Mobile Entrepreneurship for Millennials by Jonah Engler

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Mobile Entrepreneurship for Millennials

Millenials are more familiar with technology than any other generation, and every millennial must be familiar with the technologies that bring them closer to opportunities. Entrepreneurship requires a good bit of networking, and mobile networking is much easier than any other form of communication. The mobile phone in the hand of a millennial is a powerful tool for every career and business.

#1: Meeting New People

Meeting new people is so much easier when you have a mobile phone in your hand. There are several different apps you can use to meet people in your industry or in your area, and you may download all those apps to meet as many people as possible. There are job seeker apps that will help you find new positions, and you will discover new jobs through your phone. All the different apps you use will bring you one step closer to finding better jobs and contacts.

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