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HAVE POSITIVITY, WILL TRAVEL Finding happiness anywhere on the map

HOW TO FIX A BAD DAY Ten easy steps to bring back your smile today



Pictured left to right: Elizabeth Park Fowler, Tetlow Park, Roy H. Park Jr., Trip Park and Laura Park

A World-Changing Idea In 1997, the Triad Foundation of Ithaca, N.Y., made a commitment to UNC that was to transform not only the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, but to make a deep imprint on the field itself. Thanks to the Roy H. Park Fellowships, some 350 professionals have completed their doctoral and master’s degrees in the 15 years between the time Dean Richard Cole announced the program and Dean Susan King presided over the 2012 commencement. The fellows, assuming research, teaching and professional posts in news, technology, advertising, web design and public relations are having, as Cole once predicted, “a domino effect.” Their restless energy and world-changing ideas are reminiscent of the fellowship’s namesake. Roy H. Park, a Dobson, N.C., native who rose from Depression-era farm boy to media titan, reinvented himself through several careers. He wrote for newspapers, worked as a publicist, hatched a lucrative branding campaign with Duncan Hines using outdoor advertising and then embarked on a meteoric rise as CEO of Park Communications, estimated at its zenith to reach one in four U.S. households. Park’s final career turn, that of philanthropist, achieved a different reach. The impulse to leave the world better, more connected, more comprehensible than one found it, is the essence of the fellowship. Through the Park Fellowships, Roy H. Park’s legacy continues.


From the Editor


The inspiration for Spark came from two very different places.


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What’s inside 7 8 10 13 16 18 21 26 30 34 40 46 50 56 60 63 64 68 70 73 74

How to tackle your bucket list Reader Instagram challenge How to fix a bad day The 3-minute makeup reality The chapstick chronicles Fun fitness The prime time for women My journey back The dilemma of finding the right size Turning loneliness into solitude A global quest for happiness Two weeks as a vegetarian Happy to help Entertainment: TV, movies, and more Time management apps Treat yo’ self A packing guide for people who hate to pack So you think you can’t cook? What’s your passion? Dear Piper The personality quiz

4 | SUMMER 2014

EDITORIAL STAFF EDITOR Schyler Martin ASSISTANT EDITOR Avery Thompson WRITERS Samuel Fleming Kali Hackett Rachel Hogg Caroline Hudson Chloe Opper Bruna Silva Nidhi Singh Ashton Sommerville Dalisha Sturdivant Ashley Thomas Katie Quine Esther Yu

DESIGN STAFF ART DIRECTOR Marissa Techmeier ASST. ART DIRECTORS Arianna Holder Denni Hu DESIGNERS Alex Brusko Traci Carver Gabrielle Diepenbrock RaShawnda Murphy Andrea Rivers

SPECIAL THANKS ADVISERS Linda Brinson Terence Oliver Dana McMahan


Eats flies. Dates a pig. Eats Hollywood Dates a pig. Hollywood star. LIVE YOUR DREAMS LIVE YOUR DREAMS

How to tackle your bucket list (AND YOUR APATHY) BY ASHTON SOMMERVILLE

How many times have you come across an online bucket list and thought to yourself, “I need to make one of these…soon…?” Maybe you’ve already made one, or maybe it’s ironically still on your to-do list. But here’s the real question: Have you done anything about it yet? A bucket list is one of those elusive ideas that everyone wants but no one knows how to create— let alone complete. So, without further ado, here is the how-to you’ve been waiting for. You’re welcome.



BRAINSTORM (BE CREATIVE!) Okay, so let’s be honest; while you should feel free to use others’ lists to springboard your own, it is not everyone’s dream to jump out of a plane. Don’t feel pressured to include common bucket list clichés. Sit down and think about what you really wish to accomplish. What daydreams make your heart beat faster and bring an excited smile to your face? These items can be big or small as long as they’re yours. Audition for American Idol. Bike through a drive-thru. Reread the Harry Potter series. The world is your oyster.

WRITE IT DOWN - AND THEN TELL SOMEONE According to Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at Dominican University in California, you are 42 percent more likely to follow through on your goals by simply putting them on paper. For $15 or less, you can purchase a large poster board and a pack of markers


DO YOUR RESEARCH While some items may be self-explanatory, many may require you to spend an afternoon exploring your options. This step heavily depends on your staying true to No. 3. Unattainable goals can lead to endless hours spent in a research vortex. Think carefully about the particulars of each item on your bucket list and what resources are available to you. Take advantage of the have accomplished what you’re attempting.


GET OUT AND MAKE IT HAPPEN Look at you go! You have now brainstormed, recorded, discerned and researched. What’s the one thing left? Oh that’s right – actually doing it. You are more than capable of making this happen. So grab a friend, grab a sweater and go get ’em, tiger!

item on your bucket list; make them large, colorful and visible. Hang them somewhere that you will be able to see easily and often. Once you’ve crafted your inspiration board, make sure to explain it to a friend. Including other people in your bucket list journey not only helps to keep you accountable, but also may help


CHOOSE ONE ITEM TO START When embarking on a new adventure, it is of the utmost importance that you do not allow yourself to be overwhelmed by how unattainable it may seem impossible. Combat these fears by avoiding the tendency choosing the easiest item on your list to pursue. SPARK | 7



8 | SUMMER 2014


THE CHALLENGE both our current mood and general state of mind. Last issue, we asked readers to upload an Instagram photo of the place where rose to the challenge. Here are a few of our favorite submissions! For Sia Johnny there is nothing more relaxing than gazing out her window every morning at the Sahara desert in Morocco. Johnny says, “I make an effort to catch the sunrise at least once a week. There is truly nothing like it.” As a student currently studying abroad, Johnny is eager to find a place at home that brings her the same tranquility.

@sia_bia While we can’t all live in paradise, our reader Gioia Simmons has that luxury. Simmons says, “I never take for granted how lucky I am to live in Bermuda. The ocean is my backyard.” Without a doubt, she says her happy place is the beach, “I really love it in the off season when all the tourists are gone.”

@gioialeigh Many people find that exercising is a great stress reliever, and Tyler Alexander is no exception. Alexander says, “Running is not always the most fun thing to do, but looking out to all this makes it worthwhile.”

NEXT MONTH CAPTURE A RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS It could be a photo of someone leaving a generous tip, or a selfie taken while helping a stranger change a tire. We want to see anything and everything positive that you are out in the world doing. Upload your photos to Instagram, and don’t forget to include “#SparkChallenge.” You could be featured in our next issue! We look forward to hearing from you!

@tyler_simone_ SPARK | 9

How To:

Fix A Bad Day in 10 Steps




Force yourself to think of one positive thing that happened throughout the course of your day. Is the sun shining? Do you remember that big hug your child gave you before catching the bus this morning? Encouraging yourself to focus on the positive will distract you from the negative and force you to see the silver lining when it can be

Do something nice for someone else. Hold a something nice will not only make you feel good on the inside, but it may even make the other person’s


Start a small conversation with a stranger—maybe the cashier at the restaurant you frequent while on your lunch break. Ask how his or her day is going. Social interaction can lift your mood, and it forces you to smile at someone

4 5

Hug an animal. Dog, cat, guinea pig. Whatever your furry friend of choice, it will undoubtedly make you feel loved.

Finish at least one thing on your to-do list. Being productive makes you feel accomplished and that something good has come out of your day—plus,


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8 9 SPARK | 11

SXSW Interactive Award winner and finalist / Horizon Interactive Awards best in category, gold and silver / Student finalists in Hearst individual writing, broadcast and multimedia championships / SABEW Best in Business contest winner / Gold in each multimedia category of 66th College Photographer of the Year competition / SND Best of Digital News Design silver medal / Zenith Awards in research, social media and case studies / Hearst Journalism Awards first place multimedia features / Hearst Journalism Awards first place radio broadcast news / Award of Special Merit from the Grantham Prize / Sweep of standalone multimedia category in student SND contest

Shaping the future of digital media The UNC School of Journalism and Mass Communication is an international leader in digital media.

ital Media

The school’s “Coal: A Love Story” project won the top student award from South by Southwest Interactive. It also drew an Award of Special Merit from the Grantham Prize, which honors exceptional environmental journalism. See the new water-themed project at



Carolina welcomes a new Knight Chair in Digital Advertising and Marketing to Chapel Hill this year to join forces with our Knight Chair in Journalism and Digital Media Economics. The dual Knight Chairs create an entrepreneurial hub that drives innovation at UNC.


The experimental Reese Felts Digital Newsroom was awarded a grant to provide a digital news service that advances the national conversation around the need for more science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) teachers in America. The service will distribute content and track audience engagement in order to inform future coverage and approaches to reporting.

Congratulations to our students, faculty and alumni presenting at this year’s conference, and to doctoral alumni winning top AEJMC awards: Dean Smith – The Nafziger-WhiteSalwen Dissertation Award for the best Ph.D. dissertation in the field of mass communication research.

Kathy Roberts Forde – The Covert Award for the best mass communication history article, essay or book chapters in edited collections.


Thanks to the Triad Foundation for 15 years of funding the prestigious Park Fellowships for graduate students at Carolina.

Business Models

The Three-Minute Makeup Reality BY RACHEL HOGG

Beauty bloggers do the three-minute makeup “challenge,” in which they try to make themselves presentable in a few minutes, as a joke. The truth for most women is that they simply don’t have 30 minutes a day to spend on makeup. This is a practical everyday makeup guide that teaches you to make the most of the precious time you do have.

PICK YOUR SITUATION: I was supposed to have left for class 10 minutes ago. TIME AVAILABLE: 3 minutes

Currently sitting on public transport on the way to work. TIME AVAILABLE: 7 minutes

I’m meeting someone later, but spent 20 minutes watching Jennifer Lawrence interviews, and now I don’t have enough time to do my makeup. TIME AVAILABLE: 10 minutes

3 minutes FOUNDATION




You are going to use just two brushes — the ones God gave you: your hands. Just try at least to clean them before and afterward because: Hands are dirty, and makeup stains.

Go for something neutral and nourishing; a nice, trustworthy lip gloss or balm, preferably something clear and non-sticky.

Mascara is your friend. Scientists have yet to prove it, but a lick of mascara is said to improve mood by up to 20 percent. JUST DON’T BLINK, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!

Forget it. Just move on. Most of these products are impossible to the emotional turmoil of trying.

7 minutes FOUNDATION

Find a concealer that has an applicator; it will make your life much easier. Foundation is messy to apply when in motion but not impossible. Our best advice is to opt for plastic tubes instead of glass bottles and try


Eye makeup is a little trickier to apply in a rush. Try to keep a steady hand, even though this might be hard. Regarding a neutral pallet that suits you, and stick with that. Adventurous eye shadow is vastly overrated To apply, just use your

that works for you. substitutions for eye shadow brushes.


