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THE INNER-CITY NEWS - August 31, 2022 - September 13, 2022 1 INNER-CITY NEWS July 27, 2016 - August 02, 2016 1 FOLLOW US ON NEWS Volume 21 No. 2194 New Haven, Bridgeport INNER-CITY INNER-CITY Financial Justice a Key Focus at 2016 NAACP Convention Color Struck?Color Struck? Malloy To Dems: Ignore “Tough On Crime” Snow in July? Volume 29 . No. 24553 5 Essential TipsFor Going To College Out-Of-State Housing Authority, NAACP Partner On Jobs Campaign At NHPS TeachersConvocation,MatterOne of the Youngest Black Pilots in the U.S.

by NORA GRACE-FLOOD Communication workers and laborfriendly politicians called out Frontier Communications for prioritizing under qualified subcontractors over full-time, well-trained employees as the telecom munications giant expands its fiber optic Internet services across the state. That was the message of a Thursday morning press conference outside of Communication Workers of America (CWA) Local 1298’s union home at 3055 Dixwell Ave. in Hamden. Roughly 30 union members were joined by U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, State Sens. Jeorge Cabrera and Matt Lesser, State Rep. Josh Elliott, and Mayor Lau ren Garrett in calling on Frontier to learn from its recent mistakes and move to wards higher quality Internet service by investing in its full-time workforce. The press conference came roughly a month after Connecticut utility regula tors fined Frontier $5 million for “jeopar dizing public safety through reckless and inappropriate underground installations” of fiber-optic cables in the public rightof-way in the state. It also came several weeks after Frontier sold its Orange Street office building for over $73 mil lion and then signed a 20-year lease with its new New Jersey-based landlord.

“Every employer should strive to have a dedicated workforce that cares about the community they serve… and use workers from that very community, because those workers are the ones who care about the community that they live in.” Reached for comment on Thursday, Frontier Communications spokesperson Chrissy Murray told the Independent that a nationwide labor shortage, short duration of fiber build-out work, and the necessity to rent out equipment and ve hicles all explain Frontier’s reliance on subcontracted work. She wrote in an email to the Indepen dent that “Frontier is delivering a critical communications service to communities across the country and we’re creating jobs along the way. As we move from town to town, we supplement our work force with external partners to fill tempo rary staffing needs and help us quickly deliver on the growing demand for our service. We’re building fiber across the country with a mix of employees and ex ternal “Givenpartners.”thelabor shortage across the country, we need an ‘all of the above’ strategy where we are hiring employees and external partners. We’re aggressively recruiting to fill hundreds of open techs roles. These roles sit empty because of the difficulty in finding skilled workers.

“ We invested $65 billion [in internet for all] in the bipartisan infrastructure act,” Blumenthal said. “It’s not just $65 billion to be thrown out to whoever… It’s gotta be quality.”“Those kinds of contractors coming out of state,” he asserted the kinds that “cut corners,” as did those who cost Frontier millions “are no substitute for Connecticut workers, union workers, who do the job right.” Ed Hawthorne, the president of the Con necticut American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) said that “Frontier is choos ing the short sided path of using cheap, out-of-state contractors who disregard our laws and threaten the reliability of Connecticut’s vital infrastructure.”

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - August 31, 2022 - September 13, 2022 2 Union Slams Frontier For Fiber Mess

“They reduced our workforce in Con necticut and have not hired any new em ployees,” she said. The result, she reflect ed, is “hour long hold times,” meaning “angry customers” and heightened stress for Frontier employees running company operations, and mandatory overtime. Nikki said she now usually works an extra eight hours a week due to a lack of competent, full-time staff, meaning less time with her 12-year-old son and more time at work: “It’s a poor work life bal ance,” she summed up. Weidlich said that he believed Frontier needs to hire more union workers as soon as possible not just to compensate for current labor shortages or issues, but to address the reality that nearly a third of the union’s current members are retire ment eligible.

Call center jobs, engineering jobs, fiber placement, fiber splicing, and pole main tenance jobs have all been subcontracted en masse to outside employees willing to work for cheaper rates, he said. “Each of these separate contractors, they can be bossed around by the hedge funds, they can be exploited by the mil lionaires and the billionaires who just wanna make more money,” Blumenthal said upon taking the podium. Blumenthal tied the argument that sub contractors are often under-trained and less dedicated than full-time workers to recent findings that Frontier damaged un derground natural gas and electric distri bution facilities jeopardizing both the health and safety of the general public and workers involved while deploying fiber optic cables. Read the report filed by Connecticut’s Public Utilities Regulatory Authority which resulted in Frontier getting hit with a $5 million fine here. “A check has been written,” Blumenthal stated. “They didn’t even ask for a hear ing.”

She claimed that Frontier’s building is “moving quickly across the country with demand for this critical service at an alltime high. That means that some of the construction work is often temporary as the fiber build moves from town to town and state to state. It wouldn’t be fair to hire employees for a short period of time or ask them to leave their families every time our build moves. That’s why it’s in dustry standard to hire external partners for some of this work.” She also pointed to “a nationwide short age of vehicles and equipment,” which she said has prompted the company to rely on subcontractors. “Our goal is to build fiber in Connecti cut and give people the fastest, most reli able service as quickly as possible. It is necessary to supplement the build with partners who have this expertise and equipment to build in order to meet the growing demand for our Fiber and to do so in the most efficient way possible.”

Finally, Murray denied that subcon tracted work means lower quality labor than union employees can provide: “Ev eryone working on our fiber build is held to the same high standards and we have processes in place to manage quality con trol – whether they are full time employ ees or contractors,” she concluded.

New Haven Independent

As Weidlich made clear, the workers’ complaints went beyond the implica tions of the PURA report and fiber place mentNikkijobs.F., who declined to give her last name, has worked in Frontier (and, previ

After 38 years working with the same company and 22 years serving on the ex ecutive board of the union which was founded in 1937 when members were working for The Southern New England Telephone Company Weidlich said the future of Frontier is looking down: “They don’t have a plan for attrition.”

NORA GRACE-FLOOD PHOTOS U.S. Sen. Blumenthal: 'Internet for all' not possible through shoddy installs.

ously, AT&T’s call center) for 18 years.

David Weidlich Jr., the president of Lo cal 1298, recalled on Thursday that when Frontier acquired AT&T’s Connecticut broadband services in 2014, the company “promised to grow the business and to growInstead,jobs.”Weidlich said, he watched as the number of union members shrank from 2,200 to 1,500 over the course of less than a decade.

For the fiber build roles, we have to use external partners to meet consumer de mand for this critical service. We’ve re cently tripled our referral bonus to recruit new techs in expansion markets like Con necticut to help our recruiting efforts.”

“Instead of digging sewers and public waterlines, Woodbridge has dug a zoning moat around itself and pulled up the draw bridge against multifamily housing,” said Constance Royster, a board member of Open Communities Alliance. Meanwhile, she said, “the state’s housing crisis and continued segregation grow more serious everyOneday.”plaintiff, 2 Orchard Road LLC, a limited liability corporation linked to Garden Homes Fund and Open Commu nities Trust, had purchased a Woodbridge lot at 2 Orchard Road to build a mixedincome, multi-unit development that is currently not permitted under the zon ingThomcode.Silverstein of the Lawyers’ Com mittee for Civil Rights Under Law said the nonprofit developers’ role in the lawsuit could have national ramifications. Profitdriven developers do not typically have re sources to try building affordable housing in areas with restrictive zoning laws, Sil verstein said, meaning that “exclusionary zoning” laws that limit affordable housing development often go unchallenged. This lawsuit could pave the way for nonprofit, mission-driven developers and organiza tions to reform zoning codes, he said. The town has not yet responded to the lawsuit, Boggs said. The Woodbridge Town Clerk’s office said the town would decline to comment for this story. The First Selectman’s office did not respond to a request for comment in time for publica tion.The housing organizations, along with New Haven Independent

A coalition of affordable housing advo cates filed suit in New Haven Tuesday against the town of Woodbridge over zon ing regulations that prevent multi-family housing in the vast majority of the town. The fair housing advocacy organization Open Communities Trust, the Stamfordbased affordable housing developer Gar den Homes Fund, an affiliate LLC of those organizations, and two Woodbridge residents are filing the lawsuit against the town. The plaintiffs are charging that the town’s restrictions against homes with more than two units violate the Connecticut Zoning Enabling Act, the Connecticut Fair Hous ing Act, and the state constitution. Woodbridge currently prevents multifami ly housing with three or more units in 98.4 percent of the town, according to the Open Communities Alliance (which is affiliated with the Open Communities Trust.) Woodbridge is “a town that for gen erations has zoned to exclude, time after time, year after year,” said Erin Boggs, the alliance’s executive director. At a press conference outside the state courthouse at 121 Elm St. on Tuesday morning, representatives of the organiza tions said their lawsuit could provide a model for advocates seeking to racially and socio-economically integrate towns across Connecticut and the country. The lawsuit escalates an ongoing fight that Open Communities Trust and Gar den Homes Fund have been waging for multi-family development in Woodbridge, a suburb adjacent to New Haven. Hous ing advocates have called for multi-family zoning in Woodbridge as a step toward racially integrating the overwhelmingly white town, and toward alleviating the se vere housing shortage in the state. Oppo nents, meanwhile, claimed that the town’s private water and sewage infrastructure would not be able to support more devel opment at a significant scale.

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - August 31, 2022 - September 13, 2022 3 Con’t on page 14 Non-profit 501 (C) (3) THE RIDGEFIELD PLAYHOUSE 203.438.5795 · RIDGEFIELDPLAYHOUSE.ORG AUG 13 | BBQ & FAMILY FEST @ 4PM & CONCERT @ 5:30PM LADYSMITH BLACK AUGUSTMAMBAZO17 The vocals and inspiration to Paul Simon’s classic Graceland album! THE WAR & TREATY AUGUST 23 Grammy & ACM Award duo with soul-filled harmonies of blues, classic R&B, and deep rooted rock. REZA EDGE OF ILLUSION SEPTEMBER 23 An electrifying magic show for the entire family! SCAN HERE FOR THE SEASONCOMPLETELINE-UP! OCTOBERCALEXICO22 Combining the gentle harmonies of Americana music with percussive Latin influences. BLIND BOYS OF ALABAMA WITH SPECIAL GUEST: CHARLIE MUSSELWHITE NOVEMBER 10 Gospel legends return! NOVEMBERSHIMABUKUROJAKE17 The Jimi Hendrix of the ‘ukulele! Advocates Sue Woodbridge Over Zoning Bonita Grubbs of Christian Community Action: Housing crisis in New Haven is deeply felt.


