New LCC Library Items, 2017 November Subject Author
Call Number
Computer science, information & general works Places of public memory : the rhetoric of museums and memorials
069.01 PLA 2010
Phylosophy & Psychology Craze, Richard.
154.63 CRA 2004
Dream dictionary The stress-proof brain : master your emotional response to stress using mindfulness and Greenberg, Melanie. neuroplasticity The heart of counseling : a guide to developing Cochran, Jeff L. therapeutic relationships
155.9042 GRE 2017 158.3 COC 2006
Religion Smith, Christian.
Souls in transition : the religious and spiritual lives of emerging adults
200.84 SMI 2009
Big questions, worthy dreams : mentoring young Parks, Sharon Daloz. adults in their search for meaning, purpose, and faith
207.50842 PAR 2000
Peterson, Eugene H. Answering God : the Psalms as tools for prayer
223.2 PET 1991
Hipps, Shane.
Rice, Howard L.
Selling water by the river : a book about the life Jesus promised and the religion that gets in the way 232 HIP 2012 Pamaldumas Išganytojui Lietuvos kultūroje : [mokslinių straipsnių rinkinys] 232.8 PAM 2008 Our moral life in Christ : a complete course 241.042 OUR 2003 Reformed spirituality : an introduction for believers
College faith 2 : 150 Christian leaders and educators share faith stories from their student days Opitz, Donald. The outrageous idea of academic faithfulness Victory over the darkness : realizing the power of your Anderson, Neil T. identity in Christ Student affairs reconsidered : a Christian view of the profession and its contexts Shaping the journey of emerging adults : life-giving Sundene, Jana L. rhythms for spiritual transformation Uncommon sense : God's wisdom for our complex and Peck, John. changing world Van Leeuwen, Mary Gender & grace : love, work & parenting in a Stewart. changing world The spirit and art of conflict transformation : creating Porter, Thomas W. a culture of JustPeace Smith, James K. A. Imagining the kingdom : how worship works Desiring the kingdom : worship, worldview, and Smith, James K. A. cultural formation Card, Michael. The walk : the life-changing journey of two friends Taylor, Barbara Brown. Leaving church : a memoir of faith Social sciences Saldaña, Johnny. Bazeley, Patricia. LCC Library; 2017-12-11
The coding manual for qualitative researchers Qualitative data analysis : practical strategies
248 RIC 1991
248.834 COL 2004 248.834 OPI 2007 253 AND 1990 259.24 STU 1997 259.25 SUN 2012 261 PEC 2001 261.8 VAN 1990 261.873 POR 2010 264 SMI 2013 264.001 SMI 2009 277.3 CAR 2006 283.092 TAY 2006 300.72 SAL 2016 300.721 BAZ 2013 1
New LCC Library Items, 2017 November Subject Author
Carr, Nicholas G. Augsburger, David W. Prager, Dennis.
The glass cage : how our computers are changing us Conflict mediation across cultures : pathways and patterns Why the Jews? : the reason for antisemitism One more try : what to do when your marriage is Chapman, Gary D. falling apart Social media and politics in Central and Eastern Europe You can do anything : the surprising power of a Anders, George. "useless" liberal arts education Doing business in Lithuania Legal conditions for developing small and mediumBrazauskienÄ—, RĹŤta. sized business in Lithuania Primary prevention of substance abuse : a facilitator guide Restorative community justice : repairing harm and transforming communities Re-engaging disconnected youth : transformative learning through restorative and social justice Bintliff, Amy Vatne. education Assessing student learning and development : a Bresciani, Marilee J. handbook for practitioners Amstutz, Lorraine The little book of restorative discipline for schools : Stutzman. teaching responsibility, creating caring climates The restorative practices handbook : for teachers, Costello, Bob. disciplinarians and administrators The little book of restorative justice for colleges & universities : repairing harm and rebuilding trust in Karp, David R. response to student miscondut Wlodkowski, Enhancing adult motivation to learn : a comprehensive Raymond J. guide for teaching all adults Holmes, Arthur Frank. The idea of a Christian college Thriving in leadership : strategies for making a difference in Christian higher education Assessment reconsidered : institutional effectiveness for student success The resident assistant : working with college students Blimling, Gregory S. in residence halls
Blimling, Gregory.
