创意形 仿生形 316

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M e t a m o r p h o s i s Façade



B r e a k t h r o u g hⅡ

Creative Form / Simulating Form

变形记 建筑立面衍生与突破Ⅱ 创意形、仿生形

Art comes from reality but 艺术源自于现实而终止于抽象,

ends in abstract, 而建筑作品则相反,

while architectural works are 源自于抽象概念,形成于现实。

on the contrary. By US Modernism Architect John Hejduk 美国著名现代主义建筑师约翰·海杜克


In walking to new buildings, 勒·柯布西耶在

Lecorbusier says, 《走向新建筑》中说过:

"Architecture has nothing to do with “建筑跟各种风格无关,

styles and it stimulates its potential 建筑以它的抽象性激发最高级的才能。

through the abstract feature which is 建筑的抽象性

so unique and glorious 具有如此独特又如此辉煌的能力,

that it is deeply rooted in the 004


earthlings. And volume and surface 它能把俗物精神化……

are the key elements to represent 体块和表面

architecture." 是建筑借以表现自己的要素……。”

preface 序言

In recent years, with technology development and blend of international design concepts, the architectural surface makes breakthroughs in the original shapes and aesthetic framework and focuses more on humanity and environment to provide creative sources for the surface design. Now the surface design revives with the information wave, and becomes the primary means for architects to represent the building image. It is now increasingly important.

近年来,随着科技的进步和国际间设计理念的交融,建筑表皮 的设计方法打破了以往单纯的造型表现和美学追求的框架,而 是更多地关注人文主义和环境,并通过寻求技术与艺术的融合, 为建筑表皮的创新设计提供源泉。建筑表皮设计在如今的信息 化的浪潮中觉醒过来,成为建筑师们表达建筑形象最常用的表 现手段。建筑表皮逐渐占据着日趋重要的地位。 平面构成从字义上理解,可以分为两个方面来认识——“平面”

From the contextual perspective, the plane contains the plane itself and its composition. The plane is the two dimensional feature while the composition refers to the composition of structure. Another complete definition is to disintegrate all existing forms into a perfect form. The plane composition creates a rational, orderly and abstract visual beauty through the unique visual form and shape.

和“构成”,平面是指其所运用的形体所表现出来的二维平面特 征; “构成”则是指形体的组合方式。另一种较完整的定义是: 将既有的形态(包括具象形态和抽象形态——点、线、面)在二 维平面内按照一定的秩序和法则进行分解、组合,从而构成理 想形态的组合形式。平面构成以其特有的视觉形态和构成形式 组成严谨但又不乏节奏感的画面,营造一种理性、秩序与抽象的 视觉美感。

The surface composition is represented in the form to bring rich effects. As the architectural surface becomes increasingly diverse, creation in surface has become the pursuit of a designer. The book tries to analyze the surface and dig out elements and compositions and the mental experience in accordance with the high definition details, offering the complete surface design concepts. In the surface demonstration, geometric transition is mostly used, to make the abstract the architectural form become the basic form. The form beauty of basic forms gives two different mental differences, namely the different mental feeling of shape, structure and form, and the architectural concept of history and culture which contains the accepted mental feeling. Thus the book is divided into three categories of basic, creative and bionics forms and it is different from most books published. The book summarizes the plane form and composition and comes up with the surface design strategy which is illustrated by cases to take on the diverse development trend of architectural surfaces that can be drawn upon by the designer.

建筑表皮的平面构成表现形式主要是利用平面构成原理以不同 的组合方式在建筑表皮上大作构成文章,创造出丰富多彩的构 成效果。在建筑表皮的表现形式日益丰富和多元化的今天,表 皮的创新无疑成了设计师极力追求的目标。本书试图从平面构 成的独特角度对建筑表皮进行深入分析,挖掘平面构成各要素 及其构成方式以及其引发的心理体验,结合高清细部全彩图, 给设计师呈现最完整、立体的创意表皮设计构思。 在建筑表皮的平面表现形式中,最通常的做法就是几何转换, 即把建筑形态抽象为几何基本形,来创造独特的建筑形象。几何 基本形的形态美给人带来的视觉心理差异可分为两种:一种是由 于形态本身的不同外形、结构、形式给人造成的不同心理感受; 另一种则是由于历史、文化的沉淀令人自然而然地想到建筑的理 念与个性,它蕴涵着人们约定俗成的心理感受。本书由此划分基 本形、创意形、仿生形三大类别,区别于市面上的大多数同类图 书,从平面构成的角度,通过总结归纳其构成形式和方法,得出 建筑表皮的设计策略,并通过成功案例进行说明论证,呈现建 筑表皮的多元化发展趋势,便于设计师参考与借鉴。

Architects abroad have obtained rich experiences in surface design. Development of new materials and technology has brought opportunities to the surface diversity. On the contrary, domestic architectural design started late and it is still in the stage of passive absorption and digestion. Meanwhile domestic design blindly pursues the form creation and ignores the relationship between architectural concept and local culture. Anyway, the domestic design represents the ground-breaking trial in architecture image. For the project selection, the book selects primarily the foreign projects and some excellent domestic projects and we hope the successful cases can inspire domestic designers more.

在国外,建筑师们在表皮设计方面已积累了丰富的经验,新材料 和新技术日新月异,为建筑表皮的多样化发展创造了契机,相对 国外,国内的建筑表皮设计起步较晚,还处于吸收和消化的阶 段,在技术和表现形式方面依然相对落后。同时盲目地追求外形 上的标新立异,忽视建筑理念与地域文化的关联。但无论其功过 得失,都代表了国内设计师对建筑形象创作的突破性尝试。而本 书对于项目的筛选,主要侧重于以国外项目为主,再精选出一些 国内的优秀项目汇集成册,希望能通过这些成功的案例带给国 内设计师更多的思考与启发。

+ m r o F m r e o v i F t g a n e i r t C a l u m Si 008




contents 目录

CREATIVE FORM 创意形 014-063





116 -141




142-217 OTHERS



其他 011




For the originality of architectural planar design, figure is an objective artistic form. Sometimes it is the upgrade of aesthetic, sometimes the pure beauty and sometimes the lively narrative of humorous reasoning. While retaining original design effects and meanings, figure sets forth a new concept, creates a new façade and brings viewers surprise and creativity.




In the face of complicated information and the diversity of architectural forms, the creative and mysterious plan is filled with miracles and fantasies, easier to enhance viewers’ mental and psychological feelings. It can break people’s routine impression on certain figures. For example, when you see a football, you’ll recall the round shape. That means the project gives you a visual experience related to the daily life and thus the scene ahead leaves a deep impression in your mind.




Generally speaking, on the precondition of originality in architectural conception, bold design is introduced to give absurd, irrational, novel, fantastic and humorous performance too attract viewers, thus efficiently broadcasting the ideas of architecture. Such a method as deconstruction urges designers to adopt new ways to analyze familiar matters and also makes viewers understand the unrestrained, fantastic ideas and deeply perceive the intelligence and design purposes of the project. From the initially visual balance breaking to the new balance seeking, the architectural conception is visually and mentally realized. Above all, the conception is to ultimately design for communication and for conveying the intention and topics of architecture. In the planar composition, the creative graph is to visually attract viewers and more importantly it’s the graph that can speak that perfectly narrates the topic.


Intriguing Square Combination / Varied Triangle / Abstract Curve / Diverse Curve / Others 奇妙的方形 / 变异的三角 / 抽象的圆弧 / 多变的曲线 / 其他

NEW, PECULIAR, MYSTERIOUS 新颖、奇特、富有悬念感 在建筑的平面设计的创意表现中,图形语言作为一种客观的艺术形式,有时是美学意义上的升华,有时是单纯的形式美感,有时是幽默中说理等多种别开生面的创意叙述。它 在保存其设计元素原态和原含义的同时,引发出新的内涵,传达新的意念,创造出新的立面形象,给观者以惊喜与创新的观感。 在外界纷繁的信息面前,在建筑造型多样化的今天,那些富有创意和悬念的平面图形充满了奇形异构、空间纠错、梦幻矛盾的大胆创想,更易于增强观者视觉生理和心理的刺 激程度。它能够打破人们在生活中对于常规图形的印象,比如:看到足球会想到圆形,而给人一种与既有经验定势相异的视觉效果,使出现在眼前的图形与头脑中的定势习惯 产生强烈的冲突,在视觉上和心理上给人留下深刻的印象。 一般来说,创意图形在建筑构思目的明确的前提下,可以通过大胆创新设计,予以建筑荒谬、无理、新奇、梦幻、幽默的表现,通过它的独特气质吸引观者的眼球,从而有效地 传达着建筑的内涵与意图,这种解构重组的方式,使设计者从新的角度,采用新的观察方法去分析熟知的事物,同时也让观者透过图形中天马行空、神奇诡异的大胆创想,深 刻感知到设计者非凡的智慧和了解他们的创作意图。 从最初的打破视觉平衡到最后积极地释读得到新的平衡,正是建筑创意图形视觉和心理传达过程的最佳实现。总之,创意图形设计的终极目的是为“传达而设计”,是为了 准确地传达建筑内涵与深刻地揭示主题而设计,在平面构成中,创意图形既是为了在视觉心理上吸引观者的注意,但更重要的是让图形自己说话,把诉求的主题表达得淋漓尽 致,令人过目难忘。


q S g n i u g i r t In


e r a

m o C

a n i b

n o ti



One famous architect says, “Architecture should use the feelings that influence us so as to arouse our visual excitement and meanwhile arrange the elements in the way that they directly affect us through elegance, rigidity, violence, peace, indifference and taste. Those elements are the form of structure that we can see in our eyes and measure in our heart.” Similarly, the square breaks its own form and adopts irregular or different combination to give people strong visual shock. One regularly placed square usually give the façade peaceful and quiet feelings and this is determined by the square characteristics. Yet the changed or reorganized squares give dynamic feelings. If squares are cut off, augmented, or twisted, they can display the unique visual effect. As the planar scale is known already, people usually use the stable geometry forms like square, rectangle, etc and they hold those figures can better ratio and aesthetic beauty and echo with and coordinate each, achieving a better ratio beauty. The ratio beauty of squares gives the façade a different form and breaks through the dull symmetry of general square buildings. The abstract structure is a result of combining architecture with creative structure. It arranges the squares in a ratio to have different square combinations thus the square structure, location and structure all gain the scale beauty and take on the artistic beauty. Beautiful things are usually fit with the natural law and don’t go against people’ s sense. Thus the ratio fit nature usually gives comfortable visual 建筑大师勒.柯布西耶曾说: “建筑应该使用那些影响我们的感觉,能唤起我们视觉欲望 enjoyment. 的因素,同时应加以如下的方式来安排这些因素,他们的形状通过优雅和粗砺、狂暴与安 宁、漠不关心和兴趣十足直接地影响我们,那些因素是造型的因素和形式,我们的眼睛看 到,我们的心灵可以衡量。”同样的,方形通过打破其自身的规整形态,利用不规则的或 是新颖的、与众不同的排列组合方式,带给人们强烈的视觉冲击。 一般规则放置的方形易给立面带来相对平静和安定的感觉,这是方形自身形态的特点所 引起的。而变形后或是重新组合后的方形,却能产生出动态的感觉,如对方形进行加减法 处理,或者是凹凸、扭曲处理等,都表现了方形在建筑平面构成中独特的视觉效果。由平


面图形的造型比例尺度可知,人们常采用最稳定的图形作为建筑立面的基本图形,如:正 方形、长方形等,一般都认为这些图形能获得较好的数比关系和美感。应用这些基本图形 之间的演变关系,将他们进行分割演变,使方形分割按一定的数比规律进行,则可得到形 体相互呼应、协调的艺术效果,从而获得整体造型的比率美。


方形的这种比率美,让立面表现出不同的形态,突破了一般方形建筑的呆板对称的造型 手法,这种抽象结构是建筑设计与结构创新相结合的成果。它将方形按照一定的数比关 系排列,得到不同的方形组合,使之在结构、位置、比例等方面获得数比美,体现艺术造 型的美感。美的事物一般都符合自然规律的形式,不违背人们的官能快感,因此,符合自 然规律的数比方形往往给人以舒适的视觉感受。

Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他

On the eastern elevation, the dense boards surround balconies in a way like a piled square box, to block sunshine and vision for the living room. The western elevation includes shafts and corridors. The circulation spaces are outside the room. The building back is covered with one layer of curved hung metal wires. The transparent façade provides necessary security for the outdoor corridor and good view for dwellers.



Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他

Wooden composite slats axonometric of balcony 木质复合轴侧阳台

Exploded axonometric of metal under construction of balcony 轴侧金属阳台



Elevation of metal under construction for wooden composite of balcony 木质复合材料金属阳台

Elevation of metal under construction for balcony 金属阳台

Plan of balcony metal under construction for wooden composite of balcony


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他

Elevation of facade towards football field 足球场立面

Plan of corridor towards football field 足球场走廊平面


Plan of corridor towards football field 足球场走廊平面

Detail section throughcorridor Section of corridor towards football field



Detail plan - Section the structure of the balcony of housing 细部平面图,阳台结构剖面

Axonometric detail of the structure of balcony within housing 轴侧阳台细部



Detail of metal structure within external corridor 外部走廊金属结构细部


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他

在项目东立面上,高密度的分层木板将阳台层 层包裹,像一个个堆叠的方形盒子,为起居空 间的窗户遮挡阳光和视线。西侧立面包含了楼 梯井和走廊,这些交通空间被布置在室外。背 Urban define volume 现代体量

面覆盖了一层曲线形的悬挂金属网。这个透明 的立面为户外走廊提供了必要的安全保障,同

Urban master plan defined volume

Concept + circulations + facades



时也让居住者能俯瞰旁边的景观。 Local garbage 垃圾场 Laundry 洗衣房 Administration offices + personal space + lodge keeper 行政办公室,个人空间,门卫 Entrance + hall 入口,大厅 Common room 普通房 Local garbage 垃圾场 Local bikes 自行车 Local maintenance and storage 入口,贮藏室 Technical area 技术区域

Program 191 units > 184 studios + 7 double apartments

Open entrance balconies layout 028

项目 191个单元,184间工作室,7套双人公寓


Metal mesh layer 金属网层

Concept + circulations + facades 概念,流线交通,立面

Housing reception 住房 Local garbage 垃圾场 Laundry 洗衣房 Administration offices + personal space + lodge keeper 行政办公室,个人空间,门卫 Entrance + hall 入口,大厅 Common room 普通房 Local garbage 垃圾场 Local bikes 自行车 Local maintenance and storage 入口,贮藏室 Technical area 技术区域

Program 191 units > 184 studios + 7 double apartments 项目 191个单元,184间工作室,7套双人公寓

Basket balconies layer 篮阳台层


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形



Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他

剖面图 031

Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他

The combination of nature with myth: The project is inspired by the sea snake myth. The designer puts different watch posts around the lake to form the planar composition in a new tower form, convenient for local citizens and visitors to the perfect view. The posts designed in local materials not only display the spot good view but show to the public the natural scenery. The watch post is in the tower shape and on top you can overlook the river. The protruded spaces lower can view different sceneries. Here is not the destination but is only a post connecting the known and unknown scenes. 自然与神话的结合:项目从海蛇神话意象出发 进行设计。受委托的设计师在湖的周围设计了 不同的瞭望点,以新颖的塔式方形组合的平 036

面构图,方便当地居民和游客能到达绝佳的体 验地点。这些瞭望装置利用当地的材料设计而 成,不仅更好地呈现场地的绝美景色,也将最 自然的现象展示给公众。观景台是一个塔的造 型,在顶端凸出的方形口处可以俯瞰湖泊,稍低 的两个凸出的空间,因朝向不同,可观看到不 同的美妙景致。在这里,并不是最终的目的地, 而只是存在于已知和未知的景观之间的一个驿 站。


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他

The architectural surface is a combination of terraced square windows, forming a spotlight. The layering of units brings certain kind of pleasure and reflects the life order in the architectural life. And the brave expression becomes the city symbol. Conversation and communication are the topics of living. Thus the fluid space forms in the blurred space a diverse residential experience at home. The layered square planes close gradually with the basic dynamic lines and the space take on a self-organizational form in the rational order. 该建筑表皮上的阶梯式方形窗的组合,形成了一个鲜明的视觉亮点。单元的叠加带有某种自发的形式趣味,它将生活的秩序反映到 了建筑的城市形象中,通过这种大尺度的表达成为了城市的标志。对话与交流是居住的主题,因此,这种具有流动性的空间形态, 在断断续续之间,层与层之间的边界是模糊的,它使高层的居住体验不再是一种封闭单一的感受,而是在家中就可以完成的空间体 验。这种层级式的方形平面,其开放性随着基本动线逐级递减,空间在理性的秩序中呈现一种自我组织的状态。


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他

Centrifuge(mechanical extraction) 离心机(机动抽气系统) Co2 supply CO 2 供应 Water supply 水供应

Dewatering tank(chemical extraction) 脱水箱(化学提取系统) Photobioreactor 生化反应器

Centrifuge(mechanical extraction) 离心机(机动抽气系统) Co2 supply CO 2 供应

Dewatering tank(chemical extraction) 脱水箱(化学提取系统) Environmental controls 环保控制 Window 窗户 Photobioreactor 生化反应器


Recirculation pump 再循环泵



Centrifuge(mechanical extraction) 离心机(机动抽气系统) Cultivations tests 培育测试

Core 核心

Oil 机油 Water supply 水供应

Gravity clarifier(resource extraction) 重力净化器(资源提取系统) Photobioreactor(chemical extraction) 生化反应器(化学提取系统) Collection tank(removable for processing) 回收箱(可移动)

The repetition of squares is one technique often employed in architecture but in modern architecture, with special combinations, squares can bring interesting facades. The strange “container”, though located in the downtown, is like a landmark art piece. It stands out from the surrounding architectural complex and brings rich and unique visual experience. The whole building in square reflects the spirit of green and technology, displaying the futuristic façade.

Dewatering tank(chemical extraction) 脱水箱(化学提取系统)

方形的重复本身是一种常见的建筑造型处理 手法,但是在现代建筑的平面设计中,方形通 过特别的组合排列也能创造出奇趣的、甚至

Collection tank(removable for processing) 回收箱(可以移动)

Section A


引人入胜的立面造型。在形态各异的建筑体 块中,唯有具有突出形态的建筑,才能给人留 Air handling 空气搅拌


Photobioreactor 生化反应器


Centrifuge(mechanical extraction) 离心机(机动抽气系统)

异的艺术品。它从周边的建筑群中脱颖而出, 带给人们丰富而独特的视觉体验。整座由方 形构筑而成的建筑体现了绿色与科技的精神, 展现了具有未来设计感的立面形象。

Collection tank(removable for processing) 回收箱(可以移动)

Section B



Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Level plans

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他






Phasing Sequence


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他



d e ri

n a i Tr

e l g


Triangles are favored in architecture due to stability. Pavilions in ancient times adopt the ninepillar, eighteen-post triangular structure. In form, a triangle moves outwards in direction, boosting your morale. Regular triangles are clear and they are controlled by rules while varied triangles reveal more freedom and direct emotion expression. When triangles vary into curveshaped ones, they take on curved beauty and dynamic. While analyzing the urban space form, R. Krier says, “Three basic forms (square, circle and triangle) are often influenced by the following elements, namely rescinded angle, division, annex, merging, or blend and variance. Those elements in all the urban city forms can form geometric, regular and irregular results.” After variation, the triangles are more fluid and harmonious. The variation of triangles is to make them curved in the periphery. The curve is gentle, soft and dynamic. In the volume combination, the curved triangles can enrich shape change of architecture and bring dynamic. For the angle processing, rescinding is mostly used. From the perspective of users, acute angles may cause visually some abnormity and building difficulty. Thus, rescinding triangles makes the building natural and harmonious and easily combined with other geometric forms. The façade will therefore look friendlier.


三角形 在建筑中受到了 特别的青睐,是因为三角 形具有稳定性。在几千年前建筑 的亭台楼阁就多以九梁十八柱形成三角 形结构。三角形在造型上有向外冲引的力感和指 向感,给人以刚健的气质,使人精神振奋。正规的三角形


几何构成是异常清晰明确的,是在一种法则控制下的形式的建 构,而变异后的三角形却显示出更多的自由和感觉的直接流露,它变异成 圆弧的形状时,呈现了曲线的美感与动感。


罗伯.克里尔(R.Krier)曾将都市的空间形态作了这样的分析: “三种基本形体(方形、圆形、三角 形)常受如下因素影响:角化(截角)、分割、附加、合并、重叠或元素混合及变形。这些调整因素,在所有 的都市空间形式上,都能够产生几何的、规则的、不规则的结果。”三角形通常通过分割、角化、增减、合并等拓 扑手法产生变异,变异后的三角形更具有流畅、和谐的美感。 三角形的变异最常见的是对三角形边缘进行圆弧化处理,弧的特点是柔软活泼而富有运动感。在建筑体量组合中,巧妙地运用弧线化的 三角形,可以更加丰富建筑体形的变化,增添动感。其次是对角的处理,截角是最常见的处理手法。从使用者的角度来讲,过锐的角在视觉上会 有一些异常和建造上也有一定难度,所以截角的处理就使建筑显得自然和谐许多,与其他几何图形更容易组合,使立面构图更加地融洽。


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他





From the perspective of users, acute angles may cause visually some abnormity and building difficulty. Thus, rescinding triangles makes the building natural and harmonious and easily combined with other geometric forms. The façade will therefore look friendlier. Generally speaking, the rescinded triangle becomes the quadrangle with the corresponding geometrical features. 截角也是三角形中最常见的处理手法。从使用者的角度来讲,过锐的角在视觉上会有一些异常和建造上有一定难度,最主要是使用 起来不太方便,所以截角的处理就使建筑显得自然和谐许多,与其他几何图形更容易组合,使立面构图完整而融恰。一般来说,截角 后的三角形常常就变成了四边形,因此具有了四边形的一些几何特性。

Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧


Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


The variation of triangles is to make them curved in the periphery. The curve is gentle, soft and dynamic. In the volume combination, the curved triangles can enrich shape change of architecture and bring dynamic.

