C OUNTRY C HILD WHAT’S ON ■ SHOPPING ■ HOME ■ SCHOOLS ■ FOOD ■ GARDEN ■ COMPETITIONS ■ HEALTH BOAT LIFE Fun on the water MONEY SAVVY 'Money Mum' talks finances and economising FIRST-TIME FEEDING New parents review the latest feeding products Essential For Rural Families Issue: 48Autumn 2022 BACK TO SCHOOL What's in store for school WOMEN IN SPORT Encouraging girls into sport COOL KIDS COSTUMES Costumes to frighten the neighbours

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When our children go back to school, we are sure there will be a new focus on encouraging girls into more sport topics with the recent success of the womens England football team. Although a recent report suggested girls loose confidence as they enter into teens. So with this in mind, on pages 14 and 15, and to keep the positive vibes going, we shared why it is important to keep dreams alive and encourage new challanges.Keeping
And boy did we all need a break!
active is key to any child's physical and mental well being, so not only are hobbies ideal but also being active as a whole family. On pages 18 and 19 we looked into life on boats, the fun of being on the water and the benefits to being active in this way.
Interior Ideas on page 25. As ever we've enjoyed compiling these items of interest in the current climate and hope just one piece of advice helps you, as we navigate the rest of this year. We'll be back for Winter where we'll look to celebrate overcoming the last few years and enter into the new year with more positivity. See you then!
and Sarah Pollard, Boat Life, Gemma Bird and Matthew Cull Media MatthewSalesCull matthewcullmedia@gmail.com Meet the team... CoverMilliePhotographybyPilkington @countrychildmag @countrychildmagazine @countrychildmag Welcome to Autumn
Which means it must be time to get back on the cycle of education and re-enter the world of schools; uniforms, lunches, pick up, drop off, the list is, as you know - endless! That's why on page 9 we've compiled a round up of back to school items which may help the transition go a little smoother.
Neither Country Child Limited (trading as Country Child Magazine) nor any of its predecessors, affiliated companies, directors or employees, shall be liable for the accuracy or reliability of any of the content (including advertisements) published in Country Child Magazine or other information accessed directly or indirectly from Country Child Magazine, nor shall they be liable for the quality of any products, information or other materials displayed, purchased or obtained by any consumer, as a result of an advertisement or any other information or offer in connection with the service or products. Country Child Limited shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions contained within any content (including advertisement) published in Country Child Magazine.
That was one great holiday break! It felt as if the world was almost normal. We hope you managed to get away even for a few days, camping or far flung destinations.
Autumn is full of activities over the half term with All Hallows Eve so we've searched for some of the best brands for individual kids costumes that ooze cool and dark. With the items on pages 10 and 11 you'll be sure to frighten even the bravest of households whilst trick or treating. Treats are a big plus for kids at this hallowed event as the amount of sweet sugary treats gathered in grubby hands is collossal. However is this tasty ingredient as bad as they say? Turn to page 13 as Nutritionist Priya Tew advices on altenative options and top tips. As the 'cost of living' crisis continues, Money Savvy Money Mum, explains away the shame in stuggling to get your finances on track and how her new book can guide you through the rough patches families can find themselves in. Flick to the back and on page 27 Money Mum helps us to share her knowledge.Oncewe've got a handle on how to balance our household books and are economising our daily habits better, there could be extra in the budget to revamp the home. Check out our ode to the classic and timeless gingham and check pattern in this seasons
PUBLISHERJoLeigh CathCONTRIBUTORS:jo@countrychild.co.ukKidston,PriyaTew,

5 7 First-Time Feeding - Product reviews from new parents. 9 What's in Store - Time to get back to school. 10 & 11 Cool Kids Costumes - Costumes for this Halloween. 13 Food Glorious Food - Scandalous Sugar; the truth about this infamous ingredient. 14 & 15 Women in Sport- How we can encourage more young girls to get into sport. 17 What's On - All the events for a fun and jam packed autumn. 18 & 19 Boat Life - Family fun on the water. 21 Great Outdoors - A new forest setting for Somerset families. 23 Window Shopping - Country Child have been dreaming of a Spanish life abroad. 25 Interior Ideas - We are all checked out with gingham gear. 27 Money Savvy - Money Mum discusses finances and economising for families. 28 Top Marks - News and views from the education industry. Contents Autumn 2022 Women in Sport Encouraging girls into sport First-time Feeding Reviews from new parents What'sStorein Great Outdoors Wild and Free in Somerset21 9 14 Boat Life Family fun on the water Interior Ideas Checked Out25 18

