Open protocol fep specification

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OPEN PROTOCOL Communication Technical Guide mPro400GC and mPro400SG Global Controllers

Document Number: AH2084PG Version: 2.3 Original Date: 10-6-2011 Revised Date: 08-7-2012

Open Protocol Communication Protocol Technical Guide

Revision History Revision Date

Revision Number






Based on original APEX Open Protocol document released 6-1-2011. Rev 1.0 revision was assigned document number AH2083PG.




Re-release based on a newer APEX document dated 10-6-2011.This document rev 2.0 was assigned a new document number AH2084PG. (AH2083PG had been originally assigned to a different document.) Rev 1.0 is now obsolete and replaced by this document Revision 2.0.




Corrected paragraph numbering in Table of Contents, Tables and Text.







Added Mid 0090-0093, 0130, fixed some formatting, added Appendix II, multiple Identifiers for MIDs 61, 65 revision 4 Updated MID 215 implementation

Disclaimer Apex Tool Group LLC reserves the right to modify, supplement or improve this document without prior notice. This document may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any way, shape or form, or copied to another natural or machine-readable language or to a data carrier, whether electronic, mechanical, optical or other-wise, without the express written permission of Apex Tool Group, LLC

Additional Reference Documents Additional detailed explanation of the hardware and software related to this Application Guide is available from other Apex Tool Group documents, such as:

 mPro400GC Fastening Controller Programming Manual number PL12EN-1001(Hand Tools)  mPro400SE Fastening Controller Programming Manual number P2044PA/EN-S168850 (Multiple Spindles)

Copyright 2012, © APEX Tool Group LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Table of Contents 1. AVAILABLE MESSAGES ..................................................................................................................................... 6 2. FEP AND OPEN PROTOCOL HEADER ............................................................................................................ 8 2.1 FEP HEADER ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 2.1.1 FEP 4.3 header ............................................................................................................................................ 8 2.1.2 FEP 4.62 and 4.7 Header .......................................................................................................................... 8 2.2 OPEN PROTOCOL HEADER .................................................................................................................................... 9 2.2.1 Open Protocol 3.0 Header ........................................................................................................................... 9 2.2.2 Open Protocol 5.1 and 7.0 Header .............................................................................................................. 9 2.2.3 Open Protocol 10.0 and 10.3 Header ........................................................................................................ 10 3. COMMUNICATION ............................................................................................................................................ 11 3.1 COMMUNICATION TELEGRAM ............................................................................................................................. 11 3.1.1 Communication start (MID = 0001) .......................................................................................................... 11 3.1.2 Communication start acknowledge (MID = 0002) .................................................................................... 11 3.1.3 Communication stop (MID = 0003)........................................................................................................... 12 3.2 REQUEST ANSWER .............................................................................................................................................. 12 3.2.1 Command error (MID = 0004) .................................................................................................................. 12 3.2.2 Command accepted (MID = 0005) ............................................................................................................ 14 3.3 APPLICATION TELEGRAMS .................................................................................................................................. 14 3.3.1 Application number upload request (MID = 0010) ................................................................................... 14 3.3.2 Application numbers upload reply (MID = 0011) ..................................................................................... 14 3.3.3 Application data upload request (MID = 0012) ....................................................................................... 15 3.3.4 Application data upload reply (MID = 0013) ............................................................................................ 15 3.3.5 Application “selected” subscribe (MID = 0014) ....................................................................................... 16 3.3.6 Application selected (MID = 0015) ........................................................................................................... 16 3.3.7 Application selected acknowledge (MID = 0016) ..................................................................................... 16 3.3.8 Application “selected” unsubscribe (MID = 0017) ................................................................................... 17 3.3.9 Select Application (MID = 0018)............................................................................................................... 17 3.3.10 Set Application batch size (MID = 0019) ................................................................................................ 18 3.3.11 Reset Application batch size (MID = 0020) ............................................................................................. 18 3.3.12 Lock at batch done subscribe (MID = 0021) ........................................................................................... 19 3.3.13 Lock at batch done Upload (MID = 0022) .............................................................................................. 19 3.3.14 Lock at batch done Upload acknowledge (MID = 0023) ........................................................................ 19 3.3.15 Lock at batch done unsubscribe (MID = 0024) ....................................................................................... 20 3.4 LINKING GROUP TELEGRAM ............................................................................................................................... 20 3.4.1 Linking Group numbers upload request (MID = 0030) ............................................................................. 20 3.4.2 Linking Group numbers upload reply (MID = 0031) ................................................................................ 21 3.4.3 Linking Group data upload request (MID = 0032) ................................................................................... 22 3.4.4 Linking Group data upload reply (MID = 0033) ....................................................................................... 23 3.4.5 Linking Group Info/Selected subscribe (MID =0034) ............................................................................... 24 3.4.6 Linking Group/Selected Info (MID = 0035) .............................................................................................. 25 Linking Group Info Open Protocol Implementation .............................................................................................25 Linking Group Selected FEP Implementation ......................................................................................................26

3.4.6 Linking Group Info/Selected acknowledge (MID = 0036)......................................................................... 26 3.4.7 Linking Group Info/Selected unsubscribe (MID = 0037) .......................................................................... 26 3.4.8 Select Linking Group (MID = 0038) .......................................................................................................... 27 3.4.9 Linking Group restart (MID = 0039)......................................................................................................... 27 3.4 TOOL TELEGRAM ................................................................................................................................................ 28

3.4.1 Tool data upload request (MID = 0040) ................................................................................................... 28 3.4.2 Tool data upload (MID = 0041) ................................................................................................................ 28 Open Protocol Implementation .............................................................................................................................28 FEP Implementation ............................................................................................................................................29

3.4.3 Disable tool (MID = 0042) ........................................................................................................................ 30 3.4.4 Enable tool (MID = 0043) ......................................................................................................................... 30 3.5 VIN TELEGRAM .................................................................................................................................................. 30 3.5.1 Vehicle Id Number download request (MID = 0050) ................................................................................ 30 3.5.2 Vehicle Id Number upload subscribe (MID = 0051) ................................................................................. 31 3.5.3 Vehicle Id Number upload (MID = 0052) ................................................................................................. 31 3.5.4 Vehicle Id Number upload acknowledge (MID = 0053) ............................................................................ 31 3.5.5 Vehicle Id Number upload unsubscribe (MID = 0054) ............................................................................. 32 3.6 TIGHTENING RESULT TELEGRAM......................................................................................................................... 32 3.6.1 Last tightening result data subscribe (MID = 0060) ................................................................................. 32 3.6.2 Last tightening result data upload reply (MID = 0061) ............................................................................ 33 3.6.3 Last tightening result data acknowledge (MID = 0062) ............................................................................ 36 3.6.4 Last tightening result data unsubscribe (MID = 0063) ............................................................................. 37 3.6.5 Old tightening result upload request (MID = 0064) .................................................................................. 37 3.6.6 Old tightening result reply (MID = 0065) ................................................................................................. 38 Open Protocol Implementation .............................................................................................................................38 FEP Implementation .............................................................................................................................................41

3.7 ALARM TELEGRAM ............................................................................................................................................. 42 3.7.1 Alarm subscribe (MID = 0070) ................................................................................................................. 42 3.7.2 Alarm Upload reply (MID = 0071)............................................................................................................ 42 3.7.3 Alarm upload acknowledge (MID = 0072) ................................................................................................ 43 3.7.4 Alarm unsubscribe (MID = 0073) ............................................................................................................. 43 3.7.5 Alarm acknowledged on torque controller (MID = 0074) ......................................................................... 43 3.7.6 Alarm acknowledged on torque controller ack (MID = 0075) .................................................................. 44 3.7.7 Alarm status (MID = 0076) ....................................................................................................................... 44 3.7.8 Alarm status acknowledge (MID = 0077) .................................................................................................. 44 3.8 TIME TELEGRAM ................................................................................................................................................. 45 3.8.1 Read time upload request (MID = 0080) ................................................................................................... 45 3.8.2 Time upload reply (MID = 0081) .............................................................................................................. 45 3.8.3 Set Time in Torque Controller (MID = 0082)............................................................................................ 45 3.9 MULTI-SPINDLE STATUS MESSAGES .................................................................................................................... 46 3.9.1 Multi-spindle status subscribe (MID = 0090) ............................................................................................ 46 3.9.2 Multi-spindle status (MID = 0091) ............................................................................................................ 46 3.9.3 Multi-spindle status acknowledge (MID = 0092) ...................................................................................... 47 3.9.4 Multi spindle status unsubscribe (MID = 0093) ........................................................................................ 47 3.10 MULTI-SPINDLE RESULT MESSAGES .................................................................................................................. 48 3.10.1 Multi-spindle result subscribe (MID = 0100) .......................................................................................... 48 3.10.2 Multi-spindle result (MID = 0101) .......................................................................................................... 48 3.10.3 Multi-spindle result acknowledge (MID = 0102) .................................................................................... 49 3.10.4 Multi spindle result unsubscribe (MID = 0103) ...................................................................................... 50 3.11 ADDITIONAL LINKING GROUP TELEGRAMS ...................................................................................................... 50 3.11.1 Abort Linking Group (MID = 0127) ........................................................................................................ 50 3.11.2 Linking Group batch increment (MID = 0128) ....................................................................................... 50 3.11.3 Linking Group batch decrement (MID = 0129) ....................................................................................... 51 3.11.4 Linking Group Off (MID = 0130) ............................................................................................................ 51 3.12 VIN TELEGRAM ............................................................................................................................................... 52 3.12.1 Vehicle Id Number download request (MID = 0150) .............................................................................. 52 3.13 IO TELEGRAMS ................................................................................................................................................ 53 3.13.1 Set externally controlled relays (MID = 0200) ........................................................................................ 53 3.13.2 Status externally monitored inputs subscribe (MID = 0210) ................................................................... 54 3.13.3 Status externally monitored inputs (MID = 0211) ................................................................................... 54 3.13.4 Status externally monitored inputs acknowledge (MID = 0212) ............................................................. 55 3.13.5 Status externally monitored inputs unsubscribe (MID = 0213) ............................................................... 55 3.13.6 IO device status request (MID = 0214) ................................................................................................... 55 3.13.7 IO device status reply (MID = 0215) ....................................................................................................... 56 3.13.8 Relay function subscribe (MID = 0216) .................................................................................................. 58 3.13.9 Relay function (MID = 0217) .................................................................................................................. 58

3.13.10 Relay function acknowledge (MID = 0218) ........................................................................................... 59 3.13.11 Relay function unsubscribe (MID = 0219) ............................................................................................ 59 3.13.14 Digital input function acknowledge (MID = 0222) ............................................................................... 60 3.13.15 Digital input function unsubscribe (MID = 0223) ................................................................................. 61 4.1 KEEP ALIVE TELEGRAM ...................................................................................................................................... 61 4.1.1 Keep alive message (MID = 9999) ............................................................................................................ 61 5. COMMUNICATION FLOW CHART EXAMPLE ........................................................................................... 62 5.1 Establish a connection and set result subscription ....................................................................................... 62 APPENDIX I: APEX ERROR CODES ................................................................................................................... 63 APPENDIX II: MID130 FLOWCHART................................................................................................................. 65

