Master of Advanced Arch tectura Des gn Research Focus: Prefabrication Technolog es, Susta nable Design, Innovative Construction, Material Systems Tianj n University, Tianj n, China
Bache or of Architecture
Research Focus: Urban D strict Renewa , Healthcare and Residential Design, Tectonic and Construction Methods
◦ 2024 Nat ona Co lege Jo nt F nal Year Project Des gn Exhibit on - Outstanding Graduation Des gn (F rst P ace)
The Un versity of Hong Kong, Hong Kong HK(SAR)
Material & Structure
Investigating architecture through materials, examining how they shape space and structure.
Aug 2024-Aug 2025
Sep 2019-Jun 2024
GPA: 3 93/4 0
Jan 2023-May 2023 Exchange Program of Arch tecture
GPA: 3 7/4 3(A-)
Vision Space, Sunnyvalle, CA Dec 2024-Now nter or Des gner & A Art st
◦ Conducted research and ana yt ca report ng on interior design products, user preferences, and renovat on workf ows and strategies
◦ Leveraged ComfyUI LoRA, and ControlNet for advanced image process ng ach eving v sua enhancements for nter or des gn projects
◦ Designed nter or spaces by select ng furniture and coordinating aesthetics, then quantif ed des gn og c and pr ncip es to train LoRA for automated nter or design and rendering enhancements by f lter opt m zation, and ght ng ad ustments to achieve h gher visua f de ity
China Nuclear Huachen Engineering Management Co.,LTD (CNNC) Aug 2023-Oct 2023 ntern Arch tect
◦ Ut l zed grasshopper for parametr c mode ng, optim z ng des gn proposa s based on env ronmental and struc ural analysis
◦ Contr buted to des gn processes and detai ed construct on draw ngs, deepen ng understand ng of tecton cs and construct on pract ces
◦ Designed and formatted pro ect presentation mater a s, ensuring clear express on of des gn concepts and strateg es to stakeho ders
Shenzhen Architectural Design Research Institute Co., LTD (SZAD) Jun 2022-Sep 2022 ntern Arch tect
◦ Conducted urban design research, ana yzing ocal regulations and bu lding codes to ensure project comp ance and strategies
◦ Col aborated w th engineers on urban renewa pro ects, ntegrating design and construct on requ rements nto conceptua p ans
◦ Part c pated n client meetings, prepared minutes, and ref ned so utions demonstrat ng strong teamwork and commun cation abil ties
University of Pennsylvania
Sep 2024-Dec 2024 Graduate Ass stant
◦ Coord nated academic act v ties in the Construct on 1 aboratory, ntroduc ng sustainab e materials such as rec a med wood, bamboo
◦ Ass sted in stud o sessions co laborat ng to ntegrate advanced fabr cation methods and innovative construction techniques
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Dec 2023-Apr 2024 Research Ass stant
◦ Conducted research on art generat on and LLM/ LoRA/ Stab e D ffus on for mage creat on, arch tectura and urban diagrams
◦ Deve oped an A too for arch tectura media exp anat ons, used by over 500 par icipants at the Ch na Academy of Art
Innovation and Entrepreneursh p Tra ning Program for Co lege Students (National Program)
Jun 2021-Jun 2022
◦ Analyzed 12,578 mages for 3D mode ing, reveal ng spatia patterns, and des gned a commerc a space ntegrat ng ndustrial her tage
◦ Published (Paper D: G23090102) in Industr a Construct on (ISSN: 1000-8993) Selected for presentation at the 2022 Annual Conference of the Urban Big Data Committee and the Th rd Sympos um on “Urban Cu ture Sens ng and Computing” Env ronmenta Des gn Research Assoc a ion (EDRA) Sep 2021-May 2022
◦ Researched campus restrooms using env ronmenta psychology, emp oy ng p an des gn and 3D mode ing to improve use exper ence
◦ Pub ished poster “Pub c Toi et Design” by EDRA 53rd annual conference and presented at Hyatt Regency n Greenvi le, SC
◦ Mer t Prize The 58th Centra G ass nternat ona Architectura Competit on, organized by Centra Glass Co , Ltd n Tokyo, Japan
◦ Top Pr ze, The 8 h Bauhaus Pr ze nternat ona Des gn Competit on
◦ F rst Prize, The 8 h “CBDA Cup” Nationa Un vers ty Students Env ronmental Design Compet t on
◦ Top 100 (for two consecutive years), SEU China Newer Arch tecture Competit on etc
◦ 2021 T an n Un versity Arch tecture E te Scho arsh p (RMB 40,000), top 4 in the school
◦ 2022 Xu Zhong - Hua Hui Scholarsh p (RMB 6,000), top 10 n the schoo
◦ Arch tecture So tware: Rhino, SU, AutoCAD PS, A , InDesign, Grasshopper, Enscape, Lumion, Vray, Keyshot, etc
◦ Pro icient n AIGC tools Stab e Diffusion, M d ourney, Lora ComfyUI WebU , etc
◦ Advanced programm ng capabi it es Sk l ed in Python/Pytorch for deep learn ng and image processing
◦ Strong aesthetic sense: over 15 years of aesthetics sense and design art study
◦ Exce lent commun cation, col aborat on, and fast learn ng abi ties, w th strong team adaptab l ty
◦ Social med a inf uence: Arch tecture b ogger w th 35,000 fo lowers, 9000 000 v ews and 88,000 ikes Worked w th mult p e compan es,
nc ud ng Co lov a , a San Franc sco-based design f rm, to promote the r services and boost c ent nqu r es by 15%
Enclosure & Inhabitation
Exploring architecture as a container, to accommodate both humans and non-humans.
