DIALECTICAL [UN]CANNY Pic. 1 Model no_5 transprojection of imprints
DIA L E C T IC A L [ U N ] C A N N Y Unfolding the duality of the space and its potentialities
INTRODUCTION The selected specific research method is framed around the idea that the particular situations[be it canny or uncanny moments, situations] have the embedded and coded potentiality to be unraveled through the architectural discourse. The triggers in the urban space are heavily subjective, however, the contemporary city allows overflow of these imprints. Rather than understanding the city as a whole mechanism, the approach opens the possibility to encounter it through a fragmented perspective. The method suggests a more intrinsic and alternative path to unfold the character and the nature of the space. Also, this allows one to critically [re]assess the contemporaries that are happening in the city.
Pic 2. Capturing and drawing the performed derives
During the visit to Yerevan, it was essential to get estranged1 with the city. As it is in the phenomenology field so is here: it is important to exploit what the phenomenon is rather than describing why it is. Therefore, the estrangement is selected as a tool to lose the specific prejudice that has been developed before coming to the place. Not only as an observer but also as an ‘actor’ in a nearly transgressive play could I notice the agents of the space that are embedded in the city. To conduct the research and exploit the city’s characteristics the theory of Derive 2 was selected. The total of 8 walks were performed during the stay. For every walk, the pictures of the most triggering architectonic elements or spatial anomalies were captured by a camera.
However, as a digital camera has its flaws in pertaining a highly limited frame and scope the necessity to retrace and redraw the phenomenon to continue with the method emerges.
Pic. 3 Compilation of the situations.
Pic. 4 Alienated drawing. Fusion of the paths, imprints, margins.
During this stage, the alienating drawings were developed. As a method, the new technique was applied to the frame and the new entity emerged from it. The lines, patterns and imprints became symbols to represent the situation. By re-tracing and re-drawing the map of situations, it allowed to go beyond the conventions of the frame. The scale and imprints that are embedded in the Cartesian understanding of the space were challenged. Superimposing, juxtaposing and layering was also used to explore the nature of the phenomenon. This manifested in creating the new generation of the drawings.
Pic. 5 Compilation of the drawings exploring the surface relations
Pic 6. Estranged picture. In this drawing, the reference to the original frame is kept minimal. Rather than showing pictorial nature of the picture the alienating effect works towards releasing the new spatial character and atmospheric setup of the drawings. The new emerging condition is here analyzed through lines and patterns and dependencies in between them.
During this phase, it was necessary to look for an architectural understanding of the space. By redrawing the situations multiple times to surpass and explore the spatial capabilities and open the design potential of the drawing. The theme of alienation was one of the motives for the drawings. By extracting and excluding elements of the dĂŠrives and trans-projecting them into another context within the same range opened the whole new spatial setup. This estrangement of different elements, however, interlinked with each other and lacking the referential point was used as a method to combine it into the notion of the mapping. The mapping is itself alienating, however describing the phenomenon.
pic 7. The estrangement of the elements. An attempt to make the spatial composition by detouring the frames and retranslating it into a setup.
From this point, the research continued to explore the itineraries embedded in the mappings. The fusion of moments translated into flat models(pic. 9) and atmospherical projection onto a surface. The experimental attempt to exploit and translate the spatial setups were emerging by the products.
ARCHIVE FOR SPATIAL PHOBIAS Pic. 8(Above) Atmospheric drawing conditions. Exploration of the drawing by direct exposure to light and transprojecting it again to a flat surface. Pic. 9 Model of the drawing. Contrasting elements of the drawing being imprinted by sand and were casted into a gypsum model. Resulting in a relief drawing.
MODI OPERANDI WORKSHOP During the workshop, the selected mapping was translated into a physical form. The decision to translate the mapping into a 2.5d model and a threedimensional model was a step to explore the drawing’s limitedness to express the dependencies and abstractedness. The assemblage sketch model was a manifestation of the operations happening within the drawing. The stitching and stacking of separate materials(as moments within the drawing) and the operations of how the elements were interlinked with each other resulted spatially. One material was embedded into each other(alienating properties of how the material is used, ex. The transparent material was burned
Pic. 10. Sketch assemblage model.
into a static compositional setup = resemblance of superimposition). The other assemblage model is an exploration of tracing and imprinting differences and properties of one material into each other. The dependencies manifesting by the chemical reaction of one material with another(ex. Juxtaposition of elements: curing of plaster = release of the heat, plasticine = by applying heat results in shifting form). The atmospheric model was as a next generation by keeping the logic of joining/separating the materials with each other. The programmatic setup of the atmosphere allowed to incorporate/ explore the thematics of the mapping more intrinsically. Therefore, the conditions of imprints within the moments of [un]canny reemerged.
ARCHIVE FOR SPATIAL PHOBIAS Pic. 11. Atmospheric model
Pic. 12. Assemblage model. Material properties exploration, ressemblence to the drawing by operations
CONCLUSIVE MAPPINGS The final mappings were developed in two different ways. One as a questioning and the transition/superimposition/ juxtaposition between the situations. This method allows to discover the embedded elements within the space discontinuity, jumps in terms of scale. Re-emerging thematic in the drawing also offers different viewpoint and translation of the space into an intrinsic architectural statement. The second mapping is a direct connection with the atmospheric conditions of the space. The duality of the drawing allows multiple readings of the same phenomenon. The fused mapping is a holistic statement of the space and also shares qualities and a potentiality for the architectural proposal. The mapping unleashes imminent moments within the suppressed framework towards the formidable statement.
The drawing is an exploration of the applied method. The transgressive elements seemingly join and interlink with each other formulating the new topology at their connecting pivotal points. Also, the drawing allows the jumps in scale, which are the resemblance with space itself. It explores the new emerging conditions of [dis]continuity.
Pic. 13. The mapping of the situations
JOKUBAS PLATUKIS DIALECTICAL [UN]CANNY Pic. 14. The detail of the final mapping. Exploration of the relationships of the ground, imprints, site operations. Pic. 15. The detail of the final mapping. Exploration of the spatial character
Pic. 16. The detail of the final mapping. Diagram of the site-programatic elements.
ARCHIVE DIALECTICAL FOR SPATIAL [UN]CANNY PHOBIAS Pic. 17. The detail of the final mapping. Relationships with the inside/outside character. Duality of readings.
ARCHIVE FOR SPATIAL PHOBIAS Pic. 18. The final mapping.
A R C H I V E F O R S PAT I A L P H O B I A S The graduation project
INTRODUCTION The Graduation project focuses on fusing the research phase and a design phase into an outcome of an architectural manifestation and an attempt to frame part of the spatialities and their multiple subjectivities. The project is based and aims to conclude the research and a search for a method to explore the intrinsic possibilities in a dialectic canny/uncanny environments. A design which is proposed is seen as an outcome and a synthesis of an architectural research. Therefore, the method is framed around the idea that the particular situations [spatial practices of an urban environment] have the embedded and coded potentiality to be unraveled through the architectural discourse.
