May 2014 FlexKom Newsletter

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Flexkom Newsletter M AY I S S U E 2 0 1 4

Dear partners, After the success of the national meeting with all Country Managers / State Managers and General Managers from the whole FlexKom world, held in Rimini (Italy), all 75 national managers agreed upon the fact that FlexKom 2.0 will shortly increase its worldwide growth tenfold.

We are at the starting line!

Last KTM pioneer campaign

A great deal of innovations and a huge revenue jump are wait-

For all countries which have officially started and are in Phase

ing for you. As we announced in the last newsletter, the price

3, FlexKom is now offering, for the last time, the successful

of the license packages will be adjusted worldwide!

KTM concept. If you order the FlexKom POS terminal, you can not only benefit from an incredible price advantage, but

We are approaching the last phase of our pioneering work, and

you are also granted a 20% bonus from all transactions done

all organizational and distributional processes have been opti-

through this POS terminal (taken from the FlexKom share).

mized; hence we would like to offer to the FlexKom world, for one last time, our ‘pioneer campaigns’.

You will also have a 20% benefit from the turnover generated by customers (taken from the distributors share)! Your partici-

To the huge price advantages and special compensa-

pation in the shopping turnover can thus amount to 40% (of

tions, we have now also added the possibility of reach-

the distribution key). This option is being offered to all GTMs

ing career stage goals more quickly.

and all GTM VIPs for the last time!

Imprint Publisher: FlexKom International Holding AG FlexKom International Holding AG | Burgstraße 8 | CH-8280 Kreuzlingen/Switzerland |

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