Translating traditional architectural forms within cultural contexts to create integrated spaces.
Revitalization of seaweed production chain
Achievement:2023 58th Central Glass International Architectural Design Competition,Merit Prize
Type: Individual Work
Site:Fengwei town, Quanzhou City, China
Grade: Sophomore
Date:2021.10-2022.01(8 weeks)
Course Name & Number:Architectual Design 3
Instructor: Zheng Yue
In Fengwei Town, the growth process of seaweed goes through three seasons, from seaweed seedling cultivation, seaweed growing in the sea, to seaweed drying on the shore, seaweed pouring into cakes, processing, storage, etc. However, due to lack of planning, the production line for seaweed cultivation is very immature and has a lot of problems.
As a material that needs to be used in every step of the seaweed growth process, moso bamboo plays a major role, but it also brings problems such as waste, corrosion, and pollution. If moso bamboo can be reused rationally and efficiently, it will not only create a better environment for the growth of seaweed, but also improve the industrial chain, and activate the local economy.
4.Transport dried seaweed seedlings to the factory for processing
Fengwei Town
Fengwei Sea Fisherman's Rest Area
Bamboo Decoration
Bamboo Structure
Bamboo Facade
Phyllostachys pubescens in mudflat is easy to rot.
Seaweed is prone to damage during transportation.
Seaweed Farming in Shell
Porphyra Sprouts in the Sea
Seaweed Transportation
Seaweed Drying
Based on functional requirements, I envisioned four different forms of flat space and designed four stone walls with different thicknesses, heights, and degrees of openness, as well as four bamboo structures with different degrees of openness and inclination. During the hybrid exploration process, four building forms were generated.
The four spatial structures correspond to different functions in the seaweed production process. Subsequently, the connections of the four buildings were adjusted according to the terrain and crowd, and activity squares with different functions were enclosed. Different pedestrian and vehicle flow lines were designed for different time periods.
Every spring, fishermen need to put seaweed seeds into seashells, cultivate them to form shell spores, and then transport the cultivated seaweed seedlings in small boats to and fro in the sea for sprinkling operations. After the seaweed matures, fishermen recycle it and dry it on the shore. After a series of processing and transportation, it is stored intact and sent from the dock to different places.
Bamboo structure A
Bamboo structure D
Aerial View
Every spring, fishermen need to plant seaweed spores in shells, which can grow seaweed seedlings after being exposed to sunlight. Fishermen can immerse it in the salty sea.The design has changed the previous flat planting process and instead adopted a three-dimensional hanging shell planting method for seaweed. This not only saves area, increases production, but also makes it more convenient for fishermen to process and take care of.
People can pick up the growing seaweed from the seaside and put it into the drying space built by fishermen. Bamboo boards can be adjusted according to the angle of sunlight, allowing the seaweed to be fully exposed to the sun. The dried seaweed can be used for subsequent processing.
From the profile, it can be seen that the elevation difference arrangement along the coastal shore of the factory includes a shell planting area, a seaweed drying area, a seaweed processing area, and a storage area according to the processing flow line. Processed seaweed can be directly transported out.
Construction Details
Seaweed Drying Area
Seaweed Seedling Planting Area
The seaweed factory is built along the sea, with a slope on the shore. Multiple factories are arranged according to the mountain terrain and the flow line of human use. People can collect seaweed from the sea and gradually carry out drying, cleaning, processing, storage, and transportation steps along the flow line. Fishermen can enjoy beautiful sea views while working, greatly reducing losses during transportation.