1. Available Messages Table 1 MID 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0070

Description Communication start Communication start acknowledge Communication stop Command error Command accepted Application ID upload request Application ID upload reply Application data upload request Application data upload reply Application selected subscribe Application selected Application selected acknowledge Application selected unsubscribe Select Application Set Application batch size Reset Application batch counter Lock at batch done subscribe Lock at batch done upload Lock at batch done upload acknowledge Lock at batch done unsubscribe Linking Group ID upload request Linking Group ID upload reply Linking Group data upload request Linking Group data upload reply Linking Group info subscribe Linking Group info Linking Group info acknowledge Linking Group info unsubscribe Select Linking Group Linking Group restart Tool data upload request Tool data upload reply Disable tool Enable tool Vehicle Id Number download request Vehicle Id Number upload subscribe Vehicle Id Number upload Vehicle Id Number upload acknowledge Vehicle Id Number upload unsubscribe Last tightening result data subscribe Last tightening result data upload Last tightening result data acknowledge Last tightening result data unsubscribe Old tightening result upload request Old tightening result reply Alarm subscribe

0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0081 0082 0090 0091 0092 0093 0100 0101 0102 0103 0111 0113 0127 0128 0129 0150 0200 0210 0211 0212 0213 0214 0215 0216 0217 0218 0219 0220 0221 0222 0223

Alarm Upload Alarm Upload acknowledge Alarm Unsubscribe Alarm Acknowledged on torque controller Alarm Acknowledged acknowledge Alarm Status Alarm Status acknowledge Time upload reply Set Time in the Torque Controller Multi-spindle status subscribe Multi-spindle status Multi-spindle status acknowledge Multi-spindle status unsubscribe Multi-spindle results subscribe Multi-spindle results Multi-spindle results acknowledge Multi-spindle results unsubscribe Display user text on graph Flash green LED on Tool Abort Linking Group Linking Group batch increment Linking Group batch decrement Identifier download request Set external controlled relays Status external monitored inputs subscribe Status external monitored inputs Status external monitored inputs acknowledge Status external monitored inputs unsubscribe IO device status request IO device status reply Relay function subscribe Relay function Relay function acknowledge Relay function unsubscribe Digital input function subscribe Digital input function Digital input function acknowledge Digital input function unsubscribe


Keep alive message

2. FEP and Open Protocol Header 2.1 FEP Header 2.1.1 FEP 4.3 header Length


4 bytes

4 bytes

Header Spindle


2 bytes 20 bytes

10 bytes

Length: The header always contains the length of the telegram. The length is four ASCII digits long (‘0’…’9’) specifying a range of 0000 to 9999. The length is the length of the header plus the data field exclusive the NULL termination. MID: The MID is four byte long and is specified by four ASCII digits (‘0’…’9’). The MID describes how to interpret the sent telegram. Spindle: The number of the spindle. It is 2 byte long and is specified by four ASCII digits (‘00’…’10’). It is used when multiple spindles are controlled from the same IP. Spare: Reserved space in the header for future use. 2.1.2 FEP 4.62 and 4.7 Header Header Length MID Spindle 4 bytes

4 bytes

2 bytes 20 bytes



3 bytes

7 bytes

Length: The header always contains the length of the telegram. The length is four ASCII digits long (‘0’…’9’) specifying a range of 0000 to 9999. The length is the length of the header plus the data field exclusive the NULL termination. MID: The MID is four byte long and is specified by four ASCII digits (‘0’…’9’). The MID describes how to interpret the sent telegram. Spindle: The number of the spindle. It is 2 byte long and is specified by four ASCII digits (‘00’…’10’). It is used when multiple spindles are controlled from the same IP. Rev: Revision number of the message to use. Spare: Reserved space in the header for future use.

2.2 Open Protocol Header 2.2.1 Open Protocol 3.0 Header Header Length



4 bytes

4 bytes

3 bytes

Spare 9 bytes 20 bytes

Length: The header always contains the length of the telegram. The length is four ASCII digits long (‘0’…’9’) specifying a range of 0000 to 9999. The length is the length of the header plus the data field exclusive the NULL termination. MID: The MID is four byte long and is specified by four ASCII digits (‘0’…’9’). The MID describes how to interpret the sent telegram. Rev: Revision number of the message to use. Spare: Reserved space in the header for future use.

2.2.2 Open Protocol 5.1 and 7.0 Header Header Length MID Rev No ack flag 4 bytes

4 bytes 3 bytes

1 bytes 20 bytes

Spare 8 bytes

Length: The header always contains the length of the telegram. The length is four ASCII digits long (‘0’…’9’) specifying a range of 0000 to 9999. The length is the length of the header plus the data field exclusive the NULL termination. MID: The MID is four byte long and is specified by four ASCII digits (‘0’…’9’). The MID describes how to interpret the sent telegram. Rev: Revision number of the message to use. No ack flag: ONLY FOR SUBSCRIPTION MIDs. The No Ack Flag is used when setting a subscription. If the No Ack flag is not set in a subscription it means that the subscriber will acknowledge each “push” message sent by the controller (reliable mode). If set, the controller will only push out the information required without waiting for a receive acknowledgement from the subscriber (unreliable mode). Spare: Reserved space in the header for future use.

2.2.3 Open Protocol 10.0 and 10.3 Header Header Length MID Rev No ack flag Station ID 4 bytes 4 bytes 3 bytes 1 bytes 1 bytes 20 bytes

Spindle ID Spare 2 bytes 5 bytes

Length: The header always contains the length of the telegram. The length is four ASCII digits long (‘0’…’9’) specifying a range of 0000 to 9999. The length is the length of the header plus the data field exclusive the NULL termination. MID: The MID is four byte long and is specified by four ASCII digits (‘0’…’9’). The MID describes how to interpret the sent telegram. Rev: Revision number of the message to use. No ack flag: ONLY FOR SUBSCRIPTION MIDs. The No Ack Flag is used when setting a subscription. If the No Ack flag is not set in a subscription it means that the subscriber will acknowledge each “push” message sent by the controller (reliable mode). If set, the controller will only push out the information required without waiting for a receive acknowledgement from the subscriber (unreliable mode). Station ID: The station the message is addressed to in the case of controller with multi-station configuration. The station ID is 1 byte long and is specified by one ASCII digit (‘0’…’9’). One space is considered as station 1 (default value). Only available if not marked with N/A. Spindle ID: The spindle the message is addressed to in the case several spindles are connected to the same controller. The spindle ID is 2 bytes long and is specified by two ASCII digits (‘0’…’9’). Two spaces are considered as spindle 1 (default value). Only available if not marked with N/A. Spare: Reserved space in the header for future use.

3. Communication 3.1 Communication telegram 3.1.1 Communication start (MID = 0001) Header

Data Field ….

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Enables the command link. The torque controller will not respond to any other commands before this. The torque controller answers with a command error “Already connected” if the link has already been enabled. Possible answers

Communication start acknowledge (MID = 0002) Command Error (MID = 0004) “Client already connected”

Sent by

Station computer.

3.1.2 Communication start acknowledge (MID = 0002) Header

Data Field Data

20 bytes

37 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

When accepting the communication the torque controller sends as reply, a Communication start acknowledge. This message contains some basic information about the torque controller which accept the connection (cluster number, channel number, torque controller Name) Table 2 Revision 1 Parameter



Cell Id



Channel Id



Controller Name




The cell number (cluster number). is four byte long specifying a range of 0000 to 9999 and is specified by four ASCII digits (‘0’….’9’). The channel Id is two byte long specifying a range of 00 to 20 and is specified by two ASCII digits (‘0’….’9’). The torque controller name is 25 byte long and is specified by 25 ASCII characters taken between 0x20 and 0x7F Hex. (X25).

Table 3 Additions for revision 2 Parameter

Supplier code

Id 04

Bytes 3


ATG (supplier code for Apex Tool Group) specified by three ASCII characters.

Table 4 Additions for revision 3 Parameter

Open Protocol version Controller software version Tool software version

Id 05 06 07

Bytes 19 19 19


Open Protocol version. 19 ASCII characters. The software version is specified by 19 ASCII characters. The software version is specified by 19 ASCII characters. Not Supported(default: All Spaces)

Possible answers


Sent by

the torque controller.

3.1.3 Communication stop (MID = 0003) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Disables the command link. The torque controller will stop to respond to any commands (except for “Communication start” MID = 0001) after receiving this command. Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005).

Sent by

Station computer.

3.2 Request answer 3.2.1 Command error (MID = 0004) This message is used by the torque controller when a request for one reason could not have been performed. The data field contains the message Id of the telegram request that failed as well as an error code. Header MID 20 bytes

Data Field Error 6 bytes


Message Id of the request rejected.


Error code (“00”..”99”), two bytes. See Table 3.

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Table 5 Error “00” “01” “02” “03” “04” “06” “07” “08” “09” “10” “11” “12” “13” “14” “15” “16” “17” “18” “19” “20” “21” “22” “23” “30” “31” “32” “33” “34” “40” “41” “42” “43” “44” “50” “51” “52” “53” “59” “60” “70” “79” “80” “81” “82” “83” “84” “85” 86” “87” “88” “89” “90” “91” “92” “93” “94” “95” “96” “97” “98” “99”

Possible answers Sent by

Description No Error Invalid data. Application number not present Application cannot be set. Application not running VIN upload subscription already exists VIN upload subscription does not exists VIN input source not granted Last tightening result subscription already exists Last tightening result subscription does not exist Alarm subscription already exists Alarm subscription does not exist Application selection subscription already exists Application selection subscription does not exist Tightening Id requested not found Connection rejected protocol busy Linking Group number not present Linking Group info subscription already exists Linking Group info subscription does not exist Linking Group cannot be set Linking Group not running Not possible to execute dynamic Linking Group request Linking Group batch decrement failed Controller is not a sync Master Multi spindle status subscription already exists Multi spindle status subscription does not exist Multi spindle result subscription already exists Multi spindle result subscription does not exist Linking Group line control info subscription already exists Linking Group line control info subscription does not exist Identifier input source not granted Multiple identifiers work order subscription already exists Multiple identifiers work order subscription does not exist Status “external monitored inputs” subscription already exists Status “external monitored inputs” subscription does not exist IO device not connected Faulty IO device number Tool currently in use No histogram available Calibration failed Calibration failed Audi emergency status subscription exists Audi emergency status subscription does not exist Automatic/Manual mode subscribe already exist Automatic/Manual mode subscribe does not exist The relay function subscription already exists The relay function subscription does not exist The selector socket info subscription already exist The selector socket info subscription does not exist The digin info subscription already exist The digin info subscription does not exist Lock at batch done subscription already exist Lock at batch done subscription does not exist Open protocol commands disabled Open protocol commands disabled subscription already exists Open protocol commands disabled subscription does not exist Reject request, PowerMACS is in manual mode Client already connected MID revision unsupported Controller internal request timeout Unknown MID

None the torque controller.