Light, Richard J. LCC Library; 2017-12-11
The resident assistant : applications and strategies for working with college students in residence halls Student affairs : a profession's heritage Reframing campus conflict : student conduct practice through a social justice lens Restorative justice on the college campus : promoting student growth and responsibility, and reawakening the spirit of campus community Making the most of college : students speak their minds
Call Number 303.483 CAR 2014 303.69 AUG 1992 305.8924 PRA 2003 306.81 CHA 2014 320.94701 SOC 2018 331.702 AND 2017 346.07 DOI 2002 346.4793 BRA 1991 362.29 PRI 2000 364.68 RES 2001
371 BIN 2011 371.26 BRE 2004 371.5 AMS 2005 371.5 COS 2009
371.5 KAR 2015 374.0019 WLO 1999 377.8 HOL 1987 378 THR 2012 378.1 ASS 2008 378.194 BLI 1990
378.194 BLI 1999 378.194 STU 1986 378.195 REF 2009
378.195 RES 2004 378.198 LIG 2001 2
New LCC Library Items, 2017 November Subject Author
How college affects students : findings and insights Pascarella, Ernest T. from twenty years of research Student housing and residential life : a handbook for professionals committed to student development Winston, Roger B. goals Frameworks for assessing learning and development Strayhorn, Terrell L. outcomes Klaipėdos universitetas Lietuvai – jūrų valstybei = Klaipėda University for the maritime state of Lithuania : fotoalbumas: 20 kūrybos metų Lithuania Christian College : a work in progress How colleges work : the cybernetics of academic Birnbaum, Robert. organization & leadership
Call Number 378.198 PAS 1991
378.198 WIN 1993 378.1983 STR 2006
378.475 KLA 2011 378.4793 LIT 2001 378.73 BIR 1988
Language Lewis, Norman.
Instant word power Wӧrterbuch : Deutsch - English : Begriffe aus Wissenschaft und Hochschule = Dictionary : English German : higher education terminology Mounce, William D. Basics of Biblical Greek vocabulary cards Mounce, William D. Basics of biblical Greek grammar Mounce, William D. Basics of biblical Greek grammar
428.1 LEW 1982
433 WOR 2004 487.4 MOU 487.4 MOU 2003 487.4 MOU 2009
Technology (Applied sciences - Medicine, Psychotheraphy, Business, Accounting, etc.) Stress and your health : from vulnerability to Anisman, Hymie. resilience 613 ANI 2015 Murphy, Bianca Interviewing in action : relationship, process, and Cody. change 616.86914 MUR 2003 Stress management for life : a research-based Olpin, Michael. experiential approach 616.98 OLP 2016 Sandberg, Sheryl. Lean in : women, work, and the will to lead 658 SAN 2015 Goodstein, Leonard David. Applied strategic planning : an introduction 658.4012 GOO 1992 Valuable content marketing : how to make quality Jefferson, Sonja. content your key to success 658.8 JEF 2015 Jutkowitz, The strategic storyteller : content marketing in the age Alexander. of the educated consumer 658.802 JUT 2017 Content, the atomic particle of marketing : the Lieb, Rebecca. definitive guide to content marketing strategy 658.802 LIE 2017 Westwood, John. How to write a marketing plan 658.802 WES 2016 Innovative B2B marketing : new models, processes Hall, Simon. and theory 658.804 HAL 2017 Branding inside out : internal branding in theory and practice 658.827 BRA 2017 Market research in practice : an introduction to Hague, Paul N. gaining greater market insight 658.83 HAG 2016 Everybody writes : your go-to guide to creating Handley, Ann. ridiculously good content 658.872 HAN 2014 Cluley, Robert. Essentials of advertising 659.1 CLU 2017 Arts & Recreation The Russian icon Vasiliauskas, Arūnas. Antanas Rimavičius. Skulptūra : kančių kelias LCC Library; 2017-12-11
704.9482 RUS 2006 736.4 VAS 1997 3
New LCC Library Items, 2017 November Subject Author
Call Number
Tai Lietuva : Lietuvos spaudos fotografija 2011 = Lithuania in action : Lithuanian press photography 2011
770.2 TAI 2011
The Oxford handbook of rhetorical studies English grammar and technical writing Plays by early American women, 1775-1850 Humana Festival 2013 : the complete plays Humana Festival 2015 : the complete plays Humana Festival 2016 : the complete plays
808.009 OXF 2017 808.0666 MAS 2004 812 PLA 1995 812.6 HUM 2014 812.6 HUM 2016 812.6 HUM 2017
Rick Steve's Europe through the back door 2000 Nemunas water route : your guide to the river Nemunas.
