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Financial Justice a KeyAwards Focus atHail 2016Jewels NAACP Convention Preservation Trust & Heroes July 27, 2016 - August 02, 2016

New Haven, Bridgeport


Sanaa Lathan: Investing In Her Own Happiness Volume 27 . No. 2280 Volume 21 No. 2194


Malloy Dems: Malloy To Dems: Harp BacksTo Lamont;

Color Struck?

Snow in July? Golfing While Black

Ignore “Tough On Crime” Ignore “Tough On Crime” Lamont Backs Tweed

College-Bound FOLLOW US ON

California Congresswoman Maxine Grandview Golf Club Asks Five Black Women to Leave the Club for GolfingWaters Too Slow

“One of the Most Influential People in the World”


Bysiewicz Not Ceding City To Lamont THE INNER-CITY NEWS

MAY 16, 2018


MAY 22, 2018


Susan Bysiewicz lost New Haven Mayor Toni Harp’s endorsement for her quest to become Connecticut’s next governor, but she demonstrated support Sunday in the heart of high-voting Westvile from people who pull the vote for progressive candidates. More than 50 people showed up Sunday night to hear the candidate at Manjares Fine Pastries & Tapas Bar on West Rock Avenue. Many were there to show support for the Middletown Democrat, others to see if they could be persuaded that Democrats should choose her as their candidate to succeed retiring Gov. Daniel P. Malloy. Sunday’s event was put together by progressive members of the New Haven and Hamden Democratic Town Committees including Upper Westville Alder Darryl Brackeen Jr., ward Co-chairs Janis Underwood and Amy Marx, and Westville businessman Gabriel DaSilva. Other hosts included Hillary Grant, Sarah Locke, and Analis Quintman. The event came three days after Harp endorsed frontrunner Ned Lamont at an event at Tweed New Haven airport. Lamont has picked up support from other city politicians, as well, at least three of whom he has hired. Gail Otis, an East Haven resident, was one of those who came to the event to be persuaded. She said she’d attended the New Haven gubernatorial candidate debate, and out of the six candidates, only two sparked her interest: Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim and Susan Bysiewicz. Otis said Ganim piqued her interest because he’s “suave,” but said of Bysiewicz, “it doesn’t hurt that she’s the only woman” running. Otis said she is looking for a candidate who “pro women’s choices, concerned about getting the

Local supporters included, from left, Westville Ward Co-Chair Janis Underwood, Gabe DaSilva, Alder Darryl Brackeen Jr., Co-Chair Amy Marx, activist Hilary Grant.

Bysiewicz meets potential voters at Manjares Sunday.

economy on track ... and willing to stand up to Trump.” Bysiewicz, a former secretary of the state, said she supports progressive ideas such as paid family leave, a $15 an hour minimum wage, legalization of marijuana, and closing the hedge fund loophole so that private equity managers pay 20 percent in taxes like everybody else. She also touted her work helping small, homegrown businesses in the state access capital and her plans for helping those kinds of businesses grow in the state. “I want to focus on those kinds of businesses and not corporate welfare for companies like GE, Pfizer, and Alexion that take millions of dollars from taxpayers and end up leaving us anyway,” she said. “You have my commitment on that.” To further pump the economy, she said she’d use new highway tolls to invest in roads, bridges, public transportation, and deepwater ports. Such investments

would create thousands union and construction jobs, she said. Bysiewicz said she also would support the expansion of Tweed-New Haven Airport’s runway. Bysiewicz said she’s happy that the legislature was able to get crucial legislation passed this session that prohibits employers from asking for salary history because she said it helps break the institutionalized discrimination against women and people of color. But there is more work to be done, she said. “I strongly believe that we can uplift every family in the state if we insist on one simple idea: that women should get dollar for dollar what men make,” she said. “It is unacceptable that white women get on average 83 cents on the dollar and women of color get 59 cents.” Pointing to Bysiewicz’s credentials as a former state representative and secretary of the state, Darryl Brackeen heartily threw his support behind her candidacy.

the convention will feature speeches by, among others, representatives of similar independent political efforts in the country such as the Serve America Movement (aka “SAM,” as in the Uncle). “We’re not a party,” Griebel said during a preconvention interview Tuesday on WNHH FM’s “Dateline New Haven” program. “Monte and I are running on an independent ticket” aimed at the “radical center.” “This is an entrepreneurial effort,” Griebel said. So far his campaign has drawn over 200 volunteers, who have collected signatures from over 9,000 voters on petitions to qualify for the November general election ballot. The campaign is aiming for between 10,000 and 11,000 to have a safe margin once town clerks check all the signatures against voting rolls; Griebel needs

7,500 verified signatures to make the ballot. Echoing an argument advanced Tuesday in a David Brooks column in The New York Times, Griebel said that the majority of voters have soured on the major parties and are looking for a “centrist” philosophy that neither relies largely on government to solve problems or eschews government in tackling problems — but rather sees a limited, smart role for government to spur community-wide solutions to society’s challenges. (Unlike Brooks, he didn’t call himself a “Whig.”) Griebel’s convention also comes a week after his former colleague, Eunice Groark, died. Like Groark, Griebel has been active in Hartford’s corporate civic community, in his case as head of the MetroHartford Alliance. Groark also served as Gov. Lowell Weicker’s lieutenant governor the last

“She is someone who intimately knows what this state needs,” he said. “Why wouldn’t I vote for her?” Brackeen called gubernatorial candidate Ned Lamont “a very nice fellow.” “I just don’t — at the core of my progressive values — believe that we need a millionaire-billionaire to run our state. We need someone like Susan who started from the bottom and worked her way here,” Brackeen argued. “More Choices Are Better” “Grassroots” and “progressive” were the buzzwords of the evening. And Bysiewicz reminded attendees that part of her grassroots strategy for taking the governor’s office includes fundraising, securing enough delegates to get on the ballot and hitting the doors on the campaign trail. She is in the thick of the fight to get her name on the Democratic primary ballot. There are 2,000 delegates up for grabs at the May 18-19 state nominating convention; she needs 15 percent, or 300 to get

on the ballot. New Haven alone has 100 delegates. “There are forces within the unenlightened sectors of our party who are trying to limit who gets on the ballot,” Bysiewicz said. “And we all know more choices are better. We also know that when women run in special elections and primaries across the country that they win by large margins even if they are underfunded. That has been born out last year and this year. We need your help to talk to delegates in New Haven. It’s a big delegation of 100 people. Talk to delegates, spread the word, Hamden is well represented here. I need your help on that front.” She’s participating in the public financing system, the Citizen’s Election Program (CEP) — or at least she plans to as soon as she qualifies. She hasn’t yet crossed the threshold of qualifying donations.

time an independent ticket won a statewide election, in 1990. Griebel said that while he doesn’t agree with every decision Weicker and Groark made, he envisions governing the way they did, able to implement far-ranging policy as effective brokers with the two parties in the legislature. Griebel is a Republican-turned-unaffiliated voter; Frank, a Democrat-turned-unaffiliated. In Tuesday’s interview, Griebel offered specific policy proposals that borrow from the two major parties’ playbooks: • Privatize the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Department of Economic and Community Development, and the Hartford busway. • Institute electronic highways tolls, perhaps with an initial pilot on I-84’s high-occupancyvehicle lanes near Hartford, including conges-

tion mitigation pricing. • Raise the gasoline tax by two cents a gallon for each of the next three years. (That proposal is reminiscent of one advanced by another Republican-turned-independent candidate, John Anderson, who ran for president in 1980 on a gas-tax-hike platform.) • Dedicate state lottery revenues to strengthen the underfunded state pension plans. • Instead of bailing out Hartford with state money, strengthen Hartford through saleleaseback deals on state government office buildings (creating new local property tax revenues), combining the city government’s two information technology departments, privatizing its trash collection. “We cannot nibble around the edges,” he argued. “This bailout sends the wrong” signal.

Con’t on page 06

Griebel Organizes A “No Party” Convention

Another gubernatorial nominating convention takes place Tuesday — this one with a more predictable twist. Unlike last weekend’s state Republican Party convention, unlike this coming weekend’s Democratic Party convention, this one has a preordained outcome: It will ritually nominate Hartford-area business advocate Richard Nelson “Oz” Griebel to run for governor this fall and Newtown lawyer and activist Monte Frank to run for lieutenant governor. And they won’t face an August primary to get on the November general election ballot. Tuesday night’s event is called a “No Parties No Politics Just Solutions Convention.” It begins at 5:30 p.m. at the Infinity Music Hall and Bistro at 32 Front St. in Hartford. Besides ritually endorsing the two candidates,


College-Bound, Malik Rebounds THE INNER-CITY NEWS MAY 16, 2018 - MAY 22, 2018

by CHRISTOPHER PEAK New Haven Independent

After nearly dropping out of high school, Malik James-Gaskin knew it wouldn’t be easy to get into college. After his graduation from one of the city’s alternative schools, he spent the last year still trying to fight his way in. The other day, after a year of rejections, death and doubts, he toured the four-year private college to which he’ll be matriculating at the end of the summer. “He is an example to other students here at New Horizons who are still in touch with him,” said Maureen Bransfield, the school principal. “We are very proud of him.” Malik had once been a popular football player with good grades at Hillhouse High School. “Everything he touched was remarkable,” his mom Brenda Gaskin remembered. But junior year, he nearly dropped out of New Haven’s public schools. The West River teen had been unable to cope with the murder of best friend and classmate Jacob Craggett, who was gunned down in August 2014 while sitting in a car in the Hill. Gaskin changed her work schedule to make sure Malik got on the bus, but he still found ways to ditch. His teachers stopped calling home about his failing scores. After one teacher said she didn’t think he’d make it past his 18th birthday, Malik stopped showing up altogether.

He suffered from depression and anxiety attacks. After one breakdown, he was hospitalized. “This kid, I didn’t even know who he was,” Gaskin said. “He stayed to himself. He was very isolated and didn’t talk anymore. He just shut down completely. I don’t know, he seemed like he even hated me.” Then Malik entered New Horizons High School, one of the city’s three alternative schools. A guidance counselor told him it would be “nearly impossible” to make up all the classes he missed. At his graduation last spring, just hours after barely passing his final test, Malik shared all he had been through. In a speech that left the room in tears, he credited the alternative school for saving his life. Getting into college would be another ordeal. Malik knew his academic record limited his options. He’d dropped out of Hillhouse High School, failing all his classes that quarter. Even with higher marks at New Horizons, he’d barely made a C average. Two Pennsylvania colleges turned Malik down this spring. Dickinson College, a selective liberal arts school that had inundated him with brochures all year, also sent him a rejection letter in the mail. After that, a close family friend died in a motorcycle accident. Some nights, Malik woke up and heard his


Malik, who struggled after the murder of his best friend, displays gear from a weekend for admitted students.

