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INNER-CITY NEWS 2016 2016 THE INNER-CITY NEWS APRILJuly 25, 27, 2018 - - August MAY 01,02, 2018

Financial a Key at 2016 Convention Wells FargoJustice Increases Its Focus Commitment toNAACP Black Homebuyers New Haven, Bridgeport


Volume 27 . No. 2277 Volume 21 No. 2194

Crump: “DMC”

Malloy Malloy To To Dems: Dems:

Ignore Ignore“Tough “ToughOn OnCrime” Crime” Nominee Naomie! Fight Injustice With Action A Charming Chat with Oscar

“Healthy From Day One” Gains Momentum

Color Struck?

Snow in July?


Dems Propose Increase In Spending; Republicans Call for Reduction 1

DCF Deputy Commissioner Kristina Stevens speaks at the presser.


APRIL 25, 2018


MAY 01, 2018

After Parkland, Schools Beef Up Security by CHRISTOPHER PEAK New Haven Independent

During a recent lockdown drill, a classroom of New Haven students took the threat of an active shooter so seriously that they told the teacher to get out of the way and started barricading the door. “The children are better prepared than we all are at this table,” Thaddeus Reddish, the school security director since 2016, told a panel of alders. “It’s a different generation. These children realize the reality of the world right now. and they take over, because their mindset is to survive.” In City Hall’s aldermanic chambers on Tuesday night, Reddish and other school officials discussed the additional measures they’re putting in place to keep Elm City students safe from guns, at a joint meeting of the Education and Public Safety Committees, called at the request of Alders Richard Furlow and Jody Ortiz. “It’s so sad we have to be here discussing this,” said Abby Roth, Ward 7’s alder, at a time when students around the country are being asked to wear clear backpacks to school and use textbooks to protect their vital organs. In the wake of another deadly school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., students in New Haven walked out of class and participated in nationwide protests for gun control, a task force of top security officials has been meeting weekly in New Haven. Essentially, they’ve been trying to figure out how to make sure the schools stay locked all day, while still providing access to the first responders who might need to get inside in an emergency. “We didn’t want a knee-jerk reaction, where we change everything we do, because we do good work. But we looked at some of the weaknesses that we can take care of, and a lot of it has to do with communication,” said Rick Fontana, the emergency operations director who chairs the school security task force. “It’s been a good collaboration, to bring everyone together, similar to what we do in the Emergency Operations Center.” The review over the last month has been a joint effort. The teachers union asked employees to check their doors and windows. The city’s emergency operations hooked up all school camera to feed into their 911 system. And cops and firemen collected floor plans


High students demonstrating for safer schools.


Superintendent Birks, emergency chief Rick Fonanta and security chief Thaddeus Reddish update alders Tuesday night.

and walked through schools to plan out their response to an attack — a threat they now consider every time a fire alarm is pulled. The school district’s latest measures, which Carol Birks has pushed since arriving as superintendent last month, add to defenses that New Haven has been putting up since 2012, after a gunman massacred 20 first-graders and six faculty members at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown. New Haven was the first large district to complete a state-mandated security plan, which half the state’s other districts still haven’t done. Tech, Cop Protocol Changes After that shooting, the state offered grants for public and private schools to upgrade their security. Will Clark, the school system’s chief operating officer, had a comprehensive plan ready since 2010 and won close to $6 million in three rounds, which he used to put in security cameras and a keycard

access system at most schools. (Upgrades are still being installed at the last 13 schools.) Those two tech upgrades allow city employees to get instant access to the schools. Top officials from the director of emergency operations to the 10 district commanders can pull up realtime video footage from any building on their cell phones, while cops and firemen can swipe a badge to instantly unlock any door. That could come in handy as the police department has changed its response protocol. Every time a fire alarm goes off, a police cruiser now immediately heads to the school to check on the situation. In part, that’s because shooters have recently started setting off fire alarms that drive students out of locked classrooms into a chaotic exit from the building, where they can become easy targets like in Parkland. “Our schools have pretty good security and


keep people out, so shooters have decided that they’re trying to get the kids out,” Police Chief Anthony Campbell said. Within two minutes of getting a call from dispatch, police now meet a principal or security guard in front of the building once the alarm goes off. If they hear shots or screaming, they’ll call for backup and go in alone first. Clark said that the district may review its evacuation protocol next school year, but students are currently instructed to leave the building when a fire alarm goes off, since there may be a gas leak or a blaze. Except in the rare case that someone from the night shift is working overtime, most cops in the district will have already walked through the schools in their area. (Officers stay in the same location for a minimum of six months.) If not, security cameras can help guide them through the building to the shooter. Next: Tourniquets? After-School Guards? If another round of state funds becomes available, as expected, New Haven might ask for medical technology. Fire Chief John Alston proposed stocking the schools with tourniquets, to stop the bleeding in the event of mass injuries. “We train staff to go inside, hunker down and stop the bleeding,” he explained. He added that the tourniquets, which cost about $500 each, were “a lot cheaper than bulletproof glass.” Besides the new technology and procedures, alders asked if the district has enough staff. For two years, parents and students have complained about a shortage of security guards. One alder said that’s particularly true at larger K-8 schools like Fair Haven, where there’s only one guard for 900 students, more students than some high schools have. Currently, there’s just enough security guards to cover every school, as long as no one’s sick or injured. The police department also provides an extra dozen school resource officers. Clark said that there’s an open civil service list to hire more guards, but he needs the money to do it, at a time when the district is already making late-year cuts to close a $6.7 million deficit and preparing for a $5 million shortfall next year. If Clark gets more employees, he could pilot a second shift to cover after-school programs and weekend events. Currently, those are watched

by the chief and two supervisors. Often, they have to call in other employees to check for break-ins on the weekends, racking up overtime and spreading the staff thin. Last year, one security guard clocked 1,437 hours of overtime, according to data provided in response to a Freedom of Information Act request. In part, that’s because the union contract, negotiated by the city, requires four hours of pay for each callback. While most alarms are false, they’d rather pay for someone to check than “show up with no computers there,” Clark said. The beefed-up response from police officers, who will be showing up for fire alarms, will help to cut back some of that overrun, and a second shift of evening guards next school year could also create savings, Clark added. “But without new bodies, I can’t pull off the first shift,” he said. “We’re ready to go, depending on our budget and the priority of the superintendent.” Avoiding “Prison Pipeline” While New Haven is stepping up its security protocols, the district is also being careful not to create a prisonline environment, as some parents accused them of doing when they searched elementary students’ backpacks at Celentano Magnet School in May 2017. It’s a tough balance that schools across Connecticut are trying to achieve, as shootings remain rare but physical confrontations, like fights and weapons at school, have ticked up, according to a report by the Connecticut Mirror’s Jacqueline Rabe Thomas. Between 2009-10 and 2016-17, New Haven made the most abrupt shift in the state, from paying for security to treating mental healthy. Over those seven years, the district has added 39.8 employees to the 143.8-person mental health staff, like psychologists, counselors and social workers, while cutting back 17 employees on the 68-person security staff. District officials have also emphasized restorative practices to settle disputes. That’s especially important to the district’s black students, who still are far more likely to be kicked out of school than their peers. Last school year, according to state records, 1 in 9 black students received a suspension or expulsion on their record, compared to 1 in 22 Hispanics and 1 in 32 whites.

THE INNER-CITY NEWS APRIL 25, 2018 - MAY 01, 2018

“Healthy From Day One” Gains Momentum by ALLAN APPEL

New Haven Independent

You’ve heard of dialing 9-1-1 in a police emergency. And there used to be, in New Haven, a 3-1-1 non-emergency number for city services from fixing potholes to figuring out the mystery of an abandoned boat beside the roadway. Now there’s 2-1-1 to provide new streamlined access, resources, and connecting young parents to what they specifically need for kids — and their families to be healthy in the developmentally crucial early years of life. That’s because the state’s exisiting Department of Children and Famiies (DCF) 2-1-1 child development infoline has been upgraded and better integrated with statewide services, It also now hosts Healthy From Day One’s site. The Healthy From Day One program is funded by a five-year $4 million federal grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA). Its purpose: To bring physical and emotional wellness to the state’s young families in a more coordinated

way by pulling together community resources and training both parents and pediatric practitioners to intervene early, especially among very young children in vulnerable communities. “Eighty percent of brain development happens before the age of 8,” cautioned state Commissioner of the Office of Early Childhood David Wilkinson, who was on hand at a press conference Tuesday at New Haven City Hall to publicize the program and announce upcoming events. United Way Marketing Coordinator Jeanette Baker noted that the 2-1-1 Child Development Infoline contains 4,000 agencies that collectively offer count ‘em 40,000 individual programs and services. On a local level the grant has permitted local partnering organizations, primarily the Clifford Beers Clinic to take what the organization’s Vice President Christine Montgomery called “a deeper dive” in serving children up to age eight. Through hiring an additional clinician and a coordinator, the group has been able to go to pediatric practices

in poorly served communities, as well as into shelters housing families, and similar organizations to screen young kids for issues such as whether the children are hitting their developmental benchmarks regarding crawling, walking, and speech. Over the past two years of the program’s operation, Montgomery and the Clifford Beers Manger of Community and Family Engagement Tirzah Kemp reported about 400 kids were screened in those settings who showed signs of concern about developmental benchmarks, and also issues of childhood depression, among others. Of those 400 needing services, 75 percent found it, in many cases with the Healthy From Day One and other staffers, bringing the young families hand-in-hand to providers. In many instances, the Clifford Beers clinicians embedded with pediatric practices, training staffers there into how to identify issues and then connect young families to get what they need. One of the additional features of the work and a goal of the Healthy From Day One effort has also been to es-

Clifford Beers Clinic VP Christine Montgomery speaks, with United Way’s Tanya Barrett in back.


tablish a council of parents to spread the word, to advocate, and to keep the effort alive after the grant dollars are expended, reported Montgomery. The word is going to be spread in a day long event on May 19 at the Dr. Reginald Mayo Early Childhood School (formerly Helene Grant School) at 185 Goffe St. There will be info, events for kids, and also clini-

cians providing screenings on site. In addition to Clifford Beers, other local groups participating include the Early Childhood Consultation Partnership, the Yale School of Medicine, and the New Haven MOMS Partnership. An additional way to access services is through an old-fashioned phone call, at 1-800-505-7000.