Veteran educators at the Wednesday celebration also included Mauro-Sheridan support staff member Sean Hardy and newly announced Hill Regional Career High School administrative assistant Jonathan Berryman, who previously taught at Barnard Environmental School for eightForyears.25years Hardy has been an educator with a particular focus on introducing his students to community leaders to better apply what they learn in the classroom to real life. He said the students inspire “a spirit and attitude of greatness” in him on a daily basis, and that’s what kept him motivated to continueBerrymanteaching.described teaching as his calling and as “a part of who I am.” He has taught music professionally for a total of 27 years. He intends for teaching to be a lifelong profession as a way for him to give back to the community he said. “Not doing it [teaching] wasn’t an option,” he Berrymanadded.said he remains inspired when his impact in the classroom is affirmed by his former students and parents, who at times visit to thank him personally.

“To the child who on their first day of kindergarten is a bit frightened and needs you to hold their hand, you matter,” he said. “To the child who did not eat breakfast at home and you served them a nutritious meal, you matter. To the child who just needed a break from learning and you were there to talk them through, you matter. To the high school student who was chronically absent last year and will have improved attendance this year, you certainly matter. To the grandparent who is raising their grand child and is not able to log into PowerSchool without your assistance, you matter.”

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - August 31, 2022 - September 13, 2022 4 John P. Thomas Publisher / CEO Babz Rawls

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Contributors At-Large Christine Stuart Paul Bass

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Keith Jackson Delores Alleyne John Thomas, III Editorial Team Staff Writers Christian Lewis/Current Affairs Anthony Scott/Sports Arlene Davis-Rudd/Politics


The celebration included an impromptu singing of a rendition of “I Don’t Feel No Ways Tired” as led by retired educator Marcella Monk Flake, who taught in the district for 37 years. Tracey and other school staff joined in the singing. “We’re fired up and ready to go,” Tracey saidU.S.afterwards.Rep.Rosa DeLauro thanked educators for their work while describing accessible education as “the great equalizer.” “I’ve long believed that our public schools, our teachers, our students have been struggling for far too long,” she said. “The richest country in the world, it’s unconscionable that we still have teachers forced to take money out of their own pockets to buy paper, pencils, even food for their students.” She promised to support efforts that will no longer leave school districts that are made up predominantly of students of color underserved. As chair of the federal Appropriations Committee, she said she also plans to fight to repeal the Social Security reduction law

New Haven Independent

National Association of Black Journalist National Newspapers Publishers Association Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce Greater New Haven Business & Professional Greater New England Minority Supplier Development Council, Inc.

Faculty choir performs at Wednesday convocation.


A city celebration of educators and school staff reminded Mauro-Sheridan Magnet School French teacher Phara Dorleans of the moments that have kept her in the profession for seven years and counting.At the top of that list: When her thenkindergarten student cried all weekend to her father, “I want to go to school to see mademoiselle. I miss her!” Dorleans shared that memory — and that reason for persevering as a city public school teacher — on Wednesday morning during a convocation ceremony that the New Haven Public Schools (NHPS) hosted at Woolsey Hall on College Street. She was one of several hundred city school teachers, administrators, support staff, paraprofessionals, and other NHPS employees to attend the welcome-back event, which took place less than a week before classes are set to start on Monday, Aug. 29. The Wednesday program hosted at Yale’s Woolsey Hall was geared toward celebrating all school staff on their first official day of work for the 2022 – 2023 school year. The district-hosted event had the theme “You Matter,” highlighting and giving thanks for school staff members’ resilience, dedication, and heroic impacts on students’Dozenslives.ofteachers kicked off their first day by riding on a yellow school bus to the WednesdayDorleans,event.who currently teaches sixththrough-eighth-grade French, offered a real life example in a conversation with the Independent after Wednesday’s ceremony of why teachers matter. She also explained why she remains inspired to keep teaching in the city’s public school nearly a decade in to her time on the job. She said she continues her work in the classroom because she loves giving students hope and inspiring them to make their own positive impacts on the world, she“Whensaid.

Tracey reminded educators to keep hope alive even “if the storms are crashing around you.” She left staff Wednesday with the quote from French poet and journalist Anatole France, who said: “Nine-tenths of education is encouragement.”

Event emcee Marquelle Middleton, who is NHPS’s director of school choice, gave shoutouts to all of the city’s public schools throughout the event, which was met with claps and cheers of pride from staff members in the crowd.


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Convocation, Teachers Matter

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I look at them, it keeps me from giving up,” she said, despite recalling the many challenging mornings she’s faced over the years with having a job that’s not “making me rich with money.” She added that she is dedicated to continuing to be an educator every year because “it means something to them when you come back no matter what.” When asked for a particular memory or moment in her time on the job that exemplifies why she has remained a NHPS school teacher, she recalled when she was a kindergarten teacher — and hearing from her student and her parents that the student was so eager to get back to class that she couldn’t wait for the weekend to end. The lineup of speakers at Wednesday’s event each touched on the idea that the teaching profession is an influential one. Speakers also stressed that New Haven educators and beyond deserve more support from the local, state, and federal levels to meet students where they’re at and to educate them academically, socially, andSuperintendentemotionally.

The morning was filled with speeches, a faculty choir performance and student dance number, and impromptu groupTraceysongs.gave thanks to her executive team and the thousands of NHPS staff that keep the city’s schools running daily. She underscored the toughness and adaptability of New Haven’s school staff throughout the Covid pandemic.

New Haven Federation of Teachers President Leslie Blatteau reminded leaders that New Haven must have hope coupled with action to bring change to the district.

Iline Tracey — who later on Wednesday afternoon announced her plans to retire at the end of the coming school year — called New Haven teachers “difference makers” during her time at the mic.

Penfield Communications Inc At NHPS

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THE INNER-CITY NEWS - August 31, 2022 - September 13, 2022 5

Lee Rubin, MD

“On behalf of the American people, I ex tend my heartfelt appreciation to you for your volunteer leadership, and I encourage you to continue to answer the call to serve.

“I never thought that I would be receiv ing a presidential lifetime achievement award at the age of 25,” said Daniel Hunt, who works as a community liaison with ConnCORP and was the youngest indi vidual to ever serve on a Hamden volun teerHuntcommission.toldtheIndependent that through his time leading neighborhood clean-ups and community policing walks through New Haven and Hamden, he always hears people tell him: “Keep doing this.


“Everyone in our city is deserving of compassion, respect, and receiving ser vices without stigma,” said Community Services Administrator Mehul Dalal. “If I’ve got a clean set of clothing, a shower… people are gonna respect me more. The personal pride and power I get from feeling clean is gonna give me more confidence,” said Mayor Justin Elicker. As the press conference came to a close, Brown approached the tables and vans that made up the One-Stop Pop Up. Shaunette James-Marquis, a city staffer in the Com munity Services Administration, signed him up for a haircut; he was third in line. His last haircut was a year ago, he said. He wanted Santiago to “shape it up, lighten it “Itup.”Makes You Want To Help Others” When he doesn’t have an indoor place to stay, Brown sleeps on the steps of a church on the Green. There, his personal belong ings vanish frequently when he wakes up. He said that someone had recently rifled through his bag and stolen his heart medi cation; as he waited for his turn to receive a haircut, he checked in with a doctor at the Community Health Care Van and called his pharmacy, hoping to receive a new bottle of pills. Brown has been on and off the streets for a few months, while intermittently checking into substance use treatment pro grams, he said. He feels unsafe sleeping outdoors. The other night, he said, he wit nessed the stabbing of an acquaintance in the middle of the night; the victim walked by the Pop Up on Tuesday, raising her shirt to reveal a deep scar.

The country is counting on you,” the presi dential message reads.

The Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award, also known as the “President’s Call To Service Award,” was established in 2003 by former President George W. Bush to honor community members dedicated to humanitarian volunteer work. HBIU Founder and President Dr. Dornett Mcin tosh told the New Haven Independent that the university was granted the right to dis tribute the accolade to their own nominees as of last year. Sunday marked the second gala held by HBIU to “honor great com munity leaders who have given their ser vice to improve the lives of others.

Don’t“Thisstop.”isjust the beginning of a lifetime of public service,” he said, quoting his pas tor. He said he hopes one day to serve as a representative on Hamden’s Legislative Council and to start a nonprofit geared towards youth violence prevention and youth employment.

Samod Rankins, Karl Jacobson, Regina Rush-Kittle, Apostle Thelma Brown, Pastor Steele, and Daniel Hunt. Haven Independent New Haven Independent

Velma George, center, with Elicker (left)and Dalal at Tuesday's presser. by LAURA GLESBY “I’m tired of being outside,” said Jazel Brown as he waited in line for a haircut. He’d had a stressful few weeks of miss ing medication, sleeping in hospital beds, and witnessing a violent attack near the downtown church steps where he typi cally sleeps. In the middle of a hard month, Brown stumbled across a glimmer of kindness in Erick Santiago’s weekly volunteer barbershop in the center of the New Ha ven Green where a “One-Stop Pop Up” provided him with a fresh cut, a place to charge his phone, a medical check-up, and the possible beginnings of a new friend ship.The “One-Stop Pop Up” emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic and now convenes three times per week at three different lo cations across the city. The event includes the Yale Community Health Care Van’s mobile primary care center, Liberty Com munity Services’ street outreach team, and, since March, a mobile shower van called Power In a Shower. City officials and non-profit leaders gathered on the Green on Tuesday for a press conference celebrating the pop up events’Santiago,evolution.whoworks at Pury’s Barbers at 87 Grand Ave., began volunteering haircuts at the pop ups in July. He’s since provided about 75 free haircuts and fa cialSantiagocleanups.has been a barber for 11 years.

LAURA GLESBY PHOTO Erick Santiago cuts Alberto Reyes' hair on the Green Tuesday.

President Joe Biden celebrated the crew of Hamdenites and New Haveners plus roughly 30 other honorees from across the country also selected by HBIU as recipi ents of the “President’s Lifetime Achieve ment Award” from afar with signed let ters noting each individual’s “4,000 hours of service to this great Nation.”

Local leaders primarily involved in public safety efforts were recognized as lifetime achievers in community service by a faithbased university and the nation’s presi dent.Hamden Human Services Commissioner Daniel Hunt, Hamden Fire Commissioners Garry Tinney and Samod Rankins, New Haven Chief of Police Karl Jacobson, New Haven Chief Administrative Officer Regi na Rush-Kittle, New Haven Pastor Kelcy Geonstae Lavar Steele ‚and State Rep. Juan Candelaria were ll honored by Heart Bible International University, a Chris tian-based, online school based out of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, during an awards cer emony at HBIU’s West Hartford satellite campus Sunday night.


Public Safety Leaders Given Lifetime Achievement Awards

HBIU also has campuses in Nigeria, Gha na, Kenya and England. Mcintosh said the university intends to work with recipients of the award, namely the New Haven po lice and fire departments, to support public safety endeavors abroad.


THE INNER-CITY NEWS - August 31, 2022 - September 13, 2022 6 Fades & Friendship Converge On Green

“I’m an artist,” he said. He said he es pecially loves seeing his clients’ smiles when they examine their new cuts in the mirror. “I like transformation.” Power In a Shower, meanwhile, has pro vided over 500 showers since the city first contracted with the organization in March using American Rescue Plan funding. Homeless Services Director Velma George, who coordinates the tri-weekly pop ups, praised Power In a Shower for treating clients with dignity, including by disinfecting showers in between uses. The organization provides clients with bags of t shirts, underwear, Bombas socks, and personal hygiene supplies such as soap.