mom crying to herself. At the funeral, he stood at the casket and vowed that he’d one day play college football, like the father figure had always encouraged him to do. Then, Chestnut Hill College, a Catholic school in Philly, rejected Malik in an email. He deleted it immediately. “I hated the fact that I was getting declined. They didn’t know who I was personally. They were going off a transcript,” he said. “I knew I made

mistakes. I messed up. Why should people judge me on what happened two years ago?” Malik put off college and started worrying about getting a job. He got a gig with Liberty Energy, knocking on doors to pitch homeowners on switching utility providers. He was paid by commission, $30 per sale. His best week, after working six full days, he made $330. Gaskin started to worry that her son

wouldn’t end up applying anywhere else. Even if he did the following year, she didn’t know how he’d explain being out of school for two years. Malik had begun working on one last application for Keystone College, a small school outside Scranton. He drafted an essay about his experience adjusting to New Horizons, but he couldn’t bring himself to send it off. “If I get declined again, it would be a confidence breaker,” he said. After the deadline passed, the school’s football coach called and asked him to finish up. A counselor at New Horizons helped Malik gather the rest of his application materials, and he sent it off. In a phone call, Malik told Keystone’s admissions officers that New Horizons had taken a chance on him that had paid off. He worked hard to catch up on the classes he’d missed at Hillhouse, and he graduated on time with only five other classmates. “It has always been my dream to be in college, and I lost sight of that,” he told them. This time, “I won’t disappoint.” Keystone let him in. The school offered a financial-aid package, setting tuition at $4,000 a semester. If he keeps his grades up, he could have a full ride for the next three years, they promised. “He’s an inspirational young man,” Con’t on page 09

Preservation Trust Awards Hail Jewels & Heroes by ALLAN APPEL

New Haven Independent

A 21st Century local hero and a “jewel of 19th Century reality” were among the people and buildings recognized at the 2018 New Haven Preservation Trust awards ceremony. The hero: retired longtime City Plan Executive Director Karyn Gilvarg. The jewel: Henry Austin-architected little Trinity Church Home Chapel building at 301 George St. They both received warm accolades from 50 people gathered on the second floor of city hall Tuesday afternoon for the fifth annual New Haven Preservation Trust event. This year’s theme: “saving New Haven.” Gilvarg was given the Margaret Flint award, named for a 1970s-era president of the NHPT who quarterbacked fights including for the preservation of the li-

Gilvarg, at right, with former City Plan colleague Gil Hawkins.

brary and the Church Street post office, now the federal court building facing the

east side of the Green. “She’s made preservation a cornerstone


of our city’s future,” said NHPT awards committee chair Duo Dickinson. He hailed Gilvarg’s service, characterized by “integrity, fairness, encyclopedic knowledge” of the city and — count them — approximately 1,500 applications for construction or land use change that she oversaw during her 23-year tenure. That’s what earned her his sobriquet “local hero.” Her old City Plan colleague Joy Ford said preservation came to Gilvarg naturally and deeply: “It’s in her chemistry.” Sam Gardner, a principal with Gregg Wies & Gardner Architects, accepted the trust’s Merit Plaque honoring sensitive adaptive reuse. His firm was hired by Robert Smith, Metro-Star Properties developer, to put in a block’s worth of market and luxury apartments on various plots of the old Salvation Army site

between Crown and George, College and York. In the middle of the evolving block sits a chapel building, the 1868 survivor of a small compound of five original buildings that had originally been given to Trinity Church on the Green to serve parishioners as well as the indigent. Gardner described the chapel building as a falling-down mess. Smith bought into preserving the Austin chapel’s exterior, while the insides — with some trusses and uniquely shaped spaces and elegant old windows preserved — have become apartments. The chapel, with a staircase column attaching to the adjoining new building, combined with the two apartment buildings facing George Street add up to about 78 apartments, just finished and


MAY 16, 2018


MAY 22, 2018

Colleges To Train Next-Gen Utility Workers by JOE BERTOLINO AND PAUL BROADIE New Haven Independent

(Opinion) Connecticut’s utility sector is facing a watershed – a flood of retirements and a drought of skilled workers. With nearly one-third of the workforce at the region’s utility companies eligible to retire within four years, Southern Connecticut State University and Gateway Community College have joined forces to develop a unique pipeline to prepare workers to fill those anticipated openings. The collaboration with the two institutions was the brainchild of Larry Bingaman, the president and CEO of the South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority (RWA). He approached us three years ago with the idea of establishing this type of program. Subsequently, representatives of other utility companies supported the concept. “About half of RWA employees will be eligible to retire in the next several years,” Bingaman said. “But this trend within the industry extends throughout New England and to other parts of the nation. An aging workforce – combined with changes in regulations, technology and the push toward sustainable energy sources – pose new

challenges for the utility industry as a whole.” Considering what’s at stake, Southern and Gateway have joined forces to create a pathway for students to receive the education necessary to fill the projected managerial and technological job openings at the state’s water, wastewater, electric and natural gas companies. Thought to be the first of their kind in the nation, these programs should fill a void in the development of future utility leaders and help meet the needs of the state workforce. After all, helping to train the next generation of Connecticut’s skilled workers is a strategic commitment for both schools. At Southern, we have created a specialization in public utility management with tracks in water, electric and gas operations within our Bachelor of Science degree program in business administration. At Gateway, we have developed a certificate and an associate degree in public utility management. Many students are likely to begin at Gateway, attain an associate degree, and transfer to Southern in their third year to complete their bachelor of science degree program with the specialization. Existing and incoming students at Southern may opt to start their

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Dr. Joe Bertolino is president of Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven and Dr. Paul Broadie is president of Gateway Community College in New Haven.

program there. Internships at various utility companies in Connecticut will be offered to students as part of the new collaboration. The departments facing the most pressing hiring needs in the public utility field include customer service, field operations, employee relations, information technology, purchasing, finance and quality assurance, according to a study conducted by our schools. The average salaries range between $55,600 and $75,833, depending upon an applicant’s experience and educational background.

CT. Junkie News

Jody Barr

protections beyond the labor movement. He was a leading voice in the debate for universal health care and he was an advocate for increasing the minimum wage. He was also one of the few who understood the problems faced by Connecticut when the state failed for decades to fund state employee pensions. “It’s been a privilege to advocate for

Babz Rawls Ivy

by Christine Stuart


Publisher / CEO

Editor-in-Chief Liaison, Corporate Affairs

The SCSU-Gateway partnership is a win for the utilities, our institutions, and our students. The utilities gain a pool of qualified candidates to assume management and technical positions. Southern and Gateway have a new curriculum that meets the needs of local utilities. And, students gain new career opportunities in an industry that many may not have considered. Many young people graduating high school may not think of working for a public utility. But, in time, they just might.

Largest Union In Connecticut Gov’t Gets New Leadership NEW BRITAIN, CT — The union that represents more state employees than any other in Connecticut overwhelmingly elected a new executive director following the retirement of Sal Luciano, who held the position for the past 17 years. Council 4 AFSCME elected Jody Barr to represent more than 30,000 public service workers in Connecticut. Barr, a member of AFSCME Local 2836 representing administrative faculty at the four state universities, received more than 25,000 votes to win the four-year term. “I am grateful for the confidence and faith our members have shown me. We’ve got our work cut out for us because corporate and wealthy special interests are engaged in an all-out assault against our members and the services we provide,” Barr said. “But we’re not going anywhere. We are more committed than ever to stand up for the men and women who plow our streets, take care of our children, safeguard our prisons and communities, collect our trash, and help the unemployed.” Luciano, who has been not been vocal about his retirement, was instrumental in advocating for human rights and worker

John P. Thomas

our members and stand up for our rights and freedoms,” Luciano said. “It’s also the right time for me to step away. Jody will bring new energy and a fresh voice to our cause. I can’t think of a better person to lead Council 4 in the struggle for fairness and justice in our workplaces.” Luciano, 61, spent 20 years as a state social worker specializing in the inves-


tigation of child abuse and neglect. He rose through the ranks of his AFSCME Local 2663 union to lead Council 4 during a time of increased tumult marked by severe budget pressures and a backlash against public sector union members. “It’s been an honor to work with Sal,” Barr said. “He has been a friend and a mentor, not just to me but to countless union members, elected leaders and community activists who sought his guidance. Sal made our state a better place for all workers. I will do everything I can to build on his legacy.” Barr, 43, has been an employee of the Connecticut State University system since 1997, including the last seven years at Eastern Connecticut State University in the Willimantic section of Windham, where he worked as a voice system analyst. He holds a bachelors of science in industrial technology, with a concentration in technology management, from Central Connecticut State University. In 2013, Barr was elected to serve as president of SUOAF, which represents 800 non-teaching faculty in the state universities and Board of Regents. In 2017, he was appointed to complete the term of Clarke King as Council 4 President.

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The Inner-City Newspaper is published weekly by Penfield Communications, Inc. from offices located at 50 Fitch Street, 2nd Floor, New Haven, CT 06515. 203-387-0354 phone; 203-3872684 fax. Subscriptions:$260 per year (does not include sales tax for the in State subscriptions). Send name, address, zip code with payment. Postmaster, send address changes to 50 Fitch Street, New Haven, CT 06515. Display ad deadline Friday prior to insertion date at 5:00pm Advertisers are responsible for checking ads for error in publication. Penfield Communications, Inc d.b.a., “The Inner-City Newspaper” , shall not be liable for failure to publish an ad or for typographical errors or errors in publication, except to the extent of the cost of the space in which actual error appeared in the first insertion. The Publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason and to alter advertising copy or graphics deemed unacceptable for publication. The entire contents of The Inner-City Newspaper are copyright 2012, Penfield Communications, Inc. and no portion may be reproduced by any means without the written permission of the publisher.

THE INNER-CITY NEWS MAY 16, 2018 - MAY 22, 2018





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MAY 16, 2018


MAY 22, 2018

Harp Backs Lamont; Lamont Backs Tweed by PAUL BASS

New Haven Independent

Ned Lamont has snagged a prize in his quest to win the Democratic nomination for governor: the endorsement of New Haven Mayor Toni Harp. Harp, in return, has snagged an ally in her quest to expand airport service in New Haven. Harp formally announced the endorsement at a press conference at Tweed-New Haven Thursday afternoon. In a cramped room overlooking Tweed’s runways inside the airport’s administrative building, Harp exuded energy as she cited Lamont’s success as a tech entrepreneur, his support for transit infrastructure projects like a longer paved Tweed runway, along with his volunteer experience teaching in Bridgeport’s Harding High School (under then-principal, now New Haven schools chief Carol Birks). She called Lamont “the full package.” “He understands business,” Harp said. “He supports Tweed. He supports cities. And he supports our young people. ... He is the person we need leading the state.” Harp was upfront about her agenda in bringing Lamont to the airport for the endorsement: “I chose this setting for today’s announcement to underscore the need for Tweed.” Harp has been trying to convince the state legislature to pass a law next week allowing Tweed-New Haven Airport to pave another 1,000 feet of its runway in order to try to lure commercial jet service to Washington, Florida, and/or Chicago. That proposal has proved controversial, pitting irate neighbors in the surrounding Morris Cove neighborhood against political and business leaders with especially pressure on State Senate President Martin Looney, whose district includes the airport. Lamont obliged at Thursday’s event by embracing the state proposal. “Tweed is a big piece of [Connecticut’s] economic future,” he said. “It’s such a game-changer” if the regional airport could add flights to other major cities besides Philadelphia. “I talk to a lot of businesses all the time who tell me if there was just a little better [air] access in and out” of the area, they would invest more in the region, Lamont said. He promised to “work with” Morris Cove neighbors opposed to the proposed expansion. He said before the event that he does not yet have specific ideas he’s ready to state on the record about what to offer them in return for supporting expanded plane service. Lamont said he has never personally flown out of the airport — but he’d like to. At times it felt like a Toni Harp rally more than a Ned Lamont rally. The dozens of city workers and elected officials present cheered loudest at two points: The support for Tweed; and the non-response responses Lamont and Harp gave to a question about whether she will run as Lamont’s lieutenant governor candidate. “I’m going to be working with him no


Lamont and Harp at Thursday’s endorsement.


Lamont with city small business chief Cathy Graves.