The lipstick dilemma. It may seem like a bold choice, but nothing is more professional than bold, well-applied lipstick. Note the key word: well-applied. Wait until you are stationary, otherwise you might end up looking like the joker. 14 | SUMMER 2014


Find a really great combination palette that includes blush, eye shadow, a mirror and a builtin brush. It will become your

10 minutes FOUNDATION

Chances are you have everything at hand, so just do a slightly more panicked version of your usual routine.


Eyeliner is a step where you have to pause and question your life goals. If you are still in the always do one side too big and spend about 20 minutes evening them out until you look like a sad panda, then just forget it.

LIPS spend half of your day nervously peering into mirrors, try tinted lip balms or glosses, lip stains or chubby sticks. They are a little more manageable and low maintenance.


You can do what you want. Blush, bronzer, highlighter the whole shebang. Have fun, but don’t get too carried away.

What you should always have in your bag kept in one place and packed in a bag, so you can just grab them and go.

Dry shampoo

Spare hair grips and slides (because they tend to always disappear)

SNEAKY MIRACLE PRODUCT Eye bright – makes it look like you weren’t up all night re-watching Game of Thrones and crying.

Face wipes

TIME SAVER Figure out what colors suit you and have one of each product with you at all times.

SPARK | 15

the CHAPSTICK CHRONICLES a guide to help you select the chapstick brand that best fits your needs



ry lips are enough to make even the most optimistic of souls pessimistic about life in general. There are roughly 5,000 lip balms available at supermarket checkouts everywhere. So Spark presents an honest guide to the good, the bad and the plain unhelpful, all priced under $5.

Carmex: A heavy-duty medical grade lip balm that is capable of

lifeguard swooping in and saving you from discomfort.

interested in your lips tasting particularly good, just looking to give them some TLC.

Blistex Lip Medex:

and plus some greasiness. The medicated product is really the only competitor and tastes like an incredibly unpleasant combination of VapoRub, poison and cough

but most have failed miserably. Use when- You really need something right now and there

Palmer’s Cocoa Lip Butters:

because it tastes like chocolate. Which is a lot nicer to accidentally ingest than most competing moisture-intense products.

EOS Organic Lip Balm Sphere: incredibly pleased.

Vaseline Original Lip Therapy:

pebble. Use when- You are completely desperate and legitimately

changed the recipe since the 1960s so you can imagine how bad it actually is for lip health. Regardless, one

and sticking to hair.

Laura Mercier Lip Balm:

Beauty bloggers generally seem prepared to marry this product. Our reviewer however, is a college student who

Use When- You are placed in a general survival situation getting infected.

Burt’s Bees: This product is an emerging cult classic. It comes in many You can physically feel it working, and this tingling is as soothing as having your hair stroked. The biggest bonus is that most of the tinted glosses are actually very pretty, and

really need to eat this week. Or have insured your lips for $5,000. Alternatively, if you are a responsible adult who

and all. It does still smell a little weird though. Use When- You are in need of some light relief. Or have

Lip Smackers: These are just in here for a joke. Lip smackers were cool when you were 12 and could wear them as necklaces, but they literally do nothing for sore lips. In fact they tend to Angel food cake? Yum.

actually wearing it.

SPARK | 17







18 | SUMMER 2014

Illustrations by Andrea Rivers





SPARK | 19

Shifra Mincer Shifra Mincer

Sews for the homeless. Sews for the Mends more homeless. than clothes. Mends more than clothes. VOLUNTEERING VOLUNTEERING

The Prime Time for Women An analysis of female characters in television BY AVERY THOMPSON

Let’s all just confess: There’s that one television show with a gender, we root for her. We cheer for her. We cry with her. We love her. Whether it’s “Scandal’s” Olivia Pope subtly keeping democcome the sole leader of the Seven Kingdoms, it’s an empowering feeling to watch these women do what they do and do it well. With

problems of Washington’s elite by barely furrowing an eyebrow. Olivia is a weekly inspiration who shows female viewers what it’s like for a woman to hold her own and practically command a male-dominated platform. Take a look at Twitter on a Thursday night; it’s all about Olivia Pope. Olivia Pope makes it acceptable

social stereotypes and reign over their individual universes. The bold convictions and assured

if that great love is the president of the United States.

television send a strong and important message to their female fans. The increased presence of these powerful female TV characters has ignited a determined spark in the female demographic that has not been seen on television in a long, long time. For centuries, the stereotypical notion of men as the prominent leaders

an making headway in Washington,

deny it. It’s true. American politics and television are areas in which men have always reigned supreme. Emily Longeretta, entertainment reporter for, recognizes the stigma behind a woman’s

entertainment was a man,” says Longeretta. “It seemed normal because it was accepted, but when women began starring on television as bigger characters, the industry realized how relatable those characters were.

in entertainment was a man,” says Longeretta. “It seemed normal because it was accepted, but when women began starring on television as bigger characters, the industry realized how relatable those characters were.” The recent addition of capable women in politics in their respective television universes has helped change the narrative of the American political stage. Olivia Pope of “Scandal” is, without

works as an unstoppable team with her husband, Frank. Yes, she is a little sinister, but her underhandedness and the simplistic brutality in which she takes down her enemies make her a force to a sophisticated, progressive and intimate power couple who work together to conquer their career goals. This new type of woman portrayed on television has come a long way from

trayed women as nothing more than homemakers, but those women have been slowly disappearing from television screens over the past 50 years.

career goals. She does not apologize for who she is and does not


Edith Bunker “All in the Family” 1971-1979 Mary Richards “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” 1970-1977

Clair Huxtable

Murphy Brown



The intelligent, successful lawyer managed to juggle a career and family with ease.

22 | SUMMER 2014

D.J. Tanner “Full House” 1987-1995

tongued, highly intelligent news anchor/journalist for FYI. She held her own in the male-dominated wringer of broadcasting and is known as one of the most prominent

In season four of the hit show, she told a young and naïve doctor: give a damn what anyone thinks. There are no teams here, no Her character is often a bit radical for the female demoof her dreams shows the upside of seeking achievements for one’s self. She shines a light on the idea that a woman can be This chase doesn’t last forever; once the goals have been met, then comes the opportunity to settle down.

Young girls spend so much time watching television, so they might as well learn something. It’s not all about being pretty and having boyfriends; you can have a great career.

the ultimate inspiration. Unabashedly determined to get to

career and her love were one in the same; there was never really a choice to make. Eleanore Hutch, show business editor of Ireland’s Evoke. day’s female youth. “Young girls spend so much time watching television, so they might as well learn something,” she says. “It’s not all about being pretty and having boyfriends; you can have a great career.”

Lisa Simpson “The Simpsons” 1989-present

Dana Scully “The X Files” 1993-2002 Elaine Benes “Seinfeld” 1989-1998

Lorelai Gilmore 2000-2007 When Lorelai became pregnant at 16, there was doubt whether she’d ever get her life back together. However,

Olivia Benson “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” 1999-present

Joey Potter 1998-2003

girl proved to everyone she could be an incredible mother without giving up her own aspirations.

Buffy Summers 1997-2003 The complicated teenage heroine dale and the world as a whole more times that anyone could imagine. was a superhuman prowess that SPARK | 23

is perfectly acceptable, the world outside the white picket als of women show what it’s like to step over boundaries and be an inspiration to those who need a little push to follow their dreams. Today’s women in television are rooted in realistic and re-

Female characters like Olivia conversation on what it means to

capable of cheering for them. The small screen has become a stage in which the women are running the show and commanding the audience with the idea that today’s woman is one powerful force of nature.

Veronica Mars “Veronica Mars” 2004-2007 After her best friend was murdered, Veronica Mars became a brilliant and bionic detective who solved teries for her classmates and the town of Neptune, prematurely canceled in 2007, but a Kickstarter campaign resurrected the sarcastic detective in a

Sydney Bristow “Alias” 2001-2006

24 | SUMMER 2014

Peggy Olson “Mad Men” 2007-present copywriter for Sterling

Alicia Florrick/Women of 2009-present

Peggy Olson has made to become “mad men’s” most powerful woman. She’s the embodiment of the new wave of feminism sweeping the series and is the one to watch in the series’ last season.

The women of this courtroom drama are the epitome of class and sophistication, especially Alicia Florrick and become power players in their own way, even in the midst of personal scandals and disappointments.

Blair Waldorf

Skyler White



Most influential TV female characters according to our poll: Olivia Pope, “Scandal”: Pope is the indelible and premier crisis manager for all of the problems of anyone who walks through the doors of Olivia Pope & Associates.

Daenerys Targaryen, “Game of Thrones”: Initially denied any worthy rights and treated as a piece of property in the quest for the Iron Throne, Targaryen metamorphosed into a woman with strength and leadership who is worthy of ruling the Seven Kingdoms. She commands her people cross her. She is also the mother of dragons, which make her practically invincible. Leslie Knope, “Parks & Recreation”: The vivacious and ardent director of the Pawnee, more dedicated to making a difference in her small town than one could ever imagine. Knope is fearless in her pursuit of changes to allow a career, marriage, friends and an obsession

Dowager Countess of Grantnam 2010-present

Olivia Pope “Scandal” 2012-present

Rachel Berry

Daenerys Targaryen



Claire Underwood 2013-present In addition to being the right-hand woman She doesn’t allow her husband’s political goals career and marriage with a stunning intensity that is both enviable and fascinating. SPARK

My Journey Back

A trip of self-discovery and healing that helped me recapture happiness after an unexpected tragedy BY AVERY THOMPSON

r lde Photos by Arianna Ho


ven now, I can remember the exact moment I got the

the left side because of the tube in his mouth helping him breathe. His body heaved up and down robotically, being pumped up and down by the ventilator. his, there was none. I was mad at myself for the feelings I felt. I dad relished his relationship with his son. As soon as I entered the waiting room, I saw my mother wipe tears from her eyes and smile at me. The rest of my family smiled the rest of his body was shutting down. Yet, being the stubborn man that my father was, he somehow held on.

SPARK | 27

That was his way of allowing us to say goodbye. and left fatherless. realization, my sister ran out of his room. I followed her and held with him. That was the closest my sister and I have ever been. And possibly ever will be.

as the rest of his life was measured by dwindling beeps. I was tormented watching the man who had loved me unconditionally, who over the pain he had caused have his path in seconds. In that moment, my heart was burned with a permanent scar that can never be healed.

about him. In the year after his death, I struggled to regain emotional stability. I was unhappy in every aspect of my life. I was angry, withdrawn and depressed. I pulled away from friends and denounced the stereotypical college lifestyle.

People say the pain gets easier to deal with over time. I don’t believe that’s true. It gets easier to deal because you simply don’t allow yourself to feel the loss that’s always there.