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APRIL 25, 2018


MAY 01, 2018

Dems Muscle Through Their Spending Plan by Christine Stuart CT. Junkie News

HARTFORD, CT — Democratic lawmakers used their slim majority to push forward a plan to increase spending by $216.7 million Friday, while a Republican proposal died 27-25 in the Appropriations Committee. The bipartisanship they used to pass a two-year budget last fall had largely evaporated as the two sides dug in and blamed each other for presenting budgets colored by election year politics. Neither the Democratic proposal that passed nor the Republican one that died will be the final proposal. Adjustments to the 2019 budget will be made by legislative leaders behind closed doors, if they are made at all. Sen. Gayle Slossberg, D-Milford, who isn’t seeking re-election said if she had been given an opportunity to vote on the Democratic budget she would have voted against it, just like she voted against the Republican one. Because the Appropriations Committee was split, the Senate didn’t get a chance to vote on the Democratic budget proposal—just the House members. “We all need to get together and come up with the best plan,” Slossberg said. “I’m hopeful that’s what’s going to happen.” Sen. Joan Hartley, D-Waterbury, said they worked hard to come up with a two-year bipartisan budget and she did not go through that exercise “to abandon it.” Immediately following the end of the Appropriations Committee meeting, House Speaker Joe Aresimowicz, DBerlin, said despite “obvious election

Appropriations Committee

year tactics,” he’s proud that “House Democrats were able to put forth budget adjustments that reflect the values and needs of the people we serve.” Earlier, Republican Senate President Len Fasano, R-North Haven, called the Democratic budget “an election year political ploy,” even though the two budgets had a lot in common. At a mid-day press conference, Gov. Dannel P. Malloy outlined his immediate budget concerns and was also critical of Republican plans to spend some of the increase in income tax receipts on paying down some of the unfunded pension liability. “A majority of what will be in the Rainy Day Fund is one-time revenue,” Malloy said. “So if you have one-time revenue that gives you some amount of money in the bank and your first urge is to spend it

all today. Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.” They would need to vote to violate the volatility cap or reallocate that money once it’s deposited into the Rainy Day Fund. He said they are too eager to spend what could be $1 billion more than expected in revenue. “This is one-time money in a state that has a very low Rainy Day Fund,” Malloy said. He said the money should be deposited into the Rainy Day Fund, which according to forecasts on Friday was up again from $915 million to $1.03 billion. That’s on top of the $212 million that was already in the fund. “Everyone is rushing around trying to have a talking point,” Malloy, who isn’t seeking re-election, said. Malloy said the legislature needs to ad-

dress some of the immediate problem. At the moment, the next governor could be sworn in and won’t be able to bond for transportation projects because there’s no money in the special transportation fund. “It means we could be in a position to have to return hundreds of millions of dollars to the federal government for lack of a match,” Malloy said. “We’ve got issues.” Malloy said he wants what’s best for the state and he doesn’t want to hand the next governor huge deficits or undo the progress that’s been made on the unfunded pension liabilities. “I’ve spent a lot of political capital on trying to make sure people understood the obligations,” Malloy said. “Could we just play this straight?” Malloy said the bipartisan budget “exacerbated our out-year deficits with structural holes that created $1.2 billion worth of problems in 2020 and stretching out to $1.6 billion of deleterious impact in the out-years.” Malloy encouraged legislators to reduce those deficits. “If we can exercise restraint now, we can leave the state’s finances on a path to stability for the next General Assembly and Governor in 2019,” Malloy wrote in a letter to legislative leaders. In addition, Malloy warned that the federal reimbursements for the hospitals may not come. That’s leaves a $150 million hole in the 2018 budget. The deficit for 2018 swelled Friday to $363.5 million, according to Office of Policy and Management Secretary Ben Barnes. Nothing lawmakers presented Friday seeks to address the 2018 deficit.

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THE INNER-CITY NEWS APRIL 25, 2018 - MAY 01, 2018





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Crump: Fight Injustice With Action THE INNER-CITY NEWS

APRIL 25, 2018


MAY 01, 2018


tion “When you interact with injustice, you have an obligation to do something, if you’re gonna say you’re a good person,” he said. Crump’s recent work involves him traveling to communities of color to remind them that legality does not dictate whether something is right. He said although his formal education was hinged on the duty of precedence in law, he instead operates on what is morally just for the community. “Forget precedence,” he said. “You argue what is right because if we base everything on precedents, we would still be slaves in America.” Crump said Connecticut’s fight for systemic change in the criminal justice system is alarming, but not unique. “I go to courtrooms all over America,” Crump said. “And I see how they’re treating black and brown people, not just in Connecticut ... And the question I have for you all this morning is: ‘When justice and the law are not on the same side, what side do you stand on?’” The question was posed to an audience filled with residents, students, as well as gubernatorial hopefuls who got the opportunity to lay out their platforms before the community in a panel discussion about the race for the state’s highest office. Connecticut NAACP State President Scot X. Esdaile, who was appointed as the national NAACP criminal justice chair in August, said bringing the candidates to New Haven is an important

New Haven Independent

A civil rights attorney who has represented the families of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, and most recently Stephon Clark all unarmed black men killed in most cases by police officers — told New Haveners that they’re obligated to fight injustice. That was Benjamin Crump’s message for nearly 200 families, students, and politicians who turned out at Hillhouse High on Saturday to be a part of the Connecticut State Conference of the NAACP’s inaugural “Nothing About Us, Without Us” criminal justice summit. Some attendees said they came to support the NAACP. Others said they couldn’t wait to hear the words of the nationally regarded civil rights attorney who urged the audience to stay encouraged and take a stand against racial injustice. Crump spoke during a luncheon on the second day of the two-day conference, which was just one stop on Crump’s multi-city tour to educate families on the criminal justice crisis. He urged those in power to act with a sense of common morality, recalling the “seemingly clear” acts of injustice in the officer-involved shootings of Tamir Rice, Alton Sterling, Sandra Bland, Philando Castile and others. These deaths have sparked protests and the organization of movements like Black Lives Matter that have pressed for policing and gun reform along with the end of mass incarcera-


Crump delivers a luncheon address Saturday.

Crump talking with a summit attendee … … and stopping to take photos.

step towards ensuring relationships are made that lead to criminal justice reform. “The children of incarceration are in our communities,” Esdaile said. “The individuals who are coming back into society are coming back into our communities. They’re not hearing from us in Hartford, so it’s imperative that they come to our communities and hear our voices.” Gubernatorial hopefuls Ned Lamont, Joe Gamin, Susan Bysiewicz, Guy Smith and Peter Talhiem accepted the invitation to attend and hear from constituents in New Haven, an action that Esdaile and Crump applauded. “The bottom line is that we need to develop relationships,” Esdaile said, “the kind that delivers meaningful results. There’s a lot of politicians saying they represent us, but they don’t really represent us. So now they get an opportunity to establish real relationships with people from the community.” Crump agreed with Esdaile’s point. “With the national leadership doing everything in their power to make it more difficult to achieve criminal justice reform, we have to remain vigilant and understand that the battle won’t be one overnight, it will take a sustained effort,” Crump said. “People all over America, in communities just like New Haven are fighting the same battles and we have to continue to share with each other. So when we get the best ideas from other states in America we can bring them back home.”

Republicans, Democrats Get Ready To Argue Over April Income Tax Receipts by Christine Stuart CT. Junkie News

HARTFORD, CT — The bean counters at the state Capitol are telling lawmakers that income tax revenues are coming in 46 percent better than initially projected, but it’s unlikely the two parties will agree on exactly what to do with it. With deficits weighing on their minds, lawmakers were told Thursday that the total amount of money being transferred to the Rainy Day Fund under the new budget rules is roughly $915 million. That’s on top of the $212 million that’s already there. That would bring the state’s reserve fund up to $1.2 billion. That’s enough to erase the $200 million deficit in fiscal year 2018 and the projected $165 million deficit in 2019. But under the new budget rules both parties adopted

last fall they won’t be able to use all of it. Section 704 of the bipartisan budget, referred to as the “volatility cap” provision, requires that any revenue from estimated and final income tax payments in excess of $3.15 billion be diverted to the Rainy Day Fund. A large amount of the money that was headed into the fund is attributed to one-time payments from the repatriation of hedge fund money under federal tax laws. However, there’s still more revenue headed to the Rainy Day Fund than lawmakers initially anticipated. Lawmakers, who have consistently postponed talks about deficit mitigation, could vote to use some of that newly found revenue on long-term debt or other investments. But Republicans are being stricter about the limits on how the money

should be used. House Minority Leader Themis Klarides, R-Derby, said the new volatility cap, which is applied to part of the income tax, prevents them from spending money that shouldn’t be spent. “I do believe it should be used in part to help with our unfunded liabilities,” Klarides said. “I do believe a good amount should be put in the Rainy Day Fund.” She said she doesn’t support using that money for ongoing expenses. Senate Republican President Len Fasano, R-North Haven, said the more money they use to pay off their unfunded liabilities, the more money it frees up to spend in operating funds. He said they shouldn’t be using money they can’t count on next year for ongoing expenses because they’ll just wind Con’t on page 10



House Minority Leader Themis Klarides

THE INNER-CITY NEWS APRIL 25, 2018 - MAY 01, 2018

Dems Propose Increase In Spending; Republicans Call for Reduction by CHRISTINE STUART CT. Junkie News

HARTFORD, CT — Democrats are proposing a budget that increasing spending $216.7 million over the amount adopted as part of the bipartisan budget, while Republicans are seeking to reduce it by $27.3 million. The two parties released their budget proposals at press conferences before they duked it out in an Appropriations Committee meeting where they used a parliamentary maneuver to split the committee so that the House and the Senate members would vote separately. The House adopted the Democratic budget proposal by a vote of 21-19. The Senate did not vote on the House bill because the committee was split so it was already headed to the House floor. The Republican Party released all of its budget documents and summary sheets to show how they balanced the budget, while the Democratic legislators handed out a 173-page document that detailed the spending in each agency. Legislators from both parties then retreated to caucus rooms to review each others’ proposals and promised to reconvene at some point Friday. During a seven-minute press conference with Rep. Toni Walker, D-New Haven, and Sen. Cathy Osten, D-Sprague, who cochair the Appropriations Committee, they talked about the funding that was restored for various programs. Walker said that the budget was focused on fixing the Medicare Savings Plan, which helps pay Part B premiums for the elderly and disabled, municipal aid and other social service spending. However, neither the Democratic or Republican budget fully restores funding for the Medicare Savings Program. An estimated 69,500 elderly and disabled would lose the benefit under the Democrat-

ic proposals under the Democratic budget and 38,000 would lose benefits under the Republican budget. There are currently 115,200 individuals receiving benefits under the program. Sheldon Toubman, an attorney for New Haven Legal Assistance, said he’s disappointed in the decision. “Very disappointed that they did not fully restore MSP and particularly that they did not restore the HUSKY A cut at all — meaning that over 13,000 hard working, low income parents are going to lose their HUSKY A coverage in just a few months; they will have nowhere else to turn for health care coverage,” Toubman said. “This is hard to understand, given the many low income people who will be cut off of health insurance in basically every town and city in the state. Hopefully, this will all be fixed in the final budget.” Democratic Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s budget didn’t include any funding for the Medicare Savings Program or HUSKY A parents. The Democratic budget, according to a press release, restores almost $115 million in state aid to cities and towns, and includes $5 million for a “Free 2 Start” initiative that provides tuition relief to in-state students at Connecticut’s colleges and universities. Republicans helped defeat the “Free 2 Start” initiative as a stand alone bill in the Appropriations Committee earlier this week. “The free tuition is a good idea. We just can’t afford it,” Senate Republican President Len Fasano, R-North Haven, said. Fasano said the Democratic Party has a problem with making promises for new programs then having to get rid of them because the state is back in deficit. “You can’t do that. It’s not sustainable,” Fasano said. “Their budget will ensure an ever increasing tax consequence to the state of Connecticut for years to come.”

Fasano and Klarides at Friday press conference.

He said the Democratic budget “is an election year political ploy.” At the same time, Republicans do seek to use some of the additional income tax receipts the state may realize to pay down pension debt in both the State Employees Retirement System and Teachers Retirement System. They also would put additional money in the Rainy Day Fund. Republicans said it would result in $200 million in savings over the next five years. The Democrats also dip into the additional income tax receipts to increase spending. Malloy panned the Republican proposal. He said the money should be put in the Rainy Day Fund where it will be needed at some point in the future. “It’s like dealing with teenagers,” Malloy said.

He said one-time revenue should not be used to pay down the unfunded pension liability. “This is one-time money in a state with a poorly funded Rainy Day Fund,” Malloy said. Malloy said everyone is rushing around for a talking point when “we should be talking about how to protect the Rainy Day Fund.” He said the idea that a governor would come into office and not be able to bond money for transportation—“we’ve got issues.” The same day the lawmakers debated the 2019 budget, the governor’s budget office issued a money report saying the 2018 deficit had doubled to $363.5 million, an increase of $170.8 million.