Orthogonal Construction
Multiple bamboo structures are constructed orthogonally and fixed with iron wires as the foundation for the bottom.
Diagonal Construction
Skew construction is often used on roofs or windowsills, with triangles providing stronger stability to support in three directions while creating a sloping construction effect.
Diagonal Construction
Placing the center of gravity of the triangle construction below can usually lead to the construction of many simple drying structures. Fix the junctions in three directions with iron wire.
Auxiliary Support
The inclined angle construction method often requires more support and fixation, using iron wire and additional bamboo to increase more fixation and enhance stability.
After building a seaweed factory on the shore, people can collect seaweed from the sea and gradually carry out steps such as drying, cleaning, processing, storage, and transportation along the streamline. Greatly reducing the workload of fishermen.
Learning from Weakness, Chaos and Deficiency
Type: Individual Work
Site: Wong Nai Chung Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong Island Grade: Junior
Course Name :ARCH3080
Instructor: Fai, Au
In this design, I focus on dealing with the relationship between architecture and nature. Placing the irregular concrete in the middle not only introduce the natural environment, but also better connect different functions.
This technique reflects the comparison between regular and irregular spaces, the comparison between indoor and semi outdoor spaces, and the contrast between the hard concrete and the lightweight steel suspension structure during the model production process.
hope people can have more conversations in this place, get closer to nature, reactivate the vitality of the place, and attract more people to come.
Structural Model 1:500
Circulation Model 1:500
Functional Model 1:500
The traffic is distributed on both sides with monotonous vertical transportation. It was based on floors, with excessive separation and lack of connection.
Aerial View of the Site
The original building adopts a concrete frame structure, and the spatial division.
The concrete umbrella structure inside the building, the roof collects acid rain and circulates it to the inside, forming a natural environment in the atrium of the building, in contrast to the smooth concrete surface on the other side.
At the same time, it plays an integral supporting role together with the core tube.
In order to support the floor, a steel cable suspension structure is used to release the space to the greatest extent and form a free-flowing space.
The core tubes on both sides are used as the overall structural support, and also retain the traffic function of the original building. Release the facades on the east and west sides.
Use steel cables to elevate the floor to reflect the lightness and flexibility of the structure
In the central concrete space, many connections between different floors have been created, connecting different groups of people here. People can have a closer connection with nature, such as reading while appreciating plants, climbing on mountains, and so on.
The thick concrete space serves as an internal ecological space that echoes nature while the large space created by the suspension structure provides different indoor activities opportunities for the crowd meeting the needs of different functions.
Concrete Umbrella Structure
Concrete Core
Steel Suspension Structure
Floor Slabs
A Quiet Reading Library
The Bustling Fresh Food Market
A Popular Climbing Area
In the central concrete space, many connections between different floors have been created, connecting different groups of people here. This technique reflects the comparison between regular and irregular spaces, the comparison between indoor and semi outdoor spaces, and the contrast between the hard concrete and the lightweight steel suspension structure during the model production process.The open and staggered facade further echoes the environment. The garden that runs from the bottom to the roof provides more possibilities for people to approach nature.
At the same time, people can have a closer connection with nature, such as reading while appreciating plants, climbing on mountains, and so on.
Continuous corridors activate living spaces
Type: Individual Work
Site: Nankai University Balitai Campus, Xuefu Street, Nankai District, Tianjin
Traditional apartments always have such problems: poor lighting and ventilation in parking lots, monotonous corridors and staircase spaces, and low utilization of rooftop space occupied by equipment. As the only public space in apartments, people excessively pay attention to their living unit type and conditions, but neglect the importance of these spaces, resulting in the unreasonable planning and utilization of public spaces.
I hope that in an increasingly private social environment, people can have more space to interact and relax with people, rather than hiding in their own bedrooms. So, these idle spaces should become interesting, gain people’s favor, increase their spatial experience, and improve their quality of life.
I hope to replace the monotonous escape stairs with corridors with rich changes and experiences. Reconnect different public spaces through this highly continuous corridor. Become the main body of the apartment. People can have meals, drink tea, chat with people, exercise, swim, and so on. These spaces will enrich people’s living experience.
In the parking lot, a large number of traffic flow lines are composed of spiral ramps, , ignoring the feelings of drivers and passengers using the space.
The corridors connecting various rooms in the apartment lack consideration for their additional functions in design. People hope to create some tea breaks and coffee shops.
The transportation space in the apartment comes with many platforms, hope to create some galleries and fitness areas as people move and stay.
The roofs of traditional apartments are unused, filled with equipment. I hope the roof of the apartment can provide people with leisure, as a swimming pool, or as a social space.