三角形的变异最常见的是对三角形边缘进行圆弧化 处理,弧的特点是柔软活泼而富有运动感。在建筑 体量组合中,巧妙地运用弧线化的三角形,可以更 加丰富建筑体形的变化,增添动感。

Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


u C ct a r t s Ab

e v r

抽象的圆弧 070

A circle is a planar figure with the same central force, and complete and harmonious visual effect. In sense of order, Campo says, “The dull figure can’t attract attention and the too complex figure will overburden our visual system to perceive it.” Thus in the visual design of the architectural form, on the basis of circles, the designer will cut off, displace, rotate and overlap them to form new dynamic figures. With the booming of economy, there are more and more curved buildings in the surroundings as the curved buildings are beautiful in shape and dimensional. They are also various in forms. Sometimes, some buildings are in curve shape but more buildings combine curves or curves with lines. An arc is actually part of a round. Although not as complete as a round, it contains features of a round, namely being full and flexible. The solid arc is heavy and the brim is clearer, the visual shock more powerful and vice versa. Imagine the rhythm in the music and you’ll perceive the concept of an arc whose movement and change in height makes its form vivid in vision. The arc building is like a painting and it combines painting elements with architecture in an abstract way, bringing an intriguing effect. The impressionist painter Hiram thinks, “Art is harmony which is the induction of façade similarity based on shading, color and line, with illumination, in consideration of happy, peaceful or sorrow combination ways.” Abstract arc building is equally the induction of similar elements. Starting from the basic arc form, the designer confirms its size, outline, color, location and quantity, achieving harmony. The static arc can also produce the flowing abstract effect and combine several groups of arc forms and directly show the on-going change. 圆形被看作中心力均等的平面图形,有着完整、和谐的视觉效果。贡布里希在《秩序感》中说: “单调的图形难以吸引人们的注意力,过于复杂的图形则 会使我们的知觉系统负担过重而停止对它进行欣赏。”因此,在建筑造型的视觉设计中,设计师通常会在圆形的基础上,对建筑表面上的圆形进行切 割、移位、旋转、交叠等,以形成新的富有动感的图形。随着经济的蓬勃发展,人们周围的环境中涌现出越来越多的圆弧形建筑,圆弧形建筑造形美 观,立体感强,是技术与美的和谐结合。而且圆弧的形式也极为丰富多样,有的是整个建筑为圆弧形,但更多的建筑是由圆弧与圆弧、圆弧与直线组合 而成。 圆弧实际是圆的一部分,虽没有圆的完整,却同时具备了圆与弧的特性:圆融而柔曲。实心圆弧拥有重量感,边缘越清楚,视觉紧张力越强,反

Soft, gentle, dynamic and abstract

之越弱;空心圆弧则更好相反,削弱了重量感,使建筑看起来更加轻盈。想象乐曲中的四分之一拍、二分之一拍、四分之三拍、全拍用四分之一 圆、二分之一圆、四分之三圆、整圆表示,便有了圆弧的初步概念,其以方向的移动、高低变化,使形态具有活跃律动的抽象视觉效果。 圆弧形建筑仿佛是一种绘画性建筑,它把绘画的元素与建筑进行了抽象化的揉合,使之产生了扑朔迷离的梦幻般的效果。新印


象主义画家修拉认为: “艺术即和谐,和谐是对立面的相似,是相似因素的类推,根据明暗关系、色彩、线条的要素,并在 光亮的影响下,从欢快的、宁静的或悲哀的结合方式对它们加以考虑。”抽象化的圆弧建筑同样是相似的因素的类 推,以基本形态圆弧为出发点,根据设计主题确定它的大小、轮廓软硬、色彩、位置、数量等,最后达到总体 的和谐。静止的圆弧也能产生出流动般的抽象效果,利用一组组呈圆弧状的几何形按照一定的规 律组合而成,它直接呈现了永不停息的变化或持续不断的进程。


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Bowl Plan 3F

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


1. Hall 1 1号厅 2. Hall 2 2号厅


The building changes the regular plan in a fresh form, like three huge bowls floating above the rectangular water. For the project, the early intention is to break the conventionality and to completely reverse the traditional form of buildings with curved roofs. Its curved shape is decorated with bare concrete, with aluminum board on the surface. People can move along the curved circulation, experiencing the unrestrained curved beauty.

该建筑改变了通常的平面形式,给人很新鲜的感觉,宛若三个巨大的碗飘浮在矩形水面上。建筑设计之初的想法便是要打破常规、 标新立异,曲面楼层与平面屋顶的结构完全颠覆一般建筑平面楼层加曲面屋顶的形式。建筑外表的弧形壳体下方以裸露混凝土装 饰,而壳体上部为铝板贴面。人流在三个弧形流线中盘旋前进,体验无拘无束的曲线之美。

Key plan 主要平面图 1. Machanical Room 机房 2. Water Treatment Room 水处理房 3. Protection Control Room 防护室 4. Sunken 凹陷处 5. Electric Room 供电室 6. Wating Room 等候室 7. Storage 1 贮藏室1 8. Storage 2 贮藏室2

Section 剖面图

Bowl Plan 1F


1. Entrance Hall 入口大厅 2. Exit Hall 出口大厅

East Elevation 东立面

3. Wating Room 等候室 4. Storage 1 贮藏室1 5. Storage 1 贮藏室2


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线


Others 其他


The fluid curves and vertical stripes display the grandeur and stability of the building. On the other hand, selected stone and light modern materials decorate the façade and add modern breath.

Queretaro Planta


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Alzado Este

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


建筑流畅的圆弧形态以及垂直条纹表皮显示了建筑的大气、沉稳;另一方面选用石材和轻质的现代材料装饰表面,增添了一份现代 信息的感觉。



Alzado Oeste


Alzado Norte


Alzado Sur


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他

On the west side of the building are a series of vertical arc structures. The arcs surround the theater and stage. The stainless steel wraps the arc structure and on top of that there is a layer of eroded white concrete wall. The tension from the hung glass roof is tempered by the cable line near the south entrance. On another side, it is made of the glass wall. Thus in the daytime, the view inside is broader. 建筑的西侧是一系列的垂直圆弓形结构,弓形的曲线环 绕着剧院和舞台。不锈钢包裹着圆弓形结构,此外上面 还有一层被酸腐蚀过的石灰石色的预制混凝土墙。悬挂 的玻璃屋顶所产生的张力被靠近入口南侧系在建筑上 的电缆线中和掉了。另一侧是由玻璃墙构成,这样在白 天,就使中心内部的视野更加开阔。



Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线


Others 其他


Degrees Of Discretion 自主决定权

Intimate/Hidden 隐私/隐藏



The architectural surface is like flowing curves which fill the exterior with charm. The curved building is the very image of a simple, peaceful statue. Its simple, flowing curve is the spotlight. By changing the lines of the wall, the building expresses the resonance with geometry, architecture and environment. The subtle, abstract curve creates a dynamic atmosphere.

Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他



建筑表面仿佛会流动的弧形曲线让立面充满魅力。这个呈圆弧 形的建筑体量,仿佛一座朴实而宁静的雕塑。它以单纯简洁、流 动的弧线成为场地一个亮点;通过对墙面规整线条的变形, 表达了几何形与建筑、环境的一种深层次的共鸣。这种微妙而抽 象的曲线形态,营造出一种动感的氛围。

Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他



A series of curved buildings stretches within the valley where the project is situated. Two bridge-shaped buildings made of suspend cable and wood cross above the valley, forming two ponds. Such a structure combines the dam with bridge in function. The design concept of the building is to protect the natural landscape of the base and meanwhile highlight the powerful spot spirit and the local materials – wood, rock and granite. The building wall adopts concrete decorated with the board. Its roof is made of several laminated pillows. Glass is freely employed throughout the whole design, making the space more transparent and broadening the landscape view. Some of the buildings are distributed along the slanting topography of the valley and contrast with the bridge-shaped roof structures. And the suck roof maintains the inclination of natural topography.

Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他

一系列的弧线形建筑延伸在溪谷之中。该项目坐落于一条源于“水晶泉”的小溪之中。两座由悬索与木材结合的桥形建筑横跨在溪 谷之上,形成了两座池塘。正是这样的结构把水坝和桥梁的功能合二为一。

该建筑的设计理念在保护基地自然景色的同时,强调一种强烈的场所精神和特定的富有地域特色的材料——木材、散石和石灰岩 的集合。建筑的墙壁使用混凝土并镶嵌以木板,屋顶由一系列层压木制梁组合而成。玻璃的自由运用贯穿于整体设计,使空间更加 通透,同时扩大了观赏景观的视野。部分建筑结合溪谷两边倾斜的地形布置,与桥形建筑凸起的屋顶结构形成对比,那些凹形屋顶 098



Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角


Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


The whole building is the section the earth and echoes with the topography conditions in the Wuling Mountain. At night, the glass reflects warm colors and several rocks of different curves seem to float in the air. The upwards curved roof can project stage voice into the audience, especially those at the rear. 整体形态是地层结构的剖面,呼应武陵山砂岩峰林核心区周边山地的单斜地壳构造,整体效果和环境相得益彰,并融入环境。夜晚 来临,层间玻璃透出暖光,几片弯曲程度不同的岩石飘在空中的感觉更加强烈。


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他

The arc shape composed of polygons take away the boundary between wall and top, flexibly embodies several complicated structures which are naturally connected to represent the high combination of reason and emotion. 由多边形组合而成的圆弧壳体,抹掉了墙与顶的一切界限,巧妙 地包容了众多复杂的结构,这些结构之间自然衔接起来,体现了 理性与感性的高度融合。



Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他




Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他

Model: Entirely Double Layered With Perforated Inner Layer

Model: Entirely Double Layered Without Perforations

Model: Partially Double Layered With Perforated Inner Layer

Model: Partially Double Layered Without Perforations



模型:部分为双层结构,内层为 穿孔层


Structural analysis:self weight 结构分析:自重

Structural analysis:self weight+wind loads(w)




Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


e v Di

e s r


e v r


A curve is more dynamic and emotional than a line. It is always one of ways to represent aesthetic beauty. Curves have geometry and natural ones. The former is orderly, regular whether it is round or oval and brings visual beauty. On the contrary, natural lines break the regularity and thus are more creative due to comfort and gentleness. A curve is often associated with fluidity as waves and spirals have the physical fluidity, with life and aesthetic senses. A curve is the line with natural beauty, deep emotion and diverse shape. In selecting the curve of a façade, only in the corresponding way, the natural beauty of a curve can go upwards to artistic beauty. In a plane, a curve moves upwards or downwards, left or right to deep into the space, increasing the planar 3-D effect. The waving, spiral and snaking curves can not only increase the depth of a scene but change vividly and dynamically. A curve is a free line and the scene in curves can enhance the curve feature, like emotion, rhythm, pace, change, weakening, extension, motion, etc. The geometry lines and natural liens in a curve set a strong contrast. The geometry lines are rigid, strict and diverse in logic while the natural lines are unrestrained and rich in emotion. Curves in architecture always bring a gentle feeling and meanwhile gives a cozy, comfortable visual and mental experience.

