of Phonics Fun
A bumper resource packed full of ideas and activities designed to support the teaching of letter sounds in a fun, multisensory way. Never run out of teaching ideas for your pre-schoolers again with this book by your side. Children can learn their letter sounds
whilst investigating and enjoying the world around them.
Š Sara Wernham, Caroline Petherbridge 2020 (text) Š Rosie Brooks (Beehive Illustration) 2020 (illustrations) Designed & Edited by Caroline Petherbridge
To see the full range of Jolly Phonics products, visit our website at www.jollylearning.co.uk
ISBN: 978-1-84414-841-7
Tailours House, High Road, Chigwell, Essex, IG7 6DL, UK. Tel: +44 20 8501 0405 Fax: +44 208500 1696 82 Winter Sport Lane, Williston, VT 05495, USA. Tel: +1-800-488-2665 Fax: +1-802-864-7626
Reference: JL8417
S a ra W e rn h a m an d Car ol in e Pe th erb ri dge
v Bump e r B ook of P h on ics F u n
Bumper Book
Bumper Book a
of Phonics Fun Bursting with ideas to help pre-schoolers learn their letter sounds.
ou x Sara Wernham and Caroline Petherbridge
Welcome to the Bumper Book of Phonics Fun. It is a resource designed to support the teaching of letter sounds in a fun, multisensory way, using the world around us as a stimulus. For each sound, you will find four pages containing the following range of activities. Every activity is linked to the sound: use some or all of them in any order, depending on what is appropriate for your learners.
Words that contain the sound within the word rather than at the beginning of it. These are often harder to hear.
5 2
A hanging decoration related to the sound.
The letter sound.
An idea for using either a sand or water tray.
Objects or pictures to collect that connect with the sound. These can be displayed on a sound table or kept in separate boxes with the letter sound on.
9 6 8
5 10
6 A baking recipe linked to the sound. The ingredients are written using metric weights and measures. Below are some conversions for those using American cups. Self-raising flour = 1 cup of all-purpose flour with 2 teaspoons of baking powder. Cornflour = Corn starch Flour: 120g = 1 cup Sugar: 200g = 1 cup Icing sugar: 100g = 1 cup Brown sugar: 180g = 1 cup Cornflour: 120g = 1 cup Butter: 240g = 1 cup Dried fruit: 200g = 1 cup Liquids: 250ml = 1 cup
7 An activity that links to the sound and action being introduced. The speech bubble helps in saying the sound correctly.
8 An idea for role play, drama or the home corner that is linked to the sound. A way to express imaginatiion and creativity.
9 The Jolly Phonics song lyrics and illustration for the sound being introduced.. There is a Jolly Song for each sound. The Jolly Phonics action for the sound being introduced. Encourage learners to do the action when they say or hear the sound. The movement will help to remember the sound that the letter makes.
A little extra something to try that has a link to the sound.
Something new to investigate that has a link to the sound.
A miniature world to build that is linked to the sound.
14 13
Suggestions of things to collect, investigate or look at. Discussing cross-curricular themes and extending ideas helps develop vocabulary and comprehension.
A tongue twister to try saying quickly.
A type of music to listen to that has a link to the sound. Popular examples of music are suggested. These can always be found on YouTube.
15 14 17 19 20
11 21
16 A whiteboard and magnetic letters that show the sounds that have been taught so far. It also includes a bank of simple words that can be made using these sounds, as well as activities like matching pictures to the sounds or words. Why not have a sound table or wall as well, with plastic or wooden letters and letter cards? Encourage learners to say the sounds as they use them.
17 Something to look at and try to draw, either from life or from a picture.
20 An image of a word that starts with or contains the sound.
Suggestions of books or stories that have a link to the sound.
Ideas of things to talk about that have a link to the sound.
21 Activities and crafts to make and do that have a link to the sound. A photograph and simple instructions are included.
plant some sunflower seeds
Make a Spotty Snake smile Tong Twis ue ter
Sing your favourite song.
