New LCC Library Items, 2017 October

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New LCC Library Items, 2017 October Title Subject Author Computer science, information & general works Informatika ir kompiuterių įranga : aiškinamasis anglų-lietuvių kalbų terminų žodynėlis Smagios sunkios dienos : Lietuvos jūrų muziejaus sukūrimo istorija, autoriaus surašyta laiškais iš Každailis, Aloyzas. praeities į dabartį ir atbulai Writing your journal article in 12 weeks : a guide to Belcher, Wendy Laura. academic publishing success Philosophy Athena : filosofijos studijos Rand, Ayn. Philosophy : who needs it Psychology Kosslyn, Stephen Michael. Introducing psychology : brain, person, group The hidden worldviews of psychology's theory, research, and practice Skinner, B. F. About behaviorism Trimakas, Kęstutis. Asmenybės raida gyvenime Coxon, Matthew. Cognitive psychology Kellogg, Ronald Thomas. Fundamentals of cognitive psychology How we think and learn : theoretical perspectives Ormrod, Jeanne Ellis. and practical implications Critical thinking : conceptual perspectives and Dwyer, Christopher P. practical guidelines Mindfulness in organizations : foundations, research, and applications

Call Number

004.103 INF 1995

069.09 KAZ 2009 070.50973 BEL 2009 100 ATH 2008 100 RAN 1984

150 KOS 2011 150.1 HID 2017 150.19 SKI 1976 150.192 TRI 1997 153 COX 2012 153 KEL 2012 153 ORM 2017 153.42 DWY 2017 158.7 MIN 2017

Havard, Alexandre.

Created for greatness : the power of magnanimity

174.4 HAV 2011

Hahn, Scott.

Understanding the Scriptures : a complete course on Bible study

220.61 HAH 2005

The story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer : radical integrity Pocket dictionary of theological terms The way : an introduction to the Orthodox faith The humiliation of the word Our moral life in Christ : student workbook Still small voice Kelio ženklai : skautiškas maldynėlis Leadership prayers

230 VAN 2001 230.03 GRE 1999 230.19 MET 2013 230.42 ELL 1985 241.042 OUR 2008 242 STI 2000 242.8 KEL 2008 242.88 KRI 1998

True prayer : an invitation to Christian spirituality Who am I? : New Testament pictures of the Christian life Beyond safe places : trusting God through life's risks Leading small groups with purpose : everything you need to lead a healthy group Conceiving parenthood : American Protestantism and the spirit of reproduction Doing faithjustice : an introduction to Catholic social thought

248.32 LEE 1980


Van Dyke, Michael. Grenz, Stanley J. Metallinos, George D. Ellul, Jacques.

Kriegbaum, Richard. Leech, Kenneth. Wiersbe, Warren W. Senter, Ruth. Gladen, Steve. Hall, Amy Laura. Kammer, Fred. LCC Library


248.4 WIE 2007 248.843 SEN 1992 259 GLA 2013 261.8 HAL 2008 261.8088 KAM 2004 1

New LCC Library Items, 2017 October Subject Author

McKenna, David L. Kłoczowski, Jerzy. Musteikis, Antanas. Lewek, Antoni. Peškaitis, Arūnas. Social sciences

Ubeivolc, Vladimir.

Klosko, George.

McConnell, Campbell R. Friedman, Thomas L. Vidickienė, Dalia.

Title Counting the cost : Christian perspectives on capitalism

Call Number

For the least of these : a biblical answer to poverty Call of the chair : leading the board of the Christcentered ministry A history of Polish Christianity The reformation in Lithuania : religious fluctuations in the sixteenth century Father Jerzy Popieluszko : a symbol of victims of communism Šiuolaikinis religingumas : naujieji judėjimai ir išraiškos formos amžių sandūroje

261.85 FOR 2014

Pilietinės galios indeksas, 2012 metai, 2013 metai 2014 metai = Civic empowerment index, 2012, 2013, 2014 Translocal China : linkages, identities and the reimagining of space New face of human trafficking : considering new trends in trafficking in relation to educational work among young people Politikos mokslų almanachas (11) Political philosophy in the twentieth century : authors and arguments History of political theory : an introduction An introduction to non-traditional security studies : a transnational approach Economics : principles, problems, and policies Lexus ir alyvmedis Kaimo politikos evoliucija : monografija Valdžios ir nevyriausybinio sektorių bendradarbiavimo viešosios politikos sprendimų priėmimo procese stiprinimas

International security studies : theory and practice Security studies : an introduction The suspicions of Mr. Whicher : a murder and the Summerscale, Kate. undoing of a great Victorian detective The Jossey-Bass academic administrator's guide to Kouzes, James M. exemplary leadership Lee-Davies, Linda. Developing work and study skills Creating campus community : in search of Ernest McDonald, William M. Boyer's legacy Student development in college : theory, research, and practice

261.85 COU 2017

262 MCK 2017 274.38 KLO 2000 274.7506 MUS 1988 282.438 LEW 1991 291.09 PES 2000

300.948 PIL 2015 304.80951 TRA 2006

306.362 UBE 2013 320 POL 2012 320.01 POL 2011 320.011 KLO v.1-2 323 INT 2016 330 MCC 2012 337 FRI 2005 338.10947 VID 2014

351 VAL 2015 355.033 INT 2015 355.033 SEC 2013 364.152 SUM 2009 378.111 KOU 2003 378.17 LEE 2007 378.198 MCD 2002 378.198 STU 2010

Barron, Lee.

Tattoo culture : theory and contemporary contexts 391.65 BAR 2017

Herrell, Adrienne L.