Lamont checks in with his former principal, Carol Birks, who’s now New Haven

schools chief.

matter what,” Harp offered. “I love the mayor,” Lamont stated. Asked if she would accept the lieutenant governor nomination if offered, Harp responded, “I would have to think long and hard. It is a decision Ned has to make. I am not ready at this point. I don’t want to put any pressure on him.” Some of Harp’s political allies have been encouraging her to run. She has repeatedly stated in appearances on WNHH FM’s “Dateline New Haven” program that she does not intend to seek state office this year, preferring to focus on accomplishing her goals as mayor. Some of those attending the event, such as Beaver Hill/Amity/Beverly Hills/Westville Alder Richard Furlow, said they are indeed

supporting Lamont’s candidacy. “He’s the one that can win. He’s a perfect fit for the Democratic Party. He’s going to be able to work well with Republicans” and draw on his business experience to tackle deep budget problems, Furlow argued. Others, such as Board of Alders President Tyisha Walker and Market New Haven chief Anne Worcester, said they have not decided on a candidate to support. “I’m here to support the mayor,” both of them stated when asked why they attended. The endorsement came one day after EMILY’s List, the D.C-based political action committee that supports female candidates, endorsed one of Lamont’s opponents, Susan Bysiewicz, for the Connecticut governor’s race. So the timing


of Harp’s endorsement serves in part as a response: Harp is New Haven’s first-ever female mayor. She was just featured in an Essence magazine feature declaring 2018 “The Year Of The Black Woman Mayor.” (Harp also just completed a term as president of the national African-American Mayors Association.) Thursday’s endorsement brings Lamont the support of the leading elected official in a city that will send the most delegates (100, including super-delegates) to the May 18-19 state Democratic Party convention. Harp’s endorsement does not mean Lamont gets all 100 of those votes for the party endorsement; Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim, for instance, has been winning some New Haven support for his Democratic gubernatorial quest. But Lamont has clearly had the momentum among New Haven politicos in recent weeks. (He has also hired three of them — Hill Alder David Reyes, former Upper Westville Alder Sergio Rodriguez, and Beaver Hills Democratic ward co-chair and state Democratic committeewoman Audrey Tyson — to work on his gubernatorial campaign staff.) New Haven also has been racking up the most votes for Democratic candidates in statewide elections in recent years. Officeseekers like U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy have in the past practically camped out here while running. Historically, a mayoral endorsement does not translate to winning New Haven’s vote. At least not for Ned Lamont. He won then-Mayor John DeStefano’s endorsement the last time he ran in a Democratic gubernatorial primary, in 2010. New Haven Democrats nevertheless voted for Dan Malloy over Lamont in that primary. If Lamont, as expected, wins the state party’s endorsement, he is likely to face a primary from Ganim, Bysiewicz, Guy Smith, and/ or Sean Connolly. Ganim this week is opening a campaign office in New Haven. Lamont opened his second campaign office in town this week. Harp also gets something out of Thursday’s endorsement event: Visible support from the leading Democratic gubernatorial candidate for her quest to convince the state legislature to pass a law next week allowing Tweed-New Haven Airport to pave another 1,000 feet of its runway in order to try to lure commercial jet service to Washington, Florida, and/or Chicago. That proposal has proved controversial, pitting irate neighbors in the surrounding Morris Cove neighborhood against political and business leaders with special pressure on State Senate President Martin Looney, whose district includes the airport.“Working constructively with the neighbors, I think making Tweed a regional airport will be just vital to economic development to New Haven, East Haven, and central Connecticut. I’ve talked to the business leaders and academic leaders. I know how important a more frequent regional service is to our community,” Lamont told the Independent Thursday morning.

Con’t from page 2


“We’ve already had 5,000 people from across the state contribute to our campaign,” she said. “I’m very proud of that. We will need your help after the convention to door knock to do this grassroots campaign.” Hamden State Rep. Josh Elliott praised Bysiewicz commitment to participating in the CEP. Lamont has been criticized by Bysiewicz and her supporters because he is not participating in the system. “You can’t just say you’re running a grassroots movement,” he said. “You have to be a grassroots movement. Susan, thank you for running your campaign the way you’re running it. “I cannot wait to see your name on the ballot and I cannot wait to vote for you,” he added. Other members of the of the Democrats’ progressive wing present Sunday evening included two fellow women candidates runing for state Senate seats: Valerie Horsely and Aili McKeen. Horsely, who is running against state Sen. George Logan in a district that includes Hamden and Bethany (among other towns), said progressives have been marching and knocking doors and “flipping districts all across the nation and in our state.” Activists and women are doing that work, and those are the people Horsely said can get people like Bysiewicz elected. “Not only does she have our values but I know that she can win because she will build a team that can bring out the vote,” Horsely said. “I can’t wait to say, ‘Madam, governor.” “Amen, madam senator,” Bysiewicz said. Frank Donato of Strafford asked Bysiewicz not to forget about the senior citizens. He told her seniors still want to work but are often discriminated against because of their age with application questions about what year they graduated from high school. Bysiewicz promised to tackle the issue if elected governor. He said afterward that he isn’t sure whom he will vote for, but “I like what I heard. I think she may have won me over.” John Flanagan was already sold on Bysiewicz; he thanked her for getting back to “the old-time Democratic religion.” He proclaimed that she’ll win the election with the help of seniors like him and young people like Bo Yun Brainerd, a 14-year-old Branford High School student who asked Bysiewicz a question about school safety. “That’s we’re doing looking for,” Flanagan said, “a Democratic Party that works for the people. Not Republican light like we’ve seen over the past few years.”

THE INNER-CITY NEWS MAY 16, 2018 - MAY 22, 2018

April Ryan: After The Chicken Dinner, What’s Next? by MARKESHIA RICKS New Haven Independent

Veteran White House Correspondent April Ryan didn’t mince words with New Haven, or the Greater New Haven branch of the NAACP. She wanted to know if they are ready. Ready to be “We the people,” ready to stand up for ” a more perfect union.” Ryan, who has covered four presidents for the American Urban Radio Network, popped that question as the keynote speaker at the Greater New Haven Branch of the NAACP’s annual Freedom Fund dinner Thursday night at the Omni Hotel. This year’s dinner recognized Lia Simone Davila, owner of the Hamden Academy of Dance & Music; Capt. Patricia Helliger of the New Haven Police Department; Michael A. Carter, chief administrative officer; William C. Graustein of the William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund; and Janette J. Parker, longtime community activist and former state representative for the 95th District. Ryan, who has become an icon for mixing it up with the Trump Administration, wanted to know who we are— “we” being the more than 100 welldressed people gathered for the annual fundraiser—in 2018. “Are we complacent now that we’re here eating this nice chicken?” she asked. “I’ma say this: Yale’s been in the news lately. The president of the university tonight is coming out and making a statement. It’s not the university, it’s the mindset of the young lady who called the police on this black girl.” Ryan was referring to an incident that has gone viral of a white graduate student at Yale University who called the police on a black fellow graduate student she found sleeping in a common area of their mutual dorm. Police ended up interrogating the black student and questioning her student status for 15 minutes. “Why are we at a time in 2018 where our young black kids are going to these Ivy League campuses and have to wear paraphernalia from the school to show they belong?” she asked. “That’s just ridiculous.” She said people can pass the stories and share their outrage on social media. They can tweet about it. But this happened at Yale University, in the heart of New Haven. “You’re here in New Haven,” she said to a crowd that included Yale Police Chief Ronnell Higgins. “What are you going to do about it?”


Ryan: Are you ready to become “We the people”?

Greater New Haven NAACP President Dori Dumas and Yale University Police Chief Ronnell Higgins.

Students and faculty from the University of New Haven.

Long time activist Janette Johnson Parker was honored as a living legend at Thursday’s dinner.

The 2018 Greater New Haven NAACP scholarship and book award recipients.

Capt. Patricia Helliger (center) receives her award as a Freedom Fund 2018 honoree surrounded by Dumas, New Haven Police Chief Anthony Campbell and Police Commissioner Anthony Dawson.


Democratic gubernatorial candidate Guy Smith, at left, with Aaron Moody, put in an appearance Thursday.

A native of Baltimore, Ryan said plainly, with New Haven Police Chief Anthony Campbell sitting to her right, that Freddie Gray, who died in her home city in police custody there, should have never been in custody. “We support the police—I was almost engaged to a couple of ‘em,” she said again drawing a chuckle. “We have police in our home. We have police who are friends. We support the police but we want to weed out bad policing in our community. “I want to support a more perfect union,” she added. “There’s nothing wrong with that.” Ryan pointed to the activism of young people in the Black Lives Matter movement, and more recently, the students from Parkland, Fla. as a guide on how to get the job done. “As a reporter in this White House, you’ve got to make sure you know your history because they will make you think something ain’t right,” she said, drawing laughs from the crowd. “We’re on the battlefield and you have to have a sense of history if you’re going to drag that seat to the table.” gubernatorial candidate Guy Smith, at left, with Aaron Moody, put in an appearance Thursday.” width=”720” height=”480” data-credit=”” />Ryan pointed out that the NAACP has been fighting and marching for a very long time and been apart of providing a blueprint for social justice that has been picked up by the LGBTQ community, by the women’s rights community and by immigrants. “It’s the most successful blueprint ever in this nation. What did we do with it?” she asked. “It’s great to sit here and commune and eat this chicken— it’s good, too. But what’s next? What’s next?” She concluded that too many people are still in too much shock postTrump’s election to move on to what’s next. And it’s time to get on with the business of making “a more perfect union.” “It’s not about a president, a mayor, or a city council,” she said. “It’s about we the people. Some of you are still in the fetal position. I’m serious.” She said it’s time to do what the first black woman to run for president, Shirley Chisholm, admonished people to do if they’re not given a seat at the table: bring a folding chair. “The question is: Are you ready to become we the people?” she asked. “Are you ready to stand up and say, ‘I want a more perfect union?’ Catch more of Ryan’s address in the Facebook Live video below.


MAY 16, 2018


MAY 22, 2018 Con’t from page 03


now renting, Gardner said. Bricks, dormers, new windows, and a new slate-like roof all make the chapel building look old and new at the same time. Or as Dickinson said, “a jewel of 19th Century reality.” Usually preservation organizations come in at the tail end of battles as rescuers. This instance was different. “He [Smith] was grateful that the trust was involved early and was happy to engage from the beginning. This was a great balance between a developer’s initiative and preservation, ” Gardner said. The trust’s Landmark Plaque was awarded to the Dixwell Avenue Congregational Church, a congregation nearing its 200th year and today in a building, from the 1968 redevelopment era, that Dickinson, paraphrasing New Haven architectural historian Elizabeth Mills Brown, called a crystal over a moat commanding its space. Architect Bob Grzywacz nabbed the House Preservation Award for his loving restoration of his 23 Foster St., 1886 Queen Anne-style home.


The decades-long labor of love included replacing a 60-year old roof, which included removal of three layers of asphalt shingles and replacing all that with new wood shingles. He recently finished repainting the entire exterior in a mix of colors that took six months to implement. The citation hailed the work as “40 years of thoughtful devotion.” Gilvarg reviewed the success of preservation in New Haven, including the creation of the historic districts and many individual buildings. She cited failures as well, such as not being able to preserve the Phoenix Building on Chapel Street. Among buildings under current “threat” she included the Goffe Street armory and the old Hamilton Street clock factory, although she expressed hope that rescue is on the way for the latter. And she cited the many one-to-three family houses, many with lead paint, throughout the city. “They are not easily replaced. They must be abated and cared for, she said. Citing the importance of preservation as providing context and stories for the human beings who inhabit a place, she said preservation “is not just ‘relics.’ It’s a value.”