First Time Feeding
As a new mum, I have discovered that having clothing which allows quick and easy access as well as comfort whilst not compromising on style is not something you frequently come across so I was blown away with the two products I tried which delivered on all of the above! Having tried the Original and Body Silk nursing versions, I could not have been more impressed with the security of fit and comfort of both products along with the convenience of being able to nurse with ease - on account of the front clips which can be operated one handed. Both bras also gave a great silhouette regardless of what I was wearing but were lightweight to be worn in this years changed weather. These bras also lent themselves really well to being fitted with the all important disposable breast pads, a god send if you’re going to avoid any embarrassing leaky situations; especially in early days of establishing a nursing routine. I also love that all Bravado bras are sustainable and free from using any harmfulOverallsubstances.winnerfor me was the Original, it’s sport type back and elasticated band rather than the usual bra fastening clips offered a whole new level of comfort. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend both products, they’ve been a real staple of my nursing journey! UV Sterliser
We probably started off in the same way most new first-time parents, no idea what equipment is best to get for your everyday use, from a bottle warmer we’ve ended up using a hand full of times to a baby bottle prep machine we use every day. One thing we really struggled with at the start was sterilising, after speaking to friends and family who had had babies varying from 30 to 2 years past, everyone had their own opinions on what worked for them; so in the end we looked at the options and started with a steam steriliser for the microwave. To start with this was fine having not had any experience using anything else. However, seeing electricity bills going up and up, having the microwave running 8 minutes at a time didn't feel beneficical so we started to look at alternatives out there. When we opted for the Nuby UV steriliser it made the whole sterilising process that much easier straight away. It’s very easy to use, wash, rinse and once you fill it up, you just zip the lid closed and press the button on the front to start the process. - Tip: make sure the button is flashing before you walk away, I was caught out a couple of times at first thinking it was running but it hadn’t. It's cleaner than a tub or steam steriliser without the need to use water, this also makes it very useful for using on trips, you just need to be able to plug it in somewhere. Not needing to use water is also good, especially if you live in a hard water area.
In the wake of Breastfeeding week these brave and fearless first time parents review some of the hottest products on the market to help feeding time flow.
The capacity is a lot smaller than our steamer; we can get four bottles in the microwave steamer whereas only two bottles fit at once in the Nuby, however the time to run the Nuby UV steriliser is only 3 minutes rather than the 8 minutes for the steamer so you can actually get the same number of bottles through in a shorter time. Well worth the adjustment to us.
Bravado Bras Finding comfortable SEL fitting bras which also provide support to my ever changing pregnancy and subsequent postpartum nursing body was always going to be a big challenge. Or so I thought until I discovered Bravado bras!