Fifty strategies for teaching English language learners


LCC Library


428.007 HER 2000 2

New LCC Library Items, 2017 October Subject Author

Call Number

Kniūkšta, Pranas.

Title Authentic assessment for English language learners : practical approaches for teachers Bendrinės kalbos norminimas ir vartojimas Gramatinių kategorijų tyrimai Įstaigų, įmonių ir organizacijų pavadinimai : darybos vartosenos aptarimai

Vilkončius, Vilmantas.

Vertimas i lietuvių kalbą : trafaretų antplūdis

491.92 VIL 2001

O'Malley, J. Michael.

428.007 OMA 1996 491.92 BEN 2006 491.92 GRA 2004 491.92 KNI 2004

Science Gross, Alan G. The rhetoric of science Newbold, Paul. Statistics for business and economics Technology (Applied disciplines - medicine, business, etc.) Cyberpsychology and the brain : the interaction of Parsons, Thomas D. neuroscience and affective computing Modern psychopathologies : a comprehensive Yarhouse, Mark A. Christian appraisal What's cooking in the Baltic? Grigonienė, Rasa. Raštvedyba : [31-ojo seminaro medžiaga] Davies, Marlene. Auditing fundamentals Warren Buffett's management secrets : proven Buffett, Mary. tools for personal and business success Excellence in management : being the best in planning, organizing, execution, and measurement Nevyriausybinių organizacijų valdymo vadovas Human resource management : strategic and Crawshaw, Jonathan R. international perspectives Strategic management : concepts and cases ; a David, Fred R. competitive advantage approach Žinių vadybos kompetencija Šiaurės Lietuvos regione. Projekto valdymo ciklo metodikos taikymo Zubavičienė, Audronė. socialinės integracijos projektuose vadovas Bruhlmann, Mario. The ten commandments for entrepreneurs Launching the entrepreneur ship : why entrepreneurship is alive and well and how you can Lefever, Allon. start your own business today Klientų suvokiama dalyvavimo vertė kaip organizacijos konkurencingumo didinimo veiksnys : mokslo studija Reynolds, John C. Wyatt, Marilyn.

501.4 GRO 1996 519.5 NEW 2013

612.8 PAR 2017 616.89 YAR 2005 641.59 WHA 2004 651.5 GRI 2004 657.45 DAV 2011 658 BUF 2009

658 REY 2015 658.048 WYA 2004 658.3 CRA 2017 658.4012 DAV 2017 658.4038 ZIN 2006 658.404 ZUB 2008 658.421 BRU 2014

658.421 LEF 2017

658.812 KLI 2014

Art Banksy. Sutkus, Antanas. Literature Staw, Jane Anne. Boice, Robert. Sword, Helen.

Sternberg, Robert J. LCC Library

Wall and piece Lietuva

759.2 BAN 2006 779.092 SUT 1993

Unstuck : a supportive and practical guide to working through writer's block Professors as writers : a self-help guide to productive writing Air & light & time & space : how successful academics write The psychologist's companion : a guide to professional success for students, teachers, and researchers 2017-11-17

808.0019 STA 2003 808.02 BOI 1990 808.042 SWO 2017

808.06615 STE 2016 3

New LCC Library Items, 2017 October Subject Author

Title Absalom, Absalom! : notes including life and background, introduction, list of characters, commentaires, character analyses, review Roberts, James Lamar. questions, selected bibliography Styron, William. Sophie's choice Šeinius, Irvis. Lietuviška išmintis : eilėraščiai Boruta, Kazys. Mediniai stebuklai; Baltaragio malūnas Darbai ir dienos Kinderis, Juozas. Šaltoji žemė Vorkuta History & Geography Good, Merle. An Amish portrait : song of a people

Dunn, Ross E. Sruoga, Balys. Butrimas, Adomas. Naraškevičius, Petras.

The adventures of Ibn Battuta, a Muslim traveler of the 14th century : updated with a 2012 preface Forest of the gods : memoirs Žemaitija : istorijos ir kultūros bruožai = Samogitia. Historical and cultural features Alksniai prie Širvintos Oman 2014 2015 The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.

Call Number

813.52 ROB 1970 813.54 STY 2004 839.7 SEI 1997 891.92 BOR 1979 891.92 DAR 2008 891.92 KIN 1991 908.8287 GOO 1993

910 DUN 2012 940.5317 SRU 1996 947.93 BUT 2013 947.93 NAR 1990 953.53 OMA 2014 973.313 DEC

Media The invisible front : a story of the Lithuanian underground resistance against Soviet oppresion The pianist

DVD 947.42 INV DVD PIA 2003

Fiction Bāmā. Ishiguro, Kazuo. Ishiguro, Kazuo. Ishiguro, Kazuo. Ishiguro, Kazuo. King, Stephen. Krishnan, Rajam. McCall Smith, Alexander. Nevins, Thomas. Rand, Ayn. Rhodes, David. Wambaugh, Joseph.

LCC Library

Karukku A pale view of hills The remains of the day Never let me go An artist of the floating world From a Buick 8 : a novel Lamps in the whirlpool = Suzhalil mithakkum deepangal

FIC BAM 2000 FIC ISH 2005 FIC ISH 2005 FIC ISH 2006 FIC ISH 2013 FIC KIN 2003

The Double Comfort Safari Club The age of the conglomerates : a novel of the future We the living Driftless Floaters

FIC MCC 2010


FIC KRI 1999

FIC NEV 2008 FIC RAN 2011 FIC RHO 2008 FIC WAM 1997


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