The project puts a focus on a dual (multiple) understandings(readings) of the spatial emergencies. The design and research is also an exploration and a dispute of the itinerary potentialities of the urban conditions. The line between one becoming another gets into a blurred zone, unclearness. Therefore, the new entity could be seen as an emerging topology for the design. Architecture could be seen as an inbetween factor to release one’s spatial triggers. Therefore, the research becomes a mental exploration of the phenomenon. The irrationalities embedded within the spatial understanding of the situations manifest themselves through selected methodology. Throughout the research phase analytical models and drawings were produced to incorporate the approach into a coherent design synthesis.
ARCHITECTURE OF SPATIAL PHOBIA With the project I intend to integrate the notion of derive and estrangement into an architectural design of mental understandings of the space. An idea that a built up spatial entities embed the qualities and capabilities of being several things at the same time. All depending on personal visceral factors.
The architecture therefore is understood as an active agent in terms of releasing the itinerary embedded in the factors. However, the spatial phobias are nested round and directly linked to the elements by which the architecture is made of. Mixed, juxtaposed, superimposed, joined and fused the construct makes perverse and determined spatial understandings of the spatial equivalents. A bodily positionings in space.
From there architecture of phobia derives. The manifestations of the spatial elements and an in-between which is in this case architecture itself are seen through the most fluctuating point of view. The phobia in itself is an irrationality and by facing it various discontinuities in spatial understanding of the space are embeded.
Nest of phobias
Architectual discourse of irrationalities, dualities within realities
Architecture as an in-between agent to release the spatial triggers
Architectual discourse of irrationalities, dualities within realities
Acrophobia In architecture seen as tectonics and gravity and stability related equivalent, vertical movement and connectivity.
Chromophobia or Chromatophobia- Fear of colors.
Claustrophobia Presents the conditions of enclosing the space, surrounding and grounding it, topological and horizontal construct.
Mycrophobia- Fear of small things.
MycrophobiaFear Fear of small things. Chromophobia or ChromatophobiaFear of colors. Myctophobiaof darkness. ChronophobiaFear of time. MyctophobiaFearFear of darkness. ChronophobiaFear of time. Fear of confined spaces. Myxophobiaof slime. (Blennophobia). ClaustrophobiaFear ofFear slime. (Blennophobia). ClaustrophobiaFear of confined spaces. Fear of being locked in an MyxophobiaMebulaphobiaof fog. (Homichlophobia) Cleithrophobia or Cleisiophobiaenclosed MebulaphobiaFearFear of fog. (Homichlophobia) Cleithrophobiaplace. or Cleisiophobia- Fear of being locked in an enclosed Necrophobiaof death or dead things. Nelophobiaof glass. Climacophobia- Fear of stairs, climbing, or of falling downstairs. NecrophobiaFearFear of death or dead things. place. Neophobiaof anything new. Clithrophobia or CleithrophobiaFear of being enclosed. NelophobiaFear Fear of glass. ClimacophobiaFear of stairs, climbing, or of falling downstairs. Nephophobiaof clouds. Fear of stings. NeophobiaFear of Fear anything new. ClithrophobiaCnidophobiaor CleithrophobiaFear of being enclosed. Noctiphobia- Fear of the night. Coimetrophobia- Fear of cemeteries. Nephophobia- Fear of clouds. Cnidophobia- Fear of stings. Nosocomephobia- Fear of hospitals. Cremnophobia- Fear of precipices. NoctiphobiaFear of theofnight. CoimetrophobiaFear of Fear cemeteries. NostophobiaFear returning home. Cryophobiaof extreme cold, ice or frost. NosocomephobiaFearofofthe hospitals. CremnophobiaFear of precipices. Nyctophobia- Fear dark or of night. Cymophobia or Kymophobia- Fear of waves or wave like motions NostophobiaFear Fear of returning home. Cryophobia- Fear of extreme ice or(Agoraphobia) frost. Oikophobiaof home surroundings, house.(Domatophobia, DemophobiaFearcold, of crowds. Fear of the dark or of night. Cymophobia or Kymophobiaof waves orright waveside likeofmotions Eicophobia) DextrophobiaFearFear of objects at the the body. NyctophobiaOlfactophobiaof smells. Fear of(Agoraphobia) dizziness or whirlpools. OikophobiaFear Fear of home surroundings, house.(Domatophobia, Demophobia-DinophobiaFear of crowds. Ombrophobia- Fear of rain or of being rained on. Fear ofatdouble vision. Eicophobia) Dextrophobia-DiplophobiaFear of objects the right side of the body. OptophobiaFear opening one's eyes. Domatophobiaof houses or being in a house.(Eicophobia, OlfactophobiaFear of of smells. Dinophobia- Fear of dizzinessFear or whirlpools. Orthophobiaof property. Oikophobia) OmbrophobiaFearFear of rain or of being rained on. Diplophobia- Fear of double vision. Osmophobia or Osphresiophobia- Fear of smells or odors. Dromophobia- Fear of crossing streets. Optophobia- Fear of opening one's eyes. Domatophobia- Fear of houses or being in a house.(Eicophobia, Pagophobia- Fear of ice or frost. Dysmorphophobia- Fear of deformity. OrthophobiaFearorofPantophobiaproperty. Fear of everything. Oikophobia) Ecophobia- Fear of home. Panophobia or OsphresiophobiaDromophobia-EicophobiaFear of crossing PapyrophobiaFear of paper. Fear of smells or odors. Fear ofstreets. home surroundings.(Domatophobia, Osmophobia OikophoPagophobiaFear of Fear ice or DysmorphophobiaPhengophobiaof frost. daylight or sunshine. bia) Fear of deformity. PhobophobiaFear of phobias. EisoptrophobiaPanophobia or PantophobiaFear of everything. Ecophobia- Fear of home. Fear of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror. PhotoaugliaphobiaFear of glaring lights. Electrophobiaof electricity. PapyrophobiaFear of paper. Eicophobia- Fear of home Fear surroundings.