美达 www.metaaa.com
美达建筑与设计是一间以香港和东南亚为基地的综合建筑设计公司。其主要创办者包 括入围国际权威机构英国皇家建筑协会年度评定(2009,UK RIBA President Medal)及香港三维参数化协会主席,同时由多名于建筑设计领域拥有丰富经验的专业人 士共同运营管理。 美达的业务范围涵盖建筑、室内、装置、家居领域的建造及设计,同时提供领先的研 究性服务。成立至今,已于国际市场及客户中获得一致认可。另一方面,美达致力参 与国际专业性竞赛以保持自身设计水准的国际性和领先性。 我们擅长结合超前的设计理念与先进的技术手段,融合可持续发展的精神为每位客户 提供最优解决方案。 méta- 的理念源自其文字所诠释的:超前和实现未知的开拓性。这正是我们的设计本 身所坚守的创新精神。 _about us Studio méta- is a leading interdisciplinary architecture and design office based in Hong Kong and Indonesia. The practice is founded by the runner-up of 2009 UK RIBA President Medal joint-ventures with the president of Hong Kong Parametric Design Association, specialized in architecture, interior, installation, furniture and advance research. Studio meta- has received many international recognitions and winning awards, while each leader has many various experience in wide-range of scale in architectural projects Our projects are designed with a mindset towards a cutting-edge methodology. We believe in the blend of design sensibility, technology, and integrating with sustainability to achieve the best proposal to our client. We approach our work as a collaboration between client and designer, working together to create a mutual understanding for a better achievement and beyond possibility. The word méta- is a prefix which always positions itself before the root of another word to redefine the initial meaning of it. Hence the meaning of meta- varies depending on the context and could means ‘beyond’, ‘after’, ‘adjacent’, ‘self’. Méta- indicates a concept which is an abstraction from another concept used to complete or add to the latter. The key metaphor in our design process is to position ourselves always in the front line and beyond any creation.
_team member
Jonathan ALOTTO/ 乔纳森 法国注册建筑师
Jaenes BONG/ 黄越苏 法国注册建筑师
Sam CHO/ 左颂文 技术总监
Weaving In-Tension / WIT Pavilion
Location : Warsaw, Poland Programme : Multi-functional exhibition pavilion Scope : Architecture, Competition
The Veins - Pushinsky Cinema Location : Moscow, Russia Programme : Theatre Scope : Facade, Competition
Yangkee Logistic HQ
Location : Singapore Programme : Logistic office Scope : Facade, Design tender
Location : Wuhan, China Programme : Logistic office Scope : Facade, Design tender
Porosis Pavilion
Location : Belgrade, Serbia Programme : Exhibition pavilion Scope : Architecture, Competition