Hotel Eyed For Pirelli Building by PAUL BASS

The iconic Pirelli Building on Long Wharf, beloved by preservationists who feared it would be destroyed, is slated for new life as a hotel. IKEA, the furniture giant that owns a store on the same Sargent Drive property, is in discussions with a New England hotel developer to turn the empty building into a new hotel, according to city Economic Development Administrator Matthew Nemerson. Nemerson said Thursday that the city had been urging IKEA to find a new use for the building rather than tear it down. He said the company “interviewed many people” about possible uses — housing, an office building a conference center — before settling on the idea of a hotel and launching negotiations with the developer. Those negotiations are ongong and have not yet produced a memorandum of understanding,

Nemerson reported. The news was revealed at the most recent meeting of the Development Commission, according to the body’s president, Pedro Soto. “IKEA has not announced any new plans for the New Haven Pirelli building. We do not have any additional updates at this time,” IKEA corporate spokeswoman Lethisa Bracy emailed the Independent in response to a request for comment. “This is good news. It is going to be preserved,” Nemerson said. And “we clearly need more hotels.” The city is in the midst of a hotel boomlet, with projects under construction or planned at High and George Streets, 80 Elm St., the Union apartment complex, and the Hotel Duncan. The old Armstrong Rubber company built the unusual concrete-cube edifice suspended from a base in full view of I-95 — in 1969 for use as a research and administrative headquarters. Then, like other manu-

facturers, the company left town, in the 1990s. The building has been vacant ever since. Preservationists, fearing loss of a piece of New Haven’s allegedly meaningful modernist architectural history, have sought to prevent the building’s demolition. They succeeded in getting the building listed on the State Register of Historic Places in 2000. That doesn’t legally prevent it from being destroyed, but adds an arrow to the preservationist quiver. The building was truncated in 2003 but otherwise left standing. The late architect Marcel Breuer designed the building in the Brutalist tradition. Nemerson noted that architect’s reputation has enjoyed a national revival of late. Last year the Pirelli Building tempoorarily opened its doors again, for an art exhibit. Read about that here. BRUTALISM.ORGThe Pirelli Building.


“Statutory provisions require the state to process certain hospital rate and supplemental payments in advance of full federal approval. The state’s submissions are currently undergoing federal review, but it is unlikely that federal approvals will be obtained before the fiscal year ends,” Office of Policy and Management Secretary Ben Barnes wrote Friday in his monthly letter to state Comptroller Kevin Lembo. The inability to the state to receive the reimbursement caused the deficit to increase by about $150 million. None of the proposals Friday addressed the 2018 deficit. Malloy released a deficit mitigation plan in December 2017. Legislators have yet to respond to it.


APRIL 25, 2018


MAY 01, 2018

Labor Favorite Exits Race for Attorney General by Christine Stuart CT. Junkie News

HARTFORD, CT — The support of organized labor wasn’t enough to convince Hamden Rep. Michael D’Agostino to stay in the race for the Democratic nomination for attorney general. D’Agostino dropped his exploratory bid for attorney general Friday and opted to run for re-election to his House seat. “This campaign has never been about me, it has always been about how we can build a brighter future for our state and our country,” D’Agostino said. “At this time, I believe that the best thing that I can do as we work towards this goal is to run for re-election to the Connecticut House of Representatives. This decision is not the end of the road, it is simply a different path. I look forward to continuing the fight for progressive issues as we work together to lead our state forward.” The three-term state representative, who defended the State Employees

Bargaining Agent Coalition contract last July in the House, was one of a handful of candidates seeking the Democratic nomination. His exit leaves Sen. Paul Doyle of Wethersfield, Clare Kindall, an assistant attorney general, former federal prosecutor Chris Mattei, and Rep. William Tong of Stamford. It’s unclear who will pick up D’Agostino’s labor support. Based on a straw poll at the recent AFL-CIO convention, Mattei, a former union organizer, received 24.8 percent of the vote, while D’Agostino receive 47.7 percent and Tong receive 11.4 percent. Kindall received 7.4 percent and Doyle, who was slow to support the SEBAC agreement and voted in favor of a Republican budget proposal, received 0 percent of the 216 delegates present. The straw poll didn’t lead to the endorsement of any of the candidates. The AFL-CIO will meet again in June to endorse candidates for statewide office.


Rep. Michael D’Agostino takes a photo with labor members


THE INNER-CITY NEWS APRIL 25, 2018 - MAY 01, 2018















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APRIL 25, 2018


MAY 01, 2018

Pay Equity Sails Through House by Christine Stuart CT. Junkie News

HARTFORD, CT — Connecticut is one step closer to attempting to close the gender wage gap by banning employers from asking about a person’s pay history. The bill sailed through the House with 142 in favor and only four Republicans in opposition. Reps. Anne Dauphinais, Doug Dubitsky, Craig Fishbein, and Rob Sampson voted against the measure. The bill, which would simply prohibit employers from asking about a person’s salary history, now goes to the Senate. If the Senate approves it and the governor signs it Connecticut will become the 5th state in the country to pass legislation. Rep. Robyn Porter, D-New Haven, said this would give women the “power and equalization they deserve.” In Connecticut, the average women will make $529,000 less in earnings over her lifetime than a male. A Connecticut women working full-time earns 83-cents for every dollar paid to men and each year, Connecticut women lose a combined $5.5 billion due to the wage gap. At an earlier press conference, Porter said that’s a lot of revenue the state is leaving on the table. She said if that money was given to these women the state would be better off because consumer activity would increase.

“It’s about leveling the playing field for children and raising families out of poverty,” Porter said. There’s no teeth in the legislation to make sure employers are complying with the law. House Speaker Joe Aresimowicz, D-Berlin, said “discrimination still happens all over the map,” and he added that this legislation won’t stop discrimination. But Aresimowicz also said, “We have to stand up and be very consistent in our beliefs. People should be treated fairly. People should be able to work without fear of harassment.” House Majority Leader Matt Ritter, DHartford, quipped that “trial lawyers” would enforce it. Sampson said he doesn’t believe the bill actually addresses pay equity because it would apply to individuals of all genders. Rep. Derek Slap, D-West Hartford, disagreed. He said the evidence is very strong that when women graduate college and get their first job, the pay gap appears at 6.5 percent immediately. “If you begin your career making 6.5 percent less and your employer is asking how much you currently make, that gap is going to grow and grow throughout your entire career,” Slap said. Connecticut ranks 47th in the country in wages lost over a lifetime because of the


Rep. Robyn Porter gender wage gap, Slap said. He said not being able to ask this question is not going to “single-handedly solve all of the problems, or single-handedly close the gender wage gap, but it is going to make a difference.” The Connecticut Business and Industry Association, which helped lawmakers reach a compromise, supported the mea-

sure. “While this is a significant change to the hiring process in Connecticut, employers understand the need to address this issue and are willing to do their part,” the business association said in a statement. “This bill will make pay equity more attainable, while minimally impacting the ability of Connecticut companies to compete.”

Veterans Call On Lawmakers To Restore Funding by Christine Stuart CT. Junkie News

HARTFORD, CT — Veterans Service Organizations from around the state gathered at the state Capitol Tuesday to continue their effort to restore $2 million to the Levitow Healthcare Center at the Department of Veterans’ Affairs Veterans’ Home at Rocky Hill. The two-year budget adopted last October anticipated the state would modify the licensing requirements for the Levitow Healthcare Center portion of the state-run facility and save $2 million. When the plan was scrapped it was discovered that the licensing change would actually jeopardize millions of dollars in federal reimbursements, and the plan was canceled. “In the original plan, there was never supposed to be an actual cut to the budget. The cost savings couldn’t be realized, but now they want the DVA to find it in their budget anyway? The budget is cut to the bone as it is. If this keeps up, the DVA will cease to exist,” Bob Priest, state commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, said. The loss of $2 million would come on top of the 35 percent in budget cuts they’ve experienced over the last de-

CHRISTINE STUART / CTNEWSJUNKIE Ed DeGumbia, state commander of the American Legion

cade. “When we took an oath to serve our country to protect the flag, the constitution, and the people of America we never stopped once we got out,” Ed DeGumbia, state commander of the American Legion, said. The more than 100 patients and about 30 residents at the state veterans home and hospital “are not as fortunate as the rest of us,” DeGumbia said. DeGumbia said they have been reassured that the money would be re-

stored. “It’s infuriating that the state is planning cuts that could put World War Two, Korean War, and Vietnam veterans on the street,” DeGumbia said. “We owe these folks such an incredible debt, and it makes me sick that this is how we are honoring their service. And what kind of message does it send to the men and women coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan? Who would want to come home to Connecticut knowing that we could


just turn our backs on them?” Steve Kennedy, Connecticut Team Leader for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, said they were concerned they would have to lose some wings of the hospital without the restoration of the funding. Both the legislature’s Democratic and Republican spending proposals restored the funding, which will likely become part of the budget debate. However, the two sides have yet to get together to start negotiating the budget with 13 to 14 days left in the legislative session. The length of the legislative session may depend on how many weekend days lawmakers are willing to work before the May 9 adjournment. Dan Thurston, chairman of the Connecticut Military and Veterans Coalition, said Rocky Hill is a state asset. “It is unique and it has been around much more than a century and it is something that brings great value,” Thurston said. While there is stand alone legislation, the funding issue will likely be part of the budget decisions between legislative leaders, which could begin as early as today.

Con’t from page 06

Republicans, Democrats Get Ready

up in a brutal cycle of surpluses and deficits. Fasano said he’s okay with using some of the unexpected revenue to pay off long-term debt. He said making those payments will improve the credit rating, drive down the actuarially required amounts, and free up more operating funds in the process. Republicans and Democrats plan to unveil their spending proposals Friday during the Appropriations Committee meeting. It’s still unclear whether either plan will have enough votes to pass. Klarides said she thinks they should have a vote. She said last year was the first year they didn’t vote on a spending package and it took them four months after they adjourned to pass a budget. She said failing to vote on a spending package can’t become the new normal. House Speaker Joe Aresimowicz, DBerlin, said he didn’t necessarily believe they needed to vote. As far as what’s in a package, Republicans, according to sources, will look to use some of the revenue to pay down unfunded pension liabilities in both the teacher and state employee pension funds. Some of the things Democrats and Republicans have been able to agree upon, like restoring the funding for the Medicaid Savings Program, will also be included in a Republican spending plan. Democrats have signaled that they’re willing to restore funding for a number of programs that were cut by Democratic Gov. Dannel P. Malloy or in the bipartisan budget as part of their spending package. Democrats, according to a press release, plan to restore a total of $114.9 million in aid to municipalities, including an estimated $33.1 million in town aid, $63 million in ECS, and $18.5 million for magnet schools. It also retains the car tax mill rate at 45, but uses current year mill rates and increases funding for retired teachers health care. And it increases assistance in the Department of Developmental Services for emergency placements and employment and day services, and funds the Medicaid Savings Program for 134,000 elderly and disabled. The revenue picture could change before April 30, but Aresimowicz said the proposals expected to be debated Friday will be a good starting point for leadership to have their discussions. The Appropriations Committee is expected to convene at 11 a.m. today.

THE INNER-CITY NEWS APRIL 25, 2018 - MAY 01, 2018

Labor Backs DeLauro; Battle For Nation’s “Soul” Invoked by PAUL BASS

New Haven Independent

“Over my dead body,” Rosa DeLauro declared to a rousing union endorsement rally, “will they rescind that funding.” “They” are President Donald Trump and some of his Republican allies in Washington. “That funding” is $30 billion in nondefense spending — for transportation, for mental health, for job apprenticeships — that DeLauro and her Democratic allies got inserted in the latest budget Congress passed. Since the bipartisan budget passed, Trump and some Republican Congressmembers have called for rescinding that portion. DeLauro made the “dead body” declaration to illustrate what labor can expect from her in return for backing all her campaigns for the Third U.S. Congressional District seat since she first won it in 1990. DeLauro made the declaration Monday evening to a full house at First & Summerfield Church, where members of Yale’s and the Omni Hotel’s unions gathered to cheer her on for a 15th two-year term as New Haven’s Democratic U.S. Congresswoman. The endorsement officially came from UNITE HERE Local 34. It coincided with an announcement that the Greater New Haven Central Labor Council has


Rosa DeLauro at Monday night’s union endorsement rally.