Print spots with a cork or stick circles on.
Six s sat illy spid st e seve ill and s rs n sil ly so ang ngs. Strawberry Cake
Stick on a paper tongue and some eyes.
Ingredients: 200g caster sugar 200g margarine 4 eggs beaten 200g self-raising flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 2 tablespoons milk 100g soft butter 140g icing sugar 175g strawberry jam 1 punnet fresh strawberries
Method: Preheat oven to 190c / gas 5. Whisk sugar and flour, then slowly add eggs. Fold in flour, salt and baking powder, then the milk. Pour into 2 lined 20cm cake tins and bake for 20 mins, then cool. Meanwhile, mix butter and icing sugar. Spread over one of the cakes. Then spread the jam. Place other cake on top and sprinkle icing sugar and fresh strawberries.
Role Play Make a sailing boat and sail to different lands, having adventures along the way with your crew.
spoon snail stick
slipper sock
Water Tray
Make sailing boats out of different
materials and test
which ones float or sink.
S a il in g B o a ts
make a themed sticker collection skeleton
Look and Draw
Draw strawberries, noticing how the seeds are on the outside.
i t t e h g a p s
rie r e b
SONG (Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
Learn how to r spell out you name in sign language.
sun see the eetly w smile s
Make a sun out of a paper plate and paint it. Add paper rays.
The The sss! The
snake is in the grass. snake is in the grass. sss! snake is in the grass. ACTION: Weave your hand in an ‘s’ shape like a snake, and say sssssss.
s Think of some words that end with s.
e Starosrdon h t o t y Stairwa - Dexter G bley ation Soul St - Hank Mo
Make Spiders Make legs from pipe cleaners or folded paper. Make the body from a painted paper plate.
listen to saxophone music
Build a Small World
Make healthy snacks to enjoy with your friends, including sandwiches. Can you spread, scramble, sieve, slice and stir food?
e d i s ea
g with s in t r a t s d o o F cone salad ssprouts salami strawberry salmon sweetcorn satsuma soup sausage
s ? e c a p s a e mak icture p
make a collection of edible seeds and grains Compare their: colour size texture shape
Try to find: sesame seeds soyabean seeds sunflower seeds
BOOKS TO READ A good activity for learning to count in twos.
The Snowman - Raymond Briggs The Silver Slippers - Elizabeth Koda-Callan The Very Busy Spider - Eric Carle
Paint stripey socks
Make pairs of socks and hang them on a line.
Stuart Little - E.B. White Stone Soup - Folk Story Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Brothers Grimm
t Talk abvoouurite your fnaacks. s
Talk about ll the soundsua. around yo
Talk about school.
of Phonics Fun
A bumper resource packed full of ideas and activities designed to support the teaching of letter sounds in a fun, multisensory way. Never run out of teaching ideas for your pre-schoolers again with this book by your side. Children can learn their letter sounds
whilst investigating and enjoying the world around them.
Š Sara Wernham, Caroline Petherbridge 2020 (text) Š Rosie Brooks (Beehive Illustration) 2020 (illustrations) Designed & Edited by Caroline Petherbridge
To see the full range of Jolly Phonics products, visit our website at www.jollylearning.co.uk
ISBN: 978-1-84414-841-7
Tailours House, High Road, Chigwell, Essex, IG7 6DL, UK. Tel: +44 20 8501 0405 Fax: +44 208500 1696 82 Winter Sport Lane, Williston, VT 05495, USA. Tel: +1-800-488-2665 Fax: +1-802-864-7626
Reference: JL8417
S a ra W e rn h a m an d Car ol in e Pe th erb ri dge
v Bump e r B ook of P h on ics F u n
Bumper Book
Bumper Book a
of Phonics Fun Bursting with ideas to help pre-schoolers learn their letter sounds.
ou x Sara Wernham and Caroline Petherbridge