Norse Myths - Christmas and the Mistletoe Tradition

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==== ==== From Somervell’s abridgement of Toynbee’s “A Study Of History”, volumes 7-10 page 236: “An air of failure or, where there is not positive failure, futility surrounds practically all the examples of Archaism that we have that we have been examinin, and the reason is not far to seek [should be “to be sought”]. The archaist is condemned, by the very nature of his enterprise, to be for ever tryin to reconcile past and present…. If he tries to restore the past without takin the present into consideration, then the impetus of life ever movin onward will shatter his brittle construction into fragments. If on the other hand, he consents to subordinate his whim of resuscitatin the past to the task of makin the present workable, his Archaism will prove a sham. Greetins, o Child of Wotan! RU fed up with bein treated like a 2nd-class citizen in your own land? Discover that, which the ancient sources prescribe for our victory! Check out THE BOOK OF WOTAN! ==== ====

In Norse mythology, an elf is a divine creature, endowed with magical powers, which they use for the benefit or destruction of humanity. Known for their mischievous pranks, elves are smaller in stature than dwarfs and associated with similar creatures like fairies, gnomes, pixies and leprechauns mentioned in the mythology of other cultures. Elves depicted in the folklores as diminutive creatures are assumed to live underground in hills or rocks, or in wells and springs. Different cultures have identified elves as dream creatures, minor gods, imaginary beings, nature spirits and souls of the dead. Like humans, elves carry both positive and negative traits in their absolute personality. They can be Santa helpers in Santa's toyshop or mischievous beings playing pranks on Noddy in toy land. The earliest preserved description on elves come from Old Norse (Scandinavian) mythology. It was believed that elves were men who lived in forests and in mountains, and human souls could be elevated to the rank of elves after death. Elves were segregated as dark elves (Dökkalfar) who dwell in the woods and caves, and light elves (Ljosalfar) who live in illuminated places or the sky. They are skilled metalworkers and artisans possessing supernatural powers and manufacture special gifts for the gods. While, elves of the mines guard the underground stores of gold and precious gems, are unpredictable and spiteful. In Germanic mythology, elves are miniature creatures who can bring disease to people and to cattle or can cause nightmares by sitting on a sleeping person's chest. The 19th century Romanticism in British folklore, attempted to restore their diminutive stature to generous stature, depicting them as youthful men and women of immense beauty. The phrase "elfin beauty" originates from here. They were believed to reside in a mystical realm, sometimes an eerie and unpleasant place. Danish elves are referred to as Elle Folk. The male is petite and old, while the female is young,

trivial and beautiful. They are believed to be residing in the Elenmounds. In the 13th century, people prayed to elves for healing, as they were considered lesser gods and sacrifices were made to please them. Natives of Iceland firmly believe in elves and acknowledge their existence. Recently, a Science fiction channel took its crew to investigate the myth. They found that several of their electronic devices had malfunctioned. Strange noises were heard on a parabolic mic and EVP recorded. However, no images of the elves were seen or recorded. The fantasy genre in the 20th century grows out of 19th century Romanticism and gave us famous masterpieces like The Lord of the Rings, by J. J. R. Tolkien.

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==== ==== From Somervell’s abridgement of Toynbee’s “A Study Of History”, volumes 7-10 page 236: “An air of failure or, where there is not positive failure, futility surrounds practically all the examples of Archaism that we have that we have been examinin, and the reason is not far to seek [should be “to be sought”]. The archaist is condemned, by the very nature of his enterprise, to be for ever tryin to reconcile past and present…. If he tries to restore the past without takin the present into consideration, then the impetus of life ever movin onward will shatter his brittle construction into fragments. If on the other hand, he consents to subordinate his whim of resuscitatin the past to the task of makin the present workable, his Archaism will prove a sham. Greetins, o Child of Wotan! RU fed up with bein treated like a 2nd-class citizen in your own land? Discover that, which the ancient sources prescribe for our victory! Check out THE BOOK OF WOTAN! ==== ====

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