Architectural Design Portfolio - V.1

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Jolien Van Houtven

Design Portfolio

Work experience



2009 - ongoing


Student job during weekends (certain periods of the year) at a local bakery: “Brood en Banket Bonnyns” Sale and social responsibilities.

2014 - 2015 1st Master in the Architecture University of Hasselt

2014 Cross over design studio Future Fictions Collaboration between different artistic disciplines of the University of Hasselt, PXL and Mad-faculty Thinking about how public space can transform or used in the far or near future.

2011 - 2014 Bachelor in Architecture University of Hasselt 2009 - 2011 Bachelor in Architecture Artesis Hogeschool Antwerpen (Now University of Antwerp) Didn’t finished degree at this institute. High school - 2009 “Architecturale en Binnenhuiskunst” (Architectural and interior art) St. Lucas Kunstsecundair Antwerpen, St.Jozefstraat 35, 2018 Antwerpen 1

Jolien Van Houtven Date of Birth: 11 April 1991 Phone: +32 478/ 57.85.26 Mail:


Brouwerijstraat 14, 2235 Hulshout, Belgium

Software skills



Autocad: SketchUp: Autodesk Revit: Rhino 3D: Grasshopper: Photoshop: Illustrator: InDesign: Vectorworks:

Dutch: Native language

I’m looking for a place where I get challenged to push my own limits and by doing so, help the team and grow for myself as a designer/architect.

English: Advanced French: basic

Travels Europe: The Netherlands / England / France / Austria / Switzerland / Germany

Manual skills Modeling Drawing - Dry media - Wet media - Computer

Hobbies Music instruments: Oboe / Piano / Flute Image related: Photography / Digital Scrapbooking Music preference: Pop / Rock / Jazz

Curriculum Vitae

Pre-University  Bachelor Degree  Master Degree  Various work



5 9 19 23


Pre University 5

Highway stop One of my first design assignments was to create a toilet stop at a fictional high way parking lot. It only needed to contain both male and female restrooms, one Universal Design restroom and a storage space. I opted for an experimental design to accentuate the dynamism and speed of a high way


Outside view In this assignment we needed to create something to divide a room into 2 parts. The programs of the 2 parts needed to fit my own needs since I needed to treat it like my own room. That’s why I wanted to create a place where I could sleep, but also have friends over and play my music with them or for them.

Room Divider Since Music is something I associate with organic flows, the dividing object needed to be organic too. It curls up to create a place to sleep with cloth storage nearby, and the part that is cut off above to let light through, is added on the other side to give some support while leaning/sitting against it.



Bachelor Degree 9

Construction and Materials Working in team with one assigned material to create a chair or a bridge. Those were assignments I got in Antwerp in my first Bachelor year. I learned to experiment with material and work in team.


Aanzicht Noord

Aanzicht Oost

Aanzicht Zuid

Aanzicht West

Snede AA’ Van Houtven Jolien

01/ Living in motion gevels, snede, isometrisch perspectief

schaal: 1/50

plan: 2/2

Student housing

Sea containers can be more than just a transportation container for stuff. In this assignment, I was asked to create a student housing out of two sea containers. The day activities are located around the joining of the two containers, the night activities are at the ends. At the joining point, I’ve also created an outdoor patio.





Van Houtven Jolien


05/ Living @ Manifesta 9 Aanzichten

Van Houtven Jolien

05/ Living @ Manifesta 9 Grondplan, inplantingsplan

Living at Manifesta When the Art exposition of Manifesta was held in Genk, we were asked to create a temporary house with an atelier. The site where we needed to design it was at Winterslag in front of an old mine building. There were also three ponds on the site, very close to each other.


schaal: 1/50

plan: 1/3

schaal: 1/50

plan: 2/3

XS In my second year at school in Hasselt, we worked on different site’s in Liége on different scales. Here we are at the edge of the city center and we were asked to renovate an old building so it could become a home for an etalagist, his family. There also needed to be an apartment for guests who stayed over.

Since the location was at the edge of the dense city center, and had a big open square next to it, I worked with an “Open/Closed” Concept.The building would stay the same from the outside, but the new extension would be an all glazed structure.


Niv. 0.5

Niv. -0.5/0

Niv. 2

Niv. 1

Niv. 3

In between the Impasses At the end of the Impasse Hubart and Impasse de la Vignette in LiĂŠge, there is a lot that connects these two typical streets of LiĂŠge. There was an height differences with the plot to the north,, which are private gardens, but we could use that plot too to fit the program, one workshop room for cooking with additional restaurant and 3 housing programs, on the site.


I stated from early on in the process that I didn’t want to use the part with the private garden, because living in a city with that size of a garden is a privilege. Instead I worked with split levels between the two parts of the building, and on the main street side, I connected the existing building heights.


Social Housing

Niv. 0

Niv. 1

Improving Hoeselt Hoeselt is a small rural town in Limburg, Belgium. We were asked to make a more dense town center with social housing. Also a new school for the town was needed. This was our first attempt on a masterplan scale.


When analyzing the location, I found some lines all directing to the town square. I made a link with the form of a van,. This form allowed me to group some social houses together around a common green space.


Niv. 0

Niv. 1




Master Degree 19

Sungang, Shenzhen For the Schindler Award, I worked on a half round shaped plot in Sungang, Shenzhen, China. The current state of the plot was empty, ready for new buildings, and there is a park in the north on a little hill. Since the climate in China in very hot around the pearl river delta, I decided to shift the floors of my buildings. This makes them hang over and provide a lot more shade on the


outside spaces. To organize the whole plot I worked along a bipolar theme. The shape of the plot used to be railways, put there by humans, while the hill has always been organic. The man-made and natural areas are separated by a big highway. This made me think of our brain, and some mental illnesses like bipolarity disorder,. The Bipolar thought is used to organize the masterplan.



Various work 23

Organic form When we learned to work with Grasshopper and Rhino 3D, I designed a double curved surface which could serve as a cover for an outside space. It was really interesting to see a computer designed object transformed into a real model made with a laser cutter.


Cover Dusartplein Hasselt Another Grasshopper and Rhino 3D assignment. This time we needed to design a cover for a new bus station at the Kolonel Dusartplein in Hasselt. The main goal here was improving computer modeling skills and converting it to a printable 3D model.


To be continued...

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