THE INNER-CITY NEWS MAY 16, 2018 - MAY 22, 2018 Con’t form page 03


said Fran Calpin, a spokesman for the college. Malik sometimes thinks about the options he might’ve had if he stayed at Hillhouse. He used to dream of getting into Yale, a mile straight down Chapel Street from his mom’s apartment. Keystone has a 42 percent graduation rate, right in line with the national median. A decade after graduation, the median salary for an alumnus who received financial aid is $29,900, according to federal data. Malik said that the school’s size — 1,410 undergrads, smaller even than Wilbur Cross — will be perfect for him. Last weekend, during a welcome event for admitted students, he took the campus tour four times. “Everything was beautiful,” he said. After bottoming out during his junior year, Malik said he feels better prepared to handle adversity. “I try to be realistic and prepare for things. That’s the biggest difference between me back then and who I am now,” he said. “Everything I went through, with missing school and being hospitalized and graduating.“ “And being rebellious,” mom added. “That too. I’ve already been through so much,” he said. “I feel like I’m better prepared than any freshman.” Gaskin is already heart-sick that her youngest son is leaving. She jokes that he’s heading out of state to get away from her. But she knows that isn’t true. He’s leaving because he wants to start over. “It was a struggle for me as a parent. Me and him, we’re close together, real tight-knit. And now I’m losing him to go to a school. I didn’t support him like I wanted to until I told myself, ‘Brenda, you have to think of him. I know that you are being a mom right now. You’re the best mom you can be, and to be that is not to be selfish,’” she said. “Let him just develop into a good man and get an education. If I keep him from where he wants to go, he’ll resent me. “I’m just proud of him, from his downfall to picking himself up, more and more,” she said. “He didn’t get set back with the rejections. He stayed strong, stayed focused.” Gaskin, who dropped out of college to raise her kids, said she’s also planning to re-enroll and finish her degree while Malik is gone. She made her son promise to FaceTime her and steer clear of booze on the dry campus. She still can’t imagine what it’s going to be like to wave goodbye in late August. Malik can’t wait.



MAY 16, 2018


MAY 22, 2018

“Black Panther” Chadwick Boseman Returns to Howard University for 2018 Commencement Address at Howard University’s administration building in the school’s history. Allegations of mismanagement in the school’s financial aid office sparked the protest, which lasted nearly two weeks in April. “Everyday that you fought for, was not for yourself, but for those that come after you,” Boseman said. Overcome with gratitude and excitement, Howard graduate Kyla Maupin, who received her degree in French, expressed her sentiments about Boseman’s speech. “Hearing Chadwick speak was really inspiring,” Maupin said. “I really appreciated hearing about his struggles in the beginning of his career; that was really inspiring for me.

By Lauren Poteat, NNPA Newswire Contributor After celebrating the success of backto-back, global box office hits, Marvel’s “Black Panther” actor Chadwick Boseman, returned to his alma mater, Howard University, to deliver the school’s 2018 commencement convocation address. In March, Marvel’s “Black Panther” became the highest-grossing superhero movie of all-time in the United States (not adjusted for inflation), when it surpassed the $623 million mark set by “The Avengers” in 2012, according to Then, Boseman reprised his “Black Panther” role for “Avengers: Infinity War,” which is currently the fifth highest grossing movie of all-time. Championing his own personal experiences during his time studying at the prestigious, historically Black university, Boseman urged proud degree recipients, to press forward, to hold up their heads and to never fear rejection. “I can think of no better place to be right now, after the ‘Black Panther’ and ‘Avengers’ campaigns, then to return and participate in these graduation ceremonies with you,” Boseman told the graduates. “It is a great privilege, graduates, to address you on your day, a day that will be one of the most important accomplishments of your life to date.” Howard University President Dr. Wayne A. I. Frederick recalled “how Boseman and his classmates advocated and participated in a three-day pro-

test against the university to dismiss an initiative to transition the College of Fine Arts into the Department of Fine Arts. The protest was unsuccessful in stopping the transition,” a press release about the president’s speech said. With Boseman by his side, Dr. Frederick, “announced a campaign to reestablish the College of Fine Arts and launch an Endowed College of Fine Arts Award,” the press release said. Dr. Frederick encouraged the graduates to “take risks” and “learn how to be wrong.” “It is the best way to learn and grow,” Dr. Frederick said. “Build a culture of generous listening so that others may

be emboldened to take risks, too.” According to school officials, during the 2018 commencement convocation, Howard University awarded 2,217 degrees, including 343 master’s degrees, and 90 Ph.Ds. Boseman called Howard University “a magical place” as he recalled the day that he met Muhammad Ali, as he walked across “The Yard.” “I remember walking across this yard on what seemed to be a random day, my head down, lost in my own world of issues like many of you do, daily. And I raise my head…Muhammad Ali is walking towards me,” Boseman said. “Time seemed to slow down, as his eyes locked on mine. He then raised

Questions about your bill? Yale New Haven Hospital is pleased to offer patients and their families financial counseling regarding their hospital bills or the availability of financial assistance, including free care funds. By appointment, patients can speak one-on-one with a financial counselor during regular business hours. For your convenience, extended hours are available once a month. Date: Monday, May 21 Time: 5 - 7 pm Location: Children’s Hospital, 1 Park St., 1st Floor, Admitting Parking available (handicapped accessible) An appointment is necessary. Please call 203-688-2046. Spanish-speaking counselors available.

12929 (11/17)


his fist into a quintessential guard and I was game to play along with him, to act as if I was a worthy opponent. What an honor to be challenged by ‘The Greatest of All-Time.’” Boseman continued: “I walked away floating like a butterfly. I walked away, at that moment, amused at life, amused that no one would be able to believe that story, but me. That is the magic of this place [Howard University]. “Almost anything can happen here,” Boseman said before giving the crowd the official Howard salute (“H-U! UKnow!”). Boseman also praised the students for their drive and perseverance in organizing the longest sit-in protest

Maupin added that she was proud to see a fellow Bison deliver the commencement address. Closing out the high-energy ceremony, Boseman offered one last nugget of wisdom, urging graduates to find their purpose. “Purpose is the essential element of you,” Boseman said. “It is the reason you are on the planet at this particular time in history. Your very existence is wrapped up in the things you are here to fulfill.” Boseman continued: “Whatever you choose for a career path, remember the struggles along the way are only meant to shape you for your purpose.” This article was originally published at

THE INNER-CITY NEWS MAY 16, 2018 - MAY 22, 2018

Health and jobs. How we help launch careers. When it comes to career development, ConnCAT, Connecticut Center for Arts and Technology, is one of New Haven’s most innovative programs. Their mission is to inspire, motivate and prepare youth and adults for educational and career advancement through after-school arts and job training. Yale New Haven Hospital has played a vital role in developing the ConnCAT curriculum, supplying essential class equipment and even offering employment opportunities to students. Innovative courses in phlebotomy and medical coding are giving young people the skills they need to succeed in some of today’s most in-demand healthcare careers. The training these students receive is invaluable for their future as well as the future of the community. Our collaboration with ConnCAT is another example of our commitment to caring beyond the bedside.

Carlton L. Highsmith, Board Chairman, Connecticut Center for Arts and Technology and member of Yale New Haven Health’s Board of Trustees with Derrick Reyes, a student in the phlebotomy program and Erik Clemons, CEO & President, Connecticut Center for Arts and Technology.

Yale New Haven Hospital was awarded the 2017 Foster G. McGaw Prize for Excellence in Community Service from the American Hospital Association. The McGaw Prize is awarded annually to a single healthcare organization that provides innovative programs that significantly improve the health and well-being of its community.



MAY 16, 2018


MAY 22, 2018

Deborah Santana Empowers Underrepresented Voices in All the Women in My Family Sing


This past year, there has been a growing sense of solidarity among women who refuse to be silenced. Deeply rooted in the fight for gender equality is the relationship between mothers and daughters. Women’s rights were fought for by mothers who wanted their daughters to experience freedoms they never could. Strengthening the mother-daughter bond has the power to change generational patterns of gender inequality. Deborah Santana is uniting and empowering generations of women by sharing the realities, joys, and challenges of motherhood in her new book All the Women in my Family Sing. Through this book, mothers and daughters across the country are bonding over the shared experience of womanhood. The anthology is a collection of poetry and prose by sixty-nine women from different generations and backgrounds (including African American, Native American, Asian American, Muslim, Cameroonian, Kenyan, Liberian, Mexican American, Korean, Chinese American, and LGBTQI.) The book includes a variety of stories on navigating motherhood including the difficulties of biracial parenting, dealing with childhood illnesses, teen motherhood, the heartbreaking experience of

Deborah Santana losing a child, reflections on motherhood past, prison parenting, and even the choice to not become a mother. Santana is on a mission to broaden cross-cultural understanding by showing people how very alike we are no matter our generation, skin color, ethnic heritage, or place we live. As part of this mission, she and other contributing authors presented their work at a series of events around the country this past

month including the Cinnamon Girls event in Oakland, California. Young women leaders who attended this event with their mothers read from the pow-

erful essay by Marian Wright Edelman who wrote: “In every major American social re-

form movement, women---including women of color---have always played a critical role.” and Kelly Woolfolk who wrote: “ the mother of a young brown boy, I am protective and alert, concerned for his well-being and safety, both physical and emotional...My son will one day arrive at his own conclusions about who he is in the world and what that means for him.” These excerpts are just two of the many stories in All the Women in My Family Sing that promote compassion for those whose paths we have not walked. These personal stories will create a bridge between worlds we know very well, and those we do not. Deborah Santana is an author, business manager, and activist for peace and social justice. Her non-profit, Do A Little, serves women and girls in the areas of health, education, and happiness. With a passion to provide educational opportunities for girls and women, Ms. Santana collaborates with organizations that work to prevent and heal relationship and sexual violence, improve the lives of America’s abused and neglected children, and a worldwide community of artists and allies who work for empowerment, opportunity, and visibility for women artists.


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THE INNER-CITY NEWS MAY 16, 2018 - MAY 22, 2018



MAY 16, 2018


MAY 22, 2018

LaToya Cantrell is the First Black Woman Ever to be Mayor of New Orleans


JOE UGLY IN THE MORNING Weekdays 6-9 a.m.

THE TOM FICKLIN SHOW Mondays 10 a.m.



Mondays 11 a.m.

Mondays 1 p.m.



MICHELLE TURNER Tuesdays 9 a.m.

New Orleans, LA — LaToya Cantrell, the newly elected mayor of New Orleans, has officially sworn in the oath of office. She has set a significant milestone as the first woman ever to be the head of the Louisiana city in its entire 300-year history. “Almost 300 years, my friends – and New Orleans, we’re still making history,” she announced to the crowd in her victory speech for the mayor’s race in November last year. Prior to her mayoral victory, she held an elected position for over 5 years from when she had been elected as a city councilor in 2012. She had also been a community organizer wherein she led the Broadmoor area’s restoration efforts after being hit by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. As the new mayor of New Orleans, Cantrell


ELVERT EDEN Tuesdays at 2 p.m.



Wednesdays 9 a.m.

Wednesdays 2 p.m.




Thursdays 1 p.m.

Mondays-Fridays 9 a.m.