I found the pump quiet enough to use at any time, even in the early hours (when milk production is at its highest) without disturbing my son or husband sleeping in the same room. I’ve also used it whilst on the phone without a problem; mummy multitasking never stops!
As new first time parents, we’re naturally concerned with keeping equipment clean and sterile but also want to be able to get out and about. That’s where the Nuby Rapid Cool has become a real game changer for us!
The pump itself is compact, breaks down to a couple of components for cleaning and sterilising and goes back together really easily. Overall it’s really straightforward to use.
The whole process is really smooth when you get the hang of it and really does make a perfect bottle in a matter of minutes. We trialed the set out in both a cafe setting, on the floor of a baby group and even the changing rooms of the local swimming pool without any problems so would be fairly confident it’ll perform regardless of where you happen to be going!
For a anythingmum,new that is easy to use and provides quick results with minimal effort is very welcome and I found just that with the Medela Solo Breast
Medela Breast Pump Nuby Rapid Cool
The kit comes with a hot water flask and two Rapid Cool (white) flasks. Two formula pots are also supplied together with a miniature bottle cleaner for the lids of the two white bottles which can’t be submerged in water to clean.The kit itself is really easy to use, simply pour freshly boiled water into the grey flask and seal. Then measure the required amount of formula out into the individual pots and you’re good to go! When the time comes to make a feed, taking the grey flask first, pour the required amount of water into the white unit. There’s a measure on the inside of the white unit to help guide you on the right amount to include. Pour the formula in with the water and place the lid on tightly. Shake really well to mix then turn the flask upside down for 5 seconds. Turning the flask back upright, press the circle on the lid and the colour will tell you if the mix has reached optimum temperature. If it’s green, it’s good to use. Any other colour and it needs a little more time so keep shaking and checking, it’ll only take a minute or so more. When the green shows, pour the mix into a sterilised bottle for feeding. Check the heat as you usually would on the inside of your forearm before offering.
The other great thing is the everything can be popped in the UV steriliser before and after use so you can be sure it’s safe to use again and again.
It is tactile and stylish in appearance with a small fabric loop which I found great handy for scooping up the unit with one finger whilst having my hands full holding my baby. It has four simple operating buttons including a pause function which I’ve used a lot with an unpredictable newborn, as I can pause mid-express then start it running again when convenient. There are a couple of different settings to allow you to tailor the strength of pump to your personal preference and ensure it’s comfortable. It also comes with a handy base to ensure the bottle stays upright and avoid spills; every drop is precious!
quite the feeding journey together. Now landing on a combination approach, the Medela Solo Breast Pump has enabled us to reach a point whereby he gets all the benefits of breast milk and I’m a much more relaxed mum!
One of the most challenging things in trying to adjust to life with a newborn is figuring out just how you’re going to feed them safely, especially on the move when you don’t have your steriliser to hand.
The unit is charged through a USB cable. I found the battery life to be just what I needed for expressing 2-3 a day. The charge would last for about 6-8 sessions depending on length of each session. If I was being really picky, a helpful addition would be if the unit had a lock function to avoid accidentally pressing the power button in transit but it doesn’t detract from what a great product this is overall. It’s transformed my expressing routine into a much more efficient process meaning I have more time for those precious baby cuddles!
Overall, the Nuby Rapid Cool has transformed our ability to produce clean and safe feeds for our newborn on the move and has become an invaluable piece of everyday kit!

9 What´s in Store Back to School 1. Pink Camo Bottlesoc sleeve, £14.99 bottlesoc.com 2. Photo Upload Framed Print - First Day from £17.99 gettingpersonal.co.uk 3. Matalan Harry Potter Hogwarts Pencil Case £5 matalan.co.uk 4. Barbour Summer Liddesdale Quilt from RRP £54.95 barbour.com 5. Fy, Fridge Lunch Box £15 iamfy.co 6. Cuckooland, Newgate Covent Garden Alarm Clock in Grey, £28 cuckooland.com 7. Rex London, Snack Bags Set Of 3 Periodic Table Rex London, £2.95 rexlondon.com 8. Natural History Museum, Dinosaur backpack, £30 nhmshop.co.uk 8. Enamel Week Day Hair Slides (x 7) £15 merimeri.co.uk 9 4 2 1 5 7 6

Pink and Blue Velvet Wizard Costume. £115 merimeri.co.uk Hand-knitted Halloween Jumper - with black & mustard stripes and skull & crossbones £68 folksy.com

Cool Kid Costumes Some of the greatest costumes you will find for this Halloween! Fabelab Dragon Wings £24 kidly.co.uk Pumpkin Baby Costume £22.49 Guy Fawkes Mask Hacker Anonymous Halloween Mask by Ultra £6.99 therange.co.uk Black Bat HeadbandHalloween£4.99 gingerray.co.uk Kids CostumeGhost£14.99 tkmaxx.co.uk Personalised Baby Onesie - Skeleton gettingpersonal.co.uk£19.99 Velvet Pointed Black merimeri.co.ukHat

