What is Apache Kafka? Apache Kafka is publish-subscribe messaging rethought as a distributed commit log. A high-throughput distributed messaging system. Kafka is a general purpose publish-subscribe model messaging system, which offers strong durability, scalability and fault-tolerance support. It is not specifically designed for Hadoop. Hadoop ecosystem is just be one of its possible consumers.
Kafka Vs Flume Compared to Flume, Kafka wins on the its superb scalability and messsage durablity. Kafka is very scalable. One of the key benefits of Kafka is that it is very easy to add large number of consumers without affecting performance and without down time. That’s because Kafka does not track which messages in the topic have been consumed by consumers. It simply keeps all messages in the topic within a configurable period. It is the consumers’ responsibility to do the tracking through offset.
For more visit: https://tekslate.com/apache-kafka-interview-questions/