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THEINNER-CITY INNER-CITY NEWS July27, 14,2016 2021- August - July 20, NEWS -July 02, 2021 2016

Financial JusticeLays a KeyOut Focus at 2016Community NAACP Convention Movie Superhero “Jaigantic” Vision New Haven, Bridgeport

INNER-CITYNEWS Volume 29 . No. 2449 Volume 21 No. 2194

TruSo, A Black-owned “DMC” Social Networking App Set to Launch

Malloy Malloy To To Dems: Dems:

Ignore Ignore“Tough “ToughOn OnCrime” Crime”

Color Struck?

Gas Station Pumps Vaccines

Snow inWins July? DuBois-Walton A 2nd Ward Vote; Nets 50 50s At 50’s


Hernan Muralles, at right, seized chance for a convenient shot — then brought back his buddy David Briley.

Out on the 50’s On Fitch patio.



THE INNER-CITY NEWS - July 14, 2021 - July 20, 2021

DuBois-Walton Wins A 2nd Ward Vote; Nets 50 50s At 50’s by PAUL BASS

New Haven Independent

Karen DuBois-Walton won a straw-poll vote on Saturday and drew a crowd to a fundraiser on Fitch Street Sunday for her mayoral campaign. The Saturday vote took place at Mitchell Library. Seventeen members of the Ward 29 Democratic Committee voted to support DuBois-Walton; seven voted to support incumbent Justin Elicker, whom DuBois-Walton is seeking to challenge in a Sept. 14 party primary; and one person voted to support Mayce Torres, who has also filed papers to run for mayor. Ward committees around town have been holding these votes, which are meant as unofficial shows of support for candidates. Each ward committee’s two co-chairs then cast votes at a July 27 Democratic Party convention to formally endorse a candidate. Other candidates then have a chance to petition onto the Sept. 14 ballot. Elicker has won most of these unofficial ward committee votes so far; DuBoisWalton won one other, in Ward 30, which covers the West Rock and West Hills neighborhoods. Ward 29 covers a swath of Beaver Hills. This was the first time Torres has won a vote at any of these events. Ward 29 Co-Chair Audrey Tyson said she cast the

At Sunday’s event, clockwise from top left: Chicken and mac-cheese on the patio; literacy coach Jennifer Wells Jackson with DuBois-Walton; former Alder Carlton Staggers speaks in between sets; Ward 26 Democratic Co-Chair Sharon Jones offers a prayer for the city before the meal.

vote for Torres because “no one else was voting for her, and she presented herself really well” in addressing the committee. Tyson said that doesn’t mean she’ll vote that way at the convention; she said she and Co-Chair Major Ruth will meet this week to discuss whom they’ll support The next day was the weekly “Soul Food Sunday” musical showcase at 50’s On Fitch lounge in the 50 Fitch St. complex. The first hours doubled as a $50-per-person fundraiser for DuBois-Walton’s campaign. Around 50 supporters, give or take a few, thronged the inside of the restaurant as well as the patio to enjoy soul food and live music, and to hear some words from the candidate. DuBois-Walton noted that New Haven saw its 17th homicide of the year on Saturday, and that the city is on track to “far exceed” last year’s 20. She also spoke of how New Haven was the state’s last city to see students return to in-person learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. “This is an amazing city! I came here at 17 and fell in love with the city,” she said. But “this community is hurting right now. People are dying in our streets. It is a crisis. ... We should all be outraged by that ... and demand different leadership.” She also vowed to help make Black-owned “businesses like this thrive.”

Ward Debate, Vote Reflect City’s Divides by ISAAC YU

New Haven Independent

New Haven’s “upstairs-downstairs” divide was on display at a Democratic ward committee meeting Wednesday night in both a vote taken and an exchange about low-wage workers. The meeting was held at Celentano School by the Democratic committee in the 21st Ward to question candidates for mayor, then conduct an advisory preference vote. Ward 21 embodies perhaps the starkest extremes of New Haven’s divides: Down the hill on the eastern side of Prospect Street, it includes mansions and the city’s wealthiest residents in the largely white St. Ronan/Edgehill/Prospect Hill neighborhood. Down the hill on the western side of Prospect Street, the ward includes some of the city’s lowest-income blocks in the largely Black Newhallville neighborhood, as well as a portion of the Dixwell neighborhood. After hearing from the candidates, the committee members indeed split their votes: 12 for incumbent Mayor Justin Elicker, 10 for Karen DuBois-Walton, who is challenging him for the Democratic nomination. Mayce Torres, who has filed papers to run for mayor, also spoke; she received no votes. These ward committee votes are nonbinding. They serve as a way for members to

advise their two ward co-chairs, who are to cast votes that count for the party’s endorsement at a July 27 Democratic Town Committee convention. After the vote, ward Co-Chairs Ray Jackson and Kate Sacks said they will both vote for Elicker at the convention. Before the vote, the ward’s income divide came up in the form of a question asked by Dixwell Community Management Team Chair Nina Silva. Silva works part-time as a paraprofessional for New Haven Public Schools, a position that receives some of the lowest pay in the district. In recent years advocates have pushed to pay paras more. Silva recalled a Board of Education meeting on June 3 during which members voted 4-2 (with 1 abstention) against giving part-timers in the school district raises to $17.48 per hour. “I was so frustrated when you voted against raising paras’ pay from $12,” Silva told the mayor, who has a seat on the school board. “We can’t afford to pay for groceries! And then you said that $13 is ‘a victory.’” “I felt so disrespected,” she added, referring to the statewide minimum wage increase to $13 that will occur in August. Elicker denied making such a comment. “I would never say that,” he said. “I’m on the record here tonight, that I don’t think that $13 is adequate.”

ISAAC YU PHOTO Nina Silva (pictured at right, with Pat Solomon) presses paraprofessional livingwage concern at mayoral forum.


He told Silva and the ward committee that while he does in fact support giving paraprofessionals a livable wage, the June 3 raise proposal needed to be studied through the Board of Education’s committee process first. Silva told the Independent in an interview after the exchange that she also works two other jobs, as a caretaker for the elderly and selling makeup products. She did not divulge her vote, but said she hopes to see movement on the issue soon. (During the June 3 meeting, Elicker asked fellow board member and Pay Equity Committee chair Larry Conaway for a report on the issue at the next meeting.) “It felt condescending at the time, but maybe I’m not remembering it right,” Silva said of the mayor’s June 3 comments. The challengers were also given a chance to respond. Torres called the mayor a “CEO” rather than a governor. DuBoisWalton tied the issue to the mayor’s wider record. “It’s indicative of a pattern with this mayor, where he does not act urgently on issues that need urgent action,” DuBois-Walton said. “Just like he apparently needs a study to understand that $13 per hour is not acceptable in our city, he needed a study to start the next study to eventually possibly react to the calls for changes in policing our community called for last year.”

Gas Station Pumps Vaccines THE INNER-CITY NEWS - July 14, 2021 - July 20, 2021

by ISAAC YU & NICK PERKINS New Haven Independent

New Haven’s vaccination ground game finding ways to lure Covid-19 vaccination hold-outs to get shots one by one — found 19 more takers at the gas pump. The 19 responded to a lure: They had the opportunity to pick up not one, but two gift cards on Saturday at the Forbes Premium Fuel gas station on Forbes Avenue in the Annex on Saturday in return for getting their first Covid-19 shot. The New Haven Health Department organized the event with Griffin Health, one of 30 pop-up vaccine clinics being held around the city as part of a new targeted strategy to reach the hold-outs or hesitant or skeptical who didn’t line up for the earlier rounds of mass vaccinations. Click on the above video to watch Health Director Maritza Bond discuss the strategy during an appearance on WNHH FM’s “Dateline New Haven.” Takers at the gas station event and another held this weekend on Long Wharf said convenience did play a role in their decision finally to get vaccinated. As with other vaccine pop-ups around the city, Saturday’s drive-up on Forbes Avenue offered an incentive for first-comers, in the form of $10 gift cards for either Dunkin’ Donuts or the gas station itself. Gas station owner Linda Hennessey made that offer twice as appealing by matching each $10 gift card with another card, valid for both her gas station and her convenience store. She knew that the high volume of business her station sees daily would make it a convenient spot for a clinic. So she reached out to the officials at the Health Department, who agreed to offer the Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson vaccines from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., with another date for those getting their second

ISAAC YU PHOTO Gas station owner Linda Hennessey (right) with employee Danny Petroccio.

Hernan Muralles, at right, seized chance for a convenient shot — then brought back his buddy David Briley.

shots slated for July 31. “We’re very busy, and we’re in a great neighborhood,” Hennessey said. “We need to keep everyone healthy and all on the same page. And we need to get our country back to normal.” And busy it was. All eight fueling stations saw a constant flow of customers on Saturday afternoon, often with multiple cars in queue. The clinic received a morning visit from Mayor Justin Elicker and Health Director Maritza Bond, as well. By the end of the day, 19 customers left the station with shots in their arms as well as gas in their tanks, according to Hennessey. That’s above average for recent pop-ups in New Haven, she learned. Convenience was key to Hernan Muralles’ choice to get the vaccine. The general contractor said he had been talking to his wife about making a vaccine appointment when he saw the sign outside the station. “I happened to drive by and stopped to get some gas,” Muralles said. “And so I told my wife, ‘Why don’t we do it now?’” His wife agreed, and both received their first Pfizer shots. Muralles then came back, bringing friend David Briley along, who was initially hesitant but jumped at the chance when Muralles told him about the gift card incentive. “That was the kicker,” Briley said. Both he and Muralles spent some of their gift cards on Gatorades from Hennessey’s convenience store. Muralles described Hennessey’s station as his go-to stop because it sells the “cheapest gas in town”. The price for regular gas on Saturday was $2.93, meaning newly-vaccinated customers could put nearly seven gallons of free gas in their tanks. That put a smile on Muralles’ face.

“We’ll tell other people too!” Muralles shouted as he departed. The convenience of another city-Griffin clinic set up on Long Wharf also convinced Eduardo Cabzas to receive a shot Sunday. The clinic is operating each weekend this summer across from the food trucks on Long Wharf Drive. Participants receive a $10 voucher for the food trucks. Cabzas said that he was originally in the area on Saturday, and saw the Griffin Health clinic. He said that he tried to get his vaccine that day, but the clinic was already closed, so he came back on Sunday. He said that not having to wait and just being able to walk up and get his shot encouraged his “spur of the moment” decision. Franciny Ortiz was just driving around Long Wharf when she saw the clinic. The convenience of it encouraged her to go ahead and get her shot. Meanwhile, over at the food trucks, José Aerec, Francisco Reyes, and Rocio Castillo said while eating burritos that they had not yet been vaccinated. They weren’t planning to take advantage of the clinic. “We’ve been around people with Covid, and we haven’t gotten sick,” explained Aerec. He added that he doesn’t want to deal with the post-vaccine symptoms some people experience. Joseph and Cheyenne Barrizo, too, have not been vaccinated, albeit for different reasons. Joseph Barrizo said that he was “waiting for others to go get it” with him, but no one wanted to. He added that he’ll have to go get it himself now. Cheyenne Barrizo said that she “won’t be a ploy for the government” and doesn’t trust the vaccine, so she will not get it.

