Asatru - Attract Health and Well Being Rune Yoga Stadhagaldr

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==== ==== PREFACE: From Somervell’s abridgement of Toynbee’s “A Study Of History”, volumes 7-10 page 236: “An air of failure or, where there is not positive failure, futility surrounds practically all the examples of Archaism that we have that we have been examinin, and the reason is not far to seek [should be “to be sought”]. The archaist is condemned, by the very nature of his enterprise, to be for ever tryin to reconcile past and present…. If he tries to restore the past without takin the present into consideration, then the impetus of life ever movin onward will shatter his brittle construction into fragments. If on the other hand, he consents to subordinate his whim of resuscitatin the past to the task of makin the present workable, his Archaism will prove a sham. Greetins, o Child of Wotan! RU fed up with bein treated like a 2nd-class citizen in your own land? Discover that, which the ancient sources prescribe for our victory! Check out THE BOOK OF WOTAN! ==== ====

There are 13 steps to be understood and practiced before you can use the full effects of Rune Power. 1.Runes are universal creative energies. Each rune is a key to a creative energy energy. Example: Rune FA = wealth, Rune Ur = Health, Rune Thorn = protection, etc. 2.We are now in the Age of Aquarius which means we are in an entirely new S.T.E.M. (space, time, energy, matter) continuum, in the galaxy. 3.This new age has given us a new paradigm to work with. This paradigm is based on the Laws of Quatnum Physics. 4.The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean where everything that ever was, is or will be exists. 5.The Runes and the gods/goddesses of the North exist there and have alwaus existed tehre. 6.We can contact and transfer the energies of the Quantum ocean with our thoughts, symbols and rituals. 7.Since thoughts are things we have literally 'thought' ourselves into our present reality. To change our present place we need to change our thoughts. 8.The purpose of the 21st century, Age of Aquarius Rune Shaman, Rune Wizard and Rune Sorcerer is to go to the Quantum Ocean and bring the energies of the Runes and the gods/goddesses into the now. Bring their energies and power into the present. Do not go back and live in the past with them.

9.The matrix of the playing field that the present day Rune Shaman, Sorcerere and Wizard must use is the Mind. 10.We are all in the Age of The Mind. All creations that we see all around us, religion, churches, politics, schools, technology, monuments, books, etc were first created in some ones mind. 11.Now you as a Rune Shaman, Wizard, Sorcerer can use your mind to bring the energies of the runes and god/goddessess of the North out of the Quantum Ocean and create new structures for them. Modern day structures. 12.The tools that you will use to do this are the power of the runes. Bring this Rune Power into your aura, life and home. Protect your home by tiling it with runes. 13.Mentally contact the helpers you need, both physical and non-physical to aid you. We can do this together. We can revitalize the energies of the Runes and our Northern European Culture, not by going back to the past, as many of the rune and asatru books tell us, but by bringing the power of the past into the now.

Email me for my free Rune Power Newsletter. Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called "The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator". He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. Ragnar is 70+ but looks 50's thanks to his inventions. You can see more of his works on his websites: [] Or go to Google and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now." You can contact him by email.

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==== ==== PREFACE: From Somervell’s abridgement of Toynbee’s “A Study Of History”, volumes 7-10 page 236: “An air of failure or, where there is not positive failure, futility surrounds practically all the examples of Archaism that we have that we have been examinin, and the reason is not far to seek [should be “to be sought”]. The archaist is condemned, by the very nature of his enterprise, to be for ever tryin to reconcile past and present…. If he tries to restore the past without takin the present into consideration, then the impetus of life ever movin onward will shatter his brittle construction into fragments. If on the other hand, he consents to subordinate his whim of resuscitatin the past to the task of makin the present workable, his Archaism will prove a sham. Greetins, o Child of Wotan! RU fed up with bein treated like a 2nd-class citizen in your own land? Discover that, which the ancient sources prescribe for our victory! Check out THE BOOK OF WOTAN! ==== ====

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