Grace Intervention Paperback

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Bill Giovannetti has given the church a fantastic treasure! On most every page I found myself vacillating between a heart-humbling gratitude for God’s total embrace and a heart-pounding desire to stand up and cheer! This book boldly teaches us how a child of God can rest freely in the confidence of the Father’s full approval in Christ. In a religious climate filled with heavy-handed demands and prophets of doom, this is a resource you will return to again and again to help you clear the smog and breathe freely in the rich atmosphere of amazing grace! Thoroughly biblical, intensely practical, and deeply liberating! Don’t miss out! —Jeremy White, pastor and author of The Gospel Uncut: Learning to Rest in the Grace of God Today’s evangelical leaders, in their zeal to move beyond aisle-walking, hand-raising, “cheap grace” Christianity, are pushing believers toward a more radical, activist faith. But is busyness the mark of a true believer? Or is it just a “cooler, hipper” form of legalism? With humor and clarity, Pastor Bill Giovannetti lovingly offers a sound prescription for producing true Christ-embracing, Spirit-empowered, God-exalting disciples: a full-body dive into the ocean of God’s riches—at Christ’s expense. —Linda J. White, award-winning author of three FBI thrillers, including Seeds of Evidence With this book, the author, also a pastor and professor, meets a deep, genuine need in today’s church and brightens the spirit of every reader with his eye-opening intervention of Grace. —Mary Tatem, author of story-based devotional books including The Quilt of Life, The Quilt of Faith, and The Quilt of Joy Like dawn’s first burst of daylight, Grace Intervention illuminates the truth that grace is the unmerited work of God in our lives—regardless of what we’ve earned, worked for, or deserved. This book sets free those who struggle to wiggle out from beneath the weight of expectations imposed by legalists. With wisdom and genuineness, Bill Giovannetti exposes the new face of legalism and offers solid teaching that encourages us to tune our hearts to grace and live freely in God’s glory. —Megan DiMaria, author, speaker, a prisoner of hope

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