(Domatophobia, OikophoPhotophobiaFear of light. or sunshine. Enetophobia- Fear of pins. PhengophobiaFear of daylight bia) PhonophobiaFear of noises or voices or one's own voice; of EnochlophobiaFearor of of crowds. Fear of phobias. EisoptrophobiaFear of mirrors seeing oneself in a mirror. Phobophobiatelephones. Eosophobia- Fear of dawn or daylight. Photoaugliaphobia- Fear of glaring lights. Electrophobia- Fear of electricity. Placophobia- Fear of tombstones. Eremophobia- Fear of being oneself or of lonliness. PhotophobiaFear of light. Enetophobia-FrigophobiaFear of pins.Fear of cold or cold things.(Cheimaphobia, CheimatoPluviophobiaFear of rain or of being rained on. PhonophobiaFear of noises orFear voices or one's own voice; of EnochlophobiaFearPsychrophobia) of crowds. Pnigophobia or Pnigerophobiaof choking of being smothered. phobia, Eosophobia- Fear of dawn orordaylight. Fear of many things. Gephyrophobia Gephydrophobia or Gephysrophobia-telephones. Fear Polyphobiaof PlacophobiaFear of tombstones. Eremophobia-crossing Fear ofbridges. being oneself or of lonliness. PorphyrophobiaFear of the color purple. Achluophobia- Fear of darkness. Potamophobiaor running Acousticophobia- Fear of noise. of thethings.(Cheimaphobia, sun. PluviophobiaFear ofFear rainoforrivers of being rainedwater. on. Frigophobia- HeliophobiaFear of coldFear or cold CheimatoPsychrophobiaFear of cold.Fear of choking of being smothered. Acrophobia- Fear of heights. Hodophobia- Fear of road travel. Pnigophobia or Pnigerophobiaphobia, Psychrophobia) PteromerhanophobiaFear of flying. Aerophobia- Fear of drafts, air swallowing, or airbourne noxiousGephyrophobia substances. HormephobiaFear of shock. Fear of many things. or Gephydrophobia or Gephysrophobia- Fear Polyphobiaof Quadriplegiphobia- fear of quadriplegics or fear of becoming a quadriFear of open high places. Homichlophobia- Fear of fog. PorphyrophobiaFear of the color purple. Achluophobia- Fear ofAeroacrophobiadarkness. crossing bridges. plegic. Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like Hydrophobia- Fear of water or of rabies. PotamophobiaFear of rivers or running water. Acousticophobia- Fearmarkets. of noise. Heliophobia- Fear of the sun. Rupophobia- Fear of dirt. Fear of leaving a safe place. Hyelophobia or Hyalophobia- Fear of glass. Psychrophobiaof cold.Fear of shadows. Acrophobia- Fear of heights. Hodophobia- HygrophobiaFear of road Fear travel. SciophobiaFear SciaphobiaAgyrophobia- Fear of streets or crossing the street. of liquids, dampness, or moisture. PteromerhanophobiaFear of flying. Aerophobia- Fear of drafts, air swallowing, or airbourne noxious substances. Hormephobia-HylephobiaFear of shock. Scopophobia or ScoptophobiaFear of being seen or stared at. AichmophobiaFear of needles or pointed objects. Fear of materialism or the fear of epilepsy. Quadriplegiphobiafear of of quadriplegics or fear of becoming a quadriAeroacrophobia- FearAltophobiaof open high HomichlophobiaFear of fog. ScotomaphobiaFear blindness in visual field. Fearplaces. of heights. HypsiphobiaFear of height. Fear dust.in crowded, public places like Hydrophobia-Illyngophobiadown. Scotophobia- Fear of darkness. (Achluophobia) Agoraphobia- Fear of Amathophobiaopen spaces or of of being Fear of waterFear or of vertigo rabies.or feeling dizzy when looking plegic. Selaphobiaof light flashes. AmbulophobiaFear of walking. IsolophobiaFear of solitude, being alone. RupophobiaFearFear of dirt. markets. Fear of leaving a safe place. Hyelophobia or HyalophobiaFear of glass. SeplophobiaFear ofFear decaying matter. Fear ofthe looking up. of sitting down. Sciophobia Sciaphobiaof shadows. Agyrophobia- Fear of Anablephobiastreets or crossing street. Hygrophobia-KathisophobiaFear of liquids,Fear dampness, or moisture. SinistrophobiaFear of thingsFear to the or left-handed. Fear of immobility KenophobiaFear of voids empty Scopophobia or Scoptophobiaof left being seen or stared at. Aichmophobia- Fear ofAnkylophobianeedles or pointed objects. of a joint. Hylephobia- Fear of materialism or theorfear of spaces. epilepsy. Stasibasiphobia or Stasiphobia- Fear of standing or walking. (AmbuloAntlophobia- Fear of floods. Kinetophobia or Kinesophobia- Fear of movement or motion. Scotomaphobia- Fear of blindness in visual field. Altophobia- Fear of heights. Hypsiphobia- Fear of height. phobia) Arsonphobia- Fear of fire. Koinoniphobia- Fear of rooms. Fear Fear of darkness. Amathophobia- Fear of dust. Illyngophobia-KoniophobiaFear of vertigo dizzy when looking down. ScotophobiaStenophobiaof narrow(Achluophobia) things or places. AsthenophobiaFear of fainting Fearor of feeling dust. (Amathophobia) SelaphobiaFear of light Ambulophobia- Fear oforwalking. Isolophobia- Fear of solitude, alone. SymbolophobiaFearflashes. of symbolism. weakness. KymophobiaFearbeing of waves. (Cymophobia) SeplophobiaFear of decaying matter. Anablephobia- Fear ofBarophobialooking up.Fear of gravity. KathisophobiaFear of sitting SymmetrophobiaFear of symmetry. KyphophobiaFeardown. of stooping. SinistrophobiaFearFear of things to the left or left-handed. Ankylophobia- Fear ofBasophobia immobilityorofBasiphobiaa joint. Inability to stand. Fear of walking orKenophobiaFear of voidsFear or empty Tachophobiaof speed. falling. Leukophobiaof the spaces. color white. TechnophobiaFear of technology. Bathmophobia- Fear of stairs or steep slopes. Fear of Fear thingsoftomovement the left sideor of motion. the body. Stasibasiphobia or StasiphobiaFear of standing or walking. (AmbuloAntlophobia- Fear of floods. Kinetophobia Levophobiaor KinesophobiaThaasophobiaFear of sitting. BathophobiaFear of depth. LigyrophobiaFear of loud noises. phobia) Arsonphobia- Fear of fire. Koinoniphobia- Fear of rooms. Theatrophobiaof theatres. Batophobiaof string. StenophobiaFear ofFear narrow things or places. Asthenophobia- Fear of fainting Fear of heights or being close to high buildings. Koniophobia- LinonophobiaFear of dust. Fear (Amathophobia) Thermophobia- Fear of heat. Belonephobia- Fear of pins and needles. (Aichmophobia) Fear of darkness. SymbolophobiaFear of symbolism. or weakness. Kymophobia- LygophobiaFear of waves. (Cymophobia) Topophobia- Fear of certain places or situations, such as stage fright. Blennophobia- Fear of slime. Mechanophobia- Fear of machines. SymmetrophobiaFear of symmetry. Barophobia- Fear of gravity. Kyphophobia-MegalophobiaFear of stooping. Traumatophobia- Fear of injury. Cainophobia or Cainotophobia- Fear of newness, novelty. Fear of large things. TachophobiaFear of speed. Basophobia or BasiphobiaInability toFear stand. Fear offrom walking Fear of the color TremophobiaFear of trembling. Catapedaphobiaof jumping high or andfalling. low places. Leukophobia-MelanophobiaFearwhite. of the color black. TechnophobiaFear of technology. Bathmophobia- Fear of stairs or steep Levophobia- Fear of things Fear to the side of the body. Trichopathophobia or Trichophobia- Fear of hair. (Chaetophobia, CathisophobiaFearslopes. of sitting. Metallophobiaof left metal. ThaasophobiaFear of sitting. Bathophobia- Fear of Catoptrophobiadepth. Ligyrophobia-MicrophobiaFear of loudFear noises. Hypertrichophobia) Fear of mirrors. of small things. TropophobiaFear moving or making changes. Cheimaphobia or close CheimatophobiaFear of cold.