I developed an intense paranoia over death from me. I focused on nothing but an impending career. As a new year began, I crawled out of my Find myself.

became content with spending the summer

and memorial service. At both the burial and memorial service, I did not stumble

experienced had numbed me. I found it hard to have hope. Then, I got a call. A website specializing in entertainment radio internship and accepted.

demons that inevitably caused my family pain. After years of a me that the world is not a nice place. In the year before his death, I had mended my relationship and forgiven himself. I was so proud. There are times when I yearn for my dad. I just want one more

International Airport. I cried. A lot. First, it was bratty tears because I had to leave clothes I thought I needed behind. my past. The dress was a shield. It protected me from the pain that always lingered inside of me, but it was also prepared to of torment. Then, when my mom left me in the security line I just started

and devastate me.

could have saved him.

28 | SUMMER 2014

For those 83 days, I was blissfully happy. There was not a day

awful nightmare.

chirping, and my father had his family surrounding him. As I returned home, my mom was there waiting. She held my hand so tightly as she drove from the airport. She told me how she always wanted for herself too. And no one deserved it more than me, she said.

forward. I am optimistic of my future.

SPARK | 29

e h t

a m

m le

i d

SIZE of finding the right


XX | APRIL 2014


he pants are too long on her short stature. The shirt constricts her shoulders and is too boxy on her small frame. The jeans cling to her slim legs, but they are too tight around her waist. These are just some of the problems Mia Thompson, 21, faces on a regular basis when shopping for clothes. Her shoulders are broad from her past swimming days, but her 5’4’’ frame slopes inward toward her waistline, giving her body what she calls an ice cream cone shape. Thompson says two of her problem areas are her her a little differently. “I shop everywhere because I have to,” she says. It’s a reality many Americans have to overcome when shopping, as sizes are measured differently among brands. At The 36 and three-fourths inches and 37 and three-fourths inches. Women’s medium tops at Gap measure between 36 and a half inches and 37 and a half inches. Express medium between 35 and a half inches and 37 inches. The discrepancies are not limited to women’s clothing. Men also have differing measurements from store to store.

39 inches and 41 inches. However, at Express, a men’s half inches. J. Crew offers yet another measurement, with its men’s medium top having chest measurements of 38 inches to 40 inches. So what does this mean for consumers? It means a woman may be able to wear a medium top at Gap, but she would wear a large at Express. In the same way, a man may wear a medium at Express, but he would need a large at J.Crew. Similarly, the inseam of short-length pants at J.Crew is two inches shorter than the regular-length inseam, but three inches shorter at Express and two and a half inches shorter at Gap. “Yes, it’s a problem, but it’s common enough to where it is expected,” says Thompson. To show the differences in clothing between stores, Thompson tries on a small T-shirt and size 2 jeans in three different stores, which include The Limited, Express and Gap. and the neckline stretches to accommodate her shoulders, a welcome quality in a shirt for her. However, the shirt is too Trying a larger size may lessen the cling around her midsection, but the neckline may be too big and make her shoulders seem that much broader.

SPARK | 31

Thompson also tries on skinny jeans in a regular-length size 2. The length of the denim is about 2 inches too long for her short stature, and the waist is too tight.

She then tries on a pair of size 2 jeans with a straight cut and short length. Although the regular length was too long for her at The Limited, the short length at Gap is actually too short for her. The size 2 waist

waist comfortably and pants in a shorter length. However, she does like the slim

has heard customers complain about the variance in the style of clothing from season to season. New shirts for the spring season may be cut differently than the shirts from last spring.

around her legs. This seemingly complicated trip to the mall is just another shopping day for Thompson, who is used to searching

you,” Sam says. “The goal in retail is to

that would show off her legs. A trip to Express brings new problems to light for Thompson but also slightly of the shirt is too long for her torso. She

says. Thompson says she buys only about

likes. By the time a set of clothes makes it to the sale section, customers have already had the chance to buy many of the sizes. Because Thompson’s size 2 or 4 is popular among many shoppers, it is highly likely those sizes will already be gone. But Thompson says it isn’t all bad. There is an advantage when it comes to

broad shoulders, and the sleeves on this particular shirt are cut in a way that makes her shoulders look larger—the “linebacker effect,” as she calls it. Thompson also tries on a pair of ankle-length legging jeans in a size 2. Despite a nervous look as she holds up the jeans, her face breaks into a smile once she buttons them. They are a hit. The size 2 at Express turns out to her hips. Despite the ankle length being a little short for her taste—ankle length is tailored to hit around the ankle bone—the denim hugs her legs perfectly. “I’m not waist is a good thing. Maybe mom jeans aren’t so bad.” Thompson’s last stop is Gap, where When trying on the small tee, she says the inward toward her hips. However, trying a smaller size may mean her shoulders would be constricted. Again, Thompson says she often avoids crew necks, as the her small torso needs a closer cut—just not too close like the shirt at The Limited.

32 | SUMMER 2014

I shop everywhere because I have to

20 to 30 percent of what she tries on due thrifty college budget mindset. “I’m a big price person,” she says. “It’s a matter of is something that plagues all shoppers, male or female, size 2 or size 16, says Thompson. “It’s problematic regardless what size you are,” she says. “You have to know the brands.” Sam, a manager at Gap in Richmond, Va., who chose not to disclose her last name, says she does not hear many complaints about size differences among brands, as the majority of Gap customers shop within that brand. The Gap brand also includes Old Navy and Banana Republic. She says she thinks the clothes within

Thompson also admittedly has the tendency to want to save a few bucks and go straight to the sale section, which further

they are common in the vast majority of clothing stores. Her 5’4’’ stature also has the advantage of being neither petite nor tall. It’s not a matter of if a store has her size; it’s a matter of if the store is temporarily out of it. “I’m lucky in the fact that I’m just below average height,” she says. “My size is something all stores will carry.” Stephen Sotak, a manager at J. Crew in Atlanta, Ga., says most of the comments he hears from customers about size variation are in regard to waistline and stretch of pants. He says the smaller sizes, such as 00 and 000, especially become “ambiguous” depending on the stretch of the pants, but an employee’s job is to despite the discrepancies among brands. “(Our sizes) are pretty consistent across the board,” Sotak says.

“You just work with what you kind of know.” Joey Vazquez, a store manager at Express in Columbia, S.C., echoes Sotak’s ideas in that he also thinks it is up to the employee to work with the customer. He says that each store is going to have its own designs and different cuts, so the sales Although employees are there as a resource, customers do not always take advantage of their knowledge of the clothing in a particular store. Thompson says she usually avoids sales employees because she does not want to feel pressured to buy anything. “I will ask about styles, but normally the best thing to do is bring your friend or mom who knows you best and will give you an honest opinion,” she says. However, for shoppers who have just started looking for a piece of clothing and have not had the time to experiment with

sizes on their own, shopping without the help of a store employee can be more timeconsuming and frustrating. “I personally rarely use the resources because of the tried. There isn’t too much of a need,” Thompson says. A manager at Gap in Nashville, TN, who chose not to give his name, says customers have online size charts at their disposal and going to different stores to try on clothing is the best option. He also says drawing on the feedback from other customers who have tried a particular item of clothing is a great resource. From a business standpoint, the manager says he does not know if the variation in sizes helps or hurts a company’s business. However, in his

loyalty to the store. Despite the size discrepancies, Thompson says she does not think all brands is a plausible solution, as each consumer has a different body shape and has different clothing needs. Instead, she suggests having a go-to brand where you denim, for example. She also thinks having one’s body is another good solution. “I think people forget that a lot,” she says. In Thompson’s experience, tailoring clothes can also be a solution to a common fear among shoppers of having to go up a size. She says she thinks it’s possible to make a body actually look slimmer if the shopper is willing to buy a larger size and have it altered. “People need to not be afraid,”

often lead to a shopper developing a new

SPARK | 33

34 | SUMMER 2014



Paul Tillich, a 20th-century existentialist philosopher and theologian, wrote, “Our language has wisely sensed the two sides of being alone. It has created the word ‘loneliness’ to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word ‘solitude’ to express the glory of being alone.” Spending time in solitude can be relaxing and enlightening. It can remind us of our individuality, and it can give us time to think. But in a world where it’s easy to feel constantly connected via social media or text messages on our cellphones, the idea of doing things alone can be incredibly intimidating. In an online poll, 65 percent of participating Spark readers said they would be less likely to go out to eat, go see a movie or attend a social function if they had to go by themselves. Just 35 percent of responders said they would feel comfortable on their own. Through comments, readers elaborated on why doing things alone can be a scary notion. Many feared the way others might perceive them. Others thought that they would be bored or lonely by themselves. Jamie Linker, a sophomore at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, admits that she hardly ever goes in public by herself and that she wouldn’t dream of eating in a restaurant alone. “There’s something sad about it to

YOU GET BOTH ARMRESTS! No longer are you forced to share or feel uncomfortable. You can stretch out, sit wherever you like and feel completely at ease with your view of the screen.

me,” Linker says. “I feel like everyone would judge me.” and “pretty much everything but shy.” Still, she says that she doesn’t even feel comfortable eating alone in the dining halls at her college, despite the fact that many other students dine alone. “I just feel like I don’t have any friends if I eat by myself,” Linker says. “It’s so lonely!” Amanda Ross, a professional hairdresser, shares Linker’s sentiment. When asked if she feels comfortable doing things alone, she says that she almost always feels more comfortable with at least one other person. “It’s not that I’m that uncomfortable with what I’m doing,” Ross says. “It’s more that I feel like people are looking at me like I’m weird for not being with someone.” The idea of feeling judged for being alone is not a new one. But is it valid? Do people really judge those who dine alone more harshly than those who dine with others? Harvard professor Bella DePaulo, an expert on single life and the author of several books about living life on one’s own, explored judgment regarding dining alone in an unpublished study. She revealed the results of the study in an online article in 2011. In DePaulo’s research, she took

Photos by Morgan Smith | Illustrations by Traci Carver

YOU CAN CRY IF YOU WANT TO. Or dance. Or laugh. Or react just about any way you want to, without risking any judgment from whomever you’re with. YOU CAN LEAVE. If the acting in the to be desired, you’re unhappy with the way the plot’s going, or you simply feel like getting ice cream, you don’t have to stick it out because of someone else. You can simply get up and go. YOU CAN GET POPCORN AND CANDY. Speaking of leaving for ice cream, if you see a what you bring into the theater. If you want to eat a pretzel, a chocolate bar, popcorn and an apple, you can do it without feeling as though you need to explain yourself, which, for the record, you really don’t have to do anyway. SPARK | 35

people – two men and two women each time – as they had dinner together in a restaurant. Some of the sets of people were young adults. Some were middle aged. DePaulo used Photoshop to airbrush out one or more of the people seated at the dinner. After the airbrushing, some photographs included the original four people, some included two people, others included three people, and the key photographs for the study included just one person dining alone. “What was important about the technique of Photoshopping is that each diner had the

exact same facial expression and posture in each version of the photo,” DePaulo said in her 2011 article. “That way, if other people judged the solo diners more harshly (which is what we expected), it wouldn’t be because the solo diners actually appeared more despondent than the coupled diners did.” After showing the airbrushed photographs to hundreds of people and asking them to share their judgments about the solo diners, DePaulo’s research showed surprising results.

judgments, such as assuming that the lone diner was lonely or had no friends, DePaulo concluded that the way the solo diners were couples or groups of diners were perceived. According to DePaulo, many perceptions of the solo diners were actually quite positive. For example, some said the person eating by himself or herself looked as if he or she wanted to relax, was enjoying dinner, just wanted to eat alone, wanted time to ponder or was secure. “The research was very careful and

TIPS FOR DINING ALONE: While the stigma surrounding dining alone may not truly be as extreme as many think, that doesn’t mean that everyone will suddenly be comfortable alone in public. However, there are some simple ways to feel more comfortable while on your own. BRING A PEN AND NOTEPAD—Even if you don’t have work to do, bringing a notepad to scribble thoughts in can help you look and feel busy. Who knows? Maybe inspiration will strike while you’re out, and the paper and pen can come in handy? After all, the idea for Harry Potter simply “fell into” J.K. Rowling’s head while she was traveling on a train.