3.2.2 Command accepted (MID = 0005) This message is used by the torque controller to confirm that the last request sent by the station computer was accepted. The data field contains the MID of the request accepted. Header

Data Field MID

20 bytes

4 bytes

Possible answers


Sent by

the torque controller.

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

3.3 Application telegrams 3.3.1 Application number upload request (MID = 0010) Header

Data Field …

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

A request for all the valid Application number of the torque controller. The result of this command will be the transmission of all the valid Application number of the torque controller (Application numbers upload reply MID = 0011) Possible answers

Application numbers upload reply (MID = 00011).

Sent by

Station computer.

3.3.2 Application numbers upload reply (MID = 0011) The transmission of all the valid Application numbers of the torque controller. The data field contains the number of valid Application currently present in the torque controller, and the number of each Application present. Header

Data Field Number of valid Application 3 bytes

20 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

3 bytes  Number of valid Application

Nbr of valid Application : number of Application present in the torque controller specified by 3 bytes (max 999). Each Application number is three byte long and is specified by three ASCII digits (‘0’….’9’). Possible answers


Used by

the torque controller

3.3.3 Application data upload request (MID = 0012) Header

Data Field Application Number

20 bytes

3 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Request to upload a Application data from the torque controller. Application Number

Application number, is three byte long and is specified by three ASCII digits (‘0’….’9’)..

Possible answers

“Application data upload reply (MID = 0013)” or “Command error (MID = 0003) “Application number not present ”

Used by

Station computer.

3.3.4 Application data upload reply (MID = 0013) Header

Data Field Data

20 bytes

84 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Upload of Application data reply. Table 6 Parameter Application id Application name Rotation direction

Id 01 02 03

Bytes 3 ASCII digits. 25 ASCII character 1 ASCII digit

Batch size Torque min

04 05

2 ASCII digit 6 ASCII digits

Torque max


6 ASCII digits

Torque final target


6 ASCII digits

Angle min


5 ASCII digits

Angle max


5 ASCII digits

Final Angle Target


5 ASCII digits

Possible answers


Sent by

the torque controller

Comment Range 0-250 Fill with SPC if Application Name size < 25 1. CW 2. CCW Range 0-99 The torque min limit is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). The torque max limit is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated The torque final target is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). The angle min value has a specified range between 0 and 99999. The angle max value is five byte long and is specified by five ASCII digits (‘0’….’9’). The target angle has a specified range between 0 and 99999. The target angle is specified in degree.

3.3.5 Application “selected” subscribe (MID = 0014) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

A subscription for the Application selection. A message is sent to the station computer when a new Application is selected (Application selected MID = 0015). Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) Or Command Error (MID = 0004) “Application selection subscription already exists”

Sent by

Station computer.

3.3.6 Application selected (MID = 0015) Header

Data Field YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS Date of any settings change to Controller(one date for all apps) 22 bytes

Applicatio n Nbr 20 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

A new Application is selected in the torque controller. The telegram contains the number of the last Application selected as well as the date/time of the last change done in the Application settings. Possible answers

New Application selected Acknowledge (MID = 0016)

Sent by

the torque controller.

3.3.7 Application selected acknowledge (MID = 0016) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Acknowledge for a New Application selected. Possible answers


Sent by

Station computer.

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

3.3.8 Application “selected” unsubscribe (MID = 0017) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Reset the subscription for the Application selection. Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) Or Command Error (MID = 0004) “Application selection subscription does not exist”

Sent by

Station computer.

3.3.9 Select Application (MID = 0018) Header

Data Field Application Number

20 bytes

3 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Application Number

Application number represented by 3 ASCII digits (range 000 to 999).

Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) or Command Error (MID = 0003) “Application cannot be set”

Sent by

Station computer

3.3.10 Set Application batch size (MID = 0019) Header

20 bytes

Data Field Application Batch size Number 5 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

This telegram gives the possibility to set the batch size of a Application in run time. This will set the maximum or required number of rundowns for the batch. Application Number

Application number represented by 3 ASCII digits (range 000 to 999).

Batch Size

Size of the Application batch represented by 2 ASCII digits (range 00-99)

Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) Or Command Error (MID = 0004) “Invalid data”

Sent by

Station computer.

3.3.11 Reset Application batch size (MID = 0020) Header

Data Field Application Number

20 bytes

3 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

This telegram gives the possibility to reset the batch accumulator of the running Application in run time. Application Number

Application number represented by 3 ASCII digits (range 000 to 999).

Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) Or Command Error (MID = 0004) “Invalid data” “Application not running”

Sent by

Station computer.

3.3.12 Lock at batch done subscribe (MID = 0021) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Subscription for the “lock at batch done”. A message (Lock at batch done upload MID = 0022) is sent to the station computer each time the “lock at batch done” status is changed. An acceptance message (Command accepted MID = 0005) is sent as an immediate response to the subscribe message. Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) Or Command Error (MID = 0004) “Lock at batch done subscription already exists”

Sent by

Station computer.

3.3.13 Lock at batch done Upload (MID = 0022) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

1 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Upload the status of the “lock at batch done”. The data field consists of one ASCII digit: “1” if “lock at batch done” is true and “0” if false. Possible answers

Lock at batch done upload acknowledge (MID = 0023)

Sent by

the torque controller.

3.3.14 Lock at batch done Upload acknowledge (MID = 0023) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Acknowledge to telegram “lock at batch done upload” (MID 0022). Possible answers


Sent by

Station computer.

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

3.3.15 Lock at batch done unsubscribe (MID = 0024) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Unsubscribe the “lock at batch done”. Possible answers

Sent by

Command accepted (MID = 0005) Or Command Error (MID = 0004) “Lock at batch done subscription does NOT exist” Station computer.

3.4 Linking Group telegram 3.4.1 Linking Group numbers upload request (MID = 0030) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

A request for all the valid Linking Group numbers of the PF3000. The result of this command will be the transmission of all the valid Linking Group numbers of the PF3000 (Linking Group numbers upload reply MID = 0031) Possible answers Sent by

Linking Group numbers upload reply (MID = 0031).

Station computer.

3.4.2 Linking Group numbers upload reply (MID = 0031) Header

Data Field Number of valid … Linking Group number 2 bytes 2 bytes  Number of valid Linking Group

20 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

The transmission of all the valid Linking Group numbers of the PF3000 Each Linking Group number is two bytes long and is specified by three Ascii digits (‘0’….’9’). Range (‘00’…’99’). Table 7 Revision 1 Parameter Number of Linking Groups Linking Group ID of each Linking Group present in the controller

Bytes 2 ASCII digits 2 ASCII digits * # of Linking Groups

Comment Two ASCII digits, range 00-99. Two ASCII digits for each Linking Group. Range: 0099.

Bytes 4 ASCII digits 4 ASCII digits * # of Linking Groups

Comment Four ASCII digits, range 0000-9999. Four ASCII digits for each Linking Group. Range: 0000-9999.

Table 8 Revision 2 Parameter Number of Linking Groups Linking Group ID of each Linking Group present in the controller

Possible answers


Sent by

The torque controller.

3.4.3 Linking Group data upload request (MID = 0032) Header

Data Field Linking Group Number

20 bytes

2 or 4 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Request to upload the data from a specific Linking Group from the PF3000. Revision 1: Linking Group Number Linking Group Number is two bytes long and is specified by two Ascii digits (‘0’….’9’) Revision 2 Linking Group Number Linking Group Number is four bytes long and is specified by four Ascii digits (‘0’….’9’)

Possible answers

“ Linking Group data upload “ (MID = 0033)” or “Command error (MID = 0003) “Linking Group Number not present ”

Used by

Station computer.

3.4.4 Linking Group data upload reply (MID = 0033) Header

Data Field Linking Group data

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

20 bytes

71 + no of Applications in the Linking Group x 12 bytes.

This message is sent as a reply to the MID 0032 Linking Group data request. Possible answers


Used by


Table 9 Revision 1: Linking Group ID


Id 01

Bytes 2

Linking Group name Forced order

02 03

25 1

Max time for first tightening



Max time to complete Linking Group Linking Group batch mode/ batch count type





Lock at Linking Group done Use line control Repeat Linking Group Tool loosening



08 09 10

1 1 1



Number of Applications


Linking Group list



The Linking Group ID is specified by two ASCII characters. Range: 00-99 25 ASCII characters. One ASCII character: 0=free order, 1=forced order, 2=free and forced Not Supported(default:1) Four ASCII digits, range 0000-9999, Not Supported(default:0) 0000=not used Five ASCII digits, range 00000-99999, Not Supported(default:0) 00000=not used The Linking Group batch mode is the way to count the tightening in a Linking Group; only the OK or both OK and NOK. One ASCII character. 0=only the OK tightenings are counted 1=both the OK and NOK tightenings are counted Not Supported(default:0) One ASCII character: 0=No, 1=Yes Not Supported(default:0)

One ASCII character: 0=No, 1=Yes Not Supported(default:0) One ASCII character: 0=No, 1=Yes Not Supported(default:0) Tool loosening. One ASCII character. Not Supported(default:0) 0=Enable, 1=Disable, 2=Enable only on NOK tightening 1 Reserved for Linking Group repair. One ASCII character. 0=E, 1=G Not Supported(default:0) 2 The number of Applications in the Linking Group list, defined by two ASCII characters, range 00-99. N * 12 A list of Applications (N=value from parameter “Number of Applications”, max 99). Each Application is defined by a number of parameters separated by “:” and terminated by “;” (12 bytes) according to: [Channel-ID]:[Type-ID]:[AutoValue]:[BatchSize]; Channel-ID = two ASCII characters, range 00-99 Type ID = Application ID or Multistage ID, three ASCII characters, range 000-999 Auto Value = One ASCII character, 1 or 0, 1=for Auto Next Not Supported(default:0) Change, BatchSize = Two ASCII characters, range 00-99 Not Supported(default:0) Example: 15:011:0:22;

Table 10 Revision 2: Linking Group ID


Id 01

Bytes 4

Linking Group name Forced order

02 03

25 1

Max time for first tightening



Max time to complete Linking Group Linking Group batch mode/ batch count type





Lock at Linking Group done Use line control Repeat Linking Group Tool loosening



08 09 10

1 1 1



Number of Applications


Linking Group list



The Linking Group ID is specified by two ASCII characters. Range: 0000-9999 25 ASCII characters. One ASCII character: 0=free order, 1=forced order, 2=free and forced Not Supported(default:1) Four ASCII digits, range 0000-9999, Not Supported(default:0) 0000=not used Five ASCII digits, range 00000-99999, Not Supported(default:0) 00000=not used The Linking Group batch mode is the way to count the tightening in a Linking Group; only the OK or both OK and NOK. One ASCII character. 0=only the OK tightenings are counted 1=both the OK and NOK tightenings are counted Not Supported(default:0) One ASCII character: 0=No, 1=Yes Not Supported(default:0)