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Sweet Treats
Sugars are divided into what are called ‘free sugars’ and ‘natural sugars’. Free sugars as ones that are added into a food or drink eg. to biscuits, cakes, flavoured yoghurts, some breakfast cereals and cereal bars. The sugars in fruit juice, smoothies, honey, agave, syrups and sweet nectars
Ideally, aim to keep your little one to as low a sugar intake as you can. If you aren’t sure if a food is suitable, then do check the food label. The “of which sugars” value is a total of both natural sugars and free sugars. This means that a fruit puree will look very high in sugar but those are natural sugars. So, you also need to check the ingredients list. Look for any added sugars, such as glucose, syrup, honey and of course sugar itself. You can compare products for sugar content by looking at the per 100g values, go for the lower sugar options.
Free Sugars vs Natural Sugars
Is fruit ok or should we stick to veg? Should all sugar be avoided? The list is endless, and according to research by baby food brand For Aisha, it seems this is leading to some confusion, with 1 in 10 parents struggling with what to feed their children to make sure their nutritional needs are met.
Looking at the Labels
For Aisha’s Nutritionist Priya Tew reveals all - just in time for All Hallows Eve
There is no official limit on how much sugar is too much for babies and toddlers under four years old but it is recommended in the UK that food and drinks containing sugar are avoided entirely. Sugar is also not good for dental health; almost a quarter of five year old children have been found to show signs of tooth decay and one of the biggest factors affecting this is the sugar in their diet.
Is sugar as bad as we think for little ones?
There will always be times when there is an exception; maybe cake at a party or someone else gives them a biscuit. Take a tasty alternative with you to have ready to offer but do not panic if your little one has the odd bit of sugar – it’s what happens most of the time that counts as eating habits are often formed at a very young age.”
Rules and Recommendations
it comes to weaning, it’s hard to know which guidance to follow. Should we offer finger foods or purees first?
Scandalous Sugar
The survey of 2000 parents was conducted to uncover the current struggles parents are facing when it comes to feeding babies and children. The results showed that while 1 in 10 worry about their child’s weight, over half 54% were confused about the inclusion of sugar in their child’sSugardiet.isjust one topic regularly up for discussion, and it’s one of the few foods to actually offer zero nutritional value. So what type of sugar can you give your kids, how much and how often? Here, Registered Nutritionist Priya Tew explains everything parents need to know about their child, sugar, and food: Healthy Habits“Sugar is not good for trying to install healthy eating habits – once sugary foods are enjoyed, all other foods taste sour in comparison so are likely to be rejected, leading to fussy eating. It’s vital that little ones gain maximum nutrition from every tiny mouthful, especially during the weaning process.
are also counted as free sugars. These are the sugars to avoid giving your little one as much as possible. Natural sugars are those found in fruit, vegetables, milk, plain yoghurt, grains, pasta, rice, oats and flour. These are safe for your little one and can be included as part of a balanced diet.

Women in Sport
This year’s UEFA Women’s Euros 2022 is set to be the biggest-ever female sporting event in Europe. Coverage of women’s football has increased in recent years, with the BBC broadcasting women’s FA Cup Finals in the years leading up to its exclusive coverage of this year’s Euros.
A recent report by Women In Sport revealed most girls become less sporty as they enter their teens for many reasons including lack of confidence and not feeling safe outdoors.
Here, we cover some ways to encourage your girls into sport and keep their passion for activity alive into their teenage years and beyond. Point to female role models
A damning study from Women in Sport revealed that even active young girls become less sporty as they enter their teen years due to a lack of confidence, the pressure of schoolwork, and not feeling safe outdoors.
In a world where girls and young women face barriers to certain jobs, equal pay, and more, they shouldn’t also feel like they can’t partake in their favourite sporting activities.
Young girls “fall out of love” with sport by the time they’re teenagers.
Cath Kidston advises on ways you can encourage young girls into sport and how to keep their passion alive as they grow.