LaToya Cantrell,

FRIDAY PUNDITS Fridays 11 a.m.


will be facing challenges that were left behind by her predecessor, including the city’s old drainage system and the stubborn violent crime. She is also dealing with an investigation of city finances. Republican Attorney General has been accusing Cantrell of misusing her City Council credit card. The probe continues to now but it did not affect Cantrell’s candidacy. In fact, she won 60 percent of the votes over her opponent Desiree Charbonnet who came from a powerful political family in New Orleans. Moreover, Cantrell’s Communications Director Beau Tidwell claims that “contrary to what Landry’s statement insinuates, the findings of his staff completely exonerate Mayor-elect Cantrell.”


THE INNER-CITY NEWS MAY 16, 2018 - MAY 22, 2018



Honoring Human Excellence Through Human Service Recognizing Those Who have Been Chosen To Carry The Light That We Might See

Anthony’s Ocean View 450 Lighthouse Road - New Haven, CT

Monday, May 21, 2018 - 6:00pm Banquet Tickets: $70.00 Theme:

Continued Focus on Disproportionate Expulsions and Suspensions of Black Preschoolers Jumpstarts the Week

SILVER SPRING, MD – With one of the greatest civil rights issues of our time at the forefront – the preschool-to-prison pipeline among young Black students -- the NBCDI, Inc., will host its annual National Black Child Development Week (NBCDW) from May 14 -18. Reaching communities across the nation, NBCDW 2018 is a time of national awareness, collective action and community mobilization against the most critical issues of the day for Black children. Delivering on the Promise, NBCDI’s national campaign to address the rising rates of suspensions and expulsions in early childhood education, serves as the centerpiece along with local Community of Practice covenings, the worldwide premiere of our Delivering on the Promise video featuring Senator Cory Booker and other local activities and events. “National Black Child Development Week is always an important time for us,” said Tobeka G. Green, NBCDI president & CEO. “While we’re working tirelessly to advance our mission every day, NBCDW is a unified moment in time when the entire country celebrates Black children’s brilliance and resilience and mobilizes in lock-step to tackle the most pressing issues impacting Black children’s educational attainment and overall well-being.” NBCDI WEEK IN FOCUS

Themed “The Movement Continues,” and hosted during the anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education each year, NBCDW features: • Thursday, May 17 -- NBCDI Think Babies™ Webinar: NBCDI will announce its partnership with ZERO TO THREE’s Think Babies™ campaign created to advance infant-toddler policy priorities. Attendees will learn more about NBCDI’s commitment to ensuring Black infants, toddlers and families have equitable access to effective and practical resources needed for them to thrive from birth. • Friday, May 18 -- Media Day: NBCDI takes over the Internet to amplify its programs and policy initiatives that are improving and advancing the quality of life for Black children and families through education and advocacy. Check for special Blogs, Black Parenting Magazine Podcast, educational social media infographics and more. • Saturday, May 20 -- NBCDI National Affiliate Network Community Day of Action: Nationwide, Affiliates will culminate NBCDW by hosting activities customized to the needs of Black children and families in their communities. Health fairs, community fairs, book drives, Black fatherhood events and film screenings take center stage.


Ms. Kyle Ballou Deacon Joseph Boyd Minister Janet Brown-Clayton The Honorable Clifton Graves Elder Walter Gray Brother Kenneth R. Jackson, Sr.

Pastor Kenneth Moales Mrs. Sandra Pittman Minister Jerry J. Randall Ms. Bridgette P. Russell Sister Shirley Wayne-Washington

Special Recognition to CCC Founders

Apostle Eugene Brunson Wayfaring Ministries

Pastor Betty Marks

New Growth Outreach Ministries

Pastor Alma Morrison Miracle Temple

P.O. Box 3003 - New Haven, CT 06515 Tel: (203) 624-9228 Fax: (203) 999-8734 Email:

The Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities Proudly Presents:

Kids Speak 2018 Kids Speak is a day for students in middle and high school from across the state to come together and discuss topics related to civil and human rights. The forum will raise the consciousness of students regarding equality, diversity, anti-bullying, equal protection, segregation, integration, educational equity and so much more.

Please RSVP for the event by emailing on or before May 1, 2018



UConn School of Law 55 Elizabeth Street Hartford, CT 06105


Tuesday, May 22, 2018


9:00 am to 1:30 pm


MAY 16, 2018


MAY 22, 2018

Meet the Talented 19-Year Old Who Was Just Booked to Perform at the British Royal Wedding

London, England — The Kensington Palace has announced that 19-year old cellist, Sheku Kanneh-Mason, is on the list of artists scheduled to perform at the upcoming May 19th royal wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Sheku, who is Black British, tweeted, “I’m so excited and honoured to perform at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding. I was bowled over when Ms Markle called me to ask if I would play during the ceremony, and of course I immediately said yes!!! What a privilege. I can’t wait!” Sheku, one of the brightest young stars on the classical music scene and winner of the 2016 BBC Young Musician of the Year competition, is already in great demand from major orchestras and concert halls worldwide. In January 2018, his debut recording for Decca Classics, Inspiration, was

released, featuring the Shostakovich Cello Concerto No. 1 with the city of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra and Mirga Gražinytė-tyla. The album entered the official UK album charts at number 18, and reached number 1 in the classical chart. Sheku’s international career is developing very quickly, and he has already made successful debuts with the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, City of Birmingham Symphony, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic and Tonhalle Orchestra, Zurich. In 2017, Sheku made his BBC proms debut at the Royal Albert Hall as soloist with the Chineke! Orchestra. He is passionate about the importance of making classical music accessible to all and is currently the first London Music Masters junior ambassador. Sheku received the 2017 South Bank Sky Arts breakthrough award and,

from 2018/19, he will become ‘young artist in residence’ at the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic. In February 2018, Sheku performed ‘Evening of Roses’ at the Baftas Awards Show at the Royal Albert Hall, with four of his six siblings – the first time any artist has been invited to perform during the ceremony two years running. Sheku is currently a full-time abrsm scholarship student at the Royal Academy of Music, studying with Hannah Roberts. He began learning the cello at the age of six with Sarah HusonWhyte and then studied with ben davies at the Junior Royal Academy of Music. For more information and/or to buy Sheku Kanneh Mason’s music, visit

Sanaa Lathan: Investing In Her Own Happiness by Derrick Lane, BDO

WELL-WOMAN CHECK-UPS. IT’S WHAT WE DO. With 682,208 preventative check-ups, screenings, exams and counseling services last year to young women like you, we know women’s health care.


Sanaa Lathan is one of those Hollywood beauties that seems to always steal the scene in whatever film you see her in. Lathan’s acting career spans over two decades. She starred in classic films in the early 2000’s such as Love & Basketball, Disappearing Acts, The Best Man, Brown Sugar, and Something New. In addition to her film credits, she was a series regular in the second season of the Starz’ original series Boss, and was most recently seen in the Fox event series, Shots Fired. Lathan has a full plate including things like balancing a busy work schedule, trying to spend time with family and friends and working on the Sanaa Lathan Foundation, which offers summer camp and educational support to atrisk kids. Like many of us who are busy, taking time to focus on her well-being gives Sanaa the energy and emotional wherewithal to carry out important projects. One example: her upcoming Netflix movie Nappily Ever After (due out Fall 2018). It’s a story about a woman whose self-esteem is tied to men. Eventually, her character realizes she needs to determine her own worth and, in a declaration of independence, cuts off her long hair—something Sanaa decided to do in real life. “It was kind of a perfect time in my life to do it,” mentions Lathan to Health Magazine. I have a lot of hair,


Sanaa Lathan and it’s thick. I was just so over it. If I got it straightened and then I worked out, it would go right back into the original—the Afro. And I couldn’t do

braids for a week; they’d get frizzy. My girlfriends would even be like, “Why aren’t you doing anything with your hair? You look crazy!” So in terms of me being lazy, it’s just so easy. In terms of women of color coming into this amazing renaissance of owning who they are, and owning all of their beauty in whatever shape, size, color it is. There’s no more cookie-cutter, like, “This is the ideal. “I literally have a list. If I’m doing [certain] things most days, I’m good,” explains the actress, 46-yearold. From working out in the morning to meditating twice a day to taking social media breaks, Sanaa has been cultivating these tricks since she first broke out in 2000’s Love & Basketball. “Whatever comes up against you, you have tools,” she says. As for what’s next for Lathan–she stays booked! The feature film adaptation of Richard Wright’s legendary book… … Native Son, is in the works, and Sanaa has officially signed up to join the cast. Lathan will play Trudy Thomas, a widow who is doing her best to raise three children in a small and cramped but tidy Chicago apartment. When her new boyfriend helps arrange a job interview for her eldest son Bigger (Sanders) to work as a chauffeur for a local real estate magnate, a chain of events is triggered that will have devastating consequences for both families.

THE INNER-CITY NEWS MAY 16, 2018 - MAY 22, 2018

Stetson Library: The Next Chapter HELP STETSON LIBRARY MOVE INTO THE NEW Q HOUSE “We don’t just need a place for books—we need a space for people to learn, to be challenged, to come together. A library is not just a home for books, it’s a home for the community.” - Diane Brown, Stetson Branch Manager

Thanks to a generous challenge grant from the Seedlings Foundation, you can double the impact of your donation. All gifts between $50 - $10,000 will be matched dollar for dollar! Donate online at or by check to: NHFPL Foundation - Stetson Library, 133 Elm St, New Haven, CT 06510 The NHFPL Foundation is a 501(c)(3) exempt organization; gifts are fully deductible under federal tax regulations.



MAY 16, 2018


MAY 22, 2018

Golfing While Black: Grandview Golf Club Asks Five Black Women to Leave the Club for Golfing Too Slow By Sandra Thompson, Esq., President, NAACP York County, Pa. Branch

On Saturday, April 21, 2018, I woke up excited, anticipating a round of golf at Grandview Golf Club in York, Pa. I was going to play with four ladies from “Sisters in the Fairway” (SITF), a group of about 15 professional, predominantly African American women in York County, Pa., who golf. SITF are women of various levels of expertise from beginner to advanced golfers. The group was formed in 2008 as a sisterhood of ladies who golfed with their husbands, many of whom were members of the York County Black Golfers Association. We appreciate the challenge that golf presents and the control that golf requires. Golf lessons are required. We know and respect golf etiquette and rules. As a single mother, I prioritized raising two children, building my business and working in the community. In 2010, when my youngest child left for college, she suggested I “get some friends.” So, as an empty-nester, I took her suggestion. I was introduced to the ladies of SITF. I began playing around 2011-2012 and found that I loved the game. SITF normally travels to different courses throughout Central Pennsylvania in each outing. Some also play in other states and in other countries, when they travel. As individuals, we occasionally played at Grandview, which was now under new ownership. On this day, there was a slight wind and I took selfies on my way to the golf course. All five of us appeared at our scheduled tee times. I was given permission to play as a fifth member. We were the only group of African American women playing. It began great, even though Grandview had an hour delay. We did not complain. We were elated to see each other since we

had not all been together since the past season. We took selfies, as we anticipated anticipating enjoying each other’s company, the day, and golf. We hit great drives “hitting them high and letting them fly.” We played “ready golf.” We were excited. Our excitement did not last. On just the second hole, former York County Commissioner Steve Chronister was pushy and aggressive, falsely accusing us of slowing down the other players. He said he was refunding our membership, so we would leave. We reminded him that we paid and wanted to play. Our group was in shock. Despite the distractions, we made up time and finished the first half in about two hours as required. But the stress was too much. Our game was affected. We were upset—wondering whether Chronister was going to approach us again and dismayed that he wanted to refund our memberships, as though we and our money were worthless—so three women in our group left halfway through the game. When we, the remaining two, tried to continue playing to salvage the day, five large White men, including Steve and his son, Jordan Chronister, approached us and told us to get off their property. I became tongue-tied trying to ask why they were kicking us off the property when we had a paid membership and also paid for the day. They gave us multiple reasons, each one proving to be false. Because we questioned why we could not enjoy our membership and play golf, the police were called. I was bewildered. We had done nothing wrong. I was also embarrassed and humiliated having been made into a spectacle as White men exited the golf restaurant area and watched the events unfold. We waited for the police. I was fearful and apprehensive as to what would occur when police arrived. What would