Local 34 President Laurie Kennington with DeLauro at the rally. voted to endorse her too. (The state AFL-CIO has already endorsed her reelection campaign.) At this point, there’s nobody else to endorse in the Third District. Since DeLauro’s is considered the safest of safe seats, the Republicans generally

put the name of a little-known person on the ballot who barely campaigns and receives little to no party support. So far the GOP doesn’t even have a candidate yet, according to state Party Chairman J.R. Romano. This year DeLauro expected a Demo-

cratic primary challenge, from the left. But that challenger, Bryan Anderson, suspended his campaign last week. “Our feet go in the street. That’s the way we flex,” Central Labor Council President and UNITE HERE Local 35 President Bob Proto remarked in introducing DeLauro, referring to the Yale unions’ statewide status as a top vote-pulling force on Election Day. “We actually do the work. And we get noticed. That’s the way you make change: You support people like Rosa DeLauro.” “I believe you standing with me led my opponent not to take up this fight,” DeLauro told the First & Summerfield crowd. (Yale’s clerical and technical workers union held some of its original organizing meetings in the basement of DeLauro’s home.) So Monday night’s rally became more about what’s at stake for labor in Democrats’ nationwide quest to take back control of the U.S. House of Representatives, in which Republican are now the majority. DeLauro spoke of Republicans’ efforts to “turn back” union organizing and bargaining rights, weaken the National Labor Relations Board, depress wages, and weaken consumer regulations — even, recently, to “take your tips away.” She spoke of how 83 percent of the benefits of the new tax cut

law go to the wealthiest 1 percent of taxpayers. “Corporations and the millionaires and the billionaires,” DeLauro declared, channeling her D.C. allies Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, “are writing the rules that make government work for them at the expense of American workers.” “This is the most critical election we will face in our lives,” she said. DeLauro noted that she is the ranking Democrat on the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Subcommittee, where issues most important to unions and wage-earners survive or die. “We win the House back,” she said, “I get to chair that committee. Then we get our agenda” back on track. That produced one of the loudest whoops in a loud and high-energy hour-long event. DeLauro closed with a note of optimism: “We will take back the soul of this country.” Then, after it was all over, a speed round of hugs commenced in the hall before DeLauro raced out to the next event in her cleared path to two more years — adding up to three decades — in the halls of Congress. Posted by New Haven Independent

Congratulations to the Millionaire Mindset Sisterhood WE ARE ONE!

Congratulations to the Millionaire Mindset Sisterhood WE ARE ONE! Dr. Roberta A. Hoskie, Chieftain and Founder Our first year of sisterhood seemed to pass quickly. We have made phenomenal strides and accomplishments in just our first year. We have assembled ourselves, developed committees, introduced ourselves to our Community and the world at large. We have continued to stay focused on our overall mission of keeping God first in our lives. We have continued our devotion to Breaking the Poverty Curse, upholding our Core Values, Being our sisters keeper all while living “In purpose and On purpose”. In just a one-year period 42% of Our Founding Sisters have generated additional Streams of Income and New Businesses!!! We have 3 new home owners and 18 Sisters on track to becoming Home Owners and Real Estate Investors within the next 12 months. It gives me great pleasure and pride to see the substantial growth of our

sisters individually as well as collectively. We are more in tune with Our God Given Power of Our Mindset to Attract the things we desire in life, to focus on the Positive so that we can override the Negative. As we celebrate our First Year of Sisterhood, we excited to also celebrate the induction of the 1st Class of SIM’s to be inducted and become pledged Millionaire Mindset Sisters on April 14, 2018.

cut • Camille Smith, Charlotte, NC

To Our New Sisters, Welcome to Our Family, Welcome to Our Sisterhood. The next chapter of our HERstory is already in the making. Our second year will be even more productive than our first. We will multiply at a controlled rapid pace, become more visible in Our Communities as well as the world. We will walk in excellence, think in excellence and live in excellence. The Poverty Curse will not have us, it will not have our Children, it will not have our seed, because we made up our Mind that we will try God at His Word, as we go after our Rightful inheritance; prosperity! Sisters we will continue to build planning 100 years out, knowing that What we do today, will change the lives of Countless Women of whom, we haven’t even met yet, and some we never will. This is Legacy Building.

• Iesha Byrant, Bridgeport, Connecticut • Tasha Jackson-Coleman, New Britian, Connecticut • Sylvia Cooper, New Haven, Connecticut • Jasmine Cross, Valley Stream, New York • Monita Davis, Atlanta, Georgia • Tiwana Lewis-Duncan, East Hartford, Connecticut • Chaila Gilliams, Hamden, Connecticut • Jonnell Grayson, New Haven, Connecticut • Rishera Hopkins, Bridgeport, Connecticut • Tyki Irving, Maplewood, New Jersey • Rosa Lesane, Hamden, Connecticut • Gemma Morency, Mount Vernon, New York • Lakeysha Robinson, Hamden, Connecti-



APRIL 25, 2018


MAY 01, 2018

Wells Fargo Increases Its Commitment to Black Homebuyers By Stacy M. Brown The Washington Informer/NNPA Member

In 2017, Wells Fargo announced a commitment to create 250,000 African American homeowners by 2027. In addition to lending $60 billion for home purchases over that 10-year period, the banking giant has committed to increase the diversity of its sales team, particularly African American home mortgage consultants. Further, bank officials said they’ve dedicated $15 million for initiatives focused on homebuyer education and counseling for Black families. This commitment is only part of the evidence that Wells Fargo has made over the past year to show that it values customers of color, said Cerita Battles, the senior vice president and head of retail diverse segments at Wells Fargo Home Mortgage. “It is really important to understand that, as we made our intentions public, we did so with some of the country’s largest and most influential African American organizations standing by our side,” she said, noting that those organizations included the National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB), the National Urban League (NUL) and the NAACP. “Their support not only added a measure of accountability and a great deal of legitimacy to this commitment, but also the power and scope of their collective constituent networks,” Battles

said. NAREB and affiliates of NUL currently are engaged in homebuyer education and counseling to help African Americans prepare for homeownership while the NAACP’s Economic Development arm assists constituents with financial preparedness, which is a key component to being ready to purchase a home, she said. “And, our commitment aligns very well with NAREB’s ‘2 million in 5 years’ initiative which is aimed at creating 2 million new African American homeowners in five years,” Battles said. The commitment appears headed in a positive direction. By the end of 2017, Wells Fargo reported that it helped 23,161 African American families with $5.7 billion in home loan originations which was a significant increase over the previous year and 99.7 percent of the bank’s first-year goal despite a falling mortgage market, Battles said. The bank also dedicated more than $1.8 million in grants to support homebuyer education and counseling for African American audiences, exceeding its first-year goal. Battles said the majority of support from that work comes primarily from three areas of the Wells Fargo Housing Foundation, including the National Housing Grant Program, the Homeownership Counseling Grant Program, and down payment assistance

grants through NeighborhoodLIFT. “We are also supporting new initiatives like HomeFree-USA’s Center for Financial Advancement Program which will offer financial education and expose students to the mortgage industry as a career option on the campuses of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs),” Battles said. “And, the future holds great promise as we have several improvements that have been put in place for 2018 including doubling the amount of money dedicated to Neighborhood-


LIFT.” Battles said that Wells Fargo also plans to pilot new pricing models for home mortgages under $175,000 and to launch a national housing counseling program that the company can share across the entire mortgage industry. The company’s homeownership commitment to African Americans has allowed them to also look inward. “There is no doubt the mortgage industry lacks diversity, especially when it comes to the sales force. So, for us,

one of the important pieces to this puzzle is to begin building a pipeline of new, young, energetic, bright minds who might not normally consider mortgage lending as a career choice,” Battles said. “We hope to achieve this through partnerships with organizations that can help get the word out to young African Americans as they grow and shape their thoughts and plans about the future.” For instance, Wells Fargo is part-

THE INNER-CITY NEWS APRIL 25, 2018 - MAY 01, 2018

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APRIL 25, 2018


MAY 01, 2018


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THE INNER-CITY NEWS APRIL 25, 2018 - MAY 01, 2018

A Charming Chat with Oscar-Nominee Naomie! is a very passionate director who got me so excited by his enthusiasm that i couldn’t wait to start working on the project. It was almost contagious. I knew that working with him was going to be a lot of fun. That turned out to be true, since every day was quite an adventure on the set. He’s an amazing human being and a fantastic director. and then there was The Rock! I wanted to work with Dwayne [Johnson]. He’s a rarity in how he exudes such charisma and appeals to the entire family: men, women and children alike. So, I was very eager to work with him as well.

Naomie Harris The “Rampage” Interview with Kam Williams

Naomie Harris was recently seen in the Academy Award-winning Best Picture, MOONLIGHT. Naomie was nominated for an Oscar, Golden Globe, Screen Actors Guild and BAFTA Award for her tour de force performance as the protagonist’s mother, Paula. She is set to appear next in director Andy Serkis’ feature adventure, MOWGLI, as a member of a stellar cast that includes Benedict Cumberbatch, Christian Bale and Cate Blanchett. The film is slated to be released in the fall of this year. Naomie reprised her role as Moneypenny in the latest installment of the James Bond franchise, SPECTRE, opposite Daniel Craig. She was first seen as the iconic character in SKYFALL, directed by Sam Mendes, which won the 2013 BAFTA Film Award for Outstanding British Film and went on to be Sony Pictures’ highest-grossing film ever, with a worldwide box office of over $918 million. In 2013, she played Winnie Mandela in MANDELA: LONG WALK TO FREEDOM, opposite Idris Elba. Her other screen credits include: COLLATERAL BEAUTY, opposite Will Smith; OUR KIND OF TRAITOR, opposite Ewan McGregor; Antoine Fuqua’s SOUTHPAW, opposite Jake Gyllenhaal; THE FIRST GRADER; SEX & DRUGS & ROCK & ROLL; PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: AT WORLD’S END; PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S CHEST; MIAMI VICE; AFTER THE SUNSET; and 28 DAYS LATER. Here, she talks about co-starring with Dwayne Johnson in RAMPAGE, an action-oriented monster flick set in Chicago. Kam Williams: Hi Naomie. I’m honored to have another opportunity to speak with you. Naomie Harris: Oh, it’s an honor to speak with you, too, Kam. KW: This is my first interview with you since your Oscar nomination for Moonlight. Congratulations! NH: Thank you so much. That’s really sweet! KW: You really did a phenomenal job of disappearing into that role. And because of the picture’s modest budget, you had to cram all your scenes into three days of shooting. NH: Yes, we only had three days, which actually turned out to be wonderful because instead of waiting around in a trailer, I got to spend all my time working. KW: All the buzz after the premiere the other night was about your gold dress. NH: Really?

KW: He and Brad have a successful track record together, having collaborated on San Andreas and Journey 2. NH: Yes, I observed a wonderful bond and a great shorthand between them which was very helpful and great to see on set. KW: I loved those light moments, like when Dwayne’s character moans, “Of course, the wolf flies.” NH: I know. They’re fantastic! KW: I enjoyed this monster movie more than The Shape of Water. Rampage went in the direction I was hoping Shape was headed. NH: That’s funny. That would’ve made it a completely different kind of film. KW: Did you play the Rampage video game growing up? NH: No, I didn’t play it as a child. I wasn’t really a gamer. But I love the nods to the game sprinkled throughout the movie. A lot of the computer game’s fans are going to appreciate that. KW: What was it like acting opposite Jason Liles, the motion capture performer who played George, the giant albino gorilla? NH: It was great, because I thought we’d just have a tennis ball or a gorilla head, if we were lucky, to act off of, because that’s what you normally get in this kind of movie. But Brad felt that we needed something more substantial to react to, so he brought on Jason who gave a fantastic performance. He was so emotive and really gave us a lot to react to.

