Norse Odin God - 7 Magical Children's Runes and How-To Use Them

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==== ==== From Somervell’s abridgement of Toynbee’s “A Study Of History”, volumes 7-10 page 236: “An air of failure or, where there is not positive failure, futility surrounds practically all the examples of Archaism that we have that we have been examinin, and the reason is not far to seek [should be “to be sought”]. The archaist is condemned, by the very nature of his enterprise, to be for ever tryin to reconcile past and present…. If he tries to restore the past without takin the present into consideration, then the impetus of life ever movin onward will shatter his brittle construction into fragments. If on the other hand, he consents to subordinate his whim of resuscitatin the past to the task of makin the present workable, his Archaism will prove a sham. Greetins, o Child of Wotan! RU fed up with bein treated like a 2nd-class citizen in your own land? Discover that, which the ancient sources prescribe for our victory! Check out THE BOOK OF ODIN! ==== ====

Today we don't usually think about the 7 days of the week. Monday is nothing more than Monday, the worst day out there. But the names of the week all have startling significance. Today we are going to be looking into the 7 days of the week. Before we go into each day individually lets look into the number 7 itself. Why 7, well there are actually several reasons. Many people latch onto one theory and that treat it like fact but it's probably a mixture of all of them. It originated in several cities and empires such as Babylon and Persia originally. When Rome invented the imperial calendar they adopted this idea and gave the week 7 days. This in turn was taken by Britain which spread it across the world. But the religious significance mostly comes from the bible of how god created the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th. Another reason could be because the pagans associated each day with an astrological object and back then there were 7 major astrological bodies. The Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. The last reason could be because geometrically seven is a very sound number. That is if you take 7 cans and tie a rubber band around them they will always make the same pattern were every number under that until you reach 3 could make any pattern. Also 7 days is a good number to divide the month into 4 parts. The German Latin Old English and Ancient Greek names for Sunday all mean day of the sun. This name is easily traced as the sun is always an incredible important object of worship and adoration no matter where you look. So it makes sense that the sun would be given a important day of the week. Whether it's the first or last day of the week it's still a very important day. The same thing goes for the moon all the names for Monday mean the same thing day of the moon. The reason Monday is placed where it is also makes sense as the moon often goes hand in hand with the sun the fact that they are side by side in the week also makes sense. It is not known way but Tuesday is nearly always associated with a god of war. The roman name for Tuesday was meant the day of Mars their god of war were the Greek name was the day of

Ares which was the name of their god of war. Where as the actual English word Tuesday comes from the name of the Norse god of war whose name was Tyr though his name was spelled differently all across Europe. The reason why Wednesday is called what is unknown. We know that is named after Woden (also known as Odin) who was king of the gods in Norse mythology. That's not the confusing part. What is a little bit confusing is that the majority of the names for Wednesday across Europe meant day of mercury. Thursday makes a little bit more sense nearly all of the old European names for Thursday are named after a god of thunder and lightning. For instance the Latin name for Thursday was day of Jupiter and the Greek name was Day of Zeus. Thor was the Norse god of Thunder and was one of the mightiest warrior gods and most popular of the Norse gods. Friday is the day of love. The Romans named after their love goddess Venus and the Greeks after Aphrodite. However unsurprisingly like the other days it was a Norse god whose name we say today. She was Frigg beloved wife of Odin goddess of love marriage and nature. Saturday is the only day not named after a Norse god or an astrological body. It is named after the Roman god of agriculture justice and time Saturn. Saturn was actually not a God but a Titan who were the fore bearers to the gods.

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==== ==== From Somervell’s abridgement of Toynbee’s “A Study Of History”, volumes 7-10 page 236: “An air of failure or, where there is not positive failure, futility surrounds practically all the examples of Archaism that we have that we have been examinin, and the reason is not far to seek [should be “to be sought”]. The archaist is condemned, by the very nature of his enterprise, to be for ever tryin to reconcile past and present…. If he tries to restore the past without takin the present into consideration, then the impetus of life ever movin onward will shatter his brittle construction into fragments. If on the other hand, he consents to subordinate his whim of resuscitatin the past to the task of makin the present workable, his Archaism will prove a sham. Greetins, o Child of Wotan! RU fed up with bein treated like a 2nd-class citizen in your own land? Discover that, which the ancient sources prescribe for our victory! Check out THE BOOK OF ODIN! ==== ====

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