Clinic Resumes To Help Parents Install Children’s Car Seats Properly by NICK PERKINS New Haven Independent

After a pause for the pandemic, the city has restarted a program to show parents and caretakers how to install car seats for their small children. Families can make appointments on Tuesdays from now through October to bring in their cars and car seats for advice on installing seats and how to secure children safely in them. An estimated four out of five car seats are improperly installed, according to the city, which can cost children’s lives in crashes. Children up to 2 years old and 30

pounds are supposed to be in rearfacing car seats; up to 5 years old and 40 pounds in forward-facing secured car seats; and up to 8 years old and 60 pounds in booster seats. To make an appointment at the clinic call 203-946-4937 or email here. As part of a demonstration Tuesday to relaunch the program outside the health department on Meadow Street, Mayor Justin Elicker had his own car seats checked. Much to his relief the seats were said to be installed “perfectly.” The city also has a limited number of car seats to give away to people who can’t afford them.


Amber Jackson checks Justin Elicker’s car seats to ensure their safety.


THE INNER-CITY NEWS - July 14, 2021 - July 20, 2021

Sisters’ Journey July Survivor of the month – Lillie Ennis

I began my journey of hope in 2007. At a tender age of 25 years old, I awoke one morning and felt a lump in my breast. At first I ignored the lump because it wasn’t accompanied with pain. The following morning though, the lump was larger. I immediately called a doctor’s office for help. At first the doctor’s office was dismissive because of my age, but I insisted on getting an appointment. After several appointments that included a mammogram, an ultrasound and then a biopsy, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I decided to keep my diagnosis private. I was adamant about keeping a warrior mindset throughout my battle. I didn’t want to be sad. I wanted to fight. To my surprise, given my age and no family history of cancer, I could not comprehend why I was now in a fight with this hideous monster.

world as a motivational speaker spreading my message of hope. I want you to know the following: • You are not being picked on. You’ve been picked. • Everything comes to promote you. • Follow your gut because early detection is key. • Be open-minded to alternative options in treatment. • Comfort can be a killer. Be ready to have the fight of your life because you’re worth it. • Speak healing and positivity into your life. • When you come out of this, don’t use the word remission. You are healed. “My Grace is sufficient for it is in our weakness that His power is made perfect.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9-11

My lump was surrounded by a medical condition called a Sarcoid that made the lump inoperable. After a short few months of treatment, I am currently blessed to say I am celebrating 13 years of being cancer free. I am now resolute in dedicating my health and happiness to spreading the mindset that a breast cancer diagnosis is not a death sentence but rather a spiritual transformation. I travel the

Upcoming Events New Haven Virtual Support Group Meeting: Every 3rd Tuesday of the month 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm Bridgeport Virtual Support Group Meeting: Every 3rd Thursday of the Month Contact Us: Or Call: 203-288-3556 We’re on the web @ Sisters Journey Inc. and Twitter

Woman, 22, Dies From Shooting Injuries by PAUL BASS

New Haven Independent

A 22-year-old woman shot Monday on Truman Street, named Ciera Jones, has died from her injuries. “CeeCee” Jones had been shot in the head Monday between 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. while gathered with a group of young adults on a walkway at the side of her family’s house across the street from a neighborhood community garden. Jones lived in the house with her mother and brother. Jones was taken to the hospital following the shooting and put on life support. She succumbed to her injuries on Wednesday, according to multiple people familiar with the case. Police acted fast in response to Monday’s shooting. Within hours, across town on Lenox Street, they seized a stolen vehicle that is believed to be connected to the shooting. They also went looking for someone who had left the scene of the shooting by the time they had arrived. They were informed that this person may have been shot as well. They found the person within hours, nearby on Vernon Street. It turned out he had not been shot. But the interaction led police to obtain a search warrant and seize a gun. They believe this may have prevented a reprisal shooting. Police have not determined whether or not Jones was the intended target of the shooting.

KERMIT CAROLINA PHOTO Ciera Jones, at right, with brother Carl Jones and mentor/teacher Demetria McMillan at the siblings’ 2017 Hillhouse graduation.

Outreach Worker: She Took Friend’s Homicide Hard Jones’ death hit street outreach worker William “Juneboy” Outlaw particularly hard. Outlaw said he had worked with Jones through the street outreach program since she was in her mid-teens. “She’s a very bright girl,” Outlaw said Wednesday evening, still speaking of Jones in the present tense. He remembered her saying she wished

she had a suit to wear to her Hillhouse High School prom. He bought her one. The affection went both ways, Outlaw recalled. “My mom died last year. She texted me every day for three weeks straight: ‘You OK?’ “Be strong.’ ‘I’m here if you need me.’ ‘I love you.’ “That touched me. That’s staying with me right now.” Jones was the aunt of Kaymar Tanner,


who was shot dead last summer in Hamden at the age of 22. (Read about that here.) After his death, she renamed her Facebook page after him. “She took that really hard,” Outlaw recalled. “She loved him.” Horrific Daylight Scene Hill neighborhood organizer Leslie Radcliffe, who lives on the block, heard the gunshots Monday afternoon. At first she thought it was resumption of the deafening Independence Day fireworks that had plagued the neighborhood until 4 a.m., she told the Independent. “Then I opened my patio door. I heard people screaming: ‘They shot her! They shot her!’” Radcliffe crossed the street to the house while dialing 911. She came upon a horrific scene: Jones was at the side of her house “laying there” with blood and “pieces of her skull” on the concrete, Radcliffe said. Four or five young people were with on the scene, along with medics. Radcliffe said she knew and liked Jones, and likes her mother and her brother, who also live in the house. “She would be on the porch. She would help us unload the car,” she said of the young woman. Radcliffe was still shaken by the incident as she spoke about it hours later: “I was just calming down from” consoling a ” friend who lost her son” in a recent shootCon’t on page 07

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THE INNER-CITY NEWS - July 14, 2021 - July 20, 2021

Public Housing Activist Launches Alder Run by THOMAS BREEN New Haven Independent

Housing authority tenant advocate street hot dog vendor / construction contractor / youth counselor Yul Watley is looking to add a new title to his civic resume: alder for an “isolated” neighborhood on the far east side of town. Watley, 60, has decided to seek the Democratic nomination for Ward 12 alder. He filed papers to run on Tuesday. That Board of Alders seat represents the Quinnipiac Meadows and Bishop Woods neighborhoods, a distrct bounded by Middletown Avenue to the west, the North Haven border to the north, Quinnipiac Avenue and Eastern Street to the east, and the Fargeorge Preserve to the south. Why the run for neighborhood-level representative? Ward 12 needs to have “a bigger voice” downtown, Watley said. “We’re isolated from the rest of the city. We have our fair share of crime. A mayor hasn’t been out there in years.” Speeding on Quinnipiac Avenue and Foxon Boulevard and many of the side streets is out of control. While campaigning and if elected, Watley said, he’d host neighborhood-level meetings to hear directly from Ward 12 residents about what they want to see from a local legislative representative at City Hall. “Everything’s not OK” in the ward, he

MARKESHIA RICKS FILE PHOTO Alder Antunes: Undecided on reelection run. said. He’d like to do his part to try to represented by Gerald Antunes, a retired make things better. “I’m not one to step former police captain and the current on anyone’s toes. But the time right now chair of the Public Safety Committee who is right.” has served as the ward’s alder for a total The local legislative district is currently of 12 years.

Antunes has not yet filed for reelection. During a recent phone interview with the Independent, he said he’s still undecided about a seventh run for office. “The seat is open to everybody,” he said. “You go in there and try to do your best.” He said he plans to decide by the Democratic Town Convention on July 27 whether or not he’ll be running again. Either way, he welcomed Watley’s pending candidacy as a salutary sign of neighborhood activism for a part of town that “has the largest policing district, the biggest traffic numbers on Rt. 80, the highest accident rates on Rt. 80, issues with gangs and shootings, and only three officers from North Haven to Lighthouse Park.” This neighborhood needs someone engaged, who listens closely, who shows up, and who advocates for an often-overlooked part of town, Antunes said. That’s what he’s tried to be during his time in office. And that’s what Watley promised to do if elected in his first aldermanic run. Born in New Haven and raised in the former Elm Haven public housing projects in Dixwell, Watley previously served 11 years in elected office — as the president of the Tenant Resident Council (TRC) at Westville Manor. He has also run a street hot dog vending business (Boodie Watt’s Hot Dogs), a construction company (Advanced Con-

struction Technologies) that worked on some of the housing authority’s major west side redevelopments, and a nonprofit focused on youth counseling, homeless assistance, and marriage and relationship advice (Angel Care Foundation Inc.) Watley has spent the past 13 years living on Palmieri Avenue, in a housing authority-owned scattered-site single-family house. One of his east side neighbors, Riyad King, told the Independent at a recent Karen DuBois-Walton mayoral campaign event that Watley has been an invaluable civic advocate in Ward 12, counseling youth who might otherwise get in trouble and advocating for more speed bumps. “Yul is a great human being,” he said. What has been Watley’s favorite part of all of his many business and civic ventures over the years, from selling hot dogs to building houses to representing tenants on the TRC? “Just meeting all the people,” he said. The motto for his campaign for alder? “I’m laid back, and ready to serve.”

Who Else Is Running, For What, So Far The City Clerk’s office is keeping a running tally on its website of which candidates have filed to run for which offices in this year’s municipal elections. See below for a full list of candidates who have filed papers to run for various local posts so far.

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THE INNER-CITY NEWS - July 14, 2021 - July 20, 2021

Movie Superhero Lays Out “Jaigantic” Community Vision by LISA REISMAN

New Haven Independent

Michael Jai White brought a message to movers and shakers: Help me make studio opportunities for the community in my latest venture. The actor, producer, and writer issued that call at a“meet and greet” hosted by New Haven State Rep. Robyn Porter and State Sen. Gary Holder Winfield held at Newhallville’s Ivy Narrow Bird Habitat on Sunday evening. The event was organized by the state legislature’s Black & Hispanic Caucus. The marching orders from White, the first African American to portray a comic book superhero in a major motion picture: get the word out on the wealth of employment and economic opportunities envisioned forJaigantic Studios. The state-of-the-art Hollywood-style production facility is slated to be constructed on River Street over the next two years. Currently, Jaigantic operates out of a temporary studio in Shelton. “The Jaigantic Studio team: Mayne Berke, Donovan DeBoer, Jackie Buster, Michael Jai White, Keith Shaw, Grant Gilmore, and Mike Berke” width=”720” height=”506” “Tell whoever you’re talking to, think about what they see at the end of a movie or a TV show,” White told the animated group of 35 amid the strains of soft jazz and tinkling cocktail glasses in the summer dusk. “Start counting all the names that go up and keep going and going and going. Those are human beings. Those are all jobs that are going to be here for them.” That means not just jobs, but apprenticeships and on-the-job training opportunities that range from grip & electric to directing and producing in the film & television department, to virtual production in the emerging media department, to set design and makeup design in wardrobe & styling, to catering in the hospitality & food service department. Jaigantic CEO Donovan DeBoer outlined Jaigantic’s plans with a blueprint of the studio. “There are about 25 sound stages, and each of those stages holds an entire film production,” he said. “A film production on any given day employs 100 to 150 people. We’re not pulling those people from New York or LA. The industry is packed. We’re building a work force on the local level.” “The way we’re different is we want to involve the community from the start,” said Jackie Buster, the studio’s chief impact officer, and a 13th-generation New Havener. “We want to make sure early on that they understand what these jobs are and the skills sets they require. The leaders here are in direct contact with their constituents and they’re the best people to reach out to them.” “This is about opportunity for people who don’t always have opportunities,” New Haven State Sen. Gary Holder Win-