While many of the recipients, like Karl Jacobson and Gary Tinney, have boasted long careers in New Haven’s public safety departments, a number of young people were also celebrated Sunday.

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - August 31, 2022 - September 13, 2022 7 H A L F M A R A T H O N | R E L A Y | 2 0 K | 5 K | K I D S F U N R U N New Haven kids run FREE in the Kids Fun Run courtesy of Town Fair Tire. USATF 20K National Championship Post-race party on the Green features live music, great food, East Rock Brewing beer, and the ACES Kids Fun Zone! S E P T E M B E R 5 | L A B O R D A Y FAXON LAW NEW HAVEN ROAD RACE

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - August 31, 2022 - September 13, 2022 8 New Haven Sways Frosh To Pick SCSU

Bertolino said the university’s enrollment numbers are up from the last few pandem ic-ridden years. Additionally he estimated that 25 percent of courses will be offered online, which is a significant increase from when he started six years ago. One of the key college missions for the new academic year is making this the year of “fresh starts” while continuing to main tain a focus on the school community’s physical and mental health, Bertolino said.

When choosing where to attend college this year, Norwalk native Duke Quermorl lue ultimately decided on Southern Con necticut State University (SCSU) in large part because of his new school’s home city. As Quermorllue put it on move-in day Thursday: “New Haven is the place to be!” Quermorllue was one of 700 new stu dents to move into SCSU’s campus Thurs dayOvermorning.thenext few days, a total of 2,000 students will be moving onto the SCSU campus on Wintergreen Avenue in Beaver Hills. The incoming freshman Class of 2026 has 1,200 students in total. Unlike some of his classmates, Quer morllue, 18, said he was not nervous about starting college. “I’m ecstatic, I can’t wait for the opportunities that college will bring,” he Quermorlluesaid. decided on SCSU because he wanted to remain close to home in Norwalk, but not too close. He’s looking forward to being able to visit his nieces and nephews, one of whom joined him during move in Thursday. “I hear New Haven is the place to be,” heQuermorlluesaid. said he has heard a lot about New Haven being a great small city and that attracted him to SCSU. He’s visited the city briefly in the past for basketball tournaments, but doesn’t know much other than that friends have told him “it always has something to do.” He said he looks forward to wandering off campus and around the city to learn more about what it has to Quermorllueoffer.isconsidering majors like education, STEM, and sports science, but hasn’t decided yet. While unloading a gamer chair from the car and into a transportation bin to head up to his fourth-floor dorm, Quermorllue and his family met SCSU President Joe Berto lino.“Now, I hope this isn’t just a gaming chair and will be a desk chair to study with, too,” BertolinoDestinyjoked.Rowland, 17, moved into her third-floor dorm room Thursday morning with the help of her parents and cousins. With some hangers and an unassembled storage cart in hand, Rowland described being nervous to begin her college career. Originally from Windsor, Rowland said SCSU will be a comfortable start to col lege for her. “I wanted to stay in state for my first year,” she said. Rowland will pursue a health science degree in hopes of later going to den tal school. After unloading her parents’ car full of her belongings, Rowland made plans to spend the rest of her day assembling her dorm room and waiting on her roommate to move in. She described the feeling of moving in Thursday as nerve-wracking and exciting for one main reason, “It’s like I want to meet people but I also don’t because I’m nervous,” she said.

Thomas chose SCSU because of its di versity. She heard from friends and family that it has several Black clubs and sorori ties she hopes to get involved with.

“This year is about getting people to get that feeling of coming home,” Berto linoSCSU’ssaid. classes will begin Monday, Aug.Current29. seniors Veenita Gouinden, Raya Munoz, and Sophmore Nicole Smith made up one team of many volunteers helping students to move into Chase Hall Thurs day.

Quermorllue holds nephew alongside parents and Bertolino.

The trio are peer mentors and will be helping first-year students transition and get involved around SCSU.

Thomas will pursue a finance major. She said she is most looking forward to the independence of college and the opportu nity to expand her hair business.

President Joe: Mental Health A Priority SCSU President Bertolino joined the hun dreds of student volunteers that helped to move students into their on-campus resi dences like Hickerson and Chase Halls.

Hundreds of cars filed into the SCSU Chase and Hickerson Halls entrance on Wintergreen Avenue to unload their cars into grey transportation bins to be brought up to the students’ dorms and unloaded. Students were joined by family and friends to help organize their new homes for the school year set to begin Monday. Volunteers greeted them with smiles and a “Welcome Home.” Autumn Thomas, 18, from Bloomfield moved into Chase Hall Thursday with two cars’ full of her belongings with the help of her parents and siblings.

“My first year I had an awesome peer men tor and that’s why I ended up getting in volved,” Gouinden said.

New Haven Independent

Student-athletes help students move in Thursday. Veenita Gouinden, Raya Munoz, and Nicole Smith.

Bertolino said the university will encour age all students to exercise personal re sponsibility to remain healthy and keep the community safe. As students moved in Thursday, Bertolino described the students’ energy and good vibes as palpable. Due to the “emotionally draining” past few years, Bertolino said the university will also continue to offer its ramped up mental health resources of student coun seling and guidance supports to help stu dentsNextacclimate.weeknew students will have the chance to participate in SCSU’s W.O.W. Week (Week of Welcome) which will in volve Bertolino serving students ice cream in a Mister Softee truck.

First year student Jasmine Uvicchio, 17, also moved in Thursday with excitement Enfield, Uvicchio chose to attend SCSU because she was offered a swim scholarship and because of its so cial awareness, she said. Making her most nervous were worries about not being able to find her classes. Attending SCSU’s alumni weekend last year helped Uvicchio to make the decision that SCSU was the place for her. “I love the inclusion,” she said. “I knew I’d be in cludedUponhere.”enrollment, Uvicchio said the university’s safety prevention focus con firmed she had made the right choice. Spe cifically Uvicchio said she was impressed with the sexual violence prevention course the college requires new students to take. “I’ve never seen a school care about that so heavily,” she said. Uvicchio will pursue elementary education to become a teacher in the future.


The trio hope to inspire the new students to get involved in peer mentorship and other extracurriculars in the future.

“I wanna be well known,” she said. Before deciding on SCSU, Thomas was considering attending a college in Georgia because of her familiarity with visiting her grandmother who lives in Georgia for sev eral months every year.

“This new class has spent a significant amount of time locked in and behind screens,” Bertolino said. “This is a fresh start for them to step outside and see the worldThisagain.”yearSCSU has no vaccination or mask mandates in place for its students.

Você pode solicitar uma cópia deste documento, ligando para a Linha de Assistência em Outros Idiomas do Departamento de Transporte de Connecticut (Connecticut Department of Transportation) pelo número (860) 594-2109. Assistência em outros idiomas é disponibilizada gratuitamente ao público. Esforços estão sendo realizados para que os pedidos de ajuda sejam atendidos o mais prontamente possível. Mund të kërkoni një kopje të këtij studimi duke kontaktuar Linjën Telefonike për Asistencën Gjuhësore të Departamentit të Transportit të Konektikatit (860) 594-2109. Asistenca gjuhësore ofrohet falas

Elm City Communities President Karen DuBois-Walton (second from left) with state NAACP President Scot X. Esdaile (second from right) outside housing authority headquarters on Orange St.


Connecticut DOT has launched the New Mix program to assess the current state of the interchange and plan for its long-term future. Learn more about the project and make your voice heard at the next public meeting. Attend virtually, September 15th at 12PM or 6PM. Register at

Housing Authority, NAACP Partner On Campaign

The city’s public housing authority has teamed up with the state NAACP on a nationwide effort to help formerly incarcerated people get jobs. Elm City Communities/Housing Authority of New Haven made that announcement Thursday in an email press release. The press release states that the city’s housing authority has signed an agreement with the Connecticut NAACP on its One Million Jobs Campaign (OMJC).

— Elm City Communities/Housing Authority of the City of New Haven (ECC/HANH) today announced its partnership with the Connecticut NAACP on its One Million Jobs Campaign (OMJC), to strengthen equity and the economic status of formerly incarcerated community members. This partnership aims to assist in creating a pipeline of attainable jobs available through ECC/HANH and for ECC/ HANH residents and provide communitybased wrap-around services to assist in workforce development and retention for formerly incarcerated members of New Haven. In signing this agreement, ECC/ HANH became the first public housing authority in the country to become a partner“Foragency.decades, barriers to reentry have left our formerly incarcerated family members, friends, and neighbors behind,” said Karen DuBois-Walton, President of Elm City Communities. “This partnership provides an opportunity to address the continuing impacts of mass incarceration by focusing on the wellbeing and growth of our returning community members.”

Ellington Jazz Series The DIVA Jazz Orchestra Sep 16 | 7:30 p.m. | Morse Recital Hall A performance by the all-female ensemble The Washington Post says makes music with the “vigor and complexity of the big-time big bands.” Tickets from $23, Students $10 | New Haven Independent

“The One Million Jobs Campaign welcomes the partnership with Elm City Communities which will help create meaningful opportunities and a pathway to success through job placement and training for individuals impacted by the criminal justice system,” said Scot X. Esdaile, President of the Connecticut State Conference NAACP and national board member.

OMJC is currently partnered with healthcare, advanced manufacturers, and retailers to set aside over 10,000 jobs for formerly incarcerated individuals across the state of Connecticut over the next 3 – 5 years. Additional OMJC partners include Yale New Haven Health, Gateway Community College, and Project M.O.R.E..

“Elm City Communities is proud to become the first public housing authority in the US to sign on to the One Million Jobs Campaign,” said DuBois-Walton. “It is our hope that other housing authorities and employers will follow suit so we can strengthen the economic well-being of our community members that need it most.”


The OMJC will work with employers to secure commitments to offer jobs for returning citizens that are enrolled in OMJC and identified as job ready. Employer partners will also provide feedback to the OMJC on referred participants.

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - August 31, 2022 - September 13, 2022 9

ECC/HANH has a longstanding commitment to serving families equitably and has established programs and protocols to assist families with reentry. We were among the first housing authorities in CT to rewrite our admission criteria and offer housing opportunities to our returning residents. We have set aside housing units and vouchers specifically to assist returning residents. This partnership is the next step in ECC/HANH’s commitment to serving the reentry population holistically by providing employment opportunities.