One ASCII character: 0=No, 1=Yes Not Supported(default:0) One ASCII character: 0=No, 1=Yes Not Supported(default:0) Tool loosening. One ASCII character. 0=Enable, 1=Disable, 2=Enable only on NOK tightening Not Supported(default:0) 1 Reserved for Linking Group repair. One ASCII character. Not Supported(default:0) 0=E, 1=G 2 The number of Applications in the Linking Group list, defined by two ASCII characters, range 00-99. N * 12 A list of Applications (N=value from parameter “Number of Applications”, max 99). Each Application is defined by a number of parameters separated by “:” and terminated by “;” (12 bytes) according to: [Channel-ID]:[Type-ID]:[AutoValue]:[BatchSize]; Channel-ID = two ASCII characters, range 00-99 Type ID = Application ID or Multistage ID, three ASCII characters, range 000-999 Auto Value = One ASCII character, 1 or 0, 1=for Auto Next Not Supported(default:0) Change, BatchSize = Two ASCII characters, range 00-99 Not Supported(default:0) Example: 15:011:0:22;

3.4.5 Linking Group Info/Selected subscribe (MID =0034) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

A subscription for the Linking Group info. MID 0035 Linking Group info is sent to the integrator when a new Linking Group is selected and after each tightening performed during the Linking Group. Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) Or Command Error (MID = 0004) Linking Group info subscription already exists

Sent by

Station computer.

3.4.6 Linking Group/Selected Info (MID = 0035) Linking Group Info Open Protocol Implementation Header Data Field Linking Group Info 20 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

42 bytes

Info of selected Linking Group on the Torque controller Possible answers

Linking Group Info Acknowledge (MID = 0036)

Sent by

Station computer

Table 11 Revision 1: Linking Group ID


Id 01

Bytes 2

Linking Group status



Linking Group batch mode



Linking Group batch size



Linking Group batch counter



Time stamp



Linking Group ID

Id 01

Bytes 4

Linking Group status



Linking Group batch mode



Linking Group batch size



Linking Group batch counter



Time stamp




The Linking Group ID is specified by two ASCII characters. Range: 00-99 The Linking Group batch status is specified by one ASCII character. 0=Linking Group not completed, 1=Linking Group OK, 2=Linking Group NOK. The Linking Group batch mode is the way to count the tightening in a Linking Group only the OK or both OK and NOK. One ASCII character 0= only the OK tightenings are counted 1= both the OK and NOK tightenings are counted Always set to '1= both the OK and NOK tightenings are counted' This parameter gives the total number of tightening in the Linking Group. The Linking Group batch size is four bytes long. Four ASCII characters, range 0000-9999. This parameter gives the current value of the Linking Group batch counter. The Linking Group is completed when the Linking Group batch counter is equal to the Linking Group batch size. The Linking Group batch counter is four bytes long. Four ASCII characters, range 0000-9999. Time stamp for the Linking Group info. The time stamp is 19 bytes long and is specified by 19 ASCII characters YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS.

Table 12 Revision 2: Parameter


The Linking Group ID is specified by two ASCII characters. Range: 0000-9999 The Linking Group batch status is specified by one ASCII character. 0=Linking Group not completed, 1=Linking Group OK, 2=Linking Group NOK. The Linking Group batch mode is the way to count the tightening in a Linking Group only the OK or both OK and NOK. One ASCII character 0= only the OK tightenings are counted 1= both the OK and NOK tightenings are counted This parameter gives the total number of tightening in the Linking Group. The Linking Group batch size is four bytes long. Four ASCII characters, range 0000-9999. Always set to '1= both the OK and NOK tightenings are counted' This parameter gives the current value of the Linking Group batch counter. The Linking Group is completed when the Linking Group batch counter is equal to the Linking Group batch size. The Linking Group batch counter is four bytes long. Four ASCII characters, range 0000-9999. Time stamp for the Linking Group info. The time stamp is 19 bytes long and is specified by 19 ASCII characters YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS. Linking Group Selected FEP Implementation Header Data Field Linking Group Number 20 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

2 bytes

A new Linking Group is selected in the Torque controller. Possible answers

Linking Group selected Acknowledge (MID = 0036)

Sent by Station

Station computer.

3.4.6 Linking Group Info/Selected acknowledge (MID = 0036) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Acknowledge for a Linking Group Info message. Possible answers


Sent by

Station computer.

3.4.7 Linking Group Info/Selected unsubscribe (MID = 0037) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Reset the subscription for the Linking Group Info. Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) Or Command Error (MID = 0004) Linking Group info subscription does not exist

Sent by

Station computer

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

3.4.8 Select Linking Group (MID = 0038) Header

Data Field Linking Group Number

20 bytes

2 or 4 bytes

Revision 1: Linking Group Number

Revision 2 Linking Group Number

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Linking Group Number is two bytes long and is specified by two Ascii digits (‘0’….’9’)

Linking Group Number is four bytes long and is specified by four Ascii digits (‘0’….’9’)

Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) or Command Error (MID = 0003) (“Linking Group cannot be set”) (“Invalid data”)

Sent by


3.4.9 Linking Group restart (MID = 0039) Header

Data Field Linking Group Number

20 bytes

2 or 4 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Revision 1: Linking Group Number Linking Group Number is two bytes long and is specified by two Ascii digits (‘0’….’9’) Revision 2 Linking Group Number Linking Group Number is two bytes long and is specified by four Ascii digits (‘0’….’9’) Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) or Command Error (MID = 0003) (“Linking Group not running”) (“Invalid data”)

Sent by


3.4 Tool telegram 3.4.1 Tool data upload request (MID = 0040) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

A request for some data stored in the tool. The result of this command will be the transmission of the tool data (Tool data upload reply MID = 0028) Possible answers

Tool data upload reply (MID = 0041).

Sent by

Station computer.

3.4.2 Tool data upload (MID = 0041) Open Protocol Implementation Header

Data Field Data

20 bytes

61 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Upload of tool data from the torque controller. Data

data representing the Application data. The data contains a list of parameters.


Table 13 Tool data, revision 1 Parameter Tool serial number Total number of tightening Last calibration date

Id 01 02

Bytes 14 10



Comment The Tool serial number is specified by 14 ASCII characters Left justified. The Total number of tightening is specified by 10 ASCII digits. Max 4294967295 YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS Adjustment Date (year, Month) (Day = 1 )(hour =

minute = sec = 0) Controller Serial Number



The controller serial number is specified by 10 ASCII characters

Table 14 Tool data, Additions for revision 2 Parameter Calibration value

Id 05

Bytes 6

Last service date



Tightenings since service



Tool type



Motor size



Open end data



Controller software version



Comment The tool calibration value is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). Six ASCII digits. YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS Service Date (year, Month) (Day = 1 )(hour =

minute = sec = 0) Blank if not available The number of tightenings since last service is specified by 10 ASCII digits. Max 4294967295 The tool type is specified by 2 ASCII digits: 01=S-tool, 02=DS-tool, 03=Ref. transducer, 04=ST-tool, 05=EPtool, 06=ETX-tool, 07=SL-tool, 08=DL-tool, 09=STB(offline), 10=STB(online), 11=QST-tool

Not Supported(default: All Spaces) The motor size is specified by 2 ASCII digits, range 00-99. The open end data is specified by 3 ASCII digits. The first digit represents the “use open end�: 1=true, 0=false. The second digit indicates the tightening direction: 0=CW, 1=CCW. The third digit indicates motor rotation: 0=normal, 1=inverted.

Not Supported(default:0) FEP Implementation Header

20 bytes

The software version is specified by 19 ASCII characters.

Data Field Data

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

93 bytes

Upload of tool data from the torque controller. Data

data representing the Application data. The data contains a list of parameters.


Table 15 Parameter Tool serial number Total number of tightening Last calibration date Controller Serial Number Firmware Version 1 Firmware Version 2

Id 01 02

Bytes 14 10

03 04 05 06

19 10 10 10




Comment The Tool serial number is specified by 14 ASCII characters Left justified. The Total number of tightening is specified by 10 ASCII digits. Max 4294967295 YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS The controller serial number is specified by 10 ASCII characters The controller firmware version, left justified. Software Version Number Auxiliary firmware version in the case there is a second firmware required

Software Version Number Reserved for future (Blank)

3.4.3 Disable tool (MID = 0042) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Disable tool Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005)

Sent by

Station computer.

3.4.4 Enable tool (MID = 0043) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Enable tool Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005)

Sent by

Station computer.

3.5 VIN telegram 3.5.1 Vehicle Id Number download request (MID = 0050) Header

Data Field VIN

20 bytes

25 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Used by the station computer to send a VIN number to the torque controller. The VIN number is represented by max 25 ASCII characters. If the VIN number length is lower than 25 characters, the VIN number field is filled with space SPC Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) or Command Error (MID = 0003) “VIN input source not granted”

Sent by

Station computer.

3.5.2 Vehicle Id Number upload subscribe (MID = 0051) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

This telegram is used by the station computer to set subscription for the barcode received by the torque controller independently of the input source (serial, Ethernet, field bus…). The result of this command will be the transmission of all the barcode received by the torque controller to the subscriber independently of the input source. Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) Or Command Error (MID = 0004) “VIN upload subscription already exists”

Sent by

Station computer.

3.5.3 Vehicle Id Number upload (MID = 0052) Header

Data Field VIN 25 ASCII characters 25 bytes

20 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Transmission of the last barcode received by the torque controller to the subscriber. Revision 2 Exceptions: Identifier result part 2 Identifier result part 3 Identifier result part 4

Not Supported(default: All Spaces) Not Supported(default: All Spaces) Not Supported(default: All Spaces)

Possible answers

Vehicle Id Number upload acknowledge (MID = 0053)

Sent by

the torque controller

3.5.4 Vehicle Id Number upload acknowledge (MID = 0053) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Vehicle Id Number upload acknowledge. Possible answers


Sent by

Station computer.

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

3.5.5 Vehicle Id Number upload unsubscribe (MID = 0054) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Reset the subscription for the barcode (VIN) received by the torque controller. Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) Or Command Error (MID = 0004) “VIN upload subscription does not exists”

Sent by

Station computer.

3.6 Tightening result telegram 3.6.1 Last tightening result data subscribe (MID = 0060) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Set the subscription for the rundowns result. The result of this command will be the transmission of the rundown result after the tightening is performed (push function) Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) Or Command Error (MID = 0004) “Last tightening result subscription already exists” “MID revision not supported”

Sent by

Station computer.