The Jaigantic Studio team: Mayne Berke, Donovan DeBoer, Jackie Buster, Michael Jai White, Keith Shaw, Grant Gilmore, and Mike Berke

field said. “It’s about helping people attain skills that they otherwise wouldn’t be able to attain that they can use anywhere.” New Haven State Rep. Robyn Porter said local hiring is a priority. “What also really excites me is the training for this,” she said. “Twenty-five studios means a lot of jobs, skilled jobs with benefits. That means economic empowerment.” She said she’s been “talking to people who have their finger on the pulse of the community, the community management teams, the folks on the grass-roots level that have access to the youth and young adults, and adults that need to be working.” Before all that, DeBoer said, “we’re going to employ over 2,000 people just to build the studios, and those are all union jobs.” For Ernest Pagan, Connecticut council representative of the North Atlantic Regional Council of Carpenters, that means “the opportunity to my 3,000 members to work and bring economic development to the area and also to make sure it’s built by our community standards.” That emphasis on top-of-the-line workmanship goes to another aim of the studio: to make New Haven a hub of production, a film and TV destination. “We’re going to create a film presence here where filmmakers can come and shoot and they’ll have a ready-made prepared, skilled work force,” said Grant Gilmore, head of production. Beyond Jaigantic’s full-service production facilities, the state’s favorable film and TV tax incentives, and its location between New York and Boston, the company is uniquely positioned in another way. “We’re all Hollywood veterans,” Gilm-

LISA REISMAN PHOTO Michael Jai White: Calling on community.

ore said, of the team that also includes COO Mayne Berke, direction of operations Keith Shaw, and Mike Berke. “We’re not businessmen trying to make a


studio happen.” For White, who grew up in Bridgeport and attended Southern Connecticut State University, it all comes back to coming

Event host State Rep. Robyn Porter.

home. “I’m an entertainer, but I’m also a servant,” he said. “We are servants. We’re serving our communities, that’s what it’s all about.” Before his movie career — he’s also a martial artist — White was a special education teacher. “I can’t wait to show our kids that there’s an alternate route to honor and respect and success,” he said. “It’s almost like how can we blame them if we’re not showing them anything else.” With that, Pepe Vega, a violence prevention outreach worker in New Haven, raised his hand. “What can we in the community do to help?” he asked. “We want your feedback,” DeBoer said. “We’re not bulldozers. What are your biggest needs? Your biggest wants? That’s why we’re doing this. That’s why we’re going to keep having these kinds of forums.” Then Newhallville resident Shirley Lawrence spoke up. “These are people’s lives we’re talking about,” she said. “Don’t get the people to the table and kick them to the curb. That’s the history of what’s been happening in our community.” “I’ll take that one,” said Jaigantic chief impact officer Jackie Buster, standing up in the back. “Michael’s mission from the start was to get Black and Brown people involved because we’re always the last ones to be able to get that opportunity,” she said, adding that the team is setting up a digital portal that will list available positions and provide opportunities to apply online. It will go live in August. “That’s the reason we invited the Black and Brown caucus members here tonight,” she said. “We need your help to make this work.”

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - July 14, 2021 - July 20, 2021 Con’t from page 04

Woman, 22, Dies From Shooting Injuries

ing in Hamden. As a year of incessant gun violence continues. Alder Seeks Response To Increased Violence Shootings have risen dramatically in New Haven, as in other cities, since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. From January to July 6 in 2019 there were 29 nonfatal shootings and three homicides; the city had 46 nonfatal shootings and nine homicides over the same period in 2020. This year so far the numbers stand at 60 nonfatal shootings and now 16 homicides. The neighborhood’s alder, Evelyn Rodriguez, has been meeting with people on Truman Street in the wake of the shooting. She said people are shaken. Whatever the particulars of this homicide, she said, she tied the recent upsurge in shootings to a combination of factors, including the pandemic and the erosion of social services and opportunities available to young people. “Covid has been detrimental to our young adult community. We have been inside for so long. Now people are coming out. It’s warm weather. “We have to find a way to help our young people,” Rodriguez said, calling for more mental health support and community mediation. Ciera Jones’s homicide was the 16th so far this year in New Haven. In January, Alfreda Youmans, 50, and Jef-

frey Dotson, 42, were found dead by the police inside a Winthrop Avenue apartment, Jorge Osorio-Caballero, 32, was shot and killed in Fair Haven, Marquis Winfrey, 31, was shot and killed in Newhallville, and Joseph Vincent Mattei, 28, was shot and killed in the Hill. Someone shot Kevin Jiang, 26, to death in Goatville on Feb. 6. Angel Rodriguez, 21, was shot to death in Fair Haven in mid-February, his body dumped by the Mill River in East Rock. Dwaneia Alexandria Turner, 28, was shot to death in the Hill on March 16 during an argument with two other women. On March 26, Alessia Mesquita was shot dead in Fair Haven. Then 20-yearold Mariyah Inthirath was killed Saturday, May 15, on Sheffield Avenue and Hopeton Jack was killed near Orchard and George on Tuesday, May 18. On May 19, Tashawn Brown was shot dead across from Edgewood Park. On May 26, 34-year-old Adrian Barwise was shot inside a Sherman Parkway house during an apparent argument over a game, according to police. Miguel Ramos, 37, was shot dead on Springside Avenue on June 6. Richard Whitaker Jr. was shot to death on Columbus Avenue in the Hill on June 15 — after having watched a gunman shoot his brother dead in the neighborhood the previous August.

Summer of Soul …a film review By Dwight Brown, NNPA News Wire Film Critic

It was a volatile time. Malcom and Martin had been assassinated in recent years. Civil uprisings and riots had just simmered down. The summer of ’69 was a chance for a much-needed cultural break and reawakening. That happened in Harlem’s Mt. Morris Park, when program director Tony Lawrence created the summer long Harlem Cultural Festival. Three-hundred thousand music lovers attended. Few to no cops in sight. The Black Panthers provided security. It was a mellow celebration. The Tonight Show… musical director Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson has flicked the moth balls off the never-before-seen, decades-old footage of the festival. The 2-inch video tapes were shot by producer/ director Hal Tulchin for an unreleased 1969 doc called Black Woodstock. The tapes had languished in a basement for 50 years and Tulchin signed the rights to the masters over to Questlove just before he died in 2017. The bandleader’s task of screening, editing and assembling clips couldn’t have been an easy task. His efforts were augmented by music supervisor Randall Poster, editor Joshua Pearson and director of photography Shawn Peters.

Among the many stellar performances: R&B artists (BB King, Little Stevie Wonder, Sly and the Family Stone, Gladys Knight & The Pips); pop stars (The 5th Dimension); jazz greats (Abbey Lincoln, Nina Simone); Latin legends (Mongo Santamaria) and gospel singers (The Staple Singers, The Edwin Hawkins Singers, Mahalia Jackson). Mayor John V. Lindsay makes a cameo and activists like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton share their opinions on music and the state of

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Black life. Sharpton: “Gospel was more than religion. Gospel was the therapy for the stress and pressure of being Black in America.” The vintage performances are edited in with news footage and new interviews from fest musicians recollecting their performances and attendees recalling their experiences. Of particular interest is the interview with Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis Jr., who were determined to connect with a black audience who had been reluctant to embrace The Fifth Dimension, their pop group. Together, these interviewees’ perspectives add insight and footnotes to the social/political history surrounding these unforgettable outdoor concerts. Before there was Prince there was Sly. Before Yolanda Adams, Mahalia. Before Bad Bunny, Mongo Santamaria. We know this because Questlove and his rousing, thoughtful documentary links us back to the past with this precious and rare archive. There is something so spiritual, uplifting and motivating about watching 300,000 black folks, over the course of a summer, gathered around a stage to vibe and rejoice. You need to watch this doc in a theater or on the streaming service Hulu. Why? Because the revolution will not be televised!


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THE INNER-CITY NEWS - July 14, 2021 - July 20, 2021

Sha’Carri Richardson: Suspension agency now facing congressional investigation By Anton Daceyah,

Sha’Carri Richardson’s suspension from the 2020 Tokyo Olympic games has shaken up the sports world. Now, it seems that Congress is also involved. On July 2, Rep. Jaime Raskin (D-MD), chairman of the House Oversight Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, penned a letter to the United States Anti-Doping Agency regarding Sha’Carri Richardson and the agency’s decision to suspend her from the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. “This punishment, which is not supported by any scientific evidence, may prevent Ms. Richardson from competing in the 2021 Tokyo Olympics just after she inspired the country with her performance in the Olympic Trials last month,” Raskin says in the letter. “We urge you to reconsider the policies that led to this and other suspensions

for recreational marijuana use, and to reconsider Ms. Richardson’s suspension. Please strike a blow for civil liberties and civil rights by reversing this course you are on.” In a press release on Friday, July 2, USADA CEO Travis T. Tygart reiterated that “the rules are clear.” “The rules are clear, but this is heartbreaking on many levels; hopefully, her acceptance of responsibility and apology will be an important example to us all that we can successfully overcome our regrettable decisions, despite the costly consequences of this one to her.” In a previous rolling out article, we reported how this very same committee handled the situation differently regarding Michael Phelps when he was caught smoking marijuana in 2009, prior to the Beijing Olympics. Rep. Raskins’ letter was co-signed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

TruSo, a Black-owned Social Networking App Set to Launch

Via Twitter, she elaborates on Richardson’s situation. “We worked with [Rep. Raskin] and the Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties to formally ask [the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency] to end Sha’Carri Richardson’s suspension,” the New York congresswoman mentions. “Their decision lacks any scientific basis. It’s rooted solely in the systemic racism that’s long driven anti-marijuana laws.” With a hashtag of #LetShaCarriRun, Rep. Cortez emphasizes that “major league baseball, hockey and football” have all removed former marijuana penalties from their policies. So, she and Rep. Raskin request that the USADA follow suit. USADA is expected to respond by July 9. The post Sha’Carri Richardson: Suspension agency now facing congressional investigation appeared first on Rolling Out.

Ice Cube and Warner Bros. fight over ‘Friday’ franchise By Michael “Ice-Blue” Harris,

By Stacy M. Brown, NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent A new app could end the so-called “Black Twitter” experience and allow African Americans their own social media platform. Backed by celebrities Sway Calloway, Kareem Grimes, Terrell Owens, and Miki Barber, the Black-owned social networking app, TruSo, is poised to debut. “I believe in the power of community – especially cultural communities,” Matthew Newman, the founder and CEO of TruSo noted in a news release. “As it relates to the Black community, the entire world has witnessed what we can accomplish when we join together behind a cause – we create a phenomenon.” Newman continued: “Now, we are introducing a social community that is built and funded by Blacks for Blacks and has monetization built-in so that everyone wins. Those who use the app should also benefit financially. That’s what we’ve built.”

TruSo reportedly is designed to “empower and advance personal and career aspirations.” It includes a content calendar that engages prominent individuals within several categories: Arts & Culture, Business & Marketing, and more. Calloway said his partnership with the app was a strategic one and one that he felt others would use very well. “I got involved with TruSo because this technology is truly disruptive in the social networking space,” he said. Grimes said Newman “has a clear vision and go-to-market strategy. I’ve worked with him on other projects, so I’m wellaware of his business acumen, and I welcomed the opportunity to get involved.” Upon launch, TruSo will be available for both Apple and Android users. The app is free, and individuals who join the waitlist in July will receive a complimentary six-month premium membership. Sign up at and enter the referral code TruSoPR21.

