House General Counsel 08 Approps Testimony

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1Statement of Irvin B. Nathan, General Counsel Office of the General Counsel U.S. House of Representatives Before the Legislative Branch Subcommittee Of The Committee on Appropriations Regarding Fiscal Year 2009 Budget Request for OGC Madam Chair and Members of the Subcommittee: Thank you for the opportunity to present and explain the fiscal year 2009 (“FY’09") budget request of the House’s Office of General Counsel (“OGC”). For FY’09, the OGC requests $1,357,000, which represents an increase of $182,000 over the fiscal year 2008 appropriation of $1,175,000, or an increase of 15.5 %. The proposed increase consists of a $138,000 increase in personnel costs, and $44,000 in non-personnel costs. The justification for the requested increase, as set forth below, is greater work demands on the office and a need to recruit and retain highly qualified lawyers for the office. Functions of the Office Pursuant to Rule II(8) of the Rules of the House (110th Cong.) and 2 U.S.C. § 130(f), the OGC provides legal advice and assistance to Members, Committees, officers and employees of the House, without regard to political affiliation, on matters related to their official duties. The office is an independent entity in the House which reports, on policy matters and matters of institutional interest to the House, to the Speaker and the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (consisting of the Majority and Minority leaders, and the Majority and Minority whips). While it is difficult to provide an exhaustive list of the types of advice and representation the OGC provides, the office addresses at least the following areas with some frequency: ● Judicial Proceedings: The OGC represents Members, Committees, officers and employees, both as parties and witnesses, in litigation arising from or relating to the performance of their official duties and responsibilities, both at the trial and appellate levels. Among other things, the office defends civil suits; moves to quash or limit subpoenas; applies to the District Court for immunity orders for witnesses before Committees and Subcommittees; and files amicus curiae briefs on behalf of the House and/or one or more of its constituent entities in litigation with potentially significant consequences for the House and its Members. ● Committee Subpoenas: The OGC provides advice and assistance to House Committees and Subcommittees in connection with the preparation, service and validity of Committee and Subcommittee subpoenas, including advice and assistance in dealing with recalcitrant witnesses. ● Requests for Information: The OGC provides advice and representation in connection with responses to informal and formal requests for information (grand jury, trial and deposition subpoenas) from governmental agencies (including the Department of Justice, the FBI and other executive branch and independent agencies, as well as private parties.

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