3.6.2 Last tightening result data upload reply (MID = 0061) Header

Data Field Data

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

20 bytes Upload last tightening result. Table 16 Revision 1 Parameter




Cell ID Channel ID Torque controller Name VIN Number Linking Group ID

01 02 03 04

4 2 25 25 2

The cell ID is four bytes long and specified by four ASCII digits. Range: 0000-9999. The channel ID is two bytes long and specified by two ASCII digits. Range: 00-99. The controller name is 25 bytes long and is specified by 25 ASCII characters. The VIN number is 25 bytes long and is specified by 25 ASCII characters. The Linking Group ID is two bytes long and specified by two ASCII digits. Range: 0099 The Application ID is three bytes long and specified by three ASCII digits. Range: 000-999. This parameter gives the total number of tightening in the batch. The batch size is four bytes long and specified by four ASCII digits. Range: 0000-9999. The batch counter information is four bytes long specifying and specified by four ASCII digits. Range: 0000-9999. The tightening status is one byte long and specified by one ASCII digit. 0=tightening NOK, 1=tightening OK. 0=Low, 1=OK, 2=High 0=Low, 1=OK, 2=High The torque min limit is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). It is six bytes long and is specified by sixASCII digits. The torque max limit is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). It is six bytes long and is specified by sixASCII digits. The torque final target is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). It is six bytes long and is specified by six ASCII digits. The torque value is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). It is six bytes long and is specified by six ASCII digits. The angle min value in degrees. Each turn represents 360 degrees. It is five bytes long and specified by five ASCII digits. Range: 00000-99999. The angle max value in degrees. Each turn represents 360 degrees. It is five bytes long and specified by five ASCII digits. Range: 00000-99999. The target angle value in degrees. Each turn represents 360 degrees. It is five bytes long and specified by five ASCII digits. Range: 00000-99999. The turning angle value in degrees. Each turn represents 360 degrees. It is five bytes long and specified by five ASCII digits. Range: 00000-99999. Time stamp for each tightening. It is 19 bytes long and is specified by 19 ASCII characters (YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS). Time stamp for the last change in the current Application settings. It is 19 bytes long and is specified by 19 ASCII characters (YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS).

05 Application ID

3 06

Batch size

4 07

Batch counter

1 08

Tightening Status Torque status Angle status Torque Min limit

1 09 10 11

1 1 6

12 Torque Max limit

6 13

Torque final target

6 14


6 15

Angle Min

5 16

Angle Max

5 17

Final Angle Target

5 18


5 19

Time stamp

19 20

Date/time of last change in Application settings

19 21

Batch status

1 22

Tightening ID

10 23

Date of any settings change to Controller(one date for all apps) The batch status is specified by one ASCII character. 0=batch NOK (batch not completed), 1=batch OK, 2=batch not used. The tightening ID is a unique ID for each tightening result. It is incremented after each tightening. 10 ASCII digits. Max 4294967295

Table 17 Revision 2 Parameter




Cell ID Channel ID Torque controller Name VIN Number Linking Group ID

01 02 03 04

4 2 25 25 2

The cell ID is four bytes long and specified by four ASCII digits. Range: 0000-9999. The channel ID is two bytes long and specified by two ASCII digits. Range: 00-99. The controller name is 25 bytes long and is specified by 25 ASCII characters. The VIN number is 25 bytes long and is specified by 25 ASCII characters. The Linking Group ID is two bytes long and specified by two ASCII digits. Range: 0099 The Application ID is three bytes long and specified by three ASCII digits. Range: 000-999. The strategy currently run by the controller. It is two bytes long and specified by two ASCII digits. Range: 00-99.

05 Application ID

3 06



Supported: Torque Control Torque Control/Angle Mon Angle Control/Torque Mon Reverse Angle Torque Control/Angle Control (OR) Home Position No Strategy

01 02 04 07 11 13 99

07 Strategy options


Five bytes long bit field Supported: Bit 0 Torque Bit 1 Angle Bit 2 Batch

08 Batch size Batch counter Tightening Status

09 10 11



This parameter gives the total number of tightening in the batch. The batch size is four bytes long and specified by four ASCII digits. Range: 0000-9999. The batch counter information is four bytes long specifying and specified by four ASCII digits. Range: 0000-9999. The tightening status is one byte long and specified by one ASCII digit. 0=tightening NOK, 1=tightening OK. The batch status is specified by one ASCII character. 0 = batch NOK (batch not completed), 1 = batch OK, 2 = batch not used. 0=Low, 1=OK, 2=High


0=Low, 1=OK, 2=High


0=Low, 1=OK, 2=High Not Supported(default:1)


0=Low, 1=OK, 2=High Not Supported(default:1)


0=Low, 1=OK, 2=High Not Supported(default:1)


0=Low, 1=OK, 2=High Not Supported(default:1)


0=Low, 1=OK, 2=High Not Supported(default:1)


Ten bytes long bit field. Tightening error bits show what went wrong with the tightening. Supported: Bit 3 Torque max shut off Bit 4 Angle max shut off Bit 15 Torque less than target The torque min limit is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). It is six bytes long and is specified by sixASCII digits. The torque max limit is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). It is six bytes long and is specified by sixASCII digits. The torque final target is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). It is six bytes long and is specified by six ASCII digits. The torque value is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). It is six bytes long and is specified by six ASCII digits. The angle min value in degrees. Each turn represents 360 degrees. It is five bytes long and specified by five ASCII digits. Range: 00000-99999.

1 1

Batch status

Torque status Angle status Rundown angle status Current Monitoring Status Selftap status Prevail Torque monitoring status Prevail Torque compensate status Tightening error status

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 Torque Min limit Torque Max limit Torque final target Torque Angle Min

21 22 23 24 25

6 6 6 6 5

Angle Max Final Angle Target Angle

26 27 28

Rundown angle Min

5 5 5 5

29 Rundown angle Max


30 Rundown angle


31 Current Monitoring Min


32 Current Monitoring Max


33 Current Monitoring Value



Self tap min


35 Self tap max


36 Self tap torque


37 Prevail torque monitoring min Prevail torque monitoring max


38 6


Prevail torque


40 Tightening ID Linking Group sequence number Sync tightening ID

41 42

10 5 5

43 Tool serial number


44 Time stamp Date/time of last change in Application settings


19 19


The angle max value in degrees. Each turn represents 360 degrees. It is five bytes long and specified by five ASCII digits. Range: 00000-99999. The target angle value in degrees. Each turn represents 360 degrees. It is five bytes long and specified by five ASCII digits. Range: 00000-99999. The turning angle value in degrees. Each turn represents 360 degrees. It is five bytes long and specified by five ASCII digits. Range: 00000-99999. The tightening angle min value in degrees. Each turn represents 360 degrees. It is five bytes long and specified by five ASCII digits. Range: 00000-99999. Not Supported(default:0) The tightening angle max value in degrees. Each turn represents 360 degrees. It is five bytes long and specified by five ASCII digits. Range: 00000-99999. Not Supported(default:9999) The tightening angle value reached in degrees. Each turn represents 360 degrees. It is five bytes long and specified by five ASCII digits. Range: 00000-99999. Not Supported(default:0) The current monitoring min limit in percent is three bytes long and is specified by three ASCII digits. Range: 000-999. Not Supported(default:0) The current monitoring max limit in percent is three bytes long and is specified by three ASCII digits. Range: 000-999. Not Supported(default:150) The current monitoring value in percent is three bytes long and is specified by three ASCII digits. Range: 000-999. Not Supported(default:0) The selftap min limit is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). It is six bytes long and specified by six ASCII digits. Not Supported(default: 000105) The selftap max limit is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). It is six bytes long and specified by six ASCII digits. Not Supported(default: 999900) The selftap torque is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). It is six bytes long and specified by six ASCII digits. Not Supported(default:0) The PVTmin limit is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). It is six bytes long and specified by six ASCII digits. Not Supported(default: 000105) The PVT max limit is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). It is six bytes long and specified by six ASCII digits. Not Supported(default: 000105) The prevail torque value is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). The prevail torque is six bytes long and is specified by six ASCII digits. Not Supported(default:0) The tightening ID is a unique ID for each tightening result. It is incremented after each tightening. 10 ASCII digits. Max 4294967295 The tightening ID is a unique ID. It is incremented after each tightening. It is ten bytes long and specified by ten ASCII digits. Max 4294967295. The Linking Group sequence number is unique for each Linking Group. All tightenings performed in the same Linking Group are stamped with the same Linking Group sequence number. It is specified by five ASCII digits. Range: 00000-65535. The sync tightening ID is a unique ID for each sync tightening result. Each individual result of each spindle is stamped with this ID. The tightening ID is incremented after each sync tightening. It is specified by five ASCII digits. Range: 00000-65535. Time stamp for each tightening. It is 19 bytes long and is specified by 19 ASCII characters (YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS). Time stamp for the last change in the current Application settings. It is 19 bytes long and is specified by 19 ASCII characters (YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS).

Exceptions for Revision 2: Self Tap Max Self Tap Torque Prevail Torque Monitoring Min Prevail Torque Monitoring Max Prevail Torque Linking Group Sequence Number Sync Tightening ID

Not Supported(default:999900) Not Supported(default:0) Not Supported(default:000105) Not Supported(default:000105) Not Supported(default:0) Not Supported(default:0) Not Supported(default:0)

Table 18, Additional revision 3 Application Name


Id 24

Bytes 25

Torque values Unit



Result type




The Application name is 25 bytes long and is specified by 25 ASCII characters The unit in which the torque values are sent. The torque values unit is one byte long and is specified by one ASCII digit. Only Nm Supported The result type is two bytes long and specified by two ASCII digits. Supported: Tightening 01 Loosening 02

Table 19, Additional revision 4 Parameter



Identifier result part 2



The identifier result part 2 is 25 bytes long and is specified by 25 ASCII characters.


Identifier result part 3



The identifier result part 2 is 25 bytes long and is specified by 25 ASCII characters.

Identifier result part 4



The identifier result part 2 is 25 bytes long and is specified by 25 ASCII characters.

Exceptions for Revision 4: Additional revision 5 Customer Tightening Error Code

Not Supported(default:0)

Additional revision 6 Prevail Torque Compensate Value Tightening Error Status2

Not Supported(default:0) Not Supported(default:0)

Possible answers

Last tightening result Acknowledge (MID =0062)

Sent by

the torque controller

3.6.3 Last tightening result data acknowledge (MID = 0062) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Last tightening result data acknowledge. Possible answers


Sent by

Station computer

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

3.6.4 Last tightening result data unsubscribe (MID = 0063) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Reset the last tightening result subscription for the rundowns result. Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) Or Command Error “ Last tightening result subscription does not exist”

Sent by

Station computer.

