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Baylor Lariat W E ’ R E T H E R E W H E N YO U C A N ’ T B E FRIDAY

NOVEMBER 9, 2018



Opinion | 2 Who I am The churches people choose to go to every Sunday does not define who they are.

Liesje Powers | Multimedia Editor

Arts & Life | 6 Spectacular bachelor

Find out more about Leo Dottavio, Jordan Kimball and James Taylor from the Bachelor, visit to the great city of Waco.

Sports | 7 Take it home Prepare for the football team’s game this weekend at Iowa St. and their struggles with a tough road schedule.

ADJUSTMENTS The Big 12 reported that out of 4,523 Baylor student responses to survey, 17 percent had been sexually harassed by a faculty or staff member. 76 percent of those students felt that they were safe from sexually harassment. The report advises the Baylor Title IX office to get the Centralized Case Management Database in order to be more organized when accessing Title IX cases. The database should be up in a couple months.

Centralizing Title IX Big 12 report emphasizes need for all-encompassing Title IX database; Baylor corrects Social Climate Survey results MADISON DAY Assistant News Editor Baylor’s Title IX staff has expressed concern over the past several years about the lack of a centralized case management database for reports that come into their office, according to the verification report from the Big 12 Conference Board of Directors that was released on Oct. 30. Currently, Baylor’s Title IX office uses shared drives, Excel tracking and the online platform Symplicity to organize their case information. With these separate platforms, the report found that it is difficult to easily document all of the information without duplication. Mark Mastin, Baylor’s senior director of Cloud Technology Services, said these systems “don’t talk to each other” — meaning they are not connected, the report said. A centralized case management database is

an industry-wide practice and helps to access cases with ease and organization, according to the report. The report said this centralized reporting system would give Baylor the ability to audit cases and review trends with Title IX and Clery cases in a more streamlined manner and would allow for cross-referencing of student information — including prior reports and housing and academic information. All cases reported to the office would go through this database once implemented. Previous Title IX coordinators have expressed concern for the need for this unified system, and one is currently in the works, according to Jason Cook, vice president for marketing and communications and the chief marketing officer at Baylor. The Big 12 also acknowledged this in its report. Cook said weekly meetings take place to discuss the future of this system.

“The Big 12 did acknowledge that we are sharing information and working together in face-to-face case management meetings that happen on a weekly basis. So, even though the full software system isn’t integrated yet, that sharing of information is happening on a faceto-face basis,” Cook said. As new Title IX coordinator Dr. Laura Johnson was hired in August, Baylor thought it was important to have her input on the conversations related to this database, Cook said. The hope is that this system will interconnect several departments on campus and make communication easier. “There is no software system that is going to be perfect in every way. So what we’re looking for is a system that will allow the full integration of not only the Title IX department, but also with the police department, student conduct and other

TITLE IX >> Page 4

Billy Graham: the good and the bad People gather for discussion held at Truett Seminary HARRY ROWE Staff Writer


My husband told me I had to stop acting like a flamingo. So I had to put my foot down. VINE OF THE DAY

Scholars, journalists and those interested in the life of Billy Graham gathered Wednesday afternoon at Truett Seminary to attend a roundtable discussion. The talk discussed Billy Graham’s social impact and role in the removal of segregation, as well as his less desirable characteristics. Billy Graham was a Southern Baptist minister who was mostly known for his evangelism, where he spoke to millions of people around the world as well as spiritually advising many of the United States’ presidents. The round table discussion titled “Billy Graham and American Evangelicalism,” was part of the Billy Graham Centennial Symposium, an event commemorating the 100th anniversary of his birth. The panel, moderated by Baylor assistant professor of history Dr. Elesha Koffman, included three members: Edward Gilbreath, journalist and author; Dr. William Martin, professor at Rice University and author; and Roger Olson, Professor of Christian theology and ethics for Truett Seminary at Baylor. Each panelist, including Koffman, opened with a talk around 20 minutes related to their research on Graham and his impact on the world he Photo courtesy of billgraham.org so recently left.


Vol.119 No. 24

Liesje Powers | Multimedia Editor

ADULTING Freshmen Anne MacDougal and Emily Ann Dart gather at the Baylor Sciences Building and discuss with a representative about potential career options. Baylor’s Office of Career & Professional Development hosted a Science and Health Career Fair to target the unique and diverse career interests of students.

Career services offers personalized career fairs MCKENNA MIDDLETON Opinion Editor Baylor’s Office of Career & Professional Development’s career fairs this semester have aimed to address the diversity and accessibility needs of students, said Desiree Foley, CPD employer relations specialist. Foley said career fairs in the past have been marketed to all majors, but student surveys expressed a desire for a shift to major-specific career fairs.

“There’s a desire for more tailored programming, especially for students both in the humanities and the sciences,” Foley said. “We understand that those students have unique and diverse career interests and needs and we want to reflect that in our programing.” On Wednesday afternoon, CPD hosted a Science and Health Career Fair in the Baylor Sciences Building. The Woodlands freshman Anne MacDougal, a biochemistry major,

CAREERS >> Page 4 © 2018 Baylor University

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