Sandra Thompson, Esq., is the president of the York County, Pa. branch of the NAACP. be the officer’s attitude? But I did not want to leave and have charges filed against me in the mail, because Grandview gave a false statement that I had no opportunity to answer. When police arrived, they heard my name and recognized me. The police were professional and went back and forth between Grandview Golf Club and us, advising us that Grandview wanted to refund the memberships of the entire group, even those who left early. The officers interviewed the group behind us and concluded that we were not playing slowly and maintained pace, even with five people. The group told the police we did not hold them up, and were pleasant to them. It was obvious that the police were called, because of Grandview’s owners reaction to the us, and not because the group behind us had complained. A few days after the incident, I was still anxious, because I did not know if they were going to file charges. I knew charges could be sent in the mail. It was not until the police chief issued a statement that no charges were warranted could I sigh in relief. Nevertheless, I developed headaches for a few days. I have been an attorney in Pennsylvania for over 18 years. I ran for judge in York County, Pa. in 2009 and 2017. I am the President of the York County, Pa., NAACP branch, Pennsylvania NAACP Legal Redress chair and former first vice president. I am also the vice chair of the York County Democratic Party. I advocate for criminal justice reform, voting rights, equal


access to fair wages, employment, and quality housing and education. But, who cares about my titles? Everyone who pays their fee should be allowed to play golf, if they desire, without interruption, without false accusations, without intimidation, and without the threat of police, especially when they have committed no crime or disruption. I kept wondering whether the police were professional, because they knew me and what would have occurred had they not known me. While we waited, I texted the other three ladies who had left. I let them know that the police were called, and they became so upset they wanted to return for fear of what could happen. With the long history of how police interact with African Americans, businesses know, or should know, that when they call the police they are inviting them to arrest the person, which could also lead to injury or death. This situation was not as bad as the recent arrest of two Black men at a Starbucks in Philadelphia, because we were not arrested nor was it as bad as the incident involving a 25-yearold Black woman at a Waffle House in Saraland, Ala., because police did not assault us. However, it is similar to them in that businesses are using the police as their personal complaint department and as enforcers without repercussion or accountability. Police must turn away once they learn that the matter is not criminal, but civil. Law enforcement policies and practices must change. Police must enforce

laws against these businesses and their owners who file false complaints. Legislators must act to hold businesses accountable. Patrons and the community must stand up in the midst of these situations, instead of being passive observers or actively trying to concoct legitimate reasons for the mistreatment of Black patrons, when they are nonexistent. See something, say something. I commend the men who publicly spoke out for us. I am thankful for the public outcry of support. We, as African Americans, just want to live. Some wanted a place to meet, others wanted utensils for their meal, others wanted to exercise, and we simply wanted to golf. We demand the freedom to frequent businesses, to use services, to ask questions, and, yes, to even complain without the fear of being arrested, beaten or shot. The irrational fears of some White people should not be our problem and should not interfere with our quality of life. We will not stand idle or remain silent while our freedoms and lives are devalued and threatened. Despite the attempted movement to take us back to a time of second-class citizenry, we will not return. We will maintain the shout, “Forward Ever, Backward Never!” for ourselves and our brethren of other races, colors, nationalities, religion and of other protected classes. Only together will we make positive change. This article was originally published at

THE INNER-CITY NEWS MAY 16, 2018 - MAY 22, 2018

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INNER-CITY NEWS July 2016 -- August THE INNER-CITY NEWS MAY 16,27, 2018 MAY 22, 02,2018 2016


NOTICE Sealed bids, to purchase the following, will be accepted by the Bureau of Purchases, Room 301, 200 Orange Street, New Haven, CT 06510 until 3:00 P.M., local time, on the date shown, at which time they will be VALENTINA MACRI RENTAL HOUSING PRE- APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE publicly opened and read. Bid forms are available online at HOME INC, on behalf of Columbus House and the New Haven Housing Authority, is accepting pre-applications for studio and one-bedroom apartments this2018 develOn Call HVAC Repairs 21580 Mayat30, opment located at 108 Frank Street, New Haven. Maximum income limitations apBOE ply. Pre-applications will be availableMay from16, 9AM TO 11 5PM beginning Monday Ju;y Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting: 2018 A.M. 25,Ferry 2016 Street and ending sufficient pre-applications (approximately 100) have 654 New when Haven, CT 06513 been received at the offices of HOME INC. Applications will be mailied upon reOn Call HVAC Controls 21579 May 30, 2018 quest by calling HOME INC at 203-562-4663 during those hours. Completed preBOE applications mustPre-Bid be returned to HOME INC’s offices 171 Orange Street, Third Non-Mandatory Meeting: May 16, 2018 10atA.M. Floor, NewStreet Haven, CT Haven, 06510. CT 06513 654 Ferry New On Call Electrical Services 21578 BOE


May 23, 2018

On Call Equipment Rental 21577 May 23, 2018 VALENTINA MACRI VIVIENDAS DE ALQUILER PRE-SOLICITUDES DISPONIBLES BOE On CallINC, Sewer Line Maintenance May 23, 2018 HOME en nombre de la Columbus21576 House y de la New Haven Housing Authority, está BOE aceptando pre-solicitudes para estudios y apartamentos de un dormitorio en este desarrollo On Call Water Treatment May 23, 2018 ubicado en la calle 109 Frank21575 Street, New Haven. Se aplican limitaciones de ingresos BOE máximos. Las pre-solicitudes estarán disponibles 09 a.m.-5 p.m. comenzando Martes 25 julio, 2016 hasta cuando21574 se han recibido suficientes pre-solicitudes (aproximadamente 100) Window Treatments May 23, 2018 en las oficinas de HOME INC. Las pre-solicitudes serán enviadas por correo a petición BOE llamando a HOME INC al 203-562-4663 durante esas horas.Pre-solicitudes deberán remitirse Dumpster Purchase 21581 May, CT 24,06510 2018 . a las oficinas de HOMEand INCRemoval en 171 Orange Street, tercer piso, New Haven BOE


Dairy #2019-05-1216 NEW HAVEN

RFP due date: Tuesday May 22, 2018 at 11:00 AM EST.

242-258 Fairmont Ave Michael V. Fumiatti 2BR Townhouse, 1.5 BA, 3BR, 1 level , 1BA Purchasing Agent

RFP can be downloaded at

All new apartments, new appliances, new carpet, close to I-91 & I-95 highways, near bus stop &Company shopping center Centrally Located Construction in Connecticut Pet under 40lb allowed. Interested parties contactproject Maria managers, @ 860-985-8258 has positions available for experienced laborers and truck drivers. This company is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F. Females and Minorities CT. Unified Deacon’s Association is pleased to offer a Deacon’s areprogram encouraged toassist apply. Certificate Program. This is a 10 month designed to in the intellectual formation of Candidates in response to the Church’s Ministry The cost is $125. Classes start Saturday, August 20, 2016 1:30Please fax resume ATTN: Mike to 860-669-7004. 3:30 Contact: Chairman, Deacon Joe J. Davis, M.S., B.S. (203) 996-4517 Host, General Bishop Elijah Davis, D.D. Pastor of Pitts Chapel U.F.W.B. Church 64 Brewster


Facility Maintenance and Custodial Management Services for Board of Education #2019-04-1211

RFP due date: Tuesday June 5, 2018 at 11:00 AM EST. SEYMOUR HOUSING AUTHORITY

RFP can be downloaded at

Sealed bids are invited by the Housing Authority of the Town of Seymour Michael V. Fumiatti Purchasing Agent until 3:00 pm on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at its office at 28 Smith Street, Seymour, CT 06483 for Concrete Sidewalk Repairs and Replacement at the Smithfield Gardens Assisted Living Facility, 26 Smith Street Seymour. CITY OF NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT - REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Custodial Cleaning and Other Services

#2019-04-1212 A pre-bid conference will be held at the Housing Authority Office 28 Smith RFP due Tuesday 15, 2018 at 11:00 EST. Street Seymour, CTdate: at 10:00 am, onMay Wednesday, July 20,AM 2016. RFP can be downloaded at

Bidding documents are available from the Seymour Housing Authority OfMichael V. Fumiatti fice, 28 Smith Street, Seymour, CT 06483 (203) 888-4579. Purchasing Agent The Housing Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to reduce the scope of the project to reflect available funding, and to waive any


Leasing Office Improvements at Zbikowski Park Bristol, CT The Bristol Housing Authority will receive sealed bids on or before 1:00 p.m. EST, Friday, June 1, 2018 at their offices at 164 Jerome Ave., Bristol, CT 06010, and said bids will be publicly opened and read aloud immediately thereafter. Bids will be received for furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to complete Improvements at 111 Lillian Rd., Bristol, CT 06010. Sealed bid packages to be clearly marked “Leasing Office Improvements at Zbikowski Park, Attention: Mitzy Rowe, CEO.” A pre-bid walk through will be held on Monday, May 21, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. Please meet at the site located at 111 Lillian Rd., Bristol, CT. Attendance is strongly recommended for all bidders. Contract Plans and Specifications dated February 20, 2018, revised April 13, 2018 as prepared by Capital Studio Architects, LLC, 1379 Main St., East Hartford, CT 06108, will be on file at the Bristol Housing Authority, 164 Jerome Ave., Bristol, CT. Project information can also be obtained online at The Bristol Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids and/ or to waive any informalities in bidding when such action is deemed to be in the best interest of the Bristol Housing Authority. All bid documents must be 100% completed when submitted. A 100% Performance, Labor and Material Bond is required. All sureties must be listed on the most recent IRS circular 570. “Attention of bidders is directed to certain requirements of this contract which require payment of Davis-Bacon residential wage rates, and compliance with certain local, state and federal requirements.” For further information, please contact Carl Johnson, Director of Capital Funds, Bristol Housing Authority at (860) 585-2028 or David Holmes, Capital Studio Architects, LLC at (860) 289-3262.

Union Company seeks: Tractor Trailer Driver for Heavy & Highway Construction Equipment. Must have a CDL License, clean driving record, capable of operating heavy equipment; be willing to travel throughout the Northeast & NY. We offer excellent hourly rateor& excellent benefits BA/BS in Civil Engineering Construction Management. Contact: Dana Briere Phone: 2-5 yrs. experience. OSHA Certified. Email: Proficient 860-243-2300 in reading contract plans and specifications. Resumes to RED Technologies, LLC, 10 Northwood Dr., Women & Minority Applicants are Bloomfield, CT 06002; Fax 860.218.2433; encouragedRED toTechnologies, apply LLC is an EOE. Email resumes to Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity EmployerRemediation Division Project Manager Environmental

Field Engineer

3-5 years exp. and Bachelor’s Degree, 40-Hr. Hazwoper Training Req. Forward resumes to RED Technologies, LLC, 10 Northwood Dr., Bloomfield, CT 06002;

Fax 860.218.2433; or Email to

RED Technologies, LLC is an EOE.

