NY State Senate Testimony

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Good evening. Thank you for the opportunity to testify today. My name is John Wonderlich. I am the Policy Director of the Sunlight Foundation. The Sunlight Foundation is a non­partisan nonprofit dedicated to using the power of the Internet to catalyze greater government openness and transparency. In my testimony, I would like to offer my organization's perspective on transparency in legislatures, as it has developed through our experience with the United States Congress. I will explain the Open House Project, a collaborative reform effort I have led at Sunlight, describe some of the Sunlight's reform and oversight work, and apply what we have learned about transparency in Congress to suggest a checklist for legislative transparency. At the heart of all of the Sunlight Foundation's work is a deep appreciation for the transformational power of online technology. Our pairing of technology with government reform is visible in our organization, which includes a sophisticated technology team, Sunlight Labs, and also in the policies we promote. Sunlight's core principles, articulated in the document I’ve submitted along with my testimony, also reflect our technological approach. Those principles, stated briefly, are: public means online, transparency is government's responsibility, and data quality and presentation matter. Those principles result from our belief that only a transparent government can be a legitimate and competent government, and that excessive secrecy breeds waste, corruption, and mistrust. As Sunlight began to pursue our reform agenda with Congress, we quickly realized that the information we wished to free was valuable to stakeholders in a variety of contexts. The public we serve is comprised of a broad coalition, including journalists, bloggers, web developers, librarians, businesses, advocacy organizations, government employees, and even Members of Congress and their staffs. In January 2007, the Sunlight Foundation launched the Open House Project, to harness that growing community of online stakeholders, and to develop public consensus around practical technological reforms for the US House of Representatives. Organized initially around a receptive Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, the community developed a recommendations report, and has continued to grow and advocate for reform since the report's publication in May of 2007. The group operates through a blog and public listserv, and continues to host a vital transpartisan dialog on public access. The Open House Project dialog has benefited from the participation of large number of congressional staffers, many of whom would otherwise have no official outlet for their technology concerns. As staffers have shared their views, it has become clear that our concern for the public observer of Congress should also extend to Congress itself. Members and staff work with often outdated or obsolete legacy systems that are inadequate for their needs, and struggle to gather the information that enables them to perform their legislative duties. Transparency is necessary for the public and for government officials alike, and both are ultimately disempowered without access to timely, accurate information. The Open House Project initially developed ten transparency reforms for the US House, and in the months since the report’s release, several of the report’s recommendations have been implemented, either in full or in part. Both chambers of Congress have fundamentally changed the restrictions placed on Web use by Members of Congress. The Library of Congress is improving access to their legislative databases through the THOMAS Web site, and has been instructed by Congress to report on providing bulk access to legislative databases. Committees and Members now offer far more information online, and Congress is beginning to reexamine the way the institution’s technological authority is coordinated and organized. While each of these reforms represents a significant change, they are ultimately incremental and slow in developing. Even as the Sunlight Foundation pursues these institutional reforms (transparency is, ultimately, governments responsibility), we are also creating databases, tools, and communities that pick 1818 N. St. N.W. ▪ Suite 410 ▪ Washington, D.C. 20036 ▪ Ph: 202-742-1520 Fax: 202-742-1524

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