POP IN SOME HEADPHONES—If the silence is too much for you and time and make yourself feel more comfortable. To help, we’ve included a few good suggestions for what to listen to on the side!

BRING A BOOK—Eating alone can be a great time to get some reading in, and the book can help you forget about whatever’s making you uncomfortable.

36 | SUMMER 2014

Feeling comfortable on your own

35% of readers would feel comfortable on their own 65% of readers would be less likely to go alone In an online poll, participating Spark readers were asked if they would be less likely to go out to eat, go see a movie or attend a social function if they had to go by themselves, or if they would feel comfortable on their own.

systematic,” DePaulo said. “It was never published, though, because all of my predictions turned out to be wrong. The ways that solo diners are judged turned out pairs of friends or groups of three people are viewed.” Basically, DePaulo found that the stigma surrounding dining alone isn’t as strong as many seem to think it is. In fact, most people don’t seem to think any less of solo diners at all, and statistically, that makes sense. In a 2012 essay, Eric Klinenberg, a sociologist and author, reported that 5 million people in the United States between ages 18 and 34 lived alone. That’s 10 times more than the number that lived alone in

1950. According to Klinenberg, the largest numbers of people living alone are between the ages of 35 and 64, and they live alone by choice. Though we live in a connected world, we also live in a highly individualistic one. More and more people are living alone. While living alone might be more drastic than what many people are looking for, that to those who don’t feel at ease going to a restaurant, going to a movie theater or going to a social event alone. With so many people living alone, the stigma surrounding loneliness seems to be changing. So, take a chance. Head out to a restaurant and ask for a table for one. SPARK | 37



“Having a solitary meal in a restaurant is a basic spiritual practice,” Sherry Turkle, an author who studies the relationships between technology and people, says in one of her books. “It’s a classic way to experience moments of solitude and to refresh and restore and gather yourself.” Indeed, modern society seems to be embracing the idea of enjoyable solitude, rather than sad, a telecommunications company in Alberta, Canada, says that after getting past the fear of social stigmas, she has found her happiness in going to see movies alone. movies by myself,” Pearse recalled in a recent interview. “I felt so sad, so obviously alone. I bought two drinks to go with my popcorn, as though I was waiting for a friend.” After the movie ended, Pearse wound up going to see three more movies in the same afternoon. She says that, surprisingly, she found the action brought her relief and exhilaration rather than anxiety. These days, Pearse regularly goes to the theater by herself. “Going to the movies alone is something that I’ve realized surprises people, and it makes me feel proud of my aloneness, instead of being ashamed that I’m not with someone else,” Pearse says. “I am doing my life the way I want to, instead of waiting for somebody else to join me.” Pearse might be on to something with her solitary trips to the movies. Because of the dark, cozy setting and the lack of potential 38 | SUMMER 2014

“THIEVES BY SHE & HIM” In this breezy, upbeat tune, Zooey Deschanel sings, “Sometimes lonely isn’t sad,” and she’s exactly right. just be the perfect place for some alone time. Though Pearse admits that she was nervous about how others would view her, she says that she quickly realized that no one even noticed that she was by herself, and she soon forgot about any of her issues. Though she knows everyone won’t take her advice, Pearse urges people to try going to the movies alone at least once. She says that one of her favorite things about spending time alone is that she can do whatever she likes, without having to ask permission from another person. The great Justin Timberlake said it well: “The best part about being alone is that you really don’t have to answer to anybody. You do what you want.” Venturing out on your own doesn’t have to mean that you’re sad and lonely and have no friends. It doesn’t have to mean that you spend your days being bored. Instead, let alone time be something special. Learn to enjoy your own company, and allow yourself to enjoy the time you have to let loose and relax. A bit of solitude might be exactly what you need.

“THE MAN” BY ALOE BLACC This song is an instant

5:46 PM






1:32 -2:05

Joy toYou Baby

Josh Ritter — Joy to

“RIVER FLOWS IN YOU” BY YIRUMA This beautiful piano tune can help you relax and open your mind.




“JOY TO YOU BABY” BY JOSH RITTER matter what the circumstance is perfect for any situation. “LET IT GO” BY IDINA MENZEL Sure, it’s from the children’s movie “Frozen,” but this song will pump you up and inspire you to let go of your inhibitions about being alone.

You Baby


s, 95

Oldest college grad. Oldest college grad. LIVE LIFE

Nola Ochs, LIVE LIFE95

a global quest for


A recent United Nations report ranks countries according to happiness, but discovering the source of a smile isn’t so simple. You know the drill: It is 9:17 a.m. on a Monday, and no matter how much you love your job, you are wishing you were somewhere else. You don’t want to be at work right now. No one wants to be at work right now. You murmur, “I need a vacation” to your co-workers, who muster up all the energy they’ve gained from their lifeless yogurt parfaits to nod in agreement. You solemnly swear to yourself to soon book a vacation to Jamaica or the Hamptons or anywhere but here, really. pinpoints on a map? Answered simply, perhaps. In September, the United Nations issued its second World Happiness Report, ranking the Scandinavian country of Denmark at the top of the list and the West African country of Togo at the very bottom. The United States ranks 17th, trailing No. 16 Mexico while No. 6 Canada holds its own spot near the top. (Something has got to be in their maple syrup.) The report is part of a greater initiative to get countries talking about the emotional well-being of their citizens, which is crucial even in highly developed countries. Approximately one in four people struggle with a mental illness in the United States, where themes of the elusive American Dream and “pulling yourself up by your boot straps” mantra still reign supreme. The report weighed variables such as GDP, life expectancy, social support, freedom and generosity in its ranking of countries, along with individuals’ self-reported levels of happiness. It has served as a great catalyst for encouraging countries to address happiness through public policy. But in actuality, it’s not that simple. Placing a

quite the complicated task, leading many across the globe to ask what happiness really is anyway. How happiness is perceived in a country depends greatly on the values its culture holds, says Sharon Cannon, a professor teaching intercultural communications at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “It’s not necessarily the same worldwide because what goes on in your culture and what your culture values is probably going to have a lot to do with how you value or perceive happiness,” she says. one of which is the Geert Hofstede moddimensions, such as individualism and indulgence. According to the model, the United States is largely individualistic, meaning the dominant perspective is that the needs of the person outweigh the concerns of a larger society. Much of the time, this means framing happiness within the context of the question, “Am I getting what I want?” The country is also largely indulgent, meaning citizens tend to have relatively weak control over their desires and impulses. “Perhaps even sometimes, things like divorces are caused because people are so focused on themselves and their own needs whereas in a collectivist culture it might be more on the family and everyone involved in terms of achieving harmony,” Cannon says. Given our values, it can sometimes be a challenge to accept the cultural traditions of other countries, such as South Korea, SPARK | 41

Four ways to boost your mood right now FAKE IT When you feel the least like smiling, try to anyway. Longstanding results from a 1988 study led by psychologist Fritz Strack found that those who held a pencil between their teeth, which forced them to smile, consistently ranked cartoons as funnier than those in the control group.

CREATE A DAILY AFFIRMATION When so much can go wrong, it can be hard sometimes to see the good. Say something along the lines of “There is good in today” to yourself out loud. (Yes, really.) Soon enough, you’ll begin to believe it.

BREATHE IN, BREATHE OUT Actively telling your body to breathe deeply can reduce stress almost immediately. For an extra boost, light a soothing lavender candle.

COMPLETE A RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS Some suggestions? Leave doorstep or donate your

41 | SUMMER 2014

UNITED STATES 17th Happiest 91% Individualistic 68% Indulgent

VENEZUELA 20th Happiest 12% Individualistic 100% Indulgent

which is considered 18 percent individualistic and 29 percent indulgent according to the Hofstede model. “Sometimes we’ll even want to project. ‘Well, wouldn’t that person be happier if …’ and we don’t understand why,” Cannon says. “If you’ve been brought up to really look at the needs of others in making your decisions, the idea that you’d choose a [college] major just based on yourself Jessy Guggenbuhl, a 21-year-old studying on exchange at UNC-CH from Quito, between the United States and her home country, which ranks 49th on the United Nations’ report. “In Ecuador, my happiness is my family, my friends and the people that surround me. But here, it’s pretty ironic, my happiness is being independent and getting to do what I want to do, like not having to tell my mom where I’m going,” Guggenbuhl says. Though Guggenbuhl has had a relatively easy transition to the United States since arriving in August, she says she

sometimes feels stressed when concerns regarding employment pop up among her American peers at UNC-CH, which is ranked as one of the happiest colleges in the United States and is often referred to as the “Southern part of Heaven.” “In Ecuador, I feel like people don’t focus that much on professional life,” she says. “It’s something that I have noticed a lot here.” As business practices become more globalized, linear Western values of productivity have found their way into the multi-active cultures of Latin America and Southern Europe, which have traditionally been considered comparatively people-oriented and gregarious in nature. Most recently, Spain, which is known for its afternoon siestas and 10 p.m. dinnertime, has considered taking a step away

