Keurig Looks Ahead in 2015
Keurig has been carefully outlining the plans that will allow them to take a commanding lead in the coffee market as 2015 unfolds. They first made their name with unconventional approaches to coffee and appliances. They are utilizing the same methods in their approach to advertising and branding in the new year. However, they are not getting the warmest reception on all fronts when it comes to their tactics and the buzz in cyberspace.
The company estimates that they are already in the home of over 20 million Americans who are brewing coffee. They plan on expanding these numbers with the unveiling of the Keurig 2.0. The catch for consumers is that this brewer only works with Keurig-certified brands of coffee singles. There are a considerable number of Keurig users who are genuinely upset with the fact that this new equipment will not operate with capsules that do not possess the Keurig label. This “closed� system of operation is not an unusual business tactic. Nonetheless, consumers are getting online and voicing their protest against this move by the company. They built their business based on the promise of a better cup of coffee, faster. The tactics being utilized now seem to only concern protecting the interests of the company when it comes to shares in the market for pod coffee. They are eliminating third-party competition at the expense of the consumer and the product that they receive, according to many sources.
The steps that Keurig takes on the PR front will dictate a large majority of their success in the future given the current outcry. In addition to offering an outstanding cup of coffee in their own capsules, Keurig must stand on principals and integrity rather than corporate domination in order lead the market. They face an uphill battle when it comes resisting the “click and join� campaigning that often happens online in situations such as this. They will be faced with the need to address the concerns of consumers on a front that extends beyond those who lover of a great cup of coffee.
Despite the obstacles ahead based on the most recent Keurig products, the company has a great platform on which to build when it comes to using social media and listening to the concerns of their customers. They have a history of using Facebook, blogs, and customer reviews as a means for product development and interaction with consumers. In fact, Keurig employees have open access to these types of forums and are encouraged to interact directly with consumers when its comes to questions such as these. Representatives of the company admit that there is only limited flexibility when it comes to some customers concerns but also note the satisfaction from customers that they have experienced in the past when feedback on company decisions was given openly and honestly.
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