“The OMJC will work with employers to secure commitments to offer jobs for returning citizens that are enrolled in OMJC and identified as job ready,” that press release reads. “Employer partners will also provide feedback to the OMJC on referred participants.” The email press release also states that OMJC is currently partnered with “healthcare, advanced manufacturers, and retailers to set aside over 10,000 jobs for formerly incarcerated individuals across the state of Connecticut over the next 3 – 5 years. Additional OMJC partners include Yale New Haven Health, Gateway Community College, and Project CT (August 25, 2022)

për publikun dhe do të bëhen përpjekje për t’iu përgjigjur në kohë kërkesave për Pouasistencë.mandeyon kopi sondaj sa a, rele Liy Apèl Asistans Lang Depatman Transpò Connecticut la nan (860) 594-210. Nou ofri èd ak tradiksyon gratis pou piblik la epi n ap fè efò pou reponn moun ki mande èd a tan yo. يمكنك طلب نسخة من هذا الاستطلاع عن طريق الاتصال بخط اتصال المساعدة اللغوية بوزارة النقل بولاية كونيتيكت على الرقم ‎(860) 594-2109. يتم تقديم المساعدة اللغوية للجمهور مجانًا، وستُبذل الجهود للاستجابة لطلبات المساعدة في الوقت المناسب.



“At a time when our nation is facing re newed challenges to our democracy, it was very timely to reassert the importance of the right to vote, the Black Press of Amer ica, and the need to continue the fight for freedom, justice, equality, and equity,” Dr. Chavis continued.

President Joe Biden Honors Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr. and Others with Lifetime Achievement Award

“On behalf of the NNPA and the Thur good Marshall Center Trust, as well as on behalf of all my fellow Civil Rights Movement comrades who were present at the President Joe Biden 2022 Lifetime Achievement Awards on the campus of the historic Morehouse College in Atlanta, I express my profound gratitude to Presi dent Biden and Vice President Harris,” Dr. Chavis remarked.

The pair shared advice on how to balance a desire to stay out of fights with a need to protect themselves on the streets, to not seem “weak” enough to make themselves a target.Fusco hadn’t felt safe in the tent city, he said, and he echoed Brown’s message that “it’s not safe here on the Green.”

“I think I speak for the entire city of LA when I say that we’ve known Nip was des tined for greatness,” said Lauren London, Hussle’s longtime girlfriend who spoke at the ceremony. “This moment only am plifies that for us. Nip would have been honored by this moment. I think he would want everyone to remember that you can’t get to what’s possible unless you commit to moving forward. It doesn’t mean forget ting where you come from, but it requires acknowledging the reality you were born into and the power you have to change that reality for the better.” Los Angeles City Councilmember Mar queece Harris-Dawson declared Aug. 15, Nipsey Hussle Day in Los Angeles. “Today, on his born day, we finally got him a star on the walk of fame. Rest in Paradise Nip” Assemblymember Isaac Bryan (D-Los Angeles) a guest in atten dance at the 30-minute ceremony posted onBornTwitter.Airmiess

National Newspaper Publishers Asso ciation (NNPA) President and CEO Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr. has received the President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Lifetime Achievement Award for Community Ser vice and Civil Rights.

Joseph Asghedom, Hussle was a Los Angeles native who rose to fame in the mid-2000s. After gaining no toriety locally following the release of a string of mixtapes, his gritty sound and inspirational spirit captivated listeners’ imaginations. He became more famous as he sold physical copies of his mixtapes for $100 each, an unheard-of strategy given the music was available digitally for free. This declaration of self-worth caught the attention of his fans and the music indus try at large. Jay-Z famously bought 100 copies of the mixtape in a show of respect andHussle’ssupport.crowning musical achievement was the release of his 2018 album ‘Vic tory Lap’. The effort received a Best Rap Album Grammy nomination in 2019. In 2020, at the 62nd Grammy Awards, he posthumously earned three more nomi nations and took home two wins for Best Rap Performance and Best Rap/Sung Per formance.Hisimpact on the community grew with the opening of his Marathon clothing store in the heart of the Crenshaw commercial district. The store gave customers access to exclusive music along with the cloth ing. Hussle would go on to buy the entire shopping mall that surrounded the Mara thon clothing store, in which he invested in STEM technology workspaces and housed other local entrepreneurs.

Tinsley said he feels the sadness follow ing the senseless murder of Hussle still lingers amongst his supporters but that the joy, pride and motivation he brought to many cannot be forgotten. “Losing Nipsey in the physical sense will never truly make sense. It’s something God — or whomever you pray to — can truly answer. But it’s such a blessing that we were all given the time to be impacted by him whether up close and personal or from afar. And through all the pain that’s still there — and will always be there — that’s how we got to look at it. Grief is a very real emotion. But it shouldn’t be the only one when we talk about Nipsey Hussle.”Theconcept of “The Marathon” was a staple in Hussle’s music. Persevering through obstacles to reach your goal and enduring the pain that inevitably comes when striving for greatness. At the con clusion of London’s Walk of Fame induc tion speech, she referenced this concept and left a message for everyone visiting Hussle’s“’re in the City of Angels and you see this star, I hope it encourages you to break away from whatever might be holding you back and for you to run your marathon until God says that it is finished.”Thepost Nipsey Hussle’s Legacy Hon ored by Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame first appeared on Post News Group. This article originally appeared in Post News Group.

He is the 11th rapper to have a Walk of Fame Hussle’, family and friends from the industry attended the ceremony.

“This is to make me stronger,” he said as Santiago reached for the scissors.

The One-Stop Pop Up meets at the follow ing times and locations:

On March 21, 2019, Hussle was killed outside of his Marathon store by Eric Holder who last month was found guilty of first-degree murder. Following his death, there was an outpouring of tributes. People in his community, across Califor nia and around the country, honored his life with murals, vigils and other remem brances, reflecting the impact Hussle had on California and the hip hop community worldwide.Whilethe Marathon store has closed, the location remains a memorial to Hussle where fans pay daily tribute to his memo ry. There are plans to open a second store on Melrose Avenue. However, no date has been set for its opening. Writer and sports media personality Justin Tinsley narrated an ESPN 30 for 30 special about Hussle and his close relationship with athletes and the sports world, particularly LA Sports. “That star on the Walk of Fame is sym bolic of so much,” said Tinsley. “Nipsey is one of those people who will always be remembered — yes, as an incredible rap per — but even more than that, he was a man who had a vision for himself and his people. He put that into action and the result of which will keep his name alive for generations of Black folk. That’s so beautiful and it’s inspiring that he cared so much to do everything he did. But that star is also symbolic of everything we lost with him too. Everything he was yet to think of. Everything he was supposed to do and accomplish.”

•p.m.Outside Fair Haven Library at 182 Grand Ave. on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 12

A final ceremony is scheduled for Sep tember 10 at the Thurgood Marshall Cen ter Trust in Washington, D.C.

Among the many notable recipients were Dr. Otis Moss Jr., Rev. Dr. Lawrence E. Carter Sr., Dr. Anne Winbush Watts, Dr. Clarissa Myrick-Harris and Thurgood Marshall Center Trust Inc. President Thomasina W. Yearwood.

• On the New Haven Green (with barber services) on Tuesdays from 8 a.m. to 2:30

Nipsey Hussle’s Legacy Honored by Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame

An outreach worker informed Brown that he could join the tent city by Ella T. Grasso Boulevard, where he might be able to find more privacy as he slept. Brown sounded hopeful as he shared the news with a friend of his. Meanwhile, a gradient began to form on the back of Alberto Reyes’ head as San tiago trimmed and shaved. The request that Santiago receives most often, he said, is for a fade cut. That’s what Reyes asked for. Reyes couldn’t recall the last time he’d received a haircut. At over 50 years old, he’d only recently stopped shaving his head bald, eager to “show my age” in grayReyesstrands.left pleased with the “excel lent” and “beautiful” results. A resident at a Columbus House shelter, Reyes said he would spread the word about the One-Stop Pop Up event. The resources he found on Tuesday were “inspiring,” Reyes said. “It makes you want to help others.” Soon, Brown returned to a bench by San tiago’s station, where Will Fusco was also waiting for a cut.

By Stacy M. Brown, NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent

“We have a very impressive list of hon orees who are making a meaningful differ ence in their communities, and this venue is so fitting for such a prestigious event,” KeeAheadstated.of the 2022 midterms, Dr. Chavis said it’s important to register new voters. The NNPA and the Transformative Justice Coalition are in the middle of a campaign to register 10 million more Black voters. “We’ve got work to do,” Dr. Chavis de clared. “I thank President Biden for the Lifetime Achievement Award for Community Ser vice and Civil Rights. Equality, equity, and justice are on the ballot.”

Soon, Santiago called Fusco up to the bar ber’s seat, draping a red sheet over Fus co’s shoulders. Fusco asked for “a fade, but not too high.”

“We are eternally grateful to all venues for hosting the awards program this year,” said Dr. Beverly Kee, Executive Director of Premiere Coalition Partners Associa tion, LLC., a Maryland-based certifying organization for the Presidential Volunteer Service Award Program.

They also exchanged dreams of escap ing homelessness soon. Both said they’ve connected with case workers to try and findFuscohousing.said he hopes to have a family with kids. “I don’t want to be rich,” he said. He just wants a “regular job.” Brown murmured his assent.

•p.m.Outside Oasis Hill S.D.A. Church at 189 Union Ave. on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - August 31, 2022 - September 13, 2022 10

Edward Henderson | California Black Media

On Aug. 15 on what would have been his 37th birthday, the late Grammy-nominat ed rapper, entrepreneur and philanthropist Nipsey Hussle was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Fades & Friendship Converge Con’t from pagr 06

“We are committed to achieving #10Mil lionMoreBlackVoters.”

He advised Brown to go to the Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen’s Drop-In Center at 266 State St. to inquire about a tent.

In addition to honoring the work of Dr. Chavis, the awards recognized the Atlanta Student Movement, civil rights leaders, and others who have shaped American history.Over80 individuals are receiving awards from President Biden this year at ceremo nies held at North Carolina Central Uni versity in Durham, the Elks Lodge in Del ray Beach, Fla., and Morehouse College.

Fusco swiftly told Brown that he’d re cently left the tent city on the Boulevard after someone stole all of his belongings there. For the past month, he’s been sleep ing on a bench on the Green. “This is all I own,” he said, gesturing toward a small bag.Fusco informed Brown that he hadn’t been able to receive a tent for free when he first joined the tent city; he said he spent about $200 on the tent before it got stolen.

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the pro bono attorneys and Yale Law School students who are representing them, previously appealed to town of ficials to expand affordable housing op tions. They sought to amend the town’s zoning ordinance to allow multi-family housing throughout the town and to re quire that a portion of new housing units be reserved for low-income tenants. They also sought to name creating more multifamily affordable housing as a specific goal within Woodbridge’s Plan of Conser vation and Development. Their efforts launched a series of heated public hearings. Some town residents blasted the housing organizations and Yale attorneys for trying to change the “charac ter” of their town. Don’t be “bullied by these elitist indi viduals and fall into this bigoted trap,” said one such resident at a hearing, Dan iel Cowan of Wedgewood Drive, who criticized the “group of elitists from a nearby university” for looking to meddle in Woodbridge’s business. Another, Ray mond Bershtein, warned that the attorneys and students are looking to “blow up our zoning regulations with allegations of rac ism and all sorts of nasty things in a town that is pretty progressive.”