Garrity Asphalt Reclaiming, Inc seeks: Reclaimer Operators and Milling Operators with current licensing and clean driving record. We offer excellent hourly rate & excellent benefits Contact: Rick Tousignant Phone: 860243-2300 Email: Women & Minority Applicants are encouraged to apply Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Garrity Asphalt Reclaiming Inc Employer

seeks: Construction Equipment Mechanic preferably experienced in Reclaiming and Road Milling Equipment. We offer factory AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER training Asphalt on equipment we operate. Garrity Reclaiming Inc MBE’s, WBE’s, AND SBE’s ARE ENCOURAGED TO SUBMIT Location: Bloomfield CT seeks: Construction Equipment Mechanic Contact: experienced James Burke Phone: 860preferably in Reclaiming and Firefighter/ParamediC 243-2300 Invitation to Bid: Road Milling Equipment. We offer factory The Town of Wallingford is currently accepting applications for Firefighter/ email: training on equipment we operate. 2nd card, NoticeHS diploma/GED, Paramedic. Applicants must have: a valid CPAT Women & Minority Applicants are Location: Bloomfield CT valid driver’s license and hold a valid Paramedic License that meets CT State Regulations. Copies of licenses and certifications must be submitted with Contact:encouraged James Burke Phone: 860to apply application materials. The Town of Wallingford offers a competitive pay rate 243-2300 Old Saybrook, CT Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity of $54,064.40 to $69,701.32 annually. In addition, there is a $4,400 annual email: Employer We offer excellent hourly rate & Buildings, 17Application Units) deadparamedic bonus plus an excellent fringe(4 benefit package. Women excellent & Minoritybenefits Applicants are line is June 1, 2018 or the date the 75th application is received, whichever Tax Exempt & Not Prevailing Wage Rate Project occurs first. Apply: Human Resources Department, Town of Wallingford, encouraged to apply 45 South Main St., Wallingford, CT. phone: (203) 294-2080; fax: (203) 294Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity 2084. EOE. New Construction, Wood Framed, Housing, Selective Demolition, Site-work, Cast-We offer excellent hourly rate & Employer in-place Concrete, Asphalt Shingles, Vinyl Siding, excellent benefits Centrally Located Construction Company in Connecticut Flooring, Painting, Division 10 Specialties, Appliances, Residential Casework, has positions available for experienced project managers, laborers and truck drivers.and Fire Protection. Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing This company is an Equal Opportunity M/F. This contract is subject to state set-asideEmployer and contract compliance requirements. Union Company seeks: Tractor Trailer Females and Minorities are encouraged to apply. Driver for Heavy & Highway Construction Please fax resume to ATTN: Mike to 860-669-7004. Bid Extended, Due Date: August 5, 2016 Equipment. Must have a CDL License, clean driving record, capable of operating Anticipated Start: August 15, 2016 Common Ground High School is seeking a Full Time TeachUnion Company seeks: Tractor Trailer heavy equipment; be willing to travel ing Assistant (TA). The TA is responsible for available supporting via teachers in below: the Project documents ftp link Driver for Heavy & Highway Construction classroom during the school day, providing targeted supports in academic throughout the Northeast & NY. We offer Equipment. Must have a CDL License, labs both during and after school, and assisting with summer academic proexcellent hourly rate & excellent benefits grams. For a full job description and how to apply, please visit http://comclean driving record, capable of operating Contact: Dana be Briere Phone: equipment; willing to travel Fax or Email Questions & Bids to: Dawn Lang @ 203-881-8372 teaching-assistant-ta/ 860-243-2300 Email: the Northeast & NY. We offer HCC encourages the participation of all Veteran, S/W/MBE & Section 3 Certifiedthroughout Businesses hourly rate & excellent benefits Haynes Construction Company, 32 Progress Ave, Seymour, CT 06483excellent The Housing Authority of the City of Norwalk, CT is requestWomen & Minority Applicants are Contact: Dana Briere Phone: AA/EEO EMPLOYER ing proposals for Copier Lease and Maintenance Service. encouraged to apply 860-243-2300 Email: Proposal documents can be viewed and printed at www.norAffirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity under the Business section RFP’s/RFQ’s Employer Women & Minority Applicants are Norwalk Housing is an Equal Opportunity Employer. encouraged to apply Thomas Hickey, Interim Executive Director. Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity 20 Employer


INNER-CITY NEWS July 27, 2016- - August 02, 2016 THE INNER-CITY NEWS MAY 16, 2018 MAY 22, 2018


Boundaries LLC is a full-service Land Surveying Firm located in Griswold, CT. We are recruiting for these Materials is seeking a motivated, organized, detail-oriented candidate to join its NOTICE positions and are accepting resumes for Survey Field Galasso truck dispatch office. Responsibilities include order entry and truck ticketing in a fast Technicians, Survey Computer Technicians, Licensed paced materials manufacturing and contracting company. You will have daily interacwith employees and customers as numerous truckloads of material cross our scales Land Surveyors, Civil Engineers, from 4/9/2018 tion daily.AVAILABLE We are willing to train the right individual that has a great attitude. NO PHONE VALENTINA MACRI RENTAL HOUSING PRE- APPLICATIONS through 12/31/2018. Interested parties can contact us CALLS PLEASE. Reply to Hiring Manager, PO Box 1776, East Granby, CT 06026. EOE/M/F/D/V. at HOME 860-376-2006 or submit yourHouse resume INC, on behalf of Columbus andto theJfaulise@ New Haven Housing Authority, AA/EOEfor studio and one-bedroom apartments is accepting pre-applications at this develCommon Ground High School is seeking a passionate, creative, effective,limitations inclusive Environmental Leadership Manager. This is a unique opment located at 108 Frank Street, New Haven. Maximum income apopportunity to Ju;y work at a school that prioritizes leadership developply. Pre-applications will be available from 9AM TO 5PM beginning Monday CARPENTER ment and experiential 25, 2016 and ending when sufficient pre-applications (approximately 100) have learning focused on the environmental and justice. For a full job description and how to apply, please Large CTreceived Fence Company carpenterINC. for our Wood Fence Probeen at thelooking officesforofa HOME Applications will besocial mailied upon reduction Experience preferred will train the rightduring person.those Must hours. be visit questShop. by calling HOME INC but at 203-562-4663 Completed prefamiliar with carpentry hand & power tools and be able to read a CAD drawmustThis beisreturned HOME INC’s offices 171 Orange Street, Third ingapplications and tape measure. an in-shoptoproduction position. Dutiesatinclude Floor,fence Newpanels, Haven, CT gates 06510. building posts, and more. Some pickup & delivery of Common Ground High School is seeking a Special Education Teach-

ing Assistant (TA). The TA is responsible for supporting teachers in the classroom during the school day, providing targeted supports in academic labs both during and after school, and assisting with summer academic programs. For a full job decription and how to apply, visit MACRI VIVIENDAS DE ALQUILER PRE-SOLICITUDESplease DISPONIBLES seeking-a-special-education-teaching-assistant-ta/

materials may also be required. Must have a valid CT driver’s license and be able to obtain a Drivers Medical Card. Must be able to pass a physical and drug test. Please email resume to AA/EOE



HOME INC, en nombre de lafor Columbus House y de la New Haven Housing Authority, está Request Proposals Payroll & Other Human Resource Management aceptando pre-solicitudes para estudios y apartamentos de un dormitorio en este desarrollo Common Ground High School is seeking a passionate, creative, partSystems Services ubicado en la calle 109 Frankand Street, New Haven. Se aplican limitaciones de ingresos time science teacher, certified in biology and general science. For a full job description máximos. Las pre-solicitudes estarán disponibles 09 a.m.-5 p.m. comenzando Martes 25 and how to apply, please visit http://www.comThe Housing Authority of New Haven d/b/a Elm City (aproximadamente, 2016 hasta cuandoofsethe hanCity recibido suficientes pre-solicitudes 100) Communities is currently seeking Bids science-teacher/ en las oficinas de HOME INC. Las pre-solicitudes serán enviadas por correo a petición for Payroll & Other Human Resource Management Systems and llamando a HOME INC al 203-562-4663 durante esas horas.Pre-solicitudes deberán remitirse Services. A complete copy of the requirement may be obtained . a las Elm oficinas de Vendor HOME INC en 171 Orange tercer piso, New Haven , CT 06510KMK Insulation Inc. from City’s Collaboration PortalStreet, https://newhaven- beginning on Monday, April 16, 2018 at 9:00AM.


1907 Hartford Turnpike North Haven, CT 06473

Mechanical Insulator position. Insulation company offering good pay and benefits.

DELIVERY PERSON NEEDED Part Time Delivery Needed One/Two Day a Week, Must Have Own Vehicle If Interested call

(203) 435-1387

CITY OF NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT - REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Computer and Printer Support Solution #2019-04-1214

RFP due date: Tuesday May 15, 2018 at 11:00 AM EST. RFP can be downloaded at

Michael V. Fumiatti Purchasing Agent

CITY OF NEW HAVEN - BID NOTICE Sealed bids, to purchase the following, will be accepted by the Bureau of Purchases, Room 301, 200 Orange Street, New Haven, CT 06510 until 3:00 P.M., local time, on the date shown, at which time they will be publicly opened and read. Bid forms are available online

Large CT fence & guardrail contractor looking Please mail resume to above address.. MAIL ONLY for a shop welder. Duties include but are not limited to welding & at This company is an Affirmative Action/ fabricating gates, plating posts, truck and trailer repairs. Must be Equal Opportunity Employer. Invitation to Bid: School Calendars 70195042 May 9, 2018 able to weld steel and aluminum. Some road work may be required. 2nd Notice All necessary equipment provided. Must have a valid CT driver’s BOE license and be able to obtain a DOT medical card. Required to pass The GUILFORD HOUSING AUTHORITY a physical and drug test. Medical, vacation & other benefits in- is currently accepting applications for COUPLES ONLY for its one All new apartments, new appliances, new carpet, close to I-91 & I-95 GuilSaybrook, CT cluded. Please email resume to AA/ bedroom apartments at Guilford Court and Boston Terrace inOld ford, CT. Applicants must be age 62 and over or on 100% social highways, near bus stop & shopping center EOE-MF (4 Buildings, 17 Units) security or federal disability and over the age of 18. Applications Pet under 40lb allowed. Interested parties contact Maria @ 860-985-8258 & Not Prevailing Wage Rate Project - Electric utility is seeking candidates for a paid may be obtained by calling the application Tax line Exempt at 203-453-6262, Apprentice Lineman ext. 107. An information packet will also be provided with the ap- training program leading to qualification as a First Class Lineman. Application. Applications willNew be accepted until end of Framed, business Housing, day CT. Unified Deacon’s Association is pleased to offer a Deacon’s Construction, Wood Selective Demolition, Site-work, Castplicants must be a H.S. graduate or an equivalent in experience and trainon July of31, 2018. Credit, police, and landlord checks are procured with This 3 years min. exp.program HAZMAT Endorsed. Certificate Program. is a 10 month designed to assist in the intellectual formation Candidates in-place Concrete, Asphalt Shingles, ing. Also, Vinyl mustSiding, be in good physical condition to perform the duties of the in response to the Church’s Ministry needs. The cost is $125. Classes start Saturday,by August 20, 2016 1:30(Tractor/Triaxle/Roll-off) the authority. Smoke free housing.