If your daughter’s friends have stopped playing sports with her, either casually or at school, this is a great opportunity to get her signed up to a sports club or team. She can make new, likeminded friends and continue her passion in sports.Ifyou’re an active mum, you can also encourage your daughter into sports (and into continuing playing sport) by playing with her. Don’t consider yourself active? You’re not alone – 32% of mums felt that they couldn’t prioritise exercise during lockdowns due to their commitments. So why not use sport as a way to bond with your daughter? Fill your backpacks with drinks and energy-boosting snacks and head outside or to a sports club together.
Help them understand the benefits
The reasons why teenagers fall out of love with sport are heartbreaking. Half of young women said they don’t like to be watched when they’re exercising, and many respondents to the Women in Sport survey said they didn’t like becoming hot and sweaty. Others felt they didn’t have the right body shape. It’s clear that the wider societal pressures on girls and women to look and behave a certain way are impacting their participation in sport. Nobody wants to feel judged or self-conscious when taking part in physical activity. But it’s important to note the benefits that sports can bring to girls and young women. Playing sport can combat the lack of confidence women feel when taking part. 61% of girls aged 12–17 who play sports report better body confidence – higher than the 42% of girls who were less active. It’s understandable that confidence issues might plague young women as they continue sports into their teen years, but helping them to understand that sports will actually increase that confidence may help them feel more positive about continuing. You can even point to the fact that over two-thirds of girls who play sport feel happy on a daily basis, compared to less than half of those who don’t.
– with friends or family
It’s sad to see how many activities young girls don’t feel comfortable with because of societal expectations. Whether they’re shying away from STEM subjects at school or falling out of love with sport, we have an important role to play to ensure our daughters feel confident in everything they do. Watch and play sport with your girls and be their personal confidence coach. It might not take much to get your little ones into sports, but there’s plenty you can do to make sure they feel comfortable continuing it into their teenage years and adulthood.
The adage of “see it to be it” rings true, especially when it comes to young women participating in sports and traditionally male-dominated jobs and activities. There’s evidence that the increased visibility of the England Women’s team in recent international tournaments translates to more women playing football.Encouraging your little ones to watch nationally broadcasted sporting events like this can show them that they can do anything they put their mind to when it comes to sport. What’s more, once the new club season starts, why not take them to see their favourite women’s team?
Another reported reason for 48% of girls giving up sport in their teens is because their friends have stopped playing. Many sports are inherently social activities – so it’s no wonder that sportplaying girls feel less lonely, bored, or depressed than those who don’t participate.
Make it a social activity
Record-breaking attendances for Newcastle United Women and Barcelona Women were recorded in May 2022, so this is only the start of increased attendances at women’s football.

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King Alfred’s Tower, a prominent landmark on the Stourhead Estate, near Mere in Wiltshire, opened its doors for its 250th anniversary. The tower, which closed at the beginning of the pandemic, will now be open every weekend until Sunday 30 October, between 11am-3pm. Admission to the tower is free for National Trust members. Admission charges for non-members are: adult £5, child £2.50, family £12.50, family one adult £7.50.
PoliNations, a garden of magical proportions taking over Birmingham’s city centre from 2 - 18 September for a free festival packed full of family fun. Across three weekends, and a daily programme of inspiring activity, PoliNations will present live music, spoken word, dance and drag, as well as costume-making workshops, Drag storytime, garden tours and events to celebrate cultural diversity in the UK through the lens of British horticulture.
sportsday.co.ukhampshirecountry On the willthechampagneartisanspa,speakers.exercisemeditation,upsmindfulness.crafttreeforaging,classes,ChildrenandcelebratesVerveSeptember17Festivalhealth,wellnessthegreatoutdoors.canenjoyyogastorytelling,firebuilding,identification,art/workshopsandForgrownthereisyoga&pilates,classesandguestPlusawildboutique,localfoodtrucks,barandonSaturdaynightguestsdanceunderthestars!
What's On Autumn Entertainment
King Alfred
TheDayCountryHampshireSportsreturnsto the beautiful Bereleigh Estate, East Meon, near Petersfield on 11 September 2022. It consists of a wide range of shopping, demos, ‘have a go’ activities and opencompetitionstothepublic.
feeltheverve.com Paultons Park will be hosting a series of popular events this Autumn especially on from the 13th to the 31st October 2022. Happy Halloween promises to be the friendliest but frightful fun fest. Visitors can expect Peppa Pig World's spooky Halloween makeover, Halloween decorations at Tornado Springs, The Legend of Paultons Manor all singing and dancing show, Ghoulish fun with Pickles the Pumpkin and Rides in the Dark.
town over the festival weekend. LitFest aims to champion new, upcoming writers, as well as established authors to its audience as well as encourage a love of reading in children and young people in the local area.

Looking to help your little one appreciate the natural world? In this article Cheryl Brown, Managing Director of Le Boat explains how a trip on the water can be great for teaching children all about the joys of nature. It can all come to life as you drift along the cool quiet waters. So what is hidden within the reeds and waterbeds?
Your kids will have already learnt about parts of the natural world at school. But being directly on the water and getting closer to nature gives you an opportunity to make your lesson even more fun. You can do this by enjoying a spot of bird watching. Make a bird watching sheet with the names and pictures of the birds you may find by the river, such as herons, coots, and kingfishers, for your children to cross off when they see them. You can broaden the list by including
Life Boat
We would urge all families to consider a boating holiday, if you’re looking to teach your child about nature - plus have a fun time doing it too. Not only can boating holidays allow you to move your base and moor up at a new destination every day, but you’ll see nature from a different perspective too. We don’t often get to be so close to the water while exploring on holiday, so a boating trip is the perfect opportunity to teach the kids more about it. Use the following tips to expand their mind and teach them to respect the natural world.
Make learning fun
There's more life on the water, you just need to know how to find it.
Boating holiday company, Le Boat show us how.