The Town Planning and Zoning Com mission ultimately voted to adopt more moderate zoning changes, allowing ac cessory dwelling units and permitting multi-family housing developments only in parts of town with public water infra structure and only if they secure special exceptions from the commission. At Tuesday’s press conference, Boggs criticized this zoning change as insuffi cient. “Instead of engaging in a serious ef fort to equitably rezone, the town amended our proposal in a way that makes a mock ery of our state’s zoning requirements and civil rights obligations,” she said. Bonita Grubbs, the director of the home less services organization Christian Com munity Action, spoke to a dire need for affordable housing in New Haven and sur rounding towns. “CCA struggles to find housing for clients, for families,” Grubbs said. “Even when they do find housing, they are often forced to accept degrading conditions.”OneNewHaven resident who identified herself as Melissa arrived at Tuesday’s announcement to learn more about the lawsuit. She argued afterwards that “New Haven can be doing a lot more,” that many residents of the city can no longer afford to live here. While affordable housing availability in Woodbridge might affect New Haven, Melissa said, “if the residents are in New Haven, why would they want to go somewhere else?“ Silverstein expressed hope that lawsuits like the one filed Monday could spur af fordable housing development not only racially homogeneous towns, but racially homogeneous neighborhoods within a particular municipality.

Con’t from pagr 06 Zoning

“While I’m watching this amazing vi sion, he said: ‘They don’t know who they are. I need you to show them. There’s people walking around, and they have no idea of the gifts I gave them,’” said Evans. “It was one of those things where it’s like there’s adults who still don’t even know the talents that were already given to them forEvansfree.” thought that although everyone is born with natural talents and abilities, they may never realize them if someone doesn’t come along to encourage their ex ploration.Afterthe vision, Evans was sleepless try ing to figure out what she could create to help youth discover and nurture their gifts.

By Megan Sayles, AFRO Business Writer, Report for America Corps Member, Spe cial to The Inner-City News

Antwan Hughes Jr., a 16-year-old Afri can American teen from Winston Salem, North Carolina, now holds the title of the fastest 16-year-old in the United States after setting a new national record during the AAU Junior Olympics. Antwan finished the 100-meter dash in just 10.48 seconds, beating second-place finisher Jerrae Hawkins by .02 seconds. “I went into the race knowing I was going to win because I set that goal that I was going to win,” Hughes told 11Alive. “When I got to the line, I just kept the same momentum I had, telling myself I was going to win. When I got out the dude was beside me, but then the last 20 I pulled away and won the race.”

Antwan’s recent achievement came after a setback as he couldn’t perform during his previous track season due to injury. But with the help of his father Antwan Hughes Sr., who is also his coach, he re lentlessly worked towards his recovery. He kept his rigorous workouts and high protein intake to get back in shape and exceed his goals.

In 2016, Kidsplosion Nation came to Ghana, and most recently, it expanded to Uganda and Dubai. According to Evans, most youth in Mid dle Eastern and African countries do not have access to quality public education. Many do not make it to middle school or highWithschool.the help of donors and funding, Kidsplosion Nation is striving to mitigate this ongoing plight.

The organization offers four programs: a nine-week summer camp, an after-school program, weekend care and holiday care, and it recruits community volunteers to come in to exhibit their personal passions, whether chess, ventriloquy, magic or vet erinary sciences, for children to learn what they’re interested in. Youth can then choose what they want to pursue and develop. At the end of each program, the children showcase what they’ve learned with raps, songs, dances, art shows and more to their parents and lovedWhileones.Kidsplosion Nation started in Georgia, it has since broadened its pres ence overseas. The organization uses money from its for-profit arm, Kidsplo sion Entertainment, to fund programs and events for children living in poverty.

“It’s very very important that they’re able to get educated and then obviously, utilize their own talents because especially in areas like that, all they have is their tal ents,” said Evans. “They might not have education, so we have to make sure that we capitalize on those skills so that they can make a living for themselves.”


Antwan, who is currently a student at Parkland High School, says that his next goal is to go to D1 in college and then go“Mypro.plan is to go to D1 in college and go pro that’s my plan and always been my goal, that’s what I am planning to do,” he said.

In 2010, Evans founded Kidsplosion Na tion, a nonprofit organization that helps children discover, develop and display their“Outsidetalents.of school, kids don’t really have a place to fully express themselves, and even at school, their school has another agenda, which is an important one,” said Evans. “This now gives them that outlet where they have all of the different op portunities to really display and showcase what it is that’s inside them.”

17-Year-Old Teen From DC Becomes One of the Youngest Black Pilots in the U.S.

By Nationwide — Christopher Ballinger, a 17-year-old student from Washing ton, DC, is making history as one of the youngest Black pilots in the US after re cently earning his pilot’s license. Christopher has always loved flying and going to different new places.

Kidsplosion Nation helps youth discover and develop their natural gifts and abilities

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - August 31, 2022 - September 13, 2022 12

“I have had this interest for a while,” Christopher told ABC7. “This was some thing that was calling for me.” So when an opportunity to join the Air Force Junior ROTC Flight Academy Pro gram, he took it even though it was chal lenging. He was indeed selected as one of the hundreds out of the thousands to be to able participate in the 8-week program. During the program, he had to wake up at around 5 a.m. every day and take writ ten and flying tests. Overall, he flew for a total of 55 hours. He completed his ride exactly on the day he turned 17 years old, which is the minimum age to earn a pri vate pilot license. “I feel relieved that I actually did it,” he said.As a licensed pilot, Christopher, who is currently a senior student at Sidwell Friends School in Washington, DC, now aims to eventually join the Air Force Academy. He dreams of flying military planesMoreover,someday.Christopher hopes he could inspire young ones like him to achieve their goals even though it gets hard some times.“Look for any and all opportunities if one shows up take it because I promise you it will be worth it. Even if it doesn’t feel like it in the long run or maybe right after, you will see some results,” he said.

When Carlena Evans was a young girl, she would often ask God what she was supposed to do with her life, and in time, he gave her an answer. Evans’ dive into entrepreneurship emerged from what she called a “two-fin ger tap from God.” At 4 a.m. one morning, she envisioned a world where children were displaying their talents. They were dancing, singing, rapping and even performing acrobatics.

Black Teen From North Carolina Becomes Fastest 16-Year-Old in the Country

By Ben Jealous

Ben Jealous serves as president of People for the American Way and Professor of Practice in the Africana Studies Department at the University of Pennsylvania where he teaches leadership. The post COMMENTARY: Redistricting is Voter Suppression Too first appeared on Post News Group. This article originally appeared in Post News Group.

When Charles Diggs, Jr. won election to Congress in Michigan’s 13th District in 1954, he launched nearly seven decades in which the city of Detroit had at least one Black member of Congress. That’s likely to change this year. Because of redistricting, Detroit no longer has majority-Black congressional districts. And in the first primary election with newly drawn district lines, a Black candidate did not win the Democratic contest in the heavily Democratic 13th. That means the city is likely to lack Black representation in Congress for the first time in decades. Redistricting is robbing Black candidates and voters of years of hard fought for opportunities. In Detroit, new districts merged Black areas of the city with white neighborhoods across 8 Mile Road. The city stands to lose Black representation in Congress and have less representation in the state legislature. Knowing what the impact could be, voters have spoken out forcefully against the new redistricting maps from pulpits to street corners to the state capitol and even before the state courts.Sadly, Michigan is not alone. The New York Times reported in August that this year, “judges in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Ohio have found that Republican legislators illegally drew those states’ congressional maps along racial or partisan lines, or that a trial very likely would conclude that they did.” But elections are moving forward anyway. We’ve all heard about the restrictive voter suppression laws that far-right state legislatures are passing. We’ve heard about the crackdowns on voting hours and mail-in voting, and even on giving food and water to voters in long lines. But we don’t hear enough about redistricting as another weapon being used to intimidate voters and keep us from exercising our constitutional rights. It is erasing us from Congress and state legislatures. We need to call it out and challenge it where we see it. Calling out and challenging means organizing, litigating, and legislating. It means supporting national and local organizations that unite communities against racist gerrymandering and seek justice in the courts. They might not win every case, but advocacy and activism are essential to righting this wrong. We must also keep voting, running for office, and educating. My organization, People For the American Way, houses an African American Religious Affairs network that has reaffirmed for more than a decade that “every election matters and every vote counts” — and that includes primaries. For Black ministers in our network, voting and civic participation are acts of faith and so much more. As Reverend Dr. Steve Bland, Jr., pastor of Liberty Temple Baptist Church in Detroit said, “It’s not about left or right. Splitting Detroit into two districts was an insult. But we have faith and must “deal with our self-interest by voting in every election!”

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - August 31, 2022 - September 13, 2022 13 2132 Middlebury Road, Middlebury CT 1 TWO PARKS, ONE GREAT PRICE! All Day Passes Start At Only $29.99 COMMENTARY: Redistricting is Voter Suppression Too

I know that a lot of media coverage of this summer’s primaries has focused on one big question: will Trump-style, MAGA candidates win or lose? But there’s another question that needs to be asked: how harmful are the impacts of redistricting on our communities in this year’s elections and those to come? The current reality dictates that we do not sit out any election. We need to resolutely register, educate, motivate and turn out voters. In every election. Every time.

by Karen Heslop,

Going to college out-of-state can be just as terrifying as it is exciting. You’ll have the opportunity to meet new people and enjoy a whole new environment, but you’ll also need to re-establish a routine. However, there are a few things you can do to make the most of studying in a new state.

5. Prepare For The Emotional Challenges

Regardless of how well you plan, the emotional transition to a completely new environment can take its toll. Once you’re on campus, it’s good to get in contact with the guidance counselor for support. It can also help to start establishing connections with people in your class or dorm. If it’s possible, communicate with your roommate before move-in day. Doing that can take some of the pressure off so you’re not meeting a complete stranger.

Beyoncé, the first Black woman in the festival’s 19-year history to be its headline performer, referenced HBCUs throughout her performance that incorporated a 100-piece all-Black marching band and song“, with its homage to excellence in education, was a celebration of the homecoming weekend experience, the highest display of college pride,” according to a news release.

Meanwhile, the “About Love” Scholarship is distributed among students who pursue the arts and creative fields at Lincoln University in Pennsylvania; Norfolk State University in Virginia; Bennett College in North Carolina; the University of Arkansas Pine Bluff, and Central State University in Ohio. The power couple have had a long history of helping students with The Shawn Carter Foundation spearheading college tours to historically Black colleges and universities and providing scholarships to college bound students throughout the country.Through her BeyGOOD initiative, Beyoncé created the Formation Scholars Award, a merit program to help female students start or further their college education, and this year they announced the Homecoming Scholars Award, a second merit program, opened to qualified students, regardless of gender, to enter or continue their studies at one of eight HBCUs.Jordan Davis decided to apply for the BeyGood scholarship but said doubted he would receive the award.

By Stacy M. Brown, NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent

“The energy-filled production put the spotlight on art and culture, mixing the ancient and the modern, which resonated masterfully through the marching band, performance art, choir, and dance. It was the impetus to mark her second scholarship program.”