曲 线比直 线更富有 动感和情感色彩。曲线一直是人


们表现美感的一种方式。曲线有几何曲线、自由 曲线之分,前者具有秩序性,有一定规律可寻,无论是圆形、椭 圆形……在视觉上都有一定的美感。自由曲线则打破了前者这种规律性,并且 由于其曲线的自由度带来的舒展和柔软性,使这种自由曲线具有更大的创造力。曲线常常使 人联想到一种流动感,如波状线与涡状线就在心理上具有流动感,人们称其为流动的线,具有生命 感与抽象美感。 曲线是富有自然美的、情感浓郁的、造型能力强的线条,在选择立面的曲线时,只能因势利导,使曲线的自然美 上升到艺术美,曲线才有艺术的价值。曲线在平面中,或上下弯曲行进,或向左右两侧弯曲,或向画面的纵深远行,


使平面增强三维空间性。而波浪式行进,螺旋式旋转,蛇形蠕动的曲线,不但能加强画面的纵深感,而且线形弯转,流 畅活泼,富有动态感。 曲线是一种较自由的线,它们构成的画面一般能够将曲线特性加强。比如说抒情性、韵律、节奏、变幻、丰满、削弱、伸


展、运动等。曲线组成的面里的几何曲线面和自由曲线面的构成必然会给人们的视觉带来强烈的对比感,几何曲线面 刚直、严谨、寓变化于逻辑之中,而自由曲线面则变幻不定,不受约束,随意而动,寓情感于变化之中。曲线在建筑物当 中总是给人一种柔和的感觉,同时也给人一种舒适而惬意的视觉和心理体验。


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线


Others 其他


The building plan changes and we can see clearly that the façade gradually separates from the pure architectural language and becomes rhythmic in the building distortion, as if placing you in the boundless space. The regular rotating volume shakes the space and brings every viewer visual and psychological shock and makes them chew the beauty of the building.

Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角


Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


建筑的平面几何形态产生形变,可以清晰地看到立面设计对于 纯粹建筑语言的逐渐脱离,从建筑形态的扭曲变化中,充满了强 烈的旋律感,让人产生无限的想像,仿佛置身于空间中去感受。 这种规则的旋转体造成了空间的“颤动”,也给每位欣赏者的眼 睛和心灵带来了极大的冲击,使他们接受和体会这座建筑的无 限美。

Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角


Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Wave-shaped curves take on a flowing rhythm beauty from its undulating form. 波浪形的曲线造型,起伏的形体呈现出一种流动的韵律美。

Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他

It is a very modern building whose façade adopts a series of heat-proof boards and high quality glass in crossing pattern. With the bold, determined technique, the abstract spirit in the building is represented in artistic aesthetic. Its simple, clear image glows both in the daytime and at night, becoming a shining landmark or a tower for locals. 这是一座非常现代化的建筑,外表面采用一系列隔热板和高 性能的玻璃组成抽象的交叉线形图案。设计以大胆和坚定的 手法表现出建筑的抽象精神,展现艺术美感。其外观清晰简 洁的形象,在白天和夜晚都会微微发光,形成一座闪亮的地 标,对于当地人来说就是一座灯塔。



Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他

1. Library 图书馆 2. Secret Garden 私密花园 3. Library Garden 图书馆花园

Elevation west


1. Academic Plaza 学术广场 2. Amphitheatre/library Garden 剧场、图书馆花园 3. Main Entrance 主入口



Elevation South


Section AA

1. Library 图书馆

6. Atrium 中堂


2. Library Garden 图书馆花园

7. Lifts 电梯

3. Amphitheatre 圆形剧场

8. Secret Garden 私密花园

4. Exhibition Area 展示区

9. Conservation Suite 保护套房

5. Archive 档案室

10. Reading Room 阅览室

1. Library 图书馆 2. Public Area 公共区 3. Main Entrance 入口 4. Exhibition Area 展览区 5. Reading Room 阅览室 6. Atrium 中堂

Section BB


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他

The building has 12 entrances and installs 30 windows that permit sunshine. Modeled upon the forms of branches and birds, the façade is randomly shaped to make it look more flexible. When the sunshine projects into the unique, vivid curves, there will be different kinds of pictures which seem to dance as time goes by.

该建筑提供了12个入口供人们进入,安装了30个窗户供阳光摄入。表皮上根据树干和鸟儿的形态饰以随意镌刻的曲线使整体结构看 上去更显灵活。阳光射入这些墙上造型奇异、生动的线条,交织成各种图案。这些线条图案随着时间而变化,给人一种似乎在悠悠 跳舞的意象。



Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


The surface and façade of the architecture aren’t made of merely squares and direct lines. In fact, every building tries to show different façades and they have all kinds of form, shape and line. The modern diverse buildings integrate traditional elements and their surfaces contain lots of new geometrical forms, like the varied basic form, nature-like abstract form, etc. With development of material and structure technology, modern buildings make possible the conceptual geometry forms.

h t O

s r e 其他


In Conjectures and Refutations, Karl Popper says, “We shouldn’t wait negatively for rules to be placed upon us, and instead we should actively place rules on the world.” Accordingly, the landmark buildings step into the local surroundings, respecting the local settings and embodying modern spirit, fulfilling designers’ concept and perfectly taking on the abstract beauty of architecture. On specific occasions, the buildings will display their own planar characteristics. Those buildings are basically composed of basic geometric forms or varied forms. Simplicity is their common feature. Due to simplicity, clarity and completeness and lack of visual information, it’s easy for viewers to appreciate, thus bringing aesthetic pleasure. Meanwhile, with those features at hand, the simple yet powerful geometric forms can distinguish themselves from the complex of different architraves, symbols and volumes. From painting to sculpture, architecture to planar design, the simplicity of geometric figures is always the topic of fashion in the artistic industry. Furthermore, the creative form from geometric abstract is not just a breakthrough in vision but more of pursuit of culture and time spirit.

建筑的平面与立面造型并不是只有四四方方的形状和直来直去的线条。实际上,每一 栋建筑都试图表现出与众不同的立面形态,它们拥有各种各样的形式、形状和线条。 看看如今形态多样的现代建筑,或是融入了传统元素的创新建筑形式,其建筑表皮上 存在着大量新颖的几何图形,如变异的基本形、仿自然形态的抽象形,等等。现代的 建筑设计由于材料和结构技术的发展,使得许多概念设计的几何形态成为了可能,它 们极力展示了自身的几何美学。 卡尔·波普尔在其著作《猜想与反驳》中曾说过, “不要消极地等待重复把规律强加于 我们,我们应该积极行动起来,把规律加之于世界!”相应地,那些标志性的新颖建 筑体量以其独特的“形态”介入到当地的环境中,既尊重了本土环境,又体现了当代精 神,达到了新与旧、传统与现代的相融,它们积极地完成了设计师的设计构想,完美 地呈现了建筑的抽象几何美感。 在特定的场所中,建筑会根据场地的特点来呈现其自身的平面几何特性,这些建筑 均由基本的几何形组合、或是变异形成。 “极简”是它们的共同特征,因其外部特征 的简洁性、清晰性和完整性,以及包含的视觉信息量极少,易为观者所把握,因此容 易带来审美上的轻松和愉悦。同时,正是因为具有了简洁、清晰和完整的特性,才使


这些简洁有力的几何体量能区别于多线脚、多符号、多体量组合的建筑群,成为对比 于原有环境的醒目标志。从绘画到雕塑,从建筑到平面设计,几何图形的简约总能成 为艺术界最时尚、最前卫的话语。并且,几何抽象所带来的形式创新并不只是视觉上 的重创,更多的是一种对文化和时代精神的追求。



Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他

In commercial design, some of commercial buildings’ facades adopt blue and white porcelain that is noble and elegant. When the porcelain meets the geometric form, they form a strong visual shock and depend upon each other. Meanwhile, according to the local weather conditions, the designer adds the penetrating architectural surface and hollow wall and considers the ventilation and lighting functions. And the commercial facilities use geometric forms and bold colors to give every building unique look and individuality, bringing an international design.



在整体商业设计中,部分商业建筑 体的外立面采用了青花瓷片装饰, 既高贵又清雅。几何造型和青花瓷 的元素相遇,两者在视觉上造成极 强的冲击感,同时又相互依存,设 计之感令人难忘。同时,根据当地 的气候特点,增加了通透的建筑表 皮,设计透空的镂空墙,兼顾的通 风与采光的功能。商业配套通过几 何型的造型和大胆饱满的用色,赋 予每栋建筑独特的外观和个性,打 造出一种具有国际性的外观设计。

Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他

The huge building is inspired by the nearby fort. Its surface is engraved with carved patterns which come from the silk fabric in the 17th century. The pattern helps introduce the gentle light into the room and makes the inside space broad. At night, the 11.5-m wall exudes gentle light, reducing the architectural volume and displaying gentle aesthetic beauty. 这座巨大的实体建筑形式源于附近的碉堡,混凝土的表面上印上了镂刻的花纹图案,图案花纹来自17世纪的丝质纺织品。镂空图案 的外观为室内引进柔和的光线,使得内部空间显得宽敞。在夜晚,这座11.5米高的墙上散发出温柔的光晕,弱化了建筑的体量感, 体现出一种柔和的古典美。



Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

External Elevation 外立面


Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Interior Elevation 内里面

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Section 剖面

Others 其他

Section.pieces 剖面细部


Detail Facade


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

The building of steel exuding a modern breath: The hollow building is very striking. It comes out in an irregular geometric form and breaks the traditional thinking mode in vision and represents the creative concept in design.

