Parametric approaches 參法設計
邁進建築 location:
12-14March 2012 || 2012年3月12-14日
Description 描述 The workshop is a intensive two day technical trainning supported from Hkpda / szu. the lesson includes 3d modeling, parametric modeling, basic scripting and digital fabricaiton. the skill learn would continue apply in the module later.
12-14March 2012 || 2012年3月12-14日
Day 1 第1天 opening: 0900/ sam tutor introduction studio grouping 1hr
Lunch: 1230 1.5hr
Tutorial 1: 1000/ yang
Tutorial 2: 1400/ jaenes
intro to rhno 2.5hr
Day 2
break: 1630
fellowship: 1230 1.5hr
seminar: 1700/ sam
rhno tutorial 1 2.5hr
sharing/ work
第2天 opening: 0900/ sam reflection/ tea 1hr
Tutorial 3: 1000/ cong intro to grasshopper 2.5hr
Lunch: 1230 1.5hr
Tutorial 4: 1400/ yang grasshopper tutorial 1 2.5hr
break: 1630 .5hr
Trip back: 0.5hr
seminar: 1700/ students sharing/ work
Parametric approaches | 參法設計
tutors 導師 Cho Chung man March Singapore head of parametric(aedas) co-founder hkpda meta partners pda network hkibim member wang yang March Singapore head of parametric(aedas) co-founder hkpda meta partners pda network hkibim member jaenes bong March Singapore head of parametric(aedas) co-founder hkpda meta partners pda network hkibim member yan cong March Singapore head of parametric(aedas) co-founder hkpda meta partners pda network hkibim member 12-14March 2012 || 2012年3月12-14日
Technical requirements 技術要求 Students should prepare their own laptops with installed rhinocero version SR8 or above. grasshopper should installed to the latest version. window prefered.
References 參考
Parametric approaches | 參法設計
Parametric approaches| 參法設計