26th Happiest 67% Individualistic 40% Indulgent

CHINA 93rd Happiest 20% Individualistic 29% Indulgent

SAUDI ARABIA 33rd Happiest

UGANDA 120th Happiest

25% Individualistic

Data from United Nations World Happiness Report and Geert Hofstede Model


52% Indulgent

No data on individualism and indulgence

AUSTRALIA 10th Happiest 90% Individualistic 71% Indulgent

from its easy-going lifestyle by pushing the clock backward to align with its actual geographic time zone, Greenwich Mean Time. Some hope the contentious move would make the country more globally competitive following the economy’s recent derailment. “Sometimes we don’t understand other people because we see things through our own values, but I think that what happens is every culture, there’s some sort of compromise,” Cannon says. “If the economy is such that they start to see some value with our approaches, they might start to adapt them more.” Some researchers suggest a link between modernization and happiness, believing countries that become more urbanized and technologized become fundamentally happier. But there are setbacks

that come along with the shift. Jessica Bodford, a graduate student at Arizona State University who researchoneself and others, says as technology access has increased in rapidly developing nations, well-being has been found to decrease. “We were given it in the course of slow quantities over decades,” Bodford says. “On the contrary, you have a very fast developing country who is experiencing sadness, anger and anxiety because there are suddenly so many changes all at once, and the human mind is not equipped to handle that so quickly.” But even in the West, many argue public policy and business practices could be improved to better promote happiness and

general well-being.. In January, Missouri State House Representative Courtney Allen Curtis introcial state greeting. Many poked fun at his attempt, saying he should focus on more pressing issues, but Curtis believes it could just be the trick to discouraging political stalemates. “One party emphasizes individualism, the other values collectivism,” Cannon says. “Maybe in the U.S. we’re not as individualistic as we may think.” happiness can also manifest itself much Sandra Markovska, a 23-year-old livfellow Norwegians to be happier compared to the people she has met during SPARK | 42

her schooling in London, U.K. or elsewhere despite the fact her home country is ranked as second happiest in the world. In fact, when tourists visiting the area don’t get a friendly nod or wave from locals, she said they might be surprised, given the country’s presumed reputation for being happy. “Norwegians are often described as shy or not polite because they are not as open as they should be when described as the happiest people,” says Markovska. Though Markovska says she wouldn’t rank Norway as the happiest, she still believes Norway is comparatively happy to other nations, given its national healthcare system and emphasis on leisure time.

Bodford says physical expressions of happiness in the form of smiling tend to be muted in collectivistic societies and exaggerated in individualistic societies. “You see that in China, they’re most likely to smile without their teeth, so imagine a grimace or a very content but calm smile that does not show your teeth,” Bodford says. “In America, you see teeth. You see big smiles, crow’s feet at the eyes. You’re happy and you want to show it to everyone.” Though economic and political circumstances vary from country to country, with strife strongly correlated to diminished happiness among citizens, happiness might truly lie within after all, regardless

of whether you’re on the Swiss Alps or in the Sahara dessert. “No matter what culture you’re in, if something happens and your automatic reaction is somehow that it’s something negative, then you’re going to be probably more unhappy than a person in any culture who tends to be a little bit more optimistic once something happens to them,” Cannon says. “There’s got to be happy people in every culture, right?” she says, laughing. It’s ticket required. Photos by Margarita Diaz Sanchez and Biswarup Ganguly. Illustrations by Marissa Techmeier.

Where should you go on holiday? See which country’s dominant culture fits best with your approach to happiness. You’re in the grocery checkout lane and spot a tempting chocolate bar. Do you cave? A. Yes. Duh. Grabbing a bag of M&Ms too while I’m at it. B. How I wish, but I better not. C.Yes, I deserve a reward after a hard week. You’re running 45 minutes late to a dinner party. You’re: A. Not all that concerned. The party doesn’t start until you walk in, anyway. B. C. Time is money, people. I’ve surely missed some good jokes – and all the artichoke dip. What does your profile picture look like? A. Tons of friends all crammed together, re-enacting that

Your blind date stands you up for dinner. You: A. Stay in the hopes of snagging that alluring stranger at the bar. B. Order some desserts to-go and split them with your roommates. C. Promptly get the heck out of Dodge. But just for the record, I’m an independent person who don’t need no (wo) man. Boss says you’ll need to collaborate a good bit with other department heads on your next project. You: A. Think it’ll be a good chance to make small talk. Don’t know how much work we’ll get done, though. B. Can’t wait. You’re at your best when you can brainstorm with others. C. Rather not.

B. Me and my siblings at our last family get-together. C. Just me. Dang, I looked good that night.

Mostly As Take a trip to Costa Rica, and other multi-active, fun-loving and social people.

43 | SUMMER 2014

Mostly Bs With its emphasis on collaboration and fostering community, you’ll make a friend out of China.

Mostly Cs with the work hard, play hard attitude of linear-active cultures like the one found in Germany. Now treat yourself to a pint.

www.optimi s t.or g


BY DALISHA STURDIVANT Photo by Ezran Kamal, Illustrations by Andrea Rivers

46 | SUMMER 2014

’ve never been the type of woman who was picky about her weight, self-conscious about her appearance and in need of keeping up with the latest fads — that was, until I went to college. Instantly, the rules of the game changed, and issues that appeared irrelevant before I could never have those things, or at least once. Like an annoying sibling slowly gnawing away at your nerves, the craze of staying in second semester of junior year. That year, I took on a challenge that was completely out of my nature. I decided to go 14 days without meat. myself, but then again I remembered I was talking about the same person who had to eat meat with every meal. After two weeks to my question. This is the story of my 14day vegetarian journey: the ups, the downs and everything in between.

Day One like any other Monday for an overworked, sleep-deprived college student. The alarm

and turned until my brain was ready to function. After 10 minutes of just lying there, my body instantly became aware of the time. Five more minutes in the schedule. It wasn’t long before my stomach began to growl. Eager to hush the noise, I headed straight to the kitchen in search of food. It was at this moment that the reality of my situation began to set in. While scavenging through the cabinets and peering in the refrigerator of my college apartment, I saw that there was plenty to eat, but nothing I truly desired. I had just gone grocery shopping a day before, so there was no reason to awkwardly stare at the range of choices in front of me. Plus common sense reassured me that doing so would not make meat magically appear, so I grabbed a carton of eggs and began to make breakfast. While I was whipping away at the eggs, relentless thoughts such as, “What is

high school days, and I would be lying if I told you I actually enjoyed my lunch that day. For some reason, the peanut butter felt extra thick going down my throat, and the only think that I was eating to survive. And dinner, let’s not even mention it, the lack of satisfaction exceeded that at both breakfast and lunch.

Day Four my body in severe pain. I could barely walk, stand up straight or have a decent conversation without showing some sign of discomfort. It was right then and there that I knew something was wrong with my diet. I have never ached like this before. In fact, this pain was so serious that it nearly persuaded me to see cheap and lazy, I checked online for a diagnosis in hopes of

doing my best to push those thoughts aside,

up mentioned protein-

the plate of eggs was something ravishing.

right below the heading was muscle cramps. After reading through the details, I now

of bites, but my mind wouldn’t allow itself to be deceived more than twice. After I forced the eggs down with a cup of orange I arrived to Political Science 101 just in time to get a seat up close to 30 minutes into the lecture, my stomach was rumbling. This was a problem. How could I have eaten breakfast less than one hour ago and still “Something will have I couldn’t compromise my learning by worsening my attention span with hunger pangs. As soon as the class ended, I raced to the dining hall to eat my packed lunch, sandwich, water, yogurt and a new; I hadn’t packed lunch since my

to put that silent killer to rest. Immediately after reading the article, I realized my protein intake those four days had been slim for me to make it 10 more days, my lifestyle would have to dramatically change. And for that reason I ate a whole can of baked beans and fruit for dinner. Yeah, probably still not a wise solution, but that was all I had time to make before the UNC-Duke basketball game. I had phase one tickets, the best seats in the house for students, and I refused to let my diet delay my entrance into the game. When I arrived at the hallowed Dean Smith Center in Chapel Hill, the smell of the concession stand tempted me, so I grabbed a slice of cheese pizza. It was the best pizza I had eaten in a while. I could taste every ingredient, from the marinara sauce to the dough that the cheese was laid atop. I could SPARK | 47

only wonder if this was a new skill that came along with not eating meat.

Day Six and Seven When I went home for the weekend, all of my desire to continue the vegetarian diet went downhill. I could only imagine the aroma of my mother’s home-cooked meals and the satisfaction of knowing that she always had something prepared for her only child. These thoughts brought immediate relief to a deprived student, who hadn’t had a home-cooked meal in

that I only ate one full meal. The only meal sandwich, a cup of yogurt and a tangerine. calories I was used to putting into my body. In fact, I was so accustomed to eating three meals a day, plus a snack, that this decrease in calorie intake caused me to feel frail and thwarted, a feeling I associated with high school, a time when my legs were the size of sticks, and my classmates called me “tooth nostalgia.

Day 14 took a full day before I completely caved in to my mother’s southern cooking. And when I did, I felt it was well worth it.

to church. There were no spare minutes left to cook breakfast or plan out my last three left before the church van would arrive, I

When I went home for the weekend, all of my desire to continue the vegetarian diet went downhill. The spaghetti and meatballs along with a slice of cheesy garlic bread melted in my mouth with every bite, transforming the idea of failure into something of a tasty succumbing to the meat; it’s just disappointing that I didn’t last long. And what’s even worse is once I admitted to myself that I failed the challenge, my desire for meat went haywire. Within a few hours, I had cleared two plates and the thought of eating a third one crossed my mind several was the fact that I knew the next day my vegetarian diet would start over again.

Day 10 After miserably failing the prior weekend, the second week on the diet was less challenging, especially as the days became occupied with studying for midterms. I would leave class and head straight to the library. It became my oneway stop. Food or better yet — meat — was the so preoccupied with life and my to-do list 48 | SUMMER 2014

and headed out the door. I wasn’t worried about food because as a Sunday tradition,

really wasn’t vegetarian-friendly. I thought what could I possibly eat without dipping into the meat section, and I knew I did not problem, I made a rash decision. In less pesco-pollo vegetarian as this would allow diet. And even though I thought it was a little too late to be changing the structure of the diet, it provided me with an excuse to eat chicken. What better way to end my vegetarian challenge, I thought. And to embody the new guidelines of my diet, for dinner that night, I ate a tuna sandwich from Subway. It was the best sandwich I had eaten in more than two weeks. Yeah, thinking on it, I probably could have waited one extra day, but if you’re like me when you want meat, there’s really no stopping you.