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - August 31, 2022 - September 13, 2022 14 5

About a month later though, the Plano, Texas, native learned he was one of the eight finalists who had won the inaugural scholarship sponsored by Beyoncé and Google.“Iwas so ecstatic,” Davis told the Houston Chronicle. “It was a dream come true. It almost felt like Beyoncé had chosen me.”Homecoming Scholars was inspired by Beyoncé’s performance at the 2018 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival.

Living in a new state can come with additional costs that you didn’t have to deal with while living at home. Apart from your tuition, books, and stationery, consider the costs associated with where you’re going to live. This includes buying food, travel costs, and healthcare costs. You’ll also need to do some research into how the cost of living differs in your new state as some areas are a lot more expensive than others. If you’re not familiar with making a budget, it’s a good time to draw on your loved ones’ experiences.

1. Make A Realistic Budget

Essential Tips For Going To College Out-Of-State

4. Create Your Routine

Twitter and other social media users are again gushing over the impact Beyoncé and her husband Jay Z’s commitment to students in select high schools and historically Black colleges and universities.

Two years ago, they announced a new scholarship program that will award 10 scholarships worth $100,000 each to “exceptional” high school seniors who demonstrate financial needs.

The duo said the award will serve as a dedicated university-based fund for each selected student throughout the duration of the student’s enrollment. In 2021, Beyoncé’s “BeyGOOD Initiative” and Jay Z’s “The Shawn Carter Foundation,” partnered with Tiffany & Co. to donate $2 million to HBCUs. As a new school semester dawns, fans and others are anticipating another major power move by the couple.

It might seem simple but there are a lot of factors to consider when planning your college wardrobe. You’ll need to think about the weather in your new state and how it might change. If you’re likely to do certain activities like swimming, then swimwear will be essential. You should also consider how and how often you’ll be able to do your laundry. Since this can be determined by your budget as well, make sure to add it to your financialFinally,obligations.certainitems will be necessary depending on your course of study. For example, people in the sciences may need lab coats and sturdy clothing for excursions.

It’s likely that you would have visited the campus before. However, before you start school, it’s important to know even more details about your new home. Where are you going to live? Where are you going to eat and shop for food? Will everything you need be on campus or will you have to travel regularly? What’s the best route to your classes? Is there a branch of your bank in the state? Will you need to find a new doctor immediately? The answers to these questions can also affect your budget so make notes as you go along.

Jay Z and Beyoncé Continue Adding to Their Legacy of Giving Back

Popular music’s most powerful couple continue to make power moves. And, even when their good deeds are a year old, the significance never fades.

Great Ways To Keep In Touch With Loved OnesThe good news is that there are multiple ways to stay in contact with your loved ones while you’re away. Group chats are a great way to stay up to date with what’s going on with friends and family members. When you have something to share or you need someone to talk to, video calls can take the place of an in-person conversation.It’salso a good idea to plan family activities like virtual movie nights, game nights, and dinners. You don’t have to depend on virtual interactions either. As you explore your new home state, sending pictures and postcards via mail is a wonderful way to give loved ones physical keepsakes to hold on to. It’s an exciting time for you, but there are also a few areas you need to take care of to make sure things go smoothly. Remember that you don’t need to do this on your own, either. When you get your loved ones involved, you can build long-lasting memories as well.

A key part of getting comfortable at your new college is establishing a new routine. While getting used to your schedule, you can also check out the various activities that are available on campus. It’s likely that you’ll find different educational or socialSomeclubs.colleges might have programs specifically for students who are from out-ofstate. These programs are designed to help you get used to the new environment and might even include trips to interesting places nearby.

2. Get To Know Your New Location

3. Plan Your Wardrobe

Union Company seeks: Tractor Trailer Driver for Heavy & Highway Construction Equipment. Must have a CDL License, clean driving record, capable of operating heavy equipment; be willing to travel throughout the Northeast & NY. We offer excellent hourly rate & excellent benefits


Women & Minority Applicants are encouraged to apply Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer

Contact: Rick Tousignant Phone: 860- 243-2300 Email:


State of Connecticut Office of Policy and Management


Contact: Tom Dunay Phone: 860- 243-2300 Email:

a Reasonable Accommodation to participate in the hearing may

The State of Connecticut, Office of Policy and Management is recruiting for a Labor Relations Specialist.

Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/V Drug Free Workforce


HOME INC, en nombre de la Columbus House y de la New Haven Housing Authority, está aceptando pre-solicitudes para estudios y apartamentos de un dormitorio en este desarrollo ubicado en la calle 109 Frank Street, New Haven. Se aplican limitaciones de ingresos máximos. Las pre-solicitudes estarán disponibles 09 a.m.-5 p.m. comenzando Martes 25 julio, 2016 hasta cuando se han recibido suficientes pre-solicitudes (aproximadamente 100) en las oficinas de HOME INC. Las pre-solicitudes serán enviadas por correo a petición llamando a HOME INC al 203-562-4663 durante esas horas.Pre-solicitudes deberán remitirse a las oficinas de HOME INC en 171 Orange Street, tercer piso, New Haven , CT 06510 NEW HAVEN 242-258 Fairmont



1507 or at the TDD Number

AA/EOE-MF Construction

HCC encourages the participation of all Veteran, S/W/MBE & Section 3 Certified Businesses Haynes Construction Company, 32 Progress Ave, Seymour, CT 06483


The State of Connecticut is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and strongly encourages the applications of women, minorities, and persons with disabilities.

Garrity Asphalt Reclaiming, Inc seeks: Construction Equipment Mechanic preferably experienced in Reclaiming and Road Milling Equipment. We offer factory training on equipment we operate. Location: Bloomfield CT We offer excellent hourly rate & excellent benefits

Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/V Drug Free Workforce

Further information regarding the duties, eligibility requirements and application instructions for this position are available at:

Una audiencia pública donde se aceptarán y registrarán los comentarios públicos está programada para el lunes 29 de agosto de 2022 a las 4:00 p. m. a través de

HOME INC, on behalf of Columbus House and the New Haven Housing Authority, is accepting pre-applications for studio and one-bedroom apartments at this development located at 108 Frank Street, New Haven. Maximum income limitations apply. Pre-applications will be available from 9AM TO 5PM beginning Monday Ju;y 25, 2016 and ending when sufficient pre-applications (approximately 100) have been received at the offices of HOME INC. Applications will be mailied upon request by calling HOME INC at 203-562-4663 during those hours. Completed preapplications must be returned to HOME INC’s offices at 171 Orange Street, Third Floor, New Haven, CT 06510.

Garrity Asphalt Reclaiming, Inc seeks: Reclaimer Operators and Milling Operators with current licensing and clean driving record, be willing to travel throughout the Northeast & NY. We offer excellent hourly rate & excellent benefits

Contact Dana at 860-243-2300 Email:

Elm City Communities, la Autoridad de Vivienda de la Ciudad de New Haven (ECC/ HANH) propone modificar secciones de su Plan Administrativo de Vales de Elección de Vivienda (HCV) (Plan Admin).




Large CT Fence Company looking for an individual for our PVC Fence Production Shop. Experience preferred but will train the right person. Must be familiar with carpentry hand & power tools and be able to read a CAD drawing and tape measure. Use of CNC Router machine a plus but not required, will train the right person. This is an in-shop production position. Duties include building fence panels, posts, gates and more. Must have a valid CT driver’s license & be able to obtain a Drivers Medical Card. Must be able to pass a physical and drug test. Please email resume to

Meeting ID: 975943490 / Password: yozWY5m3ib Or Phone: +12679304000 United States (Philadelphia, PA) Access Code / Meeting ID: 975943490 Dial-in password: 9699956342 Any individual

The Housing Authority the right to or any or all bids, to reduce the scope of the project to reflect available funding, and to any Vinyl Siding, Flooring, Painting, Division 10 Specialties, Appliances, Residential Casework, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection. This contract is subject to state set-aside and contract compliance requirements.



Seeking to employ experienced individuals in the labor, foreman, operator and teamster trades for a heavy outside work statewide. Reliable personal transportation and a valid drivers license required. To apply please call (860) 621-1720 or send resume to: Personnel Department, P.O. Box 368, Cheshire, CT06410.

the Reasonable Accommodation Manager


Las copias de la enmienda al Plan Administrativo de HCV estarán disponibles el lunes 1 de agosto de 2022 en el sitio web de la agencia o a través de Twitter, o a través de Facebook SeElmCityCommunitiesleinvitaaproporcionar comentarios por escrito dirigidos a: ECC/HANH, Revisiones del plan de administración; Atención: Evelise Ribeiro, 360 Orange Street, New Haven, CT 06511 o por correo electrónico a:

Women & Minority Applicants are encouraged to apply Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer

Women & Minority Applicants are encouraged to apply Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer

Fax or Email Questions & Bids to: Dawn Lang @ 203-881-8372


DRIVER CDL CLASS A Full Time – All Shifts Top Pay-Full Benefits


Identificación de la reunión: 975943490 Contraseña: yozWY5m3ib O teléfono: +12679304000 Estados Unidos (Filadelfia, PA) Código de acceso / ID de reunión: 975943490 Contraseña de marcación: 9699956342 Cualquier persona que requiera una Adaptación Razonable para participar en la audiencia puede llamar al Gerente de Adaptación Razonable (203) 498-8800, ext. 1507 o al Número TDD (203) 497-8434.

Seeking to employ experienced individuals in the labor, foreman, operator and teamster trades for a heavy outside work statewide. Reliable personal transportation and a valid drivers license required. To apply please call (860) 6211720 or send resume to: Personnel Department, P.O. Box 368, Cheshire, CT06410.

El período de comentarios de treinta (30) días comienza el lunes 1 de agosto de 2022 y finaliza el 30 de agosto de 2022.

Elm City Communities, the Housing Authority of the City of New Haven (ECC/HANH) is proposing to amend sections of its Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Administrative Plan (Admin Plan). The thirty (30) days comment period begins on Monday, August 1, 2022, and ends on August 30, 2022. Copies of the amendment to the HCV Administrative Plan will be made available on Monday, August 1, 2022 on the agency website or via Twitter, or via Facebook YouElmCityCommunitiesareinvitedtoprovide comments addressed to: ECC/HANH, Admin Plan Revisions; Attn: Evelise Ribeiro, 360 Orange Street, New Haven, CT 06511 or via email to: public hearing where public comments will be and is scheduled for Monday, August 29, 2022 at 4:00pm via RingCentral: 43490?pw=2e34ff6769797e68e96a95bb953d0d81 requiring call (203) 498-8800, ext. (203) 497-8434.