Others 其他

01 Pavement of white concrete of 7cm vibrated and swirled mechanic plus powders quartz. 白色石英水泥路 02 Geotextile sheet 土建纺织薄片 03 Waterproof sheet 1mm thk 防水板1mm厚 04 Swirled layer 1cm thk of cement and sand 水泥沙子旋转层1cm厚 05 Slopes formation with cellular concrete of 15cm average thickness 坡结构混凝土平均厚度15cm 06.1 Concrete bases of 20cm thk reinforced with double welded-wire mesh 20x20 and 8mm diameter 混凝土基地20厘米厚,钢筋采用双焊接钢丝网规格为直径20 x20和8毫米 06.2 Concrete bases of 15cm thk reinforced with double welded-wire mesh 20x20 and 8mm diameter. 混凝土基础钢筋15厘米,双焊接钢丝网规格为直径20 x20和8毫米 07 Subgrade of 20cm gravel thk on separating layer. 20厘米厚碎石路基分离层 08 Terreplein crowning with appropriate and compacted lands of 95% of np(normal proctor). 用适当、压实的土地填埋 09 10Cm thk steel plate painted for formwork of congrete slopes and pavements. 10cm厚钢板外加混凝土用于斜坡与道路 10 American standard channel 4mm thk painted for concrete joint top. 混凝土接口顶部喷上4cm美国标准漆 11 Perforated drainage pipe diameter 110mm,with gravel pipeline bed and geotextil layer. 多孔排水管直径110mm,采用砾石床层管线与土工织物 12 Galvanizated steel and painted drainpipe 300x100x2mm thk. 镀锌钢喷绘排水管,规格300x100x2mm 13 Stainless rain gutter with container and grille 250x70mm thk. 不锈钢水槽容器和格栅,规格为250x70mm 14 Pvc drain 180mm thk. PVC排水管,厚度180mm 15 Concrete slab 35cm thk polished finished andslope formation>1%. 混凝土板35cm厚 16 Finished pavement of epoxy resins 4mm thk,monocolor type “quartz color”pavindus brand or similar. 路面用环氧树脂,厚度为4mm ,单色型、石英色pavindus品牌或类似品牌 17 Woodwork with thermal bridge cut of steel lacquered type “jonsen brand” or similar, and double laminated glass 4+4/12/4+4. 木器漆型和双夹层玻璃4+4/12/4+4 18 Metallic strip “jansen brand”(ref.402.112 Z) 金属条“健森牌” 19 Metallic pipe 80x20x2mm thk, of painted steel. 金属管规格80x20x2mm 20 Neoprene joint. 氯丁橡胶接口 21 Steel lacquered broken 1mm thk. 开裂钢铁,1mm厚 22 Z purlin for drop ceiling. 天花桁条 23 Plaster board frop ceiling painted 19mm thk. 天花石灰板,19mm厚


24 Finished framework and lintel of windows with 10mm thk steel sheet painted. 窗户外框采用10mm厚钢质板 25 6Mm steel sheet painted for finished. 6mm钢质板 26 Steel sheet painted for façade, composted for small iron plates de 100x10mm thk, and 10mm perforate sheet and drawings according to elevations. 钢板外立面,堆叠小铁片规格100x10mm ,10mm穿孔板和图纸 27 180X110x10mm small iron plate for fastening of façade sheet welded to main structure. 180x110x10mm铁板外立面,铁板紧凑焊接 28 100Mm (long) steel bolts and 16mm welded to small iron plates for fastening façade sheet. 100毫米长钢螺栓和16mm焊接小铁片固定外立面 29 Main structure of welded shape painted 400x100x10mm thk. 焊接结构规格400x100x10mm 30 Secondary transom of steel structure painted 250x60x6mm thk. 二次方钢结构规格250x60x6mm 31 Concrete exposed wall 30cm thk, white color both sides. 混凝土外墙30cm厚,两侧为白色 32 Stainless rain gutter with container and grille 250x70mm thk. 不锈钢水槽容器和格栅250x70mm 33 10Mm thk x 650mm(high) small iron plate for framework finished, culmination drop ceiling and fastening of glass handrail. 10mm(厚)×650mm(高)的小铁板成品,用中天吊顶和玻璃栏杆紧固 34 12mm thk x 150mm(high) small painted iron plate for fastening of glass handrail. 12mm(厚)×150mm(高)小涂铁板玻璃栏杆结构加固 35 20Mm thk laminate glass handrail. 20mm厚涂料玻璃扶手 36 American standard channel inside framework,and the web outside the framework and welded to the main estructure. 美标通道内框架,以网格框架和焊接作为主要结构 37 300X100x10mm steel painted columns of ground floor. 300x100x10mm钢涂底层柱 38 100X100x10mm steel painted square tube. 100x100x10mm钢质方形管 39 6+4Cm steel deck framework with 0’75mm galvanized iron longspat panel. 6±4cm甲板钢框架,采用0 '75mm镀锌铁面板 40 500X100x10mm main roof structure of painted steel. 500x100x10mm顶板结构涂漆钢 41 80X50x6mm small iron plate for roof plate fastening. 80x50x6mm小铁板屋顶 42 Lintel 100x10mm hanging of the framework for profiles l.40Cm. 过梁悬挂100x10mm框架,型材l.40cm 43 Screw mechanic type “hilty m10”, 4 screws for 1.5M metallic plate. 螺丝机械式”希尔蒂M10”,采用4个螺钉1.5m金属板 44 Steel corrugated rot 16 of 30cm(long), nailed to framewok with epoxy resins. The corrugated rot will be welded to a small iron plate and will be cut. 波纹钢16厘米(长),钉在框架与环氧树脂上波纹钢将被焊接到一个小的铁盘 45 Differents of crushed stone for drainage. 不同的排水管挤压石 46 Earth 泥土 47 Grass 绿草 48 Profil l.100.6Mm 规格l.100.6mm 49Reixa d’acer inoxidable practicable de 250mm.D’amplada. 不锈材质250mm

Detail Facade



Concrete slab 35cm thk 水泥板35cm厚

Detail Foun 06

Detail Foun 07

细部节点图 06

Tie beam 30x30 6 12,1 tie bar 8e/20

2 12. 1tie bar 8e/20 酒吧

2 12. 1tie bar 8e/20


Tie beam 25x25 横梁

Tie beam 25x25 横梁 4 12, 1tie bar 8e/20

Concrete wall 30cm thk 1#1 12e/20 both sides 混凝土墙30cm 厚 1※¤12E 1 / 20的两侧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

4 12, 1tie bar 8e/20

Maximum retention of earths=3.50m 挡土墙厚度3.50m

Tie beam 30x30 6 12, 1tie bar 8e/20 横梁规格 30x30 6¤12, 1tie bar¤8e/20

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Concrete slab 35cm thk 35cm厚混凝土

Zone fillet with Selectionated grave

2 12. 1tie bar 8e/20 酒吧


细部节点图 05

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Concrete wall 3.50m(maximum) thk

Detail Foun 05

Change of level 层次改变

Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Tie beam 25x25 横梁 4 12, 1tie bar 8e/20 Retaining wall 30cm thk 挡土墙30cm厚 1#1 12e/20 both sides 双边

Concrete bases 混凝土基地

Concrete bases 混凝土基地

Bracing 90x60 / top reinf. 6 20 / bottom reinf. 6 20 / 1tie bar 4branches 8e/20 Blinding concrete 10cm thk

1#1 12e/20 both sides Additional reinforcement extrados: +1 12e/20 附加钢筋拱

Foresee drainage 预期排水 Concrete bases 混凝土基础 8 20(1 20e/20) Bottom reinforced 底部加固 8 20(1 20e/20)

Footing reinforced 加固基础 forming a box 构成箱子

Blinding concrete 盖面混凝土10cm厚 10cm thk Foresee drainage 预期排水

See the piles in plan 见平面图


Retaining wall 30cm thk 挡水板30cm厚


#1 20e/20

10cm thk

See the piles in plan

Zone fillet with Selectionated grave

Bottom reinforced 底部加固

Blinding concrete 盖面混凝土10cm厚


6 12, 1tie bar 8e/20

Top reinforced 顶部加固

撑杆90x60/顶部加强/ 顶部加强/酒吧

Concrete slab 35cm thk 混凝土板35cm厚度

Tie beam 30x30 横梁

Top reinforced 顶部加固

#1 20e/20

细部节点图 07

Others 其他

Retaining wall 30cm thk 挡土墙30cm厚

See the piles in plan

1#1 12e/20 both sides 双边




Detail Foun 09


细部节点图 09

建筑,格外引人注意。建筑呈不规划几何形状,在视觉上冲破了 Detail Foun 08


细部节点图 08

Tie beam 30x30 横梁

Tie beam 30x30 6 12, 1tie bar 8e/20

Retaining wall 30cm thk 挡水板30cm厚 1#1 12e/20 both sides 双边 Additional reinforcement extrados:


Maximum retention of earths=2.00m

横梁 Zone fillet with Selectionated grave 里脊

+1 12e/20 附加钢筋拱 Foresee drainage 预期排水 Concrete bases 混凝土基础 Top reinforced 顶部加固 8 20(1 20e/20) Bottom reinforced 底部加固 8 20(1 20e/20)

Maximum retention of earths=3.00m 挡土墙厚度3.00m

6 12, 1tie bar 8e/20

Zone fillet with Selectionated grave

1#1 12e/20 both sides Additional reinforcement extrados: 附加钢筋拱 +1 12e/20

Foresee drainage 预期排水 Concrete bases 混凝土基础 Top reinforced


10 20(1 20e/20) Footing reinforced 加固基础 forming a box 构成箱子

Bottom reinforced 底部加固 10 20(1 20e/20)

Blinding concrete 10cm thk

Blinding concrete 10cm thk



See the piles in plan 见平面

Retaining wall 30cm thk 挡水板30cm厚


See the piles in plan 见平面

Footing reinforced 加固基础 forming a box 构成箱子

Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Roof Plan View


Panels Scheme


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他

1 Unit 1单元



Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Raqchi Walls


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Huaca Pucllana Walls

Huaca pucllana墙壁

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他

The project makes reference from the round walls and designs two tall concrete walls on two sides. Viewed from certain angle, the building resembles a temple in style. Some vines gradually cover the outer surface. The thick concrete pillows extend the space and display modern sense. The vertical glass boards form the private small spaces. The design on the second floor is like a standing big wooden tub with an exceptional style. 项目参考了四周环绕的墙壁,设计了两侧高大的混凝土墙,站在 某一角度看似乎有点寺庙的风格,一些藤蔓渐渐覆盖了外观表


面。厚的混凝土梁伸展组织空间,相互交错体现一种时尚感。垂 直的玻璃板组成小空间,营造私密空间。二层设计就像一个矗立 的大木桶,表面竖直的木板排列围合,别具风味。


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Main Facade

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


The staff-like building is inspired by the motion of a conductor’s baton. The top is made up of five undulating roofs and forms the unique appearance, internal space and lighting conditions. Every roof reflects the parallel staff. Music is broadcast in every corner. 178


似律动五线谱的独特的建筑外观,灵感来源于指挥家的指挥棒的运动轨迹。中心屋顶由五个起伏不一的混凝土屋顶组成,形成独 特的造型和内部空间以及光照情况。每个屋顶都体现了音乐五线谱,其边缘水平,相互平行。音乐在这里传向每一个角落。