Ice Cube‘s Friday series is in the middle of a tug-of-war between the rapper and Warner Bros. studios. According to The Wall Street Journal, Ice Cube wants Warner Bros. to relinquish the rights to the Friday series as well as All About The Benjamins and The Players Club and has accused the studio of delaying the next installment in the franchise, Last Friday. The two parties agreed to develop Last Friday in 2012, with Cube reportedly to be paid $11 million. Disagreements over the script and other issues have delayed the new film for years. According to letters between the parties, Warner Bros. doesn’t intend to relinquish any rights to the film and have blamed Ice Cube instead for the movie’s delay, citing that his time has been spent with other business ventures like the Big3 basketball league. Warner Bros. responded calling the demand “extortionate” and saying it won’t release rights to Friday or any other Ice Cube films, according to correspondence obtained by the Wall Street Journal. A letter from the hip-hop veteran’s attorney said the studio has been excessive in its feedback notes on the scripts Ice Cube wrote for the next Friday film and feels Warner Bros. has been


Ice Cube (Photo credit: Bang Media)

a “poor steward” for the franchise. “These guys don’t get me, and I don’t get them,” Ice Cube said in an interview with the WSJ. While Friday remains in limbo, Ice Cube has signed on to star in the upcoming film Oh Hell No. The film will be directed by Kitao Sakuri who most recently directed and co-wrote Netflix’s No. 1 comedy movie Bad Trip, starring Eric Andre, Lil Rel Howery and Tiffany Haddish.

According to Deadline, Jack Black is in talks to star in the film as well which follows Sherman (Black), who falls in love with Will’s (Cube) mom, who has only one thing to say about that: “Oh hell no.” Oh Hell No is expected to be released on June 17, 2022. The post Ice Cube and Warner Bros. fight over ‘Friday’ franchise appeared first on Rolling Out.

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THE INNER-CITY NEWS - July 14, 2021 - July 20, 2021

Can’t Swim? Top 4 Reasons Why You Need To Learn! Ellis Moore, BDO Staff Writer

Why on earth should you bother to learn to swim at your age? Because swimming is one of the best, lowimpact ways to get your whole body into gear. It works practically all of the muscles in the body and can develop strength, cardiovascular fitness and endurance. In addition, this healthy activity can be practiced for a lifetime, as it is a great form of fitness for all ages. So what exactly are the benefits of swimming? Here’s why: 1.) Easy on the Body Swimming is a good fitness choice for just about everyone, especially those who have physical limitations or who find other forms of exercise painful. It is a good, whole-body exercise that has low impact for people with arthritis, musculoskeletal, or weight limitations. Water’s buoyancy accommodates the unfit as well as the fit. Water cushions stiff joints or fragile bones that might be injured by the impact of land exercises. When immersed to the waist, your body bears just 50% of its weight; immersed to the chest, it’s 25%35%; and to the neck, 10%. Athletes use water to rehabilitate after injury or to cross-train. People with arthritis or other disabilities use water to improve fitness and range of motion and to relieve pain and stiffness. 2.) Increased Muscle Tone & Strength Swimming recruits all the major muscle

groups, including the shoulders, back, abdominals, legs, hips, and glutes. And because water affords 12 times the resistance as air in every direction, it helps to build strength. Here’s a quick exercise you can do to bring your sexy back: The Back wall glide – this exercise helps to activate the muscles in your core and lower body. • Hold onto the pool ledge, tuck your knees into your chest, and press your feet into the wall.

• Push off from the wall and float on your back as far as you can. • Draw your knees into your chest, press your feet down to the bottom of the pool, and run back to the wall. • Continue this exercise for 5-10 minutes. 3.) Asthma Friendly Swimming is also desirable for people with exercise-induced asthma, as the warm, humid air [around the pool] causes… …less irritation to the airways. Swimming also helps strengthen your lung and over time improves your lung capacity and function.

4.) Strengthens Your Heart In addition to toning visible muscles like pectorals, triceps and quads, swimming also helps improve the most important muscle in our bodies: the heart. Because swimming is an aerobic exercise, it serves to strengthen the heart, not only helping it to become larger, but making it more efficient in pumping — which leads to better blood flow throughout your body. How to Get Started Whether you are 10 years old or approaching 80, learning how to swim can be an intimidating endeavor–especially if you

never learned. Despite its daunting qualities, swimming is an important skill that is worth the effort to learn. If you’re ready to get started and learn to swim, experts recommend getting a swim coach or joining a masters swimming group in your area. Don’t be intimidated by the name; ‘masters’ just means over age 20. Masters swimming accommodates all levels, from beginners to advanced, and you don’t have to want to compete to join. This type of group supports recreational swimming for fitness and is a great way to learn technique — which is everything in swimming. Masters swimming accommodates all levels, from beginners to advanced, and you don’t have to want to compete to join. This type of group supports recreational swimming for fitness, and is a great way to learn technique — which is everything in swimming. Getting the rhythm of the strokes and the breath can be overwhelming at first. Coaches break it down and take you there slowly, practicing one part at a time. Gradual Learning For those afraid of the water or simply nervous about the process and what it takes to learn to swim, know that it is okay to take things slowly. Begin by literally getting your feet wet and gradually increase the amount of your body put into the water. Allow yourself eventually to stand in the water completely and away from the edge of the pool. To calm your nerves, stay in the shallow part of a pool until you feel comfortable in the water.

14-Year-old Becomes First African American To Win Scripps National Spelling Bee By Stacy M. Brown, NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent

Zaila Avant-garde twirled around in a spin, her smile radiating from the clear braces covering her teeth as confetti fell from the ceilings. The 14-year-old from Harvey, La., had reason to twirl and spin, and most importantly, she had more than enough reasons to smile. After spelling the word “Murraya,” a genus of tropical Asiatic and Australian trees, Zaila became the first African American to win the Scripps National Spelling Bee. The contest has existed for nearly a century. “Now I get to get a nice trophy, which is the best part of any win,” Zaila exclaimed in an ESPN interview right after her history-making victory. Zaila also took home the $50,000 first prize. “Not only has she competed in spelling bees for two years, she already holds three Guinness World Records for dribbling, bouncing, and juggling basketballs. All before the ninth grade,” New York Times writer Maria Cramer noted. In an interview with “Good Morning America,” Zaila remarked that she hopes

that more African American students would participate and fare well in the Scripps Spelling Bee. “It is a gate-opener to being interested in education,” Zaila proclaimed. Celebrities and others praised Zaila for her victory. “Three Guinness World Records and now the national spelling bee champ! Congrats, Zaila—your hard work is paying off. We’re all proud of you,” former President Barack Obama tweeted. “There’s a Black girl from New Orleans named ZAILA AVANT GARDE currently competing in the Scripps National Spelling Bee today, and no one talks to me about anything else,” movie producer Franklin Leonard tweeted just before Zaila’s victory. “Remember to twirl like Zaila Avantgarde today,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stated. The website celebrated the victory by adding Zaila to the A-list. The site’s authors detailed Zaila’s journey, noting that she was the regional spelling champion in New Orleans in 2019. She is the IJA Juggling Silver Medalist and Kaplan Hexco Bee Champion, according to her Instagram bio. Zaila achieved her first world record in 2019 for the most bounce juggles with

three basketballs in one minute at 231. Zaila classified spelling as a “side pastime” despite having practiced for seven hours each day. “She is a basketball prodigy who aspires to play in the WNBA one day and owns three Guinness World Records for simultaneously dribbling several balls,” the website noted. The Spelling Bee championship came down to Zaila and Chaitra Thummala, a 12-year-old from San Francisco. Chiatra spelled the word “fewtrils,” and Zaila followed up by spelling “retene.” Chiatra misfired on the word “neroli oil” and opened the way for Zaila to claim the title. An official told her to spell “Murraya” and explained that it meant a genus of tropical Asiatic and Australian trees having pinnate leaves with imbricated petals. “Does this word contain like the English word ‘Murray,’ which would be the name of a comedian?” Zaila asked. She then asked for the language of origin before nailing it. “I got it,” Zaila exclaimed.


THE INNER-CITY NEWS - July 14, 2021 - July 20, 2021

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THE INNER-CITY NEWS - July 14, 2021 - July 20, 2021

Beef Between Howard and its Non-Tenure Faculty Shouldn't Be on Nikole Hannah-Jones' Plate by Jarrett Carter Sr,

From the sounds of this letter, it is very likely.

Howard University journalism professor Nikole Hannah-Jones has a new assignment waiting for her at the Mecca when she arrives this fall; advocate for the university non-tenuretrack and adjunct professor ranks. HU Professor Imani Light wrote about the challenges of collective bargaining between the institution and its non-tenured faculty members, using Jones’ recent appointment as a call for support and public attention to their appeals for more formal structure in contract creation, an end to non-tenured teaching term limits, higher salary and other issues. Three years ago, the full-time faculty who work in positions not subject to tenure, organized and voted to create a Union that covers a membership roster of less than 150 professors. And in the three years since that ratifying vote passed, Howard University has rivaled the likes of Amazon and WalMart in their efforts to first block and then break the Union of non-tenuretrack faculty. The Administration waged a propaganda campaign to undo organizing efforts. And after that failed to interrupt our creation, they side-stepped in-house attorneys to hire external legal counsel with experience thwarting Union organizing and collective bargaining. In three years, Howard has agreed to ZERO of the Union’s requests, offered a “best and final” offer that included ZERO of the Union’s requests, and completely left the bargaining table, leaving little options for the Faculty beyond labor actions the campus will likely see this Fall. Multiple things are true within the ideas of this open letter. First, nontenured faculty are simultaneously overjoyed and resentful of the university being cheered for attracting top-tier teaching talent while seemingly failing to retain lesser-known but equally effective professors and instructors. It is also true that Howard faculty members share a struggle that burdens millions of faculty members at public, private, historically Black and predominantly white institutions nationwide — the question of how to better compensate and support the essential campus workforce responsible for a majority of an institution’s workload of producing capable, credentialed graduates. A 2020 survey revealed that re-

That’s tough for Howard and any other HBCU going through similar growing pains because while it is inconvenient and possibly in poor taste for HU faculty to make Jones choose between supporting her new academic colleagues or siding with perceived executive imperialism, it is also a reasonable tool of underserved workers to wield in the effort to secure better labor conditions and pay. Raising grievances in the public square is the same tool used by executives at Howard and other HBCUs to call for more support from federal and state governments, to hold industries to account for proper support of students and graduates, and to side with oppressed people in moments of injustice or civil imbalance. Institutions speak out when things are wrong in society, and constituents speak out when things are wrong in a community. At the heart of this issue are some solid truths that both sides should bring to their next meeting at the negotiating table. First, Nikole HannahJones and Ta-Nehisi Coates have nothing to do with faculty collective bargaining, and shouldn’t be expected to talk about or leverage their brands to sway the discussions in one direction or the other. Second, collective bargaining is a process where people agree, disagree, walk away, and come back. It doesn’t mean that either side is unrealistic, unyielding, or unchecked; it just means that there is serious work in heartfelt arbitration and that students and the community remain as the target for the ultimate resolution. Finally, whatever solution is reached between both sides will probably be an unsatisfying treatise on labor laws, costs of living, academic affairs, industrial standards, and racialized expectations of the nation’s premier historically Black university. And whatever those things add up to will likely only have a shelf life of three to five years before a new agreement becomes necessary. Is labor brokering an ongoing journey with varying exits, or is it a series of destinations along a perceived path of economic and institutional utopia? Hopefully, we’ll all find out soon and discover what it means for a tough topic and it’s impact on a sector in the midst of some long-awaited brighter days.

sponding adjunct professors make less than $3,500 per course. Unionizing efforts among adjuncts can be legally mercurial and politically unstable, according to recent coverage in Inside Higher Ed. These are not Howard’s problems, but the public discourse around these and other issues at Howard is always

colored by the faulty narrative of “this should not be happening at Howard” because “this is Howard.” The idea of being the best of us doesn’t exempt an institution from struggling like the rest of us. At the same time, is there a middle ground to be achieved between the university and its workforce? Cer-


tainly. Have both sides likely bargained in good faith? Probably not to the best of their ability in the forms of demands and concessions. Will there likely be a work stoppage this fall to cool off two straight red hot summers of cash windfall, talented students and faculty, and attention coming to Howard?


