlexKom bonus programme.

5% (from the FlexKom share) of all customers transactions generated through the POS 5.

· With K1, the Team Member can start building FlexKobis with the assistance of their Regional Coordinator (RC).

K5 = 10% (from the distribution share) of the entire customers revenue generated through the POS 5 und 5% (from the FlexKom share) of all customers transactions generated through the POS 5. K10 = 20% (from the distribution share) of the entire customers revenue generated through the POS 5 und 10% (from the FlexKom share) of all customers transactions

Upgrade for all new partners

generated through the POS 5. The new KTM partner can also upgrade their status with K20 = 20% (from the distribution share) of the entire

FlexGold terminals POS 5 but they will not be able to enjoy

customers revenue generated through the POS 5 und

any special prices.

20% (from the FlexKom share) of all customers transactions generated through the POS 5.

Example: the new associate starts as a K3 Team Member, their package costs 1,467.-2. Now they want to reach the

Pioneer’s Crown

K10 status and they order 7 more FlexGold Terminal POS 5. These seven POS 5 now only cost 699,- 2 each. That’s why

As announced in the previous newslet-

it is very important for all new partners to decide right from

ter all pioneers who have started before

the start what kind of advantages and what status they want

the 1st June 2014 will get the FlexKom

to achieve!


Upgrade for all existing crown-partners This means that the crown-partners will be able to purchase the FlexGold terminals POS 5 at a reduced price of

All pioneers can increase their status by ordering other POS

only 389.-2(50 CV) and the compensation from the POS 5

5 starting from the 1st June 2014. Example: You have a K10

revenue will be calculated according to their present status!

status and you want to ensure yourself the K20 status forever. In the “FlexOrder” area you can order your 10 POS 5 termi-

In your back office under “FlexOrder” you can benefit from

nals at a special price of 389.- 2 each. So you have ensured

the advantages of these pioneering-initiatives.

yourself a K20 status for ever.

Imprint Publisher: FlexKom International Holding AG FlexKom International Holding AG | Burgstraße 8 | CH-8280 Kreuzlingen/Switzerland | www.FlexKom.com



Important: The POS 5 orders that were placed before the upgrade will always be compensated with the commissions of the previous status. This means, for instance: as a K10 you have placed a total of 10 POS 5 in the FlexKobis, your compensation is between 10% and 20%. Now you order 10 more POS 5. Only for the 10 POS 5 you have reordered you will get a lifelong compensation of 20%. For this reason it is very important for all new starters to know right from the start what status they want to achieve! This will

Transactions Bonus

also apply to the crown-partners once they have reached the next status!

Another very lucrative bonus has been added in the commissions plan for the middle management position. The transactions bonus is a well-deserved bonus for the hard work done from the stage of Sales Director (SD) upwards. Starting with a SD you will get a commission of 3% from all POS terminals transactions (from your own and from external customers). From the ND stage you will get a commission of 2% from all transactions and from all terminals of your team. As a PT you will get 1%.

Commission Volume (CV) Example: You have got 100 active partners, they have built 500 Good news for all partners worldwide is also the final com-

FlexKobis x 1000 transactions x 100,- 1 revenue x 10% cash

mission from all the KTM team revenues flowing into the

back. As an SD you will get 20% and then your transaction

compensation plan via the product packages. Even better:

bonus (TAB) as an SD = 30,000.-�¡. From the SD stage you will

all product orders, from KTM to FlexGold Cards or merchan-

be automatically qualified for the TAB for the respective month

dising have a CV and you will benefit from all of them. This

thanks to the FlexCar bonus.

is how it is supposed to be!You can view the up-to-date CV table in your back office!

Logistics and storage With the delivery of the POS 5 terminals we have also contracted a large and professional logistics centre in Germany to meet the needs of the expected growth.

EXIT Bonus Programme Over the last few weeks all processes have been defined and contractually determined. From the 1st June 2014 the entire

We have now finally developed a common worldwide Fast

logistics system will be handled quickly and professionally. We

Start Bonus for all partners that will pave your way to success

intend to deliver the product packages to all new and highly

thanks to its incredible dynamics and its unbelievable speed.

motivated partners within max. 14 days. The delivery status

With this unique bonus programme you will now be able

can be followed by the purchaser in their back office under

to win all top entrepreneurs and sales professionals for our

“My orders”!

incredible system!