Still a meat lover, through and through Waking up the next morning to two weeks of insight was worth the challenge, the hunger and defeat of not successfully completing the vegetarian diet. not something I would do again or something I would encourage other meat lovers to do as part of completing a bucket list. That is of course, unless the diet considered would be taken seriously. This is because going vegetarian can have serious implications especially if the diet is taken as a joke, which I know I am guilty of doing. back, I can now see the valuable lessons learned. For one, I realized that when you challenge yourself, it’s best to not expect failure but rather acknowledge the and charged toward it with full force, something I can honestly say I didn’t do. I entered the situation, thinking it would be fairly simple and came out feeling it was nearly impossible to be a vegetarian. Secondly, I learned if you’re what you eat is not the cure. Yes, you might lose weight and gain several compliments, maybe more than you ever received before in your life. Yet in order for your self-image to change you have to remove the root of the problem, and from my experience, it doesn’t lie in what you eat. Sincerely, A girl who loves meat

EXPERT ADVICE After reading this article and exploring resources, have you you fully dive in, read these tips from dietician Melissa Doggett on how to maintain a balanced diet.

Tip 1 coming from because the essential proteins you get come from meat.

Tip 2 If you choose to cut meat totally from your diet you would need to increase your protein intake by eating items such as beans and nuts.

Tip 3 providing you with the extra proteins you need daily.

Tip 4 You need protein to survive. It’s essential for hair, nails, skin, hemoglobin, among other things.

Tip 5 When becoming a vegetarian, you might not such as anemia.

Tip 6 monitoring if you have eaten enough food.

SPARK | 49

Happy Help



eet Tabitha Blackwell. Born and raised in North Carolina, she wanted to become a lawyer. Her dream was to help people. After she worked with low-income kids in Baltimore, however, her life changed. She forgot about law school and began her nonprofit journey. Now, 11 years and 49 states later, she is back to her home state, and she is still helping those in need.

Regrets? None. Happiness? Plenty. XX | APRIL 2014

Imagine: You’re having dinner with

side of the system, but she also got to see

ly, one question pops up in conversation,

Blackwell saw lawyers reach out to volunteers and ask, “Hey, can you help them

WORKING WITH KIDS IN friends, you’re at home with your family or BALTIMORE: THE TURNING - POINT IN HER CAREER Everything started in the summer of

that even though the legal system is import-

fact, they consider themselves the happiest

question — not because they are not happy, but because they don’t know exactly what

Her plan, which she had formed when she was a kid growing up in Roxboro, a “little

“They connect people to other resources in the community that are really going to

was to go to law school, become a lawyer When Tabitha Blackwell, the executive that goal, she decided to take a year off and Chapel Hill-Carrboro Youth Forward, is asked if she considers herself a happy per-

Blackwell packed her things and went to Baltimore, Maryland, to work with 30 low-income kids, between the ages of 9 and

Blackwell goes on to say that doing py, but, more than that, the simple decision that she made a couple of years ago, the decision to come back to North Carolina


52 | SUMMER 2014

There are people that are meant to work with kids, and some that are meant to work for kids

ing this gave her experience with the legal

Photo by Jeremy Exell

I saw him graduate from high school, and then from college. He is doing great, and I couldn’t be more proud.

Photo by Bruna Silva

tinued to work with the kids, the idea of becoming a lawyer did not seem as attractive

Blackwell helped build playgrounds in Baltimore, she is passionate and obviously

“Working there, with those kids, changed

However, even while working with children, parents and designers to build dream playgrounds in such places as Hawaii, Blackwell kept her Baltimore children in

There is no law school degree hanging “There are people that are meant to work with kids, and some that are meant to work for


“They lived in a very rough neighbor-

called First Book, which gives 7 to 8 million books a year to low-income communities she says, “But in some families, if they have to decide between buying a book and paying the electric bill, what do you think they Before becoming the executive director of Chapel Hill-Carrboro Youth Forward,

something about her that makes her unmiswork for the thrift shop, despite the location

Goodwill, where she was part of a threeners, where she trained tutors to help chilPhoto by Natalie Reader

SPARK | 53


always so busy trying to impact the lives of the kids that they don’t take a step back to

THE DECISION OF COMING BACK TO NORTH CAROLINA Traveling across the country to do her job never seemed to bother Blackwell, but she always had the desire to go back to

were few educational courses dedicated to

“Besides the fact that North Carolina is


Because of that dream, she kept an eye out, looking for challenging opportunities

passionate people, people that are excited

The simple fact is that no one comes tru-

HOME IS HAPPINESS ney and her exciting journeys around the country, Blackwell says that she still keeps in touch with the children in Baltimore who -


letter, she thanked me for helping him, for writing his college applications with him,

That’s when the job at the Chapel is to build grants and distribute them to

possible within the community, Blackwell tries to get to know the people she might a member of the Junior League, she participates in a mentoring program, and she

Thanks to Blackwell, and to many other people who dedicate their lives to nonprof-

Get Involved here’s some information that can get you started:


WORKING WITH CHILDREN you should remember these three words:

works and decide what part you want to have to be patient with them - believe

SERVICE PROGRAMS Look for opportunities with programs

most important, you have to keep in mind that they are different from you, and that they make choices that you will you are not there to judge them, you are

it’s one of the best ways to get started, as it gives a stipend and also an education

Photo by Bruna Silva

Determined to outfox Determined Parkinson’s. to outfoxMichael J Parkinson’s. . Fox OPTIMISM Michael J. Fox

Michael J. Fox




“About a Boy”

“The LEGO Movie” is an incredible animated feat that manages to provide not only a meaningful story, but also laughs aplenty. The story follows Emmet, played by the always-lovable Chris Pratt, who lives under the assumption that he is nothing more than ordinary. However, he’s mistaken for the hero who has the key to saving the world, and Emmet is wholly underprepared. Emmet must discover his inner hero, all while being surrounded by pop culture’s greatest superheroes. Pratt is accompanied on this epic quest by an all-star cast of voice actors including Elizabeth Banks, Will Ferrell and Morgan Freeman. “The LEGO Movie” proves that everyone has the ability to be extraordinary. This fantastic animated comedy can be enjoyed by all ages. Photo by Warner Bros. Pictures/MCT

adaptation starring Hugh Grant and Nicholas Hoult, “About A Boy” returns to the small screen. David Walton stars as Will Freeman, a successful songwriter and careful bachelor who befriends Marcus, played by Benjamin Stockham, next door. Through their prospective journeys toward maturity, Will and Marcus have a lot to learn from each other. In this adventure comes a quirky and genuine comedy that’s a breath of fresh air in the world of television. The chemistry between Walton and of wit between the two. With a whimsical and delightful script along with convincing chemistry of the two leads, “About A Boy” is the most promising comedy (and bromance) of 2014. Photo by Jordin Althaus/NBC

“One Last Thing Before I Go” Jonathan Tropper has yet again brought another beautiful and painful family drama to the fold. “One Last Thing Before I Go” is a poignant story of redemption. Drew Silver is at the worst stage of his life: He’s his younger days in his quest to become a rock legend, and the only reaction he receives from his ex-wife and Princetonbound daughter is pity. Silver never reached his own personal apex, and he allowed his life and he turns it down. Instead, he uses his ticking time bomb to focus on becoming a better father and live each moment as if it’s his last, literally. The best aspect of Tropper’s latest novel is that his characters are incredibly likable even in their own fallibility and that’s what makes them so relatable to readers. “One Last Thing Before I Go” is a charming and compelling tale that proves that everyone’s worth a second chance. Photo by Google images


Top Feel-Good Movies ACCORDING TO OUR POLL | FEEL-GOOD METER IS OUT OF 10. BY AVERY THOMPSON “Steel Magnolias” (1989) This one pleasantly shocked us. Many 4 7 3 8 polltakers cited this as their top feel2 9 good movie. While we understand 1 10 the overwhelming warmth of friendship surrounding this movie, it doesn’t lessen the hurt of watching M’Lynn’s (Sally Field) daughter Shelby (Julia Roberts) tragically pass. However, points are made up for Dolly Parton’s hair and Shirley MacLaine’s epic portrayal of Ouiser. 5






8 9



To fall in love or not to fall in love? That is the question. Over the years,

Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew” has become a classic. Watching Heath Ledger and Julia Stiles verbally spar at each other in the name of love never gets old. This clever comedy about teenage love isn’t sappy whatsoever and rivals the 1980s classic “The Breakfast Club.”










3 2



8 9 10

“Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” (1986)

Five years after their classic tale in “Sleepless in Seattle,” Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan reunited for another

and Ryan on screen is magical. “You’ve Got Mail” will leave you with a smile on your face and chuckling at how popular AOL was before the invasion of Facebook, Twitter and even MySpace.






“Little Miss Sunshine” (2006) 8





This quirky comedy about a family trekking across the United States to take their young daughter

The journey encompasses all emotions, as the family must come together for the sake of little Olive (Abigail Breslin). Hilarious packs an unexpected punch about the importance of family and is a lovely ray of sunshine in a dark theater.

“Finding Nemo” (2003)

Before there was “Friday Night Lights,” there was “Remember the

3 2





8 9 10

beloved story about a father, Marlin (Albert Brooks), on a desperate search

Gould). On his search, Marlin encounters and catches many friends along with way, including the hilarious and whimsical Dory (Ellen DeGeneres). There is no way not to love this gem of a movie. As much as Dory proclaims “Just keep swimming,” all we want to do is keeping watching. Also note: the highly anticipated sequel “Finding

8 9

coming-of-age comedy that is perfect anytime, anywhere. When Ferris decides to skip school, wild shenanigans ensue. This John Hughes 1






“Remember The Titans” (2000) 9





“10 Things I Hate About You” (1999)



“You’ve Got Mail” (1998)



Illustrati on

s by T raci Car ver

cool. Also, we’re still waiting on someone to usurp Ferris’ title as King of Parades.

SPARK | 57


Most Devoted Fandoms THE DEFINITIVE LIST OF 2014’S MOST DEVOTED FANDOMS BY AVERY THOMPSON Watching television isn’t just a personal thing anymore. Most popular television shows have a collective kingdom of fans where fans can


Game of Thrones

Facebook: 24,295,442 likes Twitter: @GLEEonFOX

Twitter: @GameOfThrones 11






3 8

4 7



Photo by Helen Sloan/MCT

Time/Network: Sundays 9/8c on HBO Nickname/Slogan: “Winter is Coming” Rating on IMDb: 9.5







3 8

4 7



Nickname/Slogan: Gleeks Photo by Carin Baer/Fox/MCT


Teen Wolf Twitter: @MTVteenwolf







3 8

4 7







3 8

4 7





Time/Network: Mondays 10/9c on MTV Nickname/Slogan: Teen Wolfers

Photo by MTV

The Vampire Diaries

Twitter: @WalkingDead_AMC 11






3 8

4 7

58 | SUMMER 2014

Twitter: @BBCOne Time/Network: 9/8c on PBS (In the U.S.) Nickname/Slogan: Sherlockians

Photo by Robert Viglasky/ Hartswood Films/PBS/MCT

The Walking Dead

Photo by Gene Page/Courtesy AMC/MCT

Time/Network: Tuesdays



Twitter: @cwtvd

Time/Network: Sundays 9/8c on AMC Nickname/Slogan: Dead Heads







3 8

4 7



Time/Network: Thursdays Nickname/Slogan: TVDers Rating on IMDb: 8.2

Photo by Annette Brown/The CW

Illustrati ons by Traci Carver

An innovative master’s degree in digital media delivered online by the acclaimed UNC J-school.