Bid Extended, Due Date: August 5, 2016 Anticipated Start: August 15, 2016 Project documents available via ftp link below:




Invitation to Bid: 2nd Notice SAYEBROOKE VILLAGE Old Saybrook, CT (4 Buildings, 17 Units) Tax Exempt & Not Prevailing Wage Rate Project New Construction, Wood Framed, Housing, Selective Demolition, Site-work, Castin-place Concrete, Asphalt Shingles,

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - August 31, 2022 - September 13, 2022 15 INNER-CITY NEWS July 27, 2016 - August 02, 2016


EOE Please apply in person: 1425 Honeyspot Rd. Ext. Stratford, CT 06615



Operates electric distribution substation and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system for an electric utility serving 25,000 customers. Coordinates electric system switching and places equipment in and out of service during routine and emer gency operations. Requires HS diploma/GED with 2 years experience in the operation of Distribution SCADA equipment and/or switchboards used in the distribution of electric ity. Experience and training may be substituted on a year for year basis. Must maintain valid system operation certification from Connecticut Valley Exchange (CONVEX) or other approved agency or be able to obtain the same within 90 days of hire. Must posses and maintain a valid State of CT driver’s license. $ 34.63 - $ 41.15 per hour plus an excellent fringe benefit package. Apply to: Department of Human Resources, Town of Wallingford, 45 South Main Street, Wallingford, CT 06492. Forms will be mailed upon request from the Department of Human Resources or may be downloaded from the De partment of Human Resources Web Page. Fax #: (203) 294-2084. Closing date will be September 20, 2022. EOE.

PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL Housing Authority of the City of Danbury, 2 Mill Ridge Rd, Danbury, CT 06811 RFP No. P22004,


Steel Fabricators, Erectors & Welders

Fax resume to 860-282-0424 or mail to Fibre Optic Plus, LLC 585 Nutmeg Road North, South Windsor, CT 06074

********An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer********** NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF DANBURY Audit Services RFP

Town of Bloomfield Assistant Building Official $39.80 hourly Pre-employment drug testing. AA/EOE. For Details go to

CT. Unified Deacon’s Association is pleased to offer a Deacon’s Certificate Program. This is a 10 month program designed to assist in the intellectual formation of Candidates in response to the Church’s Ministry needs. The cost is $125. Classes start Saturday, August 20, 2016 1:303:30 Contact: Chairman, Deacon Joe J. Davis, M.S., B.S. (203) 996-4517 Host,General Bishop Elijah Davis, D.D. Pastor ofPitts Chapel U.F.W.B. Church 64 Brewster St. New Haven, CT

Electric Utility System Operator/Dispatcher




The Housing Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to reduce the scope of the project to reflect available funding, and to waive any informalities in the bidding, if such actions are in the best interest of the CT 06483

Audit Services

Invitation to Bid: 2nd Notice SAYEBROOKE VILLAGE Old Saybrook, CT (4 Buildings, 17 Units) Tax Exempt & Not Prevailing Wage Rate Project New Construction, Wood Framed, Housing, Selective Demolition, Site-work, Castin-place Concrete, Asphalt Shingles, Vinyl Siding, Flooring, Painting, Division 10 Specialties, Appliances, Residential Casework, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection. This contract is subject to state set-aside and contract compliance requirements. Bid Extended, Due Date: August 5, 2016 Anticipated Start: August 15, 2016 Project documents available via ftp link below:

Splicer / Electrician – Telecommunications Company looking for low voltage cable installer with a C or T license, specializing in fusion/splic ing, testing and termination. Also must be familiar with all aspects of indoor & outdoor cable installation, aerial bucket work, pole work, messenger, lashing, manhole & underground installation. $70,000 - $90,000 salary with full benefits.

AA/EEO EMPLOYER Part Time Delivery Needed One/Two Day a Week, DELIVERY PERSON (203) NEEDED435-1387MustHaveyourOwnVehicleIfInterestedcall


Competitive examinations will be held for the position of Police Officer in selected departments in South Central Connecticut. Candidates may register for the testing process at Application deadline is Monday, September 19, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. The written and oral board exams will be administered by the South Central Criminal Justice Administration. All candidates must possess a valid CHIP card as of October 1, 2022.


HOME INC, on behalf of Columbus House and the New Haven Housing Authority, is accepting pre-applications for studio and one-bedroom apartments at this development located at 108 Frank Street, New Haven. Maximum income limitations apply. Pre-applications will be available from 9AM TO 5PM beginning Monday Ju;y 25, 2016 and ending when sufficient pre-applications (approximately 100) have been received at the offices of HOME INC. Applications will be mailied upon request by calling HOME INC at 203-562-4663 during those hours. Completed preapplications must be returned to HOME INC’s offices at 171 Orange Street, Third Floor, New Haven, CT 06510.


Full time experienced welder for Structural/Miscellaneous metals - email resume to

Capital For Details go to

HOME INC, en nombre de la Columbus House y de la New Haven Housing Authority, está aceptando pre-solicitudes para estudios y apartamentos de un dormitorio en este desarrollo ubicado en la calle 109 Frank Street, New Haven. Se aplican limitaciones de ingresos máximos. Las pre-solicitudes estarán disponibles 09 a.m.-5 p.m. comenzando Martes 25 julio, 2016 hasta cuando se han recibido suficientes pre-solicitudes (aproximadamente 100) en las oficinas de HOME INC. Las pre-solicitudes serán enviadas por correo a petición llamando a HOME INC al 203-562-4663 durante esas horas.Pre-solicitudes deberán remitirse a las oficinas de HOME INC en 171 Orange Street, tercer piso, New Haven , CT 06510 NEW HAVEN 242-258 Fairmont Ave 2BR Townhouse, 1.5 BA, 3BR, 1 level , 1BA All new apartments, new appliances, new carpet, close to I-91 & I-95 highways, near bus stop & shopping center Pet under 40lb allowed. Interested parties contact Maria @ 860-985-8258

Full Time Class B driver for a fast paced petroleum company for days and weekends. Previous experience required. Competitive wage, 401(k) and benefits. Send resume to: HR Manager, P. O. Box 388, Guilford, CT 06437 or email HRDept@eastriverenergy. com No. Authority of the City of hereby this


Listing: Commercial Driver


Attn: Don Ballsieper - Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer

The Town of Wallingford is accepting applications for EMT. Must possess a H.S. di ploma or G.E.D., plus one (1) year of recent experience as an EMT. Must be 18 years old and be a Connecticut or National Registry Certified EMT with CPR Certification and a valid State of Connecticut motor vehicle operator’s license. Starting wage $632.56 (weekly), plus an excellent fringe benefits package. Apply: Department of Human Re sources, Town of Wallingford, 45 South Main Street, Wallingford, CT 06492. Forms will be mailed upon request from the Department of Human Resources or may be down loaded from the Department of Human Resources Web Page. Phone (203) 294-2080. The closing date will be the date of the 50th application or resume is received or Septem ber 13, 2022, whichever occurs first.

Bidding documents are available from the Seymour Housing Authority Office, 28 Smith Street, Seymour, CT 06483 (203) 888-4579.

September 8th, 2022 at 10:00am (EST)

Assistant Director of Human $79,596SalaryResourcesRangeto$122,857 Pre-employment drug testing. AA/EOE. For Details go to

Town of Bloomfield

The Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport d/b/a Park City Communities (PCC) is requesting sealed bids for Renovation for UFAS Compliance Laundry Room at Fireside Apartments. Solicitation package will be available on July 11, 2022. To obtain a copy of the solicitation you must send your request to, please reference solicitation number and title on the subject line. A pre-bid conference will be held at 655 Palisade Ave, Bridgeport, CT 06610 on July 27, 2022 @ 10:00 a.m. Atten dance is mandatory, submitting a bid for the project without attending conference will be REJECTED. Additional questions should be emailed only to bids@parkcitycom no later than August 3, 2022 at 3:00 PM Answers to all the questions will be posted on PCC’s Website: Seal bids will be received until August 10, 2022 @ 10:00 a.m. at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.

Town of Bloomfield

Sealed bids are invited by the Housing Authority of the Town of Seymour until 3:00 pm on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at its office at 28 Smith Street, Seymour, CT 06483 for Concrete Sidewalk Repairs and Replacement at the Smithfield Gardens Assisted Living Facility, 26 Smith Street Seymour. A pre-bid conference will be held at the Housing Authority Office 28 Smith Street Seymour, CT at 10:00 am, on Wednesday, July 20, 2016.


Fax or Email Questions & Bids to: Dawn Lang @ 203-881-8372 HCC encourages the participation of all Veteran, S/W/MBE & Section 3 Certified Businesses Haynes Construction Company, 32 Progress Ave, Seymour,

Top pay for top performers. Health Benefits, 401K, Pay. Email Resume: Hartford, CT ACTION/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER

The Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport Invitation for Bid (IFB) Fireside Apts. New Laundry Room

Solicitation Number: 216-MD-22-S




Manager/AssistantProjectDirectorofPublicWorks Salary Range $83,531-$128,935 Pre-employment drug testing. AA/EOE.

Envelope Must be Marked:


RFP DOCUMENTATION: Go to: “Bidding Opportunities” [Minority- and/or women-owned businesses are encouraged to respond]

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - August 31, 2022 - September 13, 2022 16 INNER-CITY NEWS July 27, 2016 - August 02, 2016

Request for Proposal to secure a contract to perform Audit Services

SCOPE:P22004 The Housing

This contract is subject to state set-aside and contract compliance requirements.

Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/V Drug Free Workforce

The Manchester Housing Authority will open the State of Connecticut Congregate Housing waiting list for Westhill Gardens Congregate. The property consists of 37 1-BR units designated for frail seniors age 62 or older. Up to 150 applicants chosen by lottery will be added onto the waiting list. Applications are available at the MHA office and website at and will be accepted online, by mail, or by drop box at 24 Bluefield Drive Manchester, CT 06040. Applications will be accepted August 15, 2022 8AM – September 16, 2022 at 4PM. FY 2022 Low-Income (80%) Limit The Manchester Housing Authority does not discriminate based upon race, color, disability, familial status, sex or national origin. 1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 62,600 71,500 80,450 89,400

Elm City Communities is currently seeking bids for Robert T. Wolfe Generator Replacement. A complete copy of the requirement may be obtained from Elm City Communities’ Vendor Collaboration Portal https://newhavenhousing.cobblestonesystems. com/gateway beginning on Monday, August 1, 2022 at 3:00PM.

Information regarding qualifications and job duties are available along with the application online at pages/job-notices-and-tests,250MainStreet,East Haven and must be returned by August 30, 2022. The Town of East Haven is committed to building a workforce of diverse individuals.

The Town of East Haven is currently accepting applications to participate in the examinations for the following positions:

The Town of East Haven seeks a qualified candidate to fill this is a highly responsible position involving the collection and recording of municipal taxes. Qualified candidates should possess an Associate's Degree in business administration or related field plus two (2) years of responsible accounting and bookkeeping work or an equivalent combination of education and experience. One year of working in a tax office is preferred. Must have valid class 3 Connecticut Driver's License. The salary for this position is $59,556/year, 35 hours per week and the Town offers an excellent benefit package. Applications are available online at,coverletterandresumeto:TownofEastHaven,MichelleBenivegna,ResourceDepartment,250MainStreet,EastHaven,CT06512orMBeniveg-DeadlinetoapplyisAugust23,2022.TheTownofEastiscommittedtobuildingaworkforceofdiverseindividuals.Minorities,females,andveteransareencouragedtoapply.TheTownofEastHavenisanequalemployer.