(Frigophobia, Psychophobia) or Mysophobia- Fear of being contaminated with dirt or TheatrophobiaFear of of theatres. Batophobia- Fear of heights or being to high buildings. Linonophobia-Misophobia Fear of string. Xanthophobiaof the color yellow or the word yellow. Fear of(Aichmophobia) snow. germs. ThermophobiaFearFear of heat. Belonephobia- Fear ofChionophobiapins and needles. Lygophobia- Fear of darkness. Xerophobiaof dryness. Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia- Fear of dirt or contamination. TopophobiaFear Fear of certain places or situations, such as stage fright. Blennophobia- Fear of slime. MechanophobiaFear of machines. Xylophobia- 1) Fear wooden objects. 2) Forests. MonophobiaFearthings. of solitude or being alone. TraumatophobiaFear ofofinjury. Cainophobia or Cainotophobia- Fear of newness, novelty. MegalophobiaFear of large Tremophobia- Fear of trembling. Catapedaphobia- Fear of jumping from high and low places. Melanophobia- Fear of the color black. Trichopathophobia or Trichophobia- Fear of hair. (Chaetophobia, Cathisophobia- Fear of sitting. Metallophobia- Fear of metal. Hypertrichophobia) Catoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors. Microphobia- Fear of small things. Tropophobia- Fear of moving or making changes. Cheimaphobia or Cheimatophobia- Fear of cold.(Frigophobia, Psychophobia) Misophobia or Mysophobia- Fear of being contaminated with dirt or Xanthophobia- Fear of the color yellow or the word yellow. Chionophobia- Fear of snow. germs. Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia- Fear of dirt or contamination.Xerophobia- Fear of dryness. Xylophobia- 1) Fear of wooden objects. 2) Forests. Monophobia- Fear of solitude or being alone.
Photophobia The construct of where our visual Trypophobia coordination, orientation and Deals with the construct of the opening- visceral understanding of the space is. closing the space, piercing, punctuating, Interchangable atmospheric conditions perforating and overall framing the space. reemerge and embed within.
Chromophobia ChronophobiaClaustrophobia Cleithrophobia place. ClimacophobiaClithrophobia o Cnidophobia- F Coimetrophobia CremnophobiaCryophobia- Fe Cymophobia or Demophobia- F Dextrophobia- F Dinophobia- Fe Diplophobia- Fe DomatophobiaOikophobia) Dromophobia- F Dysmorphopho Ecophobia- Fea Eicophobia- Fe bia) EisoptrophobiaElectrophobiaEnetophobia- F EnochlophobiaEosophobia- Fe Eremophobia- F Frigophobia- Fe phobia, Psychro Gephyrophobia Achluophobia- Fear of darkness. crossing bridge Acousticophobia- Fear of noise. Heliophobia- Fe Acrophobia- Fear of heights. Hodophobia- Fe AchluophobiaFear of darkness. Aerophobia- Fear of drafts, air swallowing, or airbourne noxious substances. Hormephobia- F Fear of noise. Aeroacrophobia- Fear of open Acousticophobiahigh places. Homichlophobia AcrophobiaFear of heights. Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like Hydrophobia- F Fear of drafts, air swallowing, or airbourneorn markets. Fear of leaving a safeAerophobiaplace. Hyelophobia Agyrophobia- Fear of streets orAeroacrophobiacrossing the street. Fear of open high places. Hygrophobia- F Aichmophobia- Fear of needlesAgoraphobiaor pointed objects. HylephobiaFea Fear of open spaces or of being in crowde Altophobia- Fear of heights. markets. Fear of leaving a safe place. Hypsiphobia- Fe Amathophobia- Fear of dust. Agyrophobia- Fear of streets or crossing the IllyngophobiaF street. Ambulophobia- Fear of walking. Isolophobia- Fea Aichmophobia- Fear of needles or pointed objects. Anablephobia- Fear of looking up. KathisophobiaAltophobiaAnkylophobia- Fear of immobility of a joint. Fear of heights. Kenophobia- Fe Antlophobia- Fear of floods. Amathophobia- Fear of dust. Kinetophobia o AmbulophobiaFear of walking. Arsonphobia- Fear of fire. KoinoniphobiaAsthenophobia- Fear of faintingAnablephobia- Fear of looking up. Koniophobia- Fe Ankylophobia- Fear of immobility of a joint. Kymophobia- F or weakness. Barophobia- Fear of gravity. Antlophobia- Fear of floods. Kyphophobia- F Basophobia or Basiphobia- Inability to stand. Fear Leukophobia- F ArsonphobiaFearofofwalking fire. or falling. Bathmophobia- Fear of stairs or steep slopes. Fear of fainting Levophobia- Fe AsthenophobiaBathophobia- Fear of depth. or weakness. Ligyrophobia- F Batophobia- Fear of heights or being close to high buildings. Linonophobia- F Barophobia- Fear of gravity. Belonephobia- Fear of pins and needles. (Aichmophobia) Lygophobia- Fe Fear of walk Blennophobia- Fear of slime. Basophobia or Basiphobia- Inability to stand. Mechanophobia of stairs or steep slopes. Cainophobia or Cainotophobia-BathmophobiaFear of newness,Fear novelty. MegalophobiaBathophobiaFear depth. Catapedaphobia- Fear of jumping from high and lowofplaces. Melanophobiato high buildin Cathisophobia- Fear of sitting. Batophobia- Fear of heights or being close MetallophobiaCatoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors. Microphobia- Fe Belonephobia- Fear of pins and needles. (Aichmophobia) Cheimaphobia or CheimatophobiaFear of cold.(Frigophobia, BlennophobiaFear of slime. Psychophobia) Misophobia or M Chionophobia- Fear of snow. Cainophobia or Cainotophobia- Fear of newness, germs. novelty. Catapedaphobia- Fear of jumping from highMolysmophobia and low plac Monophobia- Fe Cathisophobia- Fear of sitting.
Catoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors. Cheimaphobia or Cheimatophobia- Fear of cold.(Frigopho Chionophobia- Fear of snow.
DYNAMIC AND SEQUENTIAL UNDERSTADING Architecture therefore becomes: the program the agent the solution the paradox Hence, the abnormalities result in specific phobias when exposed to an extreme amount of one or other element. The irrational fear of elements becomes a driving design tool to overcome a closed statement. On one hand, there is a limitedness and abundance of phobias within themselves depending on a specific personal level. However, to exploit and unravel the paradoxical project happens when abnormalities are joined together through a sequential and dynamic understanding.
Therefore, the paradox is that the phobia can never be avoided in terms of an architectural construct. Here is an attempt to indicate and accumulate some specific phobias within the previously mentioned construct. The phobia hereby becomes a dynamic object and interchangeable factor. The framework here becomes nearly an archival method in the sense that the phobias can always be located and pointed out, but always can reaper differently and dual.
ARCHIVE FOR SPATIAL PHOBIAS Mycrophobia- Fear of small things. Chromophobia or Chromatophobia- Fear of colors. Myctophobia- Fear of darkness. Chronophobia- Fear of time. Myxophobia- Fear of slime. (Blennophobia). Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces. Mebulaphobia- Fear of fog. (Homichlophobia) Cleithrophobia or Cleisiophobia- Fear of being locked in an enclosed Necrophobia- Fear of death or dead things. place. enclosed place. Spatial phobial accumulation, Climacophobia- Fear of stairs, climbing, or of falling downstairs. Nelophobia- Fear of glass. variation, becoming Neophobia- Fear of anything new. Clithrophobia or Cleithrophobia- Fear of being enclosed. Nephophobia- Fear of clouds. Cnidophobia- Fear of stings. Noctiphobia- Fear of the night. Coimetrophobia- Fear of cemeteries. Nosocomephobia- Fear of hospitals. Cremnophobia- Fear of precipices. Nostophobia- Fear of returning home. Cryophobia- Fear of extreme cold, ice or frost. Cymophobia or Kymophobia- Fear of waves or wave like motions Nyctophobia- Fear of the dark or of night. Oikophobia- Fear of home surroundings, house.(Domatophobia, Demophobia- Fear of crowds. (Agoraphobia) Eicophobia) Dextrophobia- Fear of objects at the right side of the body. Olfactophobia- Fear of smells. Dinophobia- Fear of dizziness or whirlpools. Ombrophobia- Fear of rain or of being rained on. Diplophobia- Fear of double vision. Optophobia- Fear of opening one's eyes. Domatophobia- Fear of houses or being in a house.(Eicophobia, house. Orthophobia- Fear of property. Oikophobia) (Eicophobia, Oikophobia) Osmophobia or Osphresiophobia- Fear of smells or odors. Dromophobia- Fear of crossing streets. Pagophobia- Fear of ice or frost. Dysmorphophobia- Fear of deformity. Panophobia or Pantophobia- Fear of everything. Ecophobia- Fear of home. Papyrophobia- Fear of paper. Eicophobia- Fear of home surroundings.(Domatophobia, Oikophobia) Phengophobia- Fear of daylight or sunshine. Eisoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror. Phobophobia- Fear of phobias. Electrophobia- Fear of electricity. Photoaugliaphobia- Fear of glaring lights. Enetophobia- Fear of pins. Photophobia- Fear of light. Enochlophobia- Fear of crowds. Phonophobia- Fear of noises or voices or one's own voice; of Eosophobia- Fear of dawn or daylight. telephones. Eremophobia- Fear of being oneself or of lonliness. Placophobia- Fear of tombstones. Frigophobia- Fear of cold or cold things.(Cheimaphobia, CheimatoPluviophobiaFear of rain or of being rained on. phobia, Psychrophobia) Pnigophobia or Pnigerophobia- Fear of choking of being smothered. Cheimato phobia, Psychrophobia) Gephyrophobia or Gephydrophobia or Gephysrophobia- Fear Polyphobiaof Fear of many things. crossing bridges. Porphyrophobia- Fear of the color purple. of crossing bridges. Achluophobia-Fear Fearofofdarkness. darkness. AchluophobiaHeliophobia- Fear of the sun. Potamophobia- Fear of rivers or running water. Acousticophobia-Fear Fearofofnoise. noise. AcousticophobiaHodophobia- Fear of road travel. Psychrophobia- Fear of cold. Acrophobia-Fear Fearofofheights. heights. AcrophobiaPteromerhanophobia- Fear of flying. Aerophobia-Fear Fearofofdrafts, drafts,airairswallowing, swallowing,ororairbourne airbournenoxious noxioussubstances. substances.Hormephobia- Fear of shock. AerophobiaHomichlophobia- Fear of fog. Quadriplegiphobia- fear of quadriplegics or fear of becoming a quadriAeroacrophobia-Fear Fearofofopen openhigh highplaces. places. Aeroacrophobiaplegic. Agoraphobia-Fear Fearofofopen openspaces spacesororofofbeing beinginincrowded, crowded,public publicplaces placeslike likeHydrophobia- Fear of water or of rabies. AgoraphobiaHyelophobia or Hyalophobia- Fear of glass. Rupophobia- Fear of dirt. markets.Fear Fearofofleaving leavinga asafe safeplace. place. markets. Hygrophobia- Fear of liquids, dampness, or moisture. Sciophobia Sciaphobia- Fear of shadows. Agyrophobia-Fear Fearofofstreets streetsororcrossing crossingthe thestreet. street. AgyrophobiaHylephobia- Fear of materialism or the fear of epilepsy. Scopophobia or Scoptophobia- Fear of being seen or stared at. Aichmophobia-Fear Fearofofneedles needlesororpointed pointedobjects. objects. AichmophobiaScotomaphobia- Fear of blindness in visual field. Altophobia-Fear Fearofofheights. heights. Hypsiphobia- Fear of height. AltophobiaAmathophobia-Fear