3.6.5 Old tightening result upload request (MID = 0064) Header

Data Field Tightening Id

20 bytes

10 bytes (Max 4294967295)

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

This telegram is a request to upload a special rundown result from the torque controller. The result wanted is specified by its unique Id (tightening Id). This telegram can be useful after a failure of the network in order to retrieve the missing result during the communication interruption (the station computer can see the missing results by always comparing the last tightening ids of the two last received rundowns packets (parameter 23 in the result telegram). Requesting tightening Id zero is the same as requesting the latest rundown performed. Possible answers

Old tightening result reply (MID = 0065) Or Command Error “Tightening Id requested not found” “MID revision not supported”

Sent by

Station computer.

3.6.6 Old tightening result reply (MID = 0065) Header

Data Field Data

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

20 bytes Old tightening upload. Open Protocol Implementation Table 20, MID 0065 revision 1 Id


Tightening ID




VIN Number



Application ID



Batch counter



Tightening Status



Torque status Angle status Torque

06 07 08

1 1 6




Time stamp



Batch status




The tightening ID is a unique ID for each tightening result. It is incremented after each tightening. 10 ASCII digits. Max 4294967295 The VIN number is 25 bytes long and is specified by 25 ASCII characters. The Application ID is three bytes long and specified by three ASCII digits. Range: 000-999 The batch counter information is four bytes long and specified by four ASCII digits. Range: 0000-9999. The tightening status is one byte long and specified by one ASCII digit. 0=tightening NOK, 1=tightening OK. 0=Low, 1=OK, 2=High 0=Low, 1=OK, 2=High The torque value is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). It is six bytes long and is specified by six ASCII digits. The turning angle value in degrees. Each turn represents 360 degrees. It is five bytes long and specified by five ASCII digits. Range: 00000-99999. Time stamp for the tightening. It is 19 bytes long and is specified by 19 ASCII characters (YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS). The batch status is specified by one ASCII character. 0=batch NOK (batch not completed), 1=batch OK, 2=batch not used.

Table 21, MID 0065 revision 2 Id


Tightening ID




VIN Number



Linking Group ID



Application ID







The tightening ID is a unique ID for each tightening result. It is incremented after each tightening. 10 ASCII digits. Max 4294967295 The VIN number is 25 bytes long and is specified by 25 ASCII characters. The Linking Group ID is four bytes long and specified by four ASCII digits. Range: 0000-9999 The Application ID (Application ID) is three bytes long and specified by three ASCII digits. Range: 000-999. The strategy currently run by the controller. It is two bytes long and specified by two ASCII digits. Range: 00-99. Supported: Torque Control Torque Control/Angle Mon Angle Control/Torque Mon Reverse Angle Torque Control/Angle Control (OR) Home Position No Strategy

Strategy options



01 02 04 07 11 13 99

Five bytes long bit field Supported: Bit 0 Torque Bit 1 Angle Bit 2 Batch

Batch size



Batch counter



Tightening Status



Batch status



Torque status Angle status Rundown angle status Current Monitoring Status Selftap status Prevail Torque monitoring status Prevail Torque compensate Status Tightening error status

11 12 13

1 1 1

This parameter gives the total number of tightening in the batch. The batch size is four bytes long and specified by four ASCII digits. Range: 0000-9999. The batch counter information is four bytes long specifying and specified by four ASCII digits. Range: 0000-9999. The tightening status is one byte long and is specified by one ASCII digit. 0=tightening NOK, 1=tightening OK. The batch status is specified by one ASCII character. 0=batch NOK (batch not completed), 1=batch OK, 2=batch not used. 0=Low, 1=OK, 2=High 0=Low, 1=OK, 2=High 0=Low, 1=OK, 2=High Not Supported(default:1)



0=Low, 1=OK, 2=High Not Supported(default:1)

15 16

1 1

0=Low, 1=OK, 2=High Not Supported(default:1) 0=Low, 1=OK, 2=High Not Supported(default:1)



0=Low, 1=OK, 2=High Not Supported(default:1)









Rundown angle



Ten bytes long bit field. Tightening error bits show what went wrong with the tightening. Supported: Bit 3 Torque max shut off Bit 4 Angle max shut off Bit 15 Torque less than target The torque value is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). It is six bytes long and is specified by six ASCII digits. The turning angle value in degrees. Each turn represents 360 degrees. It is five bytes long and specified by five ASCII digits. Range: 00000-99999. The tightening angle value reached in degrees. Each turn represents 360 degrees. It is five bytes long and specified by five ASCII digits. Range: 00000-99999. Not Supported(default:0)

Current Monitoring Value Selftap torque





Prevail torque



Linking Group sequence number



Sync tightening ID



Tool serial number


Time stamp


14 19

The current monitoring value in percent is three bytes long and is specified by three ASCII digits. Range: 000-999. Not Supported(default:0) The selftap torque is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). It is six bytes long and specified by six ASCII digits. Not Supported(default:0) The prevail torque value is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). The prevail torque is six bytes long and is specified by six ASCII digits. Not Supported(default:0) The Linking Group sequence number is unique for each Linking Group. All tightenings performed in the same Linking Group are stamped with the same Linking Group sequence number. It is specified by five ASCII digits. Range: 00000-65535. Not Supported(default:0) The sync tightening ID is a unique ID for each sync tightening result. Each individual result of each spindle is stamped with this ID. The tightening ID is incremented after each sync tightening. It is specified by five ASCII digits. Range: 00000-65535. Not Supported(default:0) The Tool serial number is specified by 14 ASCII characters. Time stamp for the tightening. It is 19 bytes long and is specified by 19 ASCII characters (YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS).

Table 22, Additional revision 3 Torque values Unit


Id 29

Bytes 1

Result type




The unit in which the torque values are sent. The torque values unit is one byte long and is specified by one ASCII digit. Only Nm Supported The result type is two bytes long and specified by two ASCII digits. Supported: Tightening 01 Loosening 02

Table 23, Additional revision 4 Parameter



Identifier result part 2



The identifier result part 2 is 25 bytes long and is specified by 25 ASCII characters.


Identifier result part 3



The identifier result part 2 is 25 bytes long and is specified by 25 ASCII characters.

Identifier result part 4



The identifier result part 2 is 25 bytes long and is specified by 25 ASCII characters.

Additional revision 5 Customer Tightening Error Code

Not Supported(default:0)

Additional revision 6 Prevail Torque Compensate Value Tightening Error Status2

Not Supported(default:0) Not Supported(default:0) FEP Implementation Table 24, MID 0065 Id


Tightening ID




VIN Number



Application ID



Batch counter



Tightening Status



Torque status Angle status Torque

06 07 08

1 1 6




Time stamp



Batch status




The tightening ID is a unique ID for each tightening result. It is incremented after each tightening. 10 ASCII digits. Max 4294967295 The VIN number is 25 bytes long and is specified by 25 ASCII characters. The Application ID is three bytes long and specified by three ASCII digits. Range: 000-999 The batch counter information is four bytes long and specified by four ASCII digits. Range: 0000-9999. The tightening status is one byte long and specified by one ASCII digit. 0=tightening NOK, 1=tightening OK. 0=Low, 1=OK, 2=High 0=Low, 1=OK, 2=High The torque value is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). It is six bytes long and is specified by six ASCII digits. The turning angle value in degrees. Each turn represents 360 degrees. It is five bytes long and specified by five ASCII digits. Range: 00000-99999. Time stamp for the tightening. It is 19 bytes long and is specified by 19 ASCII characters (YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS). The batch status is specified by one ASCII character. 0=batch NOK (batch not completed), 1=batch OK, 2=batch not used.

Possible answers


Sent by

the torque controller

3.7 Alarm telegram 3.7.1 Alarm subscribe (MID = 0070) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

A subscription for the for the alarm that can pop up on the torque controller Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) Or Command Error “Alarm subscription already exists”

Sent by

Station computer.

3.7.2 Alarm Upload reply (MID = 0071) Header

Data Field Data

20 bytes

33 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Alarm upload. Table 25 Parameter Error code

Controller ready status Tool ready status Time

Id 01

Bytes 4

02 03 04

1 1 19


The error code is specified by 4 ASCII characters / The error code begins with E and is followed by three digits. Example E851 Apex Error Codes(See Appendix) Controller ready status 1=OK, 0=NOK Not Supported(default:1) Tool ready status 1=OK, 0=NOK YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS

Possible answers


Sent by

the torque controller.

3.7.3 Alarm upload acknowledge (MID = 0072) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Alarm data acknowledge. Possible answers


Sent by

Station computer

3.7.4 Alarm unsubscribe (MID = 0073) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Reset the subscription for the torque controller alarms. Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) Or Command Error “Alarm subscription does not exist”

Sent by

Station computer.

3.7.5 Alarm acknowledged on torque controller (MID = 0074) Header

Data Field Error Code

20 bytes

4 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

This telegram is sent by the torque controller to inform the station computer that the current alarm has been acknowledged. Possible answers Sent by

Alarm acknowledged on torque controller ack (MID = 0075) Torque controller.

3.7.6 Alarm acknowledged on torque controller ack (MID = 0075) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Alarm acknowledged on torque controller acknowledgment. Possible answers


Sent by

Station computer.

3.7.7 Alarm status (MID = 0076) Header

Data Field Data

20 bytes

36 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

The alarm status is sent after an accepted subscription for the torque controller alarms. The aim of the alarm status is to eventually inform the station computer that an alarm is currently active on the controller at connection. Table 26 Parameter Alarm Status Error code

Controller ready status Tool ready status Time

Id 01 02

Bytes 1 4

03 04 05

1 1 19

Exceptions: Controller ready status Error code

Comment 0 if no alarm is active / 1 if an alarm is currently active

The error code is specified by 4 ASCII characters / The error code begins with E and is followed by three digits. Example E851 Apex Error Codes(See Appendix) Controller ready status 1=OK, 0=NOK Not Supported(default:1) Tool ready status 1 OK 0 NOK YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS

Not Supported(default:1) Apex Error Codes(See Appendix)

Possible answers

Alarm status acknowledge (MID = 0077)

Sent by

the torque controller.

3.7.8 Alarm status acknowledge (MID = 0077) Header

Data Field

20 bytes Alarm status acknowledge. Possible answers


Sent by

the station computer

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

3.8 Time telegram 3.8.1 Read time upload request (MID = 0080) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Read time request. Possible answers

Time upload reply (MID = 0081)

Sent by

the station computer.

3.8.2 Time upload reply (MID = 0081) Header

20 bytes

Data Field YYYY-MMDD:HH:MM:SS 19 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Time upload reply from the torque controller. Possible answers


Sent by

the torque controller

3.8.3 Set Time in Torque Controller (MID = 0082) Header

20 bytes

Data Field YYYY-MMDD:HH:MM:SS 19 bytes

Set the time in the torque controller. Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005)

Sent by

the station computer.

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

3.9 Multi-spindle status messages 3.9.1 Multi-spindle status subscribe (MID = 0090) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

A subscription for the multi-spindle status. Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) or Command error (MID = 0004), Controller is not a sync master/station controller, or Multi-spindle status subscription already exists

Sent by

the station computer.