KW: Yes! It was stunning! Who’s the designer? NH: Miu Miu. KW: Who designed your accoutrements? NH: I wore David Webb jewelry and shoes by Jimmy Choo. KW: Well, it all blended beautifully. NH: Thanks, Kam. I’ll tell my stylist.

KW: What interested you in Rampage? NH: In Moonlight, I had such a dark, harrowing role. Coming off of that film, I wanted to do something relatively lighthearted that would offer me the opportunity to have fun. I also wanted to work with Beau [Flynn] again. He produced my first Hollywood movie [After the Sunset]. I’ve always loved Beau and admired his work. And Brad [Peyton]


KW: Despite being classically-trained at the Old Vic [in Bristol], you’re no stranger to the action genre. I first interviewed you for Ninja Assassin and later for the Bond flick Skyfall. NH: [Giggles] Ninja Assassin! That’s really going back a ways. The stunt work for that film was much more demanding and involved a lot more training. And I also ended up with a lot more bruises. Rampage was much kinder on my body, since most of the acting was against a

green screen. KW: I recently read the announcement that they’re doing Bond 25. You must be excited about that. NH: Yes, I’m really, really excited! Kam, you know that most of the time spent as an actor you’re sort of a gypsy, traveling around the world. You don’t really belong anywhere, in a sense. You uproot your life and, in this case, go off to Atlanta, where we shot Rampage. After three or four months there, you come back home for a while before heading somewhere else. there’s very little continuity. What I like about Bond is how it offers me a kind of family that I get to return to. I really love that feeling and everybody involved. KW: Do the 007 movies involve much travel? NH: Not for me. The guys flew all over the world for Spectre, but I shot all of my scenes in London. KW: The Viola Davis question: What’s the biggest difference between who you are at home as opposed to the person we see on the red carpet? NH: [LOL] There’s a huge difference because the person on the red carpet has had a whole village of people help her get ready, and done her hair and makeup, and put wonderful clothes on her. The person I am at home is much, much simpler. I’m a jeans, t-shirt and trainers girl. Yeah, that’s how I roll most days. I’m very, very casual. KW: Who is your favorite clothes designer? NH: You’re really into fashion, Kam, aren’t you? I don’t have one particular favorite. I love mixing up designers like Calvin Klein, Peter Pilotto and Mary Katrantzou. KW: Harriet Pakula-Teweles asks: With so many classic films being redone, is there a remake you’d like to star in? NH: I love musicals. My favorite film of all time is The Sound of Music. I’d love to take part in a remake of West Side Story or what have you. But I can’t sing, and I can’t dance, so I don’t think there’s much hope for me, really. KW: Finally, Samuel L. Jackson asks: What’s in your wallet? NH: What’s in my wallet? Omigosh! And my driver’s license, obviously. My credit cards and a bit of cash. I even have an old library card in there as well. KW: Thanks again for the time, Naomie, and best of luck with the film. NH: It’s been lovely hearing your voice again, Kam.


APRIL 25, 2018


MAY 01, 2018

Women with ADHD: Catching Early Signs At Adolescence Is The First Step by HealthDay News

Is there a significant difference between females and males who have ADHD? Research says, yes and it can certainly last well into adulthood for women as well. When Kathleen Nadeau was a little girl, she spent so many hours studying that her mother wondered what was wrong. Nadeau was bright. Yet, while other girls were enjoying parties and after-school activities, Nadeau avoided all social events throughout junior high and high school as she struggled to keep up her grades. It wasn’t until she was an adult that Nadeau, now a psychologist in private practice in Silver Spring, Md., realized she had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). “Only by keeping this hyper-focus on what I was doing could I do well,” Nadeau says. “I knew I couldn’t balance all the distractions the way most people do.” ADHD is a condition marked by distractibility, difficulty setting priorities and following through, impulsivity, difficulty with social relationships and, in some people, hyperactivity. For years, it was believed that only boys suffered from ADHD. However,

a growing body of research – and a greater awareness on the part of parents and doctors – is finding that ADHD is quite common among girls. ADHD In Young Girls Though boys with ADHD still outnumber girls, the gulf is not nearly as large as previously believed, says Stephen Hinshaw, a professor of psychology at the University of California at Berkeley. Some estimates put the ratio at five boys for every girl with ADHD or even 10 to one, but Hinshaw believes the number is closer to two to one. “ADHD can and does exist in girls,” he says. “But many girls are diagnosed as having anxiety or depression, or their diagnosis is missed altogether.” Part of the problem in diagnosing girls is that their ADHD symptoms are often subtler, as in Nadeau’s case. Many boys with ADHD, though not all, are hyperactive. They are defiant and disruptive in classrooms, which brings them to the attention of teachers and parents quickly. Some girls with ADHD show symptoms of hyperactivity and aggressiveness. However, many more girls have what’s known as “inattentive type” ADHD, Hinshaw says.

They are bright but have to work very hard to keep up in school. They can’t follow their teachers’ or parents’ directions. They are often dismissed as “scatterbrained” or “flighty.” “Boys are clearly more aggressive and disruptive than girls in a physical sense, so they are the ones that get referred,” Hinshaw says. “The ‘inatten-

tive type’ is a less visible type because you’re not disrupting a class, you’re not running round. You are in some ways suffering in silence because you’re not processing information, you’re not focusing attention on parents’ demands or teachers’ directions.” And it doesn’t mean girls aren’t struggling to cope with the difficulties

of life with ADHD. Hinshaw and his colleagues enrolled 228 girls aged 6 to 12 in day camps held from 1997 to 1999. About 140 of the girls had ADHD. The others were not suspected of having ADHD and were told the camps were for “enrichment.” The girls with ADHD stopped talking medicine such as Ritalin for the six-week duration of the camps so researchers could observe their behavior. Some of the girls with ADHD were overactive. Many others had problems following directions and getting organized. Most striking was the social problems the girls with ADHD had, Hinshaw, says. The overactive girls weren’t liked because they were aggressive and disruptive. The inattentive girls, meanwhile, became socially isolated. “They were very poor at reading social cues,” Hinshaw says. “But they did it in a more passive, ‘clueless’ way.” About 2 million U.S. children, or 3 percent to 5 percent, have ADHD. The condition can run in families – about Con’t on page 18

Single Mom With 5 Children Graduates from Law School; Inspires Millions

Houston, TX — Inspiring graduation photos of a single mother with her five children have been going viral on social media. Iesha Champs, who will receive her law degree in May, says she owes her success to her children. Iesha Champs, who is now 33-years old, dreamt of being a lawyer since she was seven. However, a lot of things got in the way, she almost gave up on reaching her goals. “I really didn’t have any stable guidance at that time. My mom was addicted to drugs. My dad was deceased. And I was homeless,” Champs told CBS News. “I lived with friends or whoever would take me in. Then I got pregnant with the first of my five children, and things just went from there.” In the midst of all these, Champs said she even thought of resorting to suicide. She was grateful to the pastor who practically saved her life through a simple message. “Pastor Louise Holman called me one day and said that God told her to tell me to go back to school and get my GED, because that lawyer I wanted to be, I’ll be it!” Champs recalled. “I thought it was a little crazy because I was too old and I had three children

with my fourth child on the way.” Champs enrolled back in school and eventually earned her GED from Houston Community College. She then went to Houston Community College, then the University of Houston-Downtown to get her Bachelor’s degree. This coming May, she will be graduating from Texas Southern University’s Thurgood Marshall School of Law. Definitely, raising five children at the same time studying law is not an easy task. But with the help of her children, she became successful in both. “They would help me review with flash cards while I cooked. They would sit as a mock jury while I taught them what I learned that day,” Champs said. “I would sit in my closet and pray and cry because I was overwhelmed and my oldest son, David, would gather his siblings, give them a snack, make them take a bath, gather their school clothes, all to make things easier for me. And I had no knowledge of him doing that until I went to do it!” Champs commissioned a set of photos to commemorate the achievement. “I took the pictures with my kids because they helped me through school.

They’re graduating too!” she said. In the photos, she was holding a chalkboard with the words, “I did it!” written on it. Her children stand behind her holding chalkboards saying: “We did it!” “I helped too!” “Me too!”


The photo immediately caught the attention of netizens and already garnered thousands of likes and comments on social media. “When I look at the pictures, I cry, I smile, and I’m very grateful,” Champs

said. “I see a woman who at one time knew that the odds were against her. Looking at that picture reminds me of the fact that I didn’t just defy the odds, me and my children destroyed them.”

THE INNER-CITY NEWS APRIL 25, 2018 - MAY 01, 2018

Stetson Library: The Next Chapter HELP STETSON LIBRARY MOVE INTO THE NEW Q HOUSE “We don’t just need a place for books—we need a space for people to learn, to be challenged, to come together. A library is not just a home for books, it’s a home for the community.” - Diane Brown, Stetson Branch Manager

Thanks to a generous challenge grant from the Seedlings Foundation, you can double the impact of your donation. All gifts between $50 - $10,000 will be matched dollar for dollar! Donate online at or by check to: NHFPL Foundation - Stetson Library, 133 Elm St, New Haven, CT 06510 The NHFPL Foundation is a 501(c)(3) exempt organization; gifts are fully deductible under federal tax regulations.



APRIL 25, 2018


MAY 01, 2018

Ethically Produced Apparel & Goods = The New Wave by Tia Muhammad,

Black consumers now have a voice more than ever. If we don’t agree with something politically, racially or ethically, we have the power to get you up and out. Nothing holds truer than the racially-driven mishap by H&M brand that put a monkey hoodie on a small chocolate boy. I consciously haven’t shopped there since. Some things just can’t be overlooked. This goes for the millions of fashion houses that traffic their goods out of under-developed communities in China and Africa for minuscule prices and under harsh work conditions. We now have a choice. The internet so graciously unveils another side of the coin that embraces ethically produced, organic and fair waged goods by some of the most high-quality and compelling brands. And guess what? Most are ran and created by people that look just like me and you. Looking for quality and a connection to good? Check out these ethically produced brands that are creating a new wave of consciousness: Brother Vellies Toronto-native, former Los Angeles resident, and current New York Citytransplant, Creative Director and founder Aurora James started Brother Vellies in Brooklyn just after finding herself traveling to and throughout Africa to experience the continent’s diverse culture. Keeping with the spirit of sustaining African artisanal jobs, she set a goal of introducing the rest of the world to her favorite traditional African footwear, while also creating and sustaining artisanal jobs within Africa. Handmade in South Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya and Morocco, Brother Vellies creates boots, shoes and sandals in styles that maintain the spirit and durability of their ancestral counterparts. ENZI Brands like ENZI tell a story of pride with a dash of personal taste. Based out of Ethiopia, long-time friends Sam Imende, Azariah Mengistu, Jawad Braye and Christian Ward created the high-end footwear brand to hold that notion to heart. Established under a commitment to providing exceptional production, design, and materials, ENZI maintains their social and environmental responsibility through sourcing materials and employing craftsmen within the continent of Africa. From a tiny workshop to the feet of the world, ENZI set out to change the perception of Africa through the production of high quality, well-crafted footwear. Throughout Africa to experience the

continent’s diverse culture. Keeping with the spirit of sustaining African artisanal jobs, she set a goal of introducing the rest of the world to her favorite traditional African footwear, while also creating and sustaining artisanal jobs within Africa. Handmade in South Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya and Morocco, Brother Vellies creates boots, shoes and sandals in styles that maintain the spirit and durability of their ancestral counterparts. TawiaDesigns Founded in 2013, TawiaDesigns is a Ghanaian-American shoe brand based in Chicago that provides comfortable handmade footwear ranging from sandals, boots, lace-ups, shoes, and custom sneakers. Their philosophy is to create unique comfortable shoes that satisfy customers on all levels. Handcrafted in Kenya, Ghana, and Morocco, TawiaDesigns creates a variety of footwear styles that represent the rich African culture, while creating and sustaining artisanal jobs within Africa. Sindiso Khumalo A sustainable textile designer based in London, Sindiso Khumalo founded her label with a focus on creating modern sustainable textiles with a strong emphasis on African storytelling. She designs textiles in her collections by hand through watercolors and collage with sustainability, craft, and empowerment lying at the heart of her label.

lemlem Created by supermodel Liya Kebede, lemlem was inspired by a trip to her native land of Ethiopia where she met a group of traditional weavers who no longer had a market for their craft. lemlem is an artisan-driven collection of women’s, men’s, children’s and home goods made entirely in Africa that elevate artisanship, production, and jobs across Africa. Adele Dejak Inspired by the beauty of African shapes, textures, and traditional techniques, Nigerian-born designer, Adele Dejak, ignites a revolutionary art form with her designs. Experimenting with natural horn, African-made fabrics, recycled materials, and operating out of Nairobi, Kenya, the designer unites sustainability, craftsmanship, and ethical practices. Tia Muhammad, BS, is an awardwinning freelance content & media creative, copywriter, blogger, digital designer, and marketing consultant. She owns the boutique content and digital media company, jackieGLDN|studio.