I extracted four types of spaces that had problems in the original apartment and improved them, generating multiple different prototypes. Utilize methods such as ramps, steps, and wall openings, misalignment, etc. to make the space more diverse and interesting.
After transformation, the four spatial prototypes form continuous corridors and traffic spaces in the building.The corridors that continue from the bottom to the top connect many public spaces, interspersed with residential spaces.People no longer need to travel through boring transportation spaces, but can shuttle and chat with friends in such rich spaces.
Cleverly combining the setting of stairs with the landscape
Axonometry Section
It can be seen from the axonometric view that a streamline connects the four spatial designs. People can experience different spatial feelings such as openness and privacy while wandering around.The corridors that continue from the bottom to the top connect many public spaces, interspersed with residential spaces.
Axonometry Section
The atrium enriches the lighting and landscape of the parking lot
The ramp connection forms many public areas for activity
Parking Lot Atrium
Parking Lot Atrium
Continuous Stairs
Outstanding Terrace
Unlike the monotonous and uninteresting parking lot in the past, people waiting here can enjoy a rich courtyard landscape and shared activity spaces,which greatly enhance the living quality.
The continuous upward corridors break the monotonous residential space, which not only have different indoor and outdoor landscapes, but also are endowed with different shared functions.
There are many Shared space with different functions inside the house, some are open outdoor forms, and some are indoor spaces with strong privacy. These spaces are connected by continuous corridors.
Unlike those roofs which are full of equipment and rarely used, the end of the corridor reaches the Roof garden of the apartment, where picnic space and hot spring swimming pool are arranged.
This semi outdoor shared space has an excellent view from the view, and the people in the apartment can see each other with the people in the lower level park.This area has become a paradise for people to take walks and observe scenery.
The stairs in the apartment are no longer in a closed and monotonous state. The corridors, steps, and outdoor terraces together create a shared space within the apartment, where people sit idle, drink tea, and chat.
Detailed Section A-A
Detailed Section B-B
Machina Matrix
Autonomous Architecture for Secure Archival Efficiency.
Type: Group Work with Haoyang Zhang
Site: Maiden Lane 80, Manhattan, New York, USA
Course Name:Architectural Design 4
Instructor: Martin Fernandez
This project proposes a fully autonomous financial and government archive at 80 Maiden Lane, Manhattan, addressing the high demand for secure, automated storage in the Financial District. Unlike traditional facilities, it integrates vertical spatial layouts optimized for mechanical devices, enabling efficient high-density storage.
The facade evolves from functional transparency to decorative complexity, harmonizing new additions with the original building through gradient effects and respecting its grid.
Key contrasts include transitioning from vertical slab-based human-oriented spaces to horizontal mechanized systems tailored for non-human architecture. The facade’s geometric patterns inform interior spatial configurations, ensuring seamless continuity between exterior and interior while enhancing functionality and aesthetics. The design emphasizes urban integration, serving as a model for automated archival facilities in dense metropolitan contexts. The unified aesthetic merges old and new through consistent typologies, intelligent robotic systems, and innovative indoor-outdoor integration.
Moves documents efficiently within the facility.
Storage System
Secures and preserves documents with climate control.
Scanning System
Handles, sorts, and retrieves archives precisely. Digitizes physical documents efficiently.
These units are responsible for document storage with advanced climate control, automated digitization through robotic precision, and efficient management of robotics, diagnostics, and archival operations.
Unit 3: Control Core
Unit 1: Secure Vault
Units for Autonomous Archival Solutions
Robotic Systems for Autonomous Archival
Transportation System
Robotic Arms
Unit 3: Comprehensive Storage Hub
Building facades have evolved from functional transparency to decorative complexity, connecting interior and exterior spaces.
Facade elements maintain external and internal continuity.
Facades blur the distinction between indoor and outdoor spaces through multi-layered structures. Acting as a thick structural medium, the envelope of the building twists and turns, generating spaces rather than enclosing them
Designing additions to existing structures requires a transitional approach that respects the original while connecting new elements. By blending the flow of facade delicate fabric with the monumental structure, we achieve a harmonious yet distinctive integration
Section Model Photo
Axonometric Profile
Axonometric Profile
Axonometric Profile Effect
Axonometric Profile Effect
Axonometric Chunk View
Facade View
Facade View
The facade’s composition connects gradient complexity with typological simplicity, maintaining an aesthetic balance while enhancing sensory engagement through textures, decorations, and carvings.
By highlighting how architecture can serve non-human users, it provokes broader conversations about the evolving role of buildings in a technologically driven future.