Imprint Publisher: FlexKom International Holding AG FlexKom International Holding AG | Burgstraße 8 | CH-8280 Kreuzlingen/Switzerland | www.FlexKom.com



will receive 20,000.- ¡ extra bonus + commissions and also the FlexKom Breitling special edition valued 10,000.- ¡. Moreover they will be admitted to the Executive Club. All Executive Club Members will be invited every 3 months to the Executive Club meetings (3-5 days) with the complete board of directors and with the founder of FlexKom Holding AG. On a beautiful island they will have the possibility to discuss and plan common strategies. From 500,- ¡ up to 1,000,000,- ¡ extra bonus

All National Directors who succeed in becoming President Team within the first 120 days (a total of 5,000 POS 5 orders;

+ Porsche Panamera +



min. 500 Pos respectively in 5 lines) special






100,000.- ¡





to the Executive Club FlexKom.

and a Porsche Panamera.

The countdown will start for all new starters from the 1st June

All President Teams who succeed in becoming Vice Presi-

2014 from the moment of their registration (or from their par-

dent within the first 180 days (a total of 25,000 POS 5 orders;

ticipation to a meeting or to an online webinar).

min. 3,000 Pos respectively in 5 lines)


will receive 1,000,000.- ¡ extra bonus + commissions and a worldwide bonus of 5%, distributed under the VPs.

All Team Members who succeed in becoming Marketing Manager within the first 14 days (a total of 20 POS 5 orders;


min. 5 Pos respectively in 3 lines) For all existing partners (with crown) will receive 500.- ¡� extra bonus + commissions! From the 1st June 2014 we will review the current status of All Marketing Managers who succeed in becoming Sales Man-

our partners. Every partner could qualify along with their entire

ager within the first 30 days (a total of 50 POS 5 orders; min.


15 Pos respectively in 3 lines) In your back office all countdowns are now activated and its will receive 2,000.- ¡� extra bonus + commissions!

your the last chance to profit from all special bonus’.

All Sales Managers who succeed in becoming Sales Director

For all pioneers the entire current team will be considered for

within the first 60 days (a total of 200 POS 5 orders; min. 50

the qualification!!!!!

Pos respectively in 3 lines) TEAM MEMBER position: if you were BTM or GTM/ will receive 4,000.- ¡ extra bonus + commissions!

VIP the countdown for all bonuses starts. You now have the chance to get all bonuses within 180 days!

All Sales Directors who succeed in becoming National Di-

You can get your bonus if you can reach, within 14 days, the

rector within the first 90 days (a total of 1,000 POS 5 orders;

Marketing Manager position with 20 POS 5 orders and 3 direct

min. 100 Pos respectively in 5 lines)

or indirect K Team Members (payment receipt needed)! (It is

Imprint Publisher: FlexKom International Holding AG FlexKom International Holding AG | Burgstraße 8 | CH-8280 Kreuzlingen/Switzerland | www.FlexKom.com



thus important to have at least five POS5 orders for each Team

For all NATIONAL DIRECTOR positions: if you were

Member). Of course you can also have in one line two K3 Team

BTM or GTM / VIP the countdown will last 30 more

Members all belonging to a down line. Even so, you can reach

days (as you have a ND status and you still have 30

the number of at least five POS 5 for each line!! This also is

more days to reach the PT status).

valid for the qualification! Please note that you should reach the PT status within 30 For all MARKETING MANAGER positions: if you

days (min. 5 ND lines, they do not have to be direct lines) and

were BTM or GTM / VIP the countdown will last 30

5,000 POS 5 orders have to be placed in the system. They

more days because you have a MM status and you

must come from 5 lines (no matter how deep) min. 500 POS 5

still have 14 days to reach the SM status with 3 MM lines (a

orders have to be placed in the system. A total of 5,000 POS5!!

total of 20 POS 5 orders) no matter how deep! PRESIDENT TEAM position: if you were BTM or Please note that you should reach the SM status within 14

GTM / VIP the countdown will last 60 more days

days and register 50 POS 5 orders in the system. They must

(as you have a PT status and you still have 60 more

come from 3 lines (no matter how deep) min. 15 POS 5 orders

days’ time to reach the VP status!).

have to be placed in the system. A total of 50 POS 5 !! Please note that you should reach the VP status within 60 days For all SALES MANAGER positions: if you were

(min. 5 PT lines, they do not have to be direct lines) and 25,000

BTM or GTM / VIP the countdown will last 30 more

POS 5 orders have to be placed in the system. They must

days because you have a SM status and you still

come from 5 lines (no matter how deep) min. 3,000 POS 5 or-

have 30 days’ time to reach the SD status!

ders have to be placed in the system. A total of 25,000 POS 5!!

