Action: Place your index finger against your lips, and say shshshsh!
shRead the words. Remember, there is a dot under each letter sound.
shock crush shut wish shampoo
Read the words and draw a picture for each one.
Can you think of more words containing ‹sh›? Write them in the fish.
Alphabetical Capital Letters
Using a red pencil, follow the dotted lines to write the first group of capital letters. Remember, capital letters always start at the top.
Match the capital letters to the lower case letters.
B C E c e D a A b d
Write the first group of capital letters in red.
thAction: Pretend to be a rude clown. Stick out your tongue a little for th (as in this) and further for th (as in thumb).
Read the words. Remember, there is a dot under each letter sound.
without sixth slither strength thunder
Look at the pictures and write the words underneath.
What are you thinking about? Draw a picture in the thought bubble.
Read and Draw
a sheep with thick wool a fluffy cat a wooden bench
an ostrich with an egg a chick in a shed
a red and black moth
a green ship
some thin fish
three toothbrushes
Action: Open your mouth wide, and say ar.
arRead the phrases and draw a picture for each one.
an old barn a green cardigan a muddy farmyard a wizard with a scarf
Look at the pictures in the stars and write the words.