THE INNER-CITY NEWS - July 14, 2021 - July 20, 2021

by Oscar H. Blayton There is an ugly truth why some segments of white American society are so fierce in their defense of creationism. Simply put, that reason is white supremacy. But without a critical examination of creationism within the context of those religious cultures that support and espouse it, one can easily overlook the racism that is at its core and the tribalistic ethos that breathed it into life. If we peer through the mists of time to the earliest organized societies, we find that tribalism steered religious iconography for millennia. Seemingly alone and frightened in a world they did not understand, ancient humans envisioned a kindly and protective deity that would shelter them and make sense of their world. To make these protective deities relatable and easier to understand, they were given human qualities. Another word for creating a deity in one’s own human image is “anthropomorphism.” This word is derived from a combination of two Greek words: anthropos, “human” and morphe “form.” And by creating deities in the form of humans, humans were thus in the form of the gods. Throughout human history, religious iconography often has attributed human qualities to divine beings. But this attribution varied from group to group, or more concisely, from tribe to tribe, sometimes even creating different versions of the same god. For this reason, across the globe, deities were not generically human, but were attributed qualities of the people in the tribes who worshipped them. So, gods became not only anthropomorphic, but ethnomorphic as well. For this reason, representations of the Hindu god Brahma do not resemble Brad Pitt, nor do depictions of Olorun, the creator god found in Nigerian culture, look like Charlton Heston. By the Middle Ages, Christianity was securely the dominant religion in Europe, having eliminated the more ancient beliefs such as those held by Druids and worshippers of Isis. And with dominance comes control. God, Christ and the angels all were represented as having European features and pale skin. As far back as the late 13th century, the devil was portrayed as black in color. The writings of the monk Caesarius of the abbey of Heisterbach from that period contain references to the devil and demons as having black skin. The Book of Genesis’ account of “In the beginning...” was transformed into a Eurocentric narrative with Adam and Eve as people with light skin giving birth to the human race. This article of faith in its European ethnomorphic form is as much a reli-

gious dogma to many Americana Christian creationists as are the Ten Commandments. It has been, and continues to be, heresy to suggest that the darker people of the world – who many creationists believe carry the mark of Cain – were created in God’s image. This would remove people with light skin from the pinnacle of God’s divine plan, or at the very least, relegate them to sharing God’s grace with those whom Western culture enslaved and devalued. This hoarding of God’s goodness was bolstered by the fact that art, history, culture and religion all grew out of what people know best. The famous Renaissance artists Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael never articulated a saint or angel as having the appearance of an Asian or African because the historiography that informed their world view, and thus their sense of the cosmological, was constricted by their European tribe. Anthropologists tell us that a “tribe” is, in part, a form of human social organization based on a set of smaller groups having political integration and defined by traditions of common descent, language, culture and ideology. Europeans often avoid the term “tribe” in favor of “nation” or “kingdom” when describing their social organizations and assign lesser degrees of civilization to tribal units. But a tribe by any other name is still a tribe, and tribal behavior is one defining factor when a common language, culture and ideology control it. European tribal ethos is clouded by racism on many levels and in many ways. And when it was transported across the Atlantic Ocean, beginning in the late 15th century, it found fertile ground where it could run rampant with the genocide of the original inhabitants and the importation of enslaved

labor from Africa.It was not by accident that European priests stepped off the boats with the first Spanish adventurers; and every subsequent wave of colonists brought their ethnocentric gods with them. The importation of their version of creator and the redeemer asserted their privilege to claim all that they surveyed – in the name of their god. We should not attempt to deny the fact that religion was used to justify many forms of racist evil that landed on America’s shores as this society marched towards its presentday existence. This racism still exists in America’s DNA. So deeply is it embedded in the American ethos that, in many Black churches across this country, the image of a white Jesus is the central point of focus. And some Black churchgoers do not push back more rigorously against the common practice of depicting Adam and Eve as European-looking people with light skin, as they gave birth to the human race, despite the scientific evidence that the first humans, and the ancestors of us all, were inhabitants of Africa and had dark skin. It is not likely that many white Americans will come to see their god as anything other than a white anthropomorphic deity, because creationism, coupled with a white Adam and Eve created in the image of their god, secures their place at the top of the hierarchy of all things. But it is important that people of good conscience conduct their lives with the understanding that this is a version of a god that tribalism, born of white supremacy, has created. Oscar H. Blayton is a former Marine Corps combat pilot and human rights activist who practices law in Virginia. His earlier commentaries may be found at https://

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THE INNER-CITY NEWS - July 14, 2021 - July 20, 2021

Bishop T.D. Jakes approved to purchase 94.5 acres of land adjacent to Tyler Perry Studios

In addition to mixed-income housing developments, the TDJREV plan is to transform this area into a cultural hub. Including restaurants, shopping and theatres to attract business and create jobs in the area. Bishop Jakes thanked Tyler Perry along with Governor Brian Kemp and Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms for supporting this development project. Jakes called this project an “opportunity to serve and further amplify their vision and unwavering commitment to attracting growth opportunities and development excellence to the City of Atlanta,” in a press release. In his statement, Jakes also thanked Cassius F. Butts Chairman the Local Redevelopment Authority Board of Fort McPherson for supporting TDJREV in this venture.

By Staff Report | The Atlanta Voice

T.D. Jakes Real Estate Ventures (TDJREV) has been approved to purchase 94.5 acres of land on Fort McPherson. The land is adjacent to Tyler Perry Studios. The Local Redevelopment Authority Board of Fort McPherson also approved Tyler Perry Studios to purchase an additional 37.5 acres of land. TDJREV will be building office and retail space as well as housing units. The redevelopment plan is focused specifically on bringing affordable housing to the Fort Mac area. “I see too many Black and Brown working-class people still falling victim to the continued gentrification of our neighborhoods. I’m extremely excited about the accessible ownership options that will exist for future residents of this multigenerational community,” Bishop T.D. Jakes said in a TDJREV press release.

Bishop T.D. Jakes

This article originally appeared in The Atlanta Voice.

President Biden Demands Freedom for Cuban Citizens By Stacy M. Brown, NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent

President Joe Biden, on Monday, July 12, issued a clarion call for freedom in Cuba. “We stand with the Cuban people and their clarion call for freedom and relief from the tragic grip of the pandemic and from the decades of repression and economic suffering to which they have been subjected by Cuba’s authoritarian regime,” President Biden asserted in a statement issued by the White House. “The Cuban people are bravely asserting fundamental and universal rights. Those rights, including the right to peaceful protest and the right to freely determine their own future, must be respected. “The United States calls on the Cuban regime to hear their people and serve their needs at this vital moment rather than enriching themselves,” President Biden

concluded. Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel blamed American trade sanctions for creating “economic misery” in Cuba. “The order to combat has been given. Revolutionaries need to be on the streets,” the island nation’s president declared. The tens of thousands of residents in Cuba protested the lack of food, medicine, and supplies in the country, much of it attributed to the Covid-19 pandemic and sanctions placed on the nation by the United States. The protestors chanted “freedom,” and Reuters News Service reported that most called on President Díaz-Canel to step down. President Joe Biden listens during a G7 Leaders’ virtual meeting on Friday, Feb. 19, 2021, in the White House Situation Room. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

(Photo: Screen Capture from PBS News Hour Video / YouTube)

Swizz Beatz discusses Verzuz going public on the stock market By Michael “Ice-Blue” Harris

Culture Creator hosted their fifth annual Innovators and Leaders Awards celebrating Black culture on Saturday, June 26 and presented Swizz Beatz with the Icon Award for his and Timbaland’s music series Verzuz. Swizz explained how the series came about and how he always had faith in their vision. “I always knew that when creatives celebrated each other it would work, when two creatives get together instead of being in competition and pitted against each other — although it is called Verzuz, it’s

still a celebration,” Swizz Beatz said during his speech at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angles. During his acceptance speech, Swizz also discussed selling Verzuz to Triller Network and some of the backlash they received as people perceived them as selling out. “We turned down hundreds of millions of dollars of money – that wasn’t in our favor. We went with the company that allowed us to bring our friends, allowed us to bring our family, and still run the company and have ownership in that company. When people heard that me and Timb

sold Verzuz, they didn’t really understand the concept of why we did that. You can own 100 percent of nothing and I don’t like that when it comes to our culture we can’t sell anything,” explained the Ruff Ryder producer. Speaking on the business move, he also revealed that the company is going public on the stock market in a few weeks. “They can sell everything but we can’t sell anything or we sold out. Nah, we sold in, all 43 artists are going public with us. It’s going to be the biggest creative IPO in history,” Swizz commented further. Derrick “D-Nice” Jones also received


an award for keeping the masses moving with his Club Quarantine on Instagram Live during the COVID-19 pandemic. The former Boogie Down Productions MC was recognized with the Innovator of the Year Award for his online mixes. Other honorees at the show included former NBA player Baron Davis, TikTok exec Kudzi Chikumbu and Beyoncé’s personal stylist and wardrobe curator Zerina Akers. The post Swizz Beatz discusses Verzuz going public on the stock market appeared first on Rolling Out.

INNER-CITY 27,14 2016 - August THE INNER-CITYNEWS NEWS July - July , 2021 - July02, 20,2016 2021

EnterpriseNOTICE Builders Inc.

(“EBI”), acting as General Contractor for Westmount, will receive qualified

sub-contractor proposals for the work associated with the project known as Hill VALENTINA MACRIBids RENTAL PREAVAILABLE Central (the “Project”). shallHOUSING be received viaAPPLICATIONS hand delivery, e-mail, or fax at the contact information below, on or before 3:00 p.m. local time on Thursday, July HOME INC, on bids behalf of Columbus House and the New Haven Housing Authority, 15th, 2021. The will be privately opened. is accepting pre-applications for studio and one-bedroom apartments at this development located at 108 Street, New Maximum income limitations The project includes theFrank construction of 64Haven. new wood frame apartment units,apinply. Pre-applications will be available 9AMdemolition. TO 5PM beginning Monday Ju;y cluding related site development and from building The project will be 25, 2016 and endingPhase when 1sufficient pre-applications have constructed in phases. will be buildings 1, 2, 3, 4(approximately and associated100) sitework; been2received at the offices HOME will be mailied upon re-is Phase will be buildings 5, 6,of 7, 8 andINC. the Applications remaining sitework. The project quest by calling HOME INC at 203-562-4663 during those hours. Completed preanticipated to be Passive House. applications must be returned to HOME INC’s offices at 171 Orange Street, Third Floor,are New CT 06510. There 55 Haven, bid packages available, including: Building Demolition and Abatement (Phase 1 and Phase 2), Temporary Fencing, Sitework, Paving, Permanent Fencing, Final Cleaning, Landscaping, Site Concrete, Concrete, Gypsum Cement Underlayment, Masonry, Steel, Rough Carpentry, Finish Carpentry/Casework, Wood Stairs, Siding, Air Sealing and Thermal Insulation, Asphalt Shingle RoofVALENTINA MACRI VIVIENDAS DE ALQUILER PRE-SOLICITUDES DISPONIBLES ing, Gutters and Downspouts, Membrane Roofing, Waterproofing, EIFS, Firestopping, Doors/Frames/Hardware, Glazing/Auto Entry Operators, New Passive HOME INC, en nombre de la Columbus House y de la New Haven Housing Authority, está House Windows, Drywall, Tile, Resilient Flooring, Carpet, Painting, Signage, Toiaceptando pre-solicitudes para estudios y apartamentos de un dormitorio en este desarrollo let Accessories, Postal Specialties, Fire Protection Specialties, Residential Appliubicado en la calle 109 Frank Street, New Haven. Se aplican limitaciones de ingresos ances, Window Treatments, Residential Casework and Countertops, Elevator, Fire máximos. Las pre-solicitudes estarán disponibles 09 a.m.-5 p.m. comenzando Martes 25 Suppression, Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical, and Solar. Bid package instructions julio, 2016 hasta cuando se han recibido suficientes pre-solicitudes (aproximadamente 100) and forms will addendum. en las oficinasbe de issued HOMEvia INC. Las pre-solicitudes serán enviadas por correo a petición


llamando a HOME INC al 203-562-4663 durante esas horas.Pre-solicitudes deberán remitirse Drawings can de beHOME viewedINC freeenof171 charge viaStreet, iSqFt. Please out to, CT the 06510 contacts a las oficinas Orange tercer piso, reach New Haven . below to request an invitation to bid. Documents may also be viewed at EBI’s office 46 Shepard Drive, Newington Connecticut 06111 (between the hours of 8am– 5pm), Monday through Friday where a disc with all documents may be obtained free of charge.

