2014 Collection | Rio Emotions
VIANNA BRASIL chose Rio de Janeiro as the inspiration for the 2014 Collection - Rio Emotions. Icons known worldwide have been translated into feminine jewelry with a contemporary design. Jewelry styles with gemstones in shapes, cuts and surprising colors lead to the magic atmosphere of the city, internationally recognized as one of the “Seven Wonders of the World”. An explosion of emotions, feelings, rhythms and colors: “The Colors of Brasil”.
marea sunset Sunset in the Brazilian coast is astonishing. The movement of the tides presents viewers with beaches in organic designs, enchanting all by their delicate curves. Marea Sunset Collection translates these feelings into jewelry with rich colors; with drama and powerful emotions. Sidewalks in Rio inspire the design of the gemstones shapes, while the colors of the sunset inspire the unique combination.
fa s h i o n a b l e contemporany s o p h i s t i c at e d
l a pa r i o e m ot i o n s
The colorful tiled Lapa Stairway in Rio de Janeiro collects souvenirs placed by people visiting from all over the globe. A tribute to Brazil and the Brazilians, this icon was converted into new designs for the 2014 Collection. VIANNA BRASIL’S Lapa Rio designs translate the essence of the vibrant Brazilian culture. A special gemstone shape resembles the asymmetry of the mosaic tiles present in the stairway, as well as in the innovative compositions of color and delicate arrangement of gems.
maroaga Brazil has countless caves, sanctuary of exuberant ecosystems where organic carvings have been shaped over countless years by the waters of rivers and waterfalls into beautiful sculptures in rock. Maroaga Collection brings jewelry with gemstones in sinuous shapes referring to the interior of this majestic cave, where natural wonders provide breathtaking scenery to visitors.
colorful vibrant feminine
sugarloaf The Sugarloaf Mountains offer visitors one of the most beautiful views of the Rio de Janeiro landscape. The organic shape and the majesty of this gorgeous and iconic rock mountain is the inspiration for the shapes of the gems in the Sugarloaf Collection. Magnificent Aquamarine cabochons surrounded by diamonds complement the refinement of each design.
Florere deep blue
Design gemstone jewelry flourishing in striking colors and intense radiance, accented with fine diamond and crafted in 18kt gold.
Rio Emotions Collection
a Maroaga a. Y1196EMR.B6 b. Y1196EMQ.E5
a marea sunset a. Y1210AQC.E4 b. Y1210AQC.R3 c. Y1210AQC.N3
c lapa rio emotions a. Y1198CAM.E6 b. Y1198PAC.E8 c. Y1198MTP.N6 d. Y1198CIT.R6 e. Y1198AMT.R5
b d
sugarloaf a. FS02947 b. FS03058 c. FS03026
Florere deep blue a. W1205BTL.E1 b. W0835BTL.E1 c. W1205BTL.R1
e c
Discover “The Colors, emotions, feelings and rhythms of Brazil” w i t h V IANNA BRASIL 2 0 1 4 C o l l e c t i o n !
www . v i a n n a b r a s i l . c o m