Thalasso Line

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Exploits the resources of the sea, for the wellbeing of the person. Algae, concentrates, marine salt are a true beauty treatment to fight the main slight blemishes in a strong way


Water the “source of life”

VERIBEL THALASSO functionality • Strong action on the symptom: the

slight blemishes • The innovation: body aesthetic hygiene

MARINE WATER composition • It contains an exceptional variety of mineral salts and trace elements • The chemical composition of the marine

complex is mainly represented by clorum (Cl) and sodium (Na) which constitute some 85% • Also other minerals are included: iodine, iron, manganese, copper, magnesium, calcium, cobalt, zinc, chrome, potassium ...

MARINE WATER action • It has a strong revitalizing, cleansing and anti-bacterial action. • There is proof that ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans exploited the benefits of the different components of the marine environment.

ALGAE • Great richness of iodine. • Great richness of vitamins A, C, D, E, B. • Great richness of salts and trace elements such as iodine, brome, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron. • Great richness of diuretic active ingredients • Anti-inflammatory action • They contain anti-microbic and anti-viral active ingredients.

MARINE SALT The water of our cells would only be stagnant if there weren’t any salts included, so we can state that they bring life.

It is the difference in saline concentration from one part to the other of the cell membrane that permits the movements of water and the exchanges between intra and extra cellular environment (Osmosis).

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