Combining traditional local culture with technological bus station.
Type: Group Work with Jia Yulin
Site: No. 96 Heilongjiang North Road, Kunshan City, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China.
Grade: Senior
Course Name & Number:Architectural Design 5
Instructor: Cui Kai, Song Yilin
In the design of this plan, we have been thinking about how to respond to the bus station located in Jiangnan Water Town with the idea of the Internet era.
We will provide different dimensions of answers through four aspects: bus station+Jiangnan intention, smart parking lot, internet sharing, and green building. By utilizing intelligent modern technology to liberate urban space, activate parking lot space, utilize internet ideas for space sharing, and combine with the Jiangnan water town to form a flowing space, while responding to the old urban area, completing the internal circulation of buildings and building green buildings.
hotel is partially hollowed out as a shared space,Forming a flowing space,It also absorbs the urban landscape.
Translating Traditional Lingnan Courtyards Through Spatial Roaming
Achievements:T2024 National College Joint Final Year Projeet Design Exhibition
- Outstanding Graduation Design (First Place)
Type: Group Work with Zhejia Li, Junxuan Li
Site: South China University of Technology, Wushan Campus, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China
Grade: Senior
Date: 2024.03-2024.06(16weeks)
Instructor: Song Yilin
This project explores the reinterpretation of traditional Lingnan courtyard dwellings in a contemporary architectural context. Inspired by the intricate spatial organization of Lingnan gardens, the design integrates layered greenery, shaded corridors, and interconnected courtyards to create a climate-adaptive and socially engaging elderly housing environment. By translating classical elements such as sky wells, cold alleys, and garden chains, the project enhances thermal comfort and fosters a dynamic spatial experience. This approach not only preserves the essence of Lingnan living but also reimagines it as a sustainable and healing space for modern senior communities.
This translation of architectural elements draws inspiration from traditional Lingnan buildings, transforming them into modular units that integrate spatial layering, openness, and climate adaptability to serve diverse community functions.
PLAN 1:100
By unfolding and layering sections, this design creates a diverse therapeutic environment for the elderly, integrating visual, olfactory, auditory, tactile, and hydrotherapy healing spaces. The landscape incorporates a variety of vegetation, from towering trees and dense shrubs in semiprivate areas to herbs, flowering plants, and aquatic vegetation in open healing zones. Visual therapy areas use vibrant seasonal plants to stimulate the senses, while scented gardens with aromatic herbs and flowering species promote relaxation.
A healing garden is established on the north side of the site to buffer the focus of attention on the north side of the site. At the same time, the combination of landscape and residential functions also creates a more comfortable and healing healing garden integrated space.
Unfolded Section
Entrance Renderings
Entrance Renderings
By translating the vertical space of Lingnan gardens, the characteristics of "interconnection of buildings on the second floor and above" and the combination of "tour routes on the upper and lower floors" and "complexity of tour routes" are created, recidents can wandering through paths around while enjoying the views nearby.
Blending tradition with innovation, this project reinterprets Lingnan garden principles to create a climate-responsive, healing environment that fosters both social interaction and individual well-being. Through thoughtful spatial layering, seamless connectivity, and the integration of passive climate strategies, it transforms fragmented and underutilized spaces into vibrant, livable communities. By embracing the essence of Lingnan architecture while addressing contemporary needs, this design envisions a future where space is not just a shelter, but a medium for cultural continuity, environmental harmony, and enriched living experiences.
After the Scattering of Dark Clouds Ferry boats near the bank, and colorful houses on the mountain. Prosperity and bright colors depict the small town.
The wind on the river was slightly tipsy, scattering the bamboo leaves and taking them to the distance.
Autumn has arrived, and all smiles have condensed into dew. I don’t know what the dew may taste like, but the sky has turned either red or green. The autumn has arrived.
Weaving Autumn Autumn falls in the countryside, and the mountain road winds away. The mountains and forests divide the autumn colors equally, weaving out my home.
Spring Bamboo
Over the past four years, I have experimented with various architectural design techniques.But I perpetually consider myself a novice. I am well aware that designers should always maintain a humble disposition and embrace diverse perspectives. Nevertheless, as you delve into the depths of my heartfelt expressions, I sincerely hope that you will uncover the subtle nuances and detailed thoughts concealed within every nook and cranny of my architectural creations. The sense of awe and astonishment that I aspire to evoke is akin to the emotions evoked within me each time I step foot inside an elegant building, leaving an unforgettable tactile impression for a long time. This sentiment aligns with my original intention as an architect: utilizing my power to generate a faint resonance to the echoes of the world with every brick and tile I create myself.