How to Maximize your Return on Investment and Marketing Plan

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ROI and Your Marketing Plan: Ensure a return on your Company’s Marketing Efforts

Professionals at any level share the same advice when it comes to growing your company. Invest in marketing and promoting your business as much as possible. While this method enjoys success, unless businesses market products and services to the right target market, promoting reaps little to no rewards. Businesses also need to ensure that they reach out via the right mediums to connect with consumers. To ensure a return on investment in marketing, follow the tips outlined below: Market Research Do the necessary market research before creating a marketing plan. Then, act on the information uncovered. Market research helps businesses to identify what target market to connect with. It also provides demographic information on the target market, as well as, how to reach them. For instance, when McDonald’s entered France and Japan, the company knew that it would need to provide a more “posh” front to attract the interest of customers in these countries. Unfortunately, when the Golden Arches entered India, the company failed to realize that marketing beef to a culture which features worshipping of cows was a bad choice. The company recovered quickly once the truth surfaced and now offers 100% vegetarian

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