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John Williams Jr
DALLAS- CHRISTIAN HIP-HOP ARTIST CARAMA My whole mission in the ministry is to lead the young and mature to Christ through the Word of God and the music ministry He has blessed me with. We loose too many of todays youth to society's deception. DALLAS- CHRISTIAN HIP-HOP ARTIST CARAMA My whole mission in the ministry is to lead the young and mature to Christ through the Word of God and the music ministry He has blessed me with. We loose too many of todays youth to society's deception by way of music..... I want to change the game and provide them with TRUTH. I was born in St. Louis, Missouri. I Reside in Evansville, Indiana. I have been a born again christian for a while. My whole mission in the ministry is to reach the young and the old weening them into Christianity. With clever lyrics, rapping, and singing I want to bring everyone closer to the lord. With hot tracks filled with faith and live instruments where can you go wrong. Cara ma a new extraordinary Gospel Hip Hop artist wit