Seeking to employ experienced individuals in the labor, foreman, operator and teamster trades for a heavy outside work statewide. Reliable personal transportation and a valid drivers license required. To apply please call (860) 621-1720 or send resume to: Personnel Department, P.O. Box 368, Cheshire, CT06410.

Deadline: Applications will be accepted until sufficient applications are received

Anticipated Start: August 15, 2016

Secretary II, Grade Level 10-$21.36/hour. Account Clerk, Grade Level 10-$42,452/year  General Clerk, Grade Level 10-$42,452/year

Fax or Email Questions & Bids to: Dawn Lang @ 203-881-8372


ELM CITY COMMUNITIES Invitation for Bids

HOME INC, on behalf of Columbus House and the New Haven Housing Authority, is accepting pre-applications for studio and one-bedroom apartments at this development located at 108 Frank Street, New Haven. Maximum income limitations apply. Pre-applications will be available from 9AM TO 5PM beginning Monday Ju;y 25, 2016 and ending when sufficient pre-applications (approximately 100) have been received at the offices of HOME INC. Applications will be mailied upon request by calling HOME INC at 203-562-4663 during those hours. Completed preapplications must be returned to HOME INC’s offices at 171 Orange Street, Third Floor, New Haven, CT 06510.


CT. Unified Deacon’s Association is pleased to offer a Deacon’s Certificate Program. This is a 10 month program designed to assist in the intellectual formation of Candidates in response to the Church’s Ministry needs. The cost is $125. Classes start Saturday, August 20, 2016 1:303:30 Contact: Chairman, Deacon Joe J. Davis, M.S., B.S. (203) 996-4517 Host,General Bishop Elijah Davis, D.D. Pastor ofPitts Chapel U.F.W.B. Church 64 Brewster St. New Haven, CT

New Construction, Wood Framed, Housing, Selective Demolition, Site-work, Castin-place Concrete, Asphalt Shingles, Vinyl Siding, Flooring, Painting, Division 10 Specialties, Appliances, Residential Casework, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection.

An affirmative action equal opportunity employer. EOE/M/F/D/V.

Construction Seeking to employ experienced individuals in the labor, foreman, operator and teamster trades for a heavy outside work statewide. Reliable personal transportation and a valid drivers license required. To apply please call (860) 621-1720 or send resume to: Personnel Department, P.O. Box 368, Cheshire, CT06410.

HCC encourages the participation of all Veteran, S/W/MBE & Section 3 Certified Businesses Haynes Construction Company, 32 Progress Ave, Seymour, CT 06483 AA/EEO EMPLOYER

Minorities, Females, Handicapped and Veterans are encouraged to apply.


Bid Extended, Due Date: August 5, 2016

Project documents available via ftp link below:

The Wallingford Fire Department is seeking qualified applicants for Firefighter/Paramedic. $1,122.64 weekly plus an excellent fringe benefits package. The written exam and oral exam process will be administered by the Town of Wallingford. To apply, candidates must register through the , once on the site go to firefighter jobs and locate the link for Wallingford. The registration/application deadline is September 2, 2022. The registration requires a fee of $35.00 (online with

EOE ELECTRICIAN Municipal electric utility is seeking a highly skilled maintenance electrician with extensive substation experience to maintain and repair transmission and distribution class switchgear, bus-work, lightning arrestors, protective relays, insulators, switches power transformers, data circuits, controls and other related components. Must be a high school/trade school graduate and have 4 years’ experience in the maintenance and operation of electric utility substations and/or utility grade protection and control systems. Completion of a recognized four (4) year maintenance electrician apprenticeship program may substitute for the experience requirement. Two (2) years of college-level education or advanced training in related field may substitute for two (2) years of the experience requirement. Must possess a valid motor vehicle operator’s license issued by the State of Connecticut and be able to obtain with 6 months of hire a valid Protective Switching and Tagging Procedure certification from CONVEX or other approved agency. Wage rate: $37.78 to $41.67 hourly plus an excellent fringe benefit package. Apply: Department of Human Resources, Town of Wallingford, 45 South Main Street, Wallingford, CT 06492. Applications will be mailed upon request from the Department of Human Resources or may be downloaded from the Department of Human Resources Web Page. Or emailed to: by the closing date of September 14, 2022. Phone: (203) 294-2080 / Fax: (203) 294-2084. EOE


Full-time position Go to for details


Sealed bids are invited by the Housing Authority of the Town of Seymour until 3:00 pm on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at its office at 28 Smith Street, Seymour, CT 06483 for Concrete Sidewalk Repairs and Replacement at the Smithfield Gardens Assisted Living Facility, 26 Smith Street Seymour. A pre-bid conference will be held at the Housing Authority Office 28 Smith Street Seymour, CT at 10:00 am, on Wednesday, July 20, 2016.

Go to for details

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - August 31, 2022 - September 13, 2022 17 INNER-CITY NEWS July 27, 2016 - August 02, 2016

Director of Information Technology & Innovation/Chief Technology Officer $87,727 to $136,071 (expected starting pay maximum is ForPre-employmentmid-range)drugtesting.moredetails,visitourwebsite –

Town of Bloomfield Director of Building and Land Use

Ducci Electrical Contractors, Inc. seeks experienced ESTIMATOR to handle multiple large projects in the field of Electrical Construction. Full-time position. 5+ years experience in the following types of projects is preferred: Health care, Data centers, Educational, Industrial, Commercial, DOT, & Railroad. Electrical license E-2 or above preferred. Excellent compensation and benefits package. Send resume to Ducci Electrical Contractors, Inc. 74 Scott Swamp Rd. Farmington, CT 06032 or via email at

$101,455 to $156,599 (expected starting pay maximum is Pre-employmentmid-range)drugtesting.Formoredetails,visitour


Old Saybrook, CT (4 Buildings, 17 Units)

website – Deadline: Applications will be accepted until sufficient applications are received

The Town of East Haven is currently accepting applications to fill the position of Clerk in the Social Services Department. The salary for this position is 42,452/year and the Town offers an excellent benefits package. Information regarding qualifications and job duties are available with the application at males,tedpages/job-notices-and-tests,Fe-HandicappedandVeteransareencouragedtoapply.


Tax Exempt & Not Prevailing Wage Rate Project



Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/V Drug Free Workforce

Portland Library Assistant I part-time

Bidding documents are available from the Seymour Housing Authority Office, 28 Smith Street, Seymour, CT 06483 (203) 888-4579.

The Housing Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to reduce the scope of the project to reflect available funding, and to waive any informalities in the bidding, if such actions are in the best interest of the Invitation to Bid: 2nd Notice

HOME INC, en nombre de la Columbus House y de la New Haven Housing Authority, está aceptando pre-solicitudes para estudios y apartamentos de un dormitorio en este desarrollo ubicado en la calle 109 Frank Street, New Haven. Se aplican limitaciones de ingresos máximos. Las pre-solicitudes estarán disponibles 09 a.m.-5 p.m. comenzando Martes 25 julio, 2016 hasta cuando se han recibido suficientes pre-solicitudes (aproximadamente 100) en las oficinas de HOME INC. Las pre-solicitudes serán enviadas por correo a petición llamando a HOME INC al 203-562-4663 durante esas horas.Pre-solicitudes deberán remitirse a las oficinas de HOME INC en 171 Orange Street, tercer piso, New Haven , CT 06510 NEW HAVEN 242-258 Fairmont Ave 2BR Townhouse, 1.5 BA, 3BR, 1 level , 1BA All new apartments, new appliances, new carpet, close to I-91 & I-95 highways, near bus stop & shopping center Pet under 40lb allowed. Interested parties contact Maria @ 860-985-8258

Town of Bloomfield

Robert T. Wolfe Generator Replacement

According to a White House Fact Sheet, the Department of Health and Human Ser vices has set aside 50,000 doses of vaccine from the Strategic National Stockpile, that health departments that host large-scale events can request in addition to their ex isting allocations and supply.

Additionally, CDC officials reported that areas with high numbers of cases that did not submit case reports are more racially and ethnically diverse.

The Biden-Harris administration an nounced it would increase America’s sup ply of monkeypox vaccine by making an additional 1.8 million doses of Bavarian Nordic’s Jynneos vaccine available for or dering beginning Monday, Aug. 22.

“Since the first case was confirmed in the United States, the Administration has led a whole-of-government response to make tests, vaccines, and treatments more widely available to communities across the country and has worked with the LG BTQI+ community to provide information and resources directly to communities most at risk of contracting the virus,” Ad ministration officials stated.

“As such, the reported data may under state disparities,” CDC officials noted. “Moreover, the share of cases among Black people has risen in recent weeks, suggesting widening disparities for this group.”According to the White House, the Biden-Harris Administration has deliv ered nearly 1 million doses of JYNNEOS vaccine to jurisdictions – the world’s most extensive JYNNEOS MPV vaccine pro gram.Recently, the Food and Drug Adminis tration announced the Emergency Use Au thorization of the JYNNEOS vaccine to be administered intradermally in individuals 18 years of age and older determined to be at high risk of MPV without compromis ing the level of immune response achieved or the safety of the vaccine. “The action means that each vial of vaccine can be used for up to five doses since the appropriate dose for intradermal administration is 0.1mL versus 0.5mL re quired per dose administered subcutane ously,” Administration officials remarked.

The pilot program sets aside 50,000 dos es from the Strategic National Stockpile that jurisdictions can request to order on top of their existing vaccine allocations and“Thesupply.number of additional doses made available to a jurisdiction will be based on the size and nature of the event and the ability to reach attendees at highest risk for MPV,” Administration officials said.

By Stacy M. Brown, NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - August 31, 2022 - September 13, 2022 18

As Monkeypox Hits African American Community Hard, Biden Administration Increases Vaccine

The CDC noted that Hispanic people accounted for 28 percent of cases while comprising 19 percent of the population.

The CDC also released a “robust set of resources and tools to help jurisdictions train providers and health care profes sionals on how to administer the vaccine intradermally.”Administration officials said in less than ten days following FDA’s EUA on intra dermal administration, some of the coun try’s largest counties have transitioned completely to intradermal administration of the JYNNEOS vaccine for eligible adults, including Los Angeles County, California, and Fulton County, Georgia.

The increased availability of vaccine dos es has enabled more jurisdictions to offer second doses to eligible individuals.

The JYNNEOS vaccine is administered in two doses, four weeks apart, for maxi mum protection, White House officials noted.They said the Biden-Harris Administra tion has also significantly increased the availability and convenience of orthopox virus tests, expanding the capacity of tests from 6,000 tests per week to 80,000. Further, the Administration has taken a number of steps to make TPOXX, a treat ment for MPV, more accessible to pre scribe, and today’s announcements build on those actions. Health and Human Services will also launch a pilot program to provide ad ditional vaccine allocations to state and local health departments in jurisdictions hosting large events that attract gay, bisex ual, and other men who have sex with men in the coming weeks and months.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released data from 43 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, which revealed that African Americans comprise 26 percent of monkeypox cases compared to 12 percent of the population.

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