Fearofofdust. dust. Illyngophobia- Fear of vertigo or feeling dizzy when looking down. Scotophobia- Fear of darkness. (Achluophobia) AmathophobiaAmbulophobia-Fear Fearofofwalking. walking. Isolophobia- Fear of solitude, being alone. Selaphobia- Fear of light flashes. AmbulophobiaAnablephobia-Fear Fearofoflooking lookingup.up. Kathisophobia- Fear of sitting down. Seplophobia- Fear of decaying matter. AnablephobiaAnkylophobia-Fear Fearofofimmobility immobilityofofa ajoint. joint. Kenophobia- Fear of voids or empty spaces. Sinistrophobia- Fear of things to the left or left-handed. AnkylophobiaAntlophobia-Fear Fearofoffloods. floods. Kinetophobia or Kinesophobia- Fear of movement or motion. Stasibasiphobia or Stasiphobia- Fear of standing or walking. (AmbuloAntlophobiaArsonphobia-Fear Fearofoffire. fire. Koinoniphobia- Fear of rooms. phobia) ArsonphobiaAsthenophobia-Fear Fearofoffainting fainting Koniophobia- Fear of dust. (Amathophobia) Stenophobia- Fear of narrow things or places. Asthenophobiaweakness. Kymophobia- Fear of waves. (Cymophobia) Symbolophobia- Fear of symbolism. oror weakness. Barophobia-Fear Fearofofgravity. gravity. Kyphophobia- Fear of stooping. Symmetrophobia- Fear of symmetry. BarophobiaBasophobiaororBasiphobiaBasiphobia-Inability Inabilitytotostand. Leukophobia- Fear of the color white. Tachophobia- Fear of speed. Basophobia stand.Fear Fearofofwalking walkingororfalling. falling. Levophobia- Fear of things to the left side of the body. Technophobia- Fear of technology. BathmophobiaBathmophobia-Fear Fearofofstairs stairsororsteep steepslopes. slopes. Ligyrophobia- Fear of loud noises. Thaasophobia- Fear of sitting. BathophobiaBathophobia-Fear Fearofofdepth. depth. Linonophobia- Fear of string. Theatrophobia- Fear of theatres. BatophobiaBatophobia-Fear Fearofofheights heightsororbeing beingclose closetotohigh highbuildings. buildings. Lygophobia- Fear of darkness. Thermophobia- Fear of heat. BelonephobiaBelonephobia-Fear Fearofofpins pinsand andneedles. needles.(Aichmophobia) (Aichmophobia) Mechanophobia- Fear of machines. Topophobia- Fear of certain places or situations, such as stage fright. BlennophobiaBlennophobia-Fear Fearofofslime. slime. Megalophobia- Fear of large things. Traumatophobia- Fear of injury. Cainophobia CainophobiaororCainotophobiaCainotophobia-Fear Fearofofnewness, newness,novelty. novelty. Melanophobia- Fear of the color black. Tremophobia- Fear of trembling. CatapedaphobiaCatapedaphobia-Fear Fearofofjumping jumpingfrom fromhigh highand andlow lowplaces. places. Metallophobia- Fear of metal. Trichopathophobia or Trichophobia- Fear of hair. (Chaetophobia, CathisophobiaCathisophobia-Fear Fearofofsitting. sitting. Microphobia- Fear of small things. Hypertrichophobia) CatoptrophobiaCatoptrophobia-Fear Fearofofmirrors. mirrors. Tropophobia- Fear of moving or making changes. Cheimaphobia Psychophobia) Misophobia or Mysophobia- Fear of being contaminated with dirt or CheimaphobiaororCheimatophobiaCheimatophobia-Fear Fearofofcold.(Frigophobia, cold.(Frigophobia,Psychophobia) germs. ChionophobiaChionophobia-Fear Fearofofsnow. snow. Xanthophobia- Fear of the color yellow or the word yellow. Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia- Fear of dirt or contamination.Xerophobia- Fear of dryness. Xylophobia- 1) Fear of wooden objects. 2) Forests. Monophobia- Fear of solitude or being alone. THE INDEXITIES WITHIN THE FIELD OF PHOBIA
DYNAMIC AND SEQUENTIAL UNDERSTADING From the phobia construct the emerging need of an archival typology is becoming unavoidable. As the synthesis, a proposal of non-directional and dynamic phobia archive is understood in a more poetic and[or] conceptual sense. Therefore, the project gets embedded and framed around sequential and also perversed scattered way. But organized by spatial accumulations and situations. The overall image of the building is seen as a sequential experience within its construct and context.
The conceptual diagram for a pre-synthesised building.
Dialectical understanding of the archive
The city of Yerevan has undergone vast and rapid changes in its built environment. The traces of interchangeable past and geographical location are quite embedded within the city. The project site is already on a level of conceptual irrationality within itself. The ravine which divides the city quite dramatically is integrated into the project. The amusement park is nearly an exploration of the topic and also the tunnel which connects the site to the inner city is manifesting in an oxymoron.
Site implantation diagram
Master plan imposed in Yerevan in 1924
Achluophobia- F Acousticophobi Acrophobia- Fea Aerophobia- Fe Aeroacrophobia Agoraphobia- F markets. Fear o Agyrophobia- F AichmophobiaAltophobia- Fea AmathophobiaAmbulophobiaAnablephobia- F Ankylophobia- F Antlophobia- Fe Arsonphobia- Fe Asthenophobiaor weakness. Barophobia- Fe Basophobia or B BathmophobiaBathophobia- F Batophobia- Fea Belonephobia- F Blennophobia- F Cainophobia or Catapedaphobi CathisophobiaCatoptrophobia Cheimaphobia o Chionophobia- F
Site implantation here within the context happens through the organization of the park and nature elements. The archive is organized as a sequential folly type of structure. The site was and still is implemented within the context of the western world planning ideas of, for example, the green belt city and also shares the typology of the European garden-park typology, the follies is a continuation and a modern construct of the complex-site relationships.