Con’t from page 16

Women with ADHD:

80 percent of the underpinnings of the disorder are due to genetics, previous research has found. ADHD Into Womanhood Years ago, doctors believed children outgrew ADHD. It’s now known that some do outgrow the hyperactivity, but the cognitive problems often last a lifetime. When Nadeau was growing up, her brother had a classic case of “hyperactive-type” ADHD. He did poorly in school. He was defiant, disruptive and took physical risks. “I was so utterly different no one suspected I could have it, too,” she says. Nadeau continued her obsessive work habits throughout college and graduate school. She earned a Ph.D. and began a psychology practice. While treating children with ADHD about three decades ago, it dawned on her she had many of the same difficulties. “I realized I was making all sorts of accommodations in my life for ADHD,” she says. At about the same time, a pediatrician diagnosed ADHD in her youngest daughter, now grown and working as a real estate agent. Both she and her daughter have found Ritalin-like medications help them stay organized and think clearly. And Nadeau has found ways to cope. She keeps her office calm and quiet to minimize distractions. She has an office staff that takes care of organizing paperwork and paying bills. “But I still struggle with these issues every day,” she says. Not every case of a hyperactive or unfocused child – or adult – is a missed case of ADHD. “Diagnosing ADHD requires a careful psychological assessment to find out if it really is ADHD, and not some other problem or poor child rearing,” Hinshaw says. What should parents look for? Girls who are very intelligent but have problems at school is a telltale sign, Nadeau says. So are frequent stomach aches or anxiety about school. Girls with ADHD are also often dismissed as “social butterflies,” she says. In women, hyperactivity is often manifested as talkativeness. If you or someone you know has ADHD, we encourage that you seek assistance from your local healthcare provider. To find out more about ADHD, visit our Health Conditions tab on SOURCES: Kathleen Nadeau, Ph.D., psychologist, Silver Spring, Md.; Stephen Hinshaw, Ph.D., professor, psychology, University of California at Berkeley; October 2002 Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology

THE INNER-CITY NEWS APRIL 25, 2018 - MAY 01, 2018

yale university african american studies department

the henry louis gates, jr. annual lecture

“a sense of displacement: stuart hall’s art of living”

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the henry louis gates, jr. lectureship is made possible through the generous support of daniel and joanna s. rose.






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INNER-CITY NEWS July 27, 2016 -- August THE INNER-CITY NEWS APRIL 25, 2018 MAY 01, 02,2018 2016


Sealed bids, to purchase NOTICE the following, will be accepted by the Bureau of Purchases, Room 301, 200 Orange Street, New VALENTINA PRE- APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE Haven, CT MACRI 06510RENTAL until HOUSING 3:00 P.M., local time, on the date shown, at which time they will be publicly opened and read. HOME INC, on behalf of Columbus House and the New Haven Housing Authority, Bid forms pre-applications are availableforonline atone-bedroom is accepting studio and apartments at this development located at 108 Frank Street, New Haven. Maximum income limitations appurchasing. ply. Pre-applications will be available from 9AM TO 5PM beginning Monday Ju;y

On Art Equipment 21555 (approximately May 10, 25,Call 2016Industrial and ending when sufficientRepairs pre-applications 100)2018 have BOE been received at the offices of HOME INC. Applications will be mailied upon re-

questStriping by calling HOME INC at 203-562-4663 during those hours.May Completed preLine 21556 10, 2018 BOE applications must be returned to HOME INC’s offices at 171 Orange Street, Third Floor, New Haven, CT 06510. V-Quip Dumpster 21557

May 10, 2018



On Call Gym Floor Refinishing 21558 BOE

May 10, 2018


HOME INC, en nombreService-Creed de la Columbus House Authority, Janitorial Cleaning 50472y de la New Haven Housing May 9, 2018está aceptando pre-solicitudes para estudios y apartamentos de un dormitorio en este desarrollo BOE

Large shoreline CT based construction company Large shoreline CT based construction company seeking full-time Accounting/Administrative Assistant for busy office environment. The position includes both accounting and customer service/administrative duties i.e. data entry in ERP system (Sage 100), reviewing and processing AP transactions, processing billing for over-the-counter sales orders, maintenance of W-9s and insurance certificates for vendors/ subcontractors and assisting with 1099/W2 preparation. Also includes answering phones with positive attitude, scheduling customer appointments for salespersons, filing and other general duties. Minimum 5 years’ experience in an office environment, strong written and verbal communication skills, ability to multi-task, working knowledge of basic accounting, strong Microsoft office (excel/word) skills. Sage 100 knowledge a major plus. Salary: $17.00 to $18.00 per hour. Email resume to AA/EOE/M-F

Large CT. Fenace Company Large CT. Fence Company is looking for an individual for our stock yard. Warehouse shipping and receiving and Forklift experience a must. Must have a minimum of 3 years’ material handling experience. Must be able to read and write English, and read a tape measure. Duties will include: Loading and unloading trucks, pulling orders for installation and retail counter sales, keeping the yard clean and organized at all times and inventory control. Welding experience a plus. Individual will also make deliveries of fence panels and products, must be able to lift at least 70lbs. Required to pass a Physical and Drug test, have a valid CT. Driver’s License and be able to obtain a Drivers Medical Card. Send resume to AA/EOE/MF

ubicado en la calle 109 Frank Street, New Haven. Se aplican limitaciones de ingresos

The Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport

julio, 2016 hasta cuando se han recibido suficientes pre-solicitudes (aproximadamente 100)

Invitation for Bid (IFB) Full-Service Elevator Maintenance and Repair Solicitation Number: 106-AM-18-S

On Call Sidewalk Repairs-NHPS 50449 May 9, 2018 máximos. Las pre-solicitudes estarán disponibles 09 a.m.-5 p.m. comenzando Martes 25 BOE

On FencedeRepairs 50455 en Call las oficinas HOME INC. Las pre-solicitudes serán enviadas porMay correo9,a2018 petición BOE

llamando a HOME INC al 203-562-4663 durante esas horas.Pre-solicitudes deberán remitirse

On Sewer Line Maintenance 50459 May, CT 9, 2018 a lasCall oficinas de HOME INC en 171 Orange Street, tercer piso, New Haven 06510 . BOE On Call Roof Repairs 50460 BOE

May 9, 2018

On Call Plumbing Repair Service 50477 BOE

May 9, 2018

On Call Glass Repairs 50479 BOE

May 9, 2018


242-258 Fairmont Ave May 10, 2018 1.5 BA, 3BR, 1 level , 1BA

Pest and Rodent Control 21559 2BR Townhouse, BOE

All new apartments, new appliances, new carpet, close to I-91 & I-95 highways, near bus stop &Company shopping center Centrally Located Construction in Connecticut Pet under 40lb allowed. Interested parties contactproject Maria managers, @ 860-985-8258 has positions available for experienced laborers and truck drivers. This company is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F. Females and Minorities CT. Unified Deacon’s Association is pleased to offer a Deacon’s areprogram encouraged toassist apply. Certificate Program. This is a 10 month designed to in the intellectual formation of Candidates in response to the Church’s Ministry needs. The cost is $125. Classes start Saturday, August 20, 2016 1:303:30 Contact: Chairman, Deacon Joe J. Davis, M.S., B.S. (203) 996-4517 Host, General Bishop Elijah Davis, D.D. Pastor of Pitts Chapel U.F.W.B. Church 64 Brewster

Town of Bloomfield

Human Resource Generalist $34.29 hourly For details on how to apply, go to

St. New Haven, CT


Sealed are invited by theopenings HousingforAuthority of highway the Town of Seymour Help bids Wanted: Immediate 1) heavy and construction laborer. CDLpm Driver, clean license only. Please contact PJFoffice Construction Corporation @ until2)3:00 on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at its at 28 Smith Street, 860-888-9998 or We are an equal opportunity employer M/F. Seymour, CT 06483 for Concrete Sidewalk Repairs and Replacement at the Smithfield Gardens Assisted Living Facility, 26 Smith Street Seymour.

Construction Truck and Equipment Head Mechanic

A pre-bid willRail becontractor held at looking the Housing Authority Office 28 Smith Large CT basedconference Fence and Guard for experienced, self-motivated, responsible Head Mechanic. Responsibilities will include maintaining and repairing all company Street Seymour, CT at 10:00 am, on Wednesday, July 20, 2016. equipment and vehicles, updating asset lists and assuring all rolling stock is in compliance with state and federal regulations. Must have extensive diesel engine, electrical wiring and hydraulic systems experience. Top paid, company and benefits.Housing Authority OfBidding documents arewages available from truck the Seymour AA/EOE fice, 28 Smith Street, Seymour, CT 06483 (203) 888-4579. Please send resume to

The Housing Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to reduce the scope of the project to reflect available funding, and to waive any

Union Company seeks: Tractor Trailer Driver for Heavy & Highway Construction Equipment. Must have a CDL License, clean driving record, capable of operating heavy equipment; be willing to travel throughout the Northeast & NY. We offer excellent hourly rateor& excellent benefits BA/BS in Civil Engineering Construction Management. Contact: Dana Briere Phone: 2-5 yrs. experience. OSHA Certified. Email: Proficient 860-243-2300 in reading contract plans and specifications. Resumes to RED Technologies, LLC, 10 Northwood Dr., Women & Minority Applicants are Bloomfield, CT 06002; Fax 860.218.2433; encouragedRED toTechnologies, apply LLC is an EOE. Email resumes to Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity EmployerRemediation Division Project Manager Environmental

Field Engineer

3-5 years exp. and Bachelor’s Degree, 40-Hr. Hazwoper Training Req. Forward resumes to RED Technologies, LLC, 10 Northwood Dr., Bloomfield, CT 06002;

Fax 860.218.2433; or Email to

RED Technologies, LLC is an EOE.