“The ability to live here (in Manhattan) and do what I do (public relations) but also be able to get online and learn with so many other people has really been a tremendous experience.” -CEO/managing director, gobal health communications group



4:06 PM



Time Planner



My Minutes







Organize: Me







App Store


Time Management Apps Scheduling Out Stress in the 21st Century BY SAMUEL FLEMING


ne of the ways to increase your positivity is being able to manage your time and plan your daily schedule. Traditionally, this has been done with planners, but since people have more technology on hand, it’s time to see how you can use your iPhone to better manage your time and have a less hectic life. Let’s

My Minutes: app, you enter a task, enter the amount of time you want to spend on the task, and then do it. A timer will let you know how much time you have left to do a task and will alert you when it’s time to move on to the next one. This is great for people who feel that they spend too much time on the Internet or reading books instead of doing more important tasks. If you feel that you are not disciplined when it comes to time management, this is the app for you.You can also manage a particular task, so that the timer for it will appear only on a particular day of the week, such as only playing video games on Fridays. Unfortunately, there really is not that much of a planning element, since there is no calendar within the app. Therefore, while this app does have the

Time Planner: Meeting Report

Of all the apps that were looked at, this is certainly the most comprehensive. It keeps track of what tasks you plan on doing and what you actually end up doing. It has good graphic pie chart.Time Planner also allows you to categorize your tasks into 11 categories with an individual color associated with each type of task.This allows you to distinguish the various tasks on the charts. It has a pretty nice calendar for you to manage your tasks ahead of time. The main thing that people need to realize about Time Planner is that in order to use it most change time duration of tasks. Users should also be aware that there is an upgraded version

almost nonexistent ads, aren’t worth buying the upgraded version. Overall, this app is the one best recommended for readers in general. SPARK | 61

Schedule Planner: Some people may prefer using an electronic planner that has a similar feel to that of a paper planner. This perfectly describes Schedule Planner. It certainly feels like a planner, since the primary graphics color is brown. Unlike real planners, though, this does allow you to measure productivity and to easily compare what you plan on doing with what you actually do. There is also a pretty good calendar, and just like Time Planner, Schedule Planner does

worth the money, since the original is already pretty good, and the upgrade is just about eye candy. Overall, this app is to be recommended for older people who have been using planners for a lot of their lives. This app transitions them nicely from an actual planner to using an iPhone. That’s not to say younger users should not give it a try, but Schedule Planner feels more suited for older readers.

ATracker: Other than My Minutes, this is certainly the most limited of any of the apps reviewed. For example, if you have only the basic edition, you can only keep track of three different tasks at one time. If you want to do more, then you have to buy the upgraded version, which costs There are charts like those of other apps, but overall ATracker really isn’t that good unless you get the upgrade. Since both Schedule Planner and Time Planner are free, this app is not recommended.

Organize Me:


While this article is mostly about planning your daily life, there was one app that should be reviewed for those business types who feel the need to have a daily management app and a be done that day under the Focus tab, and when you arrive at work, go to the app and see what has to get done that particular day. Of course, there is a category where you can place tasks that have to be done someday, but not that particular day. For longterm projects, there is a projects folder where you can keep information related to various projects you might be keep various addresses and contact information for people you work with and places you go on a daily basis. Since this is designed more for the work place, there aren’t timers for you to your life at work while not wanting to spend money on more expensive apps.

62 | SUMMER 2014




SPARK | 63

A Packing Guide for people who hate to pack

BY BRUNA SILVA Illustrations by Gabrielle Diepenbrock

XX | APRIL 2014


verything has a

make a checklist – and your smartphone

bag – it will be way easier to spot your

downside. Packing

can help you with that! Apps like TripList

luggage then.

(and unpacking –

(Free, for iPhone and iPad) or Packing List

let’s not forget about

(Free, for Android) help you either create

I will never ever leave that big coat

this amazing task)

a list from scratch or use one that has

that I love home just because it is

is the downside of

way too big to pack: Buy compression

traveling. Some people

bags. There are some that don’t need a

complain that they pack too much stuff (and wear just half of it), some complain that there’s never enough space in the suitcase, and some that it’s impossible not to forget something. I can’t deny that I complain about all of those things too.

Then, all of a sudden, I have packed nine dresses, six pants, 12 blouses and five pairs of shoes. Will I wear them? No.

I am a procrastinator!) is to look at my closet and pick all of my favorite clothes, the ones I really feel comfortable in. “Oh, I

already been put together. Second lesson: it’s easier to do all these

just need to pack these jeans, that shirt and

steps above if you have an organized

this coat…that’s enough,” I tell myself. And

closet. Have you ever thought that you

then this thought comes to mind: “But what

may have trouble packing because you

if I need this dress, and this coat, and these

can’t see what you have and you don’t

sneakers...Better pack them too”. Then, all

know where everything is? Organize it

of a sudden, I have packed nine dresses, six

now, and don’t stress about packing later. Third and last lesson: make a “packing

Will I wear them? No.

for ______ (insert your destination here)” playlist. Choose your favorite upbeat songs, and let it play while you

when you are packing to go back home) you just roll it and save a lot of space -Pack-it Compression Sac Set (S/M/L), $28, Eagle Creek, -Set of 2 Compression Packing Bags (M/L), $13, Travelon, I will never ever travel with shopping bags because I don’t have space in my suitcase for the things I bought during the trip: When you’re packing, whatever you have bought during your trip – because you know you will come home with at least some souvenirs! I will never ever pack a 32-ounce shampoo bottle again: Go to the closest pharmacy and buy travel bottles! Small and inexpensive, they will help

closet into your suitcase, ask yourself

do everything you just read about. It’s a

three questions: Where am I going? How

lot of work…so why don’t make it a little

is the weather there? Is it business or

more fun and interesting by listening to

other liquids – then, you won’t have any

leisure travel? Then, put all the clothes

some good music?

surprises with that bottle that opened

you are thinking about packing on your

See? Packing can be fun after all.

you transport shampoo, conditioner and

clothes gooey.

bed and choose two or three basic ones, the ones you can make combinations

Quick tips

-3 oz. Flip-Bottle, $1.29, The Container

with. To break the monotony, pack nice

I will never ever wear wrinkled


accessories and a special garment. A nice

clothes again: When you get to the

-13-piece Travel Bottle Set, $12.99, Travel

button-up white shirt, a black dress and

hotel, put your clothes on hangers and


two comfortable pairs of pants are always

leave them in the bathroom while you

a good call, no matter if you’re going to

shower – the water vapor from the

I will never ever have to separate

the beach or to the mountains. To make

shower will help de-wrinkle them

clean clothes from dirty clothes when I’m unpacking: To make

sure you are not forgetting anything, try to visualize your day, from the moment

I will never ever spend time looking

unpacking easier, fold all your dirty clothes

you wake up until the time you go to bed,

for my suitcase on the baggage

and put them in small bags at the end of

and think about all the clothes and things

carousel: They all look the same, so if

each day. That way, you will know what’s

you will need during this time. If you still

you are not bold enough to have a yellow

clean and what has to go directly to your

think you will probably forget something,

suitcase, tie a colored ribbon to your

laundry room SPARK | 65

1st Stage Shoes: Put them in shoe bags and lay them in the bottom of your suitcase so they don’t weigh down on your clothes and wrinkle them Jackets and coats: As they are heavy, fold them and lay them in the bottom with the shoes 2nd Stage Rolled clothes: By rolling your clothes you prevent wrinkles and save space. You can roll pants, sweaters, T-shirts, dresses, skirts and shorts Underwear and bathing suits: Fold

them and put them in a small zipper bag with socks and tights 3rd Stage Pajamas: Leave them on top, as you’re going to use them as soon as you arrive Cosmetic bags and toiletries: These are the last items that you should pack. Place them on top of everything else Carry-on -Extra clothes: just in case of some unforeseen event -Passport and copies of your documents -Wallet: credit cards, cash and ID

-Paper and pen: You never know when your phone will die, so it’s good to have something to take notes the old-fashioned way -Phone + phone charger + ear buds -Mini wash bag for the essentials: pack toothbrush, mini toothpaste, make-up basics, wipes, deodorant and headache/nausea medicine -A small umbrella: because you can’t always trust weather forecasts -Pocket dictionary: for those going to a non-English-speaking country -A book or magazine: just to have something to entertain yourself while

is it financially sustainable? does anyone need this? can it be done?

these questions and more answered each semester at R E E S E N E W S L A B . O R G

So You Think You Can’t Cook? BY MO YAN ESTHER YU

As Julia Child said, “careful cooking is love,” but we know you are too busy to cook! We are offering quick, easy, on-the-go recipes. This way, you can make homemade food while still having time for, well, everything.

Cookie Salad We probably shouldn’t call it salad since it has no greens, but it is a delicious treat for all. Mix together a pack of instant vanilla crushed cookies. Indulge and dig in!

Homemade Yogurt Popsicles They are the best healthy snacks under the sun in summer, and they are ridiculously easy to make! All you need is fruit, yogurt and some paper cups. Put two small ripe bananas, 2 tablespoons of honey, 2 cups of yogurt and 1 cup of blueberries in a blender and process until smooth. Divide the mixture evenly into cups, freeze them for three hours until frozen solid. Then, share with family and friends!

Banana Oatmeal This is going to be the best breakfast to start your day! Pour half a cup of up your banana, mix and serve! This is the easiest way to kick-start your Monday morning and energize you throughout the day!

68 | SUMMER 2014

Korean Kimchi Pancake

a pan for 3 to 4 minutes until golden brown on both sides. Feel free to serve the pancakes with soy sauce or spicy dipping sauce to enhance taste.

Roasted Cauliflower It is easy and yummy! After tossing in garlic and lemon juice, put olive oil on each piece yourself loving the outcome!

tablespoons of chili powder, 1 tablespoon of garlic powder, 1 teaspoon of curry powder, 2 at your next house party!

