1 minute read
3.6. Fonts
from Fintech company rebranding
by Jolanta Ou
For all of the company’s official materials, marketing and everything else, we use the following fonts:
SEN, available at: https://philatype.com/sen
Sen is used mostly for headlines, pullout text, or any leading copy.
MONTSERRAT, available at: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Montserrat
Montserrat is used for larger chunks of text and body copy text. It’s also used in Google Docs.
The typography in our texts is usually aligned left. Use sentence case whenever possible.
Font styles
Body Bold - Montserrat Bold We analyze global innovation in the sector and form our own recipe for game-changing online payments.
Body - Montserrat Medium We analyze global innovation in the sector and form our own recipe for game-changing online payments.
Hierarchy examples
Our products
Our products
Vivamus eu fermentum lacus. Nulla facilisi. Nulla tincidunt sed sem vel faucibus. Fusce pharetra suscipit odio sed
Our products
Vivamus eu fermentum lacus. Nulla facilisi. Nulla tincidunt sed sem vel faucibus. Fusce pharetra suscipit odio sed
Our products
Vivamus eu fermentum lacus. Nulla facilisi. Nulla tincidunt sed sem vel faucibus. Fusce pharetra suscipit odio sed fermentum. In in velit eu metus semper efficitur. Mauris et placerat turpis. Suspendisse purus dui, convallis non purus eu, pellentesque pellen