San Felipe Street Facade


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Terrazzo concrete f’c:200 水磨石混凝土 Steel floor slab covered with concrete(F’c:300kg/cm2) 钢筋水泥地面板 Steel sheet @30cm 钢筋板 TS1 IR356 Exterior isolated façade system composed by a 12mm glass 独立外立面,含12mm玻璃与聚苯乙烯 and a 2” polystyrene layer finished with corev coating

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他

Steel framework 3 ref E27 钢架

Rainwater catchment system 雨水收集系统

Steel framework 2 ref E27 钢架 Steel joist E-32a 工字钢梁


Red acoustic ceiling with PVC supports 红色吸音天花,以PVC为支承结构 Steel framework-7 ref E26 7号钢架图纸E26


Stadip silence 44.1 glass sheet 玻璃板

USG double sheet gypsum board USG双层石膏板

2X1” aluminium glass support, color:natural anodized 铝材玻璃,颜色自然 5cm concrete slab, finished with 5cm混泥土板,覆有地毯 shaw carpet cored tile model Beam 8’Ref.E16 厚度为8英尺的横梁图纸E16

Exterior isolated façade system composed by a 12mm glass and a 2” polystyrene layer finished with Corev coating 厚度为12毫米的绝缘玻璃幕墙系统,表层为2英寸厚聚苯乙烯层,最外层为Corev涂层 Beam 8’Ref.E16 8号横梁图纸E16 Shaw carpet Cored tile model 以肖尔地毯捆成筒瓦模型

Superior balconies

Exterior isolated façade system composed by a 12mm glass and a 2” polystyrene layer finished with corev coating. 独立外立面,含12mm玻璃与聚苯乙烯 9mm tempered glass baluatrade 9mm钢化玻璃


Beam 8’ Ref. E16 8号横梁图纸E16 Beam 4 Ref. E16 4号横梁图纸E16 Beam 3 Ref. E16 3号横梁图纸E16 Shaw carpet Corded Tile model 以肖尔地毯捆成筒瓦模型

Choir 合唱团排练室

Expandable polystyrene 发泡模 Concrete grade covered with maple wood 混泥土,表面覆盖枫木

1’x1’ steel natural anodized angle 自然氧化钢

Beam 1 Ref. E16 1号横梁图纸E16 Beam 7’ Ref. E16 7号横梁图纸E16

Stripped wood face made with a 19mm MDF sheet as the base and covered with a maple laminate sheet. 木材表面附上19mm中密度纤维板并覆盖上枫树木层 1’1/2’,x2’ wood frame 木结构框架 Concrete floor covered with carpet 舞台 混泥土楼板,表面铺地毯


D3 184

Concrete floor, thick=15cms 15厘米厚混泥土楼板 Beam edge 7’ ref E-14 梁边

Pine wood frame door with pivot and finished with stripped wood sheets maple color 带轴松木门框,表层覆盖枫叶色原木板

Steel floor slab covered with concrete (F’c:300kg/cm2) 钢楼板,表层为混泥土

Beam C,D y E, ref. E-14 C、D、y、E 横梁图纸E-14

Dressing rooms 更衣室

Green roof system 绿色屋顶系统(固体层+防水涂料) Steel floor slab covered with concrete 钢楼板,表层是混泥土


Concrete solid area ref. Plano E-11 混泥土图纸 E-11 Precast concrete floor ref E-11 预制混泥土楼板图纸E-11

Exterior isolated façade system composed 厚度为12毫米的绝缘玻璃幕墙系统,表层为2英寸厚 by a 12mm glass and a 2” polystyrence 聚苯乙烯层,最外层为Corev涂层 layer finished with corev coating. Concrete wall located in edge 8 混泥土墙

Precast concrete floor ref. Plano E-09 预制混泥土楼板图纸E-09

Parking level 2 停车场2层

Parking level indicator, color according to the level position 停车层显示器,颜色根据楼层位置变化 Precast concrete floor 预制混泥土楼板

Parking level indicator, color according to the level position 停车层显示器,颜色根据楼层位置变化 Concrete wall Ref. E07 混泥土墙图纸E07 Foundation floor Ref. E03 基底图纸E03 Exterior treatead oak wood wallboard cover 外墙表层包覆橡木护墙板 Brick curb, finished with a concrete 砖道牙,内饰胡泥土砂浆层和防水漆 mortar layer and waterproofing coating 15cms thick wall. Interior gypsum sheet, exterior concrete sheet, with aluminium structure. 15厘米厚墙,内层是石膏片,表层为混泥土板外加铝结构


Parking level 4


Parking level indicator, color according to the level position 停车层显示器,颜色根据楼层位置变化 Concrete footing 8 ref E-04 混泥土基脚图纸 E-04 Concrete walls ref E-00 混泥土墙图纸E-00

Exterior isolated façade system composed by a 12mm glass 厚度为12毫米的绝缘 玻 and a 2” polystyrene layer finished with Corev coating 璃幕墙系统,表层为2英 寸厚聚苯乙烯层,最外层 Steel lattice finished with electrostatic paint 为Corev涂层 钢格板,表层电镀烤漆 Foundation floor ref. E-00 基底图纸 E-00 Pilot 80cm diameter ref. E-01a 直径80厘米转轴图纸E-01a Concrete wall 混泥土墙 Concrete footing 混泥土基底

Poured concrete foundation slab with wire mesh(100kg/m2) 浇灌混泥土基板 Pilot steel structure 试验性钢结构


Detail Section Eng



Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他

While displaying creative design, the project adopts the loose, curved wood tile wall to building the spiral architectural form. The surface of the building adopts the wave linear design whose inspiration comes from the surrounding scenery. As the building lacks the architectural building, visitors will be attracted by the time it was built and they can’t tell the building in the front is a future building or a past building. The architect more continues using the surrounding elements. 该项目在表现创意设计时,采用了松散弯曲的木材瓦墙设计了这个螺旋式的建筑形态。建筑外表皮有着波浪形的线条设计,其灵感 来自周围的自然风景,由于本身几乎没有参考建筑性元素,以使参观者会迷惑于其建造的时间,让他们分不清眼前看到的是未来建 筑还是过去建筑,建筑师更多地沿用周围景致所提供的元素。



Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

East Elevation

West Elevation




Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


South Elevation 南立面

North Elevation 北立面

Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他



The crystal shape is very attractive. The modern structure adopts for the first time the single-folded diamond lattice structure. The design borrows the mountain, water and stone in the traditional Chinese culture. The surface uses two materials, namely polycarbon boards looking like glass, yet lighter than it, and energy-saving glass resembling a glassshading crystal stone. The illumination at night, the artificial lake and the glass echo just like three diamonds on the lake surface.

“水晶石”的造型从内外看均极富吸引力,这个充满现代气息的结构体系采用了国际上首创的单层折面空间的棱形网格结构。设计 借鉴了中国传统文化山、水、石的元素。外观用了两种材料,一种是聚碳板,看起来跟玻璃一样,但是它比玻璃轻;另外一种是高效 节能玻璃。外形看起来像一个玻璃罩着的“水晶石”,晚上加上灯光的映衬,周边还有一个人工湖,相互映照,就像三个“水晶石”镶 嵌在湖面上。

Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他

Ferrari surface: It is the first time that Ferrari set up sales stores in a whole building which enjoys a good location and is easily recognized in the main parking spaces and on the roads. Thus the design adopts a Ferrari surface to define a unique interior space and to bring people special sentiments.

法拉利外表皮:这是法拉利历史上头一次将整栋建筑都设为自己的销售门店,建筑享受绝佳的位置,它在主要的停车空间和道路上 都有很强的可辨性,设计因此呈现出一个非常法拉利的外皮,从而定义一个独特的室内空间,把人们带入一种独特的情境中。



Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形

Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他

The façade adopts a unique square form and its inspiration comes from a piece of ice that reflects light in the daytime and at night. The cracks on the surface reveal the designer’s intention. The theme of “cracking ice” displays the powerful diagonals which adopt the C-shaped aluminum alloy steel to maintain a keep a free board that allows the vertical flowing of rain water. At night, the materials cover the straight lines of LED lighting. While the surface is lit up, the “cracking ice” effect is highlighted by changing colors to bring vigor to the cracks on the surface. 项目的外表面呈独特立方设计,其灵感源于一块反射着白天和晚上自然光的冰块。表面上的裂纹透露着设计师的创意构思。 “冰裂 痕”的主题,具有较强的对角线,这些线条,利用了C形铝合金型材,以保持一个允许自由垂直流动的雨水的自由面板。夜间,这些型 材,能够掩盖LED照明的直线条,而点亮表面,通过改变颜色,来进一步强调建筑表皮上的“冰裂纹”,给建筑注入了生命和活力。



Intriguing Square Combination 奇妙的方形


Varied Triangle 变异的三角

Abstract Curve 抽象的圆弧

Diverse Curve 多变的曲线

Others 其他


Simulating forms do not simply copy that of animals or plants but takes in their growing mechanism and natural laws and they include shape, structure, function and material simulating. The building simulating can be various and comprehensive. It converts the biological form into the existing living environment and efficiently applies bionics. The simulation of entities researches on things selected from nature and converts their shape and structure into the abstract function in the technology field, and creates new shapes and structures in the technological, epochal and abstract discussion. In the context of globalization, “region” is crucial for creating the city belongs and this makes new requests for bionics. Bionics is not just pursuit of high technology, but respect for local culture.


u la

Bionics buildings break the dull space form and exploration in fractals and topology helps the trend. As shapes modeled on bionics exist in various forms in nature, reshaping the original forms displays dynamics and freedom and thus builds a new space form on the basis of natural matters.

ti n

g F or m

Bionics buildings highlight integration of environment, economic benefits and creation and they are the test of architects’ comprehensive abilities. The bionics buildings in narrow sense draw upon the continuous breed reproduction. Bionics buildings are for creation in architecture and also for harmony with ecological surroundings to keep ecological balance. It is a pure expression of harmony between man and nature.