242-258 Fairmont Ave 2BR Townhouse, 1.5 BA, 3BR, 1 level , 1BA



Class A CDL Driver

3:30 Contact: Chairman, Joe J. Davis, M.S., B.S. Some overnights may beDeacon required. FAX resumes to RED Technologies, at position. Hourly rate: $24.39 to $35.03, plus an excellent fringe benefit Flooring, Painting, Division 10 Specialties, Appliances, Residential Casework, (203) 996-4517 Host, General Bishop Elijah Davis, D.D. Pastor of Pitts Chapel U.F.W.B. Church 64 Brewster EQUAL OPPORTUNITY HOUSING 860.342-1042; Email: Mail or in person: 173 Pickering package. TheProtection. closing date for applications is May 9, 2018 or the date the Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire St. NewStreet, Haven,Portland, CT CT 06480. RED Technologies, LLC is An EOE.

School Security

(50) compliance application is received, whichever occurs first. Apply: HuThis contract is subject to state set-asidefiftieth and contract requirements.


man Resources Department, Town of Wallingford, 45 South Main Street,

Wallingford, CT 06492, (203) 294-2080. EOE. Bid Extended, Due Date: August 5, 2016 Greeter- Seeking qualified individuals to perform a variety of duties associated with monitoring access to the building or assigned station, implementing The New Haven Early Childhood Council isAnticipated seeking toStart: August 15, 2016 Listing: Accounting-AR Specialist security protocols as provided buildingAuthority level administrative Sealed bids are invitedbybydistrict the and Housing of the Town of quality Seymour fund enhancement (QE) projects for the period available via ftp link below: Project documents staff. Requires graduation from high school, plus a minimum of one year exuntil 3:00 pm on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at its office at 28 Smith Street, July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 for the following services: Immediate opening for an experienced professional in an extremeperience working with the public. Individual considered for the positions will beSeymour, required to beCT fingerprinted and Concrete undergo background checks. Hourly and Rate:Replacement at the 06483 for Sidewalk Repairs ly fast-paced petroleum environment. Requires AR knowledge, $10.23 - $10.56 plus benefit package. Apply to: Personnel Department, Town • on-site education consultation to prek programs Gardens Assisted Living Facility, 26Fax Smith Street Seymour. • mental health resources for children families in prek programs; of Smithfield Wallingford, 45 South Main Street, Wallingford, CT 06492. #: (203) Fax orand Email Questions & Bids to: Dawn Lang @ 203-881-8372 high volume billing experience and familiarity with Excel, Adds to CT Early Standards, 294-2084. Closing date will be May 9, 2018 or the date the 50th application is • professional development trainings related HCC encourages theLearning participation of all Veteran, S/W/MBE experience & Section 3 Certified Energy a Businesses plus. Candidate must possess a high level of trauma informed care and topics required received, whichever occurs first. EOE. Haynes Construction Company, 32 Progress Ave, Seymour, CT 06483 A pre-bid conference will be held at the Housing Authority Office 28 Smith accuracy and attention to detail. Petroleum industry and propane AA/EEO EMPLOYER Street Seymour, CT at 10:00 am, on Wednesday, July 20, 2016. by School Readiness and NAEYC. experience a plus. Send resume to: Human Resource Dept. P O TRANSFER STATION LABORER Off load trailers, reload for trans/disp. Lift 50 lbs., operate industrial powered trucks and forklift. An info session will be held Monday, May 12th from 2-3pm at 54 Meadow Box 388, Guilford CT 06437. Asbestos Workerdocuments Handler Training aare +. Resumes to RED Technologies, 173 PickeringHousing St., Street, conference Ofroom 3B. To receive the RFP and for established rates for each Bidding available from theLLC, Seymour Authority Portland, CT 06480; Fax 860-342-1022; or service type, contact the School Readiness office Email to fice, 28 Smith Street, Seymour, CT 06483 (203) 888-4579. RED Technologies, LLC is an EOE. 203-946-7875. **An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer** 21 The Housing Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to


reduce the scope of the project to reflect available funding, and to waive any


MAY 16, 2018


MAY 22, 2018

Black PhD from the Poorest Part of Jamaica Launches Book Tour to Share Her Story of Survival and Resilence With Women Around the World Dr. Ava Eagle Brown was once homeless in a third world country, she failed high school as a teenager, and she was recently held up at gunpoint… but she still went on to earn her PhD degree, and has a very powerful story to tell! London, UK / Atlanta, GA — Multiaward winning international speaker, author and transformation mindset coach, Dr. Ava Eagle Brown, shares her story of survival and resilience, creating transformation and positively impacting women and girls. The message of perseverance and fortitude, coming from the depths of poverty, incest, rape and abuse, is the story she writes about in her book, The Mango Girl – A Woman’s Story of Resilience and Survival (available on Amazon. com). The book empowers readers with the understanding that you are not your past and you are stronger than you think. The empowerment project has become a Movement as part of a Global Book Tour through more than 10 international cities across the UK, the Caribbean and the US. Out of her journey, Dr. Brown has created “Awakening Your Life’s Purpose”, “Purpose Walk” and the “Get Your Book Out of Your Gut” pro-

grams with the view of helping others maximize their truest potential and claim their best life. Having shared the stage with Steve Harvey, Lisa Nichols, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Eric Thomas, and more, as well as being featured in the Huffington Post, Financial Times, Hustle and Heart, BBC Radio, and

more, she has decided to take the high road and move her message to the masses. She has already saved lives and is determined to save more. She says, “Your background is not a determinant of where you end up. You’re an eagle. It depends on how high you want to soar.”

Dr. Brown is a gifted Jamaican Black woman who survived against unimaginable odds; earning a PhD, surviving failed marriages, raising a family as a single parent, and whose story from the book is being made into a feature length film. In the meantime, her heart’s desire is to reach more to help heal more NOW. As part of this quest, Dr. Brown has launched The Global Empowerment Tour to promote her message of resilience, persistence, self-love, and empowerment around the world, for women, girls, men and boys. The Tour While women and girls may become victims, it is being noted that this message is also transforming the lives of men, young and old. Dr. Ava recounts the story of a young Jamaican man who was recently about to pick up a gun which would shift his way of life from one of searching for purpose, to one of crime and inflicting pain on others, or worse. He heard her interview on a local radio rebroadcast, got the book and through the tears of realizing what he was about to do, put down the gun and began a new direction in his life, inviting his friends to join him.

Brown will personally be delivering her signature experiential exercises and trainings to shift mindsets and transform lives. By contributing to The Mango Girl Perseverance and Empowerment Global Book Tour project, you will be helping to heal and empower women and men, young and old, to live happier more successful lives, giving them the tools to contribute, creating more of a sense of confidence, harmony and wellbeing in our communities globally. For more details about the tour and the book, visit Dr. Brown’s official web site at or follow her on Facebook at www. The fundraising campaign She has created a fundraising campaign to support the project. The campaign will raise a goal of $50,000 and continue to raise funds to reach their stretch goal of $125,000 to complete the tour. The campaign is being run on the FundRazr crowdfunding platform and donations can be made online at

This Black-Owned Vegan Company Produces Plant-Based Protein Powders and Shakes Now Available at Walmart and Wholefoods

Many would agree that a plant-based diet helps in keeping us away from diseases. To make more people, especially those that are underserved, aware of its benefits, Claude Tellis and Kareem Cook, two African American entrepreneurs, founded VeganSmart, a company that produces and sells plantbased protein powders and shakes. Starting out as a small business, they sold their products locally and online. As the business continues to grow, they thought that Amazon would help them reach more customers. Even though most of their peers advised them not to work with the distribution giant, they still pursue with it.

“As a business owner you have to be forward thinking in order to ensure your company’s success,” Tellis said. “When other small businesses were avoiding Amazon we knew working with them would allow us to reach wider customer base and attract potential retailers.” And so they did with Amazon’s help. They can even bring their high-quality products to underserved customers which is one of their goals. “It’s not fair that my mom from the Bronx, NY can’t walk around the corner and buy nutritious meals the same way a rich family on the Upper East Side of New York can,” Cook explained.

Now, other retailers such as Wal-Mart, Target, and Costco wanted to become distributors of VeganSmart.

Through their own research, they discovered that despite the growing healthy food industry, a lot of people

are still pre-diabetic or at risk with other diseases due to lack of access to clean and healthy yet delicious products. Amazon’s algorithm has been an effective tool for Tellis and Cook to fully achieve their mission. With 70% of over 1,200 verified buyers giving 5-star reviews on Amazon, VeganSmart does not only receive exposure but it also allows them to get their products into the hands of those who can really benefit from it. For more details and to order online, visit or follow them on Facebook at www.facebook. com/livevegansmart

With Poor Treatment of African Immigrants, Prime Minister Netanyahu Shows Limits of Israel’s Democracy By Bill Fletcher, Jr. NNPA Newswire Columnist In my last column, I addressed the murder of Palestinian protesters by Israeli state officers. The racial politics of the Israeli state were also demonstrated by another recent action: the April 3 reneging on an agreement on the handling of African migrants. The Israeli political establishment goes out of its way to present Israel as a civilized democracy. The hypocrisy of this can, of course, be seen in the apartheid system created to oppress and suppress the Palestinian

people. But it can also be demonstrated in actions towards African migrants. Over the years, African migrants, seeking refugee from war, political repression, poverty, and environmental devastation, have entered Israel in search of a safe haven. This population, which Prime Minister Netanyahu and his right-wing clique have termed “infiltrators,” has come to occupy a rung in the social hierarchy reserved for poor and disenfranchised labor. Much like undocumented workers in the United States, these African migrants are subject to various forms of abuse including ha-

rassment from employers and government alike. In January 2014, on a visit to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, I witnessed demonstrations by African migrants in Tel Aviv as part of a protest against the barbaric treatment that they have received when imprisoned. The Netanyahu administration originally came to an agreement with the United Nations—after threatening to deport these migrants to their countries of origin—to send them to safer locations. Returning the migrants to their countries of origin would, in some cases, be nothing short of a death


sentence. On April 3, the Netanyahu administration put this deal on hold, throwing into uncertainty, the fate of the African migrants. Allegedly due to pressure from his right-wing allies, Netanyahu changed his mind, leaving the status of the migrants unclear, but also leaving unclear whether there are to be further negotiations towards an acceptable resolution of this crisis. The Israeli political establishment over the years has made Israel available to anyone claiming Jewish heritage. Thousands of Russians entered Israel after the collapse

of the USSR irrespective of their ability to prove their alleged Jewish origins. A line, however, has been drawn when it comes to African migrants and in this line one can see evidence of the racial politics of the Israeli state. The democratic face of Israel is crumbling as it becomes more repressive against generalized dissent; as it strengthens the apartheid system against the Palestinian people; and as it ramps up its xenophobic attacks on African migrants. There are no further excuses that can be made nor justifications accepted.

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MAY 16, 2018


MAY 22, 2018

THE RIDGEFIELD PLAYHOUSE LaKisha Jones: To Whitney, With Love

American idol finalist pays tribute to Diana Ross, Donna Summer, Tina Turner and Whitney Houston!

April 7

Fabulously Funny Females of Comedy

ft. Cory Kahaney, Karen Bergreen & Erin Jackson

April 20

Upright Citizens Brigade

Improv comedy from the troupe that launched Amy Poehler & more! Ft. SNL’s Sasheer Zamata

May 4

Ruben Studdard

Broadway Sings Stevie Wonder

Broadway’s hottest talents sing Stevie Wonder’s hits! Ft. Kennedy Caughell (Beautiful), Corey Mach Kinky Boots), Austin Owen (Jersey Boys) & more!

May 14

Rhiannon Giddens

The Freedom Highway Tour

Co-founder of the Grammy-award winning bluegrass band, Carolina Chocolate Drops!

An Evening of Luther Vandross, Always & Forever

June 20


May 3


MAY 16, 2018


MAY 22, 2018

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