There are some boating destinations with truly special animals to spot, such as the Camargue with the iconic pink flamingos and stunning horses.
19 other animals you may come across, like otters, deer, species of fish, and insects, such as dragonflies. To make it even more fun, the kids can sketch pictures of the animals they see and take notes on them too.
A family boating holiday is the perfect opportunity to help your children learn more about the world around them. Use the tips above to encourage them to treat nature with respect and admiration.
Let them play and explore Agreat way to help your kids learn to love and respect nature is to allow them to explore it in their own way, but of course still with adult supervision. One of the best ways to learn more about something is to get immersed in it and this is the same for nature. So, encourage them to splash around in the river when safe to do so, climb trees, and have fun. Kids are naturally inquisitive so they may have a lot of questions for you, such as why the water in the river is different to the sea. As well as giving them their answer, feed their curiosity more by asking them questions too, like which animals do they think live in the water.
Parents know just how much of their kids’ behaviour can be picked up by observing other people. So give your children the best example possible by following the advice you set them. Get involved in looking out for wildlife, such as by getting up early with them to spot the dawn birds, and learn to identify different trees and plants so you can tell your children more about them. When driving the boat, drive slowly to avoid disrupting the river banks and the animals living in them. And don’t just leave the natural world as you found it, but improve it too by taking the little ones litter picking. As well as teaching them to have respect for nature, you may even find yourself appreciating the natural world more too.
Teach them to admire wildlife from a distance Your family will get to see lots of animals on your boating trip, making it a great holiday for curious kids. But make sure to explain to your children that they shouldn’t touch the wildlife and avoid getting close to it. Help them understand that this is for both their safety and the wellbeing of the animal. To help them become more immersed in the experience without getting too close, bring a pair of binoculars to give them a better view. And encourage them to respect other parts of nature too by not picking flowers and never littering.
For more details on boating holidays and whats involved head to: leboat.co.uk
Lead by example

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Wild and Free in Nature for children…without Costing the Earth
Agroup of learningbushcraftexperiencedhighlylocalandoutdoorexpertshave teamed up to create a unique series of nature-connected experiences for children - deep in the heart of the ancient Forest of Selwood. Designed to respond to a child’s natural instinct to play and explore, these parent-free adventures offer such joys as shelter building, fire making, cooking delicious food together over the fire, wood craft, storytelling, den making and, of course, lots of games! Naturally, time is built in to chill out under the canopy of the trees in this beautiful, safelycontained children’s ‘woodland camp’, nestled within the grounds of the 42 Acres retreat, Witham Friary, between Frome and Bruton. Luke, Ben and the team, including Rhiannon Swannell, Africa-qualified field guide, nature guide, yoga teacher and working mother, along with outdoor education specialist Kevin Button, are passionate about enabling all children to enjoy simple earthbased skills like foraging and tracking and, above all, to have fun and feel free. With years of mentoring, instructor and leader skills, they aspire to inspire young people on a connected and confident journey to adulthood.
The Great
For further information email Rhiannon at connect@fiverivers. life and she will be happy to discuss any questions you have.


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Bendinat, Majorca €15,500,000 Luxury 760 square metres, 5 bedroom, 5 bathroom new build villa in the sought after area of Mallorca called Bendinat. Right by the sea and with stunning views, this villa has it all. This property is currently for sale with marcelremus.com for €15.5m. For further information please email: info@ marcelremus.com