3.9.2 Multi-spindle status (MID = 0091) Header

Data Field Status data

20 bytes

See table 27

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

The multi-spindle status is sent after each sync tightening. The multiple status contains the common status of the multiple as well as the individual tightening status of each spindle. Sent by

the torque controller

Table 27 Multi-spindle status data (MID = 0091) Parameter Number of spindles

Id 01

Sync tightening ID

Bytes 1 5

02 Time stamp Sync overall status

03 04

Spindle status 05

19 1 5Ă— number of spindles.

Comment Number of spindles running in the multiple. The number of spindles is two bytes long and specified by 2 ASCII digits, range 02-10. The sync tightening ID is a unique ID for each sync tightening result. Each individual result of each spindle is stamped with this ID. The tightening ID is incremented after each sync tightening. 5 ASCII digits, range 00000-65535. Time stamp. 19 ASCII characters (YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS). The status of all the spindles. OK if the individual status of each spindle is OK, NOK if at least one spindle status is NOK. One ASCII digit 1=OK, 0=NOK. Bytes 1-2: Spindle number in the same order as in the sync list. Range 01-99. Bytes 3-4: Channel ID of the spindle. Range 01-20 Byte 5: Individual overall status of the tightening of each spindle 0=NOK, 1=OK

3.9.3 Multi-spindle status acknowledge (MID = 0092) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Multi-spindle status acknowledge. Sent by

the station computer.

3.9.4 Multi spindle status unsubscribe (MID = 0093) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Reset the subscription for the multi spindle status. Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) or Command error (MID = 0004), Multi spindle status subscription does not exist

Sent by

the station computer.

3.10 Multi-spindle result messages 3.10.1 Multi-spindle result subscribe (MID = 0100) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

A subscription for the multi-spindle status. Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) or Command error (MID = 0004), Controller is not a sync master/station controller, or Multi-spindle result subscription already exists

Sent by

the station computer.

3.10.2 Multi-spindle result (MID = 0101) Header

Data Field Result data

20 bytes

See table 28

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

The multi-spindle result is sent after each sync tightening. The multiple result contains the common status of the multiple as well as the individual tightening result (torque and angle) of each spindle. Sent by

the torque controller

Table 28 Multi-spindle result data (MID = 0101) Parameter


Number of spindles

01 02

VIN Number Linking Group ID Application ID

03 04

Batch size


Batch counter


Batch status


Torque Min limit Torque Max limit Torque final target Angle Min

08 09 10 11

Angle Max


Final Angle Target Date/time of last change in parameter set settings

Time stamp Sync tightening ID


Bytes 1 4 2 3 4 4 1 6 6 6 5 5 5 19

14 15

19 5

16 Sync overall status


Spindle status

1 18 Ă— number of spindles.



Number of spindles running in the multiple. The number of spindles is two bytes long and specified by 2 ASCII digits, range 02-10. The VIN number is 25 bytes long and is specified by 25 ASCII characters. The Linking Group ID is two bytes long and specified by two ASCII digits. Range: 00-99 The Application ID is three bytes long and specified by three ASCII digits. Range: 000-999. This parameter gives the total number of tightening in the batch. The batch size is four bytes long and specified by four ASCII digits. Range: 0000-9999. The batch counter information is four bytes long specifying and specified by four ASCII digits. Range: 0000-9999. The batch status is specified by one ASCII character. 0=batch NOK (batch not completed), 1=batch OK, 2=batch not used. The torque min limit is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). It is six bytes long and is specified by six ASCII digits. The torque max limit is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). It is six bytes long and is specified by six ASCII digits. The torque final target is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). It is six bytes long and is specified by six ASCII digits. The angle min value in degrees. Each turn represents 360 degrees. It is five bytes long and specified by five ASCII digits. Range: 00000-99999. The angle max value in degrees. Each turn represents 360 degrees. It is five bytes long and specified by five ASCII digits. Range: 00000-99999. The target angle value in degrees. Each turn represents 360 degrees. It is five bytes long and specified by five ASCII digits. Range: 00000-99999. Time stamp for the last change in the current parameter set settings. It is 19 bytes long and is specified by 19 ASCII characters (YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS). Date of any settings change to controller (one date for all apps) Time stamp. 19 ASCII characters (YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS). The sync tightening ID is a unique ID for each sync tightening result. Each individual result of each spindle is stamped with this ID. The tightening ID is incremented after each sync tightening. 5 ASCII digits, range 00000-65535. The status of all the spindles. OK if the individual status of each spindle is OK, NOK if at least one spindle status is NOK. One ASCII digit 1=OK, 0=NOK. Bytes 1-2: Spindle number in the same order as in the sync list. Range 01-99. Bytes 3-4: Channel ID of the spindle. Range 01-20 Byte 5: Individual overall status of the tightening of each spindle 0=NOK, 1=OK Byte 6: Individual torque status of each spindle. 0=NOK, 1=OK Byte 7-12: The torque result of each spindle. The torque is multiplied by 100 and sent as an integer (2 decimals truncated). It is six bytes long and specified by six ASCII digits. Byte 13: Individual angle status of each spindle. 0=NOK, 1=OK Byte 14-18: The turning angle value in degrees for each spindle. Each turn represents 360 degrees. It is five bytes long and specified by five ASCII digits. Range: 00000-99999.

3.10.3 Multi-spindle result acknowledge (MID = 0102) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Multi-spindle result acknowledge. Sent by

the station computer.

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

3.10.4 Multi spindle result unsubscribe (MID = 0103) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Reset the subscription for the multi spindle result. Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) or Command error (MID = 0004), Multi spindle result subscription does not exist

Sent by

the station computer.

3.11 Additional Linking Group Telegrams 3.11.1 Abort Linking Group (MID = 0127) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Abort the current running Linking Group if there is one. Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005)

Sent by

the station computer.

3.11.2 Linking Group batch increment (MID = 0128)


Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Increment the Linking Group batch if there is a current running Linking Group. Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005)

Sent by

the station computer.

3.11.3 Linking Group batch decrement (MID = 0129) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Decrement the Linking Group batch if there is a current running Linking Group. Two revisions are available for this MID. The default revision or revision 1 does not contain any argument and always decrement the last tightening completed in a Linking Group. The revision 2 contains two parameters; the channel ID and Application ID to be decremented. Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) MID 0004 Command error, Linking Group batch decrement failed

Sent by

the station computer.

Revision 1

No Data Revision 2

Table 29 Parameter

Channel ID

Id 01

Bytes 1

Application ID




The channel ID to be decremented. In case of a cell Linking Group each controller member has a unique channel ID. The Application ID to be decremented in the Linking Group.

3.11.4 Linking Group Off (MID = 0130) Header

Data Field Linking Group Status

20 bytes

1 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Job off status is one byte long and specified by one ASCII digit: 0 = set Job off, 1 = reset Job off Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) MID 0004 Command error, Linking Group batch decrement failed

Sent by

the station computer.

3.12 VIN Telegram 3.12.1 Vehicle Id Number download request (MID = 0150) Header

Data Field Identifier data

20 bytes

80 bytes

Used by the integrator to send an identifier to the controller. Currently only a 25 character Max VIN is supported. Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) or Command Error (MID = 0004) Identifier input source not granted

Sent by

Station computer.

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Open Protocol IO MIDs 3.13 IO Telegrams 3.13.1 Set externally controlled relays (MID = 0200) Header

Data Field Relay Data

20 bytes

10 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

By using this message the integrator can control 10 relays (externally control relays). The station can set, reset the relays or make them flashing. Table 30 Parameter

Status relay 1

Id 01

Bytes 1

Status relay 2



Status relay 3



Status relay 4



Status relay 5



Status relay 6



Status relay 7



Status relay 8



Status relay 9



Status relay 10




Set the status for relay 1. The relay status is one byte long and specified by 1 ASCII digit. Range 0-3. 0=Off (reset), 1=On (set, fast), 2=Flashing Set the status for relay 2. The relay status is one byte long and specified by 1 ASCII digit. Range 0-3. 0=Off (reset), 1=On (set, fast), 2=Flashing Set the status for relay 3. The relay status is one byte long and specified by 1 ASCII digit. Range 0-3. 0=Off (reset), 1=On (set, fast), 2=Flashing Set the status for relay 4. The relay status is one byte long and specified by 1 ASCII digit. Range 0-3. 0=Off (reset), 1=On (set, fast), 2=Flashing Set the status for relay 5. The relay status is one byte long and specified by 1 ASCII digit. Range 0-3. 0=Off (reset), 1=On (set, fast), 2=Flashing Set the status for relay 6. The relay status is one byte long and specified by 1 ASCII digit. Range 0-3. 0=Off (reset), 1=On (set, fast), 2=Flashing Set the status for relay 7. The relay status is one byte long and specified by 1 ASCII digit. Range 0-3. 0=Off (reset), 1=On (set, fast), 2=Flashing Set the status for relay 8. The relay status is one byte long and specified by 1 ASCII digit. Range 0-3. 0=Off (reset), 1=On (set, fast), 2=Flashing, 3=Keep current status Set the status for relay 9. The relay status is one byte long and specified by 1 ASCII digit. Range 0-3. 0=Off (reset), 1=On (set, fast), 2=Flashing Set the status for relay 10. The relay status is one byte long and specified by 1 ASCII digit. Range 0-3. 0=Off (reset), 1=On (set, fast), 2=Flashing

Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005)

Sent by

Station computer.

3.13.2 Status externally monitored inputs subscribe (MID = 0210) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

By using this message the integrator can set a subscription to monitor the status for the eight externally monitored digital inputs. After the subscription the station will receive a message every time the status of at least one of the inputs has changed. Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) or MID 0004 Command error, Status externally monitored inputs subscription already exists

Sent by

Station computer.

3.13.3 Status externally monitored inputs (MID = 0211) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

8 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Status for the eight externally monitored digital inputs. This message is sent to the subscriber every time the status of at least one of the inputs has changed. Table 31 Parameter

Status DIG/IN 1

Id 01

Bytes 1

Status DIG/IN 2



Status DIG/IN 3



Status DIG/IN 4



Status DIG/IN 5



Status DIG/IN 6



Status DIG/IN 7



Status DIG/IN 8




The DIG/IN status is one byte long and specified by 1 ASCII digits. Range 0-1. 0=Off, 1=On The DIG/IN status is one byte long and specified by 1 ASCII digits. Range 0-1. 0=Off, 1=On The DIG/IN status is one byte long and specified by 1 ASCII digits. Range 0-1. 0=Off, 1=On The DIG/IN status is one byte long and specified by 1 ASCII digits. Range 0-1. 0=Off, 1=On The DIG/IN status is one byte long and specified by 1 ASCII digits. Range 0-1. 0=Off, 1=On The DIG/IN status is one byte long and specified by 1 ASCII digits. Range 0-1. 0=Off, 1=On The DIG/IN status is one byte long and specified by 1 ASCII digits. Range 0-1. 0=Off, 1=On The DIG/IN status is one byte long and specified by 1 ASCII digits. Range 0-1. 0=Off, 1=On

Possible answers

Status externally monitored inputs acknowledge (MID = 0212)

Sent by

Station computer.

