Illinois Reform Commission Testimony

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Good afternoon. Thank you for inviting me to testify today. My name is John Wonderlich. I am the Policy Director of the Sunlight Foundation. The Sunlight Foundation is a non­partisan nonprofit dedicated to using the power of the Internet to catalyze greater government openness and transparency. In my testimony, I would like to offer my organization's perspective on what the necessary components are of a transparent government, which we believe leads to an ethical one. The Sunlight Foundation’s work is deeply informed by an appreciation for new information and communications technology, and while my testimony will reflect that perspective, as it has developed in the context of the federal government, I hope to offer a range of observations and suggestions from our experiences that that may help this commission's ambitious scope and mandate. I would like to start by introducing Sunlight’s three principles for transparency in government, which I have submitted along with my testimony. The first of these is that transparency is government's responsibility. Just as the state is the primary steward of the public welfare, the state is uniquely able to create (or shun) an accountable, transparent government. Our second principle is that “Public” should also mean “Online”. When a disclosure requirement is fulfilled by a single binder the basement of a public building, the public is served poorly. Citizens should be able to access public information where they expect to find it, and that increasingly means online. The third principle is that data quality and presentation matter. Even well­intentioned disclosure systems will fall short of their potential without careful consideration of best practices for online publication. To live up to the “bond of trust between the people and their elected representatives” referenced by Governor Quinn in the executive order that created this commission, all branches of government need to make an affirmative commitment to online transparency and accountability. In the absence of such a commitment, the mechanisms of public accountability cannot thrive.

The Information of Influence Government's primary responsibility is to preserve the public trust on which it depends. For that reason, the Sunlight Foundation has maintained a particular focus on creating digital access to information pertaining to influence, such as campaign contributions, earmarks, lobbying records, and personal financial disclosure statements. For example, one of the Sunlight Foundation's major grantees is the Center for Responsive Politics (CRP). CRP provides an online access point for campaign contributions and lobbying data, in addition to money­ in­politics analysis. Their work provides essential access to influence data, as evidenced by their millions of web searches and nearly ubiquitous citations by the media. Most of CRP's work, however, is necessary only because the government has failed to effective disclose public information online. The Federal Election Commission was created in 1975 to administer new laws governing elections, and has as one of its primary mandates the requirement to “disclose campaign finance information.” While the FEC has invested significantly in their online presence, they have so far been unable to keep up with the services and search options required by journalists, expert researchers, and programmers. CRP fills the gap left by the FEC, making possible enormous public oversight that would not otherwise exist. Sunlight recently began working more closely with the FEC, offering guidance on how to upgrade their technological infrastructure. 1818 N. St. N.W. ▪ Suite 410 ▪ Washington, D.C. 20036 ▪ Ph: 202-742-1520 Fax: 202-742-1524

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