Animal Form / Plants and Flowers Form 动物形 / 植物花卉形




仿生不是简单地模仿动物或植物,而是吸收他们生长的机理及自然生态的规律,结合建筑自身的特点进行的一种新的创作方法。其中包括:形态仿生、结构仿生和功能仿生、 材料仿生。建筑仿生可以是多方面的,也可以是综合性的,不仅是通过对生物的外形进行简单模仿而转化出具有实用价值的客观物,更重要的是要学习生物生长的自然规律 与已有的生存环境的关系,有效地运用仿生学原理创造出新颖和适应自然生态的建筑形式。 实体的仿生是从自然界中选取研究对象,将对象形态、结构转化为可以利用的技术领域的抽象功能,考虑用不同的物质材料和工艺手段创造新的形态和结构,具有科技性、时 代性、抽象地讨论,是从城市发展的角度来认识,全球化的语境下, “地域性”这个元素对营造城市场所的归属感尤重要,这给建筑的仿生设计提出了新的要求。仿生不再仅仅 只是为了追求高科技的展现,也应该是尊重,并发展当地文脉,具有地域性的创造,这种仿生具有适宜性。 仿生建筑的设计手法打破了以往建立在静态三维几何学上的沉闷的空间形态,现代数学在分形学、拓扑学方面的探索对这一趋势起到了推波助澜的作用。由于结构仿生的原 型在自然中以变化万千的形态存在着,因此对结构仿生手法产生的空间在形态上也有意对自然原型进行重塑,强调建筑的可塑性形态,追求动感和自由感,表现柔性美,从而 产生建立在平面几何性基础上的塑形建筑空间形态。 仿生建筑注重环境、经济效益与创新的有机结合,是对建筑师综合实力的考验。狭义的仿生建筑最终落实到建筑形式的与众不同;广义的仿生是对自然界生生不息的生命原 理的借鉴。仿生建筑的意义既是为了建筑创新,又是为了与自然生态环境相协调,保持生态平衡,它是对“天人合一”理想的一种表达。

In the city streets, we can easily see buildings of animal form. Their shape, structure, color and skin are the very image of animals that we see in the daily life like the “Leopard” building in Austria, St John Hospital in Barcelona, Leiner furniture store and CET building of whale form in Hungary, etc. They are mostly environmental buildings with high artistic value.

io B l a im n A

s c i n



The works stimulating structure, form, color and texture both satisfy people’s needs and give artistic beauty and enjoyment. From the surface design perspective, bionics elements give architects fresh thoughts and ideas. Out of consideration of symbolism or inspiration from nature, architects design bionics buildings to make them harmonize with nature. From certain perspective, animal bionics buildings are green ones. In nature, there are many creature forms that architects can draw upon as the design inspiration like the rivers and mountains or animals which not only adjust to nature but evolve almost perfectly. Apart from the sophisticated form, their colors also give visual enjoyment. Thus, the architects stimulate the animal forms to gain inspiration, to enrich the geometric forms of the surfaces. To bring forth novel architectural forms, the design process focuses on ecology, economic benefits and novel combination.

在城市的街头,我们很容易就能看到各种仿动物形态的的建筑,它们的外形、结构、 颜色,乃至表皮纹理都与我们在日常生活里看到的动物神似,如奥地利格拉茨MP09 “黑豹”大厦、变形虫外观的西班牙巴塞罗那雷乌斯圣约翰医院、披着天鹅外衣的奥 地利因斯布鲁克Leiner家具店以及仿鲸鱼形的匈牙利CET大厦,等等。这些仿动物形 态建造的建筑大都是环境友好型建筑,艺术观赏性都很高。 模仿动物的结构、外形、颜色、纹理而设计的作品既能满足人类的生活和工作需要, 又能给人强烈的艺术美感和视觉享受。从建筑的表皮设计方面来讲,仿生元素为建筑 师提供了新的思路、新的形式。建筑师之所以在建筑外形、结构及功能等多方面运用 动物形态,或是出于隐喻和象征,亦或是来自自然的灵感,都是为了在学习各种动物 的活动方式之后,建造出一种生态建筑,并使其与自然和谐共生。 从某种意义上来讲,动物形仿生建筑也是绿色建筑。自然中的很多生物形态对建筑 师来说是一个值得借鉴的丰富的设计素材。如自然界中的山川河流或者有生命的小 动物,这些动物经历了自然进化后不仅适应自然,而且其进化程度也接近完美。它们 除了有结构精巧的造型之外,绚丽的颜色也给人以视觉上的享受。因此,通过这些造 型规律的模仿设计来获取灵感,以丰富和完善建筑表皮的几何构图。为了创造出新奇

Organic Combination Between Function And Art 功能与生态艺术的有机结合

和适应生态环境的建筑形式,在设计创造过程中尤其注重环境生态、经济效益与形 式新奇的有机结合。


Animal Form

Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Section E


Panther Bionics – Inspired by the photo of crouching panther ready to jump forward, the designer brings such a building made of two parts and indicates clear design goals of creating an impressive, elegant façade. The façade is covered with a layer of black glass. Its main body is erected on the concrete base. Its tail part is densely designed and diverges as it moves towards the top.


The panther-like lines are elegant and smooth and show the thirst for city construction. Its vigilant eyes watch out for every move of the street. Its grace and outline blend with the dance and into the night. 黑豹仿生——设计师从照片中受到启发,以一头时刻准备一跃而起的蹲伏的黑豹为设计指导思想,这种比喻准确地描述了建筑的 两大组成部分,也指明了设计目标:创造一种令人印象深刻而又优雅的外观。外表覆盖着一层黑色玻璃,其主体建在混凝土基座上, 尾部设计紧密,而越靠近头部就越分散,并朝着城市的方向悬挑出去。

“黑豹”优雅的线条,光滑的表面,体现出对城市建筑的渴求。 “它警惕的双眼”时刻留意着街道上的一举一动,其姿态与轮廓仿佛 在充满力量的舞姿中交融,也融进了夜色之中。

Section A



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Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


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Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


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Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Animal Form



Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Animal Form

Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Site Plan 总设计图



Animal Form



Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形

Whale Form – The building is situated between two warehouses on the river bank and its surface adopts the curves of whale form to bring visual connection to buildings on both sides. The transparent glass structure point to other striking places while inside the building, the arc roof defines the circulation line, the glass roof spans over the walls of two ancient buildings, forming an atrium to bring natural light inside. On the other side of the glass structure, two old buildings stand out, thus integrating function with landscape in function.


Animal Form



Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Animal Form

Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形




Section A-A 剖面A-A

Animal Form


Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形

鲸鱼形仿生——建筑位于河岸旁两个现有的仓库之间,表 皮采用了像是一条鲸鱼的曲线形状,为左右两边的建筑建 立了视觉上的联系。入口处透明的玻璃体形成尖角指向其他 具有吸引力的地方,而建筑内部,拱形结构的屋顶限定出室 内主要交通环线的空间,玻璃屋顶跨越了两边古老建筑的 实体墙,形成了一个中庭,为室内带来自然光线;另一侧玻璃 体则呈球形从两边的旧建筑之间突出来,这样的结构实现 了功能与景观的有效统一。



Animal Form



Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Animal Form


Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形

Silkworm Cocoon Form – This is a one-storey building with open courtyards. There are beautiful sceneries around and thus harmless materials like clay, reed and wood are used to construct the cocoon form house with a simple square roof. There are holes in the wall that can permit light. The design displays the relations with the surroundings and green, simple style. 蚕茧形仿生——这是一个单层建筑,有着开敞的庭院。场地周围是美丽的野外景色,因而建筑采用了无害的材料,如粘土、芦苇和 木材等来构筑蚕茧般的客房,再用一道简单的方形顶板连接起来。墙上设置漏空的孔,到了夜晚能够透出光线。设计处处体现了与 周边自然环境的关系,同时体现出绿色与简洁的风格。



Animal Form



Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Animal Form



Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Animal Form

Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形




View & Perspectives 效果图与透视图

Animal Form


Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Pure Form – It is a dramatic bionics technique and directly copies the form, structure, component of creatures to make you feel inspirational. At the same time, buildings of such forms bring new images. In the project, its façade is inspired by the honeycomb, and the inside and outside structures are densely placed with polygon shapes. The space naturally inherits the fluidity and takes on a continuous shape, echoing the theme of returning to nature. 形态仿生——形态仿生是具戏剧性效果的仿生手法,直接模仿自然生物体的外形、结构形态以及组织关系形态的形式,使人们感 到亲切并浮想联翩,同时这些形态给建筑带来了新形象,引发建筑形式的多样化。本案的建筑外立面从蜂巢上得到启发,内外部结 构形态排序紧密平稳,平面呈现几何多边形,空间自然而然地继承了有机体连续的特质,呈现出一种连贯互通的形态,响应生态与 回归自然的主题。

Courtesy Of Urban Art Projects 防浪堤灯塔草图 — 现代艺术项目


Animal Form



Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Animal Form


Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


to set a harmonious relationship with nature, achieve harmonious coexistence and sustainable development of people, buildings and the environment. In the First People’s Hospital, Foshan, China, green elements are used to achieve a maximized effect in building performance. Healing gardens spread all over the hospital.

变形虫仿生——这座像漂浮在空中的建筑,不仅具有很强设计感的建筑外观,而且形似变形虫的平面构图在空间表达上也非常现 代,大气简约。其有机的仿生的曲线形态打破了原有的建筑格局,丰富了建筑的整体形态。 255

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Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Animal Form



Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Animal Form

Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Goose Bionics – The building is like a green tower attracting the pedestrians. The façade in the goose form is very powerful. The logo of future dealers is “three geese”. From the logo, the abstract piercing graph extends into the exterior wall. If there are no windows, the holes will be bigger. To avoid climbing, the holes will be small. At night, when the light penetrates through the hole, the building façade always changes and the exterior wall looks graceful and transparent. The whole building is like folded cloth with splendor wrapping the whole building.



Animal Form

Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形



Detail section





Animal Form



Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Animal Form

Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形




天鹅仿生——这栋建筑如同一座绿色的灯塔吸引着路人的眼 光。除了绿色,建筑仿天鹅的穿孔图案表皮也有着很强的表 现力,家具商的标示是三只天鹅,从这个标示开始,抽象的穿 孔图案便延伸到立面的外围。如果有窗户的话,穿孔会比较 大,如果要防止攀爬的话,穿孔就很小。夜晚灯光从穿孔中投 射出来,使得建筑的外观不断变化,外墙显得更为轻盈和透 明。整体就像一块折叠的桌布,富有光泽的金属外层包裹着 整座建筑。

Many world-famous buildings are modeled on plants in form and become the striking scene. Buildings of flower form are inspired by nature and they are products of architects’ learning from nature. From “respecting nature” to “harmony between human and nature”, people have a deeper understanding of nature. The mystery and change of creatures suggest that such buildings not yield to the modern concept and they are more like the rebirth and transformation of biology.

io B r e w o l F

s c i n 植物花卉仿生


Plant bionics is not pure copy. Instead, it is a creative method of taking in the law of natural growing of plants and adjusting to features of buildings. It is absolutely the most powerful, continual way. The stimulated objects include the macro phenomenon in the world, like cellar structure, plant fiber, or branches, leaves, flowers, etc. After bionics, the buildings take on an artistic look distinguished from the traditional buildings. From the relations between human and nature, architecture is the third layer of human skin and acts the medium between human and nature. For the architecture bionics, architects are not just satisfied with the pure simulation, but observe more the ecological law in nature, for instance to discover the crossing structural texture, from concept to exterior structure, to the inside part and function. The lines of bionic buildings blend the miracle of nature and considers the essence of traditional human buildings.