Illustrations by Andrea Rivers

SPARK | 69

What’s Your


Karishma Lalchandani’s life is based on a lie. Well, a good one that is. The 20-year-old junior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill remembers developing an interest for art at age 3, when her mother told her something that wasn’t entirely true. “I wanted to be just like my mom because I thought she was an artist,” she said. Lalchandani’s mother and father actually owned a formal clothing store in their hometown. Years later, Lalchandani’s love for art has not faded. After she posted pictures of her artwork on social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram, Lalchandani’s art grew popular throughout the Chapel Hill community as more and more people recognized her creativity and talent. Soon, she was receiving a number of requests for paintings, drawings and even tattoo designs. “For one tattoo, I had to do a rose and a lotus swirling into one,” she said. “It took me forever because I didn’t know how to start it, but now it’s one of my favorites.” Lalchandani has even expanded her business to selling her art on

that has gained popularity was decorated Tar Heels on tank tops. Tar Heels are the symbol for UNC Chapel Hill. However, starting the new business was not always an easy feat. thing, I started to think of things that I thought would sell, which didn’t make me happy,” she said. “I stopped that within two weeks.” Now, her art and business are slowly growing into something she truly enjoys. Lalchandani, who is studying psychology, eventually hopes to combine her love for art and her studies in the future. “Art is the most stress-relieving thing ever,” she said. “If it is so therapeutic for me already, then imagine what it is going to mean for people who are in greater need of therapy.” Eventually, the blooming artist wishes to become a clinical psychologist and use her love for art as a way to help patients in need of rehabilitation or relief. Sometimes people

the most is my dad,” she said. “If I get a good reaction from him, I know I did a good job.” About the lie that started it all: For 10 years after her mother’s light-hearted comment, Lalchandani continued to believe that her mother was an artist. Growing up, she grew inspired from the art she learned from her mother. From a young age, Lalchandani was inspired to create art, whether she was drawing County, her home, for a year). Maybe the lie was a joke, but what began as a small untruth has evolved into a blessing for Lalchandani – and for her patients in the future.

themselves, she says. Swapping words for a canvas and some colors is a way for people to illustrate their true feelings. For Lalchandani, art has given her a new understanding of what she is capable of doing. She hopes she can give the same inspiration to others that she receives from her activities. Despite living with a small lie for 10 years of from her parents. Whether it is through their funding or their opinions, she can’t continue pursuing her passion without a little input from her biggest critic: her father. “Basically, every time I draw something, the person that I’m looking forward to showing it to SPARK | 71

Dear Piper, Our anonymous advice columnist, Piper, dishes out advice that you need to hear but no one wants to tell you. The world’s better off with a little spunk.


Pip r a De

72 | SUMMER 2014

be happy







Dear Piper, I’ve been having sister problems lately. We used to be so close, but now she will barely speak to me. I know she’s having problems getting over her ex-boyfriend, but she has completely shut me and things between us?

Hi Piper, I’m a freshman in college, and I’m faced with the issue of choosing a major. My question is: How can I make such a monumental decision while I’m so young? What happens if I mess up and pick the wrong thing? Sincerely, Young and Unsure

Dear Young and Unsure, Aren’t we all? No one is ever ready. No one is ever sure. There’s some rule of the universe that states that somewhere, I out when you were 15? Then you turn 18 and you realize that your 15-year-old self was incredibly off-base. Then a funny thing happens when you reach 21, and you realize you were an idiot at 18, too. Like, when does that stop? I’m not too much older than you, Unsure, but I don’t think it does. but that’s when mistakes happen. Certainty is a friend of the fool. We will ourselves into believing we’re always right as a means of self-preservation because we can never be human, dag gummit. Or, so society says. But certainty, more often than uncertainty, gets in the way of things. How many times have doctors said, “I’m sure antibiotics will take care of your cough”? That’s why our nation’s bacteria are becoming more resistant to treatment. How before getting into a car accident because they didn’t surrender the keys after drinking? Maybe the narrative of your life won’t be about how you went to a top-notch university, chose the exactly, perfectly right major

Sincerely, Sister/Sister

Dear Sister/Sister, My boyfriend dumped me on my doorstep with few explanations and fewer apologies three days after I had moved to a new city where I did not know a single soul. It was the loneliest period of my life. Family and friends called constantly. They’d offer compliments and would criticize my ex in every way imaginable. much better.” Though they found it easy to hate him, it wasn’t an easy task for me. I still loved him, and even now, sometimes those traces of love remain, gnawing at my gut. I blamed circumstance instead of him. I isolated myself from just about everyone as your sister has, Sister. Though you haven’t elaborated all that much, I’m sure you’ve tried to encourage her with all the words you’re feeling in your soul. Trying to be the good sister, maybe you’ve said some things about this guy’s less-than-admirable qualities in an effort to help her move on. maybe what you’re saying isn’t what she need to hear right now. No one ever follows the same healing timeline, and it’s important we give credence to that. The best thing you can do right now is listen. Listen, listen, listen — even when she isn’t talking. Don’t surprised by what she has to say. XO, Piper

City. Maybe it will. And if you’re happy, that’s great. Or maybe it will be about how you were totally on track to be a corporate bigwig, but you one day a conversation with a woman on the subway inspired you to drop everything and join the Peace Corps. I say pick what your gut tells you right now, and go with it. as another chapter in your book. Change your path. Embrace uncertainty, Unsure, because so many people don’t, and they’re stuck on the same dang page. There are so many beautiful chapters ahead, Unsure. I can’t wait for you to see them. XO, Piper

SPARK | 73




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r acke

cr and . corn

od… k fo nac



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e, w hees

A C tery pop me other t so B Bu s or rape r. es. CG . n ba ooki tzels c otei D Pr memade vered pre o o E H ocolate-c F Ch


Personality Quiz

k as ds

w Po ha eek litel B ve s and y de to yo Co ome wo clin go u e . l re u g me “ lax uy up me d ra You out C in s on ti th ’v a for Say g in cou with me. er s e h so wa ye ste ld a an ” tay ad a Frid ay in D me s rd to s, ple ad. ll do alter nig alo hard t S s e a ht. an a t om nat ne y o am his se! d Yo an eth ive E ru f ! all Yo u… . d n c S i u M w ng th ay o ee ’ve a e r s aro urs m yb k. be 3W F u e o u or e Ti en Im ad re, nd , yo hat e m y is yo loo m ha ou tow u c e th e s ur bi to ki n an di em A ggest n wi ’t ate ama hea b T o g l weakne o w o intro th os zin rd ly w ss? s a o v tf m e i t y rted etime go of g d he ou t to ab — f s f I rom to r ulo r n the r need a b yo ink ew frie dan us eal w r ur s. B ba nd ce . orld. eak r d s! clo my b ow se est fr ta n iend. C nd Too loud th l e ast I’ — he in m k D I’m not borin y, at g! I ten a perfect d to p ionis t. u press ure o t too mu c n h myse E I st lf. ress e stress at — eq m F I ge uals more ore carbs t dist racte . d eas ily.

u yo

If you circled mostly… A’s: Sit down, relax and read a book —

B’s: Heat up some popcorn and pop

C’s: Jam out to your favorite song! You’re

you deserve it! You are smart, thoughtful and love a good story. Give your mind a break and delve into the world of your favorite storybook character. Hop on a broom with Harry Potter, solve mysteries with Sherlock Holmes or go on an adventure with Huck Finn. You’ll be in a good mood in no time!

in your favorite movie. You are always up for a good time even though you are sometimes lazy. Give in to your inner couch potato, prop your feet up and turn on a movie, any movie. You’re welcome!

always up for a good time, and you are the life of the party. Get in the car, roll down your windows and scream the lyrics at the top of your lungs. You are in control, and it’s time to let the world know it! Not up for taking a ride in the car? Get some friends together and have a dance party – maybe even a dance off if you’re feeling

74 | SUMMER 2014

A t’s els A p yo ur an e th oet i r d a y B rom t’s c re dea be A c an alm adin of a s l a t C w ssi tic. , in g, o perf ect tim r s So Sal ay t c di om da o n a s m a t bo e ge ne te? e ew d w r t t a he D h cu her nci to k and 7P re no a a s Wa t u e li ng ick v o m p w t l am A E roll k ar an ely r a so ovi ovi w f m d S o e o u e ge BE ea ta t s y i n th und get here n da eon dat nre a c F om n, e b do loo y n e. e, … hg C o c P e o s nre e e w lik la uc ec l i g e t n s ice rder ach nto e! l h h an as as i wn o l om cr C . s. ts p D A t, funn ive et eam hin o erk y rg a nd the ction ese life hin s. a o m n g u m plif for on ? H d j foo ore o E v t ie in D s th ow ust d, ee F id som uspens or a th g. t dg bor alk. e eon ri t e. in e sa he be ller — g. tter yp I . opc or n ?

Are you just having one of those days? We all have “those days” — the days where you want to crawl into bed, throw the covers over your head and just quit. Well, good news. It’s not too late to turn your day around! Impossible you say? Nope, don’t give up yet. Whether you had a bad day at school or fought with your boss, this personality quiz is for you. Find out what easy, fun activity you can do to brighten your day!

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D’s: Be active! You are too motivated to

E’s: Make something delicious! You

F’s: Be creative! You’re always up for

let a bad day get you down. Go for a jog or take a walk around town. If it’s rainy outside, stop by your local gym and take a yoga or dance class. Anything that gets the

love food, and food loves you. Nothing sounds better right now than a hot fudge sundae with extra caramel sauce. Come

a challenge or a new project. Go on

and make you feel refreshed!

yummy recipe online. If you’re running low on ingredients, don’t let this hinder you. There are plenty of websites that tell you what you can make with the few ingredients you have. Let’s get cooking!

sparks your interest, just go to an art store and explore. Whether it’s turning wine glasses into art or accessorizing your phone case, being crafty is a fun distraction from whatever may be going on.

SPARK | 75



Pictured left to right: Elizabeth Park Fowler, Tetlow Park, Roy H. Park Jr., Trip Park and Laura Park

A World-Changing Idea In 1997, the Triad Foundation of Ithaca, N.Y., made a commitment to UNC that was to transform not only the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, but to make a deep imprint on the field itself. Thanks to the Roy H. Park Fellowships, some 350 professionals have completed their doctoral and master’s degrees in the 15 years between the time Dean Richard Cole announced the program and Dean Susan King presided over the 2012 commencement. The fellows, assuming research, teaching and professional posts in news, technology, advertising, web design and public relations are having, as Cole once predicted, “a domino effect.” Their restless energy and world-changing ideas are reminiscent of the fellowship’s namesake. Roy H. Park, a Dobson, N.C., native who rose from Depression-era farm boy to media titan, reinvented himself through several careers. He wrote for newspapers, worked as a publicist, hatched a lucrative branding campaign with Duncan Hines using outdoor advertising and then embarked on a meteoric rise as CEO of Park Communications, estimated at its zenith to reach one in four U.S. households. Park’s final career turn, that of philanthropist, achieved a different reach. The impulse to leave the world better, more connected, more comprehensible than one found it, is the essence of the fellowship. Through the Park Fellowships, Roy H. Park’s legacy continues.


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