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Digital content creator, author & Mum of two, Gemma Bird helps others to save money with her practical and savvy money-saving tips which have made her a social media sensation. With 286k followers on Instagram and over 68k on TikTok, Gemma’s legions of fans can’t get enough of her helpful and relatable advice!
Money Savvy
£ When grocery shopping – grab a scanner if your local supermarket offers them. It’s also too easy to guesstimate your overall bill wrongly and throw items in the trolley without realising the price. The scanner will help you stay on budget.
£ Invest in good-quality backpacks for you and the kids to carry water bottles and snacks for days out.
Money Mum is actively instigating change, dropping the perceived shame and secrecy around being strapped for cash, in debt or economising and saving, challenging peer pressure and anxietyinducing financial choices. She says, “There is a pride & empowerment that comes with being in control of yourGemmamoney”.isalso an advocate for Money Management classes to be included in UK school’s National Curriculum. She believes introducing an understanding of good financial choices early is key: “If we change our mindset from short-term cure to long term prevention, we will become the change we want to see in our world”.
£ Review your subscriptions – is there anything you can do without or aren’t using?
£started.Check out 'Kids Pass' – it's the no.1 family savings membership club in the UK and offers up to 57% off family days out and has some great Free Trial offers.
£ Parking on days out can be expensive, so I use Your Parking Space app – it tracks where you are and finds cheaper parking alternatives. I recently spent £3 instead of £10 on parking in Devon and Southend just by using this app.
£ Check your cereal packets before you recycle them – there are often money-off vouchers for activities. Free apps like Too Good To Go allow you to purchase unsold food at a big discount from top eateries at the end of service; it prevents it being thrown away.
So here are a few of Gemma's top tips to get you
£ When selling your unwanted items on eBay especially children's clothes, maximise your selling potential by ironing the items nicely and hanging them on matching wooden hangers. Always use the full free 12 photos allowance with close-ups of any logos and photograph your items in natural light.
Gemma Bird’s book ‘Money Mum Official - Save Yourself Happy’ is Out Now, with a new book launch coming soon too. For instant tips and tricks follow her at: tiktok.com/@moneymumofficial or instagram.com/moneymumofficial
£ Be sure to join loyalty schemes – not just for supermarkets but for your favourite coffee shops.
Gemma Bird aka 'Money Mum' continues her crusade to drop the shame around discussing finances and economising. Here are her top tips!

NEWS IN BRIEF Salisbury Cathedral School announce Miss Abbie Vernon as their new Head of Sport. Seventeen senior school scholarships have been awarded to pupils at Highfield and Brookham Schools this year. The scholarships and exhibitions awarded are again to a range of top senior schools, including Wellington College, Marlborough College, Charterhouse, Cranleigh and Bryanston. Over 150 pupils from comprehensive, secondary and independent schools across Dorset and Wiltshire attended a special Green Conference organised by Bryanston pupils.
Danes Hill School is holding an Open House in September to give prospective parents the opportunity to meet the new Head, Mrs Maxine Shaw Maxine Shaw took up her role as Head of Danes Hill School in Oxshott, Surrey in April, ahead of the Summer Term. Maxine is an exceptionally experienced Head of the highest calibre; after six years as Head of Pilgrim’s preprep, she became Head at Hazelwood School, Oxted for another six years before moving in 2016 to St Paul’s Juniors. She joined Danes Hill School for a Summer Term full of laughter and learning, magic moments and lifelong lessons.
Danes Delivers
Marks Village, primary, pre prep, private or state we want to know your school news, email: info@countrychild.co.uk
Fantatic achievements for both facilities.
Leading early years website Daynurseries. co.uk, recently ranked two local nurseries among the top 20 in the South-East of England.Thewelcomed nod covers whole of the south-east region which includes Hampshire, Surrey, West Sussex, East Sussex, Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Kent.The honour was bestowed upon Highfield and Brookham School which has a thriving nursery in Liphook and follows a similar endorsement in The2021additional accolade was for Finkley Weeke Nursery on the outskirts of Winchester again making the Top 20 list. The nursery is part of the award-winning Finkley Down Farm Nursery & Pre-School. The nurseries were assessed on many elements including facilities, outside space, equipment, learning, resources, ICT, activities, care, staff, food, and nutrition, as well as management, cleanliness, and value for money.

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30 Making the right decisions can be stressful at the best of times, but we are here to help. Whatever’s on your mind, just ask. The Partner Practice is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the group’s website www.sjp.co.uk/products. The ‘St. James’s Place Partnership’ and the title ‘Partner Practice’ are marketing terms used to describe St. James’s Place representatives. Peter Harding Wealth Management is a trading name of Peter Harding Practice Ltd. PETER HARDING WEALTH MANAGEMENT Principal Partner Practice of St. James’s Place Wealth Management 30HavenRoad,CanfordCliffs, DorsetBH13 7LP Tel:01202830730 40HighStreet,Shaftesbury, Dorset SP78JGTel:01747855554 9CheapStreet,Sherborne, DorsetDT93PU Tel:01935315315 Email:peterhardingwm@sjpp.co.uk Web:www.peterhardingwm.co.uk