914 STE 1999
Literature Master, Peter.
History & Geography Steves, Rick.
Semaška, Algimantas.
The beauty of Lithuania Paper war : Nazi propaganda in one battle, on a single day, Cassino, Italy, May 11, 1944 Fainas, Jochananas. Berniukas su smuiku Kershaw, Ian. Hitler Terleckas, Vladas. The tragic pages of Lithuanian history : 1940-1953
914.7 NEM 2007 914.75 SEM 2005 940 PAP 2005 940.5318 FAI 2017 943 KER 2009 947.93 TER 2014
Fiction & Juvenille literature O'Connor, Jane. O'Connor, Jane. O'Connor, Jane. O'Connor, Jane. O'Connor, Jane. Weinberg, Jennifer Liberts. Kairienė, Virginija. Lewis, C. S. Carroll, Lewis. Gritta, Alexandra Joy. Hargrove, Jim. Kent, Zachary. Laude, Anthony. Lofting, Hugh. Mayer, Marianna. Stein, R. Conrad. Winkler, Jude.
David and the giant Fancy Nancy and the boy from Paris Fancy Nancy, poison ivy expert The dazzling book report Fancy Nancy and the mean girl Hair dos and hair don'ts
EAS DAV 2008 EAS OCO 2008 EAS OCO 2009 EAS OCO 2009 EAS OCO 2011 EAS OCO 2011
Happy birthday, Princess! Kaip pakeisti motinėlę That hideous strength : a modern fairy-tale for grownups Alice in Wonderland
EAS WEI 2012 FIC KAI 2011
Mystery at silver key stables Thomas Jefferson : third president of the United States George Washington : first president of the United States Sherlock Holmes short stories Lithuanian magical fairy tales Doctor Dolittle in the moon Beauty and the beast The Declaration of Independence The mass for children
JUV GRI 2009
FIC LEW 2003 JUV CAR 2011
JUV HAR 1986 JUV KEN 1986 JUV LAU 2008 JUV LIT 2015 JUV LOF 2012 JUV MAY 2002 JUV STE 1995 JUV WIN 1990
Media Warren, Rick. Warren, Rick. LCC Library; 2017-12-11
Daring faith : the key to miracles : a six-session videobased study for small groups or individuals DVD 234.2 WAR 2015 Daring faith : the key to miracles : a six-session video- DVD 234.2 WAR 2015 based study for small groups or individuals GUIDE 4
New LCC Library Items, 2017 November Subject Author
Miller, Michael Matheson.
Poverty cure
Ptakauskė, Aistė.
Pasaulio virtuvė : ar Lietuva gali būti svajonių šalis? Nefarious : merchant of souls
Blue, Carroll Parrott. Mystery of the senses : vision
Lyman, Will.
Human body pushing the limits The ultimate guide : the human body Mystery of the senses : smell Vilniaus jėzuitų kolegija = Vilnius Jesuit College Ar tu dar nebuvai Kelmėje?...= Haven't you been to Kelmė yet?... A.I. Artificial intelligence Bride & prejudice Bruce Willis collection : Hostage; Whole ten yards; Bandits; Four rooms Crash Desert flower Joan of Arc Kiss kiss bang bang Palomuuri = Firewall Poseidon Starsky & Hutch Syriana The Truman show What dreams may come Without a trace.
LCC Library; 2017-12-11
Call Number DVD 261.83 POV 2012 Disc 1-4 DVD 305.906 PTA 2014 DVD 364.1534 NEF 2012 DVD 611 BLU 2007 DVD 611 HUM 2008 Disc 1-2 DVD 611 LYM 2006 DVD 612.86 MYS 2007 DVD 726.771 VIL 2009 DVD 914.75 ART 2006 DVD ALA 2002 Disc 1-2 DVD BRI 2004 DVD BRU Disc 1-4 2006 DVD CRA 2004 DVD DES 2011 DVD JOA 2000 DVD KIS 2006 DVD PAL 2006 DVD POS Disc 1-2 2006 DVD STA 2004 DVD SYR 2006 DVD TRU 1998 DVD WHA 2002 DVD WIT v.3 2005