Garrity Asphalt Reclaiming, Inc seeks: Reclaimer Operators and Milling Operators with current licensing and clean driving record. We offer excellent hourly rate & excellent benefits Contact: Rick Tousignant Phone: 860243-2300 Email: Women & Minority Applicants are encouraged to apply Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Garrity Asphalt Reclaiming Inc Employer

seeks: Construction Equipment Mechanic preferably experienced in Reclaiming and Road Milling Equipment. We offer factory training Asphalt on equipment we operate. Garrity Reclaiming Inc Location: Bloomfield CT seeks: Construction Equipment Mechanic Contact: experienced James Burke Phone: 860preferably in Reclaiming and 243-2300 Road Milling Equipment. We offer factory email: training on equipment we operate. Women & Minority Applicants are Location: Bloomfield CT Contact:encouraged James Burke Phone: 860to apply 243-2300 Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity email: Employer We offer excellent hourly rate & Women excellent & Minoritybenefits Applicants are Tax Exempt & Not Prevailing Wage Rate Project encouraged to apply Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity The Housing Authority of theHousing, City of Selective Bridgeport New Construction, Wood Framed, Demolition, Site-work, Cast-We offer excellent hourly rate & Employer in-place Concrete, Asphalt Shingles, Vinyl Siding, excellent benefits Invitation for Bid (IFB)

The Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport d/b/a Park City Communities (PCC) is currently seeking bids from qualified elevator companies to provide full-service elevator maintenance and repair Authoritywide, the is a mix of elevator types and locations. Solicitation package will be available on April 16, 2018. To obtain a copy of the solicitation you must send your request to, please reference solicitation number and title on the subject line. A pre-bid contoCT Bid:06604 on ference will be held at 150 Highland Ave,Invitation Bridgeport, May 2, 2018 @ 10:00 a.m. Although attendance is not mandatory, sub2nd Notice mitting a bid for the project without attending conference is not in the best interest of the Offeror. Additional questions should be emailed only to no later than May 10, 2018. Answers OldWebsite: Saybrook, CT to all the questions will be posted on PCC’s Seal bids will be received(4until May,17, 2018 @ 10:00 Buildings, 17 Units) at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.


Flooring, Painting, 10 Specialties, Refuse Division Removal Services Appliances, Residential Casework, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection. Solicitation Number: 107-AM-18-S This contract is subject to state set-aside and contract compliance requirements. Union Company seeks: Tractor Trailer The Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport d/b/a Park City Com-

Driver for Heavy & Highway Construction munities (PCC) is requesting sealed bids from qualified carting companies for rubbish removal services at Marina Due Village Apartments, Bid Extended, Date: AugustCharles 5, 2016 Equipment. Must have a CDL License, F. Greene Homes, Fireside/Forest Green Apartments, Harborview Towclean driving record, capable of operating Anticipated Start: August 15, 2016 Union Company seeks: Tractor Trailer ers, Trumbull Gardens, P.T. Barnum and Scattered Sites. Solicitation heavy equipment; be willing to travel Project documents ftp link below: Driver package will be available on April 16, 2018available to obtain via a copy of the for Heavy & Highway Construction throughout the Northeast & NY. We offer solicitation you must send your request to bids@parkcitycommunities. Equipment. Must have a CDL License, excellent hourly rate & excellent benefits org, please reference solicitation number and title on the subject line. A clean driving record, capable of operating pre-bid conference will be held at 150 Highland Ave, Bridgeport, CT Contact: Dana be Briere Phone: heavy equipment; willing to travel or Email Bids to: Dawn Lang @ attendance 203-881-8372is 06604Fax on May 02,Questions 2018, @&11:00 a.m. Although not man860-243-2300 Email: the Northeast & NY. We offer HCC encourages the the participation of all Veteran, S/W/MBE & Sectionis3 Certifiedthroughout Businesses datory, submitting a bid for project without attending conference hourly rate & excellent benefits not in the best interest of the Offeror.Company, Additional questions be CT 06483excellent Haynes Construction 32 Progress Ave,should Seymour, Women & Minority Applicants are emailed only to no later than May 10, Contact: Dana Briere Phone: AA/EEO EMPLOYER 2018. Answers to all the questions will be posted on PCC’s Website: encouraged to apply 860-243-2300 Email: Proposals shall be mailed or hand deAffirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity livered by May 17, 2016 at 11:00 AM, to Ms. Caroline Sanchez, ConEmployer Women & Minority Applicants are tract Specialist, 150 Highland Ave, Bridgeport, CT 06604. Late proposencouraged to apply als will not be accepted.


Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer

INNER-CITY NEWS July 27, 2016 -- August 02, 2016 THE INNER-CITY NEWS APRIL 25, 2018 MAY 01, 2018




Large CT Fence Company looking for an individual for our PVC Fence Pro- Galasso Materials is seeking a motivated, organized, detail-oriduction Shop. Experience preferred but will train the right person. Must be ented candidate to join its truck dispatch office. Responsibilities familiar with carpentry hand & power tools and be able to read a CAD draw- include order entry and truck ticketing in a fast paced materials ing and tape measure. Use of CNC Router machine a plus but not required, manufacturing and contracting company. You will have daily inwill train the right person. This is an in-shop production position. Duties include building fence panels, posts, gates and more. Some pickup & delivery teraction with employees and customers as numerous truckloads of material cross our scales daily. We are willing to train the right of materials may also be required. Must have aHouse valid CT driver’s license and Housing HOME INC, on behalf of Columbus and the New Haven Authority, be able to obtain a Drivers Medical Card. Must be able to pass a physical and individual that has a great attitude. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. is accepting pre-applications for studio and one-bedroom apartments at this develdrug test. Please email resume to AA/EOE Reply to Hiring Manager, PO Box 1776, East Granby, CT 06026.


opment located at 108 Frank Street, New Haven. Maximum income limitations apEOE/M/F/D/V. ply. Pre-applications will be available from 9AM TO 5PM beginning Monday Ju;y CARPENTER 25, 2016 and ending when sufficient pre-applications (approximately 100) have Large CTreceived Fence Company carpenterINC. for our Wood Fence ProMix upon Asphalt been at thelooking officesforofa HOME Applications will beHot mailied re- Plant Technician & Paving Inspector duction Experience preferred will train the rightduring person.those Must hours. be questShop. by calling HOME INC but at 203-562-4663 Completed prefamiliar with carpentry hand & power tools and be able to read a CAD draw- There are multiple openings in Galasso Materials Quality mustThis beisreturned HOME INC’s offices 171 Orange Street, Third ingapplications and tape measure. an in-shoptoproduction position. Dutiesatinclude Control Department. NETTCP certification is preferred, Floor,fence Newpanels, Haven, CT gates 06510. building posts, and more. Some pickup & delivery of materials may also be required. Must have a valid CT driver’s license and be with at least one year of experience. Full time positions able to obtain a Drivers Medical Card. Must be able to pass a physical and available. Your schedule must be flexible as sometimes drug test. Please email resume to AA/EOE night shifts are required. Must be able to lift and carry 50lb buckets. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. Reply to Hiring VALENTINA MACRI VIVIENDAS DE ALQUILER PRE-SOLICITUDES DISPONIBLES Manager, PO Box 1776, East Granby, CT 06026. EOE/M/ ELM CITY COMMUNITIES F/D/V. HOME INC, en nombre de lafor Columbus House y de la New Haven Housing Authority, está Request Proposals Payroll & Other Human Resource Management aceptando pre-solicitudes para estudios y apartamentos de un dormitorio en este Equipment desarrollo Operators and Laborers Systems Services ubicado en la calle 109 Frankand Street, New Haven. Se aplican limitaciones de ingresos Galasso Materials is seeking applicants for the 2018 paving season. Experience in máximos. Las pre-solicitudes estarán disponibles 09 a.m.-5 p.m. comenzando Martes 25 paving operations is required. Must possess current OSHA 10 card, have a valid The Housing Authority of the City of New Haven d/b/a Elm City julio, 2016 hasta cuando se han recibido suficientes pre-solicitudes (aproximadamente 100) driver’s license, and own transportation. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. Reply to Communities is currently seeking Bids Hiring Manager, PO Box 1776, East Granby, CT 06026. EOE/M/F/D/V. en las oficinas de HOME INC. Las pre-solicitudes serán enviadas por correo a petición for Payroll & Other Human Resource Management Systems and llamando a HOME INC al 203-562-4663 durante esas horas.Pre-solicitudes deberán remitirse Services. A complete copy of the requirement may be obtained . a las Elm oficinas de Vendor HOME INC en 171 Orange tercer piso, New Haven , CT 06510KMK Insulation Inc. from City’s Collaboration PortalStreet, https://newhaven-

NOTICIA beginning on Monday, April 16, 2018 at 9:00AM.


1907 Hartford Turnpike North Haven, CT 06473

Mechanical Insulator position. Insulation company offering good pay and benefits.

DELIVERY PERSON NEEDED Part Time Delivery Needed One/Two Day a Week, Must Have Own Vehicle If Interested call

(203) 435-1387

LEGAL NOTICE Request for Proposal (RFP) RFP #2019-0901 HIV Testing and Comprehensive Prevention Services The Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) TB, HIV, STD and Viral Hepatitis Program announces the availability of fiscal year 2019 funds to implement comprehensive integrated HIV Prevention Services to prevent new HIV infections and achieve viral suppression among persons living with HIV. This request for proposal (RFP) will include funding for Drug User Health services, formerly known as the Needle Exchange Program. The integration of these programs allows each region to operate in unison and maximize the impact of state and federal HIV prevention funding. An integrated RFP strengthens implementation of high impact prevention (HIP) by further allowing organizations to align resources to better match the geographic burden of HIV infections within their regions, improve data collection and use for public health action. The CTDPH TB, HIV, STD and Viral Hepatitis Program is seeking proposals from Connecticut community-based agencies, private organizations, CT State agencies, or municipalities to provide the following services: 1) HIV Testing in Community Settings or Routine HIV Testing in Medical Settings. HIV Testing will include a Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Navigation component, 2) HIV Prevention for Drug User Health Services, 3) Comprehensive HIV Prevention Services for HIV negative and HIV positive persons. Services will be provided to individuals at high risk of acquiring or transmitting HIV [i.e. HIV positive individuals, men who have sex with men (MSM), persons who inject drugs (PWIDs) and high risk heterosexuals]. This request for proposal is a total of up to $3,470,000 annually of federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state funds are available to support these projects. Funding will be for a three year period beginning approximately January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2021, subject to the availability of funds and satisfactory program performance. Funding amounts may decrease after the first year.

Large CT fence & guardrail contractor looking Please mail resume to above address.. MAIL ONLY for a shop welder. Duties include but are not limited to welding & This company is an Affirmative Action/ fabricating gates, plating posts, truck and trailer repairs. Must be Equal Opportunity Employer. Invitation to Bid: able to weld steel and aluminum. Some road work may be required. 2nd Notice All necessary equipment provided. Must have a valid CT driver’s license and be able to obtain a DOT medical card. Required to pass The GUILFORD HOUSING AUTHORITY The Request for Proposals (RFP) is available in electronic format on the State Contracting Portal at: a physical and drug test. Medical, vacation & other benefits in- is currently accepting applications for COUPLES ONLY for its one or from the Department’s Official Contact: All new apartments, new appliances, new carpet, close to I-91 & I-95 bedroom apartments at Guilford Court and Boston Terrace in GuilOld Saybrook, CT Buchelli cluded. Please email resume to AA/ Marianne highways, near bus stop & shopping centerford, CT. Applicants must be age 62 and over or on 100% of Public Health, HIV Prevention EOE-MF (4 social Buildings,Department 17 Units) 410 Capitol Avenue, MS#11APV, P.O. Box 340308 security or federal disability and over the age of 18. Applications Pet under 40lb allowed. Interested parties contact Maria @ 860-985-8258 Hartford, CT Rate 06134-0308 & Not Prevailing Wage Project may be obtained by calling the application Tax line Exempt at 203-453-6262, Phone: (860) 509-7801 Fax: (860) 509-7853 ext. 107. An information packet will also be provided with the apE-Mail: plication. Applications willNew be accepted until end of Framed, business Housing, day The RFP is also available on the Department’s website at (Request for ProCT. Unified Deacon’s Association is pleased to offer a Deacon’s Construction, Wood Selective Demolition, Site-work, Castposals). A printed copy of the RFP can be obtained from the Official Contact upon request. on July of31, 2018. Credit, police, and landlord checks are procured with This 3 years min. exp.program HAZMAT Endorsed. Certificate Program. is a 10 month designed to assist in the intellectual formation Candidates in-place Concrete, Asphalt Shingles, Vinyl Siding, in response to the Church’s Ministry needs. The cost is $125. Classes start Saturday,by August 20, 2016 1:30(Tractor/Triaxle/Roll-off) the authority. Smoke free housing. Deadline for submission of proposals to the DPH is May 29, 2018


242-258 Fairmont Ave 2BR Townhouse, 1.5 BA, 3BR, 1 level , 1BA


Class A CDL Driver

3:30 Contact: Chairman, Joe J. Davis, M.S., B.S. Some overnights may beDeacon required. FAX resumes to RED Technologies, at Flooring, Painting, Division 10 Specialties, Appliances, Residential (203) 996-4517 Host, General Bishop Elijah Davis, D.D. Pastor of Pitts Chapel U.F.W.B. Church 64 Brewster EQUAL OPPORTUNITY HOUSING 860.342-1042; Email: Mail or in person: 173 Pickering Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection. St. NewStreet, Haven,Portland, CT CT 06480. RED Technologies, LLC is An EOE.