3.13.4 Status externally monitored inputs acknowledge (MID = 0212) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Acknowledgement for the message status Externally monitored inputs upload. Possible answers


Sent by

Station computer

3.13.5 Status externally monitored inputs unsubscribe (MID = 0213) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Reset the subscription for the Externally monitored inputs. Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) Or Command Error (MID = 0004) Status externally monitored inputs subscription does not exist

Sent by

Station computer.

3.13.6 IO device status request (MID = 0214) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

2 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Request for the status of the relays and digital inputs at a device, e.g. an I/O expander. The device is specified by a device number(See Table 32). Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) Or Command Error (MID = 0004) Faulty IO device ID, or IO device not connected

Sent by

Station computer.

3.13.7 IO device status reply (MID = 0215) Header

Data Field

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

20 bytes

72 – depend on # of relays bytes

Relay and Input lists map to the physical IO(pins) on selected devices. MID 0215 revision 1 should only be used to get the status of IO devices with max 8 relays/digital inputs. MID 0215 revision 2 can be used to get the status of all types of IO devices with up to 32 relays/digital inputs. Both the relay and digital input lists will transmit a static list of 32 IO, with 0s for unused IO. Possible answers Sent by

No Torque Controller

Table 32 Revision 1: Parameter



IO device ID



Relay list



Digital Input list




The IO device ID specified with two ASCII characters. Range: 0099. Supported Devices and associated addresses Primary: 0 IO expansion Bridge:1-32 (Arcnet Address: 101-132) Secondary: 50-65 (Arcnet Address: 1-16) A list of 8 relays for the current device ID. Each relay is specified by four bytes. Byte 1-3: Relay number, three ASCII characters, range 000-999 Byte 4: Relay status specified by one ASCII character;0=reset, 1=set. A list of 8 digital inputs for the current device ID. Each digital input is specified by four bytes. Byte 1-3: Digital input number, three ASCII characters,range 000-999 Byte 4: Digital input status specified by one ASCII character.0=Low, 1=High

Table 33 Revision 2: Parameter



IO device ID



Number of relays 02 Relay list 03

2 128

Number of Inputs 04 Digital Input list 05

2 128


The IO device number specified with two ASCII characters. Range: 00-99. Supported Devices and associated addresses Primary: 0 IO expansion Bridge:1-32 (Arcnet Address: 101-132) Secondary: 50-65 (Arcnet Address: 1-16) Number of relays present on the I/O-device.( Always: 32) A list of relays for the current device ID. Each relay is specified by four bytes. Byte 1-3: Relay number, three ASCII characters, range 000-999 Byte 4: Relay status specified by one ASCII character;0=reset, 1=set. Number of Digital Inputs present on the I/O-device.(Always: 32) A list of digital inputs for the current device ID. Each digital input is specified by four bytes. Byte 1-3: Digital input number, three ASCII characters, range 000-999 Byte 4: Digital input status specified by one ASCII character. 0=Low, 1=High

Table 34 MID 0215 Relay number Relay Number

0 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102

Relay Function


Tracking Event

Yes Yes

Table 35 MID 0215 Input number Relay Number

0 1 2 8 9 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 86 127

Relay Function




3.13.8 Relay function subscribe (MID = 0216) Header

Data Field Relay function number

20 bytes

3 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Subscribe for one single relay function. The data field consists of three ASCII digits, the relay number, which corresponds to the specific relay function. The relay numbers can be found in Table 34 above. At a subscription of a tracking event, MID 0217 Relay function immediately returns the current relay status to the subscriber. MID 0216 can only subscribe for one single relay function at a time, but still, Open Protocol supports keeping several relay function subscriptions simultaneously. Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) or MID 0004 Command error, Relay function subscription already exists

Sent by

Station computer.

3.13.9 Relay function (MID = 0217) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

8 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Upload of one specific relay function status, see Table 34. For tracking event functions, MID 0217 Relay function, is sent each time the relay status is changed. For relay functions which are not tracking events, the upload is sent only when the relay is set high, i.e. the data field “Relay function status” will always be 1 for such functions. Table 36 Parameter

Relay no

Id 01

Bytes 3

Relay function status




Three ASCII digits corresponding to a relay function. See Table 34 and add 0 before the number in the list. One ASCII digit representing the relay function status: 1=active 0=not active

Possible answers

MID 0218 Relay function acknowledge

Sent by

Station computer.

3.13.10 Relay function acknowledge (MID = 0218) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Acknowledgement for the message Relay function upload. Possible answers


Sent by

Station computer

3.13.11 Relay function unsubscribe (MID = 0219) Header

Data Field Relay function number

20 bytes

3 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Unsubscribe for a single relay function. The data field consists of three ASCII digits, the relay number, which corresponds to the specific relay function. Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) Or Command Error (MID = 0004) Relay function subscription does not exist

Sent by

Station computer.

3.13.12 Digital input function subscribe (MID = 0220) Header

20 bytes

Data Field Digital input function number 3 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Subscribe for one single digital input function. The data field consists of three ASCII digits, the digital input function number. The digital input function numbers can be found in Table 35 above. At a subscription of a tracking event, MID 0221 Digital input function upload immediately returns the current digital input function status to the subscriber. MID 0220 can only subscribe for one single digital input function at a time, but still, Open Protocol supports keeping several digital input function subscriptions simultaneously. Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) or MID 0004 Command error, Digital input function subscription already exists

Sent by

Station computer.

3.13.13 Digital input function (MID = 0221) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

8 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Upload of one specific Digital input function status, see Table 35. For tracking event functions, MID 0221 Digital input function, is sent each time the digital input function’s status (state) is changed. For digital input functions which are not tracking events, the upload is sent only when the digital input function is set high, i.e. the data field “Digital input function status” will always be 1 for such functions.

Table 37 Parameter

Digital input no Digital input function status

Id 01

Bytes 3




Three ASCII digits corresponding to a Digital input function. See Table 35 and add 0 before the number in the list. One ASCII digit representing the Digital input function status: 1=active 0=not active

Possible answers

MID 0218 Digital input function acknowledge

Sent by

Station computer.

3.13.14 Digital input function acknowledge (MID = 0222) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Acknowledgement for the message Digital input function upload. Possible answers


Sent by

Station computer

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

3.13.15 Digital input function unsubscribe (MID = 0223) Header

Data Field Digital input function number

20 bytes

3 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

Unsubscribe for a single Digital input function. The data field consists of three ASCII digits, the Digital input number, which corresponds to the specific Digital input function. Possible answers

Command accepted (MID = 0005) Or Command Error (MID = 0004) Digital input function subscription does not exist

Sent by

Station computer.

4.1 Keep alive telegram 4.1.1 Keep alive message (MID = 9999) Header

Data Field

20 bytes

0 bytes

Message End NUL (ASCII 0x0)

The station computer sends a keep alive to the torque controller The torque controller should only mirror and return the received keep alive to the station computer. The torque controller has a communication timeout equal to 15s i.e. if no message has been exchanged between the integrator and the GLOBAL CONTROLLER since the last 15s, the GLOBAL CONTROLLER considers the connection as lost and close it. In order to keep the communication alive the integrator must send a keep alive to the GLOBAL CONTROLLER with a time interval lower than 15s. Notice: An inactivity timeout is suggested to integrator i.e. if no message has been exchanged (sent or received) during the last 10s, send a keep alive.

Possible answers

Same message mirrored by the torque controller.

Sent by

Station computer.

5. Communication flow chart example The following chapter describes how the integrator should proceed to establish a session with the GLOBAL CONTROLLER and set its subscriptions. 5.1 Establish a connection and set result subscription



”Communication Start ” MID = 0001

Wait for answer ”Communication Start ACK ” MID = 0002

”Last result data subscribe ” MID = 0060

Wait for answer Command accepted (MID = 0005)

Tightening performed Last tightening result data upload reply (MID = 0061)

Wait for Ack Last tightening result data acknowledge (MID = 0062)

Tightening performed Last tightening result data upload reply (MID = 0061) …..

Appendix I: Apex Error Codes Alarm Code E000 E100 E101 E102 E103 E104 E105 E106 E107 E108 E109 E110 E111 E112 E113 E114 E115 E116 E117 E118 E119 E120 E121 E122 E123 E124 E125 E126 E127 E128 E129 E130 E131 E132 E133 E134 E135 E136 E137 E138 E139 E140 E141 E142 E143 E144 E145 E146 E147 E148 E149 E150

Alarm Description Alarm reporting active Intermediate circuit of the power section not supplied Motor cable defective Short-circuit in motor-circuit Motor temperature too high I2T monitoring Resolver error Intermediate circuit voltage too high Intermediate circuit voltage too low Not defined Not defined Temperature in the output section too high Start-up relay is does not open Main relay is does not open Undervoltage DC-DC converter Overvoltage DC-DC converter 5 V supply in servo too low 5 V supply in servo too high Driver supply of output section too low Offset of power supply too high Not defined 5 V supply in measuring card too low 5 V supply in measuring card too high DPR error FLASH error DPR - Communication to MB interrupted Start signal sequence faulty Not defined Not defined MOTID - error Mathematic error, illegal command etc. Measuring board not ready Not defined 5 V out of tolerance +12 V out of tolerance -12 V out of tolerance not connected to network communication error with transducer 1 communication error with transducer 2 DPR test error communication error at COM1/2 task cannot be created flash faulty not enough RAM storage available watchdog timer DPR test error ARCNET global error ARCNET reconfiguration MK initialization error Error in program processing Initialization error communication error

E151 E152 E153 E154 E155 E156 E157 E158 E159 E160 E161 E162 E163 E164 E165 E166 E167 E168 E169 E170 E171 E172 E173 E174 E175 E176 E177 E178 E179 E180 E181 E182 E183 E184 E185 E186 E187 E188 E189 E190 E191 E192 E193 E194 E195

ARCNET multiple address Order faulty Comm. echo problems Rundown error start problems no correct fastening stage program cancel evaluation problems ARCNET address wrong ARCNET address changed wrong configuration Servo type/-PS faulty test not allowed at present New Transducer 1 New Transducer 2 Transducer 1 absent Transducer 1 absent Transducer 1 error Transducer 1 offset error Transducer 1 calibration error Not defined Transducer 2 error Transducer 2 offset error Transducer 2 calibration error Not defined angle encoder 1 defective angle encoder 2 defective Not defined Not defined Transducer 1 not identified Transducer 2 not identified Not defined Not defined Transducer not correct Fieldbus communication error Not defined Not defined Not defined Not defined Not defined Transducer latchend 24 volts nok temperature error IP error collection error

Appendix II: MID130 Flowchart

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