The project is taxable on new construction. Residential Davis-Bacon prevailing wages apply.


242-258 Fairmont Ave 2BR Townhouse, 1.5 BA, 3BR, 1 level , 1BA

This contract is subject to state set-aside and contract compliance requirements.

All new apartments, appliances, new carpet, close to I-91 & I-95 or Sub-contractors may contactnew Brian Baril via email at highways, bus stop shopping center phone (860) 466-5128, Justin near Caporiccio via&email at jcaporiccio@enterbuilders. com or Pet phone (860) or Mikeparties Amarena via e-mail mamarena@enterunder 40lb466–5104, allowed. Interested contact Maria @at860-985-8258 or phone (860) 466-5102 regarding the project. CT. Owner Unified Deacon’s Association is pleased to offer to a Deacon’s The and EBI reserve the rights accept any, all, or any part of bids; to Certificate Program. This is a 10 month program designed to assist in the intellectual formation of Candidates reject any, all, orChurch’s any part of bids; waive deficiencies bid rein response to the Ministry The cost is any $125.non-material Classes start Saturday, August 20, in 2016 1:303:30 Contact: Chairman, Deacon Joe J. Davis, M.S., B.S. sponses, to waive minor inconsistencies; and to award the bid that in its judgment (203) 996-4517 Host, General Bishop Elijah Davis, D.D. Pastor of Pitts Chapel U.F.W.B. Church 64 Brewster will be in the best interests of the Owner. St. New Haven, CT

EBI is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer. Section 3, Veteran-owned, S/M/W/DBE’s & DAS Certified are encouraged to participate.


Sealed bids are invited the Housing Authority of the Town of Seymour ELM byCITY COMMUNITIES until 3:00 pm on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at its office at 28 Smith Street, Seymour, CT 06483 for Concrete Sidewalk Repairs and Replacement at the Invitation for Bids Smithfield Gardens Assisted Living Facility, 26 Smith Street Seymour. Robert T. Wolfe Building Upgrade Phase 2 A pre-bid conference will be held at the Housing Smith Elm City Communities is currently seeking bids forAuthority Robert T.Office Wolfe28Building Upgrade Phase 2. CT A complete copyonofWednesday, the requirement may2016. be obtained from Street Seymour, at 10:00 am, July 20, Elm City Communities’ Vendor Collaboration Portal https://newhavenhousing. Bidding documents are availablebeginning from the on Seymour Housing Authority Office, 28 Smith Street, Seymour, CT 06483 (203) 888-4579.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021 at 3:00PM.

The Housing Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to reduce the scope of the project to reflect available funding, and to waive any informalities in the bidding, if such actions are in the best interest of the


NEEDED Part Time

Delivery Needed One/Two Day a Week,

Must Have your Own Vehicle If Interested call

(203) 387-0354 Town of Bloomfield

Assistant Director of Information Systems & Technology

Full Time - Benefited $75,909 to $117,166

Pre-employment drug testing. For details and how to apply go to www. AA/EOE

Plant Maintenance Mechanic Highly skilled mechanic needed in the repair and maintenance of all plant equipment to include pumping station equipment and motor vehicles for the Town of Wallingford Sewer Division. Requires graduation from a high school/trade school and 4 years experience in the repair and maintenance of mechanical equipment. Must obtain a CDL Class B motor vehicle operator license within 6 months of employment. $30.85 to $36.18 per hour plus an excellent fringe benefit package. Application forms may be obtained at the Department of Human Resources, Town of Wallingford, 45 South Main Street, Wallingford, CT 06492. Forms will be mailed upon request from the Department of Human Resources or may be downloaded from Town of Wallingford Department of Human Resources Web Page. Phone: (203)-294-2080. Fax (203)-294-2084. The closing date will be August 3, 2021 or the date the 25th application is received, whichever occurs first. EOE

ACCOUNTANT I Accountant – The Town of Wallingford Electric Division is seeking an entry level professional who will be responsible for performing a variety of basic municipal and/ or utility accounting functions. Must possess a bachelor’s degree from a recognized college or university in accounting, finance, or business administration. Must have and maintain a valid Connecticut Driver’s License. Salary: $62,542 - $80,021 plus an excellent fringe benefit package. Application forms may be obtained at the Department of Human Resources, Town of Wallingford, 45 South Main Street, Wallingford, CT 06492. Forms will be mailed upon request from the Department of Human Resources or may be downloaded from Town of Wallingford Department of Human Resources Web Page. Phone: (203)-294-2080. Fax (203)-294-2084. The closing date will be the date the 50th application or resume is received or July 30, 2021, whichever occurs first. EOE

Executive Secretary

The Town of Wallingford is seeking highly qualified and experienced applicants for the position of Executive Secretary. This position provides high-level administrative Invitationsupport to Bid: and assistance to a Town department head and performs difficult clerical and administrative work requiring considerable independent judgment and confidentiality. nd 2 Notice The position requires excellent public relations and office management skills. Must have 6 years’ experience in responsible office work, some of which must have been Steel Fabricators, Erectors & Welders in a supervisory capacity, or an equivalent combination of experience and collegeTop pay for top performers. Health Old Saybrook, CT level training. Pay rate $28.75 to $34.86 per hour plus an excellent benefit package. Benefits, 401K, Vacation Pay. (4 Buildings,Application 17 Units) forms may be obtained at the Department of Human Resources, Town of Email Resume: Hartford, Wallingford, 45 South Tax Exempt & NotCTPrevailing Wage Rate ProjectMain Street, Wallingford, CT 06492. Forms will be mailed upon AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER request from the Department of Human Resources or may be downloaded from Town of Wallingford Department of Human Resources Web Page. Phone: (203)-294-2080. New Construction, Wood Framed, Housing, Selective Demolition, CastFax (203)-294-2084. TheSite-work, closing date will be July 21, 2021. EOE





in-place Concrete, Asphalt Shingles, Vinyl Siding, Flooring, Painting, Division 10 Specialties, Appliances, Residential Casework, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection. Youth Services Administrator Immediate for arequirements. full time truck mechanic. Commercial truck experience reThis contract is subject to state contractopening compliance full-time position.set-aside and

Listing: Truck Mechanic

quired. Work to be performed on trucks and trailers. Send resume to: Attn: HR Dept,

Go to www.portlandct. P O Box 388, Guilford, CT 06437. Bid Extended, Due Date: August 5, **An 2016 Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer** org for details. Anticipated Start: August 15, 2016

THE GLENDOWER GROUP Town of Bloomfield Request for Proposals Fax or Email QuestionsII & Bids to: Dawn Lang @ 203-881-8372 Maintainer - Driver Project documents available via ftp link below:

HCC encourages the participation of all Veteran, S/W/MBE & Section 3 CertifiedManager Businesses Construction at Risk for Westville Manor Haynes Construction Company, 32 Progress Ave, Seymour, CT 06483 AA/EEO EMPLOYER The Glendower Group is currently seeking proposals for Construction Manager at Risk for Westville Manor. A complete copy of the requirement may be obtained from Glendower’s Vendor Collaboration Portal https://newhavenhousing.cobblestonesystems. com/gateway Pre-employment drug testing. For details and how to apply go to www. AA/EOE beginning on Wednesday, June 30, 2021 at 3:00PM.

Full-time, benefited $27.94 hourly


THE INNER-CITYNEWS NEWS July - July , 2021 - July02, 20, 2016 2021 INNER-CITY 27,14 2016 - August

Garrity Asphalt Reclaiming, Inc seeks:

Listing: HVAC Technician

Construction Equipment Mechanic preferably experienced in Reclaiming and Road Milling Equipment. We offer factory Fast paced Petroleum Company is hiring for a full time, CT training on equipment we operate. Location: Bloomfield CT HVAC Technician. License required – S-10,S-2 or S-1. ApWe offer excellent hourly rate & excellent benefits plicant must have experience in oil, propane, natural gas and Contact: Tom Dunay VALENTINA MACRI RENTAL HOUSING PRE- APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE A/C. Competitive wage, 401(k), sign on bonus and benefits. Send resume to: Attn: HR Manager, Confidential, PO Box 388, Phone: 860- 243-2300 HOME INC, on behalf of Columbus House and the New Haven Housing Guilford,Authority, CT 06437. Email: is accepting pre-applications for studio and one-bedroom Women & Minority Applicants are encouraged to applyapartments at this develAffirmative opment locatedAction/ at 108 Frank New Haven. Maximum income**An limitations ap- Action/Equal Opportunity Employer** Affirmative EqualStreet, Opportunity Employer ply. Pre-applications will be available from 9AM TO 5PM beginning Monday Ju;y 25, 2016 and ending when sufficient pre-applications (approximately 100) have Listing: been received at the offices of HOME INC. Applications will be mailied uponOffi re-ce Assistant – Immediate Opening Garrity Asphalt Incduring seeks: quest by calling HOMEReclaiming, INC at 203-562-4663 those hours. Completed preReclaimer Operators and Milling Operators with current licensing applications must be returned to HOME INC’s offices at 171 Orange High Street, VolumeThird Petroleum Company is seeking a full time office and clean driving record, be willing to travel throughout the NorthFloor, New Haven, CT 06510. assistant. Duties include: filing, preparing mailings, and other east & NY. We offer excellent hourly rate & excellent benefits office duties as assigned. Must possess excellent attention to detail, ability to manage multiple projects, computer skills a Contact: Rick Tousignant Phone: 860- 243-2300 plus. Send resume to: Human Resource Dept., PO Box 388, Email: rick.touGuilford CT 06437. MACRI VIVIENDAS DE ALQUILER PRE-SOLICITUDES DISPONIBLES Women & Minority Applicants are encouraged to apply ***An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer**** Affirmative Action/deEqual Opportunity HOME INC, en nombre la Columbus House y Employer de la New Haven Housing Authority, está aceptando pre-solicitudes para estudios y apartamentos de un dormitorio en este desarrollo ubicado en la calle 109 Frank Street, New Haven. Se aplican limitaciones de ingresos máximos. Las pre-solicitudes estarán disponibles 09 a.m.-5 p.m. comenzando Martes 25 Tractor Trailer Driver for Heavy & Highway Construction Equip- Galasso Materials LLC, a quarry and paving contractor, has posijulio,Must 2016have hastaacuando se han recibido suficientes pre-solicitudes 100) ment. CDL License, clean driving record, capable of (aproximadamente tions open for the upcoming construction season. We are seeking en las oficinas HOME INC. Las pre-solicitudes serán enviadas por correo a petición operating heavyde equipment; be willing to travel throughout the candidates for 1) Quality Control (experienced preferred), 2) Ofllamando HOME INC alexcellent 203-562-4663 horas.Pre-solicitudes Northeast &aNY. We offer hourlydurante rate &esas excellent benefits ficedeberán Clerks,remitirse 3) Truck/Scalehouse Dispatcher (experience and coma las oficinas de HOME INC en 171 Orange Street, tercer piso, New Haven CT 06510 . preferred) and 4) Equipment Operators and Laputer ,knowledge




Union Company seeks:


Seeking to employ experienced individuals in the labor, foreman, operator and teamster trades for a heavy outside work statewide. Reliable personal transportation and a valid drivers license required. To apply please call (860) 621-1720 or send resume to: Personnel Department, P.O. Box 368, Cheshire, CT06410. Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/V Drug Free Workforce

Ducci Electrical Contractors, Inc. seeks experienced PROJECT MANAGER to handle multiple large projects in the field of Electrical Construction. Full-time position. 10+ years experience in the following types of projects is preferred: Health care, Data centers, Educational, Industrial, Commercial, DOT, & Railroad. E-1 license REQUIRED. Excellent compensation and benefits package. Send resume to Ducci Electrical Contractors, Inc. 74 Scott Swamp Rd. Farmington, CT 06032 or via email at An affirmative action equal opportunity employer. EOE/M/F/D/V.

The Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport

Invitation for Bid (IFB)

P.T. Barnum Bldg. 8 Fire Restoration Solicitation Number: 180-MD-21-S

The Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport d/b/a Park City Communities (PCC) is requesting sealed bids for P.T. Barnum Bldg. 8 Fire Restoration. A complete set of the plans and technical specifications will be available on June 21, 2021. To obtain Email: a copy of the solicitation you must send your request to bids@parkcitycommunities. Women & Minority Applicants are encouraged to apply ALL APPLICANTS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR EMPLOYMENT WITHOUT org, please reference solicitation number and title on the subject line. A MANDAATTENTION TO RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer TORY pre-bid conference will be held at P.T. Barnum Apts. 96 Bird St., Bridgeport, GENDER IDENTITY, NATIONAL ORIGIN, VETERAN OR DISABILITY STATUS. 06605 on July 8, 2021 @ 10:00 a.m., submitting a bid for the project without InvitationCT to Bid: attending conference is not in the best interest of the Offeror. Additional questions nd 242-258 Fairmont Ave State of Connecticut 2 Notice should be emailed only to no later than July 15, 2021 Office of Policy 2BR Townhouse, 1.5 BA, 3BR, 1 level , 1BA @ 3:00 p.m. Answers to all the questions will be posted on PCC’s Website: www. and Management All sealed bids must be received by mailed or hand delivAll new apartments, new appliances, new carpet, close to I-91 & I-95 Old Saybrook, CT ered by July 22, 2021 @ 2:00 PM, to Ms. Caroline Sanchez, Director of Procurement, highways, near bus stop & shopping center 17 Highland Units) Ave, Bridgeport, CT 06604, at which time and place all bids will be The State of Connecticut, Office(4ofBuildings,150 Pet under 40lb allowed. Interested parties contact Maria @ 860-985-8258 Policy and Management is recruiting Tax Exempt & Not Prevailing Wageopened Rate Project publicly and read aloud. No bids will be accepted after the designated time.

Contact Dana at 860-243-2300

borers and a Grading Foreman. NO PHONE CALLS. Please mail resume and cover letter to “Hiring Manager”, Galasso Materials LLC, PO Box 1776, East Granby, 06026.



We all have


for a Policy Development Coordinator position.

CT. Unified Deacon’s Association is pleased to offer a Deacon’s Certificate Program. This is a 10 month program designed to assist in the intellectual formation of Candidates in response to the Church’s Ministry needs. The cost is $125. Classes start Saturday, August 20, 2016 1:303:30 Contact: Chairman, Deacon Joe J. Davis, M.S., B.S. (203) 996-4517 Host, General Bishop Elijah Davis, D.D. Pastor of Pitts Chapel U.F.W.B. Church 64 Brewster

Let Job Corps help you achieve yours. SEYMOUR HOUSING AUTHORITY

St. New Haven, CT

Sealed bids are invited by the Housing Authority of the Town of Seymour Now enrolling! until 3:00 pm on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 Tuition-free at its officecareer at 28training Smith Street, High school diploma programs Seymour, CT 06483 for Concrete Sidewalk Repairs and Replacement at the College credit opportunities Smithfield Gardens Assisted Living Facility,Housing, 26 Smith Street Seymour. meals and medical care provided

A pre-bid conference will be held at the Housing Authority Office 28 Smith For more information, visit or call (800) 733-JOBS [5627] Street Seymour, CT at 10:00 am, on Wednesday, July 20, 2016. New Haven County - Jesselica Rodriguez – !"#$%&'(")*+,$*-+#".&/$*0(1,)2*3*4&//2*0(,,&"*5* Waterbury and Surrounding Areas – Abdul Shabazz –

Bidding documents are available from the Seymour Housing Authority OfCAREERS BEGIN HERE fice, 28 Smith Street, Seymour, CT 06483 (203) 888-4579. Job Corps is a U.S. Department of Labor Equal Opportunity Employer Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TDD/TTY telephone number is (877) 889-5627.

The Housing Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to reduce the scope of the project to reflect available funding, and to waive any


New Construction, Wood Framed, Housing, Selective Demolition, Site-work, CastFurther information regarding the duties, eligibility requirements and application in-place Concrete, Asphalt Shingles, Vinyl Siding, instructions for this position is available Flooring, Painting, at: Division 10 Specialties, Appliances, Residential Casework,

Invitation for Bids

Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection.Fencing Improvements and Basement Abatement Essex Townhouse ThisCT/sup/bulpreview.asp?R1= contract is subject to state set-aside and contract compliance requirements. 210506&R2=1581MP&R3=001 The Housing Authority of the City of New Haven d/b/a Elm City Communities is

currently seeking Bids for Essex Townhouse Fencing Improvements and Basement The State of Connecticut is an equal Bid Extended, August A5,complete 2016 copy of the requirement may be obtained from Elm City ComAbatement. opportunity/affirmative action employer Due Date: and strongly encourages theAnticipated applications Start: munities’ August 15,Vendor 2016 Collaboration Portal https://newhavenhousing.cobblestonesystems. of women, minorities, and persons com/gateway Project documents available via ftp linkbeginning below: on with disabilities. Wednesday, June 23, 2021 at 3:00PM. QSR STEEL CORPORATION


Fax or Email Questions & Bids to: Dawn Lang @ 203-881-8372 HCC encourages the participation of all Veteran, S/W/MBE & Section 3 Certified Businesses Haynes Construction Company, 32 Progress Ave, Seymour, CT 06483 Steel Fabricators, Erectors & Welders AA/EEO EMPLOYER Full time Class A driver for petroleum deliveries for nights and weekends. PreTop pay for top performers. Health vious experience required. Competitive wage, 401(k) and benefits. Send resume Benefits, 401K, Vacation Pay. Email Resume: Hartford, CT AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER


Listing: Commercial Driver

to: HR Manager, P. O. Box 388, Guilford, CT 06437.

********An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer**********

INNER-CITY 27,14 2016 - August THE INNER-CITYNEWS NEWS July - July , 2021 - July02, 20,2016 2021


Seeking to employ experienced individuals in the labor, foreNOTICE man, operator and teamster trades for a heavy outside work statewide. Reliable personal transportation and a valid drivers VALENTINA MACRI RENTAL HOUSING PRE- APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE license required. To apply please call (860) 621-1720 or send HOME INC, behalf of Columbus House and the NewBox Haven368, Housing Authority, resume to:onPersonnel Department, P.O. Cheshire, is accepting pre-applications for studio and one-bedroom apartments at this develCT06410. opment located at 108 Frank Street, New Haven. Maximum income limitations apAffirmative Action/Equal Employer M/F/V ply. Pre-applications will be available Opportunity from 9AM TO 5PM beginning Monday Ju;y 25, 2016 and ending whenDrug sufficient pre-applications (approximately 100) have Free Workforce been received at the offices of HOME INC. Applications will be mailied upon request by calling HOME INC at 203-562-4663 during those hours. Completed preapplications must be returned to HOME INC’s offices at 171 Orange Street, Third State of Connecticut Floor, New Haven, CT 06510.

Office of Policy and Management


The State of Connecticut, Office of Policy and Management is recruiting for a Fiscal and Program Policy Section Director position.


Further information regarding the duties, eligibility requirements and application instructions is available at:

HOME INC, en nombre de la Columbus House y de la New Haven Housing Authority, está aceptando pre-solicitudes para estudios y apartamentos de un dormitorio en este desarrollo 210629&R2=1585MP&R3=001 ubicado en la calle 109 Frank New Haven. Se aplican limitacionespaperless de ingresos Information on how to apply Street, for a job using the State of Connecticut’s máximos. Las pre-solicitudes estarán disponibles 09 a.m.-5 p.m. comenzando Martes 25 Online Employment Center (JobAps) is available at: julio, 2016 hasta cuando se han recibido suficientes pre-solicitudes (aproximadamente 100) en las oficinas de HOME INC. LasNov%2021.pdf pre-solicitudes serán enviadas por correo a petición llamando HOME al 203-562-4663 durante esas horas.Pre-solicitudes remitirse TheaState of INC Connecticut is an equal opportunity/affirmative actiondeberán employer andde strongly applications of women, minorities, a las oficinas HOMEencourages INC en 171the Orange Street, tercer piso, New Havenand , CT 06510 . persons with disabilities.

Income based affordable Rental apartment

2 bedroom, Riverview. NEW HAVEN Contact 347-366-1204 242-258 Fairmont Ave

available in the heart of Westport.

2BR Townhouse, 1.5 BA, 3BR, 1 level , 1BA

All new apartments, new appliances, new carpet, close to I-91 & I-95 highways, near bus stop & shopping center Pet under 40lb allowed. Interested parties contact Maria @ 860-985-8258 CT. Unified Deacon’s Association is pleased to offer a Deacon’s Certificate Program. This is a 10 month program designed to assist in the intellectual formation of Candidates in response to the Church’s Ministry needs. The cost is $125. Classes start Saturday, August 20, 2016 1:303:30 Contact: Chairman, Deacon Joe J. Davis, M.S., B.S. (203) 996-4517 Host, General Bishop Elijah Davis, D.D. Pastor of Pitts Chapel U.F.W.B. Church 64 Brewster St. New Haven, CT

SEYMOUR HOUSING AUTHORITY Sealed bids are invited by the Housing Authority of the Town of Seymour until 3:00 pm on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at its office at 28 Smith Street, Seymour, CT 06483 for Concrete Sidewalk Repairs and Replacement at the Smithfield Gardens Assisted Living Facility, 26 Smith Street Seymour. A pre-bid conference will be held at the Housing Authority Office 28 Smith Street Seymour, CT at 10:00 am, on Wednesday, July 20, 2016. Bidding documents are available from the Seymour Housing Authority Office, 28 Smith Street, Seymour, CT 06483 (203) 888-4579. The Housing Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to reduce the scope of the project to reflect available funding, and to waive any

Economic Development Marketing Specialist Town of Wallingford



Must Have your Own Vehicle If Interested call

Part Time Delivery Needed One/Two Day a Week,



Steel Fabricators, Erectors & Welders Top pay for top performers. Health Benefits, 401K, Vacation Pay. Email Resume: Hartford, CT AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER

Town of Bloomfield Account Clerk

Hourly Rate - $29.77 Deadline to apply 7/22/21 Pre-employment drug testing. AA/EOE.

