Big Data Slams the Door on Medicare Fraud
Medicare fraud is huge. In the news just about every day, you get the idea that people are either trying to get away with it or getting busted for it all the time. You’d be right. But, Big Data is already doing good work to change that. Recently, Federal authorities busted nearly 300 people allegedly involved in a $712 million Medicare fraud scheme. According to a report entitled: “Ensuring the Integrity of Medicare Part D� data analysis played a significant role in the operation leading to the arrest of the alleged perpetrators. Medicare Part D is a popular section of the Medicare Law provision that adds an optional prescription drug benefit to the policies of Medicare beneficiaries. The program began in 2006 and, today, annual spending tops more than $121 billion. As you can imagine, with numbers that massive, fraud is a problem. Fraudsters will get prescriptions to give to others or simply resell. Others will go from one doctor to the next trying to get more drugs. Worse, some physicians are taking bribes to write