在世界著名的建筑中,有许多仿照植物外形建造的独特建筑,成为令人瞩目的新奇景 观。植物花卉仿生建筑的设计灵感来源于自然,是建筑师向大自然学习的产物。人类 的思想从最初的“崇拜自然”一路走来,发展到现在的“人与自然和谐相处”,对自然 的理解不断加深。生物界的奥妙和变化决定了植物仿生建筑不屈从于现代建筑概念, 它更像是生物语言的再现和转化表达。 植物仿生并不是单纯地模仿照抄,它是吸收植物的生长肌理以及自然生态的规律, 结合建筑的自身特点而适应新环境的一种创作方法,它无疑是最具有生命力的,也是 可持续发展的。 植物仿生建筑的模拟对象通常为客观世界中人们不很熟悉的微观 现象,例如细胞的结构、植物的纤维体,又或者是整个植物形态,如树枝、竹子、花朵 等,通过仿生后加以变化更新,在这种手段下产生的建筑外观形态呈现出特殊的艺术 效果,这些效果给人以极富美感而区别于传统的功能建筑的感觉。 从人与自然界的关系来说,建筑可谓是人的第3层皮肤 (第1层是人的自身皮肤,第 2层是衣服),它是人与自然界之间的中介。对于建筑的仿生形态,大师们已经不仅仅 满足于在外形上的单纯模仿,而是更善于观察自然界的一切生态规律。从一片树叶的 叶脉发现其交叉网状的支撑组织肌理。从构思到外部结构,再到内部构造和生理功

Surface Combined Perfectly With Nature 表皮肌理与自然的完美渗透

能。植物仿生建筑的线条、外部轮廓、形态不仅融合了大自然的神奇,还兼顾了人类 传统建筑的精髓。


Animal Form

Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Bamboo Bionics – Inspired by the spacious bamboo forest, the project adopts the bamboo shape which on one hand has two functions, representing and reshaping geographical features and on the other hand contains the structure function to bear load of the whole structure. The outmost surface of the building is supported by the bamboo-like substances and looks like real bamboo through the interrelating shadows of the bamboo forest. 竹林仿生——项目从面积广阔的竹林中获取灵感,竹子造型有两项功能:一是反映地域特征,塑造地域属性;二是具有结构上的功 能,用来作为承重框架,以及支撑大跨度的屋顶结构。该建筑的最外层模拟竹子作为支撑物,利用竹林的自然形态和林间交错的光 270



Animal Form

Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形






Animal Form



Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Animal Form

Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形




Tree Form – Based upon the construction theory, if we research on trees, we can have the basic forms of trees. Trees are mostly multi-layered branches and extend dimensionally. The tree form is a result of analyzing its natural shape. The load bearing on top can help enhance the materials’ resist compression to cover huge space. In the project, the glass façade uses the bamboo shape and light reflection to form the abstract tree shadow inside. The building makes full use of shadow change to integrate sceneries into every corner of the building. 276

树状仿生——按照仿生学的建构理论,以自然界的树木作为研究对象,可以得到树状结构的基本形态。典型的树状结构的形态特 征是多级分枝、三维伸展。它通过对树木自然形态的力学分析和形态简化而成,树冠上的荷载自上而下通过各层枝节传递时接近轴 向传力,可以充分发挥材料的抗压性能,因而能覆盖较大空间。本案在玻璃立面上运用竹子的形态构图,利用光线的照射,在室内 形成抽象的树状投影。建筑充分利用光影变化,让建筑真正地融入自然,也让自然美景融入建筑的每个角落。


Animal Form



Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Animal Form



Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Animal Form



Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Animal Form

Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Rose Bionics – Flying over the infertile grassland, the designer finds out that it lacks flowers. Thus the designer decides to bring here “flower of grassland”. The building is like a petal blossoming out of the ground with the music. The petal-shaped building is interwoven and the “petal” building made up of blue glass boards looks like a blooming rose in the distance.



Animal Form



Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Animal Form


Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形

玫瑰仿生——在这片并不肥沃的大草原上空飞过的时候,设计 师们发现,该地缺少了花朵。因此,设计师决定要在此建造“草 原之花”。建筑如同随着音乐破土而出的花瓣。其花瓣形的建筑 构造交织错落,这些用蓝色玻璃板组成的“花瓣”倾斜矗立,远 远看上去就像一朵绽放的玫瑰花。



Animal Form

Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Leaf Form – The whole building is like a huge leaf, unique in shape, with strong dynamic. The roof structure made up of eight huge leaves like wings of a flying bird. The significant design is the main image of buildings. Their step-like stone base creates a “dragonfly” image like eight leaves floating near the waters when viewed in the air. In addition, the building everywhere represents “green design” concept and the application of environment and ecology is efficiently integrated into the whole design. The “leaf” or “wing” roofs indicate “think in the green way”.



Animal Form

Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


叶形仿生——整个建筑如巨大的树叶,形态新颖独特,给人以很 强的动感。由八片巨大的“树叶”构筑起的屋顶形态,犹如一双 振翅高飞的鸟的翅膀。大尺度的设计,形成了主要的建筑形象。 它们结合台阶状的石材基座,创造出一只停靠在水畔的“蜻蜓” 的意象,从空中俯瞰整个造型,就像八片树叶轻轻地飘落于城


Wings Structures



境和生态的关注及对能源的有效利用策略,被纳入整体设计之中; 象征着“树叶”或是“翅膀”的屋顶形态,暗示着“绿色的思考”。


Animal Form

Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


A. Wing Roofs 侧屋顶 B. Space Truss Steel Wall 空间桁架钢墙 C. Building Plinth 建筑底座 D. Main Entrance Steps 入口台阶 E. Main Entrance 入口 F. Stone Building Facede 石材立面

South Elevation 南立面

A. Wing Roofs 侧屋顶 B. Space Truss Steel Wall 空间桁架钢墙 C. Building Plith 建筑底座 D. Stone Building Façade 石材立面 E. Glass Façade 玻璃立面

North Elevation 北立面 294


A. Wing Roofs 侧屋顶 B. Space Truss Steel Wall 空间桁架钢墙 C. Building Plith 建筑底座

West Elevation 西立面

a. wing roofs 侧屋顶 b. public foyer 公共休息区 c. main auditorium 主礼堂 d. stage tower 舞台塔楼 e. backstage 后台 F. Assembly 集会区 G. Orchestra Lounge 剧场休息室 H. Assembly And Loading 集会与入场处 I. Rehearsal Rooms 排练室 J. Office/dressing Rooms 办公/更衣室

Section 剖面

K. Parking Hall 停车厅 L. Outdoor Theater 户外剧院 M. Public Roof Terraces 公共屋顶平台

Animal Form



Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Animal Form

Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Cell Form – The building focuses on the “biological simulation” of tree capillary tubes that are finally injected into the wall. The set geometrical form is seen along the capillary of wood, forming a basic cell form. The wood like cassettes is injected into the interior of the outer frame to support the whole layer. The “cell” structure is able to view the scenery of the garden. When rain water pours to the ground, it will penetrate into the capillary structure. The natural geometric from reaches a level of combining with surroundings.

Wall 04 墙 04

Wall 03 墙 03



Wall 05 墙 05

Wall 01 墙 01

Wall 02 墙 02


Opening(Front) 开口(前方) Match 匹配

Concentric Point 同心圆点 Main structure(140mm) 主要结构

Match 匹配 Folding

Secondary structure A(50mm) 次结构A

Concentric Point 同心圆点


Secondary structure B(20mm) 次结构B Secondary structure(20mm) 次结构

Match 匹配

Match 匹配 Opening(Back) 开口(后方)

01) Voronol Points For Main Structure

02) Voronol Pattern 03)1st Amendment & Adjustment

A)folding Generated Patterns Folding

B)concectric Extrusion

04) Voronol Points For Secondary Structure & 05)voronol Pattern & Adjustment Cassette








06)2nd Amendment

C)main & Sub Structures + Cassette Extrusion


主要与次结构+匣子挤压 结构分裂与曲线圆角

18)cell Division & Curve Filleting

Animal Form


Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


01) Voronol Points For Main Structure

02) Voronol Pattern & Adjustment

03) Main Structure




04) Secondary Structure A 次结构A

05) 1 st Amendment 一次修正

06) Area Analysis 区域分析

Overall Process

Main Structure(140mm) 主结构(140mm) Secondary Structure A(50mm) 次结构A(50mm)


Less No Of Division 分裂少

07) Voronol Points For Secondary Structure B & Cassette 次结构B与匣子泰森多边形点

10) Cassette 匣子

Overall Process 02 整体过程 2

Smaller 较小

08) Voronol Pattern & Adjustment

09) Secondary Structure B



11) 2nd Amendment 二次修正

Main Structure(140mm) 主结构 Secondary Structure A(50mm) 次结构A Secondary Structure B(20mm) 次结构B Secondary Structure (20mm) 次结构

Larger 较大 More No Of Division 分裂多

12) Area Analysis 区域分析

Smaller 较小 Less No Of Division 分裂少

Larger 较大 More No Of Division 分裂多


Animal Form



Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Animal Form

Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Folding 闭合 Concentric Point 同心圆点

Grasshopper Definition For Concentric Extrusion

13) Folding Generated Patterns 闭合模式


19) Cells

Overall Process 04


整体过程04 Main structure 主结构 Secondary structure 次结构 Cassette 匣子

15) Main & Sub Structures + Cassette Extrusion

16) Surface Area Analysis For Cell Division



17) Voronol Points For Cells

Overall Process 03 整体过程 03

Total number:604 split pieces 总数目604

泰森多边形单元格 Cells 单元格


Joinery/connecting pieces(btw walls) 连接构件

Extracted Surfaces From Front & Back Of Cassettes 前部与后部匣子突出区域

20) 3rd Amendment 三次修正

细胞形仿生——该建筑设计聚焦于树叶毛细管的“生物模拟”, 最终以嵌入墙体的形式得以表现。确定的结构几何学贯穿在基 础木材的毛细管中,形成了一个仿细胞的基本状态。二级木材像 盒装录影带那样嵌入外层框架的内部,支持着整个覆层。透过 这个“细胞”体,能够看到花园的景致,雨水从屋顶流到地表时, 会沿着细胞表皮,渗入到里面的毛细结构。这个自然的几何形 态,达到了与环境融为一体的境界。

Vorond points 泰森多边形

18) Cell Division & Curve Filleting 单元格分裂与曲线圆角

Outer radius:40

Inner radius:55



Grasshopper Definition For Cell Division & Filleting 轻型飞机的同心圆挤压定义


Animal Form



Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Animal Form

Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


to set a harmonious relationship with nature, achieve harmonious coexistence and sustainable development of people, buildings and the environment. In the First People’s Hospital, Foshan, China, green elements are used to achieve a maximized effect in building performance. Healing gardens spread all over the hospital.

叶片型仿生——设计师受附近神社落叶缤纷的景象的启发,产生了将建筑设计成叶片形状的灵感,叶片成了该项目一个主要标志。 设计概念深植于自然元素,将可持续发展和生态设计原则引入空间,以期创造出引人注目的地方感和体验。



Project Sign 项目标志 Recycled wood 循环木材

Elevation in progress 立面施工进展

Concept wind blown leaves 风吹树叶的理念

Food court study 美食街

Animal Form



Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形


Animal Form



Plants and Flowers Form 植物花卉形




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