Please note that you should reach the SD status within 30 days (min. 3 SM lines, they do not have to be direct lines) and 200 POS 5 orders have to be placed in the system. They must

Step on the gas now, get all bonuses you can and enjoy your

come from 3 lines (no matter how deep) min. 50 POS 5 orders

life! Within six months you can get the Exit bonus and ensure

have to be placed in the system. A total of 200 POS 5!!

yourself full financial freedom! Now the time has come to give it a new boost!

For all SALES DIRECTOR positions: if you were BTM or GTM / VIP the countdown will last 30 more

Important: All the past extra bonus programmes (as announced

days (as you have a SD status and you still have 30

in the previous newsletter) have expired worldwide since the

more days to reach the ND status!)

1st June 2014. For all existing and new partners all over the world only the Fast Start and the Exit Bonus are valid!

Please note that you should reach the ND status within 30 days (min. 5 SD lines, they do not have to be direct lines) and

Business Center Manager (BCM)

1,000 POS 5 orders have to be placed in the system. They must come from 5 lines (no matter how deep) min. 100 POS 5 orders have to be placed in the system. A total of 1,000 POS5!

Imprint Publisher: FlexKom International Holding AG FlexKom International Holding AG | Burgstraße 8 | CH-8280 Kreuzlingen/Switzerland | www.FlexKom.com


Our master programme and the unique positions of BCM for


Who can offer this? Only FlexKom of course.

the month of July are almost booked up. If you are an SD and are interested in starting as a BCM in your city/ region and

From our “Gold Kiss” we expect a thousand fold increase of

would like to receive a special compensation you should con-

customers in the shortest time! You can look forward to the

tact your Country/ State or General Manager immediately, who

Gold Kiss that will start with you and shared all over the world.

will organise an appointment for you for the certification pro-

All Gold Kiss customers will be your life long customers. This

cedure in Munich or in Las Vegas. FlexKom is heavily investing

also proves the importance of the KTM position and of the per-

a huge budget in this project because the company intends

centage for your commissions!

to standardise its worldwide presence in the next few weeks. Don’t miss this exceptional opportunity!

Employee Team Member In July all FlexKobis will offer all their employees, free of charge, a Team Member registration. We intend to motivate the employees to actively take part in the customer’s development enabling them to earn a passive income from the revenue of every customer in all FlexKobis worldwide. This option will promote the customer’s development even more efficiently!

FlexGold Start After a 3-year development and after exploiting a great deal of experience we are happy to finally announce the start of FlexGold next summer. The incredible advantages of this system: the FlexKom customer who receives FlexGold as cash back with every purchase will be also able, in the coming months, to pay for their purchases with FlexGold in all FlexKobis in the world. FlexKom has once again created an unreachable lead on the world market and is becoming even better. More details about

Up-to-date PowerPoint Presentations and Flyers

the start of this unique way of shopping will follow shortly! In your back office under “Download” you will find the most


recent Power Point presentation. This is meant to help you with your presentations to interested parties. From now on, please

We are also glad to announce the

only use the most recent version for your presentations! All

start of the Gold Kiss due next July.

actions flyers are also ready in the download area, at the mo-

Every FlexApp customer can make their friends happy with

ment they are only available in German and in English. Other

a Gold Kiss and enjoy the commissions in form of FlexGold

languages will follow soon!

on the entire revenue of the purchases made by the people they have recommended. In this way the “Gold Kisser” has the opportunity of shopping for free in all FlexKobi acceptance points!

Imprint Publisher: FlexKom International Holding AG FlexKom International Holding AG | Burgstraße 8 | CH-8280 Kreuzlingen/Switzerland | www.FlexKom.com



Flexcharity EV Another aim of the FlexKom business group has always been a FlexCharity. Now we have done it: we have founded FlexCharity EV. Seven founding members have voluntary started this wonderful initiative. The aim is to help children in need all over the world. With every purchase the customer can donate 10%, 20%, 50% or even 100% of their cash back to children in need. It’s not enough to offer people a very particular shopping experience; we also want to do something good with the cashback. We are proud and happy to have started this busi-

We are convinced that the start of FlexKom 2.0 will bring you huge revenue and a big boost to help you reach an even greater success with the biggest Shopping Community in the world. And don’t forget: Your success is also our success! Imprint Publisher: FlexKom International Holding AG FlexKom International Holding AG | Burgstraße 8 | CH-8280 Kreuzlingen/Switzerland | www.FlexKom.com

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