Mycrophobia- Fear of small things. Chromophobia or Chromatophobia- Fear of colors. Myctophobia- Fear of darkness. Chronophobia- Fear of time. Myxophobia- Fear of slime. (Blennophobia). Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces. Mebulaphobia- Fear of fog. (Homichlophobia) Cleithrophobia or Cleisiophobia- Fear of being locked in an enclosed Necrophobia- Fear of death or dead things. place. Climacophobia- Fear of stairs, climbing, or of falling downstairs. Nelophobia- Fear of glass. Neophobia- Fear of anything new. Clithrophobia or Cleithrophobia- Fear of being enclosed. Nephophobia- Fear of clouds. Cnidophobia- Fear of stings. Noctiphobia- Fear of the night. Coimetrophobia- Fear of cemeteries. Nosocomephobia- Fear of hospitals. Cremnophobia- Fear of precipices. Nostophobia- Fear of returning home. Cryophobia- Fear of extreme cold, ice or frost. Cymophobia or Kymophobia- Fear of waves or wave like motions Nyctophobia- Fear of the dark or of night. Oikophobia- Fear of home surroundings, house.(Domatophobia, Demophobia- Fear of crowds. (Agoraphobia) Eicophobia) Dextrophobia- Fear of objects at the right side of the body. Olfactophobia- Fear of smells. Dinophobia- Fear of dizziness or whirlpools. Ombrophobia- Fear of rain or of being rained on. Diplophobia- Fear of double vision. Optophobia- Fear of opening one's eyes. Domatophobia- Fear of houses or being in a house.(Eicophobia, Orthophobia- Fear of property. Oikophobia) Osmophobia or Osphresiophobia- Fear of smells or odors. Dromophobia- Fear of crossing streets. Pagophobia- Fear of ice or frost. Dysmorphophobia- Fear of deformity. Panophobia or Pantophobia- Fear of everything. Ecophobia- Fear of home. Papyrophobia- Fear of paper. Eicophobia- Fear of home surroundings.(Domatophobia, Oikophobia) Phengophobia- Fear of daylight or sunshine. Eisoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror. Phobophobia- Fear of phobias. Electrophobia- Fear of electricity. Photoaugliaphobia- Fear of glaring lights. Enetophobia- Fear of pins. Photophobia- Fear of light. Enochlophobia- Fear of crowds. Phonophobia- Fear of noises or voices or one's own voice; of Eosophobia- Fear of dawn or daylight. telephones. Eremophobia- Fear of being oneself or of lonliness. Placophobia- Fear of tombstones. Frigophobia- Fear of cold or cold things.(Cheimaphobia, CheimatoPluviophobia- Fear of rain or of being rained on. phobia, Psychrophobia) Pnigophobia or Pnigerophobia- Fear of choking of being smothered. Gephyrophobia or Gephydrophobia or Gephysrophobia- Fear Polyphobiaof Fear of many things. crossing bridges. Porphyrophobia- Fear of the color purple. Achluophobia- Fear of darkness. Heliophobia- Fear of the sun. Potamophobia- Fear of rivers or running water. Acousticophobia- Fear of noise. Hodophobia- Fear of road travel. Psychrophobia- Fear of cold. Acrophobia- Fear of heights. Pteromerhanophobia- Fear of flying. Aerophobia- Fear of drafts, air swallowing, or airbourne noxious substances. Hormephobia- Fear of shock. Homichlophobia- Fear of fog. Quadriplegiphobia- fear of quadriplegics or fear of becoming a quadriAeroacrophobia- Fear of open high places. plegic. Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like Hydrophobia- Fear of water or of rabies. Hyelophobia or Hyalophobia- Fear of glass. Rupophobia- Fear of dirt. markets. Fear of leaving a safe place. Hygrophobia- Fear of liquids, dampness, or moisture. Sciophobia Sciaphobia- Fear of shadows. Agyrophobia- Fear of streets or crossing the street. Hylephobia- Fear of materialism or the fear of epilepsy. Scopophobia or Scoptophobia- Fear of being seen or stared at. Aichmophobia- Fear of needles or pointed objects. Scotomaphobia- Fear of blindness in visual field. Hypsiphobia- Fear of height. Altophobia- Fear of heights. Illyngophobia- Fear of vertigo or feeling dizzy when looking down. Scotophobia- Fear of darkness. (Achluophobia) Amathophobia- Fear of dust. Isolophobia- Fear of solitude, being alone. Selaphobia- Fear of light flashes. Ambulophobia- Fear of walking. Kathisophobia- Fear of sitting down. Seplophobia- Fear of decaying matter. Anablephobia- Fear of looking up. Kenophobia- Fear of voids or empty spaces. Sinistrophobia- Fear of things to the left or left-handed. Ankylophobia- Fear of immobility of a joint. Kinetophobia or Kinesophobia- Fear of movement or motion. Stasibasiphobia or Stasiphobia- Fear of standing or walking. (AmbuloAntlophobia- Fear of floods. Koinoniphobia- Fear of rooms. phobia) Arsonphobia- Fear of fire. Koniophobia- Fear of dust. (Amathophobia) Stenophobia- Fear of narrow things or places. Asthenophobia- Fear of fainting Kymophobia- Fear of waves. (Cymophobia) Symbolophobia- Fear of symbolism. or weakness. Kyphophobia- Fear of stooping. Symmetrophobia- Fear of symmetry. Barophobia- Fear of gravity. Leukophobia- Fear of the color white. Tachophobia- Fear of speed. Basophobia or Basiphobia- Inability to stand. Fear of walking or falling. Levophobia- Fear of things to the left side of the body. Technophobia- Fear of technology. Bathmophobia- Fear of stairs or steep slopes. Ligyrophobia- Fear of loud noises. Thaasophobia- Fear of sitting. Bathophobia- Fear of depth. Linonophobia- Fear of string. Theatrophobia- Fear of theatres. Batophobia- Fear of heights or being close to high buildings. Lygophobia- Fear of darkness. Thermophobia- Fear of heat. Belonephobia- Fear of pins and needles. (Aichmophobia) Mechanophobia- Fear of machines. Topophobia- Fear of certain places or situations, such as stage fright. Blennophobia- Fear of slime. Megalophobia- Fear of large things. Traumatophobia- Fear of injury. Cainophobia or Cainotophobia- Fear of newness, novelty. Melanophobia- Fear of the color black. Tremophobia- Fear of trembling. Catapedaphobia- Fear of jumping from high and low places. Metallophobia- Fear of metal. Trichopathophobia or Trichophobia- Fear of hair. (Chaetophobia, Cathisophobia- Fear of sitting. Microphobia- Fear of small things. Hypertrichophobia) Catoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors. Tropophobia- Fear of moving or making changes. Cheimaphobia or Cheimatophobia- Fear of cold.(Frigophobia, Psychophobia) Misophobia or Mysophobia- Fear of being contaminated with dirt or Chionophobia- Fear of snow. germs. Xanthophobia- Fear of the color yellow or the word yellow. Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia- Fear of dirt or contamination.Xerophobia- Fear of dryness. Monophobia- Fear of solitude or being alone. Xylophobia- 1) Fear of wooden objects. 2) Forests.
Implemented paradoxes within the site
MULTIPLE APPROACHABILITIES TO THE PROJECT Pertaining to the unnatural and the irrational a phobia is heavily subjective, meaning that one factor might trigger or result in a different way. This requires a certain degree of commitment to explore the generated effect. As in the phenomenological research, the key to analyze it is to see what it is rather than understanding why.
ENCOUNTERING AND EXPLORING THE BUILDING On the other hand, nearly a transgressive method and a certain level of playfulness is required to perform while encountering such structure. As in a derive method it is hereby interlinked with the design. The person becomes estranged by his presence, therefore, the switch in the perspective(scale) happens and he is becoming an active agent himself, a performer, not only a passive viewer.