For Details go to

Part-Time (19.5 hours per week). Dynamic municipal economic development office seeks an individual with exceptional digital marketing skills to perform a variety of confidential, responsible administrative duties in creating and implementing marketing programs to support economic development activities within the Town of Wallingford. The successful applicant must maintain active engagement with local businesses, State of Connecticut economic development agencies, commercial real estate brokers, and other Town of Wallingford departments in order to best position the community as a destination for business expansion and relocation. The position requires a bachelor’s degree from an accredited four-year college or university in marketing, business administration or related field, plus one (1) year of experience in marketing, digital marketing, economic development, business development, or an equivalent combination of education and qualifying experience substituting on a year-for-year basis. Wage Rate: $22.00 hourly. Cover letter and resume can be sent to: Economic Development Office, Town of Wallingford, 45 South Main Street, Wallingford, CT 06492. (203) 294-2062. Email: EOE

ELM CITY COMMUNITIES Request for Proposals

Quality Control Services Elm City Communities is currently seeking proposals for quality control services. A complete copy of the requirement may be obtained from Elm City Communities’ Vendor Collaboration Portal beginning on

Monday, July 12, 2021 at 3:00PM.

toSenior Bid: Services Administrator MECHANIC Invitation 2 Notice TRACTOR TRAILER SAYEBROOKE VILLAGE Full-time position Full Time, Benefits, Old Saybrook, CT Go to Top Pay (4 Buildings, 17 Units) for details Tax Exempt & Not Prevailing Wage Rate Project Apply:Pace, 1425 Honeyspot nd

Rd. Ext., Stratford, CT EOE New Construction, Wood Framed, Housing, Selective Demolition, Site-work, CastClass A Full time driver for a petroleum and pool water company for in-place Concrete, Asphaltdeliveries Shingles, Vinyl Siding, for day and weekends. Previous experience required. DRIVER CDL Division CLASS A Competitive Flooring, Painting, 10 Specialties, Appliances, Residential Casework, wage, 401(k). Send resume to: HR Manager, P. O. Box 388, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection. Guilford, CT 06437. Full Time – All to Shifts This contract is subject state set-aside and contract compliance requirements. Top Pay-Full Benefits ********An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer********** EOE Please apply person: Bidin Extended, Due Date: August 5, 2016 1425 HoneyspotAnticipated Rd. Ext.Start: August 15, 2016 Stratford, Project CT 06615 documents available via ftp link below:ELM CITY COMMUNITIES Invitation for Bids Essex Exterior Envelope and Dwelling Unit Improvements Town ofQuestions Bloomfi eld Fax or Email & Bids to: Dawn Lang @ 203-881-8372

HCC encourages the participation of all Veteran, S/W/MBE & Section 3 Certified Businesses The Housing Authority of the City of New Haven d/b/a Elm City Communities is curAssistant HaynesAssessor Construction Company, 32 Progress Ave, Seymour, CT 06483

rently seeking Bids for Essex exterior envelope and dwelling unit improvements. A AA/EEO EMPLOYER complete copy of the requirement may be obtained from Elm City Communities’ Ven-

Hourly Rate - $41.82 Deadline to apply 7/15/21

Pre-employment drug testing. AA/EOE. For Details go to


dor Collaboration Portal beginning on

Wednesday, June 23, 2021 at 3:00PM.

THE INNER-CITY NEWS July - July , 2021 - July02, 20,2016 2021 INNER-CITY NEWS 27, 14 2016 - August

The Town NOTICE of East Haven

is currently accepting applications for the following positions:


Public Safety Dispatcher: $54,953.60/year HOME INC, onPolice behalf of Columbus and the New Haven Housing Authority, OfficerHouse C: $59,025/year

is accepting pre-applications for studio and one-bedroom apartments at this develApply online at opment located at 108 Frank Street, New Haven. Maximum income limitations apEastHavenCT<>. ply. Pre-applications will be available from 9AM TO 5PM beginning Monday Ju;y 25, 2016 and ending when sufficient pre-applications have Tax Assessor: $98,377/ year For application(approximately information100) please been received at the offices of HOME INC. Applications will be mailied upon visit by calling HOME INC at 203-562-4663 during those hours. Completed presion/pages/job-notices-and-tests applications must be returned to HOME INC’s offices at 171 Orange Street, Third The Town of East Floor, New Haven, CTHaven 06510. is committed to building a workforce of

diverse individuals. Minorities, Females, Handicapped and Veterans are encouraged NOTICIAto apply.



HOME INC, en nombre de la Columbus House y de la New Haven Housing Authority, está aceptando pre-solicitudes para estudios y apartamentos de un dormitorio en este desarrollo ubicado en la calle 109 Frank Street, New Haven. Se aplican limitaciones de ingresos máximos. Las pre-solicitudes estarán disponibles 09 a.m.-5 p.m. comenzando Martes 25 julio, 2016 hasta cuando se han recibido suficientes pre-solicitudes (aproximadamente 100) enHousing las oficinas de HOME INC. Lasofpre-solicitudes serán Elm enviadas correo a petición The Authority of the City New Haven d/b/a City por Communities is curllamando a HOME al 203-562-4663 esas horas.Pre-solicitudes deberán remitirse rently seeking Bids INC for VDI equipment.durante A complete copy of the requirement may be obtained from Elm City Communities’ Vendor Collaboration Portal https://newhavena las oficinas de HOME INC en 171 Orange Street, tercer piso, New Haven , CT 06510 . beginning on

Invitation for Bids VDI Equipment

Wednesday, June 23, 2021 at 3:00PM.


242-258 Fairmont Ave Invitation for3BR, Bids1 level , 1BA 2BR Townhouse, 1.5 BA,

All new apartments, appliances, new carpet, close to I-91 & I-95 Movingnewand Storage Services highways, near bus stop & shopping center Elm City Communities is currently seeking bids for moving and storage services. Pet under 40lb allowed. Interested parties contact Maria @ 860-985-8258

A complete copy of the requirement may be obtained from Elm City Communities’ Vendor Collaboration Portal gateway beginning CT. Unified Deacon’s Association is pleased to offer a Deacon’s on Certificate Program. This is a 10 month program designed to assist in the intellectual formation of Candidates in response to the Church’s Ministry needs. The cost is $125. Classes start Saturday, August 20, 2016 1:303:30 Contact: Chairman, Deacon Joe J. Davis, M.S., B.S. (203) 996-4517 Host, General Bishop Elijah Davis, D.D. Pastor of Pitts Chapel U.F.W.B. Church 64 Brewster

Monday, May 10, 2021 at 3:00PM.

St. New Haven, CT


SEYMOUR Housing Coordinator FT: TheHOUSING Bristol HousingAUTHORITY Authority is looking to hire a

Housing Thisby is the a Full-Time position. calculaSealed Coordinator. bids are invited HousingUnion Authority of thePrevious Town ofrent Seymour tion experience with Public Housing subsidies is a must. The successful candiuntil 3:00 pm on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at its office at 28 Smith Street, date must be organized, team player, computer literate, able to work in a fastSeymour, CT 06483 for excellent Concrete interpersonal Sidewalk Repairs at the pace environment, possess skillsand andReplacement be highly motivated Gardenshouseholds. Assisted Living Smith Street toSmithfield assist low income HourlyFacility, wage is26 determined by aSeymour. bargaining unit Contract. Excellent benefits. Send resume with references by June 30, 2021 to Evalyn McMahon, mail to Office 164 Jerome Ave., A pre-bid conference will be held at the Housing Or Authority 28 Smith Bristol, 06010 CT at 10:00 am, on Wednesday, July 20, 2016. Street CT Seymour, The Housing Authority of the City of Bristol is an equal opportunity employer. areonavailable therace, Seymour OfIt Bidding does notdocuments discriminate the basisfrom of sex, color,Housing religion,Authority age, disability, fice, of 28veteran, Smith Street, Seymour, 06483 status national or ethnicCT origin, or (203) sexual888-4579. orientation.

The Housing Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to reduce the scope of the project to reflect available funding, and to waive any



Steel Fabricators, Erectors & Welders Top pay for top performers. Health Benefits, 401K, Vacation Pay. Email Resume: Hartford, CT AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER


LEGAL NOTICE Request for Proposal (RFP) RFP #2022-0903 Connecticut HIV Planning Consortium (CHPC) The Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH), TB, HIV, STD and Viral Hepatitis Section is seeking proposals from Connecticut public and private organizations and community-based agencies to coordinate and facilitate the activities of the Connecticut HIV Planning Consortium (CHPC), a public health planning body initiative. An anticipated total of approximately $250,000 annually of state HIV Prevention funds ($220,000), and federal Health Resource Services Administration (HRSA) HIV Health Care and Support Service funds ($30,000) are available to support this project. Funding will be for a five-year period beginning approximately January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2026, subject to the continued availability of funds.


Part Time Delivery Needed

The Request for Proposals (RFP) is available in electronic format on the State Contracting Portal at: or from the Department’s Official Contact: Marianne Buchelli, HIV/Hepatitis C Program Director CT Department of Public Health TB, HIV, STD & Viral Hepatitis Section 410 Capitol Avenue, MS#11APV Hartford, CT 06134-0308 Phone: (860) 509-8053 Fax: (860) 509-7853 Email:

One/Two Day a Week, Must Have your Own Vehicle If Interested call

(203) 387-0354

Town of Bloomfield

The RFP is also available on the Department’s website at (Request for Proposals). A printed copy of the RFP can be obtained from the Official Contact upon request.


Deadline for submission of proposals to the DPH is: Friday August 13, 2021 by 4:00 p.m.

$23.40/hourly (benefited)

Pre-employment drug testing. AA/EOE. For Details go to

Invitation to Bid: CITY OF MILFORD 2 Notice nd

Seeking qualified condidates to fill SAYEBROOKE VILLAGE numerous vacancies to include, Old Saybrook, CT Deputy Assessor, Mechanic Buildings, 17 Units) Sewer Line, Public Health (4 Nurse Exempt & Not and more. For Tax information andPrevailing Wage Rate Project detailed application instructions, New Construction, Wood Framed, Housing, Selective Demolition, Site-work, Castvisit Click on SERVICES, JOBS and in-place Concrete, Asphalt Shingles, Vinyl Siding, JOB TITLE. Flooring, Painting, Division 10 Specialties, Appliances, Residential Casework,


Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection. This contract is subject to state set-aside and contract compliance requirements. Bid Extended, Due Date: August 5, 2016 Youth Services Administrator Anticipated Start: August 15, 2016 full-time Project position. documents available via ftp link below: Go to www.portlandct.

org for details.

Fax or Email Questions & Bids to: Dawn Lang @ 203-881-8372 HCC encourages the participation of all Veteran, S/W/MBE & Section 3 Certified Businesses Haynes Construction Company, 32 Progress Ave, Seymour, CT 06483 AA/EEO EMPLOYER

Town of Bloomfield Assistant Assessor

Hourly Rate - $41.82 Deadline to apply 7/15/21

Pre-employment drug testing. AA/EOE. For Details go to


THE INNER-CITY NEWS - July 14, 2021 - July 20, 2021

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THE INNER-CITY NEWS - July 14, 2021 - July 20, 2021

Simone Manuel U.S. Olympic Gold Medalist Swimming


At the Olympic Games Rio 2016, U.S. Olympic Gold Medalist Simone Manuel emerged as the first African American woman to win gold in swimming – inspiring the team of tomorrow to take the plunge after her. Xfinity honors Simone and every Black athlete who has and will continue to make a difference on and off the field. To see their stories and more just say, “Black Experience,” into your Xfinity Voice Remote. Visit to learn more.

Restrictions apply. Not available in all areas. ©2021 Comcast. The use of Olympic Marks, Terminology and Imagery is authorized by the U.S. Olympic Committee pursuant to Title 36 U.S. Code Section 220506.


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