This contract is subject to state set-aside and contract compliance requirements.



Index No: 2009203371 Date Summons Filed December 10, 2009 Plaintiff designates

Nassau County as the Place of trial.-The Basis of venue is Plaintiff/Defendant Resides Bid Extended, Due Date: August 5, 2016 Large CT based fence retailer looking for a residential estimator. We are lookat:436 Bedell Terrace West Hempstead, NY 11552.-SUMMONS WITH NOTICE PlainAugust 15, 2016 The New Haven Early Childhood Council isAnticipated seeking toStart: tiff ing for someone to take a leading role in the opening of a new location. The re- Sides at 436 Bedell Terrace West Hempstead, NY 11552,Timothy M Celenza Sealed are on invited the Housing Authority ofvisits the Town of quality Seymour position willbids be based the CT by shoreline and will include both field fund enhancement (QE) projects for the period available Plaintiff against Yulia Zorina, Defendant - ACTION FOR DIVORCE To the above Project documents via ftp link below: and retail3:00 sales. pm Compensation will include in line at withitsexperience until on Tuesday, Augustsalary 2, 2016 office at 28July Smith Street, 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 for the following services: named Defendant: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to Serve a notice of appearance as well as commissions based on sales volume. Previous construction and/ on the Plaintiff within twenty (20) days after the service of this summons, exclusive of CT 06483 Concrete Repairs Email and Replacement at the or Seymour, home improvement servicefor related product Sidewalk experience preferred. • on-site education consultation to prek programs the day of service (or within thirty(30) days after the service is complete if this summons, resume to Smithfield Gardens AssistedAA/EOE Living Facility, 26 Smith Street Seymour. • mental health resources for children and families in prek programs; Fax or Email Questions & Bids to: Dawn Lang @ 203-881-8372 is not personally delivered to you with in the State of New York; and in the case of your

• professional development trainings related to CT Early Standards, HCC encourages theLearning participation of all Veteran, S/W/MBE & Sectionjudgment 3 Certified Businesses failure to appear, will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded trauma informed care and topics required

TRANSFER STATION A pre-bid conference will be held atLABORER the Housing Authority Office 28 Smith Street Seymour, CT at 10:00 am, on Wednesday, July 20, 2016. Off load trailers, reload for trans/disp. Lift 50 lbs., operate industrial by School Readiness and NAEYC.

Haynes Construction Company, 32 in Progress Ave, Seymour, 06483 Dated: December 2, 2009 Timothy M Celenza, Plaintiff Pro the notice set forthCTbelow. AA/EEO EMPLOYER Se 436 Bedell Terrace West Hempstead, NY 11552. NOTICE: The nature of this Action is to dissolve the marriage between the parties, on the grounds: DRL Section 170 subd. (2)powered trucks and forklift. Asbestos Worker Handler Training a +. An info session will be held Monday, May 12th from 2-3pm at 54 Meadow The Abandonment of the Plaintiff by the Defendant for a period of more than one year. Resumes to RED Technologies, LLC, 173 Pickering Portland,Housing CT Street, conference Ofroom 3B. To receive the RFP and for established rates for each Bidding documents are available from theSt., Seymour Authority The relief sought is A judgment of absolute divorce in favor of the Plaintiff dissolving 06480; Fax 860-342-1022; or service type, contact the School Readiness office the marriage between the parties in this action. The nature of any ancillary or additional fice,to28 Smith Street, Seymour, CT 06483 (203) 888-4579. Email 203-946-7875. relief demanded is:None RED Technologies, LLC is an EOE.

The Housing Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to reduce the scope of the project to reflect available funding, and to waive any



APRIL 25, 2018


MAY 01, 2018

Granville T. Woods: The Inventor’s Inventor by Staff

Inventor Granville T. Woods dedicated his life to developing a variety of inventions to help create a better quality of life for everyone. His vision of coming up with solutions to everyday problems helped him to become an inventor that even other inventors dreamed of. Woods was born in Columbus, Ohio, on April 23, 1856, to free AfricanAmericans. He held various engineering and industrial jobs before establishing a company to develop electrical apparatus. Known as “Black Edison,” he registered nearly 60 patents in his lifetime, including a telephone transmitter, a trolley wheel and the multiplex telegraph (over which he defeated a lawsuit by Thomas Edison). Woods died in 1910. His most noted invention was a system for letting the engineer of a train know how close his train was to others.

This device helped cut down accidents and collisions between trains.

Woods literally learned his skills on the job. Attending school in Columbus until age 10, he served an apprenticeship in a machine shop and learned the trades of machinist and blacksmith. During his youth, he also went to night school and took private lessons. Although he had to leave formal school at age ten, Woods realized that learning and education were essential to developing critical skills that would allow him to express his creativity with machinery. In 1872, Woods obtained a job as a fireman on the Danville and Southern railroad in Missouri, eventually becoming an engineer. He invested his spare time in studying electronics. In 1874, he moved to Springfield, Illinois, and worked in a rolling mill. In 1878, he took a job aboard the Ironsides, a British steamer, and, within two years, became Chief Engineer of

Inventor Granville T. Woods the steamer. Finally, his travels and experiences led him to settle in Cincinnati, Ohio where he became a person dedicated to modernizing the railroad.

In 1888, Woods developed a system for overhead electric conducting lines for railroads, which aided in the development of the overhead railroad system found in cities such as Chicago, St. Louis, and New York City. In his early thirties, he became interested in thermal power and steam-driven engines. In 1889, he filed his first patent for an improved steam boiler furnace. In 1892, a complete Electric Railway System was operated at Coney Island, NY. In 1887, he patented the Synchronous Multiplex Railway Telegraph, which allowed men to communicate by voice over telegraph wires, ultimately helping to speed up important communications. This drastically improved communications between train stations and moving trains, making it possible for trains to communicate with the station and with other trains so they knew exactly where they were at all times. And, subsequently, preventing crucial errors such as train ac-

cidents. Alexander Graham Bell’s company purchased the rights to Woods’ telegraphony patent enabling him to become a full-time inventor. Among his other top inventions were a… …steam boiler furnace and an automatic air brake used to slow or stop trains. Wood’s electric car was powered by overhead wires. It was the third rail system to keep cars running on the right track. Success led to lawsuits filed by Thomas Edison who sued Woods claiming that he was the first inventor of the multiplex telegraph. Woods eventually won, but Edison didn’t give up easily when he wanted something. Trying to win Woods over, and his inventions, Edison offered Woods a prominent position in the engineering department of Edison Electric Light Company in New York. Woods declined, preferring his independence. Thereafter, Woods was often known as “Black Edison.”

Fifty Years Later, Fair Housing Act Recognized as a Factor in Fighting Housing Discrimination By Christopher G. Cox, Publisher/ Managing Editor, One of the signature achievements of the Civil Rights Era was the passage by Congress in April of 1968 of the Fair Housing Act (FHA), also known as Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. Looking back on this historic legislative accomplishment, Majurial “MJ” Watkins, president of the Charlotte Crown Realist Association (CCRA), said that the FHA clearly played a role in helping to make certain that minority buyers and renters would not be discriminated against by sellers, landlords and financial institutions. “While we acknowledge that the Fair Housing Act has helped to prevent discrimination in housing,” Watkins said, “there is still work to be done.” Unfortunately, she added, some potential Black homeowners are still being treated unfairly in the housing market. The CCRA is local chapter of the National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB) and counts among its members professionals in virtually every sector of real estate, including brokers, mortgage originators, real estate attorneys, appraisers and many others. “Our focus extends well beyond the city of Charlotte,” Watkins explained, “to include neighborhoods throughout greater Charlotte and even to nearby communities such as Rock Hill, which


is in South Carolina.” Watkins credits the FHA with playing a significant role in helping African American home ownership reach an all-time high of 49 percent in the period between 2004 and 2005. “Unfortunately, since then it has fallen to about 42 percent,” Watkins said. That’s why her organization continues to emphasize education, financing and other resources, she added. CCRA’s mission is to create “Democracy in Housing” with a goal of increasing Black home ownership by 2 million in the next five years. “Ultimately,” Watkins said, “our vision is to see Black wealth rebuilt through home ownership.” James Perry, president and CEO of the Winston-Salem Urban League, also said that he believes that the FHA has played an important role in fighting housing discrimination, but like Watkins, Perry said that even 50 years after its passage discrimination remains a problem. “In fact,” Perry said, “if you measure discrimination by how many segregated communities there are in the United States now compared to how many there were 50 years ago, there hasn’t been much progress.” He noted that in most cities many neighborhoods remain largely Black, largely Latino or largely White. While there might be less overt discrimination today, Perry said, it is

more difficult for minorities to know when they are being subtly discriminated against. He pointed to the importance of a Supreme Court case (Havens Realty Corp. v. Coleman) decided in 1982 that made it easier to determine when discrimination exists by allowing fair housing organizations to send in “testers.” This is a practice whereby individuals with similar backgrounds, but of different races, answer ads for properties for sale or rent. When minorities are declined, or are offered less attractive terms than Whites, “testing” can help to support a case for discrimination. Perry noted that a strong impetus for the passage of the FHA in 1968 was the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., just days before the act was passed by Congress. “Dr. King had been a strong supporter of the Fair Housing Act, openly pushing for it in Chicago in 1967,” Perry said. “Some politicians viewed voting for the act as a way to quell the riots that erupted in the wake of his assassination.” Christopher G. Cox is the Publisher/ Managing Editor of His monthly column, focusing on community and economic development, appears in the Winston-Salem Chronicle. He also has a monthly radio program that can be heard on WTOB (980 AM) in Winston-Salem. Follow Chris on Twitter @realesavvy.

RP inner city news full page.qxp_Layout 1 3/19/18 2:49 PM Page 1 THE INNER-CITY NEWS

APRIL 25, 2018


MAY 01, 2018

THE RIDGEFIELD PLAYHOUSE LaKisha Jones: To Whitney, With Love

American idol finalist pays tribute to Diana Ross, Donna Summer, Tina Turner and Whitney Houston!

April 7

Fabulously Funny Females of Comedy

ft. Cory Kahaney, Karen Bergreen & Erin Jackson

April 20

Upright Citizens Brigade

Improv comedy from the troupe that launched Amy Poehler & more! Ft. SNL’s Sasheer Zamata

May 4

Ruben Studdard

Broadway Sings Stevie Wonder

Broadway’s hottest talents sing Stevie Wonder’s hits! Ft. Kennedy Caughell (Beautiful), Corey Mach Kinky Boots), Austin Owen (Jersey Boys) & more!

May 14

Rhiannon Giddens

The Freedom Highway Tour

Co-founder of the Grammy-award winning bluegrass band, Carolina Chocolate Drops!

An Evening of Luther Vandross, Always & Forever

June 20


May 3


APRIL 25, 2018


MAY 01, 2018

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