SEARCHING/FINDING/DEFINING THE ENTRY BUILDING AS SEEN FROM THE EMERGING PLANS Therefore the internal organization of the building is seen more as a folly type pavilions interlinked and interjoined together to form a sequential understanding of an archive. A simulation of reoccurrences plays a huge role throughout the complex.
As the phenomenon is a nonlinear process the notion of entrance and approachability plays a major role in terms of the architectural construct. The building is built in a way of interconnecting seemingly separate smaller scale objects.
ENTRANCES/ARCHITECTURAL GESTRUES The sequential and a transgressive method helps one to find entries that are created within the field of phobia nature. The building is not active until certain visceral points of the trigger are awakened. Moments of what defines the entry and approachability of the building. As the project is offering an open use of it, the controlled elements are incorporated via making architectural openings, frames, guides and connections with the elements. Therefore, it remains a continuous experience.
THE MATERIAL ASPECTS OF THE PROJECT A link back to the construct of the complex is needed to address the issues of materiality. The whole design is solved with the use of only one material. This helps to evoke and challenge the material to its limits. Also, by use of one material only it is possible to explore unravel and address the architectural emergencies at high exploiting level in order to test and push the limits of the material.
A test of the material as media on the aspects of diagram. Grounding axonometry.
From the drawings to a scale models metal is put to a test in order to contribute to the architectural manifestation. The material properties of metal open the possibilities to execute the specific tectonic and tactile aspects of the building. For the whole building complex, there are four metals that are used: steel, copper, aluminium and brass. The materials are treated and assigned to one category because of their properties and also characteristics. Even though, every material stands and reflects upon different specific thematics and purposes within the construct.
A test of physical capabilities of the metal. Welding and controled rusting method.
Tests of the material
ARCHITECTURAL MANIFESTATION THROUGH THE DETAIL The grounding of the follies is one of the major aspects of the structure. The use of metal allows to ground the building within the rocky surface of the site. The idea of the detail of 1 to 1 is that the materials themselves do the work. Rather simplistic detail of bolting metal plates to the stone and adding vertical structure to hold the horizontal loads makes the material work itself. Tension, grounding and tectonics here meet and juxtapose themselves as within the archive the structural elements manifest in space and create the architectural notions for phobia.
Testing the detail in a scale 1:1 in comparison with the drawings
Architectural manifestation through detail
ARCHITECTURAL ATMOSPHERE THROUGH DETAILS Through the material aspects, it is also essential to address the design state of the project. All the details were selected specifically to endorse and sustain the construct of the spatial phobia archive. The techniques by which the material is treated is also sequential. The created atmospheres are heavily dependent on many aspects of both the treatment of the material and the weathering conditions. This allows the dynamic flow of the building. The building is embedded within and through the landscape in a way that it sometimes pierces it, digs into it and goes throughout it.
JUXTAPOSING THE SPATIAL CONSTRUCT Various juxtapositions and discontinuities happen by controlled architectonic elements. The condition of the tactility is also explored throughout the building. By various perforations, finishings, transparencies it frames the building and makes it accessible, self-guiding, dynamic.
BUILDING IN THE CONTEXT OF WEATHER CONDITIONS. WINTER SITUATION Walkability through the building and general usability is at extreme importance. Having in mind the extreme weather conditions happening in Yerevan. The previous image and this one implements and addresses the issue of traction and friction within the project and its’ grounding. While the floor is made from metal plates the finishing is always different. The specific patterns and bumps are applied to the floor, therefore, it is possible to move even with the freezing temperatures. Where floor seems to be even or slippery the idea of continuous railing is applied. Also, the corrugated and corroded metal absorbs the sunshine and becomes warm even when exposed to relatively cold temperatures. This allows a person to still be able to mingle with the building.
BUILDING IN THE CONTEXT OF WEATHER CONDITIONS. SUMMER SITUATION Another important situation is when the temperature reaches the peak high. In order not to overheat and still the building to be bearable the structural piping system is installed. Excessive tension rods are made hollow, in order to ensure the collected water circulation when it is too hot. Sprinkler system is also attached, so this allows the building to be cooled down by pouring the excessive collected water. This also creates the additional atmospheric condition of the fog moving through the building since the water evaporates.
Collage of the situation and the detail explaining the sprinkler/piping system.
The details are mere reflections of the research in material properties within the architectural and functional aspects of design and program. The Archive is created in the way of dynamic sensory experience. The attempt to create dual details [the ones that are heavily complex from one side and plain from the other] result in a guiding paths for a person to navigate.
Duality of details
GUIDING AND CONTROLING THE FLOW AND DYNAMIC OF THE ARCHIVE Adding of performative elements[stairs, ramps, ladders, railings, etc] to the building clarifies the purpose and directionality of the space. Therefore, the system of the archive transforms it into a dynamic space. Yet, coordinated by the architectonic gestures.
THE ARCHITECTURE AS A TOOL TOWARDS EXPLORING AND EXPERIMENTING WITHIN PARADOXICALITIES OF THE SPATIAL DISCOURSE The broader viewpoint on the graduation project is seen as an exploration of spatial anomalies and the position of architect and the field of architecture. The scientific framework and the design proposal questions the fundamental notions of aesthetics in architecture, the canny and uncanny moments within the built environment and an attempt to decipher out a person’s psyche.
ENDNOTES: 1. Here, the reference is to Eugen Berthold Friedrich Brecht. He was the creator of the ‘epic theatre’. In here the estrangement technique comes at work by alienating effect developed by him. The observer of the opera was forced to become a passive performer. The roles of the actor and observer were switched. As in the developed method the suggested estrangement technique manifests into spatial understanding of the urban encounters and the shifting role of the architect. Benjamin, Walter. Understanding Brecht. London: 1973. Pp.Xiv, 18 2. Theory of derive as in Situationists(Guy Debord). It is an experimental way of performative exercise to experience and encounter the space. It allows the person to get rid of the silent observer state and invites him/her to act as a protagonist. (see more Internationale Situationniste #1 (June 1958)). Simon Sadler, The Situationist City (The MIT Press, 1998) pp.94.
All of the images were developed in 2017-2018 at TU DELFT, by author of the booklet Jokubas Platukis. If not stated otherwise all the images and figures were developed by the author. Only the images of the construct of the phobia were taken from the internet sources: For trypophobia: Gordon Matta-Clark, https:// www.timeout.com/newyork/art/gordon-matta-clark-anarchitect, acquired on 2018 For claustrophobia: Richard Serra, http://myartguides.com/exhibitions/richard-serra-nj-2-roundsequal-weight-unequal-measure-rotate/, acquired on 2018 For photophobia: James Turrel, https://www. architectmagazine.com/design/exhibits-books-etc/ james-turrell-retrospectives-at-los-angeles-countymuseum